communiqué 51

Dear Parents This has been an exciting and challenging term, with the de Ferrers and QEMS partnership offering extensive opportunities for new initiatives and developments. Year 11 have had their official college photograph taken. This is an important tradition and the photographer commented on how delighted he was to visit de Ferrers. Attendance, behaviour and standard of dress were very good. I would like to see the students wearing their uniform with as much pride on a ‘normal’ day! Sam Smith, from Year 13, was elected as the East Staffordshire representative for the UK Youth Parliament in February 2010. He will be in position for two years and has already started work on local issues. I would like to con- gratulate Sam on his success and look forward to seeing his impact upon the young people in Burton. Next term will be very important for those students taking external examinations. The Easter holiday is critical for exam preparation for our senior students. Year 9 will be taking SATs in June next term, under examination conditions. These tests will be marked inter- nally and will form part of our important teacher assessment. This Easter edition of the de Ferrers Communiqué highlights another term of exciting opportu- nities, events, trips and student achievement. We are already looking forward to the summer term – enjoy your Easter break! principal@deferrers M A York Principal deFerrers.COMmuniqué deFerrers.COMmuniqué Number 051 Easter 2010 COMMUNICATING THROUGHOUT DE FERRERS SPECIALIST TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE BIG BANG IS A BIG SUCCESS! SEE PAGE 3 WE SAY FAREWELL TO BASKETBALL STARS! The de Ferrers College Basketball Team is about to move into a new era after its impressive run in the National Cup, but without the current Year 13 stars. Tom Whitfield, Aiden Hyde, Ben Peacock and Josh Wood have represented de Ferrers in basketball since the formation of their team five years ago. “It was my first team and you could see the potential and their level of commitment from the very first lunch time training session in September 2005,” said Mr Hand. Some friendly games were organised when the students were in Year 9 and the team was entered into a District Competition. The team won with ease and it was amazing to watch how good it was from the word go. Since that day the team has been involved in a countless number of games, upwards of fifty fixtures, vary- ing from Burton and District League games to County Matches and National Matches. It is reigning Staffordshire County Champion three years running and in five years has only lost one game! It was recently knocked out of the National Cup by a team that is ranked third in the UK. De Ferrers would like to thank all four of the students for their commitment to the college and we wish them the very best of luck for their exams in the summer. They are to play one last game on Tuesday March 30th at de Ferrers (Sports Hall) in yet another Staffordshire County final, 4pm tip off. We urge anyone who is free that evening to come and witness an excellent display of College Basketball. SKI AUSTRIA 2010 In February half term seventy one students and nine staff went on a skiing holiday to the beautiful resort of Alpendorf in the Amade Ski region near Salzburg. This is the collegeʼs third skiing trip to Austria and as on previous occasions it was a complete success. Following our long coach jour- ney we arrived at our accom- modation “The Gasthof Multhaler” in Kuchl and were met by Franz and Elsa, the owners. They immediately adopted us and proceeded to provide us with excellent food and high quality accommoda- tion. During the week the students worked hard with their ski instructors to improve their skiing ability. It was so great to once again see complete beginners master the art of skiing, even if slowly, by the end of the week. Of course the week is not com- plete without entertainment and fun was had by all at the “Aqua Salza” swimming pool in Golling, where the outdoor pool proved popular. The students also visit- ed the Eis Arena in Salzburg where many an unintentional leap, twist, turn and elaborate pair work were witnessed by the staff judging panel. Eventually the early mornings (6.30am) and early nights (yes, by 10.30pm) came to an end and a weary group set back to England. Throughout the trip the students were an absolute credit to the college and everyone who came into contact with us com- mented on their level of polite- ness, conduct and respect. Plans are already in place to repeat the whole experience again next February. For more details please contact Mrs Jeffery.

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The April 2010 edition of our Communiqué newsletter.


Page 1: Communiqué 51

DearParentsThis has beenan exciting andchallengingterm, with thede Ferrers and

QEMS partnership offeringextensive opportunities for newinitiatives and developments.

Year 11 have had their officialcollege photograph taken. This isan important tradition and thephotographer commented on howdelighted he was to visit deFerrers. Attendance, behaviour andstandard of dress were very good.I would like to see the studentswearing their uniform with asmuch pride on a ‘normal’ day!

Sam Smith, from Year 13, waselected as the East Staffordshirerepresentative for the UK YouthParliament in February 2010. Hewill be in position for two yearsand has already started work onlocal issues. I would like to con-gratulate Sam on his success andlook forward to seeing his impactupon the young people in Burton.

Next term will be very importantfor those students taking externalexaminations. The Easter holiday iscritical for exam preparation forour senior students. Year 9 will betaking SATs in June next term,under examination conditions.These tests will be marked inter-nally and will form part of ourimportant teacher assessment.

This Easter edition of the deFerrers Communiqué highlightsanother term of exciting opportu-nities, events, trips and studentachievement. We are alreadylooking forward to the summerterm – enjoy your Easter break!


M A YorkPrincipal

deFerrers.COMmuniquédeFerrers.COMmuniquéNumber 051 Easter 2010


B I G B A N G I S A B I G S U C C E S S ! S E E P A G E 3

WE SAY FAREWELL TOBASKETBALL STARS!The de Ferrers College Basketball Team is aboutto move into a new era after its impressive run inthe National Cup, but without the current Year 13stars. Tom Whitfield, Aiden Hyde, Ben Peacockand Josh Wood have represented de Ferrers inbasketball since the formation of their team fiveyears ago. “It was my first team and you couldsee the potential and their level of commitmentfrom the very first lunch time training session inSeptember 2005,” said Mr Hand.Some friendly games wereorganised when the studentswere in Year 9 and the teamwas entered into a DistrictCompetition. The team wonwith ease and it was amazingto watch how good it was fromthe word go. Since that daythe team has been involved ina countless number of games,upwards of fifty fixtures, vary-ing from Burton and District

League games to CountyMatches and NationalMatches. It is reigningStaffordshire CountyChampion three years runningand in five years has only lostone game! It was recentlyknocked out of the NationalCup by a team that is rankedthird in the UK.De Ferrers would like to thankall four of the students for theircommitment to the college andwe wish them the very best ofluck for their exams in thesummer. They are to play onelast game on Tuesday March30th at de Ferrers (Sports Hall)in yet another StaffordshireCounty final, 4pm tip off. Weurge anyone who is free thatevening to come and witnessan excellent display of CollegeBasketball.

SKI AUSTRIA 2010In February half term seventyone students and nine staffwent on a skiing holiday to thebeautiful resort of Alpendorf inthe Amade Ski region nearSalzburg. This is the collegeʼsthird skiing trip to Austria andas on previous occasions itwas a complete success.Following our long coach jour-ney we arrived at our accom-modation “The GasthofMulthaler” in Kuchl and weremet by Franz and Elsa, theowners. They immediatelyadopted us and proceeded toprovide us with excellent foodand high quality accommoda-tion.During the week the studentsworked hard with their skiinstructors to improve their skiingability. It was so great to onceagain see complete beginnersmaster the art of skiing, even ifslowly, by the end of the week.Of course the week is not com-plete without entertainment andfun was had by all at the “AquaSalza” swimming pool in Golling,where the outdoor pool provedpopular. The students also visit-ed the Eis Arena in Salzburgwhere many an unintentionalleap, twist, turn and elaboratepair work were witnessed by thestaff judging panel.Eventually the early mornings(6.30am) and early nights (yes,by 10.30pm) came to an endand a weary group set back toEngland. Throughout the trip thestudents were an absolute creditto the college and everyone whocame into contact with us com-mented on their level of polite-ness, conduct and respect.

Plans are already in place torepeat the whole experienceagain next February. For moredetails please contact MrsJeffery.

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On February 6th a group of brave students inyears 10, 11 and 12 took part in the annualschool exchange visit to Germany. As in previ-ous years the trip proved to be an overwhelm-ing success with friendships being forgedbetween English and German penpals. Funwas had by all students and lots of Germanwas spoken.The itinerary included daytrips to Hamburg andBremen, days at schoolattending German lessonsand evening social activi-ties such as bowling andswimming. The atmos-

GIFTED ANDTALENTEDUPDATEJust a reminder thatthe Gifted andTalented webpage isnow up and runningon the FROG (it canbe found under thesubject heading whenstudents login). Notonly does this providestudents with informa-tion re extra-curricularcourses and externalcompetition details,but also provides anumber of resourcesfor parents, which willbe continually updat-ed.At present you can findvarious useful websitesalong with the identifica-tion criteria the differentsubjects within the col-lege use to nominateGifted and Talented stu-dents. If you think yourchild should be consid-ered for the register andisnʼt included at presentyou can use the contactform on the site to e-mail college directly.For a bit of fun there isalso a “Thunk of theWeek” on the homepage which encouragesstudents to think laterallyand post their responseson the site.Please feel free to con-tact college via the con-tact form on the websiteif you are concerned, orwant to know more,about any aspect ofG&T provision.

phere at the farewell partyon the final evening waswonderful and was a fittingend to a marvellous trip.

The visit was particularlymemorable this year due tothe worst winter weatherconditions in Germany fora generation. The thicksnow and arctic tempera-tures did not dampen thespirits of the students, whobehaved superbly andwere a credit to the col-lege. Well done to every-body involved.

DoveCampusExtensionBuilding work is justabout to start on anexciting developmenton our Dove campus.Our facilities arebeing extended toprovide five additionalclassrooms, two ICTrooms, and a Dramaroom. We are workingto a very tight dead-line, but aim to havethe new rooms readyfor September, in timeto support the start ofthe new Year 9 cur-riculum. As always,the Health and Safetyof our students andstaff has been careful-ly considered whenplanning this develop-ment.

Page 3: Communiqué 51



On Thursday 11th Marcheight hardworking GCSEProduct Design studentswere invited to a ʻBigBangʼ exhibition to repre-sent de Ferrers as one ofthe first secondaryschools in the country tobe awarded the ʻDesignMarkʼ.Whilst at the exhibition stu-dents worked with graphicdesigner Andy Walmsley and

Art and Design students fromManchester MetropolitanUniversity on a design briefset by the Design Council.The brief invited students toexplore the idea of crime pre-vention in relation to ʻhot prod-uctsʼ such as mobile phones,laptops and mp3 players.

Whilst the students set aboutdiscussing, designing and pre-senting ideas to the designersand each other, onlookers atthe exhibition were able to see

BIG BANG IS A BIG SUCCESS!some first class GCSE designstudents in action!

The students had a really suc-cessful and enjoyable day andwere praised by the designersand members of the DesignCouncil and DATA (Design &Technology TeachersʼAssociation) for their excellentdesign work and impeccablebehaviour throughout the day.Keep your eyes peeled for hotproducts designed by theseyoung hopefuls in the future!

Here comesthe sun!DE FERRERSSTUDENTS GEARUP FOR THE GREATSTAFFORDSHIREPICNICOur Year 8 studentshave been given agreat opportunity torepresent de Ferrers inthe Great StaffordshirePicnic.Kim Newman fromStaffordshire Partnershiplaunched the project,inspiring our students todesign and make a dishsuitable for a picnic.Rob Jackson followed onfrom Kim Newman as aguest speaker introducingour students to Veganismas they explored differenttarget groups. Studentsshowed a keen interest inboth speakers and con-tributed by completingshort tasks and work-sheets. Twenty studentsfrom college will be select-ed to attend the picnicwhich will take place atShugborough Hall in July.We will also be calling onour Year 9 Design andTechnology students todemonstrate their expert-ise as well in the Summerterm as they will bedesigning and makingproducts to support thestudents going on the pic-nic. This is an excellentopportunity for students todemonstrate their passionand creativity for food aswell as their technicalskills.

Our Easter Bingo Nighthas not long finished as Iwrite this and I can con-firm that 36 Easter eggswere carried off into thenight by some happybingo players which,together with a couple ofcash flyers, a raffle and afairly small turnout, meantthat most people werewinners tonight! This wasa joint fundraising effortby Tanzania 2010 and thePSFA and I would like tosay thanks to everyonewho came to support theevent; thanks also to theT2010 team who camealong and a specialthanks to Mr Brown whois very successfullyexploring a second careeras a bingo caller. Theyhad better watch out downat the Mecca….

Our next event is on Thursday29th April and this will be aFashion Extravaganza andPre-prom Night to be held onTrent. There will dresses,hairstylists, beauticians andaccessories, jewellery andshoes, catwalk shows as wellas fashions for the mums -there may even be a fewtuxes for the boys! There willbe a free glass of wine includ-

ed in the price of the ticketswhich will be on sale immedi-ately after the Easter break.For further information pleasecontact Anita McLean, care ofde Ferrers reception, or ring01283 568201.

So, have a lovely Easter,enjoy your chocolate Eastereggs and hope to see youon the 29th.

“We Thought It Was A Beach Party” - Key Stage 4 winnersof the PSFA Quiz Night.

Page 4: Communiqué 51


Team TanzaniaTeam Tanzania

Over the past half term Team Tanzania hascontinued to raise money towards the fastapproaching departure date in July. It is nowthe last stretch of fundraising before theexpedition, where team members will helpthe Tanzanian community and face the chal-lenge of climbing Mount Meru.This half term the team hasbeen frantically ʻdubbingʼ attwo very successful EasterBingo evenings and also con-tinued to collect as manymobile phone and textiledonations as possible.Donations will continue to beaccepted throughout the yearand so if you have any oldclothes, towels, handbags orcurtains that can be broughtinto college, we can deposit

them in the clothes bank onsite.

The next big event will be areturn of the hugely success-ful Race Night, an eveningthat promises to be packedfull of fun and excitement.Last year people won prizesincluding tickets to TamworthSnowdome, vouchers to localrestaurants and selections ofassorted wine. Everyone hasthe chance to bet on a horseand watch eagerly as the raceunfolds but there are also twomore exciting opportunitiesavailable for the event.

The team is offering theoption to buy horses and notonly be in with a chance towin the race prize but alsowatch the race from theexclusive Race OwnersʼEnclosure with individual TVscreen and bubbly.Businesses can also sponsora race and in return put a freeadvert in our race card –sponsors will also be invitedto the Ownersʼ Enclosure onthe evening. Please contactthe team as soon as possible

if you would like to getinvolved. Over the Easterbreak bag packing dates havebeen confirmed and a further200 Club has been proposed.In this fundraiser membershave the chance of winning£50 each week so watch outfor a chance to participate!

The team would like to takethis opportunity to thankCouncil Members Liz Staplesand Bob Fraser, theCommunity and LearningPartnership, Trent and DoveHousing and the police fortheir extremely generousdonations to help purchase allessential kit needed for theexpedition.

Weʼd also like to say bigthank you to everyone elsewho has continued to sup-port the team; it is muchappreciated by all con-cerned- we hope to see youat Race Night!

DanceThis year dance hastaken on a number ofdifferent aspects.We are now involvedwith the developmentof dance throughThe East StaffsSchools Partnershipand as such newopportunities havebeen available to us.This year our first cohort ofdancers has been given theopportunity to study Dance toGCSE level. Their first perform-ance was seen at the dancePlatform in March. The eventshowcased Dance across thedistrict and celebrated the workbeing done in schools in EastStaffordshire.

Also throughout this term wehave been fortunate to have anArtiste in Residence who hasbeen working on Friday eveningswith a group of twenty four stu-dents, from Years 7 to 10. Theproject, run by the “East StaffsDance Collective,” was devel-oped to raise the profile of danceand give students the chance todo something different. Afterweeks of hard work andrehearsals, the students alsoperformed at the DancePlatform. This project is expectedto continue in the Summer term.

Equally we now have in collegea number of students who arepart of the Burton Youth Dancegroup and they train at theBrewhouse Arts Centre onWednesday evening.

To celebrate the success of thedancers they were given theopportunity to go to the “Move It”exhibition at Olympia in March.The day involved students partic-ipating in a variety of danceworkshops. They were also ableto see high quality performanceson the main stage. Famous peo-ple from the world of Dance werepresent including Wayne Sleep,Mark from “So you Think YouCan Dance” and Flawless. Onethe highlights on the main stagewas a performance from the castof “Thriller Live” currently onstage in London.

The quality of dance within thecollege remains high and manyof the students will soon be start-ing rehearsals for the collegeSummer production of“Copacabana”.

Page 5: Communiqué 51


CelebratingStaff SuccessCongratulations to MrsLongmore, Miss Jones,Mrs Hewitt, Mr Hewitt,Mr Brown, Mrs Dolman,Mr Orchard and MrsOʼHagan for complet-ing the nine month vol-untary GrowingLeaders programme.The programme is selfdirected in nature andinvolves attending fivetraining sessions.

All eight participantshave also taken on awhole college initiative,the life span of which willgo beyond that of thecourse. The college iscommitted to supportingstaff and we currentlyhave a further sevenparticipants on the nextcohort which is due tostart May 2011.

GARDENINGNEWSMany of you willremember the garden-ing project that wascompleted in July 2007by our current Year 9students. We nowintend to extend theproject by introducingsome of our studentsto the pleasure ofgrowing vegetables.Soon we will be con-structing raised bedsand sowing our seeds.Potatoes will be grownin bags and barrelsand the greenhousewill be put to fulleffect. Hopefully ahearty crop of vegeta-bles will be availablelater in the year.

Make your Mark for a TennerOur Year 10 Business Studiesstudents have been taking partin an Enterprise UK challengewhich has meant that theyhave all been given £10 to tryand be as enterprising as pos-sible in order to make as muchprofit as they can.

They have come up with a range ofenterprising activities and are well ontarget to make a considerable profitfrom their three week venture. Theenthusiasm has been infectious andthe students are obviously enjoyingthe experience of being young entre-preneurs!

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de Ferrers SignLanguage Club andChoir (dFSLCC)This is our first article in the newsletter forthis academic year, and we have achieved alot already. This group seems to be growingeach week, we are up to over twenty regularstudents attending, learning how to commu-nicate with people who are deaf, and learn-ing a bit about the deaf community.Before Christmas we tookpart in the two collegecarol concerts, on TrentCampus and in St JohnʼsChurch. We also per-formed in the SeniorCitizensʼ Party, where weperformed the classicstory ʻThe Snowmanʼ andthe song ʻWalking in theAirʼ, which was signed byour students with anaccompaniment from AmyHarrison singing andEmma Margetson playingthe piano. This perform-ance was repeated for theYear 7 ChristmasAssembly.In the past term, the stu-dents performed in a Year

7 assembly for the ʻDay ofSilenceʼ, which raisedfunds to support deaf chil-dren in Gambia.We are continuing toexpand our repertoire andare currently working onthe story ʻThe Gruffaloʼwhich the students arevery enthusiastic about.We are also learning anumber of songs, includ-ing ʻTrue Coloursʼ,ʻTogetherʼ and The Climbʼ.The students are all veryexcited about what we arelearning, and want toshow off their new skills,so watch out for our nextperformance.

HHoommee ttoo SScchhooooll TTrraannssppoorrtt --EEnnttiittlleemmeenntt oonn IInnccoommeeAAsssseesssseedd GGrroouunnddssPupils of secondary school age, years 7 to 11,from low income families have an additionalentitlement to free home to school transport ifthey fulfil the following criteria:� They are attending one of their three nearest secondaryschools, where they live between two and three miles fromthe school or -

� They are attending the nearest secondary school of theirreligion or denomination, preferred on thegrounds of the parent's religion or philosophical belief,where they live more than 2 and less than 15 miles fromthe school and -

� They are from a low income group, which is defined asthose who are registered and entitled to free school meals,or those families in receipt of the maximum level of work-ing tax credit.

Those assessed as entitled will receive free transport untilthe end of the academic year and there will be an annualreassessment each summer term. It is important to notethat those no longer entitled will have their free transportwithdrawn from the start of the next academic year.

Parents need to apply using application form B, which isavailable from our website -wwwwww..ssttaaffffoorrddsshhiirree..ggoovv..uukk//sscchhoooollttrraannssppoorrtt then click onthe Transport Policy' link. Alternatively they can phone theAdmissions and Transport Service for an application formon 01785 278593.

Page 7: Communiqué 51

been out on aday walk andare now readyfor their prac-tice expedition

over May BankHoliday. This year wehave over ten groupsof Gold candidatespreparing for their Goldexpedition which takesplace in Wales fromEaster onwards. Goodluck to all candidateswho are about to starttheir expedition work.


The Spring term isalways busy for ourmusicians and thisyear has been noexception. On Sunday7th March we took thecollege Jazz Orchestra,DeFJO, and our twoBarber Shop Quartets,The Beauty Shop andThe Reluctants!, toplay at the AdrianBoult Hall inBirminghamConservatoire as partof the RegionalFestival of Music forYouth. All three groups performedexceptionally well (eventhough the Barber Shop ladswere terrified!) and receivedfantastic feedback from theMusic Mentors. We hope thattheir performances will meanthat they are invited to play atthe National Festival in July.Fingers crossed, we shouldfind out in the next fewweeks. The groups would liketo pass on their thanks to MrS Griffiths for giving up his

Its been a busyterm for theDuke ofEdinburgh'sAward, withBronze, Silver andGold candidates com-pleting their trainingready to go out onExpedition. The nine-teen Bronze expeditiongroups have learntabout map reading,first aid and food,whilst the Silver candi-dates have already

Sunday to drive one of theminibuses.

Two days later saw DeFJOgive their annual perform-ance for the Derby MusicClub. The event was onceagain held at Derby GrammarSchool in Littleover, with theirschool Jazz Orchestra per-forming in the second half.The band played outstand-ingly well, with many com-ments on how professionalthe band sound and look, aswell as what a credit they areto de Ferrers. Well done,guys - the hard work reallydoes pay off!

Finally, we would like to inviteyou to our Spring Concert onWednesday 31st March at7pm in Trent Hall. There willbe music of the highest cali-bre from across the collegeincluding the Wind Band,DeFJO, Mini DeFJO, SouledOut, Senior & Gospel Choirs,Barber Shop Quartets, SaxQuartet, as well as soloists.This promises to be a fantas-tic evening and will be agreat way to end the term.Tickets, priced at £5 / £4 con-cessions, are available fromReception on both campus-es. A licensed bar will beavailable.

Thanks, as always, for yoursupport.

Food ClubFood Club has been re-launched for Year 7 stu-dents running in sixweek rotations everyThursday after college.As usual we havereceived great support!On a first come first servedbasis we are now in themiddle of our first rotationwith the eight studentsfrom the top of the list. Welldone to the boys- first twoon the list!

Eight smiling faces everyweek- well done to all whoattend as they worktowards gaining theirʻActive Kids Get CookingʼBronze Award.


NNOOTT FFOORR GGIIRRLLSS??So, careers in engineering are just formen are they? Eight female studentsfrom de Ferrers found this not to be thecase when they were invited to take thepart in the ʻGirls into EngineeringWorkshops for Girlsʼ.Rising Design and Technology stars fromboth Year 8 and 9 (Hannah Lewis, SophieRichardson, Rebekkah Lycett, DanielleColtman, Phillippa Wilkinson, IsobelWood, Jade Bailey and Laura Bailey)were invited to Staffordshire University totake part in an activity day, designed toattract girls to careers into engineering.

The activity day consisted of three engi-neering workshops and a presentation. It included practical, hands-on workshopsaimed at inspiring and informing girlsabout the opportunities within engineer-ing. Students also had the opportunity towork with female role models from indus-try, who also gave a presentation aimed

at informing the girls about the careeropportunities available to them withinengineering.

Hannah Lewis, currently in Year 9, said ofthe workshop: “My visit was an opportuni-ty that you do not receive everyday. Itwas an interesting experience Iʼmpleased I took on. Before I attended theworkshop I believed engineering was allabout men and cars and had no idea thewide variety of things they covered. ENGINEERING IS FOR GIRLS TOO!”

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Trent CampusSt Mary’s DriveBurton upon TrentDE13 0LLTelephone: 01283 239936Fax: 01283 239950

e-mail: [email protected]

Dove CampusHarehedge LaneBurton upon TrentDE13 0ASTelephone: 01283 239961Fax: 01283 239971

de FerrersSpecialist Technology CollegePrincipal: Mr M A York BA (Hons) BEd MBA


NetballYear 8Once again this is provingto be a very successfulseason for the Year 8Netball Team. To date theyhave played all but one oftheir fixtures and havingnot been defeated are oncourse to win the Year 8Burton and District League.The squad of players is:Holly WebsterFaye BrooksMillie DawkinsTamikah CampbellDanielle ColtmanHelen CookeCourtney BarlowZara ThompsonGuiliana WoodhallLuisa WoodhallSophie Richardson

BURTON AND DISTRICT TRAMPOLININGCOMPETITIONAfter many weeks oftraining, twelve studentscompeted in the BurtonArea TrampoliningCompetition at PauletSchool. The girls workedvery hard to learn newskills and then to putthem into their routines.The competition wasdivided into Beginners,Intermediates andAdvanced. The top twoscores from each agegroup were combined togive a team score.The competition was opento boys and girls from Years7 to 11. The girls, althougha little nervous, performedvery well. After a closefought competition, we weredelighted to finish second inthe team event. The follow-ing students also wonmedals:Isabel Belesquez – Year 7Second: BeginnersRoutine.Courtney Fletcher-Carruthers – Year 7Second: IntermediateRoutine.Charlotte Mason – Year 10Third: Advanced Routine.

RESULTSBasketball Sixth Form:League: Championsde Ferrers BEAT ThomasAlleynes (77-44)de Ferrers BEAT ThomasAlleynes (106-28)National CUP: (Group stage)de Ferrers BEAT St JosephʼsCollege (117-27)de Ferrers BEAT King EdwardStafford (96-46)de Ferrers BEAT St JosephʼsCollege (56-23)de Ferrers BEAT Netherstowe(108-26)National Cup: (Last 64)de Ferrers BEAT TelfordCollege (81-61)National Cup (Last 32)Burleigh College BEAT deFerrers (90-25)County Cup:1st Rnd: BYEQF: de Ferrers BEAT SirGraham Belfour (66-26)SF: de Ferrers BEAT KingEdward Lichfield (85-30)FINAL: Tues 30th Marchʼ2010

Year 11:League: Championsde Ferrers BEAT William Allit(56-19)de Ferrers BEAT Paget (180-8)de Ferrers BEAT Paulet (91-7)County Cup:QF: de Ferrers BEATWolgarston (66-22)SF: de Ferres BEAT BlakeValley (44-38)FINAL: Sir Graham BelfourBEAT de Ferrers (58-27)

Year 10: League: Championsde Ferrers BEAT ThomasAlleynes (39-24)de Ferrers BEAT William Allit(38-22)De Ferrers BEAT Granville(66-3)de Ferrers BEAT RobertSutton (66-44)de Ferrers BEAT John Taylor(69-39)County Cup:1st: de Ferrers BEAT WaltonHS (56-24)QF: King Edward BEAT deFerrers (55-44)

Year 9: League: Championsde Ferrers BEAT William Allit(32-24)de Ferrers BEAT ThomasAlleynes (25-24)de Ferrers BEAT RobertSutton (48-10)

FootballSixth Form:County Cup:1st round: ByeQF: de Ferrers (6 – 2) WaltonHSNational Cup:1st round: Grove School (0 –6) de Ferrers2nd round: William Brookes (3– 6) de Ferrers3rd round: de Ferrers vCountesthorpe (Win bydefault)4th round: de Ferrers (3 – 1)Kinghurst College5th round: de Ferrers (2 – 0)Westwood College6th round: Beauchamp (4 – 0)de Ferrers

Year 11:League:de Ferrers (1 – 6) ThomasAlleynes

Year 10:District Cup:QF: de Ferrers (9 – 0)GranvilleSF: de Ferrers (1 – 0) JohnTaylorCounty Cup:1st: de Ferrers (3 – 3)Cheslyn Hay (de Ferrers winon penalties)QF: John Fisher (3 – 3) deFerrers (De Ferrers win onpenalties)SF: Thomas Alleynes (2 – 0)de Ferrers

League:Thomas Alleynes (2 – 0) deFerrersde Ferrers (3 – 8) John Taylor

Year 9:League:de Ferrers (2 – 4) ThomasAlleynesde Ferrers (2 – 0) John Taylor

Year 8:League:de Ferrers (4 – 1) John Taylorde Ferrers (2 – 1) PingleWilliam Allit (1 – 2) de Ferrers

Year 7:League:de Ferrers (3 – 0) OldfieldsRobert Sutton (1 – 0) de FerrersJohn Taylor (2 – 1) de Ferrers

Parent PayThank you to all the parents whohave signed up and started using

Parent Pay. We hope you are finding it straightforward to make

payments for trips and musictuition in this way.

If anyone has lost their letter butwould like to sign up, please ask the

Trent office for a duplicate letter.