christopher harney

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Chris Harney Is a Well- Known Golfer
  2. 2. Chris Harney Is a Well-Known GolferChris Harney is well-known golfer who set a world recordof 271 yards with 9 iron in 1981 National Power HittingChampion.He also wrote a weekly sports column for The BostonGuide for several years. Readers learnt a lot abouthow to improve their game by reading his Ask TheExperts column.He has been associated with many prestigious associa-tions like the Professional Golfers Association ofAmerica, the Massachusetts Golf Association, theUnited States Golf Association, and more.
  3. 3. Chris Harney is also known for a corporate golfprogram that he started in 1988 at the Andover CountryClub.He was the Golf Director here and this club had companieslike Converse, Wang and Merrill Lynch as its corporatemembers.He holds a world record as 1981 National Power HittingChampion and has contributed a lot to the game of golfthrough his writings, series of 13 corporate gold televisionshows which he hosted and developed in 1983 when hewas based in Osaka, Japan.
  4. 4. Christopher Harney Has Been AssociatedWith Professional Golfers Association of AmericaChristopher Harney, a well-known golfer has been associat-ed with various associations, such as the ProfessionalGolfers Association of America, the Massachusetts GolfAssociation, the United States Golf Association.He was a writer for The Boston Globe, a leading news sourcefor Massachusetts.He had his own weekly Sports Column in Ask The Expertscolumn for several years and many readers benefittedfrom his expert advice and tips on the game of golf.
  5. 5. One of his most notable achievements was setting a worldrecord of 271 yards with 9 iron in 1981 National Power Hit-ting Champion.He also hosted and developed a series of 13 corporate golftelevision shows in 1983 when he was based in Osaka,Japan.Christopher Harney also started a corporate golf program in1988 which was a huge success. He was the Golf Directorat Andover Country ClubThis club offered corporate memberships and had some of the leading companies like Converse, Wang and Merrill Lynch as members.
  6. 6. Thank You