college of the canyons enrollment management … · college of the canyons enrollment management...

COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS Enrollment Management Meeting Minutes October 2, 2013 Attended: Co-Chairs: Members (continued): Members (continued): Jerry Buckley Deanna Riveira Kari Soffa Barry Gribbons Debbie Rio Kerry Osborne Sharlene Coleal Denee Pescarmona Kristin Houser Diane Fiero Len Mohney Members: Diane Morey Marlene Demerjian Alberto Lopez Diane Stewart Mike Joslin Allison Korse-Devlin Edel Alonso Mike Wilding Audrey Green Eric Harnish Omar Torres Bruce Battle Gina Bogna Patty Robinson Carl Ebaugh James Glapa-Grossklag Paul Wickline Chelley Maple Jasmine Ruys Rhonda Hyatt Carmen Dominguez Jennifer Brezina Ryan Theule Cindy Grandgeorge Jim Schrage Steve Erwin Cynthia Dorroh Jim Temple ASG Representative Daylene Meuschke Joe Klocko C: Dianne Van Hook 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM 09/04/2013 Minutes from the September 4, 2012 meeting were approved. 2. FTES UPDATES Barry Gribbons gave an update on FTES, some of the items reports were: FTES target for Fall 2013/2014 is 5900 FTES actual was 5499.8 for Fall 2012/2013 Projected to be 82 FTES over our target; the projection is not exact because positive attendance cannot be counted until the semester has ended Actual to date is 5781.2 (excluding positive attendance) 3. SECTION OFFERINGS FOR WINTER, SPRING, AND SUMMER Denee Pescarmona reported on section offerings for Winter, Spring, and Summer. Winter schedule is currently being built There are approximately 288 sections currently built for Winter Winter sections will be distributed to Deans and Chairs for review sometime next week Winter schedule should be released two weeks before registration begins There are approximately 50 sections at CCC for Winter Registration for Winter opens November 12, 2013 Spring schedule has been sent to Deans and Chairs for review Spring schedule is almost identical to Fall in terms of numbers of sections Spring schedule will be released after Winter registration begins Summer schedule is not yet started 4. ONE-YEAR SCHEDULE There was a brief discussion on the one-year schedule and its benefits, issues, and implementation. This item was tabled and will be discussed at future meeting(s).

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Enrollment Management Meeting Minutes October 2, 2013

Attended: Co-Chairs: Members (continued): Members (continued): √ Jerry Buckley √ Deanna Riveira Kari Soffa √ Barry Gribbons Debbie Rio √ Kerry Osborne Sharlene Coleal √ Denee Pescarmona Kristin Houser Diane Fiero Len Mohney Members: Diane Morey √ Marlene Demerjian Alberto Lopez Diane Stewart Mike Joslin Allison Korse-Devlin √ Edel Alonso Mike Wilding Audrey Green √ Eric Harnish √ Omar Torres Bruce Battle √ Gina Bogna √ Patty Robinson √ Carl Ebaugh √ James Glapa-Grossklag Paul Wickline Chelley Maple √ Jasmine Ruys Rhonda Hyatt Carmen Dominguez Jennifer Brezina Ryan Theule Cindy Grandgeorge Jim Schrage √ Steve Erwin √ Cynthia Dorroh √ Jim Temple ASG Representative √ Daylene Meuschke Joe Klocko C: Dianne Van Hook


Minutes from the September 4, 2012 meeting were approved.

2. FTES UPDATES Barry Gribbons gave an update on FTES, some of the items reports were:

• FTES target for Fall 2013/2014 is 5900 • FTES actual was 5499.8 for Fall 2012/2013 • Projected to be 82 FTES over our target; the projection is not exact because positive

attendance cannot be counted until the semester has ended • Actual to date is 5781.2 (excluding positive attendance)


Denee Pescarmona reported on section offerings for Winter, Spring, and Summer. • Winter schedule is currently being built • There are approximately 288 sections currently built for Winter • Winter sections will be distributed to Deans and Chairs for review sometime next week • Winter schedule should be released two weeks before registration begins • There are approximately 50 sections at CCC for Winter • Registration for Winter opens November 12, 2013 • Spring schedule has been sent to Deans and Chairs for review • Spring schedule is almost identical to Fall in terms of numbers of sections • Spring schedule will be released after Winter registration begins • Summer schedule is not yet started


There was a brief discussion on the one-year schedule and its benefits, issues, and implementation. This item was tabled and will be discussed at future meeting(s).

5. CALENDAR COMMITTEE OPEN FORM TO DISCUSS 16-WEEK SCHEDULE The Calendar committee has set up two open forums to discuss the proposed change in the academic schedule to a 16-week Fall, Summer, and Spring schedule. The dates of the forums are October 22, 2013, in BONH 330 at 11:00AM, and October 28, 2014, in BONH 330 at 2:00PM.


ESTIMATING NEED The Committee discussed whom they believe should be invited to serve on the subcommittee being formed to determine the parameters for estimating need. Once the membership has been determined, an email will be sent regarding what parameters they would like to consider using; the data will be collected and the Subcommittee will convene to go over the data. Those to include in the Task Force Subcommittee (at a minimum):

• Enrollment management committee members and the prospective members • Dean • Department Chairs • Representatives from all areas that are a part of creating sections


Edel Alonso sent the purpose statement to the Enrollment Management Committee; The Decision Making Guide is being updated with this information.

c. ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ROSTER There was a discussion about who the members of the Enrollment Management Committee currently are, and whom they would like included. The Enrollment Management Committee membership is open to all.

d. UPDATES TO ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT PAGE IN DECISION MAKING GUIDE Regarding item 6b: The information Edel Alonso sent to the Enrollment Management Committee was sent to Eric Harnish; the information will be included in the Decision Making Guide, with some minor formatting adjustments.

e. MODIFICATIONS TO DATATEL TO INCLUDE MORE DATA FOR WEEKLY REORTING Barry Gribbons reported that he met with Jim Temple to discuss how Datatel can be modified to include more data for daily reporting; for example, sections, enrollment headcount, some disaggregation. They will turn to the subcommittee taskforce for the top 20 indicators they would like to see included for planning, and would like to see the changes implemented in Spring 2014. A different set of indicators would be needed for forecasting.

f. RESEARCH BRIEF ON THE ETHNIC DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS ON WAITLISTS Barry Gribbons reported he has nearly completed the analysis of the data for the research brief on ethnic distribution of students on waitlists. MIS needs to be consulted on how data is being coded, but that should all be resolved by the next meeting. The demographics being looked at are age, ethnicity, and gender. Once the report is complete, there may be another nuance or


question to follow to do more research. Barry Gribbons will email a draft of the research brief to the Enrollment Management Committee. The Committee discussed that if disproportionate implications were found, a plan would need to be in place and documentation and evidence of the plan would need to be provided. There could be a broad range of options to consider, for instance some marketing and outreach efforts.


Daylene Meuschke reported that the Research Office has received feedback on the Annual Student Survey. In terms of enrollment management, Instruction added an item, with more specificity regarding preferred time blocks classes are offered. Student Services submitted changes to inform planning. The template will be sent to the Academic Senate for review. The survey will be sent into the field October 22, 2013. Data will be made available as quickly as possible, for those writing for an Accreditation Standard Team. Those present were told to email Daylene Meuschke, if they would like to see the survey.

h. READ PROGRAM REVIEW FOR ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS There was a discussion about the best way to pull enrollment management implications from the program review. Currently, there is an item in year one of the Program Review. The Committee would like to see this item sent to the Program Review Committee for discussion. Daylene Meuschke will email Paul Wickline and Miriam Golbert regarding adding this to the Program Review Committee agenda.



j. STUDENTS’ EDUCATIONAL GOALS: WHICH FIELDS IN DATATEL INCLUDES THE GOALS AND WHERE ARE THE GOALS PULLED FROM? Barry Gribbons distributed handouts from Datatel on Student Matriculation Goal or Informed Goal to the Committee. There was a discussion about new Datatel elements that have been released and need to be in place for Fall 2014 data collection. There are currently 18 goals from which students can select; this will be changed to approximately 12 goals. The application is being changed to match the data elements that are required. The Committee discussed the implications on educational planning and section offerings when including or not including “undeclared” as a major. Jasmine Ruys reported that some community colleges do not include “undeclared” as a major on their application, especially with the new required data elements. In addition, if more than 35% of a college’s students are “undeclared” the State will not accept the Matriculation data file, which may have a large impact on Matriculation, Counseling, and Students Services. For more information on SB1456, it was recommended that the Committee read the executive summary. It was reported that the State has discussed eliminating the “undecided” goal option.


A vote on whether or not to keep “undeclared” as a major and “undecided” as a goal was tabled until more research can be done.

Action Items

1. Jerry Buckley will send out an email looking for participants for the taskforce subcommittee that will determine the parameters for estimating demand.

2. Barry Gribbons will email a draft of the research brief to the Enrollment Management Committee. 3. Daylene Meuschke will email Paul Wickline and Miriam Golbert regarding adding Enrollment

Management implications to the next Program Review Committee agenda. Future Agenda Items

• Discuss Impact of One-Year Schedule • Update on educational goal integration between Datatel and the online first semester student plan


Appendix A

2008/09 Recalc


2009/10 Recalc


2010/11 Recalc


2011/12 Recalc


2012/13 Annual

Rpt 2013/14 Target

2013/14 Actuals to Date*

2010/11 Sections

2011/12 Sections

2012/13 Sections to Date

2013/14 Sections to Date Assumptions/Comments

Summer (forward and part II of previous year) 1,209.9 1,249.9 759.5 537.9 37.0 330.0 338.4 202 161 10 118

FTES for Summer 2013 to be counted in FY13/14. Excludes ISAs. We're just slightly above the target.

Fall 5,360.7 5,327.2 5,343.0 5,123.5 5,499.8 5,900.0 5,781.2 1,324 1,354 1,485 1,641

Data are as of Thursday during the fifth week of classes. An additional 201 FTEs is projected for positive attendance credit sections based on registration as of 9/27/13 (assumption at 80% fill rate). Therefore, our combined projected FTES to date is 5,982.

Winter 641.8 426.9 258.8 309.5 292.9 720.0 85 81 112

Spring 5,052.8 5,071.2 5,182.7 5,413.2 5,411.3 5,710.0 1,539 1,551 1,528 Summer (first half counted in the fiscal year) 3.7 0.0 527.3 1,384.5 1,347.3 850.0 150 460 527 Flex 282.0 285.6 211.3 139.0 123.9 125.0 18.6 Non-credit 772.6 675.0 466.8 318.1 318.4 318.0 5.9 110 80 80

ISAs 3,279.2 3,253.1 2,544.8 770.9 944.7 1,000.0 31.8 Total 16,602.8 16,288.9 15,294.2 13,996.6 13,975.3 14,953.0 6,176.0 3,410 3,224 4,062

Funded FTES 15,467.0 14,902.5 15,247.7 13,996.6 13,975.3 14,203.3 Overcap 1,135.8 1,684.5 46.5 749.7

*As of 9/27/13. Fall includes PAC registration activity of add or new add. Note 1 – Cross-listed sections are combined in the section counts above. Section counts also exclude CWEE and GENSTU. Historical counts reflect what was reported on the 2007/08 through 2011/12 Recalc apportionment reports. Note 2 - Adjustments still coming as a result of additional records being processed. Note 3 – “Target” column will reflect actuals after the term has ended.

Appendix B Enrollment Management 9/27/13 – 320 Update

For 2013/14 the FTES target is set at 14,953. For specific terms:

• Summer 2013 Part 2 – As of 9/27/13, there were 338 FTES that will be counted in fiscal year 2013-14 (Summer part 2). The fill rate for summer as a whole was 87 percent (excluding CWE, GENSTU, NURSNG, and noncredit sections). The FTES for Summer 2013 to be counted in the 2012/13 fiscal year (a.k.a., Part 1) reported on the Annual Apportionment report was 1,347.

• Fall 2013 – As of the Thursday during the fifth week of classes, we’re at 5,781 FTES for Fall 2013. In addition, the projected FTES from Positive Attendance Credit sections is currently at 201 (assumes fill rate of 80%). Therefore, our combined projected FTES to date is 5,982 (exceeds the target by 82 FTES). As of 9/27/13, the increase in section offerings for Fall 2013 is approximately 11 percent more than was offered in Fall 2012. We project the FTES for Fall 2013 will be up about 8 percent compared to the end of Fall 2012.

Below is a summary of the FTES update for 2008/09 (recalc apportionment report), 2009/10 (recalc apportionment report), 2010/11 (recalc apportionment report), 2011/12 (recalc apportionment report), 2012/13 (annual apportionment report), 2013/14 target, and 2013/14 actuals to date. Included in this table are the sections counts for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, and 2013/14 (to date).



Enrollment Management Meeting Minutes March 05, 2014

Attended: Co-Chairs: Members (continued): Members (continued): √ Jerry Buckley √ Deanna Riveira Kari Soffa √ Barry Gribbons Debbie Rio √ Kerry Osborne Sharlene Coleal √ Denee Pescarmona √ Kristin Houser Diane Fiero Len Mohney Members: Diane Morey √ Marlene Demerjian √ Alberto Lopez Diane Stewart Mike Joslin Allison Korse-Devlin √ Edel Alonso √ Mike Wilding √ Audrey Green √ Eric Harnish √ Omar Torres Bruce Battle √ Gina Bogna Patty Robinson √ Carl Ebaugh James Glapa-Grossklag √ Paul Wickline √ Chelley Maple Jasmine Ruys Rhonda Hyatt Carmen Dominguez √ Jennifer Brezina √ Ryan Theule Cindy Grandgeorge Jim Schrage √ Steve Erwin Cynthia Dorroh √ Jim Temple √ Stephanie Valencia - ASG Rep √ Daylene Meuschke Joe Klocko C: Dianne Van Hook

Also in Attendance:

√ Jason Burgdorfer √ Stan Wright

FTES UPDATE Barry Gribbons presented Daylene Meuschke’s weekly FTES update and a draft table with historical and projected numbers of sections and FTES.

• The projections reflected an additional 200 FTES funded on P1. • Projections also added 100 FTES to the target. • Those present were asked to email Barry Gribbons about the above if they have any

questions, before P2 goes out (approximately April 5th, 2014). • There was a discussion about the Summer schedules and how it is determined, in

which year FTES are counted.

TARKET MARKETING AND MIX OF CLASSES OFFERED Jerry Buckley presented some information on marketing and mix of classes offered. Marketing will be more targeted. Some focusses will include Evening/Weekend classes at CCC and online classes. Other ideas discussed:

• We should also get a list of late start classes posted and get the word out. • Continue to include wage impact info in marketing. • Message should include we have more classes (reversing years of messages about

limited space). • Reach out to various departments’ connections within the community

• Explore other venues, for example Pitchess Detention Center, etc. • Enhance the CTE Websites, including data to help students compare programs • AskCanyons shows the top 10 questions asked about the District, inquiries are sent to

a live person.

RESULTS FROM EMAIL SENT REGARDING COURSE/PROGRAM MATRIX Audrey Green presented info on the Course/Program matrix. It’s on the Academic Affairs intranet website.

• Denee Pescarmona added that they are moving towards FTES targets for divisions, rather than focusing on sections, only when requesting sections.

• This may include looking at past enrollment history, program review, educational master plan, etc.

UPDATE ON EDUATIONAL GOAL INTEGRATION BETWEEN DATATEL AND THE ONLINE FIRST SEMESTER ED PLAN Jim Temple presented information on education goal and online first semester education plan. Assessment scores will be transferred from Datatel to First Year Ed Plan. Only completion of the education plan will be sent from First Year Ed Plan system to Datatel. DEMOGRAPHICS OF STUDETS ON WAITLISTS Tabled for next time.

STUDENT SUCCESS AND SUPPORT PROGRAM (3SP) UPDATE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Mike Wilding presented an update on SSSP. There is a worry that there may be an impact on enrollments, especially with the new requirements and enrollment priorities.

• There was also a suggestion for a checklist in My Canyons on the components completed. Jim Temple will check on this work order.

EMROLLMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE’S MISSION IN DECISION MAKING GUIDE It appears that the most recent version of the Enrollment Management Committee mission statement is in the latest decision making guide. Edel Alonso is confirming. Action Items

• Edel Alonso will confirm the most recent version of the Enrollment Management Mission Statement is in the latest version of the Decision Making Guide

Future Agenda Items

• Demographics of Students on Waitlists • Further research will be done and a Research Brief will be written on the finding from the

Ethnic Distribution of Students on Waitlist data. • Read Program Review to flag clear Enrollment Management implications and bring them

to the Committee • Breakdown of enrollments and sections by Transfer/CTE/Basic Skills/Other


Enrollment Management 2/28/14 – 320 Update Here’s this week’s update:

• Spring 2014 is at 5,379 FTES. This is up slightly from last week (23 FTES) and is ahead of where we were at for the same pointlast year (approximately 128 FTES higher). An additional 212 positive attendance credit FTES are projected for Spring 2014, which would put us at 5,565, compared to a target of 5,710 FTES

For 2013/14 the revised FTES target is set at 15,153. Attached is a printable version of this email if you would like to print the update. For specific terms:

• Summer 2013 Part 2 – There were 337 FTES that will be counted in fiscal year 2013-14 (Summer part 2). The fill rate for summer as a whole was 87 percent (excluding CWE, GENSTU, NURSNG, and noncredit sections). The FTES for Summer 2013 to be counted in the 2012/13 fiscal year (a.k.a., Part 1) reported on the Annual Apportionment report was 1,346.

• Fall 2013 – The FTES for Fall 2013 was 5,956. The fill rate was 92 percent.

• Winter 2014 – As of three weeks after classes ended, there were a total of 737 FTES. Students were registered in all 259 sections being offered for Winter 2014. This is an increase of 149 sections over what was offered in Winter 2013. The fill rate was 76 percent

• Spring 2014 – As of Thursday, during the third week of classes, there were a total of 5,379 FTES. An additional 212 FTES

are projected for positive attendance credit sections based on registration as of 2/28/14 (assumption at 80% fill rate). A total of 1,585 sections are being offered, which is 61 more than Spring 2013. The fill rate is at 90 percent (excluding CWE, GENSTU, NURSNG and noncredit sections).

Below is a summary of the FTES update for 2008/09 (recalc apportionment report), 2009/10 (recalc apportionment report), 2010/11 (recalc apportionment report), 2011/12 (recalc apportionment report), 2012/13 (recalc apportionment report), 2013/14 revised target, and 2013/14 actuals to date. Included in this table are the sections counts for 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, and 2013/14 (to date).

2008/09 Recalc


2009/10 Recalc


2010/11 Recalc


2011/12 Recalc


2012/13 Recalc


2013/14 Target


2013/14 Actuals to Date*

2010/11 Sections

2011/12 Sections

2012/13 Sections

2013/14 Sections to Date Assumptions/Comments

Summer (forward and part II of previous year) 1,209.9 1,249.9 759.5 537.9 37.0 337.1 337.3 202 161 10 118

FTES for Summer 2013 to be counted in FY13/14. Excludes ISAs. We're just slightly above the target.

Fall 5,360.7 5,327.2 5,343.0 5,123.5 5,497.9 5,946.9 5,955.9 1,324 1,354 1,485 1,644 Data are as of P1.

Winter 641.8 426.9 258.8 309.5 292.8 736.5 737.1 85 81 110 259

Data are as of three weeks after classes ended. Approximately 259 sections were offered, which is 149 more than Winter 2013. [76%-fill rate]

Spring 5,052.8 5,071.2 5,182.7 5,413.2 5,409.5 5,710.0 5,379.2 1,539 1,551 1,524 1,585

Data are as of the Thursday during the third week of classes. An additional 212 FTES are projected for positive attendance credit sections based on registration as of 2/28/14 (assumption at 80% fill rate). A total of 1,585 sections are being offered, which is 61 more than Spring 2013. [90%-fill rate]

Summer (first half counted in the fiscal year) 3.7 0.0 527.3 1,384.5 1,345.6 949.2 150 460 526 Flex 282.0 285.6 211.3 139.0 124.6 143.2 100.8 Non-credit 772.6 675.0 466.8 318.1 317.9 330.6 148.3 110 80 85

ISAs 3,279.2 3,253.1 2,544.8 770.9 960.7 1,000.0 436.6 Total 16,602.8 16,288.9 15,294.2 13,996.6 13,986.0 15,153.5 13,095.1 3,410 3,687 3,740 Funded FTES 15,467.0 14,902.5 15,247.7 13,996.6 13,986.0 14,214.0

*As of 2/28/14. Fall includes PAC registration activity of add or new add. Note 1 – Cross-listed sections are combined in the section counts above. Section counts also exclude CWEE and GENSTU. Historical counts reflect what was reported on the 2007/08 through 2012/13 Recalc apportionment reports. Note 2 - Adjustments still coming as a result of additional records being processed. Note 3 – “Target” column will reflect actuals after the term has ended.



Enrollment Management Meeting Minutes May 7, 2014

Attended: Co-Chairs: Members (continued): Members (continued): √ Jerry Buckley √ Deanna Riveira √ Kari Soffa √ Barry Gribbons Debbie Rio √ Kerry Osborne Sharlene Coleal √ Denee Pescarmona Kristin Houser Diane Fiero Len Mohney Members: Diane Morey √ Marlene Demerjian √ Alberto Lopez Diane Stewart Mike Joslin Allison Korse-Devlin √ Edel Alonso Mike Wilding √ Audrey Green √ Eric Harnish √ Omar Torres Bruce Battle √ Gina Bogna √ Patty Robinson Carl Ebaugh James Glapa-Grossklag √ Paul Wickline Chelley Maple √ Jasmine Ruys Rhonda Hyatt Carmen Dominguez √ Jennifer Brezina √ Ryan Theule Cindy Grandgeorge Jim Schrage Steve Erwin √ Cynthia Dorroh √ Jim Temple √ Stephanie Valencia - ASG Rep √ Daylene Meuschke Joe Klocko C: Dianne Van Hook

SUMMER AND FALL COURSE OFFERINGS Jerry Buckley shared that in general, the fall semester offerings are about the same as last year. For summer there were originally 658 sections planned:

• Canyon Country Campus – 104 sections • Online - 121 sections • Valencia Campus - 350 sections • First five-week session – 83 sections (online exclusive).

Buckley reported that as of May 7th there were about 657 sections offered, with a capacity of 21,480 seats. Total seats filled as of May 7th are 4,024 – roughly 18-19%, and there are 49 students on waitlists. FTES UPDATE Barry Gribbons and Daylene Meuschke gave an update on FTES. It was share that there is little change from the last report; at this point, there are no concerns about enrollments; Last year, noncredit produced 186 FTES; it is expected that we will come close to the projected number. There was also a brief discussion about at what point in the semester FTES are counted and the deadlines associated with them; as well as the recent Datatel migration and if it will effect enrollments.

UPDATE ON OTHER VENUES AND MODES OF DELIVERY Jerry Buckley shared that there are continued talks with Pitchess Detention Center. There have been a few snags in regards to performing the assessment tests, and allowing the District access to their computer network. They need to find an appropriate way for their students to take assessments. There is an AB86 Planning Team meeting on May 8th and faculty have been invited to become a part of the team. The Preliminary plan will be submitted in early July, so there will be more to report in the fall. BREAKDOWN OF ENROLLMENTS AND SECTIONS BY TRANSFER/CTE/BASIC SKILLS There was a request for data on the breakdown of enrollments and sections by transfer/CTE/Basic Skills. Daylene Meuschke passed out a table titled, Sections by Credit/Transfer/Basic Skills/CTE and Noncredit Status. It was found that there was one course that is offered that does not fall into any of the above mentioned categories; Noncredit Citizenship. A discussion took place as to which courses were included within the table’s categories. This information will appear in the next College of the Canyons Factbook. A request was made for the FTES for each category. EMAILS TO STUDENTS ON MATRICULATION STEPS Ryan Theule received an email from Jasmine Ruys regarding the number of emails that were sent to students who are at various stages of the matriculation process. The categories of readiness that were listed on the table:

• Applied Only • Orientation Only • Placement Only • Orientation and Placement • Total

Ryan Theule instructed the Committee to let him know if there is an interest in adding a column to the table. On April 21st there were a total of 2,998 emails send to students: 1,747 – Applied Only; 601 – Orientation Only; 165 – Placement Only; and, 485 – Orientation and Placement. On May 2nd there were a total of 3,877 emails sent to students: 2,137 - Applied Only; 1,017 - Orientation Only; 168 - Placement Only; and, 555 - Orientation and Placement. Denee Pescarmona mentioned that the “hitches” with online advisor will not impact enrollment for fall. If needed, there are contingency plans in place. NEW STUDY REGARDING STUDENTS NOT ENROLLED IN MATH AND ENGLISH The Research office is about to undertake a new study. They will look at the possible reason(s) students did not enroll in a math or English class their first semester, but took the math and English assessment test and tested into transferrable math, English, or placed below transferable. It was reported that there has been a significant drop in both areas from fall 2012 to fall 2013.


For example, in math, 67% of first time students that took the placement test did not enroll in their first semester. Daylene Meuschke and Chelley Maple are collaborating on a research design, and a team will be going out and talking to students that did not take classes their first semester to ascertain the reasons they did not. Some possible reasons for the drop in first semester enrollment were:

• the class they wanted was not available, • the class they wanted was not available for their friend, so they chose to wait to take it

another semester, • chose to wait a year, • took math and/or English at another college, • students are not aware of the importance of taking math and/or English their first

semester, • FYE was not offered this year. It was noted that the drop in enrollments is similar to the

number of students who were enrolled through FYE in the past. This is another reason to consider.

• Students may not have received the message to take math and English in their first semester. If this is the reason given, the student may be asked a following up question to determine if they completed an orientation or a counseling class.

POSITION ON A WAITLIST > 10 ON 01/27/2014 Barry Gribbons presented a table regarding position on a waitlist >10 on 01/27/2014 and lead a discussion about the data. The data were run two weeks prior to the beginning of classes – January 27th. The data showed students who were in the bottom positions (11 – 20) on a waitlist and were able to enroll in the course. Actions Items None Future Agenda Items • Do Further Analysis on the demographics of waitlists, including: breakdown by courses;

check for double-sections; for position 11 – 20 on the waitlist, frequency distribution of students who are enrolled from the waitlists; and cumulative local units of students.

• Discuss various methods of Outreach.