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MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Celebrating 163 Years of Ministry June 2019 Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Greg Roth Associate Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Marsha Roth Execuve Minister/ Tradional Worship Director Joe Linn Visitaon Pastor Rev. Dr. Jim Schoon Director of Contemporary Worship Thomas Bañuelos Assistant Pastor for the Foundry, Families, and Youth Dennis Yim Director of Youth & Foundry Worship Ministries David Yim Director of Childrens Ministries Christy Lee-Yim Facilies/Office Manager Tammy Sawyer Finance Manager Sally Suryan Accounng Assistant Julia Knutson Ministry Assistants Kyle Chrise Peggy Licari Polly Walker Cheryl Wellcome the Centerville Presbyterian Church A Church commied to Jesus Christ through worship, nurture, care, and growth.

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Page 1: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Celebrating 163 Years of Ministry June 2019

Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Greg Roth

Associate Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Marsha Roth

Executive Minister/Traditional Worship Director Joe Linn

Visitation Pastor Rev. Dr. Jim Schoon

Director of Contemporary Worship Thomas Bañuelos Assistant Pastor for the Foundry, Families, and Youth Dennis Yim Director of Youth & Foundry Worship Ministries David Yim

Director of Children’s Ministries Christy Lee-Yim

Facilities/Office Manager Tammy Sawyer

Finance Manager Sally Suryan

Accounting Assistant Julia Knutson

Ministry Assistants Kyle Christie Peggy Licari Polly Walker Cheryl Wellcome

the Centerville Presbyterian Church

“A Church committed to Jesus Christ through worship, nurture,

care, and growth.”

Page 2: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

b Pastors Greg & Marsha Roth

It has been said that a congregation like CPC needs

to reinvent itself every five years or it begins to decline.

Most of our members and

attenders are new, so perhaps

it is fun to remember the early years of our CPC ministry.

In 2003, Mrs. Anitra Dark, our

beloved Stated Clerk of Ses-sion wrote,

“In June of 1995 the Roths

came from Glendale, Califor-

nia—Dr. Greg Roth and his wife, the Rev. Marsha Roth—

as a designated pastoral team

to bring healing in the congre-gation for the conflict of the

past two years. (Both the Sen-

ior pastor and associate pastor

were asked to leave,


organization and communica-

tion skills helped Pastor Greg meet and solve many problems in 1996. He worked at deepening trust

between the congregation and staff and modeled an

openness and accountability to Presbytery, estab-

lished Endowment funds for Maintenance and Missions,

wrote financial policies related

to fundraising within the

church and operation of the administration commission. He

worked with local community

groups in identifying needs of

the community, kept informed on the Centerville Redevelop-

ment plan, attended City coun-

cil meetings and held meetings


“Pastor Marsha helped prob-lem solve, strengthened and

organized Growth Groups, led

training for lay leaders and

counseled and prayed with members. She developed a

team to lead the board of Dea-

cons and provided immeasura-

ble training and confidence to their members.

“After four years as Designated Pastors, Greg and

Marsha Roth were

called as permanent

Senior and Associate

Pastors to Centerville

Presbyterian Church. Greg chaired the Tri-

Cities Homeless Coali-

tion for twelve years

(Abode Services) the Street Homeless Out-

reach task force of the

city, worked with Police

Department Central Avenue Task Force to

eliminate graffiti, gang

activity and to clean

Page 3: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace


up Central Ave-

nue, Tri-City Min-

isterial Fellow-

ship, chaired Min-istries to Muslims

Mission Board,

and was a board

president to Fron-tier Fellowship.

“Greg remodeled

the Sanctuary Chancel [with Joe

Linn the first!]

and worked with Dr. Mike Cook in

the completion of Education Building and remod-

eled the offices.

Greg worked at maintaining

the Pioneer Cemetery, so we

would be a good neighbor

and respect the church and community members buried

there. He recruited Darryl

Guzman back to our church

as Worship Director.” Since Anitra Dark’s report concluded in 2003 we con-tinued to connect the church to community, the larger Presbyterian church, and extended CPC’s ministry to the world.

By Grace we: • Preached over 1,150 ser-

mons at CPC, performed 280 Funerals, 125 bap-tisms, 75 Weddings.

• Created a world class congregational care

team that included the board of Deacons, Pray-er team, Good Shepherds, and welcome team.

• Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace Brier Gold Rush Legacy.

• Wrote monthly devotional for CPC giving state-ments on Biblical Giving.

• Worked with Dominic Dutra to create the plans to build eight town homes on the site of the

burned church near the Pio-neer Cemetery. We will always be grateful for the permission to pursue an outreach call to the Fremont community. • Member of Citi-Serve / Compassion Network • Chaplain at Washington hospital and member of In-stitutional Review Board (IRB). • Secured funding $500K from city of Fremont to remodel the Free Dining Room. • President of the Board of Abode Services (Tri-City Homeless Coalition) for 12 years. • Created a Homeless Chaplaincy to do street out-reach to homeless and those recently housed with Abode Services.

Page 4: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace


We will always be grateful for the permission to pursue a missionary call in the greater Church. • Three-time Presbytery

delegate to General Assembly of PCUSA.

• Involved in Presbytery leadership of the PCUSA Presbytery of San Francis-co.

• Guided the elders through a process to discern our departure from the Presby-terian Church USA. (a 98% approval vote).

• Joined the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest.

• Marsha completed her Doctorate in Pastoral Coun-seling in 2010.

• Were selected to Soul Care Pastoral Leadership retreats for 2016. Marsha revamped these re-sources and contextualized for our congregation. Over 50 women have been discipled.

• Featured speakers at Mount Hermon for eight years of Marriage retreats.

• Three-time Sabbatical Grant national award winners from the Lilly Foundation.

We will always be grateful for the permission to pursue a mis-sionary call to the wider world. • Spoke to mission communi-ties in Chile, Niger, England, Ghana, Afghanistan, and Taiwan, bringing home stories of faith of our brothers and sisters for Christ. • Led Vacation Bible School in Osaka, Japan, with Elder Cordelia Shieh. • Were speakers/counselors to Missionary teams in Chile, Myanmar, Thailand, Ghana, Malaysia, Budapest, northern Hungary, and India. It has been a sacred trust from God to fulfill our ordination vows in this congregation for these 24 years. It is with grace and grati-tude that we thank the elders of CPC, the excellent staff, and in particular: Gordon Westlind, Jim

Schoon, Darryl Guzman, Tammy Sawyer, and Polly Walker. We love you! Pastors Greg and Marsha Roth

Page 5: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

Session Notes—May 2019 Submitted by Larry Hsu, Ruling Elder

Session meetings are preceded with a period of reflec-tion and prayer before engaging in the business of the church: “Prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” – 1 Peter 1:13

Pastor Greg reviewed two sections of the Westminster Confession of Faith regarding the ‘Church’ and ‘Civil Au-thorities’. The WCoF presents reformed doctrine orga-nized in chapters by key elements of the faith. It is inter-esting to think on the 17th century context when the WCoF was written and to acknowledge how relevant it remains today. For example, the part we read confirms that the church is universal under the gospel (which is straight from the New Testament), but it also states the duty of civil authorities to allow religious assembly with-out disturbance (which is an insightful interpretation of Scripture). Pastor Greg takes time to share such founda-tional material at Session meetings to build a stronger, more educated servant leader team.

Pastor Dennis reported on the success of the first Found-ry service to be held at the new Sunday 5pm time. Pas-tors Dennis and Greg served communion to about 50 congregants, and dinner was served after this first ser-vice. This new time allows folks who normally attend the 11am service to also experience the Foundry, which is good for the unity of our church.

We are building an 8-unit housing structure adjacent to the Old White Church lot (a 3-minute drive from the church). With sky-high Bay Area real estate prices, this building will provide affordable housing options to attract and retain our pastors. The soil on the site will need to be replaced, and we are exploring avenues to progress with as much of the construction as possible before the fall weather starts. Session also authorized Elder Jim Harrison to enter into construction agreements on behalf of CPC.

Elders Leonard Babyak and Tammy Bergquist are driving

As you will recall, a key component of our Mission State-ment is ‘Transforming Lives’. As we consider how to en-gage in service projects and share the gospel in our neighborhoods, Session noted the need to manage our Local Outreach opportunities as a separate ministry from the existing global missions work overseen by our Mis-sions Committee. For example, this Local Outreach Com-mittee may provide church volunteers with training to meet the felt and spiritual needs in the Tri-City and may explore existing outreach infrastructure (such as the Compassion Network volunteer clearinghouse). Leonard

Session discussed activities in the life of our church and where we should proceed versus wait for our new Senior Pastor. We discussed the example of Growth Group sign-ups, and the consensus was to move forward on such

The PNC (Pastor Nominating Committee) has been mak-ing progress in the search for our new Senior Pastor. We vetted the 50+ applications, and interviewed a short list of qualified candidates. We continue to be in a period of discernment. Vanderbloemen and the EPC continue to assist the PNC as we move forward in the process of sec-ond interviews, backgrounds, and reference checks. As always we pray that our decisions and actions are God’s will and we accept that the process will proceed in God’s time.

As an elder who rejoined Session this year, I am thankful for this May Session meeting, not only for the business that was transacted competently but that our Session and the PNC are so unified and focused on God. Thanks, CPC, for your continued prayers for your servant leaders.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!” Psalm 136:1

I entered a new season in my life on November 15, 2018. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I have received excellent care at UCSF Washington Township Medical Foundation. During the past several months, I have had surgery and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy is coming up in June and I will continue to receive infusions until the end of the year. A lot of activity to get used to I suppose. I have

been blessed during these challenging months with flower deliveries from the Deacons, Free Dining and dear CPC friends. Cards and meals have been lovingly delivered that lifted my spirits immensely.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and well wishes. Daily I remember Jeremiah 30:17: "‘For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal’, says the Lord.” Amen b Dawn Tschaen & family

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Tim Bergquist Occupation: Police officer Interests: Motorcycling, racing, friends/family Has attended CPC for 21 years(when he married Tammy!)

Michael Chau Occupation: retired Interests: reading, hiking Has attend CPC for four years

Aneta Cowgill Occupation: retired City of Fremont Assistant risk Manager Interests: glass fusion, Theatre Works, music, international travel Has attended CPC a few months Pat Gholson

Occupation: retired Interests: quilting, travel Has attended CPC for 14 years

Juri Nishio Occupation: housewife and mom Interests, reading, singing in the choir Has attended CPC for 9 months

Page 7: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

Heather Opperman Occupation: Administrative Assistant Interests: reading, travel, singing, movies Has attended CPC for 6 months

Tony & Cheryl Perez Occupations: Tony, scheduler, printing industry; Cheryl, teacher Interests: Tony: photography, music; Cheryl, travel; both, hiking Have attended CPC for 4 years

Cindi Rhodes Occupation: Performance consultant (learning & development) Interests: singing, movies, reading, visiting family Has attended CPC for 1½ years

Audrey Roberts Occupation: retired Interests: art, classical music, reading, painting Has attended CPC for 2 years (Married Tom June 2, 2018)

Sheila Saxton Occupation: retired Interests: gardening, quilting, reading Has attended CPC for 3 months

Page 8: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

Zachary Schmit

John F. Kennedy High School Attending: CSU Chico

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Gunnar Bergquist Washington High School Attending: University of

Arizona (Navy ROTC scholarship)

Major: Data Analytics

Ramsey Galimba Silver Oak Montessori High

School Attending: Ohlone Major: Psychology

Occupational Therapy

Olivia Hogle Irvington High School

Army reserves basic training in July, Arizona State University in

Fall 2020

High School Grads

Page 9: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

Dear CPC:

I finally graduated from Western Seminary in April! Jenessa and I flew to Portland for the ceremony and to celebrate with some friends and family.

Although initially I was not excited about going to school again, once I started learning more about scripture and the beauty of God’s Word, my passion for scripture, preaching, and pastoring was ignited by seminary .

I am not currently working in full-time ministry. Jenessa and I have been volun-teering with the youth group at National Community Church (NCC). They’re a mas-sive, seven campus, satellite, mega-church which has been a very different church experience. It has also been weird and different not being in charge but it has given me some valuable insight on what it’s like to be a volunteer and I’ve

been learning how to do ministry in a different culture. They recently started having me preach at youth group

and I’ve been doing that about once a month. I also lead the 6th grade small group which has been fun and challenging (6th graders have a ton of energy and short attention spans! haha). Now that I‘ve graduated, I’m looking around for ministry jobs. There’s also a possibility a position will open up at NCC where I am already serving (this is what I’m praying for!).

Thanks again to CPC for supporting me in seminary through prayer, finances and support. Centerville has been a huge blessing to me, and I am extremely grate-ful for the role you all have played in my life and ministry.

With love through Christ,

Seth Beardsley

College Grads

Trevor Johnstone B.A. in History San Diego State

Plans to be a history teacher after a year in Boston with CityYear,

working with underprivileged children.

Austin Yeh Gee B.A. in Allied Health

Azusa Pacific University Will spend a year in

Southeast Asia to make disciples and share the

love of God

Laila Mameesh Bachelor of Music

Major: Music Performance

Conservatory of Music University of the Pacific

Will coach marching band and flutes at Washington

High in fall, tutor flute, perform in the Bay Area

while applying for graduate school to pursue a masters

in music or business

Christine Pagador

Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology,

Physiology, and Behavior, with a minor in

Music UC Davis

Plans to work as lab research assistant

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Join us for Sunday School at the 9 AM and 11 AM services! Drop off and pick up: Education Building

For more information, please contact Christy [email protected]

Centerville Kids’ Ministry exists to disciple kids to love Jesus and His people, through equipping kids

with God’s Word and forging life-giving relationships in the church body.

Kids Camp is COMING!

Kids Camp is right around the corner: June 24-27, 2019! Come join

us for an exciting week of dancing, singing, stories, games, crafts,

snacks, new friendships, and MORE! Save your spot now while you


Please contact Christy at [email protected] with any ques-

tions. Hope to see you there!

Please also contact Christy if you would like to volunteer in our

program! We are praying for at least 50 volunteers this year! Also,

if you would like to help by donating supplies, please pick up a

donation list in the Narthex.

Summer Volunteers Needed

Can you believe a whole school year has gone by

already!? After a wonderful year of service, our regular

Sunday School teachers are taking a well-deserved break

from serving in the children’s ministry. That means that

we are in need of teachers during the summer to fill in

those positions. Please consider helping us out this

summer! Contact Christy for more information.





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On M

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We lo

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This Month’s Prayer Request: Please pray for a safe and fun Kids Camp. We pray that each child attending would hear the gospel and follow Jesus.

We pray for our volunteers to be filled with love, patience, and energy as they serve!

Page 11: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

Hello CPC Family!

Summer is right around the corner and we

have a lot of exciting things that are hap-

pening! We will be going to a summer

house boat trip for retreat and we will also

be going on a mission trip to San Francis-

co! We will also continue to have small

groups throughout the week during the

summer! One small group will be focused

on the study of the book of Job and the

other small group will be focused on a

book that we will read together!

Recently, we have had the opportunity to help serve with Free Dining. It

has been such a blessing for us to be able to have fellowship with fellow

church members. If you would like to serve with our youth group team

please send me an e-mail and I will gladly give you the details on the

necessary requirements to serve!


A.High school guy’s group and High school girl’s group meet at the same

time on Thursday nights from 4:30-6:30PM. Middle school guy’s

group meet on Tuesdays from 4:00-5:30PM.

B. We will be serving with San Francisco City Impact this Summer for our

mission trip from July 29th - August 2nd!

C . We will be going on a summer house boat trip from June 30th - July

5th. Please message me if you are interested!

D. Senior Banquet will be on Sunday, June 2nd


6th-12th g raders 6:30-9:00pm at C P C

in the g ym

June 2nd - Senior Banquet

June 9th - Topic: Rest

June 16th - No Impact (Father’s Day)

June 23rd - No Impact

June 30th - No Impact



David Yim Impact Youth Director 510-793-3575 ext 37 davidyim@

4360 C entral Ave Fremont, C A 94536

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Submitted by Sara Mathew Fremont Morning Rotary Club at their Mad Hatter’s Ball raised generous funds for Free Dining Room. This fund is coming at the right time as we have to replace the leaking walk-in freezer and cooler. We are very grateful for all the hard work they put in behind the scene to make this happen. Pastor Greg and a few of our volunteers attended the ball to show their support. It was a fun night with entertainment, good food, great people, silent and live auctions.

Thanks to Karen and Jeboy Koshy for their efforts to help Centerville Free Dining

Presentation of check to Susan Fritz and Sara Mathew by Fremont Rotary Chairman, Steve Schwab, on April 17 at their board meeting.

Page 13: Centerville the Presbyterian Church - Amazon S3 · Polly Walker heryl Wellcome Centerville the Presbyterian Church ... • Published a biography of pioneer pastor Wil-liam Wallace

June 10, 2019, is the deadline for submitting articles for the July/August 2019 “BELL”

Newsletter. Please submit to Kyle Christie — [email protected]. All articles submitted are subject to approval, editing, and space available.

4360 Central Avenue Fremont CA 94536


Please Note: If you no longer wish to receive this Newsletter, please call our office at 510.793.3575 ext. 19

Non-Profit Org.

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Fremont, CA


Join us for Worship

9:00 a.m.

Contemporary Service

Led by Thomas Bañuelos

with the Worship Team and Band

11:00 a.m.

Traditional Service

Led by Joe Linn

with the Centerian Choir and

CenterPeace Orchestra

5:00 p.m.

Evening Family Worship Service

Dining Room

Office Hours: M-TH | 8:00am—4:00 pm

510-793-3575 Office | 510-793-3594 fax | [email protected]

Saturdays, 9:30 am

Bridges to Jobs

Saturdays, 7:00 pm

Family Fun Night

June 2 Grad Banquet

June 24-27 Kids Camp

June 30 Youth Houseboat Trip

July 4 Office closed