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Chapter 4 Masonry Construction Topics 1.0.0 Estimating Concrete Masonry Units 2.0.0 Brick Construction 3.0.0 Structural Clay Tile 4.0.0 Stone Masonry To hear audio, click on the box. Overview Masonry has become increasingly important as a construction method for Seabee construction. The commonly accepted definition of masonry, or unit masonry as it is sometimes called, is a construction method made up of prefabricated masonry units (such as concrete block, brick, clay tile, and stone) laid in various ways and joined together by mortar. In the Builder Basic training manual, we covered concrete masonry units (CMUs) in depth, and the construction techniques used to lay them. This chapter covers the construction techniques of laying brick, structural clay tile, and stone, and the estimating procedures associated with CMUs. Objectives When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to do the following: 1. Estimate material and labor for concrete masonry units according to NAVFAC P- 405. 2. Estimate material for brick construction. 3. Identify the components, requirements, and construction techniques of structural clay tile. 4. Identify the components, requirements, and construction techniques of stone masonry. Prerequisites None NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-1

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  • Chapter 4

    Masonry Construction Topics

    1.0.0 Estimating Concrete Masonry Units

    2.0.0 Brick Construction

    3.0.0 Structural Clay Tile

    4.0.0 Stone Masonry

    To hear audio, click on the box.

    Overview Masonry has become increasingly important as a construction method for Seabee construction. The commonly accepted definition of masonry, or unit masonry as it is sometimes called, is a construction method made up of prefabricated masonry units (such as concrete block, brick, clay tile, and stone) laid in various ways and joined together by mortar. In the Builder Basic training manual, we covered concrete masonry units (CMUs) in depth, and the construction techniques used to lay them. This chapter covers the construction techniques of laying brick, structural clay tile, and stone, and the estimating procedures associated with CMUs.

    Objectives When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to do the following:

    1. Estimate material and labor for concrete masonry units according to NAVFAC P-405.

    2. Estimate material for brick construction. 3. Identify the components, requirements, and construction techniques of structural

    clay tile. 4. Identify the components, requirements, and construction techniques of stone


    Prerequisites None

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-1

  • This course map shows all of the chapters in Builder Advanced. The suggested training order begins at the bottom and proceeds up. Skill levels increase as you advance on the course map.

    Advanced Base Functional Components and Field Structures

    B U I L D E R

    A D V A N C E D

    Heavy Construction

    Maintenance Inspections

    Quality Control

    Shop Organization and Millworking

    Masonry Construction

    Concrete Construction

    Planning, Estimating, and Scheduling

    Technical Administration

    Features of this Manual This manual has several features which make it easy to use online.

    Figure and table numbers in the text are italicized. The Figure or table is either next to or below the text that refers to it.

    The first time a glossary term appears in the text, it is bold and italicized. When your cursor crosses over that word or phrase, a popup box displays with the appropriate definition.

    Audio and video clips are included in the text, with an italicized instruction telling you where to click to activate it.

    Review questions that apply to a section are listed under the Test Your Knowledge banner at the end of the section. Select the answer you choose. If the answer is correct, you will be taken to the next section heading. If the answer is incorrect, you will be taken to the area in the chapter where the information is for review. When you have completed your review, select anywhere in that area to return to the review question. Try to answer the question again.

    Review questions are included at the end of this chapter. Select the answer you choose. If the answer is correct, you will be taken to the next question. If the answer is incorrect, you will be taken to the area in the chapter where the information is for review. When you have completed your review, select anywhere in that area to return to the review question. Try to answer the question again.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-2

  • 1.0.0 ESTIMATING CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMU) Concrete masonry walls are laid out so as to make maximum use of full- and half-length units. This is called modular planning. Architectural and Engineering (A&E) firms and Builders strive to build modular structures because it minimizes cutting and fitting of units on the job, which in turn saves on labor and cost. Table 4-1 lists the nominal lengths of concrete masonry walls by stretchers.

    Table 4-1 Nominal Lengths of Concrete Masonry Walls in Stretchers.

    Number of Stretchers

    Nominal Lengths of Concrete Masonry Walls Units 15 5/8 long and half units 7

    5/8 long with 3/8 thick head joints Units 11 5/8 long and half units 5

    5/8 long with 3/8 thick head joints 1 1 1/2 2

    1 4 2 0 2 8

    1 0 1 6 2 0

    2 1/2 3 3 1/2

    3 4 4 0 4 8

    2 6 3 0 3 6

    4 4 1/2 5

    5 4 6 0 6 8

    4 0 4 6 5 0

    5 1/2 6 6 1/2

    7 4 8 0 8 8

    5 6 6 0 6 6

    7 7 1/2 8

    9 4 10 0 10 8

    7 0 7 6 8 0

    8 1/2 9 9 1/2

    11 4 12 0 12 8

    8 6 9 0 9 6

    10 10 1/2 11

    13 4 14 0 14 8

    10 0 10 6 11 0

    11 1/2 12 12 1/2

    15 4 16 0 16 8

    11 6 12 0 12 6

    13 13 1/2 14

    17 4 18 0 18 8

    13 0 13 6 14 0

    14 1/2 15 20

    19 4 20 0 26 8

    14 6 15 0 20 0


    Actual wall length is measured from outside edge to outside edge of units and equals the nominal length minus 3/8 (one mortar joint).

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-3

  • Table 4-2 lists nominal heights of concrete masonry walls by courses.

    Table 4-2 Nominal Heights of Concrete Masonry Walls in Courses.

    Number of Courses

    Nominal Heights of Concrete Masonry Walls Units 7 5/8 high with 3/8 thick bed

    joints Units 3 5/8 high with 3/8 thick bed

    joints 1 2 3

    0 8 1 4 2 0

    0 4 0 8 1 0

    4 5 6

    2 8 3 4 4 0

    1 4 1 8 2 0

    7 8 9

    4 8 5 4 6 0

    2 4 2 8 3 0

    10 15 20

    6 8 10 0 13 4

    3 4 5 0 6 8

    25 30 35

    16 8 20 0 23 4

    8 4 10 0 11 8

    40 45 50

    26 8 30 0 33 4

    13 4 15 0 16 8


    For concrete masonry units 7 5/8 and 3 5/8 in height laid with 3/8 mortar joints, height is measured from center to center of mortar joints.

    Table 4-3 lists the average number of concrete masonry units by size and the approximate number of cubic feet of mortar required for every 100 square feet of a concrete masonry wall.

    Table 4-3 Average Concrete Masonry Units and Mortar per 100 Square Feet of Wall

    Description, Size of Block (inches)

    Thickness Wall (inches)

    Number of Units per 100 Square Feet of

    Wall Area Mortar

    (Cubic Feet)

    8 x 8 x 16 8 x 12 x 16 8 x 3 x 16 8 x 3 x 12 8 x 4 x 16 8 x 4 x 12 8 x 6 x 16

    8 12 3 3 4 4 6

    112.5 112.5 112.5 151.5 112.5 151.5 112.5

    8.5 8.5 8.5 9.5 8.5 9.5 8.5


    Mortar is based on 3/8 joint with a face-shell mortar bed and 10% allowance for waste.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-4

  • As a Builder, you might find yourself in the field without the tables handy. To solve that problem, we will cover two methods of estimating concrete masonry units (CMUs) without the tables.

    1.1.0 Chasing the Bond Chasing the bond uses the 3/4 rule and the 3/2 rule. When estimating, always use outside measurements to calculate the number of blocks required per course. In most Seabee construction, 8 x 8 x 16 block is used.

    1.1.1 Using the 3/4 Rule Using the 3/4 rule (three full block [fb] per 4 feet in length) or .75, multiply the length of the wall by .75. For example, a retaining wall that is 100 feet in length (1,000 square feet) will require 75 block for the first course.

    Length of course in feet x rule 3/4 = number of CMU per course

    1.1.2 Using the 3/2 Rule Using the 3/2 rule (three full block per 2 feet in height), multiply the height of the wall by 1.5. For example, the height of the retaining wall is 10 feet. Multiply 10 by the rule 3/2 (1.5), which will equal 15 block high (courses high).

    Height of wall in feet x rule 3/2 = courses high Then, to find the total number of full block in the retaining wall, multiply the number of block in length by the number of block in height, which in this example is 75 CMUs in length times 15 courses high, which equals 1,125 fb. Lets take another example, using a building 20 feet long by 8 feet wide by 8 feet high.

    .75 x 20 x 2 (sides) = 30 (8 x 8 x 16 block)

    .75 x 8 x 2 (sides) = 12 (8 x 8 x 16 block) Or you can find the total linear feet (lf) of the building and multiply by .75.

    20 x 2 (sides) + 8 x 2 (sides) = 56 lf 56 x .75 = 42 fb 1.5 x 8 = 12 courses high 42 fb x 12 courses = 504 total fb

    1.2.0 Square Foot Method The square foot method is usually the quickest and simplest method but NOT the most accurate. As the estimator, however, you will use this method quite frequently. In the first example the retaining wall was 10 feet high and 100 feet long. To find square feet, all you do is use the equation L x H = SF; in this example, the answer is 1,000 square feet (sf). To find the number of 9 x 8 x16 block required, you must determine the square footage of one CMU, which is .89 sf per block. Next you divide 1,000 sf by 89 sf/CMU, which equals 1,124 fb. You calculated the block for 1,000 sf, and the difference is 1 less block figuring by the square foot method.

    Total sf divided by sf/CMU = total number of CMU Now calculate the 20 x 20 x 8 building:

    20 x 8 = 160 sf x 2 (sides) = 320 sf

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-5

  • 8 x 8 = 54 sf x 2 (sides) = 128 sf Total = 448 sf 448 sf / .89 sf/CMU 503.4 or 504 total fb

    Or, you can multiply the square footage of the building times the number of block per square foot (1.125 CMU/sf).

    448 SF x 1.125 CMU/SF = 504 CMU If you were planning a modular building, you would use the square foot method for quicker estimating, but there is an additional step you need to take, calculating the duplicating factor, which takes into account that every course will have a half block at each corner. For example, you estimated 504 fb for this building. To estimate the fb accurately, you would deduct two f /course or multiply 12 courses x .5 (half block [hb]) x four corners = 24 fb. Then deduct the 24 fb from the total fb as shown in the following formula:

    12 courses x .5 x 4 corners = 24 fb 504 fb - 24 fb = 480 fb

    1.3.0 Estimating Door and Window Openings When you estimate CMUs, usually the window and door openings are designed to be modular and the window and door frames are of the same mode. If the design is NOT modular, you can expect a lot of cutting time. When you estimate for openings, just calculate the area of the opening, and then subtract the area of the opening(s) from the overall area of the wall or building to get the net area. Finally, multiply the number of CMU per square foot by the net area.

    1.4.0 Estimating Mortar Builders have found that it takes about 38 cubic feet of raw materials to make 1 cubic yard of mortar. Therefore, you can use rule 38 for calculating the raw material needed to mix 1 cubic yard of mortar without having to do a great deal of paper work. However, this rule does not accurately calculate the required raw materials for large masonry construction jobs. For larger jobs, use the absolute volume or weight formula. In most cases, though, and particularly in advanced base construction, you may use rule 38 to make a quick estimate of the quantities of raw materials required. Here is how you use rule 38 for calculating mortar: Take the rule number and divide it by the sum of the quantity figures specified in the mix. For example, lets assume that the building specification calls for a 1:3 mix for mortar, 1 + 3 = 4. Since 38 4 = 9 1/2, you need 9 1/2 sacks, or 9 1/2 cubic feet, of cement. To calculate the amount of fine aggregate (sand), you multiply 9 1/2 by 3. The product (28 1/2 cubic feet) is the amount of sand you need to mix 1 cubic yard of mortar using a 1:3 mix. The sum of the two required quantities should always equal 38. This is how you can check whether you are using the correct amounts. In the previous example, 9 1/2 sacks of cement plus 28 1/2 cubic feet of sand equal 38. Table 4-3 shows that it takes 8.5 cubic feet (cf) of mortar to lay 100 sf of 8" x 8" x 16" block. In the previous example, you estimated the building at 480 sf of wall area. To calculate the amount of mortar to lay the CMU, first convert the 480 sf to units.

    480 sf 100 sf = 4.8 units Then multiply the units by the number of cubic feet of mortar; NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-6

  • 4.8 units x 8.5 cf = 40.8 cf of mortar To calculate the ingredients needed to make 40.80 cf of mortar with a 1:1/4:3 mix, the 1/4 being hydrated lime, first calculate the amount of cement using rule 38. Remember the formula: 9 1/2 sacks of cement (94 lb/sk) per cubic yard. Use the following formula: First, convert cubic feet of mortar to cubic yards:

    40.8 cf 27 cf/cy = 1.51 cubic yard Cement: (1) x 9 1/2 cf = 0 1/2 (sacks) x 1.51 cd = 14 sks (cf) Sand: 3/4 x 9 1/2 = 28 1/2 / 38 (cf) x 1.51 cd = 43 cf Lime: (1/4) x 9 1/2 cf = 2.5 (cf) x 1.51 cd = 4 cf Total: 61 cf

    1.5.0 Estimating Mixing Time Lets briefly cover the mixing time it will take to mix mortar. A typical mortar mixer has a capacity of mixing 4 to 7 cubic feet per batch, and each batch must be mixed for a minimum of 3 minutes. In the most recent example, we calculated a total of 61 cubic feet of raw materials needed to construct this building. Now just divide the number of cubic feet per batch by the total number of cubic feet of raw materials, and then multiply that number by the number of minutes per batch.

    61 cf / 4 cf/batch = 15 batches 15 batches x 3 minutes/batch = 45 minutes

    The time indicates only the required continuous mixing time and does not include the cleaning, staging, or transporting time of the material or the time required for you to lay the CMU. Batching procedures will vary with individual preference. Experience is the key to good results in obtaining the desired mix.

    1.6.0 Estimating Labor This section briefly covers labor estimates for concrete masonry units according to the Seabee Planners and Estimators Handbook, NAVFAC P-405. Table 4-4 shows the labor table from the P-405 on how to estimate labor.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-7

  • Table 4-4 Labor Chart for Masonry.

    Work Element Description Unit Man hours per Unit Concrete Block 12 x 8 x 16 8 x 8 x 16 6 x 8 x 16 4 x 8 x 16

    1,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,000 sf

    167 160 146 118

    Common Brick 8 thick wall 12 thick wall 4 thick brick veneer

    1,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,000 sf

    500 700 280

    Grouting (conventional method) Core fill (.125 cf/cell) (conventional method - mortar mixer and bucket) Core fill (TM and pump method) Grouting brickwork

    CD CD

    CD CD

    16 16



    When using this table, you will see that 8" x 8" x 16" block takes one person (skilled labor) 160 man hours to lay 1,000 square feet of CMUs. If you were to break this labor down into how many CMUs are laid in an 8-hour period, it would be calculated as follows:

    1000 sf of wall area = 1,125 CMU 160 man hours 8 hour days = 20 duration days 1125 CMU 20 days= 56.25 CMU/day

    Lets return to the building example. How many man hours (MH) will it take with a crew of one skilled and three non-skilled laborers? This is the ratio/proportion part of this calculation. If 160 MH equals 1,000 sf of wall area (NAVFAC P-405), then, X (MH) equals the square footage of the wall area.

    160 (MH) :1000 sf :: x (MH) : 448 sf = 160 x 448 :: 1000 x 71680 1000 x = 71.68 X = 72 MH

    Another method you may use to calculate this number is as follows: x/160 = 448/1000

    In this equation, you simply cross multiply the following: 160 x 448 = 71680 X times 1000 = 1000 x, then divide 71680 1000 x

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-8

  • X = 71.68 or 72 MH In this example, it takes 72 man hours to lay 448 sf or 504 CMUs. Now divide the number of MH by 8-hour days. It would equal 9 duration days. To see how close the estimate is, one person (skilled) lays 56.25 CMU/day and you calculated 9 days. Then multiply 56.25 times 9 which equals 506 block. There is a two block difference, which is not much in this example, but it could be if you were estimating thousands of square feet of CMU.

    2.0.0 BRICK CONSTRUCTION Brick masonry is masonry construction in which units of baked clay or shale of uniform size, small enough to be placed with one hand, are laid in courses with mortar joints to form walls. Bricks are kiln-baked from various clay and shale mixtures. The chemical and physical characteristics of the ingredients vary considerably. These characteristics and the kiln temperatures combine to produce brick in a variety of colors and hardnesses. In some regions, individual pits yield clay or shale which, when ground and moistened, can be formed and baked into durable brick. In other regions, clay or shale from several pits must be mixed.

    2.1.0 Brick Classification A finished brick structure contains face brick, brick placed on the exposed face of the structure, and backup brick, brick placed behind the face brick. The face brick is often of higher quality than the backup brick; however, the entire wall may be built of common brick. Common brick is made from pit-run clay with no attempt at color control and no special surface treatment like glazing or enameling. Most common brick is red. Although any surface brick is a face brick as distinguished from a backup brick, the term face brick is also used to distinguish high quality brick from brick of common quality or less. Applying this criterion, face brick is more uniform in color than common brick and may be obtained in a variety of colors as well. It may be specifically finished on the surface, and, in any case, it has a better surface appearance than common brick. It may also be more durable as a result of the use of select clay and other materials or as a result of special manufacturing methods. Backup brick may consist of brick that is inferior in quality even to common brick. Brick that has been underburned or overburned, or brick made with inferior clay or by inferior methods, is often used for backup brick. Still another type of classification divides brick into grades according to the probable climatic conditions to which they are to be exposed. These are as follows:

    Grade SW is brick designed to withstand exposure to below-freezing temperatures in a moist climate like that of the northern regions of the United States.

    Grade MW is brick designed to withstand exposure to below-freezing temperatures in a drier climate than that mentioned in the previous paragraph.

    Grade NW is brick primarily intended for interior or backup brick. It may be used exposed; however, it can be used only in regions where no frost action occurs.

    2.2.0 Estimating Brick and Mortar When estimating the number of brick and the quantity of mortar, you need to know the exact size of the brick and the thickness of the mortar joint. This information is found in NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-9

  • the plans or specifications. Table 4-5 shows the quantities of material required for brick walls.

    Table 4-5 Quantities of Material Required for Brick Walls.

    Size of Brick Wall Area

    (sf) Number of Brick

    Joint Size

    Mortar (cf/1000 brick)

    2 1/4 x 3 3/4 x 8 100 616 1/2 11.7

    2 1/4 x 3 5/8 x 7 5/8 100 686 3/8 8.7

    3 x 4 1/4 x 9 100 480 1/2 5.7


    Quantities of brick include the thickness of the mortar joint with no allowance for waste.

    The following example shows the square foot method of estimating the number of bricks for a 4 inch wall measuring 8 feet high and 14 feet long. Specifications call for the use of U.S. standard brick with a 1/2 inch mortar joint. The brick face with its mortar joints measures 2 3/4 inches high by 8 1/2 inches long. The correct steps to follow are these:

    1. Find the surface area by multiplying the height and the length of a brick (include mortar joint). In this case: 2 3/4" x 8 1/2 = 2.75 x 8.50 = 23.38 square inches per brick

    2. Find the number of bricks per square foot of wall. In this case, the number of bricks is 6.16 per square foot for a 4 inch wall.

    3. Find the area of the brick wall by multiplying its height by its length. 8 feet x 14 feet = 112 square feet

    4. Multiply the area of the wall by the number of bricks per square foot. In this case: 112 x 6.16 or 690 bricks plus 10% waste which equals 760 bricks


    If there are windows, doors, and other openings on the wall, you subtract the area of these openings from the overall area of the wall to get the net area. Then in Step 4, you multiply the number of bricks per square foot by the net area.

    In finding how much mortar is required to build this wall, divide the number of bricks by 1,000, then multiply the result by the factor given in Table 4-5 and allow 20% for waste.

    760 1000 = .76 .76 x 11.7 (cubic feet of mortar per 1000 bricks) = 8.90 cf of mortar 8.90 x 20% (waste) = 10.68 or 10.7 cubic feet of mortar

    Therefore, to construct this wall with U.S. standard brick with a 1/2 inch mortar joint, you require 760 bricks and 10.7 cubic feet of mortar.

    3.0.0 STRUCTURAL CLAY TILE Hollow masonry units made of burned clay or shale are variously called structural tiles, hollow tiles, structural clay tiles, structural clay hollow tiles, and structural clay hollow building tiles, but they are most commonly called building tile. In building tile

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-10

  • manufacture, plastic clay is pushed through a die, and the shape that emerges is cut off into units. The units are then burned much as bricks are burned. The apertures in a building tile, which correspond to the cores in a brick or a concrete block, are called cells. The solid sides of a tile are called the shell, and the perforated material enclosed by the shell is called the web. A tile that is laid on one of its shell faces is called a side construction tile; several sizes and shapes are shown in Figure 4-1.

    Figure 4-1 Standard shapes of side construction building tiles.

    A tile that is laid on one of its web faces is called an end construction tile; several sizes and shapes are shown in Figure 4-2.

    Figure 4-2 Standard shapes of end construction building tiles.

    Special shapes for use at corners and openings or for use as closures are also available.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-11

  • 3.1.0 Physical Characteristics The compressive strength of the individual tile depends on the materials used and the method of manufacture in addition to the thickness of the shells and webs. A minimum compressive strength of tile masonry of 300 pounds per square inch based on the gross section may be expected. The tensile strength of structural clay tile masonry is small. In most cases, it is less than 10 percent of the compressive strength. The abrasion resistance of clay tile depends primarily upon its compressive strength. The stronger the tile, the greater is its resistance to wearing. The abrasion resistance decreases as the amount of water absorbed increases. Structural clay facing tile has excellent resistance to weathering. Freezing and thawing action produces almost no deterioration. Tile that will absorb no more than 16 percent of its weight of water has never given unsatisfactory performance in resisting the effect of freezing and thawing action. Only Portland cement lime mortar or mortar prepared from masonry cement should be used if the masonry is exposed to the weather. Walls containing structural clay tile have better heat-insulating qualities than walls composed of solid units because of the dead air space that exists in tile walls. The resistance to sound penetration of this type of masonry compares favorably with that of the resistance of solid masonry walls, but it is somewhat less. The fire resistance of tile walls is considerably less than the fire resistance of solid masonry walls. It can be improved by the application of a coat of plaster to the surface of the wall. Partition walls of structural clay tile 6 inches thick will resist a fire for 1 hour provided the fire produces a temperature of not more than 1700F. The solid material in structural clay tile weighs about 125 pounds per cubic foot. Since the tile contains hollow cells of various sizes, the weight of the tile varies depending upon the manufacturer and type. A 6 inch tile wall weighs approximately 30 pounds per square foot, while a 12 inch tile wall weighs approximately 45 pounds per square foot.

    3.2.0 Uses for Structural Clay Tile Structural clay tile may be used for the exterior walls of either the load bearing or non- load bearing type. It is suitable for both below grade and above grade construction.

    Structural load bearing tile is made from 4 to 12 inch thicknesses with various face dimensions. The use of these tiles is restricted by building codes and specifications, so consult the project specification. Non-load bearing partition walls from the 4 to 12 inch thicknesses are frequently made of structural clay tile. These walls are easily built, light in weight, and have good heat and sound insulating properties. Figure 4-3 shows the use of structural clay tile as a back unit for a brick wall.

    Figure 4-3 Structural tile used as a backing for bricks.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-12

  • Figure 4-4 shows the use of 8 x 5 x 12 inch tile in wall construction. Exposure of the open end of the tile can be avoided by the application of a thin tile, called a soap, at the corner.

    4.0.0 STONE MASONRY Stone masonry units consist of natural stone. In rubble stone masonry, the stones are left in their natural state without any kind of shaping. In ashlar masonry, the faces of stones that are to be placed in surface positions are squared so that the surfaces of the finished structure will be more or less continuous plane surfaces. Both rubble and ashlar work may be either random or coursed. Figure 4-4 Eight inch structural clay

    tile wall.

    Random rubble is the crudest of all types of stonework. Little attention is paid to laying the stones in courses, as shown in Figure 4-5. Ashlar coursed masonry is at the opposite end of the stone masonry spectrum, having structured courses and squared stone faces, as shown in Figure 4-6.

    Figure 4-5 Random rubble stone masonry.

    Figure 4-6 Coursed ashlar stone masonry.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-13

  • Each layer must contain bonding stones that extend through the wall, as shown in Figure 4-7. This produces a wall that is well tied together. The bed joints should be horizontal for stability, but the builds or head joints may run in any direction.

    Figure 4-7 Layers of bond in random stone masonry.

    Coursed rubble consists of roughly squared stones assembled in such a manner as to produce approximately continuous horizontal bed joints, as shown in Figure 4-8. The stone used in stone masonry should be strong and durable. Durability and strength depend upon the chemical composition and physical structure of the stone. Some of the more commonly found stones that are suitable are limestone, sandstone, granite, and slate. Unsquared stones obtained from nearby ledges or quarries, or even fieldstones may be used. The size of the stone should be such that two people can easily handle it. Using a variety of sizes avoids using large quantities of mortar.

    Figure 4-8 Coursed rubble masonry.

    The mortar used in stone masonry may be composed of Portland cement and sand in the proportions of 1 part cement to 3 parts sand by volume. Such mortar shrinks excessively and does not work well with the trowel. A better mortar to use is Portland cement lime mortar. Mortar made with ordinary Portland cement will stain most types of stone. If staining must be prevented, non-staining white Portland cement should be used in making the mortar. Lime does not usually stain the stone.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-14

  • Summary You have learned how to estimate material and labor for concrete masonry units according to NAVFAC P-405. You also learned to estimate materials for brick construction, and are now able to identify the components, requirements, and construction techniques for laying structural clay tile and stone masonry.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-15

  • Review Questions (Select the Correct Response)1. Masonry is a construction method made up of prefabricated masonry units laid

    together in various ways and joined together by what type of mix?

    A. 2:4:2 concrete B. Mortar C. Clay and straw D. Epoxy

    2. What type of planning ensures concrete masonry walls are laid out so maximum use is made of full-length and half-length masonry units?

    A. Modular B. Masonry C. Standard D. Developmental

    3. In most construction accomplished by Seabees, what size concrete masonry units (CMUs) are used?

    A. 8" x 3" x 12" B. 8" x 4" x 12" C. 8" x 4" x 16" D. 8" x 8" x 16"

    4. Which one of the two methods used by Builders to estimate CMUs is the quickest, but NOT the most accurate?

    A. Solving for CMUs B. Chasing the bond C. Square foot method D. Metric inch method

    5. Building specifications call for a 1:2 mortar mix. Using rule 38, how many sacks of cement are required to make up a 2 cubic yard mix?

    A. 10

    B. 13 C. 20 D. 26

    6. It takes one person (skilled labor) a total of how many man hours to lay 1,000 square feet of 8" x 8" x 16" concrete block?

    A. 118 B. 146 C. 160 D. 167

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-16

  • In answering question 7, refer to the Table below.

    Work Element Description Unit Man hours per Unit Concrete Block 12 x 8 x 16 8 x 8 x 16 6 x 8 x 16 4 x 8 x 16

    1,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,000 sf

    167 160 146 118

    Common Brick 8 thick wall 12 thick wall 4 thick brick veneer

    1,000 sf 1,000 sf 1,000 sf

    500 700 280

    Grouting (conventional method) Core fill (.125 cf/cell) (conventional method - mortar mixer and bucket) Core fill (TM and pump method) Grouting brickwork

    CD CD

    CD CD

    16 16



    7. How many man hours are required to construct 1,500 square feet of wall area

    using 8 inch by 8 inch by 16 inch CMU?

    A. 200 B. 220 C. 240 D. 260

    8. What type of brick is designed to withstand exposure to below freezing temperatures in a moist climate?

    A. LW B. MW C. NW D. SW

    9. Tile masonry has a compressive strength of how many pounds per square inch?

    A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 400

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-17

  • 10. Partition walls of clay tile 6 inches thick can resist for 1 hour a fire that produces heat not exceeding what temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit?

    A. 1100 B. 1200 C. 1700 D. 1900

    11. (True or False) The use of structural load bearing tiles is restricted by building codes.

    A. True B. False

    12. Stone masonry units are classified into what two types?

    A. Coursed and rectangle B. Random and regular C. Ashlar and rubble D. Squared and cubic

    13. What type of rubble stonework is the crudest of all types?

    A. Standard B. Unsquared C. Random D. Coursed

    14. What type of rubble consists of roughly squared stones assembled in such a manner as to produce approximately horizontal bed joints?

    A. Rough B. Random C. Modified D. Coursed

    15. The mortar used in stone masonry should be composed of what ratio of cement to sand?

    A. 1 to 3 B. 2 to 3 C. 3 to 4 D. 4 to 5

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-18

  • Additional Resources and References This chapter is intended to present thorough resources for task training. The following reference works are suggested for further study. This is optional material for continued education rather than for task training. American Concrete Institute (ACI Standards 200 & 300 series), BOX 19150, Redford Station, Detroit, MI, 1987. Concrete and Masonry, FM 5-742, Headquarters, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 1985. Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 13th ed., Portland Cement Association (PCA), Skokie, IL, 1989. Engineering Aid Advanced, Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center, Pensacola, FL, 1994. Equipment Operator Advanced, Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center, Pensacola, FL, 1994. Naval Construction Force Manual, NAVFAC P-405, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA, 1994. OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry, 29 CFR, Part 1926, Commerce Clearing House, Inc., 4025 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL, 1991. Safety and Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, 1991.

    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-19

  • CSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update CSFE makes every effort to keep their manuals up-to-date and free of technical errors. We appreciate your help in this process. If you have an idea for improving this manual, or if you find an error, a typographical mistake, or an inaccuracy in CSFE manuals, please write or email us, using this form or a photocopy. Be sure to include the exact chapter number, topic, detailed description, and correction, if applicable. Your input will be brought to the attention of the Technical Review Committee. Thank you for your assistance. Write: CSFE N7A

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    NAVEDTRA 14045A 4-20

    A9R1FE3.tmp.pdfInstruction PageBUABUA CopyrightBU Advanced Table of ContentsBU Advanced Chapter 1 Technical AdministrationChapter 1Technical AdministrationTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 SEABEE SKILL ASSESSMENT 1.1.0 Steps for Interviewing

    2.0.0 TRAINING2.1.0 Training Organization2.1.1 Company Commanders2.1.2 Platoon Commanders2.1.3 Plans/Training Officer

    2.2.0 Training Guidelines2.3.0 Training Needs2.4.0 On-the-Job Training2.4.1 Training Methods2.4.2 Trainee Development

    2.5.0 Systematic Training2.5.1 Evaluation2.5.2 Performance Testing

    3.0.0 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION3.1.0 Planning Work Assignments3.1.1 Organization3.1.2 Delegation3.1.3 Coordination3.1.4 Production3.1.5 Safety, Health, and Physical Welfare of Subordinates3.1.6 Daily Work Assignments

    3.2.0 Timekeeping3.3.0 Time Cards3.4.0 Labor Categories3.4.1 Labor Codes

    4.0.0 SAFETY PROGRAM4.1.0 Safety Training4.1.1 Formal Training

    4.2.0 Mishap Prevention4.2.1 Mishap Reporting4.2.2 Mishap Investigation

    4.3.0 Hearing and Sight Conservation4.3.1 Hearing Conservation4.3.2 Sight Conservation

    5.0.0 POLLUTION5.1.0 Pollution Impact Areas5.2.0 Water and Ground Pollution5.2.1 Water Pollution5.2.2 Ground Pollution

    5.3.0 Air Pollution5.4.0 Solid Waste

    6.0.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CONTROL6.1.0 Properties of Hazardous Waste6.1.1 Ignitable6.1.2 Corrosive6.1.3 Reactivity6.1.4 Toxic

    6.2.0 Hazardous Warning Markings and Labels6.3.0 Hazardous Material Storage6.4.0 Hazardous Material Turn In6.5.0 Material Safety Data Sheet6.6.0 Common Hazardous Construction Wastes6.6.1 Drying Oils6.6.2 Flammable Liquids, Adhesives, and Waste Solvents6.6.3 Asbestos

    Summary Review QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 2 Planning Estimating SchedulingChapter 2Planning, Estimating, and SchedulingTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 Types of Construction Drawings1.1.0 Master Plan Drawings1.2.0 Presentation Drawings1.3.0 Shop Drawings1.4.0 Working Drawings1.5.0 Preliminary Drawings1.6.0 Final Drawings1.7.0 Red-Lined Drawings1.8.0 As-Built Drawings1.9.0 Record Drawings

    2.0.0 Project Drawings Preparation2.1.0 Policy and Standards2.2.0 Order of Drawings2.3.0 Drawing Sheet Sizes2.4.0 Title Block2.5.0 Drawing Numbers2.6.0 Drawing Revisions2.7.0 Graphic Scales2.8.0 Drawing Symbols2.9.0 Drawing Notes2.9.1 Specific Notes2.9.2 General Notes

    3.0.0 Main Divisions of Project Drawings3.1.0 Civil Drawings3.2.0 Architectural Drawings3.2.1 Floor Plan3.2.2 Elevations

    3.3.0 Structural Drawings3.3.1 Foundation Plan3.3.2 Framing Plan3.3.3 Sections3.3.4 Details3.3.5 Schedules3.3.5.1 Door Schedules3.3.5.2 Window Schedules3.3.5.3 Material Finish Schedules

    4.0.0 Written Specifications4.1.0 NAVFAC Specifications4.1.1 NAVFACENGCOM Guide Specifications4.1.2 EFD Regional Guide Specifications4.1.3 Standard Specifications

    4.2.0 Other Specifications4.2.1 Federal and Military Specifications4.2.2 Technical Society and Trade Association Specifications4.2.3 Manufacturers Specifications

    4.3.0 Project Specifications4.4.0 Organization of Specifications4.5.0 Guidance

    5.0.0 Planning5.1.0 Network Analysis5.2.0 Project Planning

    6.0.0 Estimating6.1.0 Preliminary Estimates6.2.0 Detailed Estimates6.3.0 Material Estimates6.4.0 Equipment Estimates6.5.0 Labor Estimates6.6.0 Estimator6.6.1 Need for Accuracy6.6.2 Checking Estimates6.6.3 Error Sources

    6.7.0 Activity Estimates6.7.1 Master Activities6.7.2 Construction Activities6.7.2.1 Man Day Estimates and Durations6.7.2.2 Production Efficiency Factors6.7.2.3 Delay Factors6.7.2.4 Availability Factors6.7.2.5 Construction Activity Duration6.7.3 Construction Activity Summary (CAS) Sheets

    6.8.0 Material Estimates6.8.1 Estimating Work Sheet6.8.2 Material Takeoff Sheet6.8.3 Bill of Material6.8.4 Long Lead Items

    6.9.0 Equipment Estimates6.10.0 Labor Estimates6.10.1 Preliminary Estimates6.10.2 Detailed Estimates6.10.3 Production Efficiency Guide Chart and Graph

    7.0.0 Scheduling7.1.0 Elements7.2.0 Precedence Diagrams7.2.1 Activities7.2.1.1 Working Activities7.2.1.2 Critical Activities7.2.2 Use of Diagram Connectors7.2.2.1 Finish to Start Connector7.2.2.2 Start to Start Connector7.2.2.3 Finish to Finish Connector7.2.2.4 Representation of a Delay7.2.2.5 Splitting Connectors7.2.3 Construction Schedule7.2.3.1 Level II Roughs7.2.3.2 Logic Network7.2.3.3 Basic Schedule (Forward and Backward Pass) Total Float7.2.3.5 Free Float7.2.3.6 Critical Path7.2.4 Advantages of Diagrams7.2.5 Level III Bar Charts7.2.6 Resource Leveling7.2.7 Level II Bar Chart

    8.0.0 Engineered Performance Standards (EPS)8.1.0 History of EPS8.2.0 Definition8.3.0 Training8.4.0 Advantages of EPS8.5.0 Planning and Estimating8.5.1 Scoping Estimate8.5.2 Final Estimate

    8.6.0 Work Input Control and Scheduling8.6.1 Work Input Control8.6.2 Job Requirements and Status Chart8.6.3 Manpower Availability Summary and Work Plan Summary8.6.4 Monthly Shop Load Plan8.6.5 Shop Scheduling

    Summary Review QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 3 Concrete ConstructionChapter 3Concrete ConstructionTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 CONCRETE SAFETY2.0.0 FORMWORK2.1.0 Form Design2.1.1 Vertical Loads2.1.2 Lateral Pressure2.1.3 Lateral Loads

    2.2.0 Wall Form Design2.2.1 Vertical Rate of Placement2.2.2 Pressure from Vertical Rate of Placement2.2.2.1 Maximum Spacing of Wall Form Studs2.2.2.2 Maximum Spacing of Wall Form Wales2.2.3 Estimating Studs and Wales2.2.4 Bracing of Wall Forms

    2.3.0 Column Form Design2.4.0 Overhead Slab Form Design2.4.1 Sheathing2.4.2 Joists2.4.3 Stringers2.4.4 Shores2.4.5 Lateral Bracing2.4.6 Wedges2.4.7 Mudsills2.4.8 Design Procedures2.4.9 Overhead Slab Design Form Procedures Example Problem

    2.5.0 Beam Form Design2.6.0 Labor Estimates

    3.0.0 REINFORCED CONCRETE3.1.0 Reinforcing Steel3.1.1 Reinforcing Bars3.1.2 Expanded Metal and Wire Mesh Reinforcement3.1.3 Welded Wire Fabric

    3.2.0 Column Reinforcement3.3.0 Beam Reinforcement3.4.0 Wall Reinforcement

    4.0.0 DESIGN of CONCRETE MIXTURES4.1.0 Book Method4.1.1 Selecting Mix Characteristics4.1.2 Water-Cement Ratio4.1.3 Aggregate4.1.4 Entrained Air4.1.4.1 Mild Exposure4.1.4.2 Moderate Exposure4.1.4.3 Severe Exposure

    4.2.0 Trial Batch Method4.3.0 Absolute Volume Method4.4.0 Mix Variations4.5.0 Mix Adjustments4.6.0 Admixtures4.7.0 Slump Test4.8.0 Compressive Test4.9.0 Flexural Test4.10.0 Computing Concrete4.11.0 Batching Concrete4.11.1 Mixing Concrete4.11.1.1 Overmixing Concrete4.11.1.2 Remixing Concrete 4.11.2 Mobile Concrete Mixer Plant

    4.12.0 Transit Mixer Safety

    5.0.0 PRECAST and TILT-UP CONCRETE5.1.0 Precast Concrete5.1.1 Precast Concrete Floors, Roof Slabs, Walls, and Partitions5.1.2 Precast Concrete Joists, Beams, Girders, and Columns5.1.3 Advantages of Precast Concrete

    5.2.0 Pre-Stressed Concrete5.3.0 Special Types of Concrete5.3.1 Lightweight Concrete5.3.2 Heavyweight Concrete

    5.4.0 Tilt-Up Construction5.4.1 Reinforcement of Tilt-Up Panels5.4.1.1 Tilt-Up Panel Foundations5.4.1.2 Panel Connections5.4.2 Prefabrication Yard5.4.2.1 Casting5.4.2.2 Forms5.4.2.4 Reinforcements and Inserts5.4.2.5 Pouring, Finishing, and Curing5.4.3 Lifting Equipment and Attachments5.4.3.1 Equipment5.4.3.2 Attachments5.4.3.3 Spreader Bars5.4.4 Point Pickup Methods5.4.5 Erecting, Bracing, and Jointing Panels

    Summary Review QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 4 Masonry ConstructionChapter 4Masonry ConstructionTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 ESTIMATING CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMU)1.1.0 Chasing the Bond1.1.1 Using the 3/4 Rule1.1.2 Using the 3/2 Rule

    1.2.0 Square Foot Method1.3.0 Estimating Door and Window Openings1.4.0 Estimating Mortar1.5.0 Estimating Mixing Time1.6.0 Estimating Labor

    2.0.0 BRICK CONSTRUCTION2.1.0 Brick Classification2.2.0 Estimating Brick and Mortar

    3.0.0 STRUCTURAL CLAY TILE3.1.0 Physical Characteristics3.2.0 Uses for Structural Clay Tile

    4.0.0 STONE MASONRYSummaryReview QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 5 Shop Organization and MillworkingChapter 5Shop Organization and MillworkingTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 SHOP ORGANIZATION1.1.0 Purpose of a Shop1.2.0 Arrangement of a Shop1.2.1 Floor1.2.2 Walls and Ceilings1.2.3 Office Space

    2.0.0 MILLWORKING3.0.0 CABINETMAKING3.1.0 Designing a Project3.1.1 Making a Sketch3.1.2 Working Drawings

    3.2.0 Plan and Layout3.2.1 Layout Rod3.2.2 Making a Cutting List3.2.3 Developing a Plan of Procedure

    3.3.0 Casework Construction3.3.1 Skeleton Frames3.3.1.1 Ends3.3.1.2 Legs3.3.1.3 Partitions and Sleepers3.3.1.4 Shelves3.3.1.5 Bottoms and Toeboards3.3.2 Cabinet Facing3.3.3 Face Frames3.3.4 Case Tops3.3.5 Counter Tops

    3.4.0 Designing Cabinets3.4.1 Base Unit3.4.2 Wall Unit

    3.5.0 Constructing a Base Unit3.6.0 Constructing a Wall Unit3.7.0 Other Construction Methods3.8.0 Installing Cabinets3.8.1 Wall Units3.8.2 Base Units3.8.3 Counter Tops

    3.9.0 Drawers3.10.0 Cabinet Doors3.10.1 Door Construction3.10.2 Door Installation

    3.11.0 Hinges3.12.0 Catches3.13.0 Laminating Counter Tops3.13.1 Thicknesses3.13.2 Width and Lengths3.13.3 Inspecting the Surface3.13.4 Cutting Laminate to Rough Size3.13.5 Working with Laminates3.13.6 Adhering Laminates

    3.14.0 Adhesives3.14.1 Glues 3.14.2 Mastics

    SummaryReview QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 6 Quality ControlChapter 6Quality ControlTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this ManualA Word about Asbestos1.0.0 QUALITY CONTROL1.1.0 Ensuring Quality1.1.1 Establish Quality Measures1.1.2 Identify Required Training and Equipment1.1.3 Ensure Personnel Awareness1.1.4 Evaluate Completed Work

    1.2.0 ROICC Interface

    2.0.0 INSPECTIONS2.1.0 Inspectors Responsibilities2.2.0 Concrete Construction2.2.1 Preparatory Work2.2.2 Placing2.2.3 Finishing2.2.4 Curing

    2.3.0 Foundations2.3.1 Mat Foundations2.3.2 Spread Footings

    2.4.0 Concrete Floors2.5.0 Concrete Framing2.6.0 Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) Walls2.7.0 Concrete Finishes2.8.0 Steel-Framed Construction2.8.1 Steel Floor Framing2.8.2 Metal-Framed Walls

    2.9.0 Wood-Framed Construction2.9.1 Wood Floors2.9.2 Wood-Framed Walls2.9.3 Wood Roofs

    2.10.0 Thermal and Moisture Protection2.10.1 Waterproofing2.10.2 Insulation2.10.3 Joint Sealers

    2.11.0 Ceilings2.11.1 Acoustical Tile2.11.2 Acoustical Plaster

    2.12.0 Finishes2.12.1 Interior Finishes Floor Finish2. Resilient Flooring2. Floor Tile2.12.1.2 Walls and Partitions2. Drywall2. Wall Tile2.12.2 Exterior Finishes2.12.2.1 Stucco2.12.2.2 Built-Up Roofing

    2.13.0 Trim2.14.0 Doors2.14.1 Exterior Doors2.14.2 Interior Doors

    2.15.0 Windows and Skylights2.15.1 Windows2.15.2 Skylights

    2.16.0 Glazing2.17.0 Painting2.17.1 Exterior Painting2.17.1.1 Steel Structures2.17.1.2 Woodwork2.17.2 Interior Painting2.17.3 Special Work

    2.18.0 Pile Construction2.18.1 Pile Driving2.18.2 Difficulties Encountered in Pile Driving2.18.2.1 Wood Piles2.18.2.2 Concrete Piles2.18.2.3 Steel Piles

    2.19.0 Timber Construction2.19.1 Delivery and Storage2.19.2 Fabrication2.19.3 Erection

    SummaryReview QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 7 Maintenance InspectionsChapter 7Maintenance InspectionsTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 INSPECTION of BUILDINGS1.1.0 Foundations1.1.1 Foundation Displacement1.1.2 Crawl Spaces1.1.3 Wood Decay1.1.4 Termite Control1.1.5 Moisture Control

    1.2.0 Basic Supporting Members1.2.1 Sills and Beams1.2.2 Posts and Columns1.2.3 Girders and Joists

    1.3.0 Floors and Stairs1.3.1 Wood Floors1.3.2 Concrete Floors1.3.3 Terrazzo Floors1.3.4 Clay Tile Floors1.3.5 Resilient Floor Coverings1.3.5.1 Linoleum1.3.5.2 Resilient Tile1.3.6 Stairways

    1.4.0 Exterior Walls1.4.1 Wood Exteriors1.4.2 Concrete and Masonry Exteriors1.4.2.1 Vertical and Diagonal Movement Cracks1.4.2.2 Shrinkage Cracks1.4.2.3 Horizontal Movement Cracks1.4.2.4 Racked-Down Corners

    1.5.0 Interior Walls, Partitions, and Ceilings1.5.1 Plastered Surfaces1.5.1.1 Structural Cracks1.5.1.2 Loose Plaster1.5.2 Drywall and Partitions1.5.3 Doors1.5.3.1 Wood Doors1.5.3.2 Metal Doors1.5.4 Windows

    1.6.0 Roofs1.6.1 Frame Roofs1.6.2 Trussed Roofs

    1.7.0 Roofing1.7.1 Built-Up Roofing1.7.1.1 Cracking and Alligatoring1.7.1.2 Exposed Bituminous Coating1.7.1.3 Exposed Felts1.7.1.4 Disintegrated Felts1.7.2 Metal Roofing1.7.2.1 Galvanized Steel Roofing1.7.2.2 Aluminum Roofing1.7.3 Flashing1.7.4 Drainage Systems

    1.8.0 Painted Surfaces1.8.1 Inspection of Painted Surfaces1.8.2 Stages of Paint Deterioration

    2.0.0 WATERFRONT STRUCTURES2.1.0 Concrete Structures2.1.1 Repairing Concrete2.1.2 Superstructure Repairs2.1.2.1 Surface Cracks2.1.2.2 Patching and Replacement2.1.2.3 Expansion Joints2.1.2.4 Resurfacing2.1.3 Substructure Repair

    2.2.0 Steel Structures2.2.1 Sheetpiling Repair2.2.2 Tie Rod Repair

    2.3.0 Wood Structures2.3.1 Decking2.3.2 Stringers2.3.3 Pile Caps2.3.4 Braces2.3.5 Fire Curtain Walls2.3.6 Wood Piles2.3.8 Dolphins

    2.4.0 Stone, Masonry, and Earth Structures2.4.1 Stone Structures2.4.2 Masonry Structures2.4.3 Earth Structures

    SummaryReview QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 8 Heavy ConstructionChapter 8Heavy ConstructionTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION1.1.0 Substructure1.1.1 Abutments1.1.2 Foundations1.1.3 Intermediate Supports1.1.4 Bracing

    1.2.0 Superstructure

    2.0.0 TYPES of MODULAR BRIDGES2.1.0 Bailey Bridge2.1.1 Advantages2.1.2 Construction2.1.2.1 Main Girders2.1.2.2 Materials2.1.2.3 Deck2.1.2.4 Bearings2.1.3 Types of Structures

    2.2.0 Mabey Bridge2.2.1 Bridge Elements2.2.2 Roadway Decking2.2.3 Bridge Weights

    2.3.0 Medium Girder Bridge

    3.0.0 SHORING EXCAVATION3.1.0 Sloping3.2.0 Shoring Vertical Walls3.2.1 Interlocking Sheet Piles3.2.2 Soldier Pile Systems

    4.0.0 PILE CONSTRUCTION4.1.0 Bearing Piles4.1.1 Timber Bearing Piles 4.1.2 Steel Bearing Piles4.1.3 Concrete Piles

    4.2.0 Sheet Piles4.3.0 Pile Driving Operation4.3.1 Pile-Driving Hammers4.3.2 Pile-Driving Caps4.3.3 Crane Safety4.3.4 Pile-Driving Safety4.3.5 Characteristics of Different Piles4.3.6 Precautions During Pile Driving4.3.7 Lagging

    4.4.0 Constructing a Pile Bent4.4.1 Aligning Piles in a Bent4.4.2 Cutting Piles in a Bent4.4.3 Capping Piles in a Bent

    4.5.0 Placing Piles by Jetting4.6.0 Extracting Piles4.6.1 Direct Lift4.6.2 Tidal Lift

    4.7.0 Planning and Estimating Pile-Driving Operations

    5.0.0 WATERFRONT STRUCTURES5.1.0 Harbor Shelter Structures5.1.1 Breakwater and Jetty5.1.2 Groin5.1.3 Mole

    5.2.0 Stable Shoreline Structures5.2.1 Seawall5.2.2 Bulkhead

    5.3.0 Wharfage Structures5.3.1 Pier5.3.2 Dolphin

    6.0.0 TIMBER FASTENERS and CONNECTORS6.1.0 Timber Fasteners6.1.1 Driftbolts6.1.2 Scabs

    6.2.0 Timber Connectors6.2.1 Split Ring6.2.2 Shear Plates6.2.3 Toothed Rings

    7.0.0 STEEL FRAME STRUCTURES7.1.0 Steel Buildings7.1.1 Wall-Bearing Construction7.1.2 Skeleton Construction7.1.3 Long Span Construction

    7.2.0 Pre-Engineered Metal Structures

    SummaryReview QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    BU Advanced Chapter 9 ABFC and Field StructuresChapter 9Advanced Base Functional Components and Field StructuresTopicsOverviewObjectivesPrerequisitesFeatures of this Manual1.0.0 ADVANCED BASE FUNCTIONAL COMPONENT SYSTEM1.1.0 Advanced Base Functional Component/Table of Allowances System1.1.1 Tailoring Components and Facilities1.1.2 Use and Application of the ABFC/TOA System1.1.2.1 Component Facility1.1.2.3 Assembly1.1.3 Index of Facilities

    2.0.0 FIELD STRUCTURES2.1.0 K-Span Building2.1.1 Training2.1.2 Operating Instructions2.1.3 Foundations2.1.4 Building Erection2.1.5 Construction Details2.1.6 Finish of Project2.1.7 ABM 240

    2.2.0 Towers and Bunkers

    3.0.0 NATURAL DISASTER RECOVERY OPERATIONS4.0.0 WAR DAMAGE REPAIRSummary Review QuestionsAdditional Resources and ReferencesCSFE Nonresident Training Course User Update

    APPENDIX I.pdfAPPENDIX II.pdfAPPENDIX IIIBuilder Advanced Back Cover

    returnTxt1BUA04PG0: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG0: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG0: returnTxt1BUA04PG2: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG2: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG2: returnTxt1BUA04PG4: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG4: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG4: returnTxt1BUA04PG5: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG5: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG5: returnTxt1BUA04PG6: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG6: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG6: returnTxt1BUA04PG7: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG7: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG7: returnTxt1BUA04PG8: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG8: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG8: returnTxt1BUA04PG11: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG11: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG11: returnTxt1BUA04PG12: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG12: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG12: returnTxt1BUA04PG13: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returnreturnTxt2BUA04PG13: Remediation Page, Click anywhere on this page to returndReturnButtonBUA04PG13: dQuestionBUA04PC1a1: dQuestionBUA04PC1a2: dQuestionBUA04PC1a3: dQuestionBUA04PC1a4: dQuestionBUA04PC2a1: dQuestionBUA04PC2a2: dQuestionBUA04PC2a3: dQuestionBUA04PC2a4: dQuestionBUA04PC3a1: dQuestionBUA04PC3a2: dQuestionBUA04PC3a3: dQuestionBUA04PC3a4: dQuestionBUA04PC4a1: dQuestionBUA04PC4a2: dQuestionBUA04PC4a3: dQuestionBUA04PC4a4: dQuestionBUA04PC5a1: dQuestionBUA04PC5a2: dQuestionBUA04PC5a3: dQuestionBUA04PC5a4: dQuestionBUA04PC6a1: dQuestionBUA04PC6a2: dQuestionBUA04PC6a3: dQuestionBUA04PC6a4: dQuestionBUA04PC7a1: dQuestionBUA04PC7a2: dQuestionBUA04PC7a3: dQuestionBUA04PC7a4: dQuestionBUA04PC8a1: dQuestionBUA04PC8a2: dQuestionBUA04PC8a3: dQuestionBUA04PC8a4: dQuestionBUA04PC9a1: dQuestionBUA04PC9a2: dQuestionBUA04PC9a3: dQuestionBUA04PC9a4: dQuestionBUA04PC10a1: dQuestionBUA04PC10a2: dQuestionBUA04PC10a3: dQuestionBUA04PC10a4: dQuestionBUA04PC11a1: dQuestionBUA04PC11a2: dQuestionBUA04PC12a1: dQuestionBUA04PC12a2: dQuestionBUA04PC13a1: dQuestionBUA04PC13a2: dQuestionBUA04PC13a3: dQuestionBUA04PC13a4: dQuestionBUA04PC14a1: dQuestionBUA04PC14a2: dQuestionBUA04PC14a3: dQuestionBUA04PC14a4: dQuestionBUA04PC15a1: dQuestionBUA04PC15a2: dQuestionBUA04PC15a3: dQuestionBUA04PC15a4: dQuestionBUA04PC12a3: dQuestionBUA04PC12a4: txtRate: txtCourse: txtDate: txtChapter: txtNumber: txtDescription: txtCorrection: txtName: