coaching new teachers - training for coaches

Welcome to Coaching New Teachers Orientation Training for Coaches First Annual Webinar

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Training Coaches for IKYTA Membership Benefit Program for coaching new Kundalini Yoga Teachers, using Motivational Interviewing.


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Welcome to

Coaching New TeachersOrientation Training for Coaches First Annual


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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Welcome & Introduction How Coaching for New Teachers Works – Guruparkash

Kaur Familiarization with Coaching Website – Rion Coaching Tools and Techniques – Gurumeet Kaur Q & A

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How Coaching for New Teachers Works

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Individual coaching sessions are set up in a broad framework that is also flexible.

One-on-one coaching sessions are offered to Level 1 teachers.

Seven contact meetings are scheduled.

The first contact meeting will serve to set the parameters for the next six meetings, to take place over a maximum of 6 months.

How Coaching for New Teachers Works

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

At the first meeting, Coaches and teachers select coaching themes (options available on website) that best serve the needs of the teacher.

You will also decide on meeting dates, times, and venue (phone, Skype, google hangout, etc.), that are the most effective for them.

Coaches are welcome to contact us for additional support, if needed, in how to make effective use of online meeting tools, such as Skype or Google Hangout.

How Coaching for New Teachers Works

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

The program duration will be for six months maximum.

Coach and teacher will decide on the frequency of contacts, i.e. one contact a month, or other timing to be worked out during the first meeting.

Contact meetings will be for a maximum of one hour.

Coaches and teachers will keep a log provided by IKYTA to document meeting content, goals set, achievements, and challenges.

How Coaching for New Teachers Works

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaches and teachers are asked to submit a confidential Evaluation and Feedback form.

Neither Logs or Evaluations will be made public or used to evaluate the coach or the teacher.

Logs and Evaluation and Feedback Forms are used to assess and improve the coaching program.

My Input_____________


How Coaching for New Teachers Works

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Familiarization with the Coaching Website

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Application process to receiving coaching.

Steps to become a coach.

Once approved, submit a photo and bio to be displayed on IKYTA website.

Coaching tools: Coaching themes Session logs FAQs Evaluation & Feedback


Familiarization with our website

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Themes

1. Get started setting up a class.

2. Market and promote Kundalini Yoga classes and workshops.

3. Develop curriculum for classes/ workshops (IKYTA resources).

4. Build Aquarian Community: After class time Sadhana New/Full Moon meditations Women’s teachings Children’s teachings 3HO Music

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Themes

5. Support and resources for Kundalini Yoga technology.

6. Feedback on teaching.7. Living the Code of

Excellence/ reviewing specific challenges.

8. Staying in relationship and sharing best practices with IKYTA and NKYTA.

9. Keeping Up! Serving as a teacher while going through a personal crisis.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Themes

10.Gurudakshina, the cycle of giving and itarashtam tithar kashtam, empty handed you come, empty handed you go.

11.Relationship to Yogi Bhajan and the Golden Chain.

12.Teacher-student relationship and relationship to students.

13.Responsibilities and logistics of teaching professionally: i.e. links with Yoga Alliance, IKYTA, your NKYTA, online presence, protecting your reputation, and liability insurance.

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Coaching Tools and Techniques

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

Coaching is different than traditional forms of support: Counseling (concerned with the past) Consulting (provides solutions) Training (teaches skills sets) Mentoring (share wisdom/experience).

Coaching is a facilitation process to assist teachers to realize and access their own solutions within and learn to trust in their own intuitive brilliance.

Coaches may also sometimes act as mentors, but are primarily focused on the coaching process.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and TechniquesGeneral coaching principles

Assist teachers to clarify their goals. Help create the future, not rehash the past. Assist teachers trust their intuition and to

discover their own solutions. Utilize supportive, discovery-based

techniques (asking questions and deep listening) .

Help teachers develop strategies that lead to success in achieving their goals.

Assist teachers to recognize and know their unlimited potential and see that there are many opportunities to avail themselves of to achieve success. 

Help teachers to create and manage change that achieves desired outcomes toward reaching their potential as teachers.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and TechniquesMotivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is based on the theory that every human being has an innate desire to grow and change. Even so, changeis often difficult.

Motivational Interviewing is a directive,teacher-centered exploratory andand discovery method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to grow and create change.

The process begins by focusing your questions on the teacher’s values and goals vs. present concerns and challenges or blocks. Learn what is important to them and where they want to be vs. where they are now.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and TechniquesMotivational Interviewing

The inherent contradictions or inconsistencies between what they consider important and where they want to be vs. where they are now creates ambivalence (duality) and a tendency to feel stuck, until the ambivalence is resolved.

Motivational Interviewing explores and resolves ambivalence by eliciting and reinforcing strategies and action plans that move teachers toward the change that promotes success in achieving their goals.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and TechniquesMotivational Interviewing strategies to stimulate change talk

The four strategies of motivational interviewing to

stimulate change talk are known as O.A.R.S. Open-ended questions


Reflective listening


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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

O.A.R.S.s strategies to stimulate change talk

Open-ended questions Often start with words like “tell me

about” or “describe” or “how” or “what.”

Require more of a response than a simple yes or no, usually go from general to specific, and facilitate dialogue to gather broad descriptive information.

Listen attentively and neutrally (without judgment) and demonstrate that you are interested in learning about them.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Affirmations Acknowledge difficulties and

validate experience and feelings.

Recognize past experiences that demonstrate strength and success.

Support and promote self-efficacy.

Coaching Tools and Techniques

O.A.R.S.s strategies to stimulate change talk

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

O.A.R.S.s strategies to stimulate change talk

Reflective listening Make a demonstrable effort to

understand how the teacher sees things.

It is essentially hypothesis testing, because what you think a person is saying may not be what they mean.

May include repeating, rephrasing, paraphrasing, and sensing feelings.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

O.A.R.S.s strategies to stimulate change talk

Summaries Reinforces what has been

said and shows that you have been listening attentively.

Helpful to take notes in order to offer effective summaries.

Prepares teacher to move on.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

Motivational Interviewing strategies to maintain change talk

The four strategies of motivational interviewing to

maintain change talk are known as E.A.R.S. Express Empathy

Amplify ambivalence

Roll with resistance

Support self-efficacy

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

E.A.R.S.s strategies to maintain change talk

Express Empathy Teachers who know they are

understood, will share more openly, which allows the coach to better assess where they need support.

Teachers who perceive empathy are more open to challenges by the coach.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and TechniquesE.A.R.S.s to maintain change talk and develop steps to promote change

Amplify Ambivalence Ask questions about the teacher’s goals,

hopes and dreams vs. their current situation. Develop discrepancy to amplify ambivalence.

(Use O.A.R.S.s open ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summaries.)

Allow the teacher to make his or her own argument for change. (Use O.A.R.S.s )

Support the teacher to identify steps/actionable strategies and objectives needed to achieve their goals. (Use O.A.R.S.s )

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

E.A.R.S.s strategies to maintain change talk

Roll with Resistance Roll with Resistance to avoid argument by

saying something like “I get it” or “I understand your point.”

It does not mean you agree with the teacher but you may choose to bypass engaging in an argument.

If a teacher argues for one position, he/she becomes more committed to it.

Resistance is a signal to change strategies. Redirect the teacher toward common ground.

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

Support Self Efficacy Review examples of past successes,

using reflective listening, summaries, affirmations.

Validate frustrations while remaining optimistic about the prospect of change.

Remind them that change is not only probable but inevitable. Taking charge of the change gives the teacher the ability to produce the intended outcome.

E.A.R.S.s strategies to maintain change talk

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Orientation Training Webinar for Coaches

Coaching Tools and Techniques

Motivational Interviewing O.A.R.S. and E.A.R.S.s can be effective tools to promote change talk and help develop steps to change These tools are suggestions

and are not required. We have developed this

program as a starting point. We invite and encourage your

input to improve and enhance the program.

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The goal of coaching is to elevate teachers to their greatness. As Yogi Bhajan taught us, create 10 teachers better than you.

Q & A