cannexus: keynote moments


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Cannexus turns 10 years! In the lead up to this milestone event, we

connected with some of our pre-eminent Keynote Speakers from the

past nine Cannexus conferences and asked them to answer a few questions.

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“It’s the realization that the healing resources that have always existed within Indigenous communities

can facilitate belonging, balance, cleansing, and empowerment. What is required is a process to identify those resources and to reclaim them.”

Roderick McCormick, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus07

At Cannexus07 (the first one!) you spoke about “Aboriginal Counselling and Healing.” What is

one message you hope is still resonating with people today

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“I answer this question by making a distinction between a road, which goes from point A to point B as

quickly as possible and a path, which is the strip of earth we walk upon.”

Denis Pelletier, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus07

At Cannexus07 (the first one!) you spoke about “A New Paradigm of Career Counseling for a

New Working World.” What is one message you hope is still resonating with people today?

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“At the time of this talk there was considerable attention being directed towards the importance of

recruitment and retention. I made the point that there were actually three ‘R’s’ that needed to be taken into account. The third, and perhaps most important for

Aboriginal youth, was ‘career readiness’.”

Norman Amundson, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus08

At Cannexus08 you spoke about “Career Decision Making for Aboriginal Youth: The Need for a Backswing” What is one message you hope

is still resonating with people today?

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“As part of this new life design period, there has been a rise in interest and research on the role of

cultural diversity and social justice in career development and counseling, broadening the social

groups to which career counseling is now becoming more effective and relevant.”

Mark Pope, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus09

At Cannexus09 you spoke about “The 12 Keys to Career Counselling with Ethnic, Racial and Sexual Minorities.” What is one message you

hope is still resonating with people today?

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Denise Bissonnette, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus10

At Cannexus10 you spoke about “Beyond Barriers to Passion and Possibility.” What is one message you hope is still resonating with people


“I hope that people remember that the questions we ask on a daily basis are fateful, as they serve like the camera of the mind, telling us where to

put our focus. When we change our questions, we change our world.”

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“I hope people were inspired to have a closer look at the nature of change and to appreciate the

fundamental reality that shift happens. I wanted people to appreciate the relationship between

stability and change.”

Jim Bright, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus11

At Cannexus11 you spoke about “Shifting from no change to know change: how I learned to love

chaos.” What is one message you hope is still resonating with people today?

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“As explained by Plato, be kind to everyone you meet because each of us is fighting a great battle.

The fundamental goal of counselling is to encourage individuals to actively master what they

passively suffer.”

Mark Savickas, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus12

At Cannexus12 you spoke about “The Career Counsellor’s Career: From Preoccupation to

Occupation.” What is one message you hope is still resonating with people today?

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“My hope is that people continue to hold the message of how difficult change really is, and just

as important–how much we influence change. Sometimes leaders and practitioners can

mistakenly believe “stuck” people are intentionally trying to be “difficult” or in “denial”.”

Roxanne Sawatzky, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus13

At Cannexus13 you spoke about “Leaving the Comfort Zone.” What is one message you hope

is still resonating with people today?

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There are 4 key questions that career helping professionals and workers must consider as we work to increasingly design

our work life:1. Can someone do what you do cheaper than you through

automation or outsourcing?2. Can a computer do what you do but faster than you?

3. Is what you’re selling in demand in an age of abundance?4. How close are you to innovation’s benefits (as it will greatly

impact your income and work-life choices)?

Rich Feller, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus14

At Cannexus14 you spoke about “Staying Positive and Creating Hope for Clients.” What is

one message you hope is still resonating with people today?

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“The one message that I hope still resonates with people is the idea that career development

practitioners are in the business of addressing social injustices.”

Nancy Arthur, Keynote Speaker, Cannexus15

At Cannexus15 you spoke about “Social Justice: One Action at a Time.” What is one message

you hope is still resonating with people today?

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To read full interviews from past Cannexus keynotes
