chemical pump features unique seal systems

EQ UIPMENT NEWS :222:22~ The Fixturlaser Shalt 200 touchscreen with its graphical user interface. for vertical and horizontal ma- chines, straightness, soft foot, thermal growth/dynamic mea- surement, machine train align- ment (up to 5 shafts) and alignment of offset machines/ cardan shafts are all working with a micron resolution. For requirements of documentation and traceability measurement results can be stored in a non- volatile memory for transfer to a PC or printed out on the op- tional printer. Contact: Fixturlaser AB, Box 7, S- 431 53 M61ndal, Sweden. Tel: + 46 31 706 28 00; Fax: +48 31 706 28 50; E-mail: [email protected] [] Chemical pump features unique seal systems . . . . . w The new Wilfiey Model A7 che- mical processing pump series offers unique seal technology and flexibility while handling a wide range of corrosive applica- tions. To prevent leakage while shutdown, two new patented Wilfley expeller seal systems have been developed exclusively for the Model A7 - the Wilfley E- Mag ® and DryLock ®. Wilfley seals can be run dry without damaging internal parts be- cause wetted parts operate freely with no rubbing contact. The Model A7 is designed to be sealless but can be used with virtually any traditional seal- packing or mechanical. To prevent leakage while running, Model A7 pumps have the original Wilfley expeller. The impeller and expeller rotate together during operation, creating a hydraulic seal that keeps solution away from the shaft. The E-Mag and DryLock, in combination with the original Wilfley expeller, provide leak- free operation. Wilfley Model A7 is an end- suction, single-stage centrifugal pump that meets ASME B73. 1 requirements. Discharge sizes range from 1 to 4 inch in diameter, and flow rates range up to 1000 gpm. Contact: A R Wilfley and Sons Inc, PO Box 2330, Denver, Colorado 80201, USA. Tel: + 1 303 779 1777; Fax: +1 303 779 1277. n Innovative pump designs on display Live demonstrations of the new Vanton "Vortex" vertical and horizontal centrifugal pumps, and the new line of fully canti- levered vertical pumps will be on display at WEF-TEC '97 in October. The recessed, dynamically balanced impeller design of the Vanton SGV Vortex pump per- mits clog-free handling of cor- rosive and abrasive process and waste fluids containing stringy materials and solids of various sizes and shapes with diameters up to 3 inches. It also offers dependable pumping of slurries, sludges and similar fluids that tend to seriously reduce pump- ing efficiency. Standard designs are suitable for sump depths to 20 ft. The Vanton SGK full cantile- ver pump is specifically de- signed to handle corrosive, abrasive and ultrapure fluids in those applications where immersed bearings cannot be tolerated and where the pumps may have to run dry for ex- tended periods of time. They are suitable for sump depths to 6 ft although deeper sumps can be accommodated with tail pipes to 5 ft. Motor brackets permit use of commercially available NEMA standard motors. Although flow parameters will vary with the characteris- tics of the fluid being pumped, Vanton Vortex and cantilever pumps are rated at 1000 gpm at heads to 240 ft. They are recommended for use at tem- peratures to 275°F. These pumps will be in continuous operation throughout the expo- sition. In addition to these new pump designs, Vanton will also be displaying engineering data and photographs of its recently announced SGL-GiraffeTM pump with its patented segmented, plastic sheathed, shaft design. This construction makes it pos- sible to furnish pumps for sumps as deep as 50 ft, yet permits easy installation and maintenance even in low head- room areas. These pumps are available in the full flow capa- city range of the Vanton SG line of vertical centrifugal pumps - 1450 gpm at heads to 240 ft, and temperatures to 275°F. All Vanton's pumps are de- signed to avoid any fluid con- tact with metal components. They are available in a wide range of thermoplastics. Contact: Vanton Pump & Equip- ment Corp, 201 Sweetlend Ave, Hillside, NJ 07205 USA. Tel: +1 908 688 4216; Fax: +1 908 686 9314; E-mail: [email protected] WORLD PUMPS AUGUST 1997

Post on 02-Jul-2016




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Page 1: Chemical pump features unique seal systems



The Fixturlaser Shalt 200 touchscreen with its graphical user interface.

for ver t ical and hor izonta l ma- chines, s t r a i gh tne s s , soft foot, t h e rma l g rowth /dynamic mea- surement , mach ine t r a in align- m e n t (up to 5 sha f t s ) and a l ignment of offset mach ines / ca rdan shaf ts are all working wi th a micron resolut ion. For r equ i r emen t s of d o c u m e n t a t i o n and t r aceab i l i t y m e a s u r e m e n t resu l t s can be s tored in a non- volat i le memory for t rans fe r to a PC or p r i n t ed out on the op- t ional pr in ter .

Contact: Fixturlaser AB, Box 7, S- 431 53 M61ndal, Sweden. Tel: + 46 31 706 28 00; Fax: +48 31 706 28 50; E-mail: [email protected]

[ ] Chemical pump features unique seal systems

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The new Wilfiey Model A7 che- mical p rocess ing p u m p series offers un ique seal t echnology and f lexibi l i ty while hand l ing a wide range of corrosive appl ica- t ions.

To p r e v e n t l e a k a g e w h i l e shutdown, two new p a t e n t e d Wilfley e x p e l l e r sea l sys t ems have been deve loped exclusively for the Model A7 - the Wilfley E- Mag ® and DryLock ®. Wilfley seals can be run dry wi thou t d a m a g i n g i n t e r n a l p a r t s be- c a u s e w e t t e d p a r t s o p e r a t e freely wi th no rubb ing contact . The Model A7 is des igned to be seal less bu t can be used with v i r tua l ly any t r ad i t i ona l s e a l - packing or mechanical .

To p r e v e n t l e a k a g e wh i l e running, Model A7 p u m p s have the or iginal Wilfley expel ler . The i m p e l l e r a n d e x p e l l e r r o t a t e t o g e t h e r d u r i n g o p e r a t i o n , c rea t ing a hydraul ic seal t ha t keeps so lu t ion away from the shaft. The E-Mag and DryLock, in combina t ion wi th the or iginal Wilfley expel ler , provide leak- free opera t ion .

Wilfley Model A7 is an end- suction, s ingle-s tage centr i fugal p u m p t h a t mee t s ASME B73. 1 requ i rements . Discharge sizes r a n g e f rom 1 to 4 inch in d iameter , and flow ra tes range up to 1000 gpm.

Contact: A R Wilfley and Sons Inc, PO Box 2330, Denver, Colorado 80201, USA. Tel: + 1 303 779 1777; Fax: +1 303 779 1277.

n Innovative pump designs on display

Live d e m o n s t r a t i o n s of the new Vanton "Vortex" ver t ica l and ho r i zon ta l cen t r i fuga l p u m p s , and the new line of fully cant i - levered ver t ica l p u m p s will be on d i sp lay at WEF-TEC '97 in October.

The r eces sed , d y n a m i c a l l y ba lanced impel le r design of the Vanton SGV Vortex p u m p per- mi ts clog-free hand l ing of c o r -

rosive and abras ive process and was te f luids conta in ing s t r ingy ma te r i a l s and sol ids of var ious sizes and shapes wi th d i ame te r s up to 3 inches. I t also offers de pe nda b l e p u m p i n g of slurries, s ludges and s imi la r f luids t ha t t end to ser iously reduce p u m p - ing efficiency. S t a n d a r d des igns are su i tab le for sump dep ths to 20 ft.

The Vanton SGK full canti le- ve r p u m p is spec i f i ca l ly de- s i g n e d to h a n d l e co r ros ive , abras ive and u l t r a p u r e f luids in t h o s e a p p l i c a t i o n s w h e r e immersed bear ings canno t be to l e ra t ed and where the p u m p s may have to run dry for ex- t ended pe r iods of t ime. They are su i tab le for sump dep ths to 6 ft a l though deepe r s u m p s can be a c c o m m o d a t e d with ta i l p ipes to 5 ft. Motor b racke t s pe rmi t use of commerc ia l ly avai lable NEMA s t a n d a r d motors .

A l t h o u g h f low p a r a m e t e r s will vary wi th the charac te r i s - t ics of the fluid being pumped , Vanton Vortex and cant i lever p u m p s are r a t ed a t 1000 gpm a t heads to 240 ft. They are r e c o m m e n d e d for use a t tem- p e r a t u r e s to 275°F . T h e s e p u m p s will be in con t inuous ope ra t ion t h r o u g h o u t the expo- sition.

In a d d i t i o n to t h e s e new p u m p designs, Vanton will also be d isp laying engineer ing d a t a and p h o t o g r a p h s of i ts recent ly announced SGL-Giraffe TM p u m p wi th i ts p a t e n t e d segmented , p las t i c shea thed , shaft design. This cons t ruc t ion makes i t pos- s ib l e to f u r n i s h p u m p s for s u m p s as deep as 50 ft, yet p e r m i t s easy ins t a l l a t ion and ma in t enance even in low head- room areas. These p u m p s are avai lable in the full flow capa- city range of the Vanton SG line of ver t ical centr i fugal p u m p s - 1450 gpm a t heads to 240 ft, and t e m p e r a t u r e s to 275°F.

All Vanton 's p u m p s are de- s igned to avoid any fluid con- t ac t wi th m e t a l componen t s . They are avai lable in a wide range of the rmoplas t i cs .

Contact: Vanton Pump & Equip- ment Corp, 201 Sweetlend Ave, Hillside, NJ 07205 USA. Tel: +1 908 688 4216; Fax: +1 908 686 9314; E-mail: [email protected]

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