catholic ch e inal car et car ch e inal car et car ight bomb threat checklist the...

Catholic Sch. EG - Final - 3/29/05 Card - Left Card - Right Bomb Threat Checklist The following is a checklist to be utilized by an operator or person receiving a call that threatens the safety or security of the school system. Checklist: (Complete all possible items immediately following the call.) 1. Caller’s Name and Address (if known): __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2. Phone # Listed on Caller-ID: ________________ 3. Sex: Male Female 4. Age: Adult Child 5. Bomb Facts a. When it will go off ____________________ b. Building ____________________________ c. Exact Location _______________________ 6. Call: Local Long Distance Unknown 7. Voice Characteristics Tone Speech Language Loud Fast Excellent Soft Slow Good High Pitch Distorted Fair Low Pitch Cursing Raspy Stutter Slurred Nasal Lisp Disguised Poor Pleasant Accent Manner Local Poor Grammar Rational Not Local Well Spoken Irrational Foreign Taped Deliberate Caucasian Message Read Laughing Black Emotional 8. Background Noise Office Machine Voices Factory Machines Music Bedlam PA System Animals Radios Quiet Party Street Traffic Static Airplanes Cellular Phone Trains Emergency Telephone Numbers Emergency — 911 Superintendent________________________________ _____________________________________________ Assistant Superintendent_________________________ _____________________________________________ Sheriff’s Department____________________________ Poison Control________________________________ Electric Utility Company________________________ Natural Gas Utility Company_____________________ Water Utility Company__________________________ Additional Numbers _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

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Page 1: Catholic ch E inal Car et Car ight...Catholic ch E inal Car et Car ight Bomb Threat Checklist The following is a checklist to be utilized by an operator or person receiving a call

Catholic Sch. EG - Final - 3/29/05

Card - Left Card - Right

Bomb Threat ChecklistThe following is a checklist to be utilized by an operator or person receiving a call that threatens the safety or security of the school system.

Checklist: (Complete all possible items immediately following the call.)

1. Caller’s Name and Address (if known):



2. Phone # Listed on Caller-ID: ________________

3. Sex: Male Female

4. Age: Adult Child

5. Bomb Facts

a. When it will go off ____________________

b. Building ____________________________

c. Exact Location _______________________

6. Call: Local Long Distance Unknown

7. Voice Characteristics

Tone Speech Language

Loud Fast Excellent

Soft Slow Good

High Pitch Distorted Fair

Low Pitch Cursing Raspy

Stutter Slurred Nasal





Accent Manner

Local Poor Grammar Rational

Not Local Well Spoken Irrational

Foreign Taped Deliberate

Caucasian Message Read Laughing

Black Emotional

8. Background Noise

Office Machine Voices

Factory Machines Music

Bedlam PA System

Animals Radios

Quiet Party

Street Traffic Static

Airplanes Cellular Phone


Emergency Telephone Numbers

Emergency — 911



Assistant Superintendent_________________________


Sheriff’s Department____________________________

Poison Control________________________________

Electric Utility Company________________________

Natural Gas Utility Company_____________________

Water Utility Company__________________________

Additional Numbers















Page 2: Catholic ch E inal Car et Car ight...Catholic ch E inal Car et Car ight Bomb Threat Checklist The following is a checklist to be utilized by an operator or person receiving a call

Catholic Sch EG - Final - 3/29/05 CARD 1

Emergency Response Procedures

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Accident, SeriouS injury or illneSS

Card 2

Signals — None.

Steps of Action1. Contact an administrator and stay with the sick

student/staff member.

2. Contact designated First Aid/CPR staff member.

3. Disperse the crowd, if necessary.

4. Contact parent(s), guardian(s), and 911 emergency services, if needed.

5. Inform staff/students, as needed.

6. Designate an individual to accompany the victim to the hospital.

7. Complete an accident/incident form.


• Supervise the care of the sick or injured person(s).

• Communicate with parent/guardian.

Secretary• Assist in communication with emergency


Teachers• Stay with the students.

Staff• Assist with first aid.

Accident, Serious Injury or Illness

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BomB or BomB threAt (code Blue)

Bomb or Bomb Threat

Signals Code Blue – Silent evacuation. Students should be

moved at least 1000 feet away from the building.

Steps of Action1. If threat is received by telephone, obtain as many

details as possible to give to the administrator and to the police; if received by mail or discovered, do not handle or move unnecessarily.

2. Do not use radios, walkie talkies or cell phones or turn on/off any switches. These transmissions can set off a bomb.

3. Notify the police by calling 911; the principal and crisis management team through prearranged signal.

4. Evacuate the building and move to a designated area.


• Gather information from staff on anything suspicious.

• Assign qualified staff to first aid assistance at evacuation site.

Secretary• Call emergency numbers and crisis manage-

ment team. Take student emergency information forms.

Teachers• Evacuate.

• Take class attendance list.

• Report to a designated area and call roll.

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Custodian• Check restrooms and other areas for students

and faculty.

• Report to the principal when the area is clear.

Use Bomb Threat Checklist located on side panel.

Card 3 rear

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Signals — Sound Fire Alarm. Evacuate the building. Students must be at least

500 feet away from the building. Follow evacuation routes posted in each classroom.

Steps of Action1. Report fire to office, pull alarm and use intercom,

if available.

2. Close all windows and doors to confine fire.

3. Evacuate occupants of the building to assigned places at least 500 feet from building.

4. Move to __________________ in the case of inclement weather.


• Supervise evacuation and check for injuries.

• Assign roles to auxiliary persons, as needed.

• Keep fire lanes open.

• Administer first aid.

Secretary• Alert fire department by calling 911.

• Take student emergency information forms.

Teachers• Evacuate.

• Take class attendance list.

• Report to designated area and call roll.

Staff• Check restrooms and other areas for students

and faculty.

• Report to the principal when the area is clear.


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FAcility uSAge / overnight Student houSing

Facility Usage / Overnight Housing

RolesAdministrator• Act as a liaison with the head of the outside organization.

• Determine specific needs of facility usage.

Secretary• Assist with communication.

Teachers• Maintain a normal routine unless otherwise


Custodian• Assist in traffic control into and out of the

school site.

• Maintain building utilities as appropriate.

Definition Natural disaster or community

hazardous materials incident where organizations, busi-nesses or schools are required to use school system facilities and could necessitate overnight housing.

Signals Inform staff and students by intercom or by send-

ing a note to all staff explaining the emergency. Give specific instructions.

Steps of ActionProvide:

1. Space, as necessitates (cancel physical education or other classes and select a place for classes/stu-dents to reconvene.)

2. Telephone

3. Pencil and writing pads

4. First aid kits, if necessary➤ ➤ ➤over

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Signals Notification from an emergency services authority

that this action is needed.

Steps of Action1. Contact school superintendent’s office and

emergency crisis management team.

2. Inform staff of the details of the situation.

3. Attempt to contact parents/guardians — continue to do so throughout the night.

4. Keep students in the safest area of the building.

5. Assign shifts in order for faculty to maintain duty of answering office telephones.

6. Keep a record of students who are picked up, by whom, and at what time. Use appropriate check out procedures.

7. Notify Maintenance to keep heat or air-conditioning on, if necessary.

8. Determine food and water supply needs.


• Act as a liaison with emergency services authority.

Secretary• Assist with communication.

Teachers• Maintain supervision and security of students.

Custodian• Maintain building utilities as appropriate.

Overnight Student Housing

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hoStAge / intruder SituAtion


Signals Use appropriate hostage public address (PA)

announcement. LOCK DOWN EACH ROOM. Clear hallways and restrooms, lock doors and wait for further instructions.

Steps of Action1. Call 911.

2. Invoke intruder alarm announcement. (May need to invoke by word of mouth.)

3. Secure immediate area to confine problem.

4. Secure building by locking appropriate doors (classrooms, office and entrances).

5. Await assistance.


• Coordinate all necessary communication to staff and local emergency services.

Secretary• Call 911 and crisis management team.

Teachers• Stay in classrooms, protect students, take roll

and follow instructions of principal.

• Lock classroom door and move students away from classroom doors and windows.


Signals Use appropriate intruder public address (PA)


Example If the intruder is in the hall, a staff member will

call or escort the stranger to office. If the intruder is in a classroom, send a student to the office for help or use the intercom. If the intruder presents a threat, the PA system will be used to notify teach-ers to evacuate students to a safe location away from the intruder.

Steps of Action1. Staff member who spots the intruder will inquire

as to his/her business and will report the situation to the principal.

2. Principal will assess the situation and determine whether to give the intruder alert signal to initiate a lock down. All classroom doors, offices and doors to the other areas of the building should be locked.

3. Call 911.

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• Coordinate all necessary communication to staff and local emergency services.

Secretary• Call 911 and crisis management team.

Teachers• Stay in classrooms, protect students, take roll

and await further instructions.

• Lock classroom doors and move students away from doors and windows.

Card 6 rear

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Student diSruptionS / civil diSturBAnceS

Level 1 – Disruption is confined to one area, but no threat to students or staff.

Level 2 – Disruptive forces are mobile or pose a direct threat to students and/or staff.

Level 3 – Disruption is wide-spread with large-scale partici-pation and is a serious threat to students and staff.

Signals Use intercom to signal level and location of

disruption (e.g. Level 3 – third hall). Specific instructions should follow. If a staff person is reporting the disruption to the main office, send a messenger to the office indicating the description and location of the disruption.

Steps of Action1. Isolate disruption. Keep students in classrooms.

Initiate code for building lock down, if necessary, by locking classroom doors, offices and entrances.

2. Clear the immediate area, including restrooms and hallways. Use P.A. system or bullhorn for crowd control.

3. Use intercom to signal level, location and specific instructions.

Student Disruptions / Civil Disturbances

4. If the disruption is a Level 2 or 3, call 911. Avail-able staff members and those trained in CPR and first aid should go to the area unless otherwise instructed and if they are not supervising students.

5. Teachers should not leave their students unsupervised.

6. Use the intercom to signal that disruption is over.


• Assess the level of the disruption.

• Supervise the response to the disruption.

• Give intercom signals.

• Give directions using P.A. system or bullhorn, if necessary.

• Prepare fact sheet for staff and/or parents.

Secretary• Contact crisis management team and police, if


Teachers• Stay with students. Those not supervising

students should move to the area of disruption, unless otherwise instructed.

Designated Staff• Keep visitors and outsiders from entering the


over➤ ➤ ➤

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Follow-up1. Activate crisis management team, if necessary.

2. Hold a staff meeting to discuss the disruption.

3. Send fact sheets to parents and students to provide accurate information.

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Student runAwAy / ABduction

Signals — None.

Steps of Action1. Staff will notify the principal.

2. Call 911, if necessary.

3. Contact a parent/guardian.

4. If student is running away, follow, if possible.

5. Notify the classroom teacher of student’s absence.

6. If possible, have a description of the student ready to give to the police.


• Follow the student, if possible, or designate someone to do so.

• Contact a parent/guardian.

• Give directions to other staff members.

Secretary• Notify emergency services.

Teachers• Keep other students in classrooms. If possible,

provide a description of the missing student (including the clothing he/she was wearing, when last seen, distinguishing features, etc.) If the student was abducted, provide a descrip-tion of the abductor and vehicle, if possible.

Student Runaway / Abduction

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tornAdo / eArthquAke / nAturAl diSASterS

Tornado Watch or Warning / Earthquake / Natural Disasters

DefinitionTornado Watch: Conditions are favorable for a

tornado or severe weather. Make staff aware of the watch and when it will expire, but take no further action.

Tornado Warning: Tornado has been sighted; take shelter immediately.

Steps of Action1. When severe weather is forecast the secretary

will monitor the situation on the weather radio, if available, or the radio.

2. When a tornado warning is issued, students should proceed to designated location against the wall and assume a kneeling position, with their head down, and their hands covering their head.

3. Students in mobile classrooms or unsafe locations at the time of the drill will go to a pre-designated location when directed by the teacher.

4. Students should not be permitted to leave the school for field trips or other events during a watch or a warning. If students are on a field trip at the time severe weather occurs, bus drivers will be alerted to get students back on the bus and return to school, if appropriate.

5. Teachers are to close classroom windows and doors.

6. Teachers should keep their class rosters with them during the drill and assure that the students are fol-lowing the drill procedures. Teachers should verify student classroom count.


• Maintain contact with student body and staff. Sound the alarm or give the order for a drill.

• Give the all clear announcement.

Secretary• Staff phones and monitor weather radio.

Custodians• Serve as a weather spotter during the watch and

assure that outside exits are closed.

Note Tornado watches may last from two to six hours.

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Steps of Action1. If a tremor strikes when you are inside:

a. Stay inside. Initiate duck and cover drills and turn away from windows. If unable to get under desk or table, stand or sit against an inside wall away from windows and glass.

2. After a tremor is over:

a. Check for injured people. Do not move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger.

b. If you think the building has been damaged, shut off all gas valves and evacuate. Aftershocks can level severely damaged buildings.

c. Open doors carefully; watch for objects that may fall.

d. Do not use matches or lighters. Only use the telephone to report an emergency.

e. Be prepared for aftershocks.


• Supervise the care of any injured person(s).

Secretary• Assist with emergency services, communication

and crisis management team contacts.

Teachers• During an earthquake, talk calmly to students.

Review evacuation procedures. After evacuation, stay with students and call roll.

Staff• Assist with first aid.

Natural Disasters

Thunderstorms, Floods, Hurricanes, Winter Storms, etc.

Definition Conditions are favorable for the above listed

natural disasters.

Procedures1. Regular school scheduling may be suspended.

Advance preparation enables the school system to cope with such situations.

2. The first condition for making a decision to suspend school system operations is safety. Final decision for closing school is made by the superintendent. He/she is in contact with weather authorities, emergency management services and others who monitor reports of existing and potential weather hazards.

3. When severe weather warnings are announced immediate emergency procedures are taken for safety in schools or for dispatch of students to their homes. It is most important that parents be aware that they are responsible for their children if dismissal from schools takes place. Parents should make alternate arrangements to house their child in case they cannot be at home if the child is dis-missed early from school due to an emergency.

Remove all students from mobile classrooms.

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expoSure to Blood / Body FluidS

Exposure to Blood / Body Fluids

Definition Bloodborne pathogens are transmitted by contact

with blood or other potentially infectious fluids (urine, saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, etc.) through the following routes of exposure:

• Directly through the skin (needlesticks, bites)• Mucus membrane contact (eyes, nose, mouth)• Contact with non-intact skin (such as cuts or


Steps of Action1. Report the exposure incident to the principal who will contact a trained person to administer proper medical evaluation and care, if needed. For serious injury call 911.

2. Always use Universal Precautions — treat all contact with blood or body fluids as if known to be infectious.

3. Make use of the Universal Precautions kit located nearest you. Gloves must always be worn in order to prevent contact with blood and body fluids. Additional personal protective equipment (PPE), such as eye, nose and mouth protection, may be needed for profuse bleeding.

4. If skin or mucous membrane comes in direct contact with blood, wash or flush with water as soon as possible with a 10 percent bleach solution or other antiseptic soap. Always wash hands after removing gloves.

5. Immediately remove any contaminated clothing.


• Supervise the care of the injured person(s).

• Contact a parent/guardian.

• If needed, complete Employee Exposure Incident Report Form and arrange medical follow-up.

Secretary• Assist with emergency services communication.

Custodian• Any blood splashes/body fluids on the floor or

on any of the fixtures need to be cleaned with a 10 percent bleach solution or other approved germ killing agent.

• Gloves, other used PPE’s, contaminated clothing and items used to clean up blood or bodily flu-ids should be disposed of into red plastic bags imprinted with the Bio Hazard label.

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emergency StAtuS report

Emergency Status Report

Time Report Filed__________

Immediate Assistance Required___None ___Medical ___Fire ___Search and Rescue ___Support personnel

Condition of Students___All accounted for ___No injuries ___No immediate help required

___Missing (number) Names:_______________________________




___Trapped in building (number) Names:_________________________




___Injured (number) ___Number requiring immediate medical attention

Type of Injury Names:

______________________ _____________________________________

______________________ _____________________________________

______________________ _____________________________________

______________________ _____________________________________

______________________ _____________________________________

Condition of Staff___All accounted for ___No injuries ___No immediate help required

___Missing (number) Names:_______________________________




___Trapped in building (number) Names:_________________________




___Injured (number) ___Number requiring immediate medical attention

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helpFul hintS

Helpful Hints

Information to be provided when calling emergency services authority and superintendent’s office. To facilitate reports, please have the following

information available when calling:

• Your name

• School involved

• Description of incident

• Names of people involved

• Grade of students involved

• What action school has taken thus far

• Other information, as necessary

• Provide school telephone numbersMain number: _______________________Private number:______________________

• If incident necessitates someone coming to the school, give specific instructions, (e.g. where to park, what door to enter, etc.).

List of CPR and First Aid Staff CPR












Procedures to be used when teachers communicate with school office. If an emergency should arise in the classroom or

in the hall near a classroom, a teacher will need to notify the main office. The following are suggestions on reporting:

1. Contact the office by intercom, if possible.

2. Ask another teacher for assistance in getting the message to the office.

3. Send a student messenger to the office.

Communication with the student body and staff in a crisis situation such as injury, fire or student disruption.

1. Use the intercom or a bullhorn, as appropriate, when giving directions for the entire student body.

2. Use walkie talkie, if available, to communicate with the administrative personnel and school staff.

3. As previously reviewed, in the event of a bomb threat, do not use radios, walkie talkies or cell phones or turn off any switches. These transmis-sions can set off a bomb.

Where to find other emergency information. Emergency situations not listed in this brochure

may be found in ________________________


Page 19: Catholic ch E inal Car et Car ight...Catholic ch E inal Car et Car ight Bomb Threat Checklist The following is a checklist to be utilized by an operator or person receiving a call

Catholic Sch EG - Final - 3/29/05

Active ShooterCall 911 as soon as it is safe to do so.

Provide as much of the following information as possible: • Number of shooters • Location of shooters• Physical description of shooters• Number of victims and potential victims • Types of weapons held by shooters

Run – Hide – Fight 1. Evacuate the Area – If you can safely leave the

area, do so. a. Have an escape route and plan in mind. b. Leave your belongings behind. c. Keep your hands visible.

2. Hide – If you are unable to leave the area safely, hide. a. Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view. Give

critical priority to areas you can best secure. b. Block entry to your hiding place.c. Lock the doors, if possible. d. Move objects in front of doors, if possible. e. Silence cell phones.f. Remain in place until released by law enforce-

ment officer.3. Take Action – If unable to leave the area or hide,

take action only as a last resort. a. Attempt to incapacitate the shooter. b. Act with physical aggression. c. Look for items to throw at the shooter or to use

in an attack. *As part of your Active Shooter response plan, it is recommended to first review Take Action – Fight Back measures with local law enforcement.

When law enforcement arrives, their first priority will be containing the shooter, not helping victims. Do not stop officers to ask for help or direction when evacuating. Evacuate the premises as quickly as it is safe to do so. • Remain calm and quiet. • Follow instructions. • Keep your hands visible at all times.

Active Shooter

Card 13