close encounters launch pad booklet

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  • 7/29/2019 Close Encounters Launch Pad Booklet


  • 7/29/2019 Close Encounters Launch Pad Booklet



    Close Encounters Publ ishing

    www.CloseEncountersPubl ish

    CLOSE ENCOUNTERS LAUNCH PAD Text, Concept, Design, Graphic Design andArtwork by Kim Carlsberg copyright 2013. Al l r ights reserved, including r ights ofreproduction in whole or in part in any for m throughout the known universe.

    ET i l lustrat ions and support ing text reprinted from, Contact Cards; An Extra-

    terrestr ial Divinat ion System, copyright 1996, with permiss ion f rom the authors/i l lustrators, Kim Carlsberg and Darryl Anka.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publ icat ion DataCarlsberg, Kim 1955Close Encounters Launch Pad by the author ofThe Art Of Close Encounters / Non-Fict ionBeyond My Wildest Dreams; Diary of a UFO Abductee / Non-Fict ion

    Co-author: Contact Cards; An Extraterrestr ial Divinat ion System

    First Edit ion Pr inted the The United States February, 2013

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Library of Congress ISBN Control Number: 978-1-4675-6693-3

    1) Close Encounters 2) Contact 3) Extraterrestr ials 4) Paranormal5) Channel ing 6) Psychic Communication 7) Spir i t Guides 8) UFOs 9) Spir i tCommunication 10) Angels 11) Game Boards 12) Big Foot 13) Telepathy

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    This booklet is meant to be a basic starter guide to the wonderful world of spir i tcommunication by way of The Close E ncounters Launch Pad. More in-depthinformation is avai lable at

    The Launch Pad is essent ial ly self -explanatory. Those interested in the subjectsof: Intuit ion, Telepathy, Empathy, Clairvoyance and other for ms of ESP, wi l l f indThe Launch Pad a natural conduit to higher realms of consciousness. TheLaunch Pad is nothing more than an addit ional tool to those of: Meditat ion,

    Tarot, Crystals, Pendulums, Runes, and the hundreds of art ist ic Divinat ion Systemsthat have been publ ished over the last few decades; al l designed to reach thoseetherial beings who are wait ing to be of service, in love, f rom their uniqueperspectives in this abundantly occupied mult i -verse.

    I have been attracted to the paranormal, psychic, and spir i tual realms for as longas I can remember. A l i fet ime of extraordinary experiences has provided enoughinformation to f i l l several books, which indeed I have done!

    These many extraordinary experiences set me on a path of seeking understand-ing, in al l poss ible ways, the invis ible real i t ies. After exploring many esotericpractices my emphasis became channel ing. I had the honor of being taught bythe phenomenal, Shawn Randal l , for over a decade, in Los Angeles, CA. Fate alsogranted me the joy of becoming The Apprentice to the world renowned DarrylAnka, who works with the loving and witty ent ity know as Bashar.

    Spir i t communications are educational, inspirat ional, loving and fun. I hope oneday, you too wi l l be f i l led with the same appreciat ion I have for the guidance andcamaraderie avai lable when one has an open mind, open h eart and good tools.

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    The concept of The Close Encounters Launch Pad is to bring a new face to theancient practice of communicating with non-physical ent it ies and energies. Myown personal history is saturated with contact with beings f rom other dimensionalrealms; most commonly, ETs. Telepathy is the most natural and common for m ofcommunication in this arena, though most humans have either lost the capacityfor, or are st i l l on their way to developing it . Telepathy, by-enlarge, is disregardedas a real for m of communication, but need we be reminded that most peoplehere on Earth end each day with a telepathic conversat ion with the God of theirchoice. We call that prayer.

    As t ime progresses, more modern methods emerge for al l aspects of l i fe. As ourcol lect ive consciousness and spir i tual i ty evolves, the innate abi l i t ies that are ourbirthr ight, wi l l no longer be ignored or denigrated. Our r ightful place in thecosmos as conscious cocreators of real i ty - souls donning physical bodies, as i twere, wi l l be considered a fact and respected, as wi l l our higher mind abi l i t ies.

    Moving a planchette on a surface is nothing more than receiving and channel ingtelepathic communication. These gifts are hard wired within us. Tapping thesetalents requires nothing more than the acknowledgement they exist and arewait ing to be exercised.

    I have had the luck to l ive in a t ime and place where my own gifts were nurtured.I cherish the tools that have ass isted my growth and it has been a joy to create a

    game that can be played for the shear joy of i t , whi le at the same t ime it issubl iminal ly ass ist ing us ALL in moving closer together. Thank you f or your courageto play on a f ield most see only f rom the s idel ines. I salute you!

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    YES YOU CAN!The most important idea for anyone who is wanting to delve into the unknown isto understand; this isnt rocket science...we come by this stuff natural ly!

    I remember, back in the late 80s, f inding an ad in an LA paper advert is ingChannel ing Classes. I was so upset by the ad, I cal led the woman and screamedat her, Who are you and how can you poss ible teach channel ing! Channel ing is a

    gift , i t i snt something that can be taught. I was l iv id.

    Shawn was very calm and responded, Why dont you come to the class Imgiving tonight, at no charge, and you decide. I had been given a f ree pass tobust a charlatan! So, self -r ighteously I arr ived at her door boast ing my disbel iefand disgust.

    Unfortunately, my doubting att i tude had no power to maintain i tself once Shawnbegan to channel her precious, l i felong guide, Torah. That was the beginning ofthe best adventure I could have ever chanced upon.

    Yes, I discovered that these attr ibutes can indeed be taught.. .and se l f-taught;or more accurately, remembered, because we are al l born imbued with theselatent powers. Unfortunately, most Westerners are more interested in gifts f romthe mall rather than gifts of the spir i t .

    I am giving you a tool and instruct ions on how to use it . The tool works! Theinstruct ions are easy and enjoyable. The beauty of a talking board, or a LaunchPad in this case is , that i t i s a communal game. It requires gett ing f r iendstogether, having fun, and of course, practicing. Dont give up i f nothing seems tohappen on the f i rst few occasions. Our f r iends on the other s ide wi l l be gett ing toknow you and learning how to work with your energy as wel l . Keep at i t ! A break-through wi l l occur, just as when lear ning to r ide a bike: once you get that feel ing

    of balance it wi l l stay with y ou forever. I send my bless ing to al l of you on both-s ides of the vei l . And remember to enjoy the journey!

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    I have chosen the most recognized ET groups and other ent it ies commonlyassociated with the Extraterrestr ial/Extra-dimensional real i t ies and their respectiveenergies. MANY of these ent it ies have come thr ough talking boards/pad gamesand wi l l most l ikely come through for you as wel l . Others communicating with youmay choose the specif ic energy of the ent ity to express an idea. Most beings arenot s imply one energy, but for the sake of the game, f rom my research and my

    personal experiences with them, I have chosen the energy that seemed mostprominent.

    HYBRID.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FUTURE

    MANTIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SNEAKY

    ASHTAR.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COUNCILORION.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONFLICT

    SIRIUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLAYZETA.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTELLECT

    ARCTURUS.. . . . . . . . . . . . ARCHETYPE

    BIGFOOT.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . MYSTERYILLUMINATI. . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTROL

    BLACK OPS.. . . . . . . . . . . SECRET

    LIGHT BEINGS.. . . . . . . . VIRTUEANGELS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROTECTION

    PLEIADIAN.. . . . . . . . . . . . BEAUTY

    REPTILIAN.. . . . . . . . . . . . . DECEITANUNNAKI. . . . . . . . . . . . . BEGINNINGS

    LYRA.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORIGINS

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  • 7/29/2019 Close Encounters Launch Pad Booklet


    All other energies are labeled onThe Launch Pad, and further dened at:

    If you have any questions,you may contact me at:

    [email protected]

    Blessings Always, Kim Carlsberg

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    Below are some guidel ines, that i f fol lowed, create optimum condit ions for asuccessful psychic sess ion.

    The Launch Pad is designed for 2 or more people: refrain f rom using The Launch

    Pad alone. Treat The Launch Pad sess ions with respect. Al l part icipants in the roomshould be mental ly and emotional engaged in the process. Avoid The Launch Padwhen t i red, i l l , st ressed, intoxicated or under other inf luences. Skepticism is f ine,but only engage The Launch Pad in an atmosphere of posit ive energy.

    Begin each sess ion by creating a sacred space in ways that are most comfortablefor you. Perh aps start with a short meditat ion, sage the room and the part icipants,display crystals, burn essent ial oi ls , and/or whatever comes into your conscious-

    ness as r ight for the group.

    Fi rst and foremost, i t i s essent ial to always open and close The Launch Pad withsacred ceremony. It does not have to be lengthy or complicated. I wi l l give somesuggest ions, but as t ime goes on you wi l l natural ly develop your own system.

    In the beginning, take the t ime to famil iar ize yourself with the words, symbols andimages on The Launch Pad. The unseen fr iends on the other s ide need t ime to

    learn The Launch Pad as wel l , so be patient. This Launch Pad is a new concept,unl ike the famil iar Oui ja Board that has been popular for decades and absorbedinto the mass consciousness. Dont t ry to force results . Remain relaxed anddetached from outcomes. Shorter sess ions, often, get better results than longlaborious attempts. I f the planchette does not move for a whi le, take a breakand/or change partners.

    The purpose of the colored t ips o n the points of the tetrahedral crop circle in the

    center of The Launch Pad, is to provide each player with a color to identifythemselves, rel ieving the ent it ies f rom having to spel l out names.

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    Again, the fol lowing are only suggest ions, and eventual ly you wi l l develop yourpersonal style, but I cannot emphasize the importance of opening and closing the

    board properly; meaning with respect and as a sacred r i tual. The opening clearingand invocation is to be done after The Launch Pad has been opened and placedon a clean, f lat sur face and the previously suggested protective measures havebeen implemented.

    We come together at this t ime, in love and appreciat ion, for al l creation.We surround ourselves with a sphere of pure, sparkl ing, white l ight. (Visual izeyourself , everyone and the ent i re space enveloped in love and protection).

    We welcome the energies of the 4 Elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fi re.We welcome the energies of the 4 Direct ion: North, South, East and West.We welcome the God/Goddess energies.Only the highest v ibrat ional beings may enter here: Angels, Saints, AscendedMasters, Spir i t Guides, Extraterrestr ials , Extra-dimensionals, Elementals, AnimalSpir i ts , Fair ies, Dearly Departed...or anyone with a message for our highest good.

    Proceed to clear the board of al l previous readings on the clap of 3. Every per-

    son in the group is required to clap in unison. I t i s now t ime to ask quest ions. Oneperson, whose f ingers are on the planchette, should ask the quest ions. I f peoplein the group want to ask quest ions, the quest ions should be reiterated by a personon the planchette. Ask s imple, st raight for ward quest ions, one at a t ime. Dont besurprised i f the beings on the other s ide answer a quest ion before it is asked,because they, of course, already know what we are thinking. :)

    When it feels l ike i t i s t ime to complete the sess ion, thank the beings with love and

    grat itude and invite them to return. Once again, clear the board on a count of 3,and respectful ly put The Launch Pad away, for another day.

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