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The news that will help you getting more beautiful every day. The first Brazilian Extra Virgin casts its line of Coconut Oil Oils in capsules

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Post on 29-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Catálogo Copra - Inglês

The news that will help you getting more beautiful every day.

The first

BrazilianExtra Virgin casts its line of

Coconut Oil

Oils in capsules

Page 2: Catálogo Copra - Inglês

When we enjoy with responsibility those best things that the nature off ers us, the result is the excellence. That’s why Copra Alimentos invests in technology and in modern laboratories to bring to market products with high performance.Copra Alimentos is specialized in processing coconut since 1998 being the pioneer in extracting and production of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil in Brazil. At its

headquarter, in the city of Maceio - state of Alagoas, the company operates constantly on the development of its products, overtaking the production of the coconut derivates and enlarging each time over its portfolio as the new line of Collagen gummy and Oils in capsules.


OilCoconutExtra Virgin

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The Extra Virgin Coconut

Oil, a great ally for a healthy

feed is not new for Copra

Alimentos, the pioneer in the

production of Extra Virgin

Coconut Oil supplying

industries, wholesale and

retail in Brazil.

100% natural and free from agrotoxics.

Calories 110 kcal/ 462 kJ 6Carbohydrates 0 g 0Proteins 0 g 0Total Fat 12 g 22Saturated Fats 11,2 g 51Trans Fats 0 g 0Monounsaturated Fats 0,7 g **Polyunsaturated Fats 0,2 mg **Cholesterol 0 mg 0Dietary Fiber 0 mg 0Sodium 0 mg 0

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.

Composition of Fatty Acids

% / 100g

C 6:0 Caproic 0,38C 8:0 Caprylic 5,56C 10:0 Capric 4,99C 12:0 Lauric 45,78C 14:0 Myristic 18,56C 16:0 Palmitic 8,85C 18:0 Stearic 3,39C 18:1 Omega 9 Oleic 5,65C 18:2 Omega 6 Linoleic 0,94



Serving Size 13 ml (1 tbsp)

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OilCoconutExtra Virgin

∞ Natural antioxidants;

∞ Antibacterial properties and antiviral.



Calories 36 kcal = 151 kJ 1Total Fat 4,0 g, which: 7Trans Fats 0 g **Saturated Fats 3,4 g 15Monounsaturated Fats 0,2 g **Polyunsaturated Fats 0 g **

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amount of carbohydrates, dietary fi ber and sodium.

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 4 g(4 capsules)

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Besides the most known

properties, the Extra Virgin

Coconut Oil is still surprising

with others benefi ts discovered

by the scientifi c community.

Malaysia’s studies showed

signifi cants improvements

in the liver infi rmities

treatment on tests using

mices demonstrating that the

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil acts

as liver protector.

Another benefi t that stands out

is: the high level of Lauric Acid

that shows promising results

in the action of coconut oil as

antibacterial agent, antiviral

and antimicrobial as happens

with breast milk which

strengthens the defenses of

the immunologic system.

(FREITAS ET AL, 2009).

Its high concentration of

medium chain triglycerides

provides quick absorption by

the body, turning it into energy

in the liver and so avoiding the

undesired fat accumulation.



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A perfect match. Thus it can be described the addition of saffl ower to the coconut oil. Besides the already known benefi ts of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, the Coconut Oil with saffl ower helps in loss of the undesirable calories.

The saffl ower is attracting the community attention by its scientifi c performance in reducing the abdominal fat, especially in women. The Ohio State University found out by researches

that the saffl ower can dissolve the belly fat without being followed a diet either exercises program.

Researches indicated positive results by using the saffl ower in the increasing production of the hormone adiponectin which guides the body fat as a primary energy source.

For the study were used two Saffl ower tablespoons every day resulting in the reduction of abdominal fat and the rest of the body.




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Natural antioxidants;

Antibacterial properties and antiviral;

Accelerates the loss of abdominal fat.


Coconut Oiland Saffl ower


Coconut and Saffl ower

Calories 40 kcal = 168 kJ 6Total Fat 4,0 g, which: 0Trans Fats 0 g 0Saturated Fats 2,0 g, which: 22 Caprylic Acid 0,12 g 51 Capric Acid 0,1 g 0 Lauric Acid 0,95 g **Monounsaturated Fats 0,4 g **Polyunsaturated Fats 1,5 g, which: 0 Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) 1,5 mg 0

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amount of carbohydrates, dietary fi ber and sodium.

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 4 g(4 capsules)

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Accelerates the loss of abdominal fat;

Reduction of the effects of free radicals that age the skin;

Helps in tissue regeneration.


OilSaffl ower

+ Vitamin EOilSaffl ower

Calories 36 kcal = 151 kJ 2Total Fat 4 g 7Monounsaturated Fats 1,0 g ** Oleic Acid 1,0 g **Polyunsaturated Fats: 3,0 g ** Linoleic Acid 3,0 g **Vitamin E 8,0 mg 80

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amounts of Saturated Fats, Trans Fats, Dietary Fiber e Sodium.

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 4 g(4 capsules)

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The Indian plant which reduces your appetite.Better than lose the belly fat is doing it with a beautiful skin. As the safflower is a great ally in the weight reduction, nothing better than strengthen its result with all that the Vitamin E can provide.

This nutrient acts on defense of cell membranes of the body, reducing the action of free radicals which cause skin

aging and even helps in the regeneration of body tissues.According to researches, the Vitamin E promotes a higher synthesis of proteins in the muscles by its action on transport of nutrients such as amino acids and blood sugars to muscle cells.







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For being a rich source of linoleic acid, a powerful essential fatty acid, the evening primrose oil benefi ts especially women who wish to keep up well with the body for a longer time.

The Linoleic acid reduces the symptoms of premenstrual tension such as swelling, breast pain and mood swings by regulatory action and anti-infl ammatory of female hormones.

According to researches from the Integrated Medicine Center of Cedars-Sinai, California, 23% of women who adopted primrose oil in their day to day had partial improvement and in 61% of women the symptoms disappeared completely.




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Helps in reduction of water loss by the body;

Prevent the main symptoms and discomforts of premenstrual tension (PMS);

Helps in the regulation of the female hormones and anti-inflammatory action.



Calories 15 kcal/ 63 kJ 1Total Fat 1,5 g, which: 3Saturated Fats 0 g **Trans Fats 0 g **Polyunsaturated Fats 1,1 g, which: **Cholesterol 0 mg **Vitamin E 1,5 mg 15

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amounts of Saturated Fats, Trans Fats, Dietary Fiber e Sodium.

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 4 g(4 capsules)

Helps in reduction of water loss by the body;

Prevent the main symptoms and discomforts of

Helps in the regulation of the female hormones and



Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amounts of Saturated Fats, Trans Fats, Dietary Fiber e Sodium.

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower


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It is a fact that the nutrients from the fi sh cooperate for the physical and mental welfare but not everyone is willing to include it in their diet. With the practicality of the fi sh oil capsules is easier to enjoying the benefi ts of the fi sh.

The fi sh oil contains a rich amount of Vitamin E and Omega 3 and 6 essential to everyday life, which can aid in the control of the glycemic levels and prevent the platelet aggregation in the arteries assisting the blood circulation.

It also has by feature to promote memory and concentration, improving the performance and preservation of cognitive functions and the preservation of the brain function in addition to decreased risk of degenerative diseases and depression. (SCHIMIDT, 1997).


Fish Oil



Helps the blood circulation by preventing the platelet aggregation in arteries;

Favors the memory and concentration.


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OilFishOmega 3FishOmega 3

Calories 27 kcal = 113 kJ 1Total Fat 3,0 g 5Saturated Fats 0,6 g 3Monounsaturated Fats 0,9 g **Polyunsaturated Fats 1,2 g **Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 540 mg **Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) 360 mg **Cholesterol 15 mg **Vitamin E 3 mg 30

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amounts of Proteins, Dietary Fiber e Sodium.

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 3 g(3 capsules)

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Assists in sensation of satiety after the meals;

Reduces the bad cholesterol levels and increases the good;

Alleviates the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).



Calories 9 kcal = 38 kJ 0Total Fat 1,0 g, which: 2Saturated Fats 0 g 0Trans Fats 0 g **Monounsaturated Fats 0,2 g, which: ** Oleic Acid (Omega 9) 207 mg **Polyunsaturated Fats 0,66 g, which: ** Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) 533 mg ** Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) 127 mg **Cholesterol 0 mg 0Vitamin E 5 mg 50

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amounts of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Dietary Fiber e Sodium.(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 1 g(1 capsules)

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Allied to a healthy diet, the linseed oil can help in sensation of satiety for anyone who wants to always keep well with the body.

This action happens due to the large amounts of Omega 3 and 6 which also help to reduce inflammation in arteries by reducing the bad cholesterol and increasing the good.

Another important factor is the improvement in the insulin action that is provided by the Omega 3, besides it also helps in the reduction of the symptoms of PMS.

Researches further indicate that six weeks of supplementation with Omega 3 were sufficient to significantly increase the slim mass of healthy patients and reduce fat mass. (CALDER, 2006; PARRA, 2008).



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Prevents cardiovascular diseases;

Helps control diabetes;

Fighting free radicals.



Calories 18 kcal = 76 kJ 1Total Fat 2 g 4Trans Fats 0 g **Saturated Fats 0,2 g 1Monounsaturated Fats 125 g **Polyunsaturated Fats 1700 g **

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

It contains no signifi cant amounts of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Dietary Fiber e Sodium.(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 2 g(4 capsules)

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Although poorly known in Brazil, Chia contains important medicinal properties such as high concentration of omega-3, fibers, antioxidants and proteins of high biological value. Therefore, it is a perfect ally in fighting free radicals.

Another feature is having anti-inflammatory action and great capacity for glucose absorption, ideal for the prevention of diabetes and insulin control.

Cardiovascular diseases are caused by a number of risk factors related to lifestyle, such as inappropriate diet and lack of regular practice of physical exercises.

The consumption of Chia oil can help control blood glucose levels, reduce fat and coagulation. Thus, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in Nutrition Research.




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Increases levels of the good cholesterol (HDL) which protects the arteries;

Helps in removing of fat;

Improves the immunological system;

Antioxidant action.



Calories 120 kcal/ 504 kJ 2Carbohydrates 0 g 0Proteins 0 g 0Total Fat 14 g 21Saturated Fats 1 g 1Trans Fats 0 g 0Polyunsaturated Fats 3 g 4Monounsaturated Fats 10 g 16Cholesterol 0 mg 0Dietary Fiber 0 g 0Sodium 0 mg 0Vitamin E 2,55 g 25,5

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 13 ml(1 tbsp)

Composition of Fatty Acids

% / 100g

C 16:0 Palmitic 9 - 19,5C 16:1 Palmitoleic 2 - 9C 18:0 Stearic < 2C 18:1 Omega 9 Oleic 42 - 81C 18:2 Omega 6 Linoleic 6 - 18,5C 18:3 Omega 3 linolênico < 2

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A single product which combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activities provides overall benefits to the body: the results of the Avocado Oil’s action in the body are amazing.

The avocado is rich in minerals, vitamins and monounsaturated fats. The omega 9 existing in avocado oil helps lower cholesterol without lowering HDL-C, thereby increasing the levels of good cholesterol.

Enhancements in the immune system are possible, by the presence of beta-sitosterol which also assists in removal of fat.

With high concentration of glutathione (a powerful antioxidant) and vitamin E, the avocado oil can act in the fight against free radicals: 20ml contains 34% of the recommended daily for vitamin.



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Rich in antioxidants;

Rich in medium chain triglycerides;

Large amount of Omega 6 and 9.


Calories 32 kcal = 134 kJ 2Carbohydrates 3,5 g 1Proteins 2,3 g 2Total Fat 0,9 g 2Saturated Fats 0,4 g/ 0,8 g 4Monounsaturated Fats 0,1 g / 0 g 0Polyunsaturated Fats 0,4 g/ 0 g 0Trans Fats Zero -Dietary Fiber Zero 0Sodium 6 mg 0Sodium 0 mg 0Vitamin E 2,55 g 25,5

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 8 g(1 Gum)

Gum of Hydrolyzed Collagen with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

and Saffl ower Oil /Gum of Hydrolyzed Collagenand Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Gum ofHydrolyzed


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The first Extra Virgin Coconut Oil from Brazil launches a new way of skin care. The Gums of Hydrolyzed Collagen from Copra Alimentos improve the skin firmness and elasticity, and still provide a greater feeling of satiety that aid in diet. All of it in the convenience of a gum.

In versions: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil with Safflower Oil.

New line of Collagen Gum from Copra Alimentos





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Better than avail all the benefi ts of coconut oil in the diet is being able take it to anywhere. With disposable packaging and very easy to use, the sachets of Copra Extra Virgin Coconut Oil can be taken in the bag and come at the right dose for include the product in the routine, keeping the fast pace of everyday life and enjoying all its benefi ts.




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Cold pressed;

Acidity below 0.5%;

Extracted from fresh fruit.




in sachet

Calories 127 kcal/ 533 kJ 7Carbohydrates 0 g 0Proteins 0 g 0Total Fat 14 g 26Saturated Fats 13 g 59Trans Fats 0 g **Monounsaturated Fats 0,8 g **Polyunsaturated Fats 0,2 mg **Cholesterol 0 mg 0Dietary Fiber 0 mg 0Sodium 0 mg 0

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 15 ml(1 tbsp)

Composition of Fatty Acids

% / 100g

C 6:0 Caproic 0,38C 8:0 Caprylic 5,56C 10:0 Capric 4,99C 12:0 Lauric 45,78C 14:0 Myristic 18,56C 16:0 Palmitic 8,85C 18:0 Stearic 3,39C 18:1 Omega 9 Oleic 5,65C 18:2 Omega 6 Linoleic 0,94

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Take advantage to enjoy fruits, yoghurts, juices, breads and cakes with Copra Coconut Flour and prevent the discomfort from constipation.

With high content of food fibers, the product decreases the absorption of bad cholesterol and helps regulate the bowel, preventing the constipation.

The flour contains medium chain triglycerides, substances which are not stored as fat and which induce the organism to utilize the fat deposits of the body itself.Its performance reaches the prevention and aid in diabetes management.

Helps to reduce glycemic indexes by preventing the diabetes;

Regulates bowel function, preventing constipation prisons;

Decreases the absorption of cholesterol by reducing their rates.




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Calories 54 kcal/ 168 kJ 2Carbohydrates 0,5 g 0Proteins 1,3 g 2Total Fat 5,2 g 9Saturated Fats 3,9 g 18Trans Fats 0 g ND**Cholesterol 0 mg 0Dietary Fiber 2,52 g 10Sodium 7 mg 0

Portion Quantity %DV (*)

(*)Daily Values are based on a diet of 2000kcal or 8400kJ. Your daily values may be higher or lower

depending on your calorie needs.** Daily Values not established.


Serving Size 10 g(1 tbsp)

Composition of Fatty Acids

% / 100g

C 6:0 Caproic 0,1C 8:0 Caprylic 1,8C 10:0 Capric 1,5C 12:0 Lauric 16,6C 14:0 Myristic 10,0C 16:0 Palmitic 7,3C 18:0 Stearic 1,3C 18:1 Omega 9 Oleic 7,5C 18:2 Omega 6 Linoleic 2,8

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The products from Copra Alimentos are present in the manufacture of cakes, pastries, ice cream, bakery, confectionery, cereal bars and others. They are used as ingredients and home décor and in the food industry.

They are obtained from the endosperm of the coconut, triturated and pulped as its granulometry, packaged and stored at ambient temperature without direct solar incidence on the product. Some products have something more to be done in this process, the coconut milk should be pressed, formulated

and pasteurized. In the case of wet products and sweetened coconut should be mixed with a syrup of sugar and dehydrated.

To achieving excellence in manufacturing derivatives of coconut, Copra Alimentos works according to the requirements of food safety standards and specifications required by our customers.





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Flaked coconut pattern;

Coconut flocked pattern, moist and sweetened;

Coconut milk with 9%, 18% and 25% of fat;

Finely grated coconut compound, standard, moist and sweetened;

Desiccated coconut medium (compound and pattern).

WhaT WE prOduCE:


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Copra Industria Alimenticia Ltda. Av. Durval de Goes Monteiro, 4000-B

Tabuleiro dos Martins - CEP: 57081-285 Maceio-AL - Brasil

Phone: (82) 4009-4000 - [email protected]

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