churchtown chatter

Churchtown Chatter Imagine … Believe … Achieve… Newsletter 11 - 2021 We are incredibly proud of the 38 children who represented Churchtown Primary School exceptionally well on Sunday at the Remembrance parade in Southport. The children were complimented by members of the public for their excellent behaviour, once again a credit to the school. Thank you to the staff also involved including Miss Vernon, Miss Morris, Mrs Bluck, Mrs Payne, Mrs Draper, Mrs Crookes, Miss Suffell & Mr & Mrs Bowen

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Churchtown Chatter Imagine … Believe … Achieve…

Newsletter 11 - 2021

We are incredibly proud of the 38 children who represented Churchtown Primary School exceptionally well on Sunday at the Remembrance parade in Southport.

The children were complimented by members of the public for their excellent behaviour, once again a credit to the school.

Thank you to the staff also involved including Miss Vernon, Miss Morris, Mrs Bluck, Mrs Payne, Mrs Draper,

Mrs Crookes, Miss Suffell & Mr & Mrs Bowen

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Huge thanks to everyone for donation to Children in Need

today and supporting Olivia in her fundraising for them.

If you would still like to donate See below for our donation page link


Our whole school have been sent a copy of the lyrics for our 2 songs at St. Cuthbert's Church, this Christmas. For some children, it will be the first chance to hear and sing-along with our Year 5 & 6

Churchtown Choir.

Our Year 6 children, will be enjoying Christmas at St. Cuthbert's for the very last time, having been going since Reception class.

If you get a chance to show, sing or read through the songs with your child, this would greatly help our

efforts this Christmas. If your child has a sibling in the school, please encourage them to sing together, as everyone in the school is learning the same 2 songs, Little Donkey and Marys Boy Child by Boney M. The

videos we are using to learn these songs from, look like the pictures below.

Year 1 will also have been given a Nutcracker to colour in, for a small competition. These need to be handed in by Thursday 2nd of December, and will all go up in the Music room. The winner will recieve a

Nutcracker decoration for their Christmas tree at home, chosen by the Chief Champions.

Many thanks Mr Pritchard

Last week in Buddy assembly we announced the winners of the TT Rockstars ‘England Rocks’ Competition. It was highly competitive with children battling all week to see who could

win. Well done to everyone who got involved and

very well done to our winners.

Class Winners 1st – 6B

2nd – 6MB 3rd – 5H

Individual Year Group Winners

Y3 Willow Wright (3E) Y4 – Taimora Eladawi (4F)

Y5 – Finlay Dale (5H) Y6 Harrison Dale (6B)

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In art this half term, we have been looking at a range of artists in our ‘Make my voice heard’ topic. After looking at graffiti artists such as Banksy and Pablo Picasso’s ‘Guernica’, we moved onto looking at the work of Kathe Kollwitz. She

creates dramatic pictures in black and white using a technique called ‘chiaroscuro’. We created our own dramatic face pictures using charcoals and then made a clay head representation of them to be displayed on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar

Square. I’m sure you’ll agree that they are pretty good!

Last Friday, we were treated to an excellent Teams meeting with wonderful author Thomas

Taylor. The children were excited to find out that he was one of the first people to read

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone AND design the front cover for it, when he was

working as an illustrator. They were also giddy when he showed them some radioactive sea glass and fossilised dinosaur poo! He collects these items from his beachcombing exploits and then uses the items as inspiration in his books. The children had the opportunity to

purchase some of his Eerie-on-Sea series of novels (Malamander, Gargantis &

Shadowghast) in which he sent a bookplate for us to pop into each book purchased.

As part of our World War I topic, the children have been learning all about the conditions in British trenches during the war. They have

been able then to work incredibly collaboratively and produce the best trenches that I have ever seen. Combining tons of cardboard, lollipop sticks, craft matches, teabags and a large mountain of glue and paint, they worked tremendously hard on their projects. They showed such

enthusiasm and skill to make replica trench systems. Wow!

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To ensure we are able to prevent bullying, act quickly when it takes place and avoid misidentifying bullying, it is vital that our school and the community within it have a shared definition of bullying.

‘Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where

the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.’

This week we have celebrated ‘Anti-Bullying Week’ across our school in many different ways. This allows us to highlight the impact bullying can have on others, share how we can all help to stamp it out and spread kindness. Anti-bullying week allows us to come together as a school to have a whole school focus for the

week, however bullying is something we discuss all year round.

On Monday we also celebrated ‘Odd Socks Day’ to encourage children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality.

Reading Here are some suggested texts that deal with the themes of bullying, kindness and being a supportive

friend. Reading these books with children at home could spark some great conversations about how to deal with bullying.

Websites for further support

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Early years and KS1 have enjoyed celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week. Each class had a nursery rhyme to learn ready for a performance in praise assembly on Friday. Everyone has

been practising very hard to learn the words and the actions. A special delivery arrived for each class at the beginning of the week, a beautiful book of

nursery rhymes which we have shared with the children each day. The tongue twisters like Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper have been especially popular. Children have been

busy making new rhymes up for Humpty Dumpty, making spiders webs for Incy Wincy and sequencing the order of events in the Grand Old Duke of York.

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What’s been happening in Computing this week?

This week, Year 5 have been looking at search engines. They

discussed accurate searching techniques and whether a source is safe

and reliable. At the end of their lessons, they were challenged to find

various websites and information to put their searching skills to the


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Wk Beg 22nd November Geography Awareness Week

Tuesday 23rd November Nasal Flu vaccinations for Reception – Year 6

Thursday 2nd December Reception & Year 1 trip to Farmer Teds

Wednesday 8th December 2A & 2W Christmas Play – 2.15pm

Thursday 9th December 2B & 2TW Christmas Play – 2.15pm

Friday 10th December Nursery Christmas Play – 9.30 am

Monday 13th December Y2 Superhero day – more details to follow

Tuesday 14th December RS Christmas Play – 9.30 am

Tuesday 14th December RPC Christmas Play – 2.30pm

Wednesday 15th December

Christmas Dinner Day – wear something sparkly or a festive jumper or T-shirt with your uniform

Thursday 16th December RJS Christmas Play – 9.30 am

Thursday 16th December RC Christmas Play – 2.30pm

Friday 17th December Early Years, Y1 & Y2 Party Day

Friday 17th December Y5 Carol Concert at St Cuthbert’s Church

9.15 – 5S & 5H parents invited 11.00 – 5D & 5M Parents Invited

Monday 20th December Y3 – Y6 – Party day

Tuesday 21st December Christmas Assemblies at St Cuthbert’s Church

Tuesday 21st December School Finishes at 2.00 pm

Wednesday 22nd December

School Closed for Queens Bank Holiday in June

Wednesday 5th January INSET Day – school closed

Thursday 6th January Back to School - Rise and Shine school starts at ten to nine

Wednesday 19th January Y3 & Y5 Science Shows

Tuesday 8th February Internet Safety Day

Friday 11th February SLP – Love My Community Day

Thursday 3rd March World Book Day

Wednesday 9th March Parents Evening – School Closes at 2pm

St Cuthbert’s Road, Southport,

Merseyside, PR9 7NN

Tel: 01704 508500

Nasal Flu Vaccinations are due to take place next week. If you haven't already responded, please complete the NHS

link below for your child's nasal flu immunisation by Monday 22

November 2021. The vaccinations for Reception

through to Year 6 will be taking place in school on Tuesday 23 November


This year the NHS are asking parents to give consent

electronically even if you wish your child not to receive their flu


Further information is contained in the following link -

Below is the QR code that will take you directly to the correct page.

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I was wondering whether you might want to feature this picture in next week's newsletter: our lovely

Rainbows from 1st North Meols Unit (St Cuthbert's Church) went litter picking last Thursday in our Botanic

Gardens. To our surprise they filled over 10 small bin bags of litter! A lot of crisps packets, chocolate

Learning Champions Imagine … Believe… Achieve

ning Champions Benjamin Callaghan-Hickson in 4D and his team the

Churchtown Jaguar Reds won their match last weekend 8-0. Benjamin scored 2 goals and was awarded Man of the match!

Very proud of him.

George Povey of class 6M who took part in the remembrance parade with Southport Sea


Katie (1C) achieved her beginner swimming award. She had been practicing really hard and we’re all super

proud of her.

Further to the Remembrance at school last week, Neave joined her Dad Major Nick McEntee on parade at the

memorial in Southport on Sunday. She was honoured to be placing a wreath, on behalf of the Royal British

Legion, at the memorial. Neave spent the week running up to the service practising with her Dad and on the day she did the most wonderful, respectful job. As a military

child and grandchild, Neave knows only too well the sacrifices made by those who serve and she felt that her role on Sunday was one of the most important things she

could do to ‘Remember’.

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Vanessa , 4F, won the Wales Tour 9U girls singles tennis tournament.

Well done Vanessa!

Learning Champions Imagine … Believe… Achieve

ning Champions Thomas got Beaver of the week this week. Well done Thomas!

Last week (12/11/2021) Amy Wright 2W was Star of the Week for her 'wonderful

miming' in her Drama class, Helen O'Grady Drama Academy

Our Science Ambassadors and Eco Champions planted approximately 50 young trees on the field, this week! We will be adding our trees to the Countryfile Plant Britain initiative, doing our part to help Britain address climate change.

The areas of planting on the field have improved our school environment and developed our educational provision for the children in our care. They will also help improve the climate for their children and grandchildren!

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be adding more saplings with other groups in the school.

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Learning Champions Imagine … Believe… Achieve

ning Champions

6M Oscar Morris Louie Green Amelie Kay

Riley Ortega-Higgs Summer McShane Finlay Casserley

Lilly-Mai Swift

6MB Alice Mawdsley

Reuben Johnson

Dominic Fair

Ruby Copeland-Doyle

6B Amelia Farnhill


Harrison Dale

RS Oscar Beesley

Seb Beigan Amelie Mouchene


Hugo Gilliespie-Hart

1L Rhys Dale

Violet Thomas Hayden Man


Amelie Brown Teddy Hirshman Dominic Maddox Jensen Maddox Ellie Watkinson Amelia Langley


Chloe Hewitt

James Martin

Sofia Sloan

Sophia Campbell Skyla Rockliffe

Mia Reynolds

2TW Ben Hornby

Jessica Smoult Layla Miller Marshall

Neave McEntee Lee Simons

Theo Sumpter Zachary Sykes

Alfie Dunn Thomas Lambie Simmons

Matthew Millington Jack Iddon

George Ashcroft Matthew Birtwistle Abram

3E Duggie Mitchell Daisy Stevens

Isabelle Henderson Oscar Evans-Hill Arianna Aspden Willow Wright

Sophie Hopson Hope Gallon Thea McGee Ella Warner

Sophie Copley

3B Max Rainford Noah Benn

Damir Gedrovics Jude Straker

Oliver Radcliffe

4S Ava Howard

Caiden McClelland Dylan Cook

Hattie Crowder-Barton Jacob Hart

Maria Gomery Willow Denton


Finley Foster

Maisie Hawkes

Morgan Nielson

Joel Radcliffe

5H Daisy Traynor

William Thomson Isaac Whalley

Hope McDougall

Gabi Gambale Madison Fair Oscar Lowe Rocky Ball