communication over the time

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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The communication over the time


Communication : put in relation, dialogue with other people , sharing , transmission of language, deliver a message. Sender/ receiverAlways be part of the social life, it's the path to lead to civilization. There is no society without communication. From the prehistoric time to our days many ways of communication have developed.

The prehistoric time

Since the beginning of humanity , people always express themselves as we can see in the painting. They passed their knowledges through oral tradition. Their have been a switch between the archaic period as neolithic and other period.

The Egyptian Time

In this period, people engraved symbol on carved stone. Nowadays, most of them have been deciphered by Egyptologists and we can know the way they lived and they communicated.

Apparition of the modern writing

Greek & Latin 2 important alphabet: base of the occidental world. Ancient Greek 8th century BC. Latin: variant of Greek 7th century BC Latin alphabet is the most used in the world


Middle of 15th century : invention of the printing press Gutenberg, German goldsmith, printer and publisher : introduced modern books printing. Printing and reading wasn't anymore for clergy.

Revolution of communication

End of the 19th century : industrial revolution implied changes in communication . - radio , telephone 20th century - TV , internet

21st century

Importance of media : advertising , blog, internet on mobile , no more borders, no spatio-temporal limits.