changes to aocs by-laws to be offered at minneapolis fall meeting

Changes to AOCS By-Laws to Be Offered at Minneapolis Fall Meeting By R. C. Stillman As our Society changes in size, direction, and type of membership, changes in our rules of operation become imperative. Size alone makes it difficult for the AOCS Governing Board to keep a careful watch on the things that need to be done, and size alone makes it diffficult for technical committees to feel close to the Society and thus truly interpret its desires. These conditions have in the past resulted in such changes as the establishment of an Executive Committee and a Publications Committee and By-Laws on local sections. Now we have before us several proposed amendments to our By-Laws representing a need to grow some more and a need to tie together some loose ends. Generally, the proposed changes would have a three-fold effect. 1. The first amendment (an addition to Article VI, Section 1), would place upon the shoulders of certain Board members the responsibility of representing the Board to certain critical committees, such as Smalley, Awards, Education, National Program and Planning, etc. 2. The second amendment (an addition to Article VI, Section 1) would make the operations of the Society more extensive and more meaningful by the establishment of a foundation, should the Governing Board at some future date decide that such an operation was germane to an improved society operation. 3. The third amendment (requiring revisions of Article VI, Sections 3 and 4; and Article VII, Section 3), would bring the chairmen of the Uniform Methods and Publica- tion Committees and the chairman of the Examination Board more intimately into contact with the Governing Board by making these chairmen ex-ofl~c~o members of the Board but without the right to vote. These changes in our By-Laws are a step in the right direction. The Governing Board approved of them. They are, however, a Society responsibility resting solely on the individual members. READ CAREFULLY--EVALUATE ATTEND THE MINNEAPOLIS MEETING AND CAST YOUR IMPORTANT VOTE ORIGII~AL Proposed Revisions to the AOCS By-Laws REVISED EXPLA~ATI01~ ARTICLE VI Governing Board, Committees, and Duties SECTION 1. GOVERNIN~ BOAI~D. The Gov- erning Board is the general executive body of the Society. It shall deternline the policies and direct the affairs of the Society to promote its best interests. It shall direct the manner in which all funds shall be invested, but investments shall be made only in United States securities. It shall set the annual dues of the members and shall set the fee for certification by the Examination Board. ARTICLE VI Governing Board, Committees, and Duties SEc'~IO~ 1. GOVERNING BOARD. The Governing Board is the general execu- tive body of the Society. It shall deter- mine the policies and direct the affairs of the Society to promote its best in- terests. It shall direct the manner in which all funds shall be invested, but investments shall be made only in United States securities. It shall set the annua] dues of the members and shall set the fee for certification by the Examination Board. It shall be the responsibility of the Governing Board to assist the following named committees so that these com- mittees and the Board will be in con- tinuous, direct communication to make their respective objectives and wishes known : 1st Past President--National Program and Planning Committee and its Sub- Conunittees (in addition to Nomina- tion & Election Chairmanship). 2nd Past President--Smalley Conl- mittee including its Sub-Committees. 3rd Past President--Award Adminis- trative Committee including its Sub- Committees. 4th Past President--Education Com- mittee including its Sub-Committees. Other Board Members--As the Presi- dent directs. In order to further the purposes of the Society, the Governing Board, in ad- dltion to the other powers granted to it, is authorized to establish The American A second paragraph is added to Sec- tion I in order to place upon the shoulders of certain Board members the responsibility of representing the Board to certain critical committees, such as Smalley, Awards, Education, National Program and Planning, etc. A third paragraph is added to Section I in order to make the operations of the Society more extensive and nmre meaningful by the establishment of a 400A j. A~t. 0IL CHEMISTS' Soe.. AuGusT 1969 (VOL. 46)

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Page 1: Changes to AOCS by-laws to be offered at Minneapolis Fall Meeting

Changes to AOCS By-Laws to Be Offered at Minneapolis Fall Meeting

By R. C. St i l lman

As our Society changes in size, direct ion, and type of membersh ip , changes in our rules of opera t ion become imperat ive . Size alone makes i t difficult fo r the A O C S Govern ing Boa rd to keep a careful watch on the th ings t ha t need to be done, and size alone makes i t diffficult fo r technical commit tees to feel close to the Society and thus t ru ly i n t e r p r e t its desires. These condi t ions have in the pas t resul ted in such changes as the es tab l i shment of an Execu t ive Commit tee and a Publ ica t ions Commit tee and By-Laws on local sections.

Now we have before us several p roposed amendmen t s to our By-Laws r ep re sen t ing a need to grow some more and a need to t ie toge ther some loose ends. General ly , the p roposed changes would have a three-fo ld effect.

1. The first a m e n d m e n t (an addi t ion to Art ic le VI , Sect ion 1) , would place upon the shoulders of cer ta in Board members the respons ib i l i ty of r ep re sen t ing the Boa rd to ce r ta in cri t ical committees, such as Smalley,

Awards , Educa t ion , Na t iona l P r o g r a m and P l ann ing , etc. 2. The second a m e n d m e n t ( an addi t ion to Ar t ic le VI ,

Section 1) would make the opera t ions of the Society more extensive and more mean ing fu l by the es tab l i shment of a founda t ion , should the Govern ing Board at some fu tu re date decide t ha t such an opera t ion was ge rmane to an improved society operat ion.

3. The th i rd a m e n d m e n t ( r equ i r i ng revis ions of Art ic le VI , Sect ions 3 and 4; and Ar t ic le V I I , Section 3) , would b r ing the cha i rmen of the U n i f o r m Methods and Publ ica- t ion Commit tees and the cha i rman of the E x a m i n a t i o n Boa rd more in t imate ly into contact with the Govern ing B o a r d by mak ing these cha i rmen ex-ofl~c~o members of the Board but wi thou t the r i gh t to vote.

These changes in our By-Laws are a step in the r igh t direction. The Govern ing B o a r d app roved of them. They are, however, a Society respons ib i l i ty res t ing solely on the indiv idual members .

R E A D C A R E F U L L Y - - E V A L U A T E




Proposed Revisions to the AOCS By-Laws REVISED EXPLA~ATI01~

ARTICLE VI Governing Board, Committees,

and Duties SECTION 1. GOVERNIN~ BOAI~D. The Gov-

erning Board is the general executive body of the Society. It shall deternline the policies and direct the affairs of the Society to promote its best interests. I t shall direct the manner in which all funds shall be invested, but investments shall be made only in United States securities. I t shall set the annual dues of the members and shall set the fee for certification by the Examination Board.

ARTICLE VI Governing Board, Committees,

and Duties SEc'~IO~ 1. GOVERNING BOARD. The

Governing Board is the general execu- tive body of the Society. I t shall deter- mine the policies and direct the affairs of the Society to promote its best in- terests. I t shall direct the manner in which all funds shall be invested, but investments shall be made only in United States securities. I t shall set the annua] dues of the members and shall set the fee for certification by the Examination Board.

I t shall be the responsibility of the Governing Board to assist the following named committees so tha t these com- mittees and the Board will be in con- tinuous, direct communication to make their respective objectives and wishes known :

1st Pas t Pres ident - -Nat iona l Program and Planning Committee and its Sub- Conunittees (in addition to Nomina- tion & Election Chairmanship).

2nd Pas t President--Smalley Conl- mittee including its Sub-Committees.

3rd Pas t Pres ident - -Award Adminis- trat ive Committee including its Sub- Committees.

4th Pas t Pres ident - -Educat ion Com- mittee including its Sub-Committees.

Other Board Members--As the Presi- dent directs.

In order to fur ther the purposes of the Society, the Governing Board, in ad- dltion to the other powers granted to it, is authorized to establish The American

A second paragraph is added to Sec- tion I in order to place upon the shoulders of certain Board members the responsibility of representing the Board to certain critical committees, such as Smalley, Awards, Education, National Program and Planning, etc.

A third paragraph is added to Section I in order to make the operations of the Society more extensive and nmre meaningful by the establishment of a

4 0 0 A j. A~t. 0IL CHEMISTS' Soe.. AuGusT 1969 (VOL. 46)

Page 2: Changes to AOCS by-laws to be offered at Minneapolis Fall Meeting

O R I G I I ~ A L R E V I S E D E X P I , A I ~ A T I O I ~

SECTION 3. COMI~fITTEE ON UNIFORI~[ METHODS. The Commit tee on U n i f o r m Methods shal l be appo in ted by the presi- den t and consis t of n ine members , f ami l i a r wi th the Official and Ten ta t ive Methods of the Society, inc lud ing the edi tor of Ana ly t i ca l Methods. This com- mi t tee shall s u g g e s t to the other com- mi t t ee s o f the Society work which m a y be needed to improve or confirm these methods . Th i s commit tee shal l receive f rom the p re s iden t or any m e m b e r of the Society, sugges t ions for the i m p r o v e m e n t of old me thods or the e s t ab l i shmen t of new methods . The commit tee m a y r e fe r these m a t t e r s to s t a n d i n g commit tees or m a y reques t t h a t the p res iden t appo in t new commit tees to inves t iga te specific projects . All me thods of ana lys i s or changes in ex is t ing methods o r ig ina ted by other technical commit tees of the Society shall be r e f e r r ed to th i s com- m i t t e e for approval . I f approved by a two- th i rds vote of the U n i f o r m Methods Commit tee , they shall be adop ted and s u b m i t t e d to the edi tor of me thods for incorpora t ion in the procedures of the Society as set f o r t h in Art ic le V I I I , Section 2. A s u m m a r y repor t of all ac t ions of the U n i f o r m Methods Com- mi t t ee shall be p repa red by the chair- m a n of the commit tee , s u b m i t t e d to the Govern ing B o a r d and pub l i shed in the Journa l . Should a ser ious d i s a g r e e m e n t on a r ecommended procedure arise in the U n i f o r m Methods Commit tee , the chair- m a n of the commit tee m a y s u b m i t the procedure in detai l to the m e m b e r s of the Governing B o a r d fo r final action. Such a submiss ion should be accom- pan ied by a r ecommenda t ion to the Governing B o a r d by the c h a i r m a n to- ge the r wi th detai ls of the d i sagreement .

SECTION 4. EXA~INATION BOARD. The E x a m i n a t i o n B o a r d shall consis t of five active members , who shall be appo in ted a n n u a l l y by the Governing Board. A t leas t one of the E x a m i n a t i o n Board Members m u s t cu r ren t ly hold a certificate f r o m the E x a m i n a t i o n Board . The Ex- a m i n a t i o n B o a r d shal l e s t ab l i sh s tan- d a r d s for the qual if icat ions o f active m e m b e r s as re feree chemists . These s t a n d a r d s m a y involve proficiency, edu- ca t ional background , ethical conduct , and a n y o ther qual if icat ions t h a t the Ex-


Oil Chemis t s ' Society Founda t ion . The purpose of the F o u n d a t i o n shall be to f u r t h e r the objec t ives of the Society by a d v a n c e m e n t of technology and re- search, deve lopment and s t anda rd i za t ion of ana ly t ica l methods , equ ipment and mate r ia l s , and encou ragemen t o f educa- t ion a n d t r a i n i n g to improve the profes- sional competence o f the Socie ty 's mem- bers. The Governing B o a r d shal l deter- mine when to es tab l i sh the f o u n d a t i o n and, by app rop r i a t e resolut ion, shal l provide fo r a board o f directors or o ther govern ing body, shall provide fo r the selection of su i tab le officers, and shal l provide fo r the f u n d i n g of the founda- t ion. The Govern ing B o a r d m a y ter- mina te the f o u n d a t i o n by resolut ion a f t e r s ix ty days not ice to the m e m b e r s o f the Society o f i t s i n t en t to do so. Upon such t e rmina t ion , all asse t s o f the f o u n d a t i o n shal l become pa r t of the genera l asse t s of the Society.

SECTION 3. COMMITTEE ON UNIFOR~I METHODS. The Commit tee on U n i f o r m Methods shall be appoin ted by the presi- den t and consis t of a c h a i r m a n and e igh t (8) addi t iona l members , f ami l i a r wi th the Official and Ten ta t ive Methods of the Society, inc lud ing the edi tor of Ana ly t ica l Methods . The cha i rman shall serve as an e x o f f ic io m e m b e r of the Govern ing Board , bu t wi thout vote. This Commi t tee shal l s u g g e s t to the other commit tees of the Society work which m a y be needed to improve or confirm these methods . This commit tee shall re- ceive f r o m the p res iden t or any m e m b e r of the Society, sugges t i ons for the im- p rovement of old me thods or the estab- l i shmen t of new methods . The commit tee m a y r e fe r these m a t t e r s to s t a n d i n g commi t tees or m a y reques t t h a t the p res iden t appo in t new commit tees to in- ves t iga te specific projects . All me thods of ana lys i s or changes in ex is t ing me thods o r ig ina ted by other technica l commit tees o f the Society shal l be re- f e r r e d to th is commit tee for approval . I f approved by a two- th i rds vote of the U n i f o r m Methods Commit tee , t hey shall be adop ted and submi t t ed to the edi tor of m e t h o ds fo r incorpora t ion in the pro- cedures of the Society as set f o r t h in Art ic le V I I I , Section 2. A s u m m a r y repor t o f all ac t ions o f the U n i f o r m Methods Commi t tee shall be p repa red by the c h a i r m a n of the commit tee , sub- m i t t e d to the Governing Boa rd and pub- l ished in the Jou rna l . Should a serious d i s a g r e e m en t on a r ecommended proce- dure ar ise in the U n i f o r m Methods Com- mit tee , the c h a i r m a n of the commit tee n m y s u b mi t the procedure in detai l to the m e m b er s o f the Governing Board fo r final action. Such a submiss ion should be accompanied by a r ecommenda t ion to the Govern ing Board by the c h a i r m a n toge ther w i th detai ls of the disagree- ment .

SECTION 4. EXAMINATION BOARD. The E x a m i n a t i o n Boa rd shal l consis t of a c h a i r m an and fou r (4) addi t iona l act ive members , who shall be appoin ted annua l ly by the Governing Board. The c h a i r m a n shall serve as an e x o f f i c io m e m b e r of the Governing Board , b u t wi thout vote. A t leas t one of the Ex- a m i n a t i o n B o a r d Members m u s t cur- ren t ly hold a cert if icate f r o m the E x a m i n a t i o n Board . The E x a m i n a t i o n B o a r d shal l es tab l i sh s t a n d a r d s for the qualif icat ions of act ive members as

J. AM.

founda t ion , should the Govern ing Bo a rd a t some f u t u r e date decide t h a t such a~r opera t ion was g e r m a n e to an im- proved society operat ion.

This sect ion has been revised to pro- vide t h a t the U n i f o r m Methods Com- mi t t ee c h a i r m a n is to serve as an e x o f f ic io m e m b e r of the Governing Board , w i thou t the r i gh t to vote.

This sect ion ha s been revised to pro- vide t h a t the E x a m i n a t i o n Boa rd chair- m a n is to serve as an e x o f f i c io m e m b e r of the Govern ing Board , wi thou t the r i g h t to vote.

(Cont inued on page 415A)


Page 3: Changes to AOCS by-laws to be offered at Minneapolis Fall Meeting

• C/ anoees to A OCS B.y-ia s.. (Continued from page 402A)


amlnation Board consider pertinent. Ap- plicants for certification as referee chemists shall pay, in addition to the annual dues for membership, a fee fixed by the Governing Board to cover the costs of certification. This fee is to accompany the application. The Ex- amination Board shall issue certificates to those who qualify, arid shall return the fees of those who are denied certification.

referee chemists. These standards may involve proficiency, educational back- ground, ethical conduct, and any other qualifications that the Examination Board consider pertinent. Applicants for certification as referee chemists shall pay, in addition to the annual clues for membership, a fee fixed by the Gov- erning Board to cover the costs of certi- fication. This fee is to accompany the application. The Exanfination Board shall issue certificates to those who qualify, and shall return the fees of those who are denied certification.

E X P L A N A T I O ~

ARTICLE VII Publications

SECTION 3. PUBLICATIONS COM]~IITTEE. All publications of the Society, including the Journal of the American Oil Chem- ists' Society shall be under the direction of a Publications Committee consisting of nine members and a chairman. The chairman of the Publications Committee shall be appointed at each annual meet- ing of the Society by the Governing Board.

He shall serve as Director of AOCS Publications. The Governing Board shall also annually appoint an editor for each Society publication. The chairman of the Publications Committee may serve as editor of any or all publications of the Society if the Governing Board so designates. The editors of all Society publications shall be niembers of the Publications Comnlittee. The other mem- bers of the Publications Committee, in- cluding whe~ desirable an assistant chairnian, shall be appointed by the chairman with the approval of the presi- dent. Each member of the Publications Committee, other than the chairman and the editor of each Society publication, shall serve a term of three years on the committee, and shall not be eligible for reappointment until after a lapse of one year following the expiration of his term. The chairman of the Publications Committee, with the approval of the president, may make appointments for less than three years to fill vacancies on the Committee.

ARTICLE VII Publications

SECTION 3. PUBLICATIOigS COIV[MITTEE. All publications of the Society, including the Journal of the American Oil Chem- ists' Society shall be under the direction of a Publications Committee consisting of nine members and a chairman. The chairman of the Publications Committee shall be appointed at each annual meet- ing of the Society by the Governing Board. He shall serve as an ex officio member of the Governing Board, but without vote. He also shall serve as Director of AOCS Publications.

The Governing Board shall also an- nually appoint an editor for each Society publication. The chairman of the Pub- lications Committee may serve as editor of any or all publications of the Society if the Governing Board so designates. The editors of all Society publications shall be members of the Publications Committee. The other members of the Publications Committee, including when desirable an assistant chairman, shall be appointed by the chairman with the ap- proval of the president. Each member of the Publications Committee, other than the chairman and the editor of each Society publication, shall serve a term of three years on the committee, and shall not be eligible for reappointment until after a lapse of one year following the expiration of his term. The chair- man of the Publications Committee, with the approval of the president, may make appointments for less than three years to fill vacancies on the Committee.

This section has been revised to pro- vide that the Publications Committee chairman, is to serve as an ex o,~cio member of the Governing Board, with- out the right to vote.

• Re/eree Applications Second Notice

Donald E. Br i t ton of Bar row-Agee Laboratories' , Ine., P.O. Box 156, Memphis , Tenn. 38101 has appl ied fo r a Referee Certificate on Cottonseed, Soybeans, Oil Cake and Meal, P ro te in Concentrates, Cottonseed Oil, Soybean Oil and other F a t t y Oils, Tallow and Grease, Cellulose Yield (Lin te rs ) . In te res ted par t ies wishing to comment on this certification should communicate with the Chai rman of the Examina t ion Board. Please wri te to E d w a r d R. Hahn , Chairman of the Examina t ion Board, P.O. Box 1177, Columbia, S.C. 29202

K e n n e t h L. Fie lds of Charles ¥ . Bacon, Inc., Seattle, Wash . 98104 has appl ied fo r a Referee Certificate on Tallow and Grease. In te res ted par t ies wishing to comment on this certification should communicate wi th the Chair- man of the Examina t ion Board. Please wri te to E d w a r d

R. Hahn, Chai rman of the Examina t ion Board, P.O. Box 1177, Columbia, S.C. 29202

Jesus A. Gareia of Hous ton Laborator ies , P.O. Box 132, Houston, Texas 77001 has appl ied fo r a Referee Certificate on Cottonseed, Peanuts , 0 i l Cake and Meal, P ro t e in Con- centrates, Cottonseed Oil, Soybean Oil and other F a t t y Oils, Tallow and Grease. In te res ted par t ies wishing to comment on this certification should communicate with the Chairman of the Examina t ion Board. Please wri te to E d w a r d R. Hahn , Chai rman of the Examina t ion Board, P.O. Box 1177, Columbia, S.C. 29202

K. Hayash ibe of N i p p o n Yuryo Ken te i Kyokai 3-9, Kaigan-dor i , Nakaku, Yokohama, J a p a n , has appl ied fo r a Referee Certificate on Tallow and Grease. In te res ted par t ies wishing to comment on this certification should communicate with the Chairman of the Examina t ion Board.

(Continued on ]Page 424A)