chapter 24

Height and Distance itroduction 1. Angle If a straight line OA rotates about the point 'O' called r-e vertex from its initial position to the new position OA'. Then the angle AOA', denoted as ZAOA', is formed. The aigle may be positive or negative depending up on their rotation. If the straight line rotates in anticlockwise direction i positive angle is formed and if it rotates in clockwise direc- -on a negative angle is formed. An angle is measured in :egree (°). 1 Quadrants Let X'OX and Y O Y ' be two lines perpendicular to :h other. The point 'O' is called the origin, the line X'OX is lied X axis and Y O Y ' is called the Y axis. These two lines »ide the plane into 4 parts. Each part is called a QUAD- WT. The part XOY, YOX', X'OY' and Y ' O X are respec- s\y known as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants. Angle of Elevation If an object A' is above the horizontal line OA we ave to move our eyes in upward direction through an angle KOA' then the angle AOA' is called the angle of elevation. I. Angle of Depression If an object O is below the horizontal line A ' O ' and *e are standing on the point A' then we have to move our i>es in downward direction through an angle O'A'O. This ingle O'A'O is called the angle of depression. 5. Trigonometric Ratio Let ABC be a right angled triangle. Also let the length :: the sides BC, AC, and AB be a, b and c respectively. Then AC 1) The ratio perpendicular b . „ = = sm6 BC 2) The ratio AC 3) The ratio - \nd also remember that 1 sin0 hypotenuse base a = = cosS hypotenuse c perpendicular _ b _ base a (Hi) cote: tan0 (iv) tan0 = sin 9 cos 6 . COS0 (v) cot9 = 1 ' sin 9 (vi) cos 2 9 + s i n 2 9 = 1 (vii) 1 + tan 2 9 = sec 2 9 (viii) cot 2 9 +1 = cosec 2 9 6. Values of the trigonometric ratios for some useful angles 4- Ratio/Angle(9)-+ 30° 45° 60° 90" sine 0 1 2 1 & S 2 1 cos 6 1. s 2 1 V2 1 2 0 tan 6 0 1 5 1 s 00 - sec 9 1 2 73 J5 ' ''2'' CO cosec6 2 42 2 ^ s L i cote CO 1 1 r 0 Rule 1 Problems Based on Pythagoras Theorem Phythagoras Theorem => h2 = p2 +b2 (see the figure) (i) cosec0 = (ii) sec 9 = Illustrative Example Ex: The father watches his son flying a kite from a dis- tance of 80 metres. The kite is at a height of 150 metres directly above the son. How far is the kite from the father? Soln: Distance of the kite from the father = FK COS0

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chapter 24


Page 1: Chapter 24

Height and Distance

itroduction 1. Angle

I f a straight line OA rotates about the point ' O ' called r-e vertex from its initial position to the new position O A ' . Then the angle A O A ' , denoted as Z A O A ' , is formed. The aigle may be positive or negative depending up on their rotation. I f the straight line rotates in anticlockwise direction i positive angle is formed and i f it rotates in clockwise direc--on a negative angle is formed. A n angle is measured in :egree (°). 1 Quadrants

Let X ' O X and Y O Y ' be two lines perpendicular to :h other. The point ' O ' is called the origin, the line X ' O X is lied X axis and Y O Y ' is called the Y axis. These two lines »ide the plane into 4 parts. Each part is called a Q U A D -W T . The part XOY, Y O X ' , X ' O Y ' and Y ' O X are respec-s\y known as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrants. Angle of Elevation

I f an object A ' is above the horizontal line OA we ave to move our eyes in upward direction through an angle

KOA' then the angle A O A ' is called the angle of elevation. I. Angle of Depression

I f an object O is below the horizontal line A ' O ' and *e are standing on the point A ' then we have to move our i>es in downward direction through an angle O ' A ' O . This ingle O ' A ' O is called the angle of depression. 5. Trigonometric Ratio

Let A B C be a right angled triangle. Also let the length : : the sides BC, AC, and A B be a, b and c respectively. Then

A C 1) The ratio

perpendicular b . „ • = — = sm6

BC 2) The ratio

A C 3) The ratio — -

\nd also remember that




base a = — = cosS

hypotenuse c

perpendicular _ b _

base a

(Hi) c o t e : t a n 0

( iv) t a n 0 = sin 9

cos 6

. COS0 (v) cot9 = 1 ' sin 9 (vi) cos 2 9 + s i n 2 9 = 1

(vii) 1 + tan 2 9 = sec 2 9 (viii) cot 2 9 +1 = cosec 29

6. Values of the trigonometric ratios for some useful angles

4- Ratio/Angle(9)-+ 0° 30° 45° 60° 90" sine 0 1

2 1

& S 2


cos 6 1. s 2

1 V2

1 2


tan 6 0 1 5

1 s 00 -

sec 9 1 2 73

J5 ' ''2'' CO

cosec6 2 42 2 ^ s

L i

cote CO 1 1 r 0

Rule 1 Problems Based on Pythagoras Theorem

Phythagoras Theorem => h2 = p2 +b2 (see the figure)

(i) cosec0 = (ii) sec 9 =

Illustrative Example Ex: The father watches his son flying a kite from a dis­

tance o f 80 metres. The kite is at a height o f 150 metres directly above the son. How far is the kite from the father?

Soln: Distance o f the kite from the father = FK


Page 2: Chapter 24



[From the above theorem]

.-. FK = V ( l 5 0 ) 2 + (80 ) 2 = 170 metres.

I * 9 mm

Exercise 1. The father watches his son f ly ing a kite from a distance

o f 3 km. The kite is at a height o f 4 k m directly above the son. How far is the kite f rom the father? a) 5 km b) 1 k m c) 7 k m d) None o f these

2. The father watches his son f ly ing a kite from a distance o f 10 metres. The kite is at a height o f 24 metres directly above the son. H o w far is the kite f rom the father? a) 26 m b ) 2 8 m c ) 2 5 m d) Data inadequate

Answers l . a 2.a

Rule 2 Theorem: A man wishes to find the height of a flagpost which stands on a horizontal plane, at a point on this plane he finds the angle of elevation of the top of the flagpost to

be 9, . On walking x units towards the tower he finds the

corresponding angle of elevation to be 9 2 * • Then the height

x tan 9, t an0 , (H) of the flagpost is given by t a n 9 2 - t a n 0 , units and

the value of DB (See the figure given below) is given by

.tan 9,

t an0 , - t a n 0 units.

Illustrative Example Ex: A man wishes to f ind the height o f a flagpost which

stands on a horizontal plane; at a point on this plane he finds the angle o f elevation o f the top o f the flagpost to be 45°. On walking 30 metres towards the tower he finds the corresponding angle o f elevation

to be 60°. Find the height o f the flagpost. Soln: Detail Method: A B = height o f flagpost = x m


tan 60° = AB


BD s ....(i)

tan 4 5 ° = -AB

BD + DC + 30 = x

V3" = 30

30V3 7 , x = » 7lm

0.732 Quicker Method: App ly ing the above theorem, we have

the required height o f the flagpost

30 x tan 45° x tan 60° tan 6 0 ° - t a n 45°

3 0 x ^ 3 x 1 30V3 « 7 1 m.

V J - l 0.732

Note: 1. The angle o f elevation o f a lamppost changes from

9, to 9 2 when a man walks towards it . I f the height

o f the lamppost is H metres, then the distance trav-

7 / ( t an9 2 - tan 9 ^ elled by man is given by tan 9,. tan 9 2


2. I f the time for which man walks towards lamppost is given as ' t ' sec then speed o f the man can be calcu­lated by the formula given below.

Speed o f the man = H t a n 9 2 - tan 9,

t tan 9,. tan 9 2


Ex: The angle o f elevation o f a lamppost changes from 30° to 60° when a man walks towards it . I f the height

o f the lamppost is l oV3 metres, f ind the distance

travelled by man. Soln: App ly ing the above theorem, we have

the distance travelled by m a n :

r-f 1 A

10V3 V J - ^ =

V J x - L = 20 metres.

Exercise 1. The angle o f elevation o f a lamppost changes from 30"

to 60° when a man walks 20 m towards it . What is the height o f the lamppost?

Page 3: Chapter 24
Page 4: Chapter 24


b; Hint:

P f ' f d m a r k ) R iver Bank

R iver Bank

1 km Required width (PO)

1 x tan 45° x tan 45° l x l x l 1 — gas — lcTT)

• i 45° 4 tan 45° 1 + 1 2 3. d; Hint: Required dis.zuce (x)

"tan 45° +tan 60°

tan 45° x tan 60°



40 n \

/ V 5 ° 6 0 ° \


' l + V T

4. a; Hint: Required height ( h ) !


40 * 63 m

100 x tan 45° x tan 30°

tan 45° + tan 30°

= 5o(V3-l) = 50x0.732 = 36.6 m

Rule 11 Thoerem: From the top and bottom of a building of height

h units, the angles of elevation of the top of a tower are a

and P respectively, then the (i) height of the tower is given

/?tanp by

tan P - tan a units, (ii) distance between the building

and the tower is given by tan P - tan a y


units and (Hi) RM

units. (Seetheflgure)-^_xma

Note: I f height o f the tower is given as 'H ' units, then the

distance between the building and the tower is giver.

H by _ ~ r7 units.

3 tanp

R •


Illustrative Example Ex: From the top and bottom o f a building o f height 11'.

metres, the angles o f elevation o f the top o f a towe-

are 30° and 45° respectively. Find the height o f the


Soln: Apply ing the above theorem, we have

120 x tan 45° the height o f the tower =

tan 4 5 ° - t a n 30°


1 -fi


.732 * 284 metres

Exercise 1. A tower is 30 m high. An observer from the top of tr*

tower makes an angle o f depression o f 60° at the base I

a building and angle o f depression o f 45° at the top o f

the building, what is the height o f the building? A > :

find the distance between building and tower.

10 a) 12.6m, ^ j m b) 12.6m, 17.3m

c) 12 m, io-y/3 m d) Data inadequate

2. The top o f a 15 metre-high tower makes an angle of el­

evation o f 60° wi th the bottom o f an electric pole anc x angle o f elevation o f 30° wi th the top o f the pole. W :m

is the height o f the electric pole?

[SBI Bank PO Exam, 1 fA

a ) 5 m b ) 8 m c )10m d )12m

3. From the top o f a building 30 m high, the top and bon:

o f a tower are observed to have angles o f depress m

30° and 45° respectively. The height o f the tower •

Page 5: Chapter 24


Then, ZDOB = 3 0 ° ,

ZDOA = 45° &AC = BD = 3000 m.

Let AB = h.

. : — = cot 30° = S =>OD = (3000 x S) DB


— = cot 45° = 1 => OC = 3000 m


Distance covered in 15 sec = AB = CD = OD-OC

= (3000V3 - 3000) M = 2196 m

.-. Speed o f the plane

'2196 1 ) Q x 60 x 60 I k m / h r = 527 km/hr

10. d; Hint: Let AB be the c l i f f and C and D be the two positions o f the fishing trawler.

Then, ZACB = 30° and ZADB = 60°

Let AB = h


And, — = col30° = fi => AC = fih AB

AD Now, —r- = c o t 6 0 ° =

f CD = AC- AD = fih-

2h JL

Let u m/min be the uniform speed o f the trawler.

Distance covered in 6 min = 611 metres.

2h :. CD = 6u : 6u => h = 3A/3!(

, n A 3V3 w . Now, A D = ~ ^ = = 3 w

Time taken by trawler to reach A

Distance AD 3u 3 m i n .

speed u

11. c; Hint: Let AB be the tower and BC the flagstaff.

Then, BC = —h • Let O be the observer. 5

Then, ZAOC = 45° and Z/4<3B = 9 .

0/4 Now, — = c o t 4 5 ° = l

h + -h 5

• 0 4 = - / j 5

.-. tan 6 = AB h 5

OA ~ 6 ^ " 6

12. d; Hint: Let C be the cloud and C'be its reflection in th lake.


AB Now, - ^ - = t a n 3 0 ° = - = r = > x - 2 0 0 = — =


Also, = t a n 6 0 ° = V3

x + 200 = (/15)V3

V3(x-200) =

.-. C5 = 400 m

x + 200 or, x = 400