ceg is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 high ......ceg is leading the proposals to...

CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High Street, Manchester. The site in its current state is unappealing, unattractive and under occupied, this presents an ideal opportunity to deliver something which is more attractive and beneficial to the area. We are proposing to: 20 – 36 HIGH STREET MANCHESTER Provide a development which delivers high quality architecture, public realm and building performance - replacing underutilised, poor quality existing buildings which don’t meet modern day environmental standards or Building Regulations Deliver a bold, confident and distinctly Mancunian building - providing high quality architecture and building performance Transform the pedestrian environment - with quality urban design and placemaking, enhancing the street by improving all frontages, particularly Birchin Lane and regenerating High Street to reflect its former vibrancy and importance in the City Provide a new public plaza - reopening the internal courtyard Stationer’s Court will provide a well- managed, independent retail and leisure mix attracting visitors Create a better-connected area - making it easier and more attractive to walk from the Northern Quarter to the High Street shopping area Deliver a safe, family-friendly environment - including family apartments, green spaces and public plaza Help to meet some of Manchester’s housing needs - by providing 360 homes; offering a mix of one, two and three-bedroomed apartments in a sustainable location, close to jobs, facilities and transport Provide employment and training opportunities - for local people throughout the construction and operational phases Provide alternative and improved market stalls - near the site, facilitating the continuation of these uses on Church Street

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Post on 18-Jul-2020




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Page 1: CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High ......CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High Street, Manchester. The site in its current state is unappealing,

CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High Street, Manchester. The site in its current state is unappealing, unattractive and under occupied, this presents an ideal opportunity to deliver something which is more attractive and beneficial to the area.

We are proposing to:


• Provide a development which delivers high quality architecture, public realm and building performance - replacing underutilised, poor quality existing buildings which don’t meet modern day environmental standards or Building Regulations

• Deliver a bold, confident and distinctly Mancunian building - providing high quality architecture and building performance

• Transform the pedestrian environment - with quality urban design and placemaking, enhancing the street by improving all frontages, particularly Birchin Lane and regenerating High Street to reflect its former vibrancy and importance in the City

• Provide a new public plaza - reopening the internal courtyard Stationer’s Court will provide a well-managed, independent retail and leisure mix attracting visitors

• Create a better-connected area - making it easier and more attractive to walk from the Northern Quarter to the High Street shopping area

• Deliver a safe, family-friendly environment - including family apartments, green spaces and public plaza

• Help to meet some of Manchester’s housing needs - by providing 360 homes; offering a mix of one, two and three-bedroomed apartments in a sustainable location, close to jobs, facilities and transport

• Provide employment and training opportunities - for local people throughout the construction and operational phases

• Provide alternative and improved market stalls - near the site, facilitating the continuation of these uses on Church Street

Page 2: CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High ......CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High Street, Manchester. The site in its current state is unappealing,

Both events were promoted in the local media and by sending flyers to the 2,335 homes and businesses close to the site. The 2017 event was attended by more than 70 members of the local community, businesses and stakeholders. When asked if the existing building should be retained or a new residential, retail and leisure development delivered, the response was:


CEG held public consultation events in July 2017 and July 2018 to find out what people thought of the proposals.

The proposals respond to the comments raised by those who completed feedback forms at the events and via the website as follows:

Retain the markets - We have explored options and are engaging with Manchester City Council (MCC) markets team and the traders. As part of the proposed redevelopment we would upgrade and enhance the current market stall provision in new premises approximately 70 metres along Church Street, on the site where these market stalls were historically housed.

We would be able to provide the following improvements:

• A larger frontage to attract more passing trade• Extra seating both outside and as part of a covered area• New facilities such as toilets, a dedicated management office for traders to use and dedicated refuse store

• Additional landscaping and overall enhancement of this area around the car park

• We can also promote the new location on the future hordings during the development of the 20-36 High Street and enable continuous trading for the stalls

These ideas have been discussed with the traders and MCC and CEG is happy to work with these parties on the detailed design and management. A separate planning application is being prepared, alongside the planning application for 20 -36 High Street.

Reflect light down onto the street so it doesn’t feel claustrophobic - Light ivory-white glazed ceramic cladding is proposed to all street facing elevations providing both improved light reflectance to properties to the north, a brighter outlook from Church Street towards the new development.

The overall massing has looked to respond to these concerns by tapering the roof, reducing the mass at higher levels, and allowing increased light levels to pass.

The design having incorporated a large chamfered corner to the High Street-Church Street intersection further provides a wide-open view in both directions while also reducing shadowing.

A mixture of views were expressed regarding height and scale - Both High Street and Church Street have been widened over the past century as the scale and type of buildings in the area have evolved and undergone redevelopment. Prior to the current 60’s building there was a larger commercial building on this site, built out to the adjacent building-line along Church Street.

Regarding massing, the design aspiration for this site responds to the evolving context with the junction of High and Church Streets as a key intersection, where a building of both significance and scale can be accommodated. The materials proposed of glazed ceramic, glazed tile and glazed brick reflect and compliment materials used historically in Manchester; in combination with the proposed massing, the design is distinctly Mancunian and appropriate for this City Centre site.

It will provide a quality of environment and design that is reflective of this street’s former vibrancy and importance in the city.

Reflect the character and history of the area and provide something for residents as well as visitors - Our design reinstates the historic street pattern and urban grain of this site through the creation of a new linking arcade through the site at the ground floor, out to High Street, Church Street and Birchin Lane. It provides a vibrant active ground and first floor space with the introduction of the internal courtyard which will benefit the local community and visitors. Stationers Court would be visible from Birchin lane and provide an attractive outlook for both existing and new residents alike.

Provide green spaces – Large feature tree planting has been incorporated within the public courtyard with further soft landscaping prominent throughout the roof terrace.

A mix of views were expressed regarding affordable housing – This site has many challenges. It is a constrained site, we need to progress vacant possession, find a suitable solution for market traders to provide business continuity and safeguard the TfGM (Metrolink) substation within the existing basement, which must remain operational throughout demolition and construction.

These factors combined present significant and costly design challenges which we are working with partners and public bodies to seek to reduce. These will ultimately determine the viability and deliverability of social housing at the site. Ultimately, this will be weighed in the balance of regenerating this gateway site and replacing the existing poor performance building with a high quality, distinctive architectural building and dramatically improved public realm.

The proposal to create a plaza with independent shops, food and drink outlets was welcomed – the development includes a new plaza. These linking arcades will provide a sheltered walkway for those passing thorough in the day between the Northern Quarter and the City Centre. This will create an attractive double height, active frontages. The perimeter of the plaza area will be secured with gates after closing hours.

At the event in 2018, the comments included:

• All respondents welcomed the proposals for the new plaza, seating areas and planting strategy, whilst some queried how the area would be secured in the evening

• 80% of respondents wanted independents. Respondents were keen to see food and drink uses as well as shops. One wanted to see day and evening uses to keep the courtyard animated.

• Some wanted affordable homes, others did not• A few respondents expressed a preference for public access to the roof garden, similar to 20 Stories in Spinningfields

• A couple of respondents queried the effect on light• The majority welcomed the proposals and expressed positive opinions regarding the architecture

• Some requested no further changes to the development proposals

As most of the feedback welcomes the proposals further changes have been limited to: detailed façade refinement at street level, optimising apartment layouts, practical resolution of operational aspects, development of public realm design, and refinement of planting species.Retain



Page 3: CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High ......CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High Street, Manchester. The site in its current state is unappealing,

The proposed glazed ceramic, glazed tile and glazed brick reflect materials used historically in Manchester. This, in combination with the proposed massing, ensures the design is distinctly Mancunian and appropriate for this City Centre site.

The use of pale ivory coloured profiled ceramic cladding to a pilastrade arrangement complements the tone and modelling of the adjacent Rylands building as a contemporary counterpart.

These materials have been selected to best compliment the overall design aspiration and reflect light, providing a bright outlook to both street and courtyard facing façades.

The large tapered mansard roof is a prominent feature in the proposal reducing the mass at higher levels allowing increased light levels to pass. The simple form with familiar mansard language echos notable buildings such as Sunlight House.

The design also incorporates a large chamfered corner to the High Street/Church Street intersection opening views in both directions.


‘C’ shape footprint extruded up

Corner chamfered to correspond with corner of Rylands building

Carved routes to reinstated Stationer’s Court

Upper floors rake back to form a mansard roof, allowing more daylight to neighbouring streets

Massing response


Local precedents

Sunlight House Manchester Institute of Science and Technology

St James Building Manchester Town Hall

View Along High Street Looking North EastView Along Back Turner Street Looking South

Page 4: CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High ......CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High Street, Manchester. The site in its current state is unappealing,

Independent Outlet Precedents and Ground Floor Plan

High Street

Stationer’s Court

The Lighthouse













Birchin Lane

Retail / Restaurant



Retail / Restaurant


TfGM Premises

Residential Front of House

Residential Back of House

Manchester Arndale

A new double height public plaza reopens an original link through the former buildings on this site providing a vibrant outlook. ‘Stationer’s Court’ would be a unique covered space away from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding streets.

These linking arcades would provide a sheltered walkway for those passing through in the day between the Northern Quarter and the City Centre. Restaurant/café seating would spill out at the edges providing ample opportunity to sit back and enjoy a peaceful, covered space for residents and visitors alike. Large feature tree planting is included within the public courtyard.

1888 Goad Map showing Stationer’s Court in green

1851 Adshead Map showing Stationer’s Court in green

View of Birchin LaneRoof Terrace

Reinstated Stationer’s Court

Reopening the historic Stationer’s Court


Page 5: CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High ......CEG is leading the proposals to redevelop 20 – 36 High Street, Manchester. The site in its current state is unappealing,

NEXT STEPSThank you for contributing during the evolution of these proposals. We will soon submit a planning application for the regeneration of this gateway site alongside an application for the market relocation.

Once these applications are submitted to Manchester City Council there will be a formal consultation process, run by the Local Authority, before the planning applications are considered by the planning committee.


£79 million investment


Around £6 million spending power each year by new

residents (helping to support the local economy)

Hundreds of construction jobs and training


65 new jobs created in the retail and

leisure space


Artist’s Impression of Upgraded Market Stall Facilities

As part of the proposed redevelopment there is the opportunity to upgrade and enhance the current market stall provision in new premises approximately 70 metres further along Church Street in the position where the market historically used to be. These premises would include the following improvements:

Site Plan showing existing location in red and proposed in green

• Increased frontage for passing trade• Inclusion of additional external seating for the food outlets• Higher profile, contemporary facilities to current standards• Inclusion of designated on-site refuse store• Inclusion of shared management office for back-of-house administrative tasks• Inclusion of an accessible toilet• Enhancement of the external environment surrounding the car park entrance

Church Street


h St




