catholic social teaching. hugues-félicité-robert de lamennais (1782-1854)

Catholic social teaching

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Page 1: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Catholic social teaching

Page 2: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais(1782-1854)

Page 3: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Initially a supporter of Ultramontanism

Ultramontanism (with śrdw. Lat. Ultramontanus behind the mountains) - philosophical trend of formulating policy subordination of local Roman Catholic churches of different countries decisions of the Pope. It was created in France in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The Pope is the only real power which might oppose the government. If the state does not defend the Church, the Church, supported by the authority of the pope has to defend itself. Separation of church and state

Initially condemned: Reformation The philosophy of the Enlightenment, Revolution 1789 r ... ... And its consequences.

He tried to prove the superiority of Catholicism. In his opinion, all other doctrines shallow religiosity -> evoke skepticism -> lead to atheism!

Page 4: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

There is nothing worse than ... individual brains. Unholy legacy of the Enlightenment

He criticized, among others, Rousseau's views - the social contract.

An alternative to individual reason - reason universal. Of course, infallible.

As opposed ultramontanista Gallicanism.

Gallicanism - politico-religious movement in France, leading to the independence of the French Church from papal authority, limit the authority of the Pope in favor of extending the power of the king. Was begun in the thirteenth century at the Sorbonne, seeking to limit the influence and powers of the Pope to the state. He preached the superiority of secular power on the spiritual. Developed especially after the Councils of Constance (1414) and Basel (1431). Approved by the French clergy at the Synod of Bourges in 1438. Promoted among others. by Peter Pithou.

Page 5: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

In September of 1830, and therefore because the outbreak of another revolution founded the magazine "L'Avenir" (future) Dewizja - "Dieu et Liberte" (God and Freedom)

In the opinion of the editors of the statement of one of the most important problems of contemporary society is the issue of church-state relations.

Problem - how to protect the Church against institutionalization?In this context - before turning into the framework of a state machine?

The answer, according to the editors of that magazine - complete separation of church and state.

Promotion of the feudal system and the monarchist, which so far did members of the Church, according to the authors of "L'Avenir" does not make sense. This would lead only to more rapid institutionalization.

Defend the interests of Catholicism should be in co-operation with the Liberals!

Page 6: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

"L'Avenir" proclaimed:

• freedom of the press

• Separation of church and state,

• Freedom of expression of political beliefs.

The views of the letter did not like for ... French dignitaries church, including bishops. Consequently, the issuance of letters suspended.

Lamennais defend their views went to Rome.

Page 7: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

The reaction of the pope:

The encyclical Mirari vos of 1832 - did not mention explicitly Lamennais or other editors, however, condemned proclaimed their views.

His goal was to force Lamennais to recant.The publication of the encyclical, however, did not produce the desired effect.

Lamennais not just any of his ideas did not appeal, but what is more, even tightened its password.

And this topic Polish. A particular criticism of the despotic rule of Lamennais was the result of the November Uprising. Pope Gregory XVI condemned the uprising and Lemennais approve.

Lamennais decided to resume publication of "L'Avenir". Consequently, the Pope has personally condemned Lamennais.

This is true then gave the oath of allegiance of the Holy See, but limited it only to religious matters.

Page 8: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

He used the language of biblical prophets

Here's what you get by typing in Google "prophet" ->

Come the new times, the peoples of the world free themselves from tyranny and despotism.

In the book Paroles d'un croyant (1834) basically supported all criticized the encyclical Mirari vos of Gregory XVI

In response encyclical Singulari nose pope personally condemned Lamennais.

Lamennais did not remain indebted and 1834 occurred with the Church.He pointed to some of the social problems, but the church could not directly appeal to the rebellious thinker.

Page 9: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Leon XIII (właśc. Gioacchino Vincenzo Raphaelo Luigi Pecci)(1810-1903)

Page 10: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Święty Michale Archaniele,

broń nas w walce;

a przeciw niegodziwości i zasadzkom złego ducha bądź naszą obroną.

Oby go Bóg pogromić raczył, pokornie o to prosimy,

a ty, Wodzu niebieskich zastępów,

szatana i inne duchy złe,

które na zgubę dusz ludzkich po tym świecie krążą

mocą Bożą strąć do piekła.


Egzorcyzm do św. Michała Archanioła

Page 11: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Behind St . Thomas Aquinas accepted the thesis of the social nature of man .

As a result, rejected the bourgeois theory of the social contract - after all, there primacy of the individual over the community.

Should be regarded as a breakthrough ideas of Leo XIII in terms of sovereignty. In contrast to its predecessors because it considered that from the point of view of faith is acceptable to every form of government and political system . Thus, not only feudalism and monarchy .

Why the change ?

In the encyclical Diuturnum illud Leo XIII states that exercising authority in the country are designated according to the historical ( and those yet to change ) . Choosing the ruling should therefore be consistent with the laws and customs of the country.

This does not mean yet that power is conferred by the people , exercised either of the " law of God " . The election of the people only indicates the ruling . Do not create a public authority , and only indicate who should exercise it . The real ruler of the superior God .

Page 12: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Leo XIII poses numerous state jobs - a reference to the concept of bonum commune of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Two principles of functioning of the state:

The principle of solidarity,

The principle of subsidiarity.

Ad 1

Christian solidarity. The idea formulated in opposition to the Marxist theory of class struggle. The rich should work with the poor, as the various organs work together in the framework of the body.

Ad 2

A citizen can not demand excessive care from the state. The latter should intervene only when the unit is not able to cope alone.

Page 13: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

The state should interfere in employer-employee relations by defining the conditions and working time workers and by ensuring that the worker received a fair price for the work.

Another indicated by Leo XIII task of the state is imposing on citizens' taxes. Moderate.

In order to improve the working masses being necessary to their enfranchisement. But not in the way of the revolution, receiving assets or liquidation of private property. This "enfranchisement" it is possible, according to the Pope by granting the above. equitable remuneration. The fair is not only capable of maintaining themselves and their families, but also allowing accumulate savings. This would allow workers to create their own wealth.

Leo XIII recognized the importance of independent trade unions.

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The worldly-minded Leo XIII took place right to own private property - right stems from the nature. Natural law and social policy. Just as Thomas Aquinas (see above) differed fair possession of the property from its fair use.

"Christian democracy" - "only charitable action for the people"

Pope ushered in a papal encyclical Rerum social science Novarum.

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Pius XI (właśc. Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti)(1857-1939)

Page 16: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

He was a very good climber, his accomplishments include, among others, Cima di Jazzi get, the east side of Monte Rosa and the Matterhorn entrance and Mont Blanc.

Page 17: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

The encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, published on the occasion of the fortieth encyclical Rerum Novarum of Leo XIII

The key to the renewal of the social system of the proper perception of ownership. In addition to the individual aspect of the social element.

The natural law, which is owned by a man imposes on the obligations.

The cause of social injustice wrong part of social income, and hence and property. Consequently, the proletarianization of the working masses.

Being proletaryzmu in the above. sense - not only poverty, but also uncertainty.

The cure - enfranchisement.

Enfranchisement is to be made not by revolution and a new division of property, but by giving workers the fair (just / family) pay.

Page 18: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

The fair wage - allows to maintain himself and his family, but also to save. Saving will lead to family property, and this will be the instrument deproletaryzacji.

Additional demands: the release of the workers to participate in the ownership, profit sharing, or in the management of the company.

Two basic principles of the new social system. And another deja vu:

Social solidarity - "objective aspirations of the state and every citizen should be to overcome the class struggle and strengthen outreach to"

Subsidiarity - respect for the autonomy of each individual and of minorities. "Every social activity ... is incidental." Help when it is needed, without the destruction and absorption, those which help to carry.

Page 19: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Christian corporatism

System based on two principles just discussed.

Professional associations - the common organizations of employers and workers.

These organizations (corporations) must arise from the bottom up and remain independent of the state and politics. This distinguishes such corporations from the corporate promoted by the fascist system.

The advantages of such corporations, according to Pius XI:

Foster private initiative,

Would protect the interests of its members,

Serve economic interests,

Serve the interests of society.

The political system must be "soaked" social justice and love.

Page 20: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Three encyclical against three ustrojom. He criticized:




First alleged deification of the state. Second barbarism and godlessness. Nazism, in turn, in his opinion, is devoid of charity and overestimates the importance of racial factors.

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Jan XXIII (właśc. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli)(1881-1963)

Page 22: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

John XXIII and the secrets of Fatima

Conspiracy theorists believe that Pope John XXIII deliberately hiding a secret message transmitted by the Virgin Mary in Fatima apparitions. There is a lot of information from the 90s about the alleged finding a diary of John, where he has entered into visions of the future, such as the return of Jesus in New York in 2000 Although Pope John indeed kept a diary, there is no evidence that he had visions of the future.

Page 23: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

Still from the film Schindler's List is not here by accident. During World War II, the future pope held his priestly ministry in Greece. During this time, thanks to a special transit visa Apostolic Delegation facilitated many Jews escape thus saving their life often.

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Less than three months after his election to the Holy See announced the need to convene an Ecumenical Council . The Second Vatican Council began on 11 October 1962.

John XXIII made history as the " Good Pope John " or "John Good" . His pontificate was short , but in the history of the Church's very important .

Confirmation of the above argument is the fact that John XXIII is considered by many organizations Protestant reformer of Christianity. Both Anglicans and Lutherans remember John XXIII as the restorer of the Church. John XXIII is remembered in the liturgical year parts Lutheran churches as one of the new church ( this group includes , among others, as Martin Luther and John Calvin ) .

Day on June 3 in the Lutheran liturgical calendar celebrated as the memory of Pope John XXIII , Bishop of Rome. While memories of Bishop John XXIII, using a white vestment. Memories do not celebrate while the old Lutheran churches for example.

Page 25: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

The foundation also proclaimed by Pope John XXIII Christian personalism.

The Pope proclaimed that the most momentous issue today is to give people such conditions of existence, which most likely will be able to develop individual life of the citizens.

Repeats the main doubts of teaching predecessors.

Signum temporal: he saw the important role that the United Nations should play, demanded not only increasing intervention of the state, but also, just as a matter of international organizations - worldwide.

The aim of this intervention - the solution of the most pressing social and economic problems.

The encyclical Mater et Magistra - economic progress should be followed along with social progress. Reinterpretation of St. hierarchical vision of society. Thomas.

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Pacem in Terris, as the first ever addressed not only to Catholics but also to "all people of good will."

In this encyclical, based on the principle of personalism was formulated directory universal and inalienable and inviolable rights and duties of the human person as a being endowed with reason and free will.

In this directory, an important place is the right of individuals to participate actively in political life. This law, in conjunction with the right to designate the state power should be understood as papal approval for democracy.

Encyclical, as the name suggests, called for the respect of world peace and to initiate the process of disarmament.

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Jan Paweł II (właśc. Karol Józef Wojtyła)(1920-2005)

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He studied Polish philology and theology of the Jagiellonian University.

During World War II he worked in a quarry.

He loved the mountains and children. He had a weakness for cream cakes Wadowice.

Page 29: Catholic social teaching. Hugues-Félicité-Robert de Lamennais (1782-1854)

One of the longest pontificates in the history of the Church.

Solid foundations of philosophy and theology.

They were the foundation proclaimed his views, including moral evaluation of contemporary social, economic, political, or cultural.

Social encyclicals:

Laborem exercens (1981)

SRS Rei Socialis (1988)

Centesimus Annus (1991)

He moved them themes: labor and property, presented the Christian approach to the social phenomena. The encyclical Centesimus Annus Summa Papal social teaching.

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His proposals permeates social personalism and "the light of the Gospel."

In any system, program, system or temporal space should occupy the welfare and dignity of the human person. These values , however, should be seen in the context of community.

Perhaps the first pope a special place in his encyclicals dedicated work and its importance. In his opinion, the work is a fundamental dimension of human existence, as the working man becomes like God. Work should allow a man to achieve its proper dignity. Fulfilling myself as a person, through work, the more we become.

Man has not only the right to work, but also her duty. However, it is the subject, because the work is for him, and not vice versa.

The antinomy between labor and capital.

Workers have the right to strike and to establish free trade unions.

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He called for respect "of human rights as" - these rights are guaranteed by international organizations and individual countries, and compliance is a prerequisite for world peace.

John Paul II continued the social teaching of his predecessors, presenting the Church's concern for social issues.

According to John Paul II Catholic social teaching is not any "third way" between liberalism and free-market communist collectivism (as was sometimes portrayed).

KNS is not an ideology, but only "ethical reflection on the situation of human society made in the light of faith and tradition of the Church." The purpose of KNS targeting Christians proceedings in accordance with the dictates of the Gospel.

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The encyclical Centesimus Annus

Published on the centenary of Rerum Novarum issue of Leo XIII

The deepest social encyclical of John Paul II

In the encyclical, the pope criticizes the solutions proposed by Marxism. In his opinion, a compromise between communism and Christianity is not possible. Nevertheless, Christians fight for their rights must be done in a peaceful manner.

Every man should have a share in enjoying material goods.

"The most effective way to use resources and the needs of" the free market. John Paul II called for capitalism, which defined "economics of entrepreneurship, market economy or free economy."

The purpose of the society is to care for the common good, it is to foster the development of human dignity.

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