church school preschool...2015/07/08  · 10:45 am – t. pentis, g. gooch, c. gooch at a glance…...

Pentecost 14 B August 23 & 26, 2018 DIVINE GRACE EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH SCHOOL PRESCHOOL Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod 3000 S. Lapeer Road Orion, MI 48359-1317 (248) 391-1131 6:68

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Pentecost 14 – B August 23 & 26, 2018


Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod 3000 S. Lapeer Road Orion, MI 48359-1317

(248) 391-1131


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Welcome to Divine Grace Lutheran Church

Welcome to worship! May God fill your heart with his Holy Spirit and bless your hour of worship. May you find in Jesus the eternal peace, joy and comfort for which your soul longs. If you are a visitor, please sign the Guest Register in the entryway of the church with your complete name and address. Be sure to visit us again!

Theme: The words of Jesus are spirit and they are life. May we never foolishly forsake him!

Liturgy: Service of Light, p. 54 (Thursday)

Morning Praise, p. 45 (Sunday service) Psalm 71, page 92 in the hymnal

Bless-ed are they who hope, who hope in the Lord.

In you, O Lord, I have taken 'refuge;* let me never be 'put to shame.

Rescue me and deliver me in your 'righteousness;* turn your ear to me and 'save me.

Be my rock of refuge to which I can 'always go;* for you are my rock and my 'fortress.

Bless-ed are they who hope, who hope in the Lord.

Since my youth, O God, you have 'taught me,* and to this day I declare your mar'velous deeds.

Even when I am 'old and gray,* do not forsake 'me, O God,

till I declare your power to the next gener'ation,* your might to all who 'are to come.

Glory be to the Father and 'to the Son* and to the Holy 'Spirit, as it was in the be'ginning,* is now, and will be forever. 'Amen.

Bless-ed are they who hope, who hope in the Lord.

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Scripture Lesson: Joshua 24:1,2a,14-18 The Israelites moved into the Promised Land under Joshua. Shortly before his death, Joshua calls on God’s people to renew their covenant with the Lord. He reminds them of the grace that God had shown them, and calls on them to renew their commitment to serving the Lord in all things. 1Then Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel at Shechem, and he summoned the elders of

Israel, its heads, its judges, and its officers, and they presented themselves before God. 2Then Joshua told all the people, “This is what the LORD, the God of Israel has said.” 14Joshua

said, “Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve him wholeheartedly and faithfully. Remove

the gods that your fathers served in the region across the River and in Egypt, and serve the

LORD. 15But if you see no benefit in serving the LORD, then choose for yourselves today

whomever you will serve—whether the gods that your fathers served beyond the River or

the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household—we

will serve the LORD!” 16The people responded by saying, “Far be it from us to forsake the

LORD in order to serve other gods! 17For the LORD our God, he is the one who brought us and

our ancestors up from the land of Egypt, where we were slaves. He is the one who

performed these great signs right before our eyes and protected us on the whole journey

that we made and among all the peoples through whom we passed. 18The LORD drove out of

our presence all the peoples and the Amorites who were living in the land. We too will serve

the LORD, because he is our God!”

Hymn of the Day In Christ Alone | CW 752

Sermon Text: John 6:60-69 60When they heard it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching! Who can listen to

it?” 61But Jesus, knowing in himself that his disciples were grumbling about this, asked

them, “Does this cause you to stumble in your faith? 62What if you would see the Son of Man

ascending to where he was before? 63The Spirit is the one who gives life. The flesh does not

help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. 64But there are

some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning those who would not

believe and the one who would betray him. 65He said, “This is why I told you that no one can

come to me, unless it is given to him by my Father.” 66After this, many of his disciples turned

back and were not walking with him anymore. 67So Jesus asked the Twelve, “You do not

want to leave too, do you?” 68Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom will we go? You

have the words of eternal life. 69We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy

One of God.”

All scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage VersionTM (EHVTM) copyright © 2016 The Wartburg Project. All rights reserved.

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Sermon (John 6:60-69): You Do Not Want To Leave Too, Do You?

Offering Our congregation’s members willingly give offerings to support the Lord’s work here and around the world out of their love for Christ. If you are a guest or visitor today, please do not feel obligated to give an offering. Closing Hymn Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus | CWS 474

+ + + We thank our Service Participants: Sunday Preacher: Pastor Mark Voss Organist: Mrs. Marie Sazy Thursday Usher: R. Davies Sunday Ushers: 8:00 am – J. Merritt, C. Doble, P. Merritt, S. Doble 10:45 am – T. Pentis, G. Gooch, C. Gooch


Come to the Church Picnic – Sunday, August 26

Welcome to Preschool Meeting – Tues, August 28 at 6:30 pm

No School for K-8 on August 31 and September 3

Our Week with the Savior: August 26- September 2 This Sunday

8:00 & 10:45 am 9:30 am

12:30 pm

Worship Services Adult Bible Class Church Picnic

Tuesday 3:45 pm 6:30 pm

Faculty Meeting Welcome to Preschool Meeting

Wednesday 9:00 am School Chapel Thursday 7:00 pm Worship Service with the Lord’s Supper Friday No School Next Sunday 8:00 & 10:45 am

9:30 am Worship Services with the Lord’s Supper Adult Bible Class

Church News… Altar Flowers: The flowers that beautify our service today were given to God’s glory by Jeff Bozeman in memory of Debbie’s birthday.

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Church Picnic- August 26: All are invited to the Divine Grace Church Picnic, Sunday, August 26. Join us right here at church- food will be served at 12:30. Bring a dish to pass, lawn chairs, lawn games and Frisbees. Please come and bring your friends!

Last Thursday Worship Service: August 30th is our last summer Thursday evening worship service. Thursday worship services will resume next summer.

Attention All Church Organizations: All organizations of the church/school are asked to please put together a display “advertising” your group’s activities for “Rally Around the Word” on September 9th. Please plan on being in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00-9:30 am to answer questions about your work and encourage other members to become involved. Tables will be set up in the Fellowship Hall by Sept. 7th so you can set up your display.

Rally Sunday: Sunday, September 9th is our annual “Rally Around the Word” Sunday. Members, please plan to check out the displays before and after Bible Class. This will also mark the first day of Children’s Sunday School, starting at 9:30 am.

Sunday School Teachers: If you would like to teach (or team-teach on a rotating basis) or to be a classroom helper, please sign up and speak with Pastor Voss for more details.

Children’s Sunday School will begin on September 9th. Students 3 years old through 6th grade are welcome and encouraged to attend. Classes meet in various classrooms throughout the building. There are signs posted by the classroom doors to direct you to the right room. This is a wonderful opportunity to grow stronger in the knowledge of God’s amazing Word!

Oktoberfest for DG Adults! Time to get your lederhosen and dirndl on! September 15th is Oktoberfest 2018 at the Jorgenson's. Brewers need to bottle their creations for the beer competition and everyone needs to bring a German dish to pass and lawn chairs! There will be volleyball, yard games and swimming. Brats and beverages are provided. Come spend time with friends and maybe make some new ones! Get ready for a relaxing afternoon of fun! So mark your calendars...September 15, 3:00-? with dinner around 5:00. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall. If you have any questions contact Joy or Ron at 248-393-5583.

Parents of 7th and 8th Grade Students: Confirmation Class for 7th and 8th graders (who do not attend Divine Grace School) will begin on Monday, September 10th, from 5:30 to 6:40 pm. If you have a child entering 7th or 8th grade and have not received an informational letter/email, please speak to Pastor. Thank you!

It’s Archery Camp Time again! It’s Archery Camp Time again! Archery camp is coming up quick – Fri, Sept. 21 thru Sun, Sep 23 – at Camp Killarney in Irish Hills, MI. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it – it’s for boys in grades K-8 and their parent. We camp in tents in a group camping site with St. Paul’s, Livonia and St. Peter’s, Plymouth. Cost is $25 per person and includes camping fees, all meals, equipment and lots of archery and fun. No experience needed – qualified instructors teach the kids (and dads) the proper way to shoot

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at both paper targets and 3D targets in the woods. Please sign up on the sheet in the school entry and pick up a registration form. We would love to have adult volunteers. Those of you who have gone in prior years know it’s not that much work and the kids will love you for it! If you can help please contact Kevin Cartwright (248) 535-4465.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study: Wednesday Morning Bible Study will start a new year on September 12th. The class will meet each Wednesday during the school year from 9:30-10:30 am. Come and be nurtured in the Word of God!

New Pictorial Directory: It’s time for us to update our church photo directory! I know you are all busy. For now, just save the date. We will be photographing all Divine Grace families on October 2nd and 3rd right here at church. Our directory won’t be complete without you. Watch the bulletin for more information in the coming weeks.

Pastor Starr’s 40th Anniversary: Trinity Lutheran Church in Bay City invites you to celebrate Pastor Richard Starr’s 40 years in the ministry in a special service on Sunday, September 16, at 11:00 am. A catered dinner and program will follow. See the invitation posted in the Fellowship Hall for the details. RSVP by September 2nd. Email photos to Nancy Peil at [email protected].

Meditations: New Meditations devotion booklets are available. Daily devotions in this issue begin with Sunday, September 2nd. Pick up a copy from the credenza.

Together Newsletter: Copies of the WELS e-newsletter are available on the credenza.

Detroit Lions Game: The 3rd annual WELS Ticket Package is being offered for the Monday Night Football game at Ford Field on Monday, September 10, as the Lions face the New York Jets. The ticket package includes discounted game tickets starting at $64 and a group item gift. If you’d like to attend, order your ticket online at, and please be sure to notice that you will need the special promo code, which is WELS2018.

Attendance: Thursday 8/16 7:00 pm Worship: 27 Communion: 16

Sunday 8/19 8:00 am Worship: 55 Communion: 32 10:45 am Worship: 89 Communion: 66 Sunday Adult Bible Class: 42

Bible Study (totals for the week): Adults - 54 Teens - -- Children - --

Library Corner Feature: Heart in Focus. This workbook highlights a plan for faith-focused financial planning. Here’s an opportunity to evaluate your personal financial situation and make important choices towards moving in the right direction. This book can be found on the top shelf next to the white board in the Fellowship Hall. Reminder: All you need to do to check out a book from the church library is to fill out the card

in the book and place the card in the pocket located on the inside of the library cabinet door.

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Reward Programs that Run Throughout the Year

at Divine Grace Lutheran School

Box Tops: Grab your scissors and keep an eye out for the Box Tops for Education logo on

the products you use every day. Once you've finished with the product, clip the Box Top

before you throw it away. Simply drop them off in the Box Tops container in the school

lobby, or give them to a K-8 student (the classrooms have on-going contests). For every

Box Top you clip, Divine Grace School will receive 10 cents. That may not sound like a lot,

but it adds up quickly.

Ink Cartridge Recycling: Please continue to bring in your used cartridges and place

them in the box in the school lobby. We recycle them at Staples in exchange for store

credit to purchase school and office supplies.

AmazonSmile: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Divine

Grace every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at,

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile

purchases. (You use the same account on and AmazonSmile.) On your

first visit to AmazonSmile (, you need to select “Divine Grace Lutheran

Church” and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a


Scrip: Scrip is a method of generating charitable rebates through common purchases

from your favorite stores, restaurants and service providers. How it works is that you order

a gift card from Scrip and pay for it at face value. Depending on the store, the school

receives 2-17% back. The Scrip Incentive allows you to direct half of the profit to a school-

family’s tuition for next year, the Sanctuary Renovation Fund, Tuition Assistance, or Scrip.

Aunt Millie’s School Spirit Program: You can raise money for your school every time you

buy specially-marked Holsum, Sunbeam, Soft ‘N Good or Aunt Millie’s bakery products,

by participating in Aunt Millie’s SCHOOL SPIRIT Program. Just save proof-of-purchase

(UPC) codes with the School Spirit symbol from eligible products and turn them in to the

box located in the school lobby. For each UPC received, Aunt Millie’s will donate a

nickel to our school!

Kroger Community Rewards: Register online at Create

an account and select Divine Grace (PE298) as your organization. Members must swipe

their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their

registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count. Divine Grace

receives a quarterly check, just for supporters shopping at Kroger!

Give Back to Schools: Simply make a purchase of qualifying school supplies at Office

Max or Office Depot, provide our school ID at checkout and Divine Grace School will

receive 5% back in credits for FREE supplies! Divine Grace’s ID is 70051080. It's a small act

that can make a huge difference.

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Divine Grace Church Organization Contact List

Altar Guild.............................................................................. Judi Reinhold Athletic Director.................................................................. Jesse Nofftz Banners and Art .................................................................. Deanna Pentis Budget. .................................................................................... Ron Jorgenson Choir ......................................................................................... Pastor Voss Church Council President ............................................... Larry Sak Church Council Secretary ............................................... Chris Grimm Church Council Treasurer ............................................... Ron Jorgenson Church Council Financial Secretary ............................ John Merritt Early Childhood Education Board... ............................ Pastor Voss, Larry Buss, Nick Ferdinand Elders ....................................................................................... Mark Krueger, Tom Pentis, Jim Teller Elementary Education Board ........................................ Cory Doble, Tris Coffin, Nate Miller Endowment Fund ............................................................... John Merritt Evangelism. ........................................................................... Michael Armstrong Office ........................................................................................ Deanna Pentis Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) .......................... Monica Watson Parish Services..................................................................... Eric Nordlie Planning .................................................................................. Bill Pagels Preschool and Extended Care ........................................ Barb Musinski, Debbie Baker Principal ................................................................................ Jesse Nofftz Property ................................................................................. Kevin Krueger Scrip ......................................................................................... Terry Cartwright Stewardship .......................................................................... Jeff Bozeman Teacher (Kindergarten & Young Fives)..................... Kristi Coffin Teacher (Grades 1-2) ........................................................ Charlotte Huebner Teacher (Grades 3-5) ........................................................ Rachel Nottling Teacher (Grades 6-8) ........................................................ Jesse Nofftz Technology ............................................................................ John Musinski Women Serving Christ ...................................................... Sherry Pagels Youth Group .......................................................................... Jeff Thorsen

Sunday, September 9, 2018 Come before or after Bible Class and visit the displays prepared by

church and school organizations. This is your chance to get involved!

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3000 South Lapeer Road Lake Orion, Michigan 48359

(248) 391-1131


Starting Tuesday, September 18th

When was the last time that you reviewed the basic teachings of the Bible and how those teachings apply to your life? Do you have questions about creation, heaven and hell, angels and demons, the Ten Commandments, Communion, Baptism, prayer, marriage, money, parenting, or death?

Our Bible Information Class will bring us God’s answers to those questions, plus a whole lot more! The class will meet here at church once per week for 12 sessions, beginning Tuesday, September 18th.

This is a wonderful chance for those who are already members here at Divine Grace to take a basic doctrine “refresher” course.

This is also the "membership" class – that is, those who would like to join Divine Grace but come from another denomination or are unchurched are asked to complete this class before joining. It will give them a chance to examine what we believe and teach on the basis of God’s Word. If you have friends, relatives, neighbors or acquaintances who don’t have a church home, please take this opportunity to extend them an invitation!

If you would like to enroll, please do so on the sign-up sheet on the credenza in the church entryway. There is no cost or obligation.

Tuesday evenings, starting September 18th ..... 6:30-8:15 pm

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Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod

Pastor Mark Voss Cell Phone: (248) 462-1390 Email: [email protected] Principal Jesse Nofftz Cell Phone: (608) 498-2105 Email: [email protected]

Preschool Director Barb Musinski Email: [email protected]

Divine Grace Worship Services – Sundays, 8:00 & 10:45 am

Thursdays (Summer Schedule), 7:00 pm Bible Class – Sundays, 9:30 am – Adult Bible Class

Visit our website – Email – [email protected]

Volunteers for Next Week:

8/30 7:00 pm Thursday Service : Usher: A. Reinhold Communion Set/Clean: Reinhold

9/1 Church Cleaning : Volunteer needed

9/2 8:00 am Sunday Service: 9/2 10:45 am Sunday Service: Communion Setup – Volunteer needed 8:00 Ushers– R. Jorgenson, N. Reinhold 10:45 Ushers– K. Uhlig, S. Kimmel,

C. Uhlig, J. Uhlig Communion Support – J. Nofftz Communion Support – K. Uhlig Fellowship Snack – Volunteer needed Communion Cleanup – Volunteer needed

Upcoming Birthdays:

8/23 Katie Anderson, Jackie Anderson 8/24 Sarah Voss 8/25 Evelyn Ruediger 8/26 Jackie DeRuiter 8/27 Lynnelle Ward 8/29 Ellen Janetzke, Barbara Kelling-Babe 8/30 Nathan Miller, Dale Schreiner 8/31 William Herron, Levi Reinhold

9/1 Randy Schreiner 9/2 Christine Martinico 9/5 Gabriel Miller, Cheryl Redman,

Denise Wells 9/6 Betty Kelling 9/7 Allison Armstrong, Joshua Grimm 9/9 John Feemster