columarm, co nsohdated. 1s - connecting repositories · seeking for it in bridge river, wil- liams...

. . . . : NEW HAZELTON, B. C.;,WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, ,1935 -~ ~: i:ol."3B t!I.', r :;Z/ ":.. " " - . 't" " -~" ...... i i i i Columarm, Co nsohdated. 1S Gold_. Miners_ to. Motored From APulp ::: , " . • . . ! . . . / HltTerrace In Wells Enroute :iR pertNe i er: t,ro mclng bom:,&galn wo o.a To Dardanelles : ........ :::::M0stBelieve ,~ " , ".. " . - .- " ". .. : " ", ' .1 t.,¢1,1. "~aa~,,a '1~,o, vv ,Usk---More Development " : , Like ~fll good mining properties the ('ohmmrio Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd., located at Usk, has had. its-own dtfficalties to get rightly s.tarted ns a real gold producing mine.. So often in the early stages o£ development one ,~l" more-gets into a Position of auth- ority who doeS. not take .mining seri- ously, butV,rather goes after. {he ap, parent quickmoney seen i~ selling, a lot of st0ek. :•: But the Columario lms apparently we:~thered these storms and is now on its way.:to tie -real husiness. This week the mill will be started again on ,fie, and ~vlth practically no ~yaste - material. l,nst year the mill was operated for itlmat, tiu'et~..:n~iii'[hs ti•nd IF I)r~ved'..tO, be able to (lo what work. was required ,f it. But owing"t O the fact that the h:lnlogc tunnel was st~.n'ted some 250 feet below the workings ,where the~re lind been Mocked out, it was impos- sible to keep tilemill going at a profit ~s so ulrich: waste rock from the big tuunel had to be hfindled. " In the fall tim, nlill :.was / closed dow n and work was confhled to.putting up two raises with shoots from the haulage tunnel H~ the ore reserves above. During the winter the company was rc~.rganized ~and provision • made, for ncwessary finanees.,', A' ehange:was al- pony- intends to .Imt ia.anothei', p6wer al~d emupressor unit at' the. mine to supply the mill with ore to its'~apa- city. The a~eragernn Of the ore so far has heen $12.50 a;ton at.S20 per ounce for gold. :2his is for all ore now. Idocked' out anti~:'available for the mill. WKh the c~hiPletiou of the i~wo raises some ten veins, fi'om 100 to 200 feet -ipart. orb ;~vailable.. These veins Tern'ace ih~ In the gold bearing area of:Britisl~" Columbia and so ts Usk and the e0untry between. Gold :is what th(i mhling people are asking for now and-for several years they have been Seeking for it in Bridge River, Wil- liams Eake, Barkerville and other sec- tions ~)f the south. The hunt has by no :me,ms been unsuccessful, in fact that part of the country is now in the producing stage and-as such' has no are in a zone running from the foot further interest for the developing hills on tlie north sMe of, KleanZa classof.the industry; 'They are move] nmuntah~ ia a southerly direction on- ink north. One or two ha~'e arrived[ er the liill and down the other, shle. .and him or two will "come this year, I • From. Hie present, workings on the perhaiiS more. But next year will s.e,eI (lip of lhe veins iff this zone• they are a 'good nlany Iookiilg ovei' the local] dmut h,n thousand feet frmn the top liilis for an opportUlflty to ~,ay in or of the m0nntain.. '" shtkc in. •'"". , " :" " " L *" "'"' 'l'lic 'present worktngs are on two of'. 'flu, ~pql'race section is slated for the tim i~•nver chitn~s, lind. the' ~eo~mPa~ - i',~ next ~t~qlpiiig :phlce, Of the`gold hunt- hohling "12 elahns on rids strike and el'S. There will un'doubtedly be,quite dip ,ff the veins, and the width of the' veins hi these worldngs-rnns .from 8 ineht,s t, six feet with an average of we feet. Around Usk The i:,ind from Usk' to .Terrace is in a gopd condition. The Usk end has u0t yet. thawed out,: but the frost is ~onling out pretty fast.: From Copper City to Terrace the road is, as good tm a number stay here indefinitely as the cduatry is well lnineralized and good gold wllues are available in numerous places. Splendid government reports on'10eal properties are available and a good many enquirle~ha~'e been made to Victoria for them, as well as many -enqtflries .for information that were recel~;ed locally. The prospectors are getti~ig on the Job doing some work on prcseal: holdings and seeking further grohnd to stake., The provincial gov- ernment. througr., its department of lnin'e~ is co-operating when and Where Major Go0k.of Wells, B: C., who is h~terested ill .lae company develoDin~; ~'lle Dardanelles group on Copper riv- er near Terrace, drove in fl'om Wells, B.C., the first of the week and shipped his car to Terrace, going down himself by train. He was .accompanied. by his chauffer and he reports having had a rather hard trip due to file cold and the s~mw roads. East of Tclkwa to Pl'i~ce George the winter "roads are still as were. and prospects are in, deed favorable for a late season for throagh travel. But the road will be n' lot worse wlmn the snow starts to ~,o' than it is now. ' Mqjor Go0k is an engineer and. he is going to insp~t~ the road work be- ing (lolie betweenthe ~Copper river bridge where the Dardanelles' i'oad is lenviag the highway, and on to the mine. He will also look over the min- eral group he and his associates have takea up. The group of men who have taken up the Dardanelles. gronp will not be the only men. to come north from the Caribou and other southern sections this year. Gold properties are still as attractive as ever. Prince Rui ert so ,made in tlie exdcutiv~ headat the It has ever been. The.grader was put ' nrofiert.v and'now Gait. oyer It last week and one can drive a fuli"cha" rge: :of :oPerailo'hs::" He' tS,.9~e I ear. as fast: as, he', pleases.: Work. is ,,f the"'chief •st6~k • h01derS::~ud-:ih: ts I l~ei~g.dpjle.,t~,t,tl~l~sk .end~5]~pr~vet: videii~s.' :~ie'h'~:~!b6eh'~" a'sso61ht~i' ~ltii'[ ..5. " ~ -,: - * .** ... :. _ :-: the. pi:0perty :f~om:the :firs t::a~d" ~hds |' There :~ ~!s, a m~ tlng in. us k :on the been the' one who has helped most to 5th of Apt H . of .the t~intntenanco ~,f keep the company off the rocks: He way men...Delegates were pres'ent re: ) is also expecting a visit at. a, pres~]~'ting all .sections from I aeifie to m~d. better!syStems of horticulture are being.~ adopted. When the: mining gets ly date from President Bedford, an- Prince: Rupert. President Pat McGee going it isgoing to be a great- help to other heavy stock holder; who has ~i;as in th~.~ehail '... and Se~re~ry Black- all lines of endeavor. faith in the property. " all of Rupert read the minutes.. After The-two raises from the haulage the imsiness of the .meeting was over tunnel arenow finished and ore in the Mrs. McGee,wife of the president, set- 'The schools will close on Thursday main workings:is being mined and ned the.delegates, for u" ten daY- vacation.. sent down the Shoots to the mill. '• At * * * * * * In or(le:' to give his cilstomel's tile present there are Over thirteen th0us- . . .,, • , - ,. -- I 'Pile lIazeltdn Golf coui'se was used and tons of ore ready to'go.down, and nest lmssilm..sfrVlCt .aria to ~lve tnem..• r * ~ ' " " . , ; .. ... - . ,,-,,:last Hunclav [or the first time this sea meats ann Immuce m tne nest posslme . ' it Is believed that the pobrest of the " " ~on. Quite o mmtber were out. .re to be handled-Will run at least ff] emnlition J. Lee Betherum is havh~g . ... ~iin ice box lint in his store. "• half 4~O~1 ~ l C e of gold.per tom.and ~ r o m I " * * * .BUTTER FOR PASTR~' that tip to three or:ino're.omieesl judg- ' • : " : ' ' " ' ing fl,om c~mplvte-assaysand from the:] ('re,t, 'Willii~in Slidat hist FridaY" ill "' "" ............ '" " :" " " " : I'el'l'}lt@ .... L .. . .. .,.~:un:of..the Ore through the.mill last - . , , _ ;l'he ,laaj!n,ity of womea who .pride fall. Tlmt means good times ahead. Mr...Mel)onnell !.was a .bu.~hless vis--.fhenlsoh'es On the cooldng., take par.ti- for the Columarlo.. For the present on!y one' shift .will lh,r to TePl'at~e hlst Pl'hlay. ~ (.ajar 1)ride in their pastry, for it is ..... ' • • , -- generally'felt that tile ahlllty to make he run at the mtll,whlch,wlll:,.ha'ndled ,, • . . _ ....... . lhere Is qalte an optimistic feelhlg dcllehms, tender pastryis a"real ac- some thirty t0ns:.a shift. TWO sntxts' : ' . " :: " --" tlrou~,!l l'sk oYer.,the bright.prospects e0mlfli~hment" hi nnlstering the enlln. Will run at the :mine': mlfll such .~e for the mlnifig :industr.~,' There ,will ar.v art: It is' not.a difficult matter to s another power unlt:"can be,added, ,- . .' " . :.. , .' ~, ~ ,, , : % " . . , ; , ,. : j~', ,.v~,~ be several prol~e~ ties undergoing de~eJ make ~ood,~ pastr3, provided the pro- 'dad provlsloI~ matte to Drlng,-w water .' - . ..... '- - ", . ."- • ~., ' " • : ~] . .~ '."' , ,-'..:. :". ":':. .o" ~_ ol)lne,lt tlad...ont~ .(it'. more,'will be pro- pcr.ingr.edlents, are t, med :and care is sapllly'xrom tae lagesaoove tne W0IK- , , ........ " .." ' : .~ .: ,' ' . . . . - ,~ ' ' i " ' r . . . . . ~" " dti~il|'~ "q'l tiler"lll;e all close bv.Usk taken in colnblnttlg them Shortenin~ lngs down 'to the mine to overcomo". " .... " : .... .~.. , ....... ' .... : . ....... " ' ' ' : ' =, " ' ' # ' ' " " " ' ' * * * ~ ' "" " ' ' " $ r 1 is an hllportant, factor because It has :o water shortage.iu. Whlter and iu the', ":" . ' ': '(: ,., ~.', : . '. "-: .' -. .~: ' " ' . . . . . . . . .... ..... , .. .... . :. ~. : ' , Lunlller for..rcpairs, to: the,~nun.h to do with:the texture., of, ..the m'y summer months; :A tnrmer,pow-I, r ,~'. ; ,~,,.:~.:T,..~'>£ ~,,.~.,~, ~-'-~ ~'~sh- ~is' ~il aS th ^' P~"~-~-:^-- . .' : .•.:,"" " .... ~ ' ':,?. 1'4 SK *:arrlv{,ll ' III~.I~!,IIB~'C-:I~III¢iirUII.. ~•. .lU~U 'llCl, v 'J" "u , , u " I~l~vu~... " ~X' I.;UlII" er unit is also requu'ed at the mill be- .. ; -..:, ~ '.,~. ~' .:::".;:,'~":"...... :" .- ' ': ..:" : "' • :: ' - - ." : ..... :: ..... : " " ;. : , . ...... -,..,i.: .:;, J and work :.was! ~g-ta~'t~U.0n.Monday.~.: ~k]binatmn.of equal parts, of':butter and lute it can oe ollelateu talee snl[~. 8 , , : ' . . . . . . ' ' , ,3. ~linb(~:fetq 3 ,:ih. ~i't!~:ii!i'cM": itere :aS:.:s00nas I soft shortealng, such as-lard,. IS ideal (111.~, .. ' 1= I ;, II ' I::-# ' i' II_I I:.:] III~ ~ ,~ ;'} :. , _..JL:~It., J ~ =" ~.]: a.~ I ~ .... ~ t , ~ _. , : ....... ~i & ~ ~t: ~ ~ .I ,x:_ L~ L ever: possible. By The Sea During the. last year, particularly, . . . . ,. : • ./..~. . . and :again thin Year, the far~fl~g: an~ll !!. ~..o~.~::Att~,i~:w./.~e.or~6:~i |l it.~;:hai,e been'taking a:keen interestl' " .. " ', - -': :'"." '" '," * ,.: ~...,,;,~,;,,~o ~,., o i ..... .: ._;1 ,,/-g--~--. ~ ~ ~ \~, .--~1 b'igge,r ::10eal market. !: There are indl- i F W. Do~qtng vei:etan!of'the Fed: cations of bigger aeren~,e being so~n eral ',,overnlfient ,telegraphs' servme, nnd for n long tinm stationed at Prince Rupert, is retiring fl'om further duty having reached the age limit. Mr. Dowling, for s~mle years, has been dl- visionnl .superintendent with headquar tel's tn. Vancouver. He is succeeded by John Dore. SUl:~e~rintendent in Vie- .hn-*.t and a well known former nor- theimr. .., ' " The yachting season in Prince Ru- pe"t Iris conmlenced. Tile announce- ment nuty appear a shade pl'ematui'e, ,',d because: of fifth it,'~hmlld be e x- ~,hlh;ed that the opening races, held ~ on Good Friday, apl)liet]: only. toml!.m:. tur(l yu(,h.ts. Nevei'th~elcss, ht.mdi~ed's assembled on the waterfront .to watch the graceful little craft :ti~stlng their worth: Some of the yachts Were built at the .hwal drydock: THIRD, TRANS-CONTINEN!PAL ]S ADVOCATED BY RIDEOUT 3[r. Rideout of the Peace River dis- trict." has got the Liberal nomination for tile Dominion election. He is an- od~:0¢,ate for. a Peace River railway .to come west via :Fhfley: Forks to..the lnl'orma'tkm wtth considerable au- thm'lty behind it t, mes'to :The Oral. nec~ -ilerald the effect that plans for: the ~estvbllshment of a pulp plant nad:lmper mill at Prince:l~upert are nb,mt c~mpleted and that at a much earlier' date titan the majority suppose the construction work will be: started. No matter what s~e plant:iS tube put up it ishound to be'a big boost to the commel;eial life of all the.north, aml file interior, country of.Whteli: this is tilt, centre. A lmlP planf employs sev- eral huffdred mdn,.ond it' runs'into as many thousands In due tlnie. To feed these men wtli be the chief concern of *he Interior, and-it will :take ~ ~me fe(~lin~=.:::!t'means a. h~al::market fpr • everything".thfft :eqn be-grown in tile loterior, eveu a quantity of timothy hay tanlie nsed, not necessarily by th~ men lint by the.', horses the meu will drive. But fruits, vegetables, nleats ~,f all kinds and dairy products, as well as poultry, and eggs. will be required in gret~t qnantities. But then there is also. going to be a market'for all tbe timber in the north to feed the pnlp plant. Looks like a good thing and it f!~lnllot come'too soon. WILL WORK LORNE CREEK James Bremner of Smithers has a phtcer lease on Lorae :CreeR from tim h ....... ~ month" to t e c~anyonY . On ~ Thursday last he took three='fiie~a :with:h~ ~:o es- tnblish-;camp and :~ : start .proSpecting the. ground~, ~ ~.~.~l~" ~'~ound.. lamber .fjr:~;iuic~ .:_~" xes: and, camp ha s been ordered from.::~o~ge %ittle a t Terace and~VIil h~on ~ ~e~ ground this week. Som~'go~d"vaiues have heea secured from fhis creek in the past. $ $ $ NO FISHINGLICENSE IN NORTH .It will be a great interest to all tim ongles ill the aorth to know that there is no fishing license to be clm rged in file:berth.this year. Everyoneican d." a i~ttie.'trot'if.'fishing n0~::~0u~ fear of meeting a constable.-The local n|enlber-secured this concession daring his stay i n Victoria last.winter. The line for. fishing license and no lieeqlse rm m 0cross the .pro,*ince at Wilitam.~ Lake.: - " ' ":" " : .... ;... -= ,!p _~. ,; -.~'"t'f ,., -:: WHEN wILL SILVER MINES GET STARTED AGAIN? ': Since silver went on the Upgrade z~ great deal of •local discus§ion has beelt aroused. This is' a:real silver country imd enough deveiopment~'work has al- ready been. done [o, prove ore bodies of Mz(i and i'ichness e~St. A great deal 0f'the mining.that:.has been:done In tim interior iu the past has not llqd mineral .as.the. main :.object, but the Proceeds.of stock S0Kli ~Th.ere was a c0nslderale:amolm't.o:f legitimate rain:

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Page 1: Columarm, Co nsohdated. 1S - COnnecting REpositories · Seeking for it in Bridge River, Wil- liams Eake, Barkerville and other sec- tions ~)f the south. The hunt has by no :me,ms

. . . . : N E W H A Z E L T O N , B . C . ; , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 17, ,1935 -~ ~: i:ol."3B t!I. ' , r : ; Z / ": . . " " - . 't" " - ~ " . . . . . . i i i i

Columarm, Co nsohdated. 1S Gold_. Miners_ to. Motored From A Pulp ::: , • " . • . . ! . . . / HltTerrace In Wells Enroute :iR pertNe i er:

t,ro mclng bom: ,&ga ln wo o.a To Dardanelles : ........ :::::M0stBelieve , ~ " , ".. " . - . - " " . . . : " " , ' . 1 t . , ¢ 1 , 1 . " ~ a a ~ , , a ' 1 ~ , o , vv

• ,Usk - - -More Deve lopment " : ,

Like ~fll good min ing proper t ies the ( ' ohmmrio Consolidated Gold Mines Ltd., located a t Usk, has had. i t s - o w n dtf f ical t ies to get r igh t ly s.tarted ns a real gold producing mine.. So of ten in the ear ly s tages o£ development one ,~l" more -ge t s into a Position o f au th- or i ty who doeS. no t take .m i n i n g seri- ously, butV,rather goes after. {he ap , pa ren t q u i c k m o n e y seen i~ selling, a lot of s t 0 e k . :•:

But the Columar io lms apparen t ly we:~thered these s torms a n d is now on its w a y . : t o tie -real husiness. This week the mil l will be s tar ted aga in on ,fie, and ~vl th prac t ica l ly no ~yaste

- mater ia l . l ,ns t yea r t h e mill was opera ted for

i t lmat , tiu'et~..:n~iii'[hs ti•nd IF I)r~ved'..tO, be able to (lo w h a t work. was requi red , f it. B u t owing" t O the fac t t h a t the h:lnlogc tunnel was st~.n'ted some 250

feet below the workings ,where the~re

lind been Mocked out, it was impos-

sible to keep tile mill going at a profit

~s so ulrich: waste rock from the big

tuunel had to be hfindled. " In the fall

tim, nlill :.was / closed dow n and work

was confhled to.putting up two raises

with shoots from the haulage tunnel

H~ the ore reserves above.

During the winter the company was

rc~.rganized ~and provision • made, for

ncwessary finanees. , ' , A' e h a n g e : w a s al-

pony- i n t e n d s to .Imt ia .anothei ' , p6wer al~d emupressor u n i t a t ' t he . m ine to supply the mi l l w i th ore to i t s ' ~apa - city. The a ~ e r a g e r n n Of the ore so f a r has heen $12.50 a ; t o n a t .S20 per ounce for gold. : 2 h i s i s for a l l o re now. Idocked' o u t anti~:'available f o r t h e mill. W K h the c~hiPletiou of t h e i~wo raises some ten ve ins , f i ' om 100 to 200 feet -ipart. orb ;~vailable.. These veins

Tern'ace ih~ In the gold bear ing a r ea of:Britisl~" Columbia and so ts Usk a n d the e0un t ry between. Gold : i s w h a t th(i mhl ing people are ask ing for n o w a n d - f o r several years they have been Seeking f o r i t in Br idge River , Wi l - l i ams Eake, Barkerv i l l e and other sec- t ions ~)f t h e south. The h u n t has by no :me,ms been unsuccessful , i n f ac t tha t pa r t of the count ry is now in t he producing s t a g e a n d - a s such' has no

a r e in a zone r u n n i n g from the foot fu r the r in teres t for t h e developing hills on tlie nor th sMe of, KleanZa c l a s s o f . t h e indus t ry ; 'They a r e move] nmuntah~ ia a sou the r l y direct ion on- ink n o r t h . One or two ha~'e a r r ived[ er the liill and down t h e other, shle. .and him or two wil l "come th i s year , I • F ro m. Hie present , workings o n the perhaiiS more . B u t next year wil l s.e,e I

(lip o f lhe veins iff t h i s zone• they are a 'good n lany Iookiilg ovei' the local] dmut h,n thousand feet f rmn the top liilis for an opportUlflty to ~,ay in or

o f t h e m 0 n n t a i n . . ' " shtkc in. • ' " " . , " : " " " L *" " ' " '

' l ' lic 'present worktngs a re on two o f ' . ' f lu, ~pql'race section is slated for the t i m i~•nver chitn~s, l ind . the' ~eo~mPa~ - i',~ n e x t ~t~qlpiiig :phlce, Of the `go ld h u n t - hohl ing "12 e lahns on rids s t r ike and el'S. There will un 'doubtedly b e , q u i t e dip ,ff the veins, and the w i d t h of t he ' veins hi these w o r l d n g s - r n n s . f rom 8 ineht,s t , s i x feet with a n average of w e feet.

Around Usk The i:,ind from Usk' to .Terrace is in

a gopd condit ion. The Usk e n d has u0t yet. thawed out,: b u t t he f ros t is ~onling out pre t ty fast.: F r o m Copper City to Ter race the r o a d is, a s good tm

a number s tay here indef in i te ly as t h e cdua t ry is well ln ineral ized and good gold wllues a re ava i l ab le in numerous places. Splendid gove rnmen t reports on '10ea l proper t ies a r e avai lable a n d a good m a n y enqui r le~ha~ 'e been m a d e to Victor ia for them, as well a s m a n y -enqtflries .for i n fo rm a t ion t h a t we re recel~;ed locally. The prospectors a r e getti~ig on the Job doing some work on prcseal: holdings and seeking fu r t he r g r o h n d to stake., The provinc ia l gov- e r n m e n t . througr., its depa r tmen t of lnin'e~ is co-operat ing when a n d Where

Majo r Go0k.of Wells, B: C., who is h~terested ill . lae company develoDin~; ~'lle Dardanel les group on Copper riv- er nea r Terrace, drove in fl 'om Wells, B.C., the f i rs t of the week and shipped his car to Terrace, going down h imse l f by t ra in . He was .accompanied. by his chauf fe r and he reports hav ing had a r a the r ha rd t r ip due to file cold and t h e s~mw roads. Eas t of Tclkwa to Pl ' i~ce George the win te r "roads a r e s t i l l as were. and prospects a r e in, deed favorab le for a late season for th roagh travel . Bu t the road will be n ' lot worse wlmn the snow s t a r t s to ~,o' t han i t is now. ' Mqjor Go0k is an engineer and. he is g o i n g to insp~t~ t h e r o a d work be- i n g (lolie b e t w e e n t h e ~Copper r iver br idge where the Dardane l les ' i 'oad is lenviag the highway, and on to the mine. He will also look over t he min- e r a l group he and his associates have t akea up.

The group of men who have t aken up the Dardanel les . gronp will not be the only men. to come nor th f rom the Caribou and other southern sections t h i s year. Gold propert ies are still as a t t r a c t i ve as ever.

Prince Rui ert so ,made i n t l i e exdcutiv~ h e a d a t t h e It has ever been. T h e . g r a d e r was pu t

' nrofiert.v a n d ' n o w Gai t . w i i l m h h . t S . i n oyer It las t week and o n e can d r i ve a f u l i " c h a " rge : : o f : o P e r a i l o ' h s : : " H e ' t S , . 9 ~ e I e a r . a s f a s t : a s , h e ' , p l eases . : W o r k . i s , , f the" 'chief •st6~k • h01derS::~ud-:ih: ts I l~ei~g .dpjle.,t~,t, t l~l~sk .end~5]~pr~vet:

v ide i i~s . ' :~ie'h'~:~!b6eh'~" a'sso61ht~i' ~ l t i i ' [ . .5. " ~ - , : - * . * * . . . :. _ :-: t h e . pi:0perty : f ~ o m : t h e : f i rs t::a~d" ~hds | ' T h e r e :~ ~!s, a m ~ t l n g in . u s k :on the been the ' one who has he lped mos t to 5th of Apt H . of .the t~ in tn tenanco ~,f keep t h e company off t h e rocks: He way m e n . . . D e l e g a t e s were pres ' en t re:

) is also expect ing a vis i t a t . a very .car . , pres~]~'ting al l . sect ions from I a e i f i e to m~d. be t t e r ! syStems of h o r t i c u l t u r e a r e being.~ a d o p t e d . W h e n t h e : min ing gets

ly da te f rom Pres iden t Bedford, an- Pr ince : Ruper t . P res iden t P a t McGee going i t i s g o i n g to be a great- help to other heavy stock holder; who has ~i;as in th~.~ehail '... and S e ~ r e ~ r y Black- all l ines of endeavor . fa i th i n the property. " all of Rupe r t read the minu te s . . Af te r

T h e - t w o raises from the haulage the imsiness o f the .meeting was over tunne l a r e n o w f inished a n d ore in the Mrs. McGee ,wi fe of the president , set- 'The schools will close on T h u r s d a y main w o r k i n g s : i s be ing mined and ned re f re shn len t s . to the.delegates , for u" ten daY- vacation..

sent down the Shoots to t h e mi l l . '• At * * * * * * In or(le:' to give his cilstomel's tile present there a re Over t h i r t e en th0us- . . . , , • , - • , . - - I 'Pile l I a z e l t d n Golf coui'se was u sed

and tons of ore ready to 'go .down, and nest lmssilm..sfrVlCt .aria to ~lve t n e m . . • r * ~ ' " " • . , ; . . . . . - . , , - , , : l a s t Hunclav [or the f i r s t t ime this sea • meats ann Immuce m tne nes t posslme . ' it Is believed t h a t the pobres t o f the " " ~on. Quite o mmtber were out . . r e to be handled-Wil l r u n a t least ff] emnli t ion J. Lee Be the rum is havh~g . . . .

~ i in ice box l int in his store. "• half 4~O~1 ~ l C e of go ld .pe r t o m . a n d ~ r o m

I " * * * . B U T T E R FOR P AS TR ~ ' tha t tip to t h r e e or: ino're.omieesl j udg- ' • : " : ' ' " ' ing fl,om c~mplv t e - a s saysand f rom the:] ('re,t, 'Willi i~in Slidat h i s t FridaY" ill " ' "" . . . . . . . . . . . . '" " :" " " " :

I 'e l ' l ' } l t@ . . . . L .. . .. . , .~:un:of. . the Ore through t h e . m i l l l a s t - . , , _ ;l'he ,laaj!n,ity of womea who .pride

fall. T lmt means good t imes ahead. Mr. . .Mel)onnell !.was a .bu.~hless vis-- .fhenlsoh'es On the cooldng., t a k e par.ti- for the C o l u m a r l o . . •

For the presen t on!y one ' s h i f t .will lh,r to TePl'at~e hlst Pl 'h lay. ~ (.ajar 1)ride in the i r pas t ry , for i t is . . . . . ' • • , -- g e n e r a l l y ' f e l t t ha t tile ahl l l ty to m a k e

he run a t the mtll ,whlch,wll l : , .ha 'ndled , , • . . _ . . . . . . . . l h e r e Is qa l te a n opt imis t ic feelhlg dcllehms, tender p a s t r y i s a " r e a l ac- some th i r ty t0ns: .a shift . TWO s n t x t s ' : ' . " ::

" --" tlrou~,!l l ' s k oYer.,the b r igh t .p rospec t s e0mlfli~hment" hi nnls ter ing t h e en l ln . W i l l r u n a t the :mine': mlf l l such . ~ e f o r the mlnifig :industr.~,' There ,wi l l ar.v a r t : I t is' no t . a diff icul t m a t t e r to

s another power unlt:"can be,added, ,- . .' " . :.. , .' ~, ~ ,, , : % " . . , ; , ,. : j~', ,.v~,~ be several prol~e~ ties undergoing de~eJ make ~ood,~ pastr3, provided the pro- ' d a d provlsloI~ mat te to Drlng,-w wa te r .' -. . . . . . ' - - ", . ."- • ~., ' " • :

~ ] . .~ ' . " ' , , - ' . . : . :". " : ' : . . o " ~ _ ol)lne,lt tlad...ont~ .(it'. more, 'wi l l be pro- pcr . ingr .edlents , a r e t, med :and care is sapl l ly 'xrom tae l a g e s a o o v e tne W0IK- , , . . . . . . . . " • . . " ' : .~ • .: ,' ' . . . . - ,~ ' ' i " ' r . . . . . ~" " dti~il|'~ "q ' l tiler"lll;e al l close b v . U s k t a k e n i n co lnbln t t lg them Shor ten in~

• lngs down 'to the mine to o v e r c o m o " . " . . . . • " : . . . . .~.. , . . . . . . . ' .... :. . . . . . . . " ' ' ' : ' =, " ' ' # ' ' " " " ' ' * * * ~ ' "" " ' ' " $ r 1 i s a n hl lpor tant , fac tor b e c a u s e I t has :o wa te r shor tage. iu . Whlter and iu t h e ' , ":" . ' ' : '(: , . , ~ .', : . '. "-: .' - . . ~ : ' " '

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . : . ~. : ' , L u n l l l e r for . . rcpairs , to: t h e f e r ry . a t ,~nun .h to d o w i t h : t h e texture . , of, . . the m'y summer months ; : A t n r m e r , p o w - I , r ,~' . ; ,~,,.:~.:T,.. ~'>£ ~ , , . ~ . , ~ , ~-'-~ ~'~sh- ~is' ~ i l aS th ̂ ' P ~ " ~ - ~ - : ^ - - . . ' : .•.:,"" " • . . . . ~ ' ':,?. 1'4 SK * : a r r l v { , l l ' III~.I~!,IIB~'C-:I~III¢iirUII.. ~•. . lU~U 'llCl, v ' J " " u , , u " I ~ l ~ v u ~ . . . " ~X' I.;UlII"

e r un i t is also requu'ed a t the mi l l be- .. ; -..:, ~ '.,~. ~ ' .:::".;:,'~":" ...... :" .- ' ': ..:" : "' • : : ' - - ." : . . . . . : : ..... : " " ;. : , . . . . . . . - , . . , i . : .:;, J a n d work :.was! ~g-ta~'t~U.0n .Monday.~.: ~ k ] b i n a t m n . o f e q u a l par ts , of ' :but ter and lu te i t can oe ollelateu t a l e e snl[~. 8 , , : ' . . . . . . ' ' , ,3. ~linb(~: f e tq 3 , : ih . ~i't!~:ii!i'cM": itere :aS:.:s00nas I soft shor tea lng , such as - l a rd , . IS ideal ( 111 .~ , . . ' 1= I ; , I I ' I::-# ' i ' II_I I : . : ] III~ ~ ,~ ;'} : . , _ . . J L : ~ I t . , J ~ =" ~ . ] : a . ~ I ~ . . . . ~ t , ~ _ . , : . . . . . . . ~ i & ~ ~ t : ~ ~ . I , x : _ L ~ L

ever: possible. By The Sea

Dur ing the. l a s t year, pa r t i cu la r ly , . . . . ,. : • ./..~. . . and :again thin Year, t he far~fl~g: an~ll !! . ~..o~.~::Att~,i~:w./.~e.or~6:~i | l

it.~;:hai, e b e e n ' t a k i n g a : k e e n in te res t l ' " . . " ' , - - ' : : ' " ." '" '," * ,.: ~... , , ; ,~,; , ,~o ~,., o i . . . . . .: ._;1 , , / -g - -~- - . ~ ~ ~ \ ~ , . - - ~ 1 b'igge, r ::10eal m a r k e t . !: T h e r e a r e indl - i F W. Do~qtng v e i : e t a n ! o f ' t h e Fed : ca t ions o f bigger aeren~,e be ing s o ~ n e ra l ' , ,overnlfient , telegraphs' servme,

n n d for n long t inm s ta t ioned a t P r ince Ruper t , is r e t i r i ng fl 'om fu r the r du ty hav ing reached the age l imit . Mr. Dowling, for s~mle years, has been dl- v is ionnl . super in tendent wi th headqua r tel 's tn . Vancouver. He is succeeded by John Dore. SUl:~e~rintendent in Vie- .hn-*.t and a well known former nor- theimr. .., ' "

The yach t ing season in Pr ince Ru- pe"t I r is conmlenced. Tile announce- ment nuty appear a shade pl 'ematui'e, , ' ,d because: of fifth i t , '~hmlld be e x-

~,hlh;ed tha t t h e opening races, held ~ on Good Fr iday , apl)liet]: only. toml! .m: . tur( l yu(,h.ts. Nevei'th~elcss, ht.mdi~ed's assembled on the wa te r f ron t .to wa tch t he graceful l i t t le c ra f t :ti~stlng their worth: Some of the yachts Were bui l t a t the .hwal d r y d o c k :


3[r. Rideout of the Peace River dis- trict." has got the Libera l n o m i n a t i o n for tile Dominion election. He is an- od~:0¢,ate for. a Peace R i v e r ra i lway .to come w e s t via :Fhfley: F o r k s t o . . t h e

lnl 'orma' tkm wtth considerable a u - thm' l ty behind i t t , m e s ' t o :The Oral. nec~ -i lerald t h e e f f e c t t h a t p l ans for: the ~estvbl lshment of a p u l p p l a n t n a d : l m p e r mil l a t P r i n c e : l ~ u p e r t a re n b , m t c~mpleted and t h a t a t a m u c h earl ier ' da t e t i tan the m a j o r i t y s u p p o s e the cons t ruct ion work w i l l be: s tar ted. No mat te r wha t s ~ e p l an t : iS t u b e p u t up it i s h o u n d to b e ' a big boost t o the commel;eial life of all t h e . n o r t h , aml file in te r ior , count ry of.Whteli: this is tilt, c e n t r e . A lmlP p l a n f employs sev- eral huffdred mdn , .ond i t ' r u n s ' i n t o as many thousands In due tlnie. To feed these men wtli be the chief concern of *he Interior , a n d - i t wil l : t ake ~ ~ m e fe(~lin~=.:::!t 'means a . h~a l : :marke t fpr • everything".thfft :eqn b e - g r o w n in tile loterior, eveu a q u a n t i t y of t imothy hay t a n l i e nsed, not necessar i ly by th~ men lint by the.', horses the meu will drive. B u t f rui ts , vegetables, n leats ~,f a l l k inds and dai ry products , a s well a s poul t ry , and eggs. will be required in gret~t qnant i t ies . Bu t then the re is also. going to be a m a r k e t ' f o r a l l tbe t imber in t h e nor th to feed the pnlp p lant . Looks l ike a good th ing a n d it f!~lnllot come ' too soon.


James Bremne r of Smithers ha s a phtcer lease on Lorae :CreeR from tim

h . . . . . . . ~ • m o nth" to t e c~anyonY . On ~ T h u r s d a y la s t h e t o o k three='fiie~a : w i t h : h ~ ~:o es- t n b l i s h - ; c a m p a n d : ~ : s t a r t .proSpecting the. ground~, ~ ~ . ~ . ~ l ~ " ~ ' ~ o u n d . .

lamber . f jr :~;iuic~ .:_~" xes: and , camp ha s been ordered f r o m . : : ~ o ~ g e % i t t l e a t Terace and~VIil h ~ o n ~ ~e~ ground this w e e k . S o m ~ ' g o ~ d " v a i u e s h a v e heea secured f rom fhis creek in the pas t .

$ $ $


.It will be a grea t in te res t to a l l t im ongles ill the ao r th to know tha t there is n o f i sh ing license to be clm rged in f i l e :be r th . t h i s year . E v e r y o n e i c a n d." a i~ttie. ' trot ' if . ' f ishing n 0 ~ : : ~ 0 u ~ fear of meet ing a c o n s t a b l e . - T h e local n | e n l b e r - s e c u r e d this concession d a r i n g his s tay i n Victoria l a s t .w in t e r . The line for. f i shing l i cense and no lieeqlse rm m 0cross the .pro,*ince a t Wilitam.~ Lake.: - " ' " : " " : ....

; . . . -= ,!p _~. , ; - . ~ ' " t ' f , . , - : :


': S i n c e s i lver w e n t on the Upgrade z~ great deal of •local discus§ion has beelt aroused. This is ' a : r e a l s i lver count ry imd enough deveiopment~'work has al- ready b e e n . done [o, p r o v e ore bodies of Mz(i and i ' ichness e ~ S t . A grea t deal 0 f ' t h e min ing . tha t : . has been:done In t im in te r io r iu the pas t has not llqd minera l . a s . t he . ma in :.object, but the Proceeds .of stock S0Kli ~Th.ere w a s a c0nslderale :amolm' t .o : f legi t imate r a i n :

Page 2: Columarm, Co nsohdated. 1S - COnnecting REpositories · Seeking for it in Bridge River, Wil- liams Eake, Barkerville and other sec- tions ~)f the south. The hunt has by no :me,ms

- = , j


Certificate of hnprovements


l"isher Fract ional mineral elalm sihmte iu the Omineca Mining Dlvi- si .n of Range 5 of Coast District.

l ,ocated on Mount Evelyn, .Hudson I~,y Mountain and adjoining the Rio h'ande Mineral Claim on the north.

Take Notice that I, ~T. A. Rutherford I.'.MA', No. 82920D, authorized agent rnr the Estate of ~oseph Fisher, Free Mlm,r's Certificate No. 62681D, intend ~ixly days from the. date hereof, to up. p l y to the Mining Recorder for a Cer- tifieam of Improvements for the pur- I.,s,. of obtaining a Crowu grant of I Iw al,~ve claim.

Ah~l f u r t h e r t ake not'ice that aetion, under section 85, mnst be commenced h(,fm-e the issuance of such Certificate , , f Iml)roVemgnts. l)ated this 9th day of February, 1935. -;2 -51

...... , , ~ "q,'~ •

NEW HAZELTON, C . , IV DNI~SD-'11", APRIL 17. 1935 . . . . . ' " . . ' . ..~. " .t ..;:. ~: . . . . ~::~ :

- - - - L _ _ - ~ " i " [ " ~ - . - - " . - ' - , ,

. • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __.__.~ . . . . . . = - ~ . . . . . _..~....: .-.,~;... ,~. ~' • J ' ~ ' 4 ' %: 50000 FACTS .-ABOUT CANADA ]93 comes: he wi l l3mt hesitaU

- - :fT-b¢ O m l n e a Hcrald J -, , more than likely, tha t the electort

The lUfldle will agaln welcome the ammal issue of " 5 , 0 0 0 " Facts About Canada" ]low in its 32nd year, com- plied by the well known Oanadian writer and lecturer, F rank Yeigh, and whtch has won a Well deserved pop- ularity for the conciseness and value of its information. I t is truly a tab- loid cyclopedia .of the Dominion "Can- • , la in a Nutshee" ~o~,-two ~ as A n d y would sqy. Here within- brief com- pass are th.e salient features of the country for the current year, arang- ed unde fifty chapter heads ranging from Agriculture to. Yukon, This han.i, little vohune--as full of meat as I a Cocoanut~is a revelation of the pro-] gressive story of t h e Dominion in a I single year, and should prove a source l of encouragement 'to all and a revela- tion as well of the favoralfle trends of recent months. I t "sells Canada" most effectually, and its Wide circula- tion is good national business. Coptes

• at 35 cents each, or three for a dollar, may be had from 588 Huron St., To- ro]:to or from leadiug news dealers.

~ ' ~ U T H To Ocean Falls. V - % ~ @ U V E R ' ~ . Powell Rivcr a~d

PR NCN NUPENT LeavingRupert everyPrlnee T H U R S D :%Y 1.0.30 P.M.

V g-34

(R6W 4 B A lll I . , , , ,

it not expect him to exercise undile haste

N E W IIAZELTON, B.C. ~ this respect, in v lewof 'ex ls t l f ig e6n: -.- dttlons not~0nly~in Canada, but taro-

Published Every Wednesday. . . . . ughout the. Empire, and in. tl{ose, ha-'. tions with which Great Britain is, a t the present time, So : closely ~ ' allied C. H. 8awle .... Publisher

• . through force of circumstances.

Advertising rate, Display 35e I~_r inch Th e election will be hel~l i n 'due per~issue; reading/~Otiees~15c :for the t ime, and. at the moment are visible first insertion and ~10c i:;~ ea/~h ~ subse- signs on every band . nnmistakable in qnent Insert!on; legal notices 12c and their character, which ~ndicate a Sh6rt


Be. . Transient Display 40c per inch. campaign and a spee~ly and pronoun- ted victory at the polls for Bennet t and his governlnent:

COMING FEDERAL ELECTION No. gox3;rnmen t in history assmned - - office under nmre dtsconraglng elrcum

On~.; of the leading topics of conver, stances, pr more depressing coudltions sation "today, anal every day, in fact, nor in the midst of more national de- on the street, in the home, on rai lway solution, flfiin dl'd ti~e 13ennett g~ve,;n. trains, i n factories~ btislness 'house§, mont. But It flit'4 at;el "c(nquered" ev- h0tcl,~wherever, men 'or Women meet cry obstacle, every political antagonist in c .nvcrsat iou-- is the coming Domini e~;ery p0litical g r o l ! c h , . Until now Ben- oa election. Many guesses are mfide neff an d:his ' folh,~; t , l . sca | | io0kba'lek as U~ (I'lte. ninny predictions as t0' the over the past w)th n feeling of intense resnlt, and many sitting inembers iii shtlsfaction through the knowledge the Hoasc, it is presumed, are some- th,q( all barriers to sncces,q were very what aaxlous as to what tile political Sl|eeilil.~" m~;ept ~,~{.av. imd our fair Do- f l l t u r e l n i s i l l ' s t o r e f o r t h e m . mhlion and h e r c o | I r a g e o l l S m'~d p a -

Tile unfortunate t lhiessof the Prime. ttent citizens ('an 1row look forward Minister, whtch is .~incerely regretted:C°nftdently to a l , ' ighter and better . . . . . . - . . ...... ' ...... -.:~ (anada m wine,l| to h~e nnd thrive liy ( . a l l l l ( l l l l n S o [ a l l p o n ~ l c a t l l H r u c ~ : . . . . . ' . , ..

and creeds, h n s s p r e a d a mist 0 f u n - A~I BVmwtt, h e will reflect with • .ertainh" Over a l l f0nner reHabl'6 av- lileasih'e ond ~,'atitnde on tl*e unanl- ellUeS o~' infornmtion, and, for "the mons and h¢?arty support the people

m01nent closed all channels through gave hlnL

which, ia former years, reasonalfle ' ' " . r ' " .

predietbms couhl be compile d. . BROILERS FOR MARKET . 8ram prominent men, women too, arc becoming impatient under' the trying stain of doubtful waiting.. Some Broilers nmy be considered in the emmsel a speedy resort t o ' t h e polls.;' luxury class of food products, when [ ~ t h e r s a g a i n , advocate caution;" ~le-; P r o l m r l ' y prepared for marl.-et. When nounce haste, -and suggest :%,atUng/a disposing or surplus, cockerels as broil- little lo]!gerbefore staghi~ th~ great- ers tt is well to bear this In m i n d a n d IFdwurd b ro m a r k e t the birds in the most attrae. ... t'st hfittld in Canadiafi politieal htstory' I

A s t range, anomaly pervades ' the th ' e way. i t pays to pleasd the buyer House ot Commbns. There "is' almost hnd when there Is ,keen'competition tt perreet Unanimity of all parties as to becomes still more advisable. government leg,slatton, which, seems[! When c~i'tering to :a select private tO ludica~e that ~ aiL t i le m'~6n~bers ' ar6] t r a d e it nmy speed up, Sales i f the ear- deSlrolls of getting back to t]/elr re- leass is completely dressed and p u t up spcctive coustituencles to prepare for i n ' a n attractl~re ca'rton. ~Whbn soid lOAN SYR JP j the co'ntcst . . . . . . : , : . . . . . . ! d rawu, the s lu ' inkage ,,, i l l be about 40

Mr. ~ennett . is fast regaining hi~ per e~hi"0f the"" :lh.e weight, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and a pro- -I. usual remarkable~pbbsieal s t rength. I~rt tonate price nmst be realized t o

:/: ;.,.. - -

C001 Eg2LL.W.RLNCH•. Lteensed Insurance Agent ,.

~imdlifi~"a-'ff fy~i~§|6f..-insuran oh, ineluaing " i,,!~.'.. / , .

- : - - " ~ : . . , , - ' " ~ . ~.': ? . : ' , '%'~ ' .': ,'. i'

F i r e , A u t o m o b i l e , S i c k -

n e s s and Accident



- [~:....~

British hospitality and British Columbia foodsblend happily in making our suem comfoR; able. Dining-room, Ioun'ge ahd rooms are .clean, homelike and quiet. N e a r shops, theatres, boats and t r a i n s . Mr . E. (3.

"Baynes, w e l l - k n o w n O w n e r - Manager o f : the Gr0svenoi', gives his personal assurance

• of the highest quality modern hotel service to visitors from

• all points in British " Columbia.. , - &

Write /or W e e k l y and

Mbpthly " R a t ~ .

' ' : ' " He will [ ! . ~ & ~ 4 [ & ~ ' 0 . Y I j ~ ? O D T H A ~ . L. " return wi th renewed vigor Pa3" for the loss and extra labor. The :rod. a keener conception of "the pollti- b[~ds tha t have nmde g00d growth are [ ~ . . ~ - . . . . . . . ,~,,.~ , . . ~ ,

I r k . . IK N o S H E D r 7 4 8 A eal.sltuatiou as a , r e su l to f . h i s enfore: the DUeS to be seleeted They Shouhl ! S P E C I I lll ~x,\N • THANMORE C A N A D I A N , C H I L D R E N A N y O T H E R C O R N /A/ l [ ed retirement. . . . . ~ . ; " b~' plump dud-well feathered'~as ' thdse "" ' : ~ ..

• . / / / _ _ J [ Bennet t has author i t3 to name the lla~-e less , , in feathers and "dress bet- J L I ~ T ~ ' * ~ ' : ~ ! ~ . ' i ~ " date of the election When the time ter'. Stiu've" 'tii~: bfi;d~ for at least ] o . :" i j .

" ;,.: i "." . '" " ! - " ~ " ;:

" 0 '~ ....... g g s : CornFlakes have become:tEe:world's. .largest:selling :._ - . cereal because wom6n '"

' " " M E R C H A N T S , ' " ....... "~ ~ ~ -. ,~ " :. " ",, - '.," ,; ~:-, ":~'yF'!~" ~ .,~-.~;,~:~'c.'

/!,:-~ ~ o".i 'o4 Sweep.~ut,,.vou tl • ._i~?!u mai~el.pP.ine~', price em

.i /%

f - ~ "


L ~,:"/:, ~:.".',: :<." .-April, .18 "'to/21' ~','::':-'. :':'=-' "='"~'-~-~-

i N, ATION i trim thewh]dows, you dl~st off the.e0mlters v,~-~. :

you I ew price em'ds, 'you unpack aud arrange :new~'stoelcyou ". " , , : , ~!~/:~... ' ' plml:your merchandise slmwings, YOu do these aud a hundred "other nee- . . . . . .., . . . . :.

-',~,~...e~sary',.,,.j0b~ REGULARLi"~ .... .. ...... inih,e, , mmual,. . ,. cord~:et of y0rr. business, ~'-,,,. h6ur,~. "' ~' hut give;'"Plehty' ~' ...... of," " fi'esh" drink- ,~.:." .

., . . . . . . . ' ' h|g ~s;atcr 'before'killl ~g. ~ J.{IIl. i~h'em b.~ ....

:: "' "But how sib0u~ tb~ biggest ,. .... . ..... .~-~ ,. :.~...~... :,,., . . . . L : : " 4elii_ng tl_mln repeat~lly "j6b/~f all---contacting: the people a n d . br!dnlng, ' ' " r+ u~l~l bleeding,, and..dry, pick. ::,~':~ tliat You a r e i n business-and have the goods they S f!m~:tlmes to saye time, the semi-scald

•/. :need22~Do you do that REGULARLY? .Do y.ou~flgure ~y0u ,ar~. going t o ,~ ', get 'your share of the availablebUsiaes's"]f yah, ' d.~n't:i~li fop~about ~ur :- '.. merchandise and serviee at REGULAI~. ]nterv~i~'l~s~'eii~l o~ ~lo'ing ~lle~job ~ = slmSmodleally or not at all? :::" ' , ~ . , : : . . . . .

: . "By all knowntestslexl)erie | |ee and thousands~of~re,,ardS;,tl|e ae~'i. ~ !~ . kno,wledged best-of-all mediUm'.f0r RE@i0LARITY is advertisiny in t!~e, ;i :!Oe~i~.~i~Ji',:, .A newspaper; goingiBE(~ULARLY tL".l/~!416i'li/mt~i'~b'r~i,'~i'

e~se bleed: aml :'.! he, carcass :~ for ii ~ rods" 'i~i i'.water .i:(

~er,even tempera- ~dib'tifli~ if" ~ ~q i I ~gi'v~ ~!!'i~( '~ i~, ~il~ ::~ i

,uiiattmCti~:e ; apPearSline: i',:

.l I~x~er!me!~taLStatl0ns ' s h o w ~'~ •: ;refl,uJ~lesi.,6"i~)~0~lm~tely, five ~ ' ,

- . . . . . . ~': '~,~. :-,."~.:,

'& . . . l.: ...

i % : ' i / .

.::/: . ; : :.. 3 ! , .

Page 3: Columarm, Co nsohdated. 1S - COnnecting REpositories · Seeking for it in Bridge River, Wil- liams Eake, Barkerville and other sec- tions ~)f the south. The hunt has by no :me,ms

E : E NEWS "THE T RRAC • . ' . . . . ~ . ? ~ ~.~, t . , .

OL. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . TERRACE, B. C.,

A b o u t T e r r a c e ] ,: . , , , ", ' to and inclnd- [ . . . I tag Thursday ]tight. Ou the morning]

~, . . . / ~ " ' ': :_. '~_ o | o f Good Fr iday, a t 11 O'clock. a uni tedl I A l l ' l ' Y U I ' C l g l O S i ~ a v a l u a b l e par~ Oil . . . . . . . . . ' 1 , - , - ' l l - ~ ~he I • .. '.. ~ . : • ' - , se rwce ot m e ' u m ~ e u ~nurcn a ([ t

llS fmnH~g gear a ~ew ays ago wnenl ~" ;. ~ • '. ... ~ . . .. . ... I . . . . . ~ : ~ . , _ _ : _ n , ^ ~ : ~ ^ . . ~ . " . . . . . , ~ l A ! l g l I C a n ~ l H l r C l i w i l t n e n e l ( t ) n '~.1 I t " ~ , ' a s . l . l ~ J [ | l l J ~ J l | , ~ U & U I [ U & U , 1 " 1 V ~ 1 ~ 1 d l l t l . • " ' ' ' ' ' I

. . . . . I M a t t h e w s church. . / m is wondering i t,~ounu m I - • ' , , . . . . ' /

'nnd will they retur~/,!it to him'. It i s / I i ;: Stn i r t l~,ft fin'" Prince RU;mrt ] Worth $20 aad he would l ike to get i t [ , . . . . . . " . . . . I / )n 'x'uesuay. " .- . . I q l t ' K : I S S O 0 1 1 a s p 0 S S l D I e . . . . . , ] , , , "

. . . . . I T. IL McCabl)in o f I 'acif lc w.m here

I Rome residents brought before the /~n ~ e d n e s d u y . . Terrace and Dis t r ic t Board of Trade[ ' . ' * * * . . fhe information that: '~umors were out l 'W. I lorwi i l 0f Dorcen speut. Wed-

t t e effd~t t at the railwaY=.proposed] ~ ." • " ! • . o h h ncsdax in to~n lust week . . . . . ' + . . ~ . , . , . * * '

,h) remove the spur from ,Remo:slding.] , . Thls W0~tl¢i work a' hardship <~- thel The Im, ul edltor is quite conviuced strawb~r~'y r~en a n d ' a r e s o l u t i o ~ w a s [ tha t slwing Ires come.' The jackpine ' ~ '~=.,.i_~ , , .^ _^n~.^~.' "-;.~ '~~. '.+'̂ I ral)bits have (Ioned their summer coats p u s s e o . l l ~ i l + d ~ l ~ / u ~ . 1 t-u~twu~'..~tuI,.. I , u ~ ~ l u I '" ' ~ ,.

,,nv mu'eh tMn) ' " . . . . . . . . , - /Then the summer birds are returning • " , • • / t l t thruch has been uround, fox sparrow , ' 1)lmehe~ and other specimens of birds (onshflde affd ;,~[rs. McKenlldy h,ft are back again. " ....

i',~r Prit~t.e ltup(,rt Thnrsday. * * *

• * * I or the thh'd year in she.cession al- 3[r~. Will ltol)ins(,u who has h<,on hino robhins ha~'e slmwn up west of

lioit.;h~yillg with Mrs..1. C. ~ 'orr |ngton town, In 1933 Mrs. O. R. Gilbert saw in Pr ince Rupert 'retm'ne,,l homo last on~ thai w a s ' a l l white near her home Friday. nnd ]'ast year she reported a n o t h e r

• * * tha t had a r t , d breast. The middle of Mrs. E. J. Moore arr ived from I{u- l'mt week a white rohhin w i t h - a red

pert on FriO~,y. breast paid a v is i t to Wal te r Chap- l l l | l l l .

Rev. W. R. ~Vcleh cycled to Copl}e]'~ * * * City on Snndny afternoon and held a Te.nt ca tapi l la r egg clusters show service there, and twenty-three folks signs of hatchiug oat in the near £u-" of the d is t r ie t turned out. tare.

• * * * * *

R o b Welch.: who .has been taking col- A public works compressor uni te a r - lege work in,:Alherfa, a r r ived home on rived here las t F r i d a y and i ts firs~ job .~ ednesdaY.. ~:...~.,:.., will be on some reek work on the COp-

Mrs. T..~J.j-Ki~kpatrick left,!fo~"~'Ru- pe r Ri~'er t ra i l two miles above the ...... .................. /:) ::t lmr t on. Saturday~; i.. i-lil i bridge. This work is being under tak-

' en by the interests developing the Dar- • ~; : - * * ; ~ . . . . danelles group.

S~ecial" t'nssj(~n Week sere'ices m'e . , , . . . . . , hein~:~hel~,i~ Knox + :.Umted (.- Church + , . ......... .... ; ....... - .....:, • " ! ~ . ~ ~ ! ','Fiax:e you "paid your subscript ion.yet

. . . . . . . . I ~ I " " • . . . . . . . . o

i .OiTf - , C0 :' r ' '''=" " +' ':~ '''~ ~I ' " .... ' S U N D A L _-;:".

. ' - , "". Headquarters for... : ";i ;'++- ! / +' i P a i n t s + , : 0 1 | S V a r n i s h e s . . [

. . . . : " C a .... . . . . . . . . . + Goodyear =r': T res r Batter ie s

' 4 , . General Merchandme ' •: :. Flour Feed Hardware ~ ~ "

~ ~ ' ~ i-- ---- ---_-~, ;. • . ., ,

~ - nlln ii

SEEDS Patkage':/ ~TBUlk f o r : Garden and Field

• . -:

Timothy ' Clover Alfalfa; Garden Tools " '. Rakes" Hoes . Cultivators


• j . . .

'., ii, ~benyofi usethe colum'ns~of~v.'our,, :', ..... , ."~' :' .,- ,~;~.~ . ,-. , , #'.. , '' '.'.I ~' ', t ' 't~!;," .~;:~,~ ': 'I', :''F'- '~'!; . " :'" ~:-~."

-., CA.L. N E, W s P, APER .:;,; You~are;supporting,a:l.0cal:in~hstry and encouraging the ','Buyj at Home." pnneilml. : Tell the buying.public :what you have and. give. tl~.~:i:~p,~i.ce,,,.

Are.hem,to ~ery:.'that"me,S~iag ~ to the public;for ybb. "i..Will. you use' these ¢olumim?':';~.(.. , ~ '" .... ' , , '' '' " r " '"" " ' ' '

' . ' : . \ ; , ~ L ~ i . . . . . . ~ , '~:' ~, ' '.~!" .~. ~ i , .' . ' , ' ! - ~ (, : ' , , ~ , : 1 ( ~ : + ' ,;:~,~. :?, : Y '

help sell,yOur produee~ : ~ ~ "S~; / : - ' . . : . , ' . " '~ ' . ' :q : i ' " : . , "~ : ' : . : ' ; ~ -~".:. " '

W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L • 1~;, 1935

M 0 for Ske, More ney ma " , : igliway errace Board <:H --T

i}i ! Of Trade Heard Kenn : 'i'lidl't~'wfi,~ it g~od" a t t e n d a n c e a t t h e [ a n d also to Hazelton,. New Hazelton regular m o n t h l y , meeting of the Ter. l Smithers and other points e a s t . !'~ce m~d.Dist~lct B o a r d of Trade las t [ Af te r the business was a t tended to Tuesday night. President H a r r y K ing l the local member, E. T. Kenney , ,was was . in the chair. Out of the minutes / called upon for some r e m a r k s . H e d e - came tlm 'informati0n tha t s u p t . TobY. lw~ted most Of his t ime to just i fying h a s 'taken ~ sat isfact0rY/act ion wi th re, i hi.s vote' in favor of the new bridge ht ference~ to the complaints made l a s t : N e w Westminster . There had been a month a u d t h a t there is ' less erowdin~ lot of adverse crit icism a n d M r . Ken- around the t rgins no~v ;' also, the step hey made out a good case from his fin; th.e .convenience" of passengers, is polnt of view ..... " ... , , bein.g~ use+d ~ ..... Mr. Kenaey dealt with public works

The nlatter of lower freight rates expenditures, which he said, last year

'C" - " v . ,

for fi~rm a~d •orchard poducts came up for discussion, and g rowers said they• had found g rea t benefi t dur ing the last" s~,ason u n d e r the 'new shipping ~ reg~flations f~r' ~egetables and the low. ei'. "fie ~.,l~t rates put 'in effect on them. Tree fi'uit growers felt that similar facilities anc~ reductions in tnrriffs should be available for their products, as it Was impossible to make up a car lot shipment with present, production, and the weekly shipment by freight, together with the regular freight rates worked a great hardship- on those who were operating orchards.

A resolution was passed to be for- warded to the proper a'uthoriI~ies ask- ing that tree .fruits be included in the 1935 plan of farm Produce movements


from Terrace and district, and that a similar reduction in cha'rges be made on this class.of produce. It was asked that these arrangements be made ef- fective to shipments to Prince Rupert

' ; Special, Easi:er services will be held next all" the churches. ' . , ' . , . . . , . . , - ' $ . . . ' . ~ . . . . . ' . , . . . . . .

': 'Ml's. A. Beaudln is enlarging hei, kitchen in ant icipat ion of a larger business this season.

The Ki t sumga l lum high and public ~chools' a r c go ing in for sof t ball this • year and t eams are now being organiz- ed. The f i r s t game 'was played Fri- day. aYternoon and :,Inspector" T.! : :H. Ha Ii) offielated ~ as .umpire;':::'.The, girls are also going to have a league.

$ * *


'~hmkeys, whicb were landed oa the Island of St. Kitts, Bri t ish Wes t In- dies, f rom a s t randed French t rading ship have b e c o m e ' a ' m e n a c e to the sngar planters, whose cane fl#lds they raid, ~ .The r e s u l t is the payment of a bouaty Of slxpeuse per t a l l .wh ich pro- r ides a living for "monkey gunners" who s ta lk the simians in t h e high for- ea t s o f ' Mount i,~'Misery, Some of, t he hupters. .speak the s imian language as g0od as the monkeys. • .... ,•/ '~ •

• ,. ,:, q ' : . .

, ; ,..~r 4 ~':~. ,'.(~ ~ d

, . , ' . J I

. ~ o , I

~ ' l

' |

' .~,1

~ :'~:' ',' (!~~'",~ ~; =,;:ii~4~ 'r~ ~i~;" ''~

"~I~lave you-pa!d .... " : ~: ........ : ' ' your su~s~rlptlon~ yet;

. " : ! ~ , : i ~ ' '~" ',:.3;v: .".',.:,:-~, ~+,,,~? '~ ,.u.~. ,,~,

amouuted to over a hundred thousand dollm's in Skeena aud tha t this year the appropriatioii" for road§" ~'~i§~'$2000 more than las t year . : He also=~expects t h a t ' t h e r e will be from $30,000 to $40,- 00o availnble for Skeena from the 1935 highway loan and tha t this will be spent on the':Usk:Cedar~nle" section of the Skeena highway. This money will a l iow for 30 o r 40 m e n ' t 6 work for six months. He also said there would be considerable .work done on miuing t ra i l s where development work is being carr ied on, •

HI iiMiiwell was slated to give the maiu talk at this meeting, taking as his subject Douglas Social Credit. As

:(: '/:.:

• / ' - . .

~ +' - d . * ' L

• - . +, . • ,

NO. 22 i i

ty's B k y: Terrace, B.C.

Will ship to any point on line

Will You try our Bread and Buns? . . . .

Standing ordersshipped regularly. All kinds of cake. Ge.~'our:price."

?htlbcrt Hotd [ t TERRACE, B.C. l

Fully.Modern .._ glectrie,.Light !

Travel lers SamPle Rooms i

P. 0. Box 5 Telephone

Gordon Temple, Prop. I

the local member w~s .present, Mr. Halliwell gave up his ti~n~t6 awai~ another meeting. But when the~I0cal member had. fi~hed~the"ehairmnn ' re- quested. Mr. 7Halliwell, to .proceed (with his taik,'(anfl h~" did so, ibht an~' dis- cussion ~ 'as l e f t over for another time.

Terrace Mill Stock of LmbCr :::

Rough Lumber .... No. 2 Shiplap

S 4 S e e m m o n dimens ion and No. 1 Ship. • y l ip: : v.;';'[3. 7.'3r:

• :" . ' - . , . " - . a );-; :?'~; ,~ b . ~ Noi . i Finish,Sid~.. .g, F l a r i n g , V, |oinl

Shingles N o l l l d ~ z ~ ....., t~ .:,:;- "~

' . ! , . . . . . :' : . ~.,.. :( .-:- PRICES. 0 N i ~ P . L I C ~ / O N CHILDREN DID ~ H E I i ~ I S T U F F i' ? ~ Y:: /~ r;? ~ : . , , :~ ; . ~

l e y school on Frlday a'fternoon " a n d [ b ~ 0 . L l f f l C I crracc, u.t. Watched an exhibition of physical drill r , ' " and athletic exercises ,put on by th e I .... " " pupils under the direction of 'Vf. L. ]" . ,,• . . . . . ,. Scott. School Inspector ~ T. H. Hall[' "' - .... - - " = ,

and E . T. Kenney were also presefit. The class ran in age from six years to sixteen n n d - t h e y went through some Intricate work. Ins t ructor Scott was assisted by Gordon Pearson who sup- plied the n e c e s s a r r y , music. B. L. Pem'son has ,,,granted the use of some extra space so tha t ffhe work may be extended. At the close 0f the perfor-

Easter Cards

Chooolate Eggs

Bunnies: " / Egg' ~ " : Cups"~ ' '

C h o c o l a t e N o v e l t i e s

mance ]~Ir, Hall and Mr. Kenney gave .<::~ :.,:,'~ "." ;: ,-,~.-.,,

tile yoangsters a talk, but we did not ;, ~ R,~'~:,:RI~y;~:Phm. B.

. . . . . . . R~

August Kia tu la was brought in from , ' ~ ~ " ~ Gohl Creek on Tuesday afternoon for , medical at tention. He was about f in- ished with his t ie contract when the ax slipped and cu t his foot.. :

C E R T I F I C A T E OF i M P R O V E M E N T S

Valhalla, Valhnlla-,tNo.-..: t ~ a n d , Val- halla ,No. 4 Mineral Oluims.

Si tuate in the Omineca Mining Die. iston of Range 5, Coast Distr ict . Where located ' - -4~ the western-s lope of Gold Mountain. , . . . . .

TAKE NOTICE tha t IV~'Frederick Nash of Terrace, B~ C,~iaet inglas~agent for ErneSt V!etor~ MeKa~ue,: .!n:~.t~u,t~ free miner ' s eer t l f ieatd NO. 625t7D, in-, tend, 60 d a y s fom the da te h&~of,:"t6' ;apply to the,. Minlng ~c~or~,¢~.:~or: ~ ~ t l ~ c a t e , of . ! m P r 0 v e m e n t e f o r f i ie p u r l m ~ ef, ,obtalnlng Crown Grants ~)f t l i ~ . i 8 . ~ ¢ e . l ~ Q a l ~ ? , ~ [ ! -~ . . . . . ,~.,• :~'V,.!~

.. And.:i~]~.e~ take notlc~ that aeUon, Undee: s ~ n i ~ i ~,:• of th~ • Mineral: ~;et must!: , l~ ~ i c ~ m m ~ l b e f o r e the ~ t i ~

G agfii(S Cc Sh0p Taxi 'rruek]mr Delivery

Coal an dWood.

A g : e t r o t , ~

ueksi Ford! . • .,,


(~ret.ien~; hada-'i S'tr~k ;• ' ~ of: bad

Page 4: Columarm, Co nsohdated. 1S - COnnecting REpositories · Seeking for it in Bridge River, Wil- liams Eake, Barkerville and other sec- tions ~)f the south. The hunt has by no :me,ms


. t

Easter Sale. Apri l 18th to 27th

DRESS PRINTS Washable and smifas t e( , t - . )n prints in new designs .... Sale Price ........................ yd . 2 0

HOUSE FROCKS New Spring Styles in sizes

' - ' " - " $1 oo Sl~ecial--$1.59; $1.29 am1 .... •

SILK BLOUSES .,,1,-,,,,ted Sty,es i,, ,rid,, $1 95 ~ss . r tment of colors ............ •


,~iz(,s 2 to 12 Special to Clear ....................

BOYS PANTS Iv blue brill and grey cot-

, , , , , . , ,ee,, . $1 45 1'eu" Pair " •

SHIRTS and DRAWERS Men's l ight weight cotton underwear. Pe r garment..

MEN'S TWEED SUITS Well tailored f rom'a l l wool tweeds in .brown and grey, , , - i t h 2 p a n t s . S i z e s 3 8 , 4 0 1 0 9 5 :~nd 42. To Clear ................ •

GIRLS KNITTED JACKETS All wool in brown, green and blue with contrasting -

t r i n , $ 1 . 9 5 To Clear " "

WOMENS COTTON HOSE W e l l made f rom cotton .f}~k~ y f l r n s • f | l w n shades . . . . . . . . . .

COTTON PLAYALLS Boys well tailored in bluc drill with coatrast ing trim Sizes 2 to .1.:~. I ~ l ~ f l f l Real Bargain ........... '. .......... W~-*,-, v

• 95 /' ~, MEN'S GREY JUMBO


K n i t i n u n i o n y a r n s t ~ 1 9 . J ~

• 45 ,o ...............................


OVERS " , '

.65 ,n gi'e,-,,,d l,,,ow,,,, oeek st.,.ie. : : K f l Special ..... : ...................... ' ...... " . o v v

MEN'S" Tt lREE PIECE" ~ SUITS _ Made from brow~ u~ion" . tweed. Sizes 38, 40,.42 I ~ QK

Spedal to Clear .......... ' ........ ~F~,~, MEN'S CARDIGANS I h . , , w n h e a t h e r s h a d e s o n l y $ 2 2 5

Special Value ...................... • NEW CANVAS FOOT- WEAR "

SPRING SWAGGER Sizes ifor every meinber of " " _'..:

C O A T S " ~ ~ ~'~ 5 t h e f a ] ' n i l y i n t h e s ' t y le Y°U" $ i i 9 5 S a l e ,5c 2 only. Sizes .16 and 18 want

i • Doings" A ro u ore.u--" ' H e" I • Of interest to you and your friends -

In connection with the Eas ter Se - ' " ' " ~ . " ! • son there wilI be spec:al services ia the , U n i t e ~ l " Church lu H a z e l t o n Sunday T i = ~ A ~ ] ~ I evening and in the New Hazelton | . r ~ , d l r - ~ V I t ~ = i . . .

C h m ' c h i n t h e m e r n t n g a t 11 o ' c l o e k . B A R G A I N The morning service will be followed hy Communion. On Good Fr iday e v - ening a t 8 o'cloek in • New Hazelton T O THE: there will be a special service.

A r Dance will be held in Hazelton Hall on l~londay, May 6.....So


_ , ~ m = n r . - - ~ - ~


Sliotlld(q' i'~msts .............. Ib. 1 2 l 'ure Lard, 5)b. pail .......... ... .951 Brown Beans. lO )l,s ...........

I , , r g e , T u i e y . . O r a n g e s , doz...: '

BILKS PINEAPPLE " ( ' n b e s or Slices, per t i n ....':.

. . 7 5

TEA--Honeysuelde, Ib , " 4 5

E STER.CANDIES - i l l L ,t '~r, nd Seiectlon ~:om e;,el, ":.' " , 5 ,

" ' : ; i , : :¢ ' '[ " : ' " " - /!" ';- . .%.

HAMBuRGI : F r ; s h M m l e ; . ! ~ , ' ."'; :: ~ " 1 : 0 t

MILl{ 'St . Charles, per till .............. " ' ' 1~:/I (Only 6 tills to customer) •

BAKING POWDER " , " ":. , ~ ¢ t l ~ ; " ~/:~ , , ,o . tin

Xh: FOZT G~RY ~EA; . - : . / ¢ '

1 lb. FOgT GARRY COF- F E E ;

~ATH ~OWEL i: ' ¢ i . e ~ ALL'FOI~ .: ....... : .......... ) ' ...i'...,.: i v / : ~ o' Z ~

S~vifts P r e m i m n ' i I , i n ~ s . . i b , . . " : [ i . . : : .351

C 0 0 K E D MEATS I' : ' ) ) [).:.::~ : .!i, :,." /". •

• . , . , " ,:. . ~ , . : : . ; . . ~ . . . • . . ~ ... _ I , , ' ~ . ~ .~ , . . . ' ; ' ~ . " " , " 2 " " ' . " ; ~,. : ~ . , " , .~ ' ." :~, ,

......................... iE>~':.~:!:.! .7,:.,.9._~: : M e a t ' L o a f . .... . ' ,~: . ' ' , : - "


Keep the Date open.

Many St-ltes in the Union to the south are suffering heavy losses from dust s torms which have been raging ove r ' a wide area for a long t ime The aeroplanes can hardly get high enough in the air to avoid them, while on the ground millions of dollars in damage is heing done.

$ $ $

I.[RAIRIES line New


(;,,,,d in Day Coaches Only

!~ ~.So~l,~,,b,c . ~

' Represent ing .' . .

Leading Fire and .Life Insurance Compames

You off iceWork given : Prompt andCareful




1.4 Berth Rate. Good ill [l'ourlst s leepers on pltyment of regular Tourist


'1-2 G , , o d h , Standard $'leeper.~ Oil pllynlent of regular Stan-

, ime~ va im~ ~am4 s~ln~a va i uu ,4~gu~ l , ~4 ~ 4 ~ , 1 ~

r., ~, 0 mes, Ltd. (The Pioneer Druggist)

The Mail Order ,Drug Store of Norther~ B. C.

[ |Fancy Goods .• Kodaks Mrs. Wearae of Quic accompanied

her daughters to Vancouver on ~hurs-

daYland attendThe school.girls are goingto Eng- dard Berth Rate. J l Pictures Developed and

" ; * April ~I 0 to 21 i n c l u s i v e ] [ - P r m t e d , . " Miss Ralphena Wrinch returned to

Ilazelton on Saturday a f te r visiting i n 2 1 D A Y L I M I T Prince Ru rt, B.C. 8mithers with friends for a week. 11 p C

" ' * * * For i~formatl0n ca l l :or wri te I | " " ' ~ " W..T. Lorkworthy r e tu rned to New LOCAL AGEN~ i:~, , , ~ = - ~

,lazelton on Thursday morning of last or P. Lakie, D.F.P.A., Prince Rupe~] : . ~

' w e e k a f t e r a n a b s e n c e o , a b o u t t h r e e C A N A D I A N ' months during which t i m e he visited " I " several" tmvns a n d c i t i e s i n Ontario, i~1 A ' r l f ' N l ~ l A / [] T h e ~ l t ° n H ° s ~ t a l

• '" * * . . . . ~ - l l tick~s for ahyperiod at. ~1.~ • The department.put a - ." " ' " " " l[ n monthin.,advance;.~4flsorate drag on certain parts 0f the local.r0ad '- . . . . . . ' " " ~ " ' " . " I includes : i office" consultatlons, fast week:where eff~ctlve)work could --- ---- . " - :- - _ -(; ,[ ' me.dlelaes, as ~ell/as ail ~'sts l~e d,me and that, helped quite aiot. ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~, o ,+~ ,~ ;q~ , ~ i. while at the:~d~itaL :~lqkets .

M r . B l a c k of the H u d s 0 n ' s B a y Co, ~ J . A l l e n R u t h e r f o r d ~ l the lDrug . S tore , - :o r . b Y mail I sales department with headquarters a t ~ . ~ l from the Medical Superintend- Surveys prompt ly executed n Winnipeg, went to Ki twanga on ~hurs ~ . . .;-~ ] e ' t . a t th e Hospital.

dayl after spending a week at Hazel- ~ Smithers. B.C. ~ "

to". - . . . ~ ~ ~ _ _ ~ :~ :- :~ . ,

her sister Daisy (Mrs. Bollard) in ' : i

Calgary, writes t h a t the patient is n BUTTER FOR :CiiyilTransfer ! - : - - , little".better but still in-a very:~erlous condltion. '" : - - "' Smithers, B : C i

.... • * * - The nlajm'ity of wonlcn Who pride ! " " " ' " Anyone looking for a l ) leasure 'drive themselves on the Cooking O~ke part l- " " : ' " " ' :" |

:Ire recommended' not .to go_over the cuhu ~.pride in their,pastry,, forit is " ~.::~.i . " ".~ ' . ~ n m i n h i g h w a y e a s t f o r a n o t h e r w e e k . g e n e r a l l y . f e l t t h , , t * t h e a b i i ) t y t o m a k e T a x i a n d ' . " l ' r ~ n s t ' e r S e r v i c e I:': ! l ' l M w a r d s t i l e e n d Of t h e w e e k t h e . f r o s t [ ' d e l i c i o u s , . t e n d e r p a n t r y i s a r e a l a e ; ... . . . . . . .. ::At.all hours i| was coming out of the ground: fas t . and ! co|iipltshment, in master ing the culln- , . . , ' " ; . i : . ' , ' " " : I • any traffic .oVer the.,roads ..,will. do. ~: a)'y art. . It is..not a. difficult matter to l i '. , ...L' : ........... . '" - i ,[ lot of danmge that there .is n0money [i~mke g~;od '.llastr,v~ Lpi'd'vld'c<l the ,pi'o'] |.;. :i ':"=. .':. "i';": ~ r~ .... . : | i l l t h e p r o v i n c i a t t r e a s u r y t o ~ t e p a i r . '~ ' ' " . . . . . . : " . . . . . ~ ..... ' . . . . - ; ' ' ~ " '~ . . . . " : ' " : l'per .ingredients a]'e. used':.and: care ..Is ~ ",;:.W,. B.' Leach,, ..... Owner.[ What money wlll be avaiiabld ~. in. [t~iken in'e0n|blnliig .them. )-: Shortenlng] |' .:- " .. - " "" " , '~ | . tendc~'i for new work] or work that ljs an important factor Becaus~.::it"~h~i:~,'~=,~-. i~,,~=,~,~N~.~,~. Ires already: been decided upon. ::.. [mnd~ to do with the_ texture, o~ the " . • " * * * ~ pastry ns well',as 'l~he:fiavor..: A com- . .

Thd Ladies. Welfare Ciub,i Ha~It0n,[ binilti{',n of..eqUnl pa~'tS ;of"!butter and - ---- :- :- --': -- will put -on a dance in the Venetian" soft Sh0rteuing,. ~uel~ a s l a / ~ L Is tdeal " "" "

. . . . . . . . . . ;Prince Rupert Jtooui on T~ursday,. May.gth ¢ommeue- fin" the purpose, since the but ter pro; . .. .h| 9 0 'e lock . . ,~he proceeds, froan v!des both flavo~ and co lo r "wh i l e the whid~ will b e Sent to , the Cancer Fund. othe.r shortening .assures .tenderness,. " " - "

..; . : : - , 0 " * ,. Pash 'y .No, 1- -One a n d s . hal~ cups " H ~ t e l "

.The Two Brothers"Lake Mining Co. ( ~ flonr., halLteaspoon;sal t , quat;ter of which will be shipping goid. bars ' : this a cap of~batter, .~ " ..cup of ...... :: .-:!i.'~'*~,~.!!:~:" ),) , . " ~vater a l t e r , qua r t e r f lard y e a r , are coatemplatlng ",building ~ a. e0M . , :~ 'bo i~ t '~..tllr'd~!~ighths:'cup,ii~', ' '':'"' "'

;i "',' ~'"~2:~ :; !3: , ~-~ ' .'~ "i"';'. ' , , ": ", ... ' "~ road across country to Telegraph;creek " ' : . . . . . . . . . . -.~ Sift:'flour' a'n'd(shit,;':'e~t:'~n Sl~ori~en'in~ as theh, nla ia /out le t . : , :. '..;, '- : ~;es or paptry blend'er/an : , " . A': real I~ood. hote l servln~ ' . ~

• An On[arlo'. Liberal: says: that .H.-W. 'diiou~il" ~V~ll~i~:~'t'~ c~mhf/id th6 "o~:~~Hi : .... '-" :':f;': ;;'~ .... J"= ' :' . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . : - - - ~ - - - v ~ ,~ , - .~ -~ ~ .,. B e a t t y o f : ' t h e C,P. .R. , ' s h o u l d be l abe l l ~d ] . en t~ . . : . ~ : P~ i t .lnf0':.shaiie,!~)Cldll.'th~)r0ngl.. . ::,.: . . . . . . -...::.. , . . . : : " . . . . . -~-, . . . . . . . . . . " " " a s (]ailada!s,..elieiu$ . N o , t for l the 'why, :I.V lk;'f{/re"rblii',~g.'~i Bake in a hot ovefi'; ' , . % ' ' , . ~ . . . . . . . . . . :

.,- . ~..:...,:,..., ::.~Prince,~pert;.:B,,C. he. lms,been,,,talklpg~;'al)out:th~ Cana- " " - : :, ' ' " ' "' .'

. . . . . . " : . . . . . . . ' " ' " " ~ " ' " " " I ~ "~ ' J ' ' ( " ! t ' % " ~ : ' * ~ ' ~ ' ! " ' . . . . . .

. - ., .

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FARES ]N~HON~ Ii~ ' . ' . , . ' , ~.:-,:: ,'~.'-, ":~ . : . . . . . " ' ~ ' T TM ' ' ~ ' ; , ~ " I " t ~ ~ k , .'. ~ ; t . , ' , ' " . ' ! 'C "~ ' , ~ ' ? ~ ' . • ' ' . ' .

~G S JUBILEE : ! .'"[ ~ ;~:, ~ . " . ' . ' , : ' ) , , : ' , , • .b . ' . : -

ro l led

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