communist russia behind iraqi invasion

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  • 8/20/2019 Communist Russia Behind Iraqi Invasion


    News Analysis:

    Communist Russia Behind Iraqi Invasion

    by Don McAlvany 

    This article by Don McAlvany taken from his August 1990 Intelligence Advisor  clearly shows that Gorbachev and Communist ussia arelaunching their great offensive in the Middle !ast"

    The facts and analyses in this re#ort by McAlvany backs u# the#ro#hecy of $ur %ady of &atima that 'ussia will raise u# wars """' (talso demonstrates how accurate &r)re Michel*s conclusions recently#ublished in +olume (( of  The Whole Truth About Fatima ,see this issue

    of The Fatima Crusader  'Today !verything De#ends on the -o#e'. thatussia is not consecrated to the (mmaculate /eart of Mary as the -o#emust do" $nly when the -o#e finally obeys this command of $ur %adywill we be safe from war and annihilation" (f he delays much longer'entire nations will be annihilated' as $ur %ady of &atima #redicted"

    ead these 'eye o#ening' #ages and discover that your freedom andsecurity are indeed very #recarious at this time" ou will begin torealie that the treacherous claw of the Communist bear is closing in onyou"

    $ur only ho#e is $ur %ady of &atima2 '$nly 3he can hel# you'4 the&atima Message tells us solemnly" To better understand what thismeans4 read &ather -aul %eonard*s article 'Countdown toDestruction' and '&atima is $ur $nly /o#e ' by &r)re Michel" 5hat youcan do about it is e6#lained by &ather Gruner in '(s the &atima-ro#hecy of 'Annihilation of 7ations' About to be ealied88' andArthur 3kinner*s '#date from ome'"

    Middle East Aflame: Oil Wars In The Persian Gulf 

    "Our aim is to gain control of the two great treasure houses on which the Westdepends: The energy treasure house of the Persian Gulf and minerals treasurehouse of central and southern Africa."  Leonid Brezhnev, 1973.


    On Thursday, August 2, 100,000 Iraqi troops ed !y 3"0 tan#s under the$o%%and o& Iraqi 'resident (adda% )ussein invaded and $onquered the tiny

  • 8/20/2019 Communist Russia Behind Iraqi Invasion


    'ersian *u& shei#do% o& +uait, overthroing its govern%ent and repa$ing it

    ith a puppet regi%e- +uait, ith a popuation o& to %iion and a 20,300.%an ar%y, as hardy a %at$h &or Iraq ith a popuation o& 1/ %iion, a one.%iion.%an !atte hardened ar%y, and tens o& !iions o& doars orth o&(oviet %iitary equip%ent-

    +uait, s%aer than the state o& e ersey, sits atop 204 o& the ord5s oi

    reserves, and had !een an ay o& Iraq5s during the eight year Iran6Iraq ar5/1.5//- )ussein5s stated reason &or the invasion as that +uait and the8nited Ara! %irates ere produ$ing oi a!ove their O': quotas and there!ypushing the pri$e o& oi don- +uait5s deposed eaders !eieve )ussein5s goa isto do%inate the entire region- ;ith the argest and %ost poer&u ar%y in the

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    irst it as +ada&yE then it as +ho%einiE no the

  • 8/20/2019 Communist Russia Behind Iraqi Invasion


    (audi Ara!ia to Doin seven divisions aready heading south &ro% +uait :ity-

    (in$e the invasion, )ussein has ordered the &or%ation o& 11 ne Iraqi ar%ydivisions-

    Gorbahev !hile seen as thehero of "eae ma#in$ initiativesseretl% su""orts &addam'ussein !ith his ()**Communist militar% advisors inIraq and +** Iraqi A$entstrainin$ under Russian Advisorsin Odessa, -.,/,&,&,R,0/td>

    C" Dangers (n The -resent #heaval

    The greatest danger in the present 'ersian *u& upheava is that Iraq i atta$#the (audi, 8A or Bahrain oi &ieds- By either o$$upying or !oing up these oi&ieds, )ussein $oud $ontro, aong ith Iraq5s and +uait5s oi produ$tion and

    reserves i-e-, " %iion !arres a day, a%ost ha& o& the oi produ$tion in theord- I& he si%py destroyed those &ieds and then ithdre, oi oud soar to="0 a !arre overnight, oi suppies oud drop !y ha&, and the industriaizedord oud !e punged into a %assive depression- Iraq no has its %issies in+uait targeted on the (audi oi &ieds-

    In addition to this threat, there are a nu%!er o& other grave dangers in the

    1. Massive 3oviet Armaments in the region . Over the past de$ade the(oviets have deivered %assive a%ounts o& eaponry to the

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    G %ore air$ra&t than in the air &or$es o& ngand, ;est *er%any or ran$e- The

    (oviets have pa$ed 1,000 tan#s and ar%ored vehi$es in Li!ya G arger thanthe ar%ored &or$es o& ngand, ran$e and ;est *er%any $o%!ined- ;hyoud a tiny $ountry o& ony three %iion peope su$h as Li!ya need su$h a vastarray o& ar%a%entsJ

    The (oviets have pa$ed =21 !iion in eapons in (yria, over =20 !iion in

    eapons in Iraq, over =20 !iion in ar%s in A&ghanistan, and additiona !iionsin ?e%en- The pea$e oving (oviets have Dust deivered =F !iion in ar%s toA&ghanistan over the past 12 %onths in the !iggest %iitary airi&t in ordhistory ith (oviet ar%s &oing into that !eeaguered $ountry at this riting ata rate o& =F00 %iion per %onth-

    These $ountries re$eiving these eapons are surrogates and aies o& the (oviet8nion- It is aHio%ati$ that ith (oviet ar%s $o%e trainers, advisors, the +*B,and *8, a o& ho% $an !e &ound in varying nu%!ers in ea$h o& these Ara!

    states- A arge portion o& these (oviet ar%s have !een deivered to the

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    Mohammed, TheMoslems have a $reatres"et for theBlessed 5ir$in and nodoubt in the Trium"hof 'er Immaulate'eart &he !ill alsoonvert the Arab6ations to the trueGod Our 1ord 7esusChrist,

  • 8/20/2019 Communist Russia Behind Iraqi Invasion


    ot ony is a giant radi$a Isa%i$ %ove%ent groing up in ;estern urope

    nu%!ering in the tens o& %iions !ut this %ove%ent $oud soon $ontro "0.04 o& the ord5s oi suppies and =/0.100 !iion o& %odern, sophisti$atedeapons- To destroy a o& the evi o& the %odern ord and turn !a$# the$aendar 1000 years is at the top o& their agenda-

    =. A 7ew /ostage Crisis . A%eri$a has $ringed !e&ore

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    =1 drop in the pri$e o& a !arre o& oi $osts =1 !iion a year in ost revenue- (o a

    =10 drop sin$e ast &a $ost Iraq a%ost =10 !iion- In ate uy O':, ithIraq5s gun at its head, agreed to hat overprodu$tion and to raise the $arte5starget pri$e &ro% =1/ to =21 a !arre- )oever, that as not enough &or)ussein, ho has !e$o%e #non as O':5s $rude oi en&or$er- ra,/s goal is to

    dri(e oil prices to 012 a #arrel and -eep them there3 )is invasion o& +uait hasa$$o%pished that goa in the short run, and %ay a$$o%pish it in the ong run

    as e-

    !" etaliatory $#tions Against (ra;

    The 8( has &rozen Iraq5s assets in the 8(, has %oved to get the rest o& theord to !oy$ott Iraqi oi, to get Tur#ey to shut o&& the oi pipeine hi$h runsthrough that $ountry, is pushing &or internationa san$tions against Iraq and ispushing &or a nava !o$#ade o& Iraq- It too# severa days to get (audi Ara!ia toao 8( troops onto its soi- or the (audis, it5s a oss o& &a$e, a sign o& sha%e,

    and a vioation o& their Isa%i$ $ode to have 8( troops in their $ountry- But a&teroo#ing at 8( spy sateite photos o& Iraqi troops, tan#s, %issies, and $he%i$aeapons %assing on their !order, the (audis $on$uded that the A%eri$ansere the esser o& the to evis-

    A%eri$a has ess via!e %iitary options than %ight !e eHpe$ted- It shoud !e

    re%e%!ered that Iraq has one %iion o& the ord5s %ost eHperien$ed, !atte.hardened troops a&ter eight years o& ar ith Iran, ho are used to desertar&are, and are &ighting in their on !a$#yard G not ours- Iraq has areadyin$reased its troops inside +uait to 170,000 ith %ore &or$es !eing %o!iizedinside o& Iraq at this riting- Iraq no has "00 tan#s inside o& +uait ith 300

    %ore on their ay- :he%i$a eapons in arge quantities have !een %oved into+uait up to the (audi !order and poison gas has !een seen !eing oaded onto$o%!at air$ra&t in Iraq- )ussein is aso depoying troops aong his northern!order ith Tur#ey to prote$t his northern &an#- *oing to ar ith Iraq i not!e the ee#end outing hi$h A%eri$a ent on hen it ta$#ed a &e hundred:u!an troops in *renada or 12,000 o& oriega5s ationa *uards%en in'ana%a, ith the out$o%e a &oregone $on$usion-

    A%eri$a a$tuay had very itte %iitary presen$e in the

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    A%eri$a5s and its aies5 %iitary options are as &oos>

    1 An atte%pt to re%ove (adda% hi%se& ith a $o%%ando hit squad i-e-Keta or$e or avy (eas, or a surgi$a air stri#e su$h as A%eri$a tried against+ada&y it &aied severa years ago- The odds o& su$$ess here are very o sin$e

    )ussein is very e prote$ted and, i#e +ada&y, %oves around a great dea-

    2 Air stri#es against e$ono%i$ay vita targets in Iraq su$h as re&ineries,pipeines, poer pants, as e as against Iraqi %iitary instaations- I& (adda%raised the ante !y atta$#ing (audi Ara!ia or Israe ith %issies, or trying totor$h the (audi6*u& oi &ieds or re&ineries, or started #iing 8( hostages,ta$ti$a nu$ear eapons or neutron eapons $oud !e used against Iraq-

    3 Air stri#es against Iraqi &or$es in +uait or (audi Ara!ia, or against suppyines &or Iraq i& )ussein shoud invade- Air stri#es ithin +uait oud have to!e surgi$a to prevent idespread oss o& +uaiti ives- 8n&ortunatey, Iraq no

    hods the entire +uaiti popuation hostage-

    F *round a$tion using 8( troops- This is a very di&&i$ut option !e$ause o& the

    preponderan$e o& $onventiona &or$es Iraq aready has in pa$e- ighting Iraq%ore or ess on its on tur& i-e-, in the desert, hie greaty outnu%!eredeven ith a!undant 8( air support oud $ost %any thousands perhaps tenso& thousands o& A%eri$an ives-

    Ad%ira Tho%as

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    assu%ing a $ontinuing Tur#ish oi pipeine $ut.o&& $oud soy $ho#e Iraq to

    death e$ono%i$ay over .12 %onths-

    )ussein hods to id $ards> 1 a %issie atta$# to destroy the (audi oi &iedsE2 3,"0 8( hostages hi$h he $oud !egin to #i 1, 2, ", 10 or 100 at a ti%e-

    &" The (sraeli &actor

    o one thin#s o& the Israei %iitary as i%ps- ;ith 1F1,000 a$tive duty troopsand "00,000 reservists, 3,/"0 tan#s, "7" $o%!at air$ra&t, high te$h,, and %issies, and nu$ear eapons, Israe is e

    de&ended and o!viousy has a strong i to survive- As &or%er Ke&ense

  • 8/20/2019 Communist Russia Behind Iraqi Invasion


    The Most 'ol% 2amil%a""eared at 2atima to blessall the faithful, 1et us "romise7esus3 Mar% and 7ose"h to beever more faithful to ourBa"tismal vo!s, 1et us infervent "ra%er at this time of!orld risis be$ for theConseration of Russia so

    that !orld "eae be $iven andthe annihilation of nations beaverted,

    This riter5s good &riend, (enator Bi i$hardson -.:A des$ri!ed the (ovietinvove%ent in Iraq as &oos>

    In spite o& the sa!re.ratting !y 'resident Bush, the $han$es o& the Iraqis

    eaving +uait is zero to zip- They i ait us out, $o%&orta!e in the#noedge that Bush i $o%pro%ise his tough stand --- they !eieve it5s hisnature to do so- They aso understand the $on$iiatory poi$y o& the Bush

    Ad%inistration toards the (oviet 8nion-

    The $han$es o& a &u.s$ae %iitary operation against the Iraqi &or$es is reayunthin#a!e to the 8( (tate Kepart%ent sin$e it oud $ause un&riendy vi!esith the (oviets- The Iraqi govern%ent has had a riendship Treaty ith the(oviets sin$e 1972 and is soidy in the $o%%unist or!it- In essen$e, the 8((is %iitariy $o%%itted to hep Iraq-

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    The (oviets have eight %iitary &a$iities or !ases in Iraq a$$ording to o!ert

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    It is highy i%pro!a!e A%eri$an troops i invade +uaitE one needs ony to

    oo# at a %ap to see the di&&i$uties that oud !e en$ountered- The (audis arenot overDoyed to ao our air$ra&t the use o& their air !ases, %u$h ess per%itan eHpeditionary &or$e to atta$# an Ara! neigh!or- Ke&ending (audi Ara!ia i!e per%itted !ut serving as the aun$hing area &or an atta$# against an ene%y

    that outnu%!ers you is !ad ogisti$s- :an you i%agine thehorrendous stin# the hard.e&t oud raise in this $ountry i& e didJ The

    pea$eni#s, the

    1 The 8( sto$# %ar#et, aready oo#ing toppy !e&ore the $risis, has sin$edropped over 200 points- Oi and god sto$#s have o& $ourse !een the eH$eption,

    rising sharpy in the a#e o& the invasion- The apanese and other sto$#%ar#ets have dropped sharpy-

    2 The 8(( is the ord5s argest oi produ$er, re$eiving F04 o& its hard$urren$y in$o%e i-e- =1/ !iion &ro% oi ast year- a$h doar in$rease in thepri$e o& oi is orth a!out =1 !iion in additiona &oreign eH$hange a$$ording tooger o!inson, &or%er e$ono%i$ dire$tor &or the eagan ationa (e$urity

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    :oun$i- The higher pri$e &or god i aso add su!stantiay to the (oviet5s

    &oreign eH$hange earnings-

    3 A%eri$a, ith "04 dependen$e on &oreign oi and ha& o& that &ro% the'ersian *u&, is highy vunera!e to the destru$tion o& the 'ersian *u& oi &ieds-

    Iraqi destru$tion o& the (audi or 8A &ieds oud punge A%eri$a intodepression iteray overnight- And to %a#e %atters orse, the 8( do%esti$

    petroeu% industry is a !as#et $ase G it oud ta#e it &ive years and %any netaH in$entives to gear up &or an in$rease in 8( oi produ$tion-


    ust as *eorge Bush and the Li!era astern sta!ish%ent !egan to de$arepea$e as !rea#ing out a over, and the i!era 8( :ongress !egan to %a#e%assive $uts in the 8( de&ense spendingE and :ongressperson 'atri$ia($hroeder introdu$ed egisation to $ose don a o& A%eri$a5s &oreign %iitary

    !ases, and !ring all o& our troops ho%e G the strangest thing happened G ar!ro#e out in the 'ersian *u&-

    ;hat eHa$ty do the i!era disar%ers thin# e shoud use against (adda%)ussein5s Isa%i$ hordes and their =20 !iion in (oviet eaponsJ The Iraqi%iitary invasion o& +uait $a%e Dust 2F hours a&ter the )ouse Ar%ed (ervi$es

    :o%%ittee had shredded the 8( de&ense !udget, voting to #i the B.2 (teath!o%!er, $ut (KI, and $ut the 8( ar%ed &or$es !y 129,000 %en G a =2F !iion$hop-

    A over the ord the 8( has !egun $osing don !ases, draing don troop

    eves, ei%inating eapons- I& this $ontinues, it i set the stage &or ar- ;hen)ussein invaded +uait, A%eri$a had a %ere siH nava vesses in the 'ersian*u&, no !ases in the region, very &e eapons and no troops- I& it ta#es 30days to %uster to divisions, hat oud happen i& the (oviets ith their vast%iitary superiority over the 8( %oved against the 'ersian *u& oi &ieds in theate 590s as Brezhnev pro%ised they oud and this riter !eieves they i-The anser is, they i $onquer the

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    The Bush Ad%inistration advo$ates o& 8(6(oviet partnership and %erger are

    !eginning to ta# a!out Doint $onde%nation state%ents o& Iraq !y the 8( and(oviet $ooperation to &ind a soution, and possi!y a ne oi partnership!eteen A%eri$a and ussia, here!y e send our oi $o%panies to ussia todri &or and produ$e oi, and A%eri$ans get to $onsu%e that ussian oi G a

    natura partnership they are $aing it !eteen the nu%!er one oi produ$erand the nu%!er one oi $onsu%er- orgotten !y these i!era use&u idiots as

    Lenin $aed the% is the &a$t that the 'ersian *u& oi &ieds are threatenedtoday !y !iions o& doars in (oviet ;eapons in the hands o& Isa%i$ radi$asho ere ar%ed and trained !y our ne partners- (oviet $o%%unis% hasheped to toppe another $ountry and has esta!ished a soid !o$#head on theshores o& the 'ersian *u&-

    In the %eanti%e, at$h (adda% )ussein and the 'ersian *u& oi &ieds- Thei%%ediate $risis $oud &i$#er and die out or it $oud turn into a