canine & bovine painting project developed by: aysun cevik demirkan, charlie batchelor, maureen...

Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine Summer Project & Maureen Bain

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Page 1: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Canine & Bovine Painting ProjectDeveloped by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen

Bain, Alison King

Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine Summer Project & Maureen Bain

Page 2: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Creation of a dynamic model for teaching topographical and functional

veterinary anatomy

Aysun Cevik Demirkan*, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King.

School of Veterinary Medicine, MVLS, University of Glasgow, Scotland, G61 1QH* Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of

Anatomy, Afyon, Turkey

Page 3: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Skeleton of the dog

1-Scapula, 2-Humerus, 3-Radius, 4-Ulna, 5-Carpus, 6-Metacarpus, 7-Phalanges, 8-Thoracic vertebrae, 9-Ribs, 10-Lumbar vertebrae, 11-Sacrum, 12-Caudal vertebrae, 13-Pelvis, 14-Femur, 15-Patella, 16- Fibula and tibia, 17-Tarsus, 18-Metatarsus, 19-Phalanges

Page 4: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Superficial muscles of the dog.

1-M. cleidomastoideus (origin not shown), 2-M. cleidocervicalis, 3-M. omotransversarius, 4-M. trapezius, 5-M. deltoideus, 6-M. triceps brachi (lateral head), 6’-M. triceps brachi (long head), 7-M. cleidobrachialis, 8-M. latissimus dorsi, 9-M. obliquus externus abdominis, 10-M. pectoralis profundus,11-M. intercostalis interni, 12-M. intercostalis externi, 13-fascia, 14-M. transversus abdominus (deep to m. obliquus externus abdominis and m. obliquus internus abdominis), 15-M. sartorius, 16-M. gluteus medius, 17-M. gluteus superficialis, 18-M. tensor fascia latae & fascia lata, 19-M. biceps femoris, 20-M. extensor carpi radialis, 21-M. extensor digitorum communis, 22-M. extensor digitorum lateralis, 23- M. extensor carpi ulnaris, 24-M. tibialis cranialis, 25-M. extensor digitorum longus, 26- M. gastrocnemius, 27-M. flexor hallucis longus, 28- M. peronous longus.

Page 5: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Left lareral aspect of thoracic and abdominal regions of the dog

1-Left lung, 2-Heart, 3-Liver, 4-Stomach, 5-Left kidney, 6-Descending colon, 7-Rectum, 8-Jejunum, 9-Urinary bladder.

Page 6: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

The venous system, right lateral aspect, in the dog

1-Vena jugularis externa, 2-Vena axillaris, 3-V. azygos, 4-V. cava cranialis, 5-V. brachialis, 6-V. cephalica, 7-V. mediana, 8-V. ulnaris, 9- V. vertebralis, 10- Heart, 11-V. intervertebralis, 12-V. intercostalis, 13-V. cava caudalis, 14-V. hepatica, 15-Liver, 16-V. portalis, 17-V. renalis, 18-V. testicularis, 19-V. circumflexa ilium profunda, 20-V. iliaca externa dexter, 21-V. tibialis cranialis, 22-V. iliaca interna, 23-V. profunda femoris, 24-Truncus pudendoepigastricus, 25-V. femoralis, 26-V. saphena mediana, 27-V. saphena lateralis

Page 7: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Skeleton of the cow

1-Scapula, 2-Humerus, 3-Radius, 4-Ulna, 4’-Carpus, 5-Metacarpus, 6-Phalanges, 7-Sternum, 8- Ribs, 9- Thoracic vertebrae, 10-Lumbar vertebrae, 11-Sacrum, 12-Caudal vertebrae, 13-Pelvis, 14-Femur, 15-Patella, 16- Tibia, 17-Tarsus, 18-Metatarsus, 19-Phalanges.

Page 8: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Fore and hind limp muscles of the cow

1-M. trapezius, 2-M. latissimus dorsi, 3-M. deltoideus, 4- M. triceps brachii (long head), 4’- M triceps brachii (lateral head), 5-M. brachiocephalicus, 6-M. extensor carpi radialis, 7- M. extensor digitorum communis, 8-M. extensor digitorum lateralis, 9-M. extensor carpi ulnaris, 10-M. gluteus medius, 11-M. tensor fascia latae, 12-Fascia latae femoris, 13-M. gluteo- biceps femoris, 14-M. semitendinosus, 15-M. tibialis cranialis, 16-M. perenous tertius, 17-M. perenous longus, 18-M. extensor digitalis lateralis, 19-M. gastrecnemius, 20-M. flexor digiti I longus.

Page 9: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Abdominal viscera, left lateral aspect, in the cow

1-Esophagus, 2-Spleen, 3-Reticulum, 4- Saccus cecus dorsalis of rumen, 5- Saccus cecus ventralis of rumen, 6-Fundus abomasi, 7-Ribs, 8-Saccus cecus caudadorsalis, 9-Saccus cecus caudoventralis.

Page 10: Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, Alison King Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary

Left projections of the heart and lung on the thoracic wall of the cow

1-Lung, 2-Heart, 3-Ribs.