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Page 1: Chionia. - Digital Collections - National Library of Medicine · the liver and bowels graduallyresume their normal functions, and it has proved in my hands a most efficient remedyfor


Prepared Exclusively for Physicians’ Prescriptions.

Page 2: Chionia. - Digital Collections - National Library of Medicine · the liver and bowels graduallyresume their normal functions, and it has proved in my hands a most efficient remedyfor


Liver disturbance, more especially that known un-der the name of biliousness, is one of the great cursesof the Anglo-Saxon race, and more especially thatportion of it inhabiting the American Continent.

Having been engaged for more than thirty years ingeneral practice, time and again—yes, hardly a dayand scarcely a week passes but the problem of bilious-ness or liver inaction is or has been before me. Howoften does it occur to every practitioner to see caseafter case that shows marked manifestation of defec-tive hepatic action. Now, Ido not propose to lay allthe diseases that flesh is heir to at the door of thismuch-abused organ, but I know that all unbiasedobservers of any reasonable degree of experience willagree with me in attributing a large amount of suffer-ing and distress to the impaired function of the liver.

Some six months ago my attention was called tothe preparation manufactured by the Peacock Chem-ical Co., of St. Louis, called Chionia, prepared fromChionanthus Virginica , Fringe Tree or Old Man’sBeard, which though unoflicinal in the U. S. Pharma-copoeia, like many other unoflicinal plants and herbs,may prove more valuable than hosts of those that aredesignated as oflicinal.

I have used the Chionia in quite a series of cases ofbiliousness with most satisfactory results, whether dueto torpid liver, induced by errors in diet or regimen,or to preceding attacks of chronic malarial poisoning.

As the Peacock Chemical Co. justly claims, it cer-tainly stimulates the liver and restores it to a healthycondition, without debilitating the system by exces-

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sive catharsis. It does not purge, but under its usethe liver and bowels gradually resume their normalfunctions, and it has proved in my hands a mostefficient remedy for deranged and disordered actionof the liver. Dee ring J. Roberts, M. I)


Nashville, Tenn. Graduate University of Nashville.

Peacock’s Bromides and Chionia have given mesuch universal satisfaction that I will give a few lineson my success with them : The Chionia I adminis-tered in a case of biliary calculi of some five or sixyears standing with frequent biliary colics, which hadbeen treated by three other physicians with nosuccess.I was at that time a graduate in medicine, and also anew man here, but having had some excellent resultsin a then recent case, was called in to treat this, andwith Chionia almost alone 1 have succeeded in pre-venting a single recurrence of the colicky attacks, itbeing now nine months since I took the ease. Theattacks occurred every two weeks or thereabout. Thepatient now has a clear complexion, and says she wasnever in better health than now. She takes one bottleof Chionia now every other month or so. I keepPeacock’s Chionia on my little table all the time, andcarry it in my case most of the time.

Avalon, Mo. K. S. Piatt, M. D.,Graduate Medical College ofOhio,

I gave Peacock’s Chionia to a young man whom Ihave been treating for liver trouble for a long time.I had used everything that I could think of with indif-ferent success. Sometimes he would appear to bebetter, but the improvement was only temporary. Atfirst mercurials seemed to give him relief, but becom-ing slightly salivatedI had to stop using them. Nitromur. acid and a dozen other so-called hepatic stimu-lants failed to give any permanent relief. He becamevery low-spirited, lost his energy, skin BuJ, conjunc.

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tiva muddy and yellowish. He said he would will-ingly pay one hundred dollars for any medicine thatwould relieve him, and I finally concluded to procurea bottle of Chionia, as I had seen it highly recom-mended in similar cases. After taking one bottle thepatient said that he felt better than he had for morethan a year, and said he thought he would be all rightwithout taking any more medicine. However, I gavehim another bottle; since taking that he is entirelyrelieved, and I have heard no complaint from him,though several months have elapsed. I got my drug-gist to order a lot, and have prescribed it severaltimes recently. I shall continue to prescribe Chioniafor biliary troubles. E. Woolfolk, M. D.,

Thorn Hill, Va. Graduate University Virginia.

Peacock’s Chionia I tried in two cases of longstanding biliousness in which it acted like a charm,clearing the complexion, relieving the engorged andnon-acting liver, restoring the appetite, and healthycolor to the patient. I think it will form a valuableaddition to our remedies for biliousness and jaundice.

Nottingham, Md. W. W. Waring, M. D.,Graduate University of Maryland.

I prescribed Chionia in cases of infants andchildren who were attacked with malaria, bilious andjaundiced, this also acted like a charm, and thebeauty of it is not disagreeable to taste, one of ourgreatest drawbacks in prescribing for children. Ican therefore, from ray experience, heartily recom-mend these preparations as being all that is claimedfor them. H. SCHOENFELD, M. D.,

Graduate Medical College of Ohio.Trenton, O.

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I have used Peacock’s Chionia. in a case of bil-iousness, dizziness and constipation, with most favorable results, and shall continue to use it.

Quincy, 111. Mrs. E. T. Judd, M. D.,Graduate Woman’s Medical College of Pennsylvania.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia in cases of slug-gish liver or biliousness ; and find it works well inany chronic derangement of the liver due to sluggish-ness* F. J. Holbert, M. D.,

Lyon Valley, Pa. Graduate Bellevue Hospital Med. College.

I am pleased to say that after giving Peacock’sChionia a trial, that 1 have found it very valuable in acase of biliousness and constipation, and it acted likea charm.

Washington, D. C. B. L. Wright, M. D.,Graduate Howard University, Washington, D. C.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia in several cases ofbiliousness, dyspepsia, habitual constipation, etc.,with marked success. Have requested my druggiststo keep it in stock, and would advise my brotherphysicians to give it a fair trial.

Benning, D. C. J. L. Brayshaw, M. D.,Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore.

I have thoroughly tested Chionia (Peacock) inbiliary affections, and lind it to be a very valuablemedicine in chronic liver diseases.

Dodge, Tex. W. S. Randolph, M. D.,Graduate Memphis Medical College.

I used Chionia successfully in a case of biliousheadache. It is a potent cholagogue and fine hepaticstimulant. Thos. C. Haley, M. D.,

Riceville, Va, Graduate Medical College ofVirginia,

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Chionia for bilious troubles has proved quite satis-factory as far as I have prescribed it.

Corunna, Mich. D. F. Alsdorf, M. D.,Graduate Albany Medical College.

I find Peacock’s Chionia just the thing in mildcases of biliary trouble, and it does not debilitate thepatient. H. B. Stewart, M. U.,

Fair View, S. C. Graduate Atlanta, Ga., Medical College.

The Chionia was used on a bilious patient withchronic malarial trouble. The patient returned, andhas used three bottles with marked improvement. Ican speak of Chionia as a fine preparation.

New Berlin, O. W. C. Steele, M. D.,Graduate University ofWooster, Cleveland, O.

Used Chionia in two cases of biliousness and oneof bilious fever with good effect. I must say that Iam favorably impressed with it. It always acts wellwhere indicated. W. H. Campbell, M. D.,

Livingston, Mont. Graduate Gross Medical College.

Peacock’s Chionia was administered to a lady whofor several years had been a sufferer from biliouscolic caused from partial stenosis of the biliary duct;she had just gotten over a very severe attack whenshe sent for me. I found her very jaundical andbadly constipated, stools slate or gray colored, whichthey had been for years. I placed her upon Chionia,ten drops every two hours, to clear up the previousattacks. Her bowels speedily returned to activity,stools became natural in color and consistence,jaundice disappeared and she wms in a fair way tohealth. She said she felt well, and that her bowelswere acting better than they had for years.

Greensburg, Ind. T. B. Gullefer, M. D.,Graduate Medical College of Indiana,

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The following case occurred in ray practice in thelatter months of 1891, and I have purposely withhelda report of it until now, in order not only to give thegood results of treatment, but also and especially toshow the permanency of such treatment toward a fulland unqualified recovery. Mr. H. L., a farmer nearWashington, Mo., about 40 years of age, in easy cir-cumstances and enjoying good health previously, pre-sented himself for treatment. Has been sick for overfour years, and on examination gave the followingdata: Weight, 115 lbs. ; pulse, 85 per min., irregu-lar and rising, obstinate constipation, with abdominalpain and insomnia. A few months after being firsttaken sick, inaction of the liver, combined with a pro-nounced palavity of the muscular intestinal coats, re-sulted in constant spasmodic pain over the abdominal,hepatic and spinal regions ; an action from the bowelswas often dela}r ed a week or ten days. Headache andpain of shoulders, arms and back were added. Sleepwas obtained only at irregular intervals of short dura-tion, during day and night, loss of appetite and fleshprogressive, finally resulting in emaciation. Normalweight, 180 lbs; when seen, 115 lbs. Digestion wasmuch impaired, his food consisted of articles in fluidforms as prescribed by the physician, a marked wantof power in deglutition rendering the ingestion ofsolids almost impossible. The treatment prescribedwhen this patient came under my care, consisted ofChionia, as prepared by the Peacock Chemical Co., ofSt. Louis, in teaspoonful doses three times, afterwardsfour times, daily. To insure rest and sleep, Pea-cock’s Bromides, one teaspoonful, increased to one

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and a half, was ordered at bedtime, to be repeatedif in two or three hours wakefulness should return,A few doses of the Hunyadi Janos Mineral Waterwere given the first two days, which acted satisfac-torily. In addition I wrote a list of dietary articlesand their quantity for each meal, enjoining exer-cise with tbe aid of a male nurse, and twice daily athorough massage, anointing the body afterwards,under friction with a turkish towel, with codliver oil.No other remedies were used. Mr. L. returned tome after six weeks so much improved that he himselfclaimed a new lease on life. I ordered, however, acontinuance of the treatment of Chionia and massagefor two months longer, and towards fall the same yearthe brother-in-law of Mr. L., informed me that myformer patient was fully recovered and capable ofsuperintending the management of his plantation.Peacock’s Chionia deserves the credit of success inthis case.

St. Louis, Mo., B. Roemer, M. D.,2633 Lafayette Ave. Graduate University ofVienna, Austria.

Mrs. B. aged thirty-five, has been suffering fromtorpid liver and constipation for many years, for whichall the remedies recommended were tried, with buttemporary relief.

I at once began the use of Chionia, in teaspoonfuldoses, three times a day After giving it in this dosefor two weeks, I gave it only twice a day, then onedose daily, and in this way gradually discontinuedits use.

After taking the Chionia a few days, the yellowishhue of the skin disappeared, her appetite returned,and her bowels, which had not moved in three yearswithout the aid of drugs or enema, now began to

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move regularly. It is now six weeks since she left offtaking the Chionia. and since then she has had twonormal evacuations daily.

From my experience with Chionia, I would recom-mend it in preference to all other preparations for theailments mentioned. M. Augsburger, M. 1).,

New York Citv Prof, ofObstetrics and Diseases of Women’ and Children, Eclectic Medical College.

I was called about January Ist, to see a boy twoand one-half years old who had suffered with chronicconstipation from birth and had been under treatmentby other physicians from his birth until the time I sawhim. I treated him until about April 15th, with any-thing but flattering results. When on becomingacquainted with Chionia 1 sent him a two ounce bot-tle with directions to give one teaspoonful three timesdaily. (Large dose for child, but he required nearlyas much medicine as an ordinary adult to move hisbowels.) When the two ounces were used up themother reported him much better, and at the presenttime, under the same treatment, he is much betterthan at any time since his birth.

James A, DeYoke, M. D.,Graduate Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery,

4 The Gilbert, Grand Rapids, Mich,

I must say that Peacock’s Chionia is superior toall other preparations of the kind. I gave it athorough test, and find it to be just what it is recom-mended to be. I will not do without it in my practice.Gave the Chionia in a case of constipation of tenyears’ standing, which yielded to one bottle.

Crafton, Texas. S. R. Moore, M. D.,Graduate Louisville Medical College.

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The Chionia I used in a case of habitual constipa-tion in a married lady, age 29, been married nearlyfour years, had two children. She said she had takenpills of all kinds to cause free action on bowels, butthe more she took them the more she needed them,and she would go two or three days and have no diffi-culty. She could not take pills any more. I gaveher Peacock's Chionia, she says it helped her morethan anything she ever took, and thinks by the timeshe takes another bottle, she will have overcome hertrouble. W. B. Goodman, M. D.,

Milltown, Ga. Graduate Atlanta Medical College.

I am more than pleased with the Chionia, having-tested it for constipation in a lady who was pregnant,and had been a constant sufferer from constipationuntil I gave her the Chionia. I shall prescribe it inall such cases. T. J. Doziek, M. D.,

Brittons Neck, S. C. Graduate University of City of N. Y.

I have always been opposed to using or prescrib-ing proprietary medicines. I had obstinate consti-pation with severe spells of flatulent colic. Aftertaking Chionia three times a day in teaspoonfuldoses, for three or four days, the trouble was re-moved, or very greatly alleviated. Since then I havetaken a dose once in three or four nights on going tobed, and have had but one bad spell since, and 1think that was due to neglect of the medicine. Un-like many medicines of its kind it does its workkindly and without sickness or pain, and is not un-pleasant to the taste. I think it a highly valuablepreparation to overcome chronic constipation, and torelieve all those anomalies and annoying symptomsthat follow in its train.

Birmingham, lowa. J. N. Norris, M. D.,Graduate College ofPhysicians and Surgeons, Keokuk

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I have used Chionia with great success. Thereis no remedy known to me in Materia Medica thatgives me as much satisfaction in chronic constipation,as your Chionia. J. L. Tadlock, M. D.,

Coatesville, Mo. Graduate Missouri Medical College.

I prescribed Chionia in a case of obstinate consti-pation in a lady who was pregnant, and who was alsosuffering greatly with morning sickness, and had thesatisfaction to learn that I had relieved both, and atthe proper time delivered her of a healthy child.

Millerstown, Ky. Stinson Lambert, M. D.,Graduate Hospital College ofMedicine, Ky.

I have had occasion to test the merits of Chionia,and I am now giving it a fair trial in a case of obsti-nate constipation and from results obtained wouldmost cheerfully recommend its use in such disorders.Not unpleasant to take, and because of its stimulat-ing tonic nature a most agreeable medicine to anyone requiring the same. F. M. Guyon, M. D.,

Sandoval, Ills, Graduate University ofNashville, Tenn.

I have used Chionia in the case of Mrs. C., whois more or less troubled with constipation, and allother symptoms concomitant with obscure livertroubles, and it has done her more good than any-thing she ever used. Sidney T. Bush, M. D.,

Lothair, Ga. Graduate Medical College ofGeorgia.

Chionia has relieved a case of obstinate constipa-tion which had resisted all other remedies.

Las Cruces, N. M. Jesse E. Thompson, M. D.,Graduate St. Louis College Physicians and Surgeons.

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I have used Chionia in a case of chronic con-stipation, accompanied with a very torpid liver, withthe best results and would recommend the prepara-tion as a p’erfect hepatic stimulant and especially inicterus, constipation and dyspepsia, when dependentupon hepatic torpor.

New Orleans, La. Jno. B. Vandegriff, M. D.,Graduate University of La. Med. Director G. A. R., Dept. La. and Miss.

Suffering from obstinate constipation and torpidliver, I used Chionia and found it an excellent prep-aration for relieving the torpidity of the liver andrestoring the bowels to a healthy condition.

Lexington, Ind. A. H. Lothrop, M. D.,Graduate Kentucky School ofMedicine.

I have found Chionia very useful in cases ofconstipation due to passive congestion of the liver.

A. H. Fraser, M. I)., L. R. C. P. Edin.,Hamer Kas Graduate College Physicians and Surgeons.

1 ’ ’ Edinburgh, Scot.

I find Chionia to be indispensable in the treat-ment of habitual constipation. It has also provenvery useful to me in treating chronic diarrheaand indigestion in children, during the past summer.

Cadaretta, Miss. V. I. Pittman, M. D.,Graduate University of Louisville.

Chionia is a most excellent preparation in chronicconstipation and certain forms of indigestion,associated with torpid liver and bowels, I would notbe without Peacock’s preparations under any circum-stances. D. P. Boggan, M. D.,

Liberty, Miss. Graduate Louisville Medical College.

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I have carefully tested Peacock’s Chionia, andhave found it to be an excellent preparation for habit-ual constipation. W. H. Powers, M. 1).,

Mogadore, O. Graduate University of Wooster, Cleveland, O.

A very obstinate case of constipation, m an oldlady, whose bowels did not move for a week or tendays, and sometimes longer, unless she took strongcathartics, was cured by taking two bottles of Pea-cock’s Chionia. Before taking the Chionia she hadno appetite, was weak and felt bad. Now her bowelsmove regularly without the use of any medicine, shehas a good appetite and feels well.

Ste. Genevieve, Mo. M. Andre, M. D.,Graduate ofMedical Departmentof Washington University.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia with success, andcan recommend it with pleasure. I have been usingit with my wife, who has been troubled with an in-active liver and constipation for years, and Peacock’sChiona has entirely relieved her after every othermeans had failed. lam now constantly prescribingit with success. W. D. Faust, M. D.,

Hillsdale, Tenn Graduate University of Nashville, Tenn.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia in a case of habitualconstipation with good results, lam pleased with itsaction. E. H. Wheeler, M. D.,E. H. Wheeler, M. D.,

Ora, Ills. Graduate Missouri Medical College.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia with excellent re-sults in cases of obstinate constipation.

Lawson, Mo. H. M. Grace, M. D.,Graduate Missouri Medical College.

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Used CeiONAin a case of obstinate constipation withvery satisfactory results,my practice.

Shall continue its use inH. C. Bennett, M. I).,Graduate Medical College of Ohio,Lima, Ohio.

I think Peacock’s Chionia a most excellent prep-aration in chronic constipation and certain forms ofindigestion associated with torpid liver and bowels.

Kansas City, Mo. W. E. Minor, M. D.,Graduate Universityof Kansas City, Medical Department, 1889.

Used Peacock’s Chionia in a case of constipationwith the most gratifying results, improvement markedfrom the beginning of its administration, and one-halfof a bottle entirely and permanently relieved thesufferer. I. G. M. Loftin, M. D.,

Rocky Point, N. C. Graduate Medical College ofJ 7 South Carolina.

In a case of habitual constipation of long standingI used Peacock’s Chionia with good success. I con-sider it a line hepatic stimulant, and shall continue touse it in my practice, with the full expectation ofsuccess. J. A. Helm, M. D.,

Ganntown, Ills. Graduate Nashville Medical College.

1 am using Peacock’s Chionia in my practice forconstipation, and I find that it cures, or greatlyimproves, every case. I shall continue to use all ofPeacock’s preparations as long as they are kept up totheir present high standard. J. C. Fults, M. D ,

St. Louis, Mo. * Graduate Medical DepartmentofWashington University.

Have used Chionia in cases of constipation and itgave entire satisfaction.

Crawfordsville, la. A. L. Mendenshall, M. D.,Graduate Miami Medical College,

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The Chionia also acted splendidly in a case ofchronic constipation that had resisted almost every-thing else. 1 shall continue to use it in my practice.

Irvona, Pa. James H. Hepburn, M. D.,Graduate Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia with beneficial re-sults in a case of long standing constipation.

Jefferson, la. L. P. Hoyt, M. D.,Graduate Hahnemann Medical College of Chicago.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia and found greatrelief from constipation. N. K. Freeman, M. D.,

New York City. Graduate Geneva, N. Y., MedicalCollege.

Am especially pleased with Chionia. I used it in acase of habitual constipation, due to torpid liver, withvery pleasing results indeed. Had tried several otherremedies in this case with no permanent relief. Thelady to whom I gave it says she feels better now thanshe has felt in five years. R. E. Brown, M. D.,

Coleman, Ga. Graduate Jefferson Medical College, Phila.

I have used Chionia for constipation in a numberof cases, the patients progressing favorably. I believeit is an excellent remedy.

E. L. M. Bristol, M. D.,Graduate Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.

373 West End Ave., New York, N. Y.

lam more than pleased with your Chionia. Havebeen successful in curing one of the most obstinatecases of chronic constipation I ever saw.

Osceola, Ark. W. D. Jones, M. I).,Graduate Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania.

I have used Chionia in chronic constipation withgood results. A. B. Zell, M. D.,

Fairmoiint, Pa. Graduate Jefferson Medical College, Phila.

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I have become more than ever convinced of theefficacy of Peacock’s Chionia, in all diseased andtorpid conditions of the liver. I have recently beentreating an intractable case of dyspepsia; the casedid not seem amenable to the usual treatment, andfrom certain symptoms, and a sallow complexionpeculiar to liver troubles, I made up my mind thatthat organ was particularly in fault. Administeringat first a purgative dose of calomel, I prescribed Pea-cock’s Chionia, in one-drachm doses twice a day.For the dyspepsia I had given at different timeshydrastis, bismuth, zinci oxid. and pepsin, and acidihydrochlor dil., tinct. valerian, bismuth. The patientcould not say that any relief was experienced untilshe had taken the Chionia for two or three days,when she began to improve, and her manners andexpressions from day to day indicated that she wasgradually being relieved of the distressing symptomswhich had caused her much suffering for weeks andmonths. I might add that her dyspepsia was that ofthe atonic form, with the unpleasant sensations,burning, gnawing sense of constriction, pain aftereating, general debility and nervousness, with palpi-tation and headache. I am inclined to the beliefthat Peacock’s Chionia played an important role inthe treatment of this case. Rest assured that I shallprescribe it when indicated.

Brooklyn, N. Y. Belcher Hyde, M. D.,Graduate University ofCity ofNew York.

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I prescribed Chionia in a case of dyspepsia at-tended with obstinate constipation, with tne best ofresults. I shall continue to prescribe Chionia infuture. E. P. Jones, M. D.,

Hermanville, Miss. Graduate Tulane University ofNew Orleans.

I gave Peacock’s Chionia in an old and obstinatecase of atonic dyspepsia with (the usually obstinate)constipation. The indigestion was promptly bene-fited and the constipation removed. The patienthimself expressed great delight at the action of theChionia. Recently I have prescribed the Chionia incases similar to the one mentioned above with re-sults almost uniformly as good.

Natchez, Miss. N. L. Guice, M. D.,Graduate TulaneJJniversity ofNew Orleans.

A man, about 35 years of age, had been ill for along time, coated tongue, bad taste, bowels consti-pated, etc. 1 put him on Peacock’s Chionia withthe best results; he has made a good recovery. Iconsider Peacock’s Chionia is the best hepaticstimulant, and more especially in icterus, constipation,and dyspepsia when dependent upon hepatic torpor.

Fall River, Mass. Henry Bibby, M. D.,Late of Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Scotland, and late Professor of

Chemistry, Maine Medical College.

I am pleased to state that Peacock’s Chionia inmy hands has worked wonders in a case of uterinedyspepsia of long standing. I have ordered mydruggist to keep it in stock, as I intend to prescribeit in all similar cases.

Jamaica, N. Y. L. A. C. Vonßuescher, M. D.,E. S. Sc. and University ofBonn, Germany.

I have been prescribing Peacock’s Chionia inatonic dyspepsia, attended with hepatic derangementand constipation, and find it meets the indicationsvery well. G. W. Boerstler, M. D,,

Lancaster, O. Graduate University ofWooster, Cleveland, O.

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1 have given Peacock’s Chionia a thorough test infive cases of dyspepsia and eight cases of torpid liverand chronic liver troubles with fine success. Thebeauty of the preparation is it acts on the liver with-out debilitating the system.

Cherry Fork, O. R. R. Hopkins, M. D.,Graduate Cincinnati College ofMedicine and Surgery,

I have used Peacock’s Chionia in a case of torpidliver with chronic constipation and dyspepsia. Icould get nothing that acted as well as it did in thiscase. It does all that is claimed of it. I can recom-mend Peacock’s Bromides to all physicians.

Pickens, S. C. J. F. Williams, M. D.,Graduate Southern Medical College, Atlanta, Ga.

Used Peacock’s Chionia with apparent benefit ina case of dyspepsia, with torpid liver and constipa-tion. Ira Barton, M. D.,Ira Barton, M. D.,

Pingree, N. D. Graduate University of Michigan.

I used Chionia in a case of dyspepsia of severalyears’ standing; the bowels had become constipated,the liver torpid and palpitation extremely annoying.The Chionia seemed to bring about the proper actionof the bowels and aroused the secretions of the liver.Peacock’s Bromides controlled elegantly the nervousmanifestations in the case. I conscientiously recom-mend Chionia and Bromides in just such cases.

W. H. Boykin, M. D.,Escatawpa, Ala. Graduate Medical College of Alabama.

Used Peacock’s Chionia in cases of dyspepsia; itis very good. Shall continue to use it.

Crawford, Miss. C. L. Kirksey, M. D.,Graduate Atlanta, Ga., Medical College.

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I first tried Peacock’s Chionia on myself and after-wards on several patients and my experience has beenin every case without a single exception most gratify-ing. The liver is a very much neglected organ bymany physicians, they deem remedies that are adaptedfor its derangement as of minor importance, but inthis latitude where biliousness, jaundice, constipationand in fact all the diseases too numerous to mentionnow, and that are caused by torpidity of the liver,there has been urgent need of just such a standardpreparation as Peacock’s Chionia represents. Insumming up the results of my experience in the useof Chionia, I can candidly say that it has proven aperfect success, indeed almost a “cure-all” in all theintestinal diseases originating from a deranged actionof the liver. H. S. P. Lake, M. D.,

St. Louis, Mo. Graduate Missouri MedicalCollege.

I was called to see an old lady, who was sufferingintensely from biliary colic; she had had repeatedattacks, was weak, emaciated and jaundiced, and herfamily thought she would not survive. After reliev-ing the most urgent symptoms, the jaundice still re-maining, 1 prescribed Peacock’s Chionia ; this shecontinued taking until several bottles had been used.She has not required medicaladvice since last Novem-ber, and her daughter tells me she has had no returnof the attack, her complexion is clear, and her healthgood. Prior to my seeing her for a year or more she

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had repeated attacks, and toward the last recurringat intervals of two or three weeks. I give Peacock’sChionia the credit for the relief obtained in her case.I have prescribed it on several occasions since fortorpid liver, and the results were satisfactory, A fewdays ago I began taking it for biliousness and consti-pation, and will continue its use in my practice.

San Francisco, Cal. L. C. Cox, M. D.,Graduate Yale University, Medical Department.

I take pleasure in recommending your preparationsto the profession. I must say that Chionia is allthat can be desired for the recommended purposes.I have had more use for this one jireparation than forthe others, and am more than pleased with it. Iused it successfully in a protracted case of hemor-rhagic fever in the convalescing stage. It acted likemagic. The jaundice was quickly removed and mypatient had a good recovery. For the sake ofemphasis, I will repeat, as a hepatic stimulant it hasno equal in my opinion. F. P. Gates, M. D.,

Bayboro, N. C. Graduate Bellevue Hospital MedicalCollege.

I may state that the hepatic torpor of the liverindicated by jaundice, discoloration of the skin,promptly yielded to Peacock’s Chionia, the bowelsreturned to their natural condition, the bitter, un-pleasant condition of the tongue has disappeared.Its use by us has been all that could have been desired.

Walnut Creek, Cal. J. E. Pearson, M. D.,Graduate University ofNashville, Tenn.

I had under my treatment a young lady withchronic inflammation of liver accompanied withjaundice of ten or twelve years’ standing, and undercontinued treatment, and finally given up two or

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three prominent physicians, but I finally succeededin effecting a complete cure. The principal remedy Iused in the treatment was Peacock’s Chionia.

Cincinnati, O. W. H. Krieger, M. D.,Graduate American Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati

Peacock’s Chionia was used in a case of jaundice,resulting from duodenitis, with satisfactory results,the patient making a complete recovery within ashort period. I shall certainly recommend Peacock’sChionia in all such derangements.

Meadville, Pa. J. M. Cooper, M. D.,Graduate Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia

In two cases of torpid liver I used Peacock’sChionia and it gave perfect relief, also used Chioniain a case of jaundice and severe constipation with suc-cess. Shall continue to use Peacock’s preparations.

Providence, R. I. C. O. Towne, M. D.,Graduate Dartmouth Medical College.

Last summer I had a typical case of jaundice,which had been under regular medical treatment fortwo weeks with little or no improvement. I took thecase and prescribed a teaspoonful of Chionia fourtimes a day. Patient was well in ten days and calledto pay his bill. J. S. Brunner, M. D.,

Brooksville, Fla. Graduate University ofNashville, Term.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia, and it answersadmirably in fulfilling the indications for which it isrecommended. I gave it in torpid condition of .theliver, with jaundice. I shall prescribe it wheneverindicated. Geo. Covert. M. D,,

Clinton, Wis. Graduate Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati.

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I have been using your valuable remedies, FucusMarina and Chionia. I have used Chionia injaundice (icterus) ; dose, 1 drachm, twice or thricedaily, with gratifying effects. Ido with pleasurerecommend your valuable preparation to the pro-fession. P. K. Wortham, M. D.,

Meridian, Tex. Graduate Missouri Medical College.

In case of extreme icterus or jaundice, the Chioniahas a specific effect in restoring the skin to naturalcolor by its peculiar action on the hepatic gland.

Franklin, 111. W. C. Manley, M. D.,Graduate American Medical College, St. Louis.

I had a very bad case of jaundice, result of ca-tarrhal condition of bowels and bile ducts. I gavephosphate of soda for a week, at which time the skinand coma of eyes were almost green from infiltrationof bile. Then I prescribed Peacock’s Chionia andto my surprise in two days the yellowness had almostdisappeared and patient’s appetite restored,

Cridersville, O. C. L. Ward, M. D.,Graduate Kentucky School of Medicine.

I used Chionia in several bilious derangements,especially jaundice, and find that it acts like acharm; would not exchange it for any other treat-ment in disease of the liver. W. M. Kirk, M. D.

Perkinsville, Miss. Graduatel University ofMaryland7 School ofMedicine.

I have used Chionia and find it a valuable prep-aration in jaundice and torpid liver.

Belleville, Ark. J. B. Heck, M. DGraduate University of Maryland School ofMedicine.

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Have derived satisfaction from the use of Chioniain several cases of jaundice, and shall continue itsuse in my practice. G. A. Carson, M. U.,G. A. Carson, M. D.,

Mt. Vernon, la. Graduate Rush Medical College.

The Chionia I used in a case of jaundice with con-gestion of the liver with very happy results. Shallcontinue to use it. G. W. Nafe, M. D.,

Fremont, Mich. Graduate Phila. University ofMedicineand Surgery.

Chionia I found superior to anything as a hepaticstimulant, and all diseases caused by torpid liver; injaundice it has given general satisfaction. I use yourpreparations in my practice, and they are satisfactory.

Georgetown, Tex. Wm. P. Fleming, M, D.,Graduate lowa College of Physicians and Surgeons.

Peacock’s Chionia has proved very effective inseveral cases of jaundice. lam much pleased withit, and shall continue to use it.

Newark, N. Y. W. F. Nutten, M. D.,Graduate College Physicians and Surgeons, New York City.

I have used Chionia in constipation and jaundicewith success. Chas. L. Mattfeldt, M. D.,Chas. L. Mattfeldt, M. D.,

Catonsville, Md. Graduate University ofMaryland.

Chionia has been used by me with success. It isa first-class remedy in constipation and jaundice.

Jonesboro, Tex. R. J. Pope, M. D.,Graduate Washington University Schoolof Medicine, Baltimore.

Have used Chionia for several years past injaundice, and have no failures to record.

Newark, N. J. M. S. Crane, M. D.,Graduate Columbus Medical College.

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Mr. C. presented himself for treatment September10th, with following history: Been having chills eversince March ; his family physician would break themup but they would return in a few weeks, quinine andchill tonics would do him no good, liver enormouslylarge, bowels constipated with clay-colored stools,immediately after eating would suffer with severepains in pit of stomach, not able td do any kind ofwork,and, to use his language: “Felt like he wantedto crawl off and die.” Treatment consisted (the firstweek) of alternate doses of mercury with tr. nuxvomica and counter-irritation over region of liver,then I put him on Peacock’s Chionia, with instruc-tions to continue it for a month or more if necessary.He is now well and able to do heavy work, and doesnot want to die. lam very much pleased with theChionia, and will continue to prescribe it when indi-cated. V. J. Pittman, M. D.,

Cadaretta, Miss, Graduate University of Louisville, Ky.

I have used Peacock’s preparations and they haveproven, where indicated, the most valuable medicalagents, especially is the case with the use of Chioniafor torpidity of the liver with the usual concomitantsof clay stools, constipation, etc., all of which soondisappeared, and healthful action of the organ fullyrestored. , A. F. McLain, M. D.,

Santa Rosa, Cal. GraduateJulane UniversityofNew Orleans.

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My patient, a man about sixty years old, bad anenlarged liver of about two months’ standing, so thatwhen lying he felt the organ flop from side to side ashe turned on either side. The enlargement filled theepigastric space, protruding past the edge of theribs. The action of Peacock’s Chioxia in this casewas prompt and decisive. In about one week theswelling had materially diminished. The patient isnow well. Shall continue to use it where indicated.

Lancaster, N. Y. * S. Potter, M. D.,Graduate ofTrinity University ofVermont,

I was called April 15th, to see A. K., a wealthyfarmer, who had been confined to his bed for aboutfour months, and whose case had been pronouncedhopeless by several physicians. I did not learn thediagnosis that the other physicians had given of thecase. The first day I saw him he wanted me to makean incision into the stomach and see if I could ascer-tain what the trouble was, but I diagnosed the caseas congestion of the liver, and I gave him Peacock’sChioxia and it worked like a charm. In a short timehe was walking around the yard. Chioxia is anexcellent preparation in hepatic troubles.

Wayne, 111, W. L. Guild, M. D.,Graduate Bennett Medical College, Chicago

In a case of neurasthenia where the nervous phe-nomena were greatly intensified, when a daily evacu-ation of the alimentary canal was not had, attendedwith constipation, torpidity of the liver and an irritablecondition of the intestinal tract, from the too free useof drastic purgatives, calling for the administrationof the most carefully selected remedies, to guardagainst the further aggravation of this feature andwhere my therapeutical resources had been sorely taxed

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with discouraging results. The Chionia successfullymet the indications by stimulating the liver, increas-ing the How of bile and exciting peristaltic action,thus overcoming the constipation in a physiologicalway. The result was so gratifying that I shallfurther test the remedy in suitable cases.

Colorado Springs, Colo. A. H. Garnett, M. D.,Graduate Washington University School of Medicine, Baltimore'

In regard to Peacock’s Chionia and its virtuesgenerally, would say that I consider it one of thebest and most reliable agents for functional, and nodoubt, for some organic, diseases of the liver, that Ihave used in my practice for years, and can cheer-fully recommend it to my professional brethren as areal desideratum and stand-by.

Somonauk, 111. C. O. Courtright, M. D.,Graduate Bennett Medical College, Chicago.

Chionia has answered well; and in debilitatedconditions, complicated with congestion and inactionof the liver, Chionia is just the thing, because it actson the liver without debilitating the patient. I findit better in my own case than anything else.

Coatesville, Mo. A. J, Eidson, M. D.,Graduate Rush Medical College.

I had occasion to try Chionia in a disease of theliver, with hypertrophy and extreme sensitiveness ofthe cortex, and I am happy to state that the result ofmy treatment was most flattering, the liver havinggradually resumed its normal functions, and thehypertrophy and tenderness of the organ entirely dis-appearing in the course of two weeks.

Olpe, Kas, Louis N. Kirch, M. D.,Graduate University, Montpelier, France.

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I must say that Chionia is the remedy par excel-lence where the stomach and liver seem to have noreaction after mercurials, but the tongue remainscoated, with no appetite and a feeling of fullness inthe stomach and large bowel (or colon). In thesecases Chionia fills the bill, cleaning the tongue andrestoring the secretions to normal, healthy conditions.I have used the fluid extract of chionanth, but havefound trouble to get the patients to take it, but withChionia 1 have had no complaint.

Lakeport, Cal. P. H. Thornton, M. D.,Graduate Universityof Louisville, Ky.

I had occasion to try Chionia in a disease of theliver, with hypertrophy and extreme sensitiveness ofthe cortex. I am happy to state that the result ofmy treatment with Chionia was most flattering, theliver having gradually recovered its normal functions,and the hypertrophy and tenderness of the organsentirely disappearing in the course of two weeks.lodine liniment was used externally to promote ab-sorption. A. O. Stimpson, M. D., C. M.,

Thomson, Pa. Graduate McGill University, Montreal.

I used Peacock’s Chionia in a case of chronicliver trouble some months ago, and up to the presenttime there has been no return of the .trouble. I shallcertainly continue to use them where indicated.

Monitor, Ind. W, S. Nesbitt, M. D,,Graduate Kentucky School ofMedicine.

Chionia I used on my own person in a bad case ofchronic congestion of liver, and am happy to say thatit has given me more relief than any medicine I haveused for the same purpose. I took a teaspoonful

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three times a day, continuing it for some time. Itregulated my bowels, relieved the congestion and pro-duced a healthy flow of bile, without producing anyunfavorable symptoms. I would not do without it.Am treating a case now which I will report in time.

Dillsboro, Ind. T. J. Lord, M. D.,Graduate Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia in two cases oftorpor of the liver with success, in other words, itacts like a charm, and I shall continue to use it when-ever indicated.

Convent, La. B. Winchester, M. D.,Graduate Medical Department, Washington University, St. Louis.

Have used Peacock’s Bromides and Chionia, andI with pleasure indorse all that has been said in theirpraise. They are, in a word, splendid preparations.I am now using the Chionia in a case of liver trouble(hypertrophy) with the happiest results. I will con-tinue the use of them. George W. Earle, M. D.,

Pickens, S. C. Graduate Medical College ofSouth Carolina.

I have used Chionia in congestion of the liver;it acted well. Also used it in chronic liver com-plaint, and am satisfied that it is a valuable prepara-tion, and will do all that is claimed for it.

Cooksville, Ga. J, D. Cook, M. D.,Graduate University of Louisville, Ky.

I am prepared to speak more fully of the Chioniaas I used in my own case of torpid liver (con-tracted during the late war), with full satisfaction, andalso in other cases and it has failed me in no instance.

Paola, Kas. J. M. Deßall, M. D.,Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk.

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lam pleased with the action of Chionia. Nothingthat I am able to compound or procure equals theChionia in cases of torpid liver and kindred com-plaints. Shall always prescribe Peacock’s prepara-tion in cases indicating their use.

Woodland, 111. J. C. Mollyneaux, M. D.,Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk.

I have had no disappointments in the effects ofChionia in cases of torpid liver, with gastric catarrhand similar cases. Shall continue to use it.

Kansas City, Mo. John B. Tyler, M. D.,Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City.

I find Peacock’s Chionia an excellent preparationin liver difficulties, rousing up its action, increasingits secretions and bringing about its desired results.

Pleasant Valley, N. Y. J. H. Trayer, M. D.,Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City

The results from Chionia in chronic organic livertroubles has been both astonishing and gratifying tome and it has my most hearty indorsement as a valu-able remedy in the above complaints.

Griffin, Ga. E. R. Anthony, M. D.,Graduate University of Louisville, Ky

I tested Chionia in my own case of chronicliver affection with great benefit; the liver performingits functions perfectly, indicatedby greater regularityof the bowels caused by increased secretion of thebile, the natural aperient, Wm. Lambert, M. D.,

Central Plains, Va. Graduate Medical College of Virginia.

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I have prescribed Peacock’s Chionia in a numberof cases of torpid liver and congestive pains, and findit a valuable adjuvant, especially as it is free fromthe dangers of ptyalism that we have to guard againstso carefully in the use of mercurials. Hence itsadaptability to chronic cases. E. M. Mills, M. D.,

Kansas City, Kas. Graduate Kansas City Medical College.

I use Chionia in cases of torpor or congestion of theliver, andto relieve constipation ; knowing from experi-ence its beneficial effects I freely prescribe it in suchcases. J. A. Cook, M. D.,

Orting, Wash. Graduate Rush Medical College.

I have used Peacock’s Chionia in several cases ofliver troubles with grand success and am still using it.

Pittsfield, Yt. F. L. Brigham, M. D.,Graduate Dartmouth Medical College.

I used Peacock’s Chionia on an old lady who hadbeen suffering with enlargement of the liver for fiveyears. She is now in splendid health.

Sneads Ferry, N. C. E. C. McLenden, M. D.,Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons ofBaltimore.

The Chionia acted like a charm in a case of torpidliver, chronic constipation and headache. Your me-dicines, so far I have used them, have not disap-pointed me, and I shall prescribe them in my practicewhenever occasion demands.

Anamosa, la. J. M. D. Joslin, M. D.,Graduate College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, la.

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I have had good cases to test the medical proper-ties of Chionia, and I have never found any medi-cine, in a practice over forty years, that had such goodeffect on the diseases for which it is recommended.I shall continue to use it. S. M. Bradbury, M. D.,

Limington, Me. Graduate Medical School of Maine.

I have used Chionia in both active and passivecongestion of the liver with full satisfaction. UntilChionia fails in similar cases I will not treat torpidliver without Chionia.

Jefferson, S. D. P. H. S. Pinard, M. D.,Graduate St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons.

I used Chionia in a case of torpid liver witheffects little short of magic. I believe it alone, or incombination with taraxacum, to be a most excellentremedy, and worthy of confidence.

Central Mills, Ala. W. H. Taylor, M. D.,Graduate Medical College of Alabama,

Chionia I prescribed in a case of soreness and in-activity of the liver, patient is using it now; it hasacted finely in this case, has removed the sorenessand pain, and besides she has improved under its usein strength generally; in fact, I feel that it was thebest prescription I could have made for her. I donot hesitate to recommend it to the profession.

Kalamazoo, Mich. F. H. Chase, M. D.,Graduate Berkshire Medical College.

Have prescribed Chionia during the past yearwith confidence of its success in restoring chronicdeceased liver to a normal condition. Thus far it hasnot disappointed. S. Shepherd, M. D.,

Brooklyn, N. Y. Graduate Brooklyn Academy of Medicine.

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Prepared from “Cliionantiiiis” for Physicians’ Prescriptions.

USES:Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation

and all Diseases Caused by Hepatic Torpor.CHIONIA stimulates the Liver and re-

stores it to a healthy condition, withoutdebilitating the system by Catharsis,

CHIONIA does not purge, per se, but underits use the Liver and Bowels gradually re-sume their normal Functions,

In all Intestinal Diseases originating froma Deranged Action of the Liver, Chionia isthe most efficient remedy known.

It is a reliable agent in the treatment ofChronic Constipation, as it does not disposethe bowels to subsequent costiveness.

DOSE.—One FLUID Drachm three times a day.

A Full Size (>£-lb.) Bottle FREE to any Physician who willPay Express Charges.