complete marbella travel guide

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  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    Dont m iss outThe Old Quarter and t he Plaza de los NaranjosMarbella is paradise for th ose w ho love t he beach and glam our, but the Old Quarter and t hefamous Plaza de los Naranjos, wit h it s surpr ising n arrow w hit e lanes are not t o be forgot ten . Asyou w ander along t hem you w ill discover the charm of t he typical Andalucian village that oncew as. Do no t fo rget t o visit t he old cit y w alls and churches.

    Perfect for shop pingThe shop s and restaurants make the centre t he perfect place to go shopp ing and enjoy t he localcuisine in a truly Andalucian environm ent.

    A long stro ll by t he seaMarbella has a long prom enade w hich connects th e city to th e fishing port , Puerto Banus and SanPedro. Ten kilom etres long , you can go for a walk, run or r ide a bike w hile you get to know a largepart of Marbellas coastlin e.

    Puert o Banus, th e m ost f amous in Europ ePuert o Banus is a luxury m arina wh ere you can contem plate t he m ost ostent atious vesselsalongside exclusive top -range cars. Mem bers of th e jet set from all over the w orld m eet in th isenclave renow ned for it s parties and g lamou r.

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    Costa del Sol, Costa del GolfMarbella has approximately t hirty golf courses to o ffer p layers; not fo r not hing is the Cost a del Solalso know n as th e Cost a del Golf. Its privileged m icroclimate m eans th at th e tem perature is stableand it is possible to p lay golf in comf ort even in w int er when o th er Europ ean courses are frozenover.

    The best beachesMarbella offers beaches w here you can enjoy t he lively Marbellan lifestyle to t he full or n ud istbeaches providing p rivacy in a p rivileged m icroclimate w ith w arm tem peratures all year long.Wit h 27 kilometres of coastlin e you w ill be able to fin d t he side of th e Cost a del Sol that you arelooking for:

    Distances calculated from th e Hotel Fuerte Marbella and Hotel Fuert e Miram ar

    El Fuert e or Ven us Beach (next to the hotels)This is a centrally situ ated beach w ith beach bars and ot her services, includin g special accesses forth e disabled. It is a lively area betw een th e marina and M arbellas fishing port , and offers a sunbed service.

    La Fontan illa Beach (a 5 m in w alk from t he Hotel Fuerte Marbella)This urban b each is just after M arbella marina. The beach is prot ected by breakw aters, andequip ped w ith show ers, sun beds and beach bars. Water sports are also p ossible.

    La Bajadilla Beach (a 5 m in w alk from Fuerte M iram ar)La Bajadilla beach, 700 m long and very pop ular w ith fam ilies, is next t o th e fishing po rt. Perfectfor a day filled w ith sunshine and fun.

    Puerto Banus Beach (15 min ut es by car)This beach w ith fine g olden sand is in Puert o Banus next to th e River Verde. Given it s proxim ity t oth e marina, it of fers top qualit y facilities including restaurants, bars, shops and ot her com fort s.

    Los Monteros Beach (15 min utes by car)This is a sem i-urban beach w ith sand dun es and a variety of services including b each b ars andshow ers. Water sport s such as w indsurfing can be practised here t hanks to th e good w aves, and itis particularly popular w ith young people.

    Cabopino Beach (17 min by car)Located in a prot ected area of sand dunes near to M arbella know n as 'Las Dunas de Artola'(Artolas dun es), it is a nud ist beach. Fine golden sand and crystal clear water m ake this theperfect spot for enjoying n ature and nud ism .

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    The best of the old quarterMarbella is paradise for tho se w ho love t he beach and glam our, but its Old Quarter is less w ell-know n, wit h it s surprising n arrow w hite lanes. As you w ander along t hem you w ill discover thecharm of t he typ ical Andalucian village th at once was. Do not f orget t o visit t he old city w alls andchurches.

    Distances calculated from th e Hotel Fuerte Marbella and Hot el Fuert e Miram ar

    The Old quart er Iglesia de la Encarnacin (Church of Our Lady of th e Incarnation ) (5 min w alk)Noted for its impressive design and in particular for th e height of its naves and centr al dome,producing a sensation of grandeur. The church had choirs w ith an organ and a bell tow er 33m etres tall. It has several altars and chapels and h ouses one of th e largest org ans in Spain. It isone of t he m ost loved tem ples by t he people of M arbella.

    The Old quart er Plaza de los Naranjos (Orange Tree Square) (6 min w alk)The distinctive renaissance foun tain eng ulfed in a perfu m e of citrus fruit and surrou nded bytyp ical w hite hou ses is an examp le of t he local charm o f t he essence of And alucia. This lively spotis perfect for sitt ing in the shade of th e orange trees w hile enjoying an aperitif in the op en air.

    The Old quarter 16 th century City Hall (a 5 min w alk)The present City Hall of Marbella w as comm issioned by t he Catho lic Kings. Com m emorativeplaques are visible on on e of th e w alls, in mem ory of t he reconquest of th e city. The church stillconserves th e renaissance style t hat gives the buildin g a halo o f solemnit y.

    The Old quarter Casa de l Corregidor (The Kings Magistrates House) (5 min w alk)16th century noblem ans hou se, the exterior is a com bination of Goth ic, Renaissance and Mu dejarstyles. Frescos can be seen on th e ceiling , and the build ing , located in t he Plaza de los Naranjos, isone of t he m ost symb olic in t he city.

    The Old quarter Erm ita de Santiago (Chapel of Santiago) (5 m in w alk)The first Christian church in th e city, it w as built in t he 15t h century. It is currently used as theheadqu arters for t he bro th erhood of t he Santsim o Cristo d el Amor, Mara Santsim a de la Caridadand San Juan Evangelista. It is located in th e Old Quart er, in th e la Plaza de los Naranjos, next doorto th e City Hall.

    The Old quarter M useum of Contem porary Spanish Printmaking (5 min w alk)The m useum contains a collection of pr int s by 20 th century artists including Picasso, Mir, Dal,Tapies and Chillida, and has a hall dedicated to t he did actic exhibition of etchin g t echniques.

    The Old quart er Remains of the Arab castle w alls (7 min w alk)The w alls surrou nded th e form er Muslim city of Marbella. The rem ains of Roman Capit als takenfrom oth er build ings to m ake use of th e existin g w alls are still visible in t he Arab castle. A stro llaround t he m onum ent w ill evoke im ages of t his coastal city in t he tim es of th e Arabs.

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    The Old quart er The Dal Sculptures (2 min w alk)Outside the Old Quarter but still centrally placed in th e Avenida del Mar in Marbella is an open airexhib it ion of sculp tu res by Salvador Dal. Don Qui jot e Seated , Mercury, or the Gala Gradiva are ju st som e of t he w orks by the Spanish gen ius looking acro ss th e Marbel lan hor izon.

    The best foodMarbellas cuisine is a faithful representation of t he city: a perfect blend of exotic dishes andtradit ional flavours th at you w ill not be able to refu se. Top of the menu: fried fish, especially th efam ous espet os, charcoal-gri lled sardines skew ered on sticks.

    Distances calculated from th e Hotel Fuerte Marbella and Hot el Fuert e Miram ar Tapas

    As you kn ow a typ ical custom in Spain is to go out for t apas. These sm all aperitifs have becom e asign of iden tit y for t he city, so w e offer you a choice of t he best places for t apas:

    Beach Club Restauran te Grill de Fuerte M iram ar (opposit e the hot el Fuerte Miram ar)This restaurant , also on th e hot el Fuert e Miram ar beachfront, offers creative cuisine based onflavoursome bocados (litt le bites) and snacks to b e enjoyed at t he table or from th e sun bed w hilesavouring a cocktail by th e sea.

    La Taberna del Pintxo ( 5 min w alk)This is based on a new concept of catering w ith a selection o f hot and cold tapas offered by t hew aiters directly t o custom ers w ho select the one t hey w ant.

    La Venencia (5 min w alk)A cosy atm osphere, decorated in w ood and w ith hams hanging from the ceiling. The best-know ntapas include t he selection of Iberian m eats, grilled chorizo serrano and a casserole of b roadbeans with h am.

    Fish and shellf ish

    On th e Costa d el Sol t he M edit erranean Sea offers a variety o f fish and shellfish to att ract lovers ofa good m eal. To sam ple some of t hese dishes, we recomm end:

    Beach Club Restauran te Grill de Fuerte M arbella (opposite the hotel Fuerte Marbella)This beachfront restaurant is just before t he hot el Fuert e Marbella. Open for lun ch and sup per(July and August), it offers an excellent choice of rice dishes. Specialists in espet o fish.

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    Santiago Restaurant (3 min w alk)Here you can sam ple som e of th e best fish of t he Nort h and South o f Spain. The w ide range onoffer has given t he restaurant int ernational prestige. Innovation and t radition combine t ogetherin a luxuriou s atm osphere.

    Altamirano (5 min w alk)Wit h a cosy inform al atm osphere, this restaurant is pop ular amon g grou ps of friends and fam ilies.The m enu is based on fresh fish brough t straight from the fish m arket that m orning. Full or half-port ions of dif ferent typ es of fish or shellfish are available.

    El Hogar de l Pescador (10 min w alk)Turbo t, red m ullet, gilt head b ream, sole or fresh anchovies are just some of th e daily specialitieson offer at El Hogar del Pescador. A spacious sim ple d ining room ideal for sam pling excellent fish.

    Thanks to its cosm opolitan natu re, Marbella also of fers a more exclusive and in ternational cuisine

    Buenaventura (5 min w alk)A form er inn in th e Old Quarter, it u ses organic prod ucts in its dishes. Ajoblanco (cold alm ond andgarlic soup ), tataki, tom ato soup, grilled foie gras, lobster rice, suckling pig or goat are just som eof t he dishes. Michelle Obama, the First Lady of t he Unit ed Stat es dined here on h er visit t o th eCosta d el Sol.

    M il M ilagros (20 min by car)

    The new Bistro is run by t he prestigiou s Andalucian chef, Dani Garca, an exponent of t he newAndalucian cuisine. Delights on offer in clude t he flavoursome p rawn cocktail dressed in a delicatepink sauce or apple m atchsticks and fresh let tu ce.

    Oth er recomm endations

    Tablao Flame nco Ana M ara (10 min w alk)The Old Quarter of Marbella is hom e to one of th e m ost im portant tablao (flam enco show s) in th eregion. Enjoy an excellent Andalucian win e to t he sound of clapping palms to th e rhythm offlamenco song and d ance.

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    The best shoppingYou can find any type of shop and produ ct in M arbella, ranging from the exclusive to t hetradit ional. The city offers this com plem entary alternat ive to days spent on th e beach. Here aresom e tips for shop ping in M arbella:

    Distances calculated from th e Hotel Fuerte Marbella and Hot el Fuert e Miram ar

    Old Quarte r and Avda. Ramn y Cajal and Ricardo Soriano (5 min w alk)The Old Quart er is th e perfect place to go w hen looking for fashion , com plem ent s or souvenirs,w ith a relaxed atm osphere in t he open p lan shop ping centre. For th ose in search of a more livelyatm osph ere, there are t he shops along th e Avenida Ricardo Sorianoo la Avda. Ram n y Cajal.

    La Caad a Shopping Centre (5 min by car)A large shop ping centre located in Marbella w here you can do all your shopping. With a range ofclothes shops, shoe shops, accessories and hom e accessories. The FNAC is also located here,offering t echnology, book s and m usic.

    Puerto Banus (15 min by car)Puert o Banus is th e m ost f amous nautical and t ourist enclave in th e sout h of Europe. Theluxuriou s m arina is one of m ajor cent res of ent ertainm ent in t he Costa del Sol, offering leadingdesigner stores and exclusive luxury prod ucts.

    Also in t his area is th e Marina Banus shop ping cent re, one of t he best-know n in M arbella and th ePuert o Banus Cort e Ing ls.

    Shopping M arketThe m arket, offering th e opport un ity for cheaper purchases, is held in M arbella on Mon days, inSan Pedro de Alcnt ara on Thur sdays and in Puert o Banus on Satu rdays.

    The best tours: Half day toursDistances calculated from th e Hotel Fuerte Marbella and Hot el Fuert e Miram ar

    Puert o Banus (15 min by car)Puert o Banus is a luxury m arina wh ere you can contem plate t he m ost ostent atious vesselsalongside exclusive top -range cars. Mem bers of th e jet set from all over th e world m eet in th isenclave renow ned for it s parties and g lamou r.

    Ojn (20 minut es by car)The small village of Ojn is ten kilom etres from Marbella in t he hills next t o Alm adn Stream . Thisis a charm ing wh ite village in th e heart of t he Sierra de las Nieves Biosphere Reserve. Its natu ralresources , in w hich w ater plays a leading role, are of sign ificance, as there are nu m erous rivers,springs and aquifers runnin g t hrou gh th e Sierra Blanca.

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    Mijas (25 m in by car)A village w ith w hite lanes on th e Costa del Sol, Mijas is a m ust for any visitor t hanks to it s charm.The bu rro t axis (donkey t axis) are one of t he m ost original t ourist att raction s in t he area. Hereyou can visit t he Erm ita de la Virgen de la Pea (patron saint of t he city), the Jardines de laMu ralla and t he city viewp oint w ith views across th e whole of th e Costa el Sol and t heMediterranean Sea.

    An int erestin g place to visit here is th e Carromato de Max Museum , th e first m useum ofm iniatures in t he w orld. It is w ell wort h a visit.

    Casares (45 m inut es by car)One of th e pret tiest Andalucian landscapes in the reg ion of Malaga. This village of w hit e houses islocated on a hillside in a privileged environm ent . Displays of geraniu m s decorate th e balconies ina rural environm ent of peace and nat ure. This is th e birt hp lace of Blas Infant e, considered th efather of Andalucia.

    Ronda (50 m inut es by car)Ronda, a m onum ental city w ith t he imp osing and w ell-known gorge, is considered to be one ofth e most beautiful cities in Andalucia. In addition to t he bridg e over the gorge, the bu llring, theMu seo del Bando lero (Bullfightin g Mu seum ) and typ ical street s w hich can be explored by horseand carriage, leave the visitor pleasantly surprised. It is also w orth driving up t o t hearchaeological remains of Acinipo, a form er Rom an city, 20 kilomet res out side t he city.

    The b est tours: One day toursDistances calculated from th e Hotel Fuerte Marbella and Hot el Fuert e Miram ar

    Malaga (50 m inut es by car)Capital city of t he Costa del Sol, Malaga, in addit ion t o sun and b eaches, has tw o im port antm useum s, the Picasso and th e Thyssen. The house in w hich th e paint er from Malaga, Pablo RuizPicasso, w as bo rn is also in th e city, w ith th e Rom an t heatre and th e Alcazaba. The Old Quarter isnot ed for its shop ping lanes and a charming characteristic pedestrian precinct, calle Larios.

    Gibraltar (1.15 hou rs by car)This British territ ory, an enclave in t he strait s betw een the Medit erranean sea and t he Atlant icOcean is int ernation ally know n for it s Rock, belong ing t o th e United Kingd om . The city is a freeport and t herefore alcohol and tob acco are available at cheaper prices. A valid p assport isrequired for this trip.

    Granada (2 hours by car)The charmin g city of Granada is hom e to La Alhambra, Cult ural Heritage of Hum anity, and t hem ost visited and emb lem atic m onu m ent in Spain. The Albaicn and Sacrom ont e quarters fill thecity w ith colour and charm , and are crow ned by th e peaks of Sierra Nevada.

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    Cordoba (2.20 hou rs by car)In the age of Al-Andalus, Cordoba w as th e capital of t he Caliphate. One of t he m ost im port antm onum ent s in t he city is the Mosque, later convert ed int o a basilica by t he Christians. The OldQuarter is th e second largest in Europe and t he Rom an b ridge over the Guadalqu ivir is anoth er ofth e citys att raction .

    Tang iers, Morocco (1.25 hours by car to t he port of Tarifa + 1 hour b y boat)Barely 14 kilom etres separate t he African coast from th e shores of Cadiz. Depart f rom Tarifa andvisit a comp letely different contin ent , just half an hou r aw ay by ferry, and discover Moroccoscharms and culin ary delight s.

    The best tours: On foot or by bikeTours Marb ella-Puerto Banus(departure from the p romenade next t o Fuerte Marbella and FuerteMiramar hotels)

    This is a magn ificent 12 km (return) rou te, taking approxim ately 3 hours on foot. Alternat ively, itis an excellent rout e for running or goin g by b ike (1 hour). It h as a low level of d ifficulty as theroute follows the prom enade along the shores of Marbella.

    Tours Trekkin g in Juanar(20 min ut es by car)Juanar Refuge is a magnificent natu ral sett ing w ith fantastic views across the sea and leafy

    w oods. Several routes, ideal for th ose who love t rekking , start from here.

    These include the rou te from Puerto Rico Bajo to Juanar viewp oint, 8 km long and w ith a low-m edium level of difficulty. You can also pick up t he rout e furth er up, driving up to Juanar Refuge,m aking it a one-hour stroll w ith a low level of difficulty.

    On th e other hand, if you w ant to g o on t o the end of th e route, you can w alk the 8 kilometres toLa Cruz del Juanar, medium -high level of difficulty, and t aking abou t f our hours.

    Anot her popular rou te leaves from Juanar Refuge t o La Concha, the hig hest p eak in th e SierraBlanca range, w hich shelters Marbella from th e North w inds. This route is 14 km lon g and t akes 5hou rs, w ith a hig h level of difficulty , climbing up t o La Concha Peak, from w here there arespectacular views.

    Tours Jos Lima Route(departure 20 m in from t he hotel)This circular route, 8 km long , goes along t he path w hich takes its name from th e former ForestGuard for t he area. It start s about 500 m from Juanar Refuge, w ith a m edium level of difficultyand runs through t he Pinsapos (Spanish Fir w oods) am d Fuent e del Pozuelo for about th reehours.

  • 8/12/2019 Complete Marbella Travel Guide


    Fuerte M arbellaAvda. El Fuerte s/n29602 M arbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 952 86 15 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34GPS: 36.50787,-4.88460

    Fuerte M iramarPlza Jos Luque M anzano s/n

    29603 Marbella (Mlaga)Tel: (+ 34) 95 276 84 00Fax: (+ 34) 952 86 00 34

    GPS: 36.50773,-4.881599

    Fuert e Marbellais part o fresponsible hotels. It's a hot el wh ich m akes the effort t o m inimize thenegative imp acts and m aximize the positive ones on t he environment and local commun ity, thatis, att em pt s to be as sustainable as possible.

    Social pro jects

    The hot el invests and is involved in p rojects that serve as anexample of its com mitm ent w ith the im provem ent of its

    econom ic, social and en vironm ental imp act as w elll as w ith its

    contrib ut ion for th e local cohesion.

    Waste recycling

    The hot el separate w aste and m anagement of its residuesremoved, using m ethods of revaluing t hem (recycling and / or

    reuse) to achieve lower p ollution im pact on soil andgroundwater.

    Local sup plie rs

    The hot el has declared t o be m aking an effort t o ensure t heprod ucts it is provided w ith are as local as posible.

    Sustainable policy

    The propert y has a strong comm itm ent to sustainability, w hichis reflected in a p olicy&amp ;#160;public t o all it s stakeholders.Throu gh t his policy the propert y transmit s its core values on

    sustainable development.

    Renew able energy

    The hot el has renew able energy facilities obtained from natu ralsources and environm entally friendly. Its negative effects on

    th e environm ent are sign ificant ly less th an those ofconvent ional energy. And t hey are almost alw ays reversible.

    Fair trade

    The hotel uses Fair trade p rodu cts, an alternative t oconventional trade, in addition to econom ic criterion, taking

    int o accoun t et hical values th at includ e social andenvironm ental aspects.

    Healthy food

    The property offer food and berverage from organic productionm ethod by w hich agricultural produ ction and livestock have afundam ental objective of obtaining high-quality food w hile

    m aintaining soil fertility w ithou t using agrochem icals, or to usem odified organisms genet ically. This w ill conserve natu ral

    resources and respect l ife cycles.