ci-16-05815 lancaster county court of common pleas motion to recuse judge james p. cullen july 2,...

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  • 7/25/2019 CI-16-05815 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Motion to Recuse Judge James p. Cullen July 2, 2016


    Motion To Recuse The Honorable Judge James P. Cullen, July 2, 2016

    C!RT " CMM# P$%&' " $C&'T%R C!#T(

    'tan J. Caterbone

    &)*C%) M%)+& R!P"reedom "rom Co-ert Harassment


    Registered in Pennsyl-ania

    1250 Fremont Street

    Lancaster, PA

    [email protected]

    C+*+$ &CT+# $&3

    !n "e# S$A%L&' (. )A$&"*+%& an AA%)& /&!A "+P,


    . Lancaster )it4 *rea o Police,,

    )ase %o. )!-1640515

    MT+# T R%C!'% TH% H#R&7$% J!)% J&M%' P. C!$$%#

    A% %+, on tis 2n a4 o (l4, 2016 !, S$A%L&' (. )A$&"*+%& an AA%)& /&!A

    "+P, Plainti8s, o ereb4 ile a MT+# T R%C!'% TH% H#R&7$% J!)% J&M%' P.

    C!$$%#. ! ereb4 reest te transer o tis case to te :onorable (ge /argaret /iller being

    tat te :onorable /argaret /iller rle on a similar Preliminar4 &mergenc4 !n;nction or

    &mergenc4 "elie on ecember 29, 2009. See Attace +"&".

    ate (l4 2, 2016


    'tan J. Caterbone, Pro 'e $itigant&)*C%) M%)+& R!P

    "reedom "rom Co-ert Harassment 'ur-eillance,/

    Registered in Pennsyl-ania

    1250 Fremont StreetLancaster, PA 17603

  • 7/25/2019 CI-16-05815 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Motion to Recuse Judge James p. Cullen July 2, 2016


    Motion To Recuse The Honorable Judge James P. Cullen, July 2, 2016

    7R+%" +# '!PPRT " MT+# T R%C!'% TH% H#R&7$%

    J!)% J&M%' P. C!$$%#

    If you apply the following Code of Conduct to the attached trail and sentencing transcripts of the

    Criminal Case 3179-07, the COO!"#$%&' O( P#!!)*%+$!I$ )tanley . Cater/one in the %ancaster County

    Court of Common Pleas /efore the 'onora/le .udge .ames P Cullen, you will find that there are numerous

    instances, too many to mention, that are in direct conflict with the Code of .udicial Conduct (or these reasons

    that definitely in appearance uestion the o/ectiity and fairness of the /ench in those proceedings, the

    O&IO! (O2 2#C)$% must /e granted

    Code o= Judicial Conduct> %==ecti-e July 1, 201?

    Rule 1.1. Comliance ith the $a.

    $ udge shall comply with the law, including the Code of .udicial Conduct

    Rule 1.2. Promoting Confidence in the Judiciary.

    $ udge shall act at all times in a manner that promotes pu/lic confidence in the independence, integrity, and

    impartiality of the udiciary, and shall aoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety


    415 Pu/lic confidence in the udiciary is eroded /y improper conduct and conduct that creates the appearance of

    impropriety &his principle applies to /oth the professional and personal conduct of a udge

    465 $ udge should epect to /e the su/ect of pu/lic scrutiny that might /e iewed as /urdensome if applied to

    other citi8ens, and must accept the restrictions imposed /y the Code

    (3) conduct that compromises or appears to compromise the independence, integrity, and impartiality of a

    udge undermines pu!lic confidence in the udiciary. "ecause it is not practica!le to list all such conduct, the

    Rule is necessarily cast in general terms.

    45 .udges should participate in actiities that promote ethical conduct among udges and lawyers, support

    professionalism within the udiciary and the legal profession, and promote access to ustice for all

    4:5 ;;Impropriety

  • 7/25/2019 CI-16-05815 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Motion to Recuse Judge James p. Cullen July 2, 2016


    Motion To Recuse The Honorable Judge James P. Cullen, July 2, 2016

    ate (l4 2, 2016

    888888888889'9888888888888'tan J. Caterbone, Pro 'e $itigant

    &)*C%) M%)+& R!P

    "reedom "rom Co-ert Harassment 'ur-eillance,/

    Registered in Pennsyl-ania

    1250 Fremont StreetLancaster, PA 17603

  • 7/25/2019 CI-16-05815 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Motion to Recuse Judge James p. Cullen July 2, 2016


    Motion To Recuse The Honorable Judge James P. Cullen, July 2, 2016

    C%RT+"+C&T% " '%R*+C%> ! ereb4 certi4 tat an electronic co=4

  • 7/25/2019 CI-16-05815 Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas Motion to Recuse Judge James p. Cullen July 2, 2016


    Motion To Recuse The Honorable Judge James P. Cullen, July 2, 2016


    A% %+ on tis a4 o , 2016 ! ereb4 +"&" tat te MT+# T

    R%C!'% TH% H#R&7$% J!)% J&M%' P. C!$$%# ) TH% C&'% 7% R%&''+#%) T

    TH% H#R&7$% J!)% M&R&R%T M+$$%R.



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    Motion To Recuse The Honorable Judge James P. Cullen, July 2, 2016


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