chapter 1 keys to the study of chemistry -

Chem 1A General Chemistry Chapter 1 Keys to the Study of Chemistry Dr. Orlando E. Raola FALL 2012 1/1

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Chem 1AGeneral Chemistry

Chapter 1Keys to the Study of Chemistry

Dr. Orlando E. Raola

FALL 2012

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Chemistry is the study of matter, itsproperties, the changes that matterundergoes, and the energyassociated with these changes.

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Matter and Energy

Matter anything that has both mass and volume – the “stuff” ofthe universe: books, planets, trees, professors, students.

Composition the types and amounts of simpler substances thatmake up a sample of matter

Properties the characteristics that give each substance a uniqueidentity

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Matter and Energy

Matter anything that has both mass and volume – the “stuff” ofthe universe: books, planets, trees, professors, students.

Composition the types and amounts of simpler substances thatmake up a sample of matter

Properties the characteristics that give each substance a uniqueidentity

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Matter and Energy

Matter anything that has both mass and volume – the “stuff” ofthe universe: books, planets, trees, professors, students.

Composition the types and amounts of simpler substances thatmake up a sample of matter

Properties the characteristics that give each substance a uniqueidentity

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Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical Properties

properties a substance shows byitself without interacting withanother substance- color, melting point, boiling point,density

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Physical and Chemical Properties

Physical Properties

properties a substance shows byitself without interacting withanother substance- color, melting point, boiling point,density

Chemical Properties

properties a substance shows as itinteracts with, or transforms into,other substances- flammability, corrosiveness

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The distinction betweenphysical and chemical change

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We can use visualizations to help us understand the nature of thechanges in matter. Is the change depicted chemical or physical?

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The States of Matter

A solid has a fixed shape and volume. Solids may be hard or soft,rigid or flexible.A liquid has a varying shape that conforms to the shape of thecontainer, but a fixed volume. A liquid has an upper surface.A gas has no fixed shape or volume and therefore does not have asurface.

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The Pysical States of Matter

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Temperature and Change of State

• A change of state is a physical change. - Physical form changes,composition does not.

• Changes in physical state are reversible - by changing thetemperature.

• A chemical change cannot simply be reversed by a change intemperature.

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Temperature and Change of State

• A change of state is a physical change. - Physical form changes,composition does not.

• Changes in physical state are reversible - by changing thetemperature.

• A chemical change cannot simply be reversed by a change intemperature.

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Temperature and Change of State

• A change of state is a physical change. - Physical form changes,composition does not.

• Changes in physical state are reversible - by changing thetemperature.

• A chemical change cannot simply be reversed by a change intemperature.

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Energy in Chemistry

• Energy is the ability to do work.• Potential Energy is energy due to the position of an object.• Kinetic Energy is energy due to the movement of an object.• Total Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy

Etot = Ekinetic + Epotential

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Energy in Chemistry

• Energy is the ability to do work.• Potential Energy is energy due to the position of an object.• Kinetic Energy is energy due to the movement of an object.• Total Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy

Etot = Ekinetic + Epotential

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Energy in Chemistry

• Energy is the ability to do work.• Potential Energy is energy due to the position of an object.• Kinetic Energy is energy due to the movement of an object.• Total Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy

Etot = Ekinetic + Epotential

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Energy in Chemistry

• Energy is the ability to do work.• Potential Energy is energy due to the position of an object.• Kinetic Energy is energy due to the movement of an object.• Total Energy = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy

Etot = Ekinetic + Epotential

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The scientific approach to understanding nature

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Units and Conversion Factors

The results of measurements are always expressed as the productof a pure number and a unit of measure.

length = 4.5 m

Conversion Factors allow us to express a quantity with differentunits.

body mass = 190.2 lb × 1 kg2.205 lb

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Units and Conversion Factors

The results of measurements are always expressed as the productof a pure number and a unit of measure.

length = 4.5 m

Conversion Factors allow us to express a quantity with differentunits.

body mass = 190.2 ��lb × 1 kg2.205 ��lb

= 86.26 kg

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The SI is the System Used in Scientific Work

Fundamental SI UnitsFundamental Quantity Unit Symbollength meter mmass kilogram kgtime second sthermodynamic temperature kelvin Kamount of substance mole molelectric current ampere Aluminous intensity candela cd

All other units are derived from the fundamental units:

Area m2

Volume m3

Density kg·m−3

Velocity m·s−1

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Unit Conversions

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