can we simulate an action that we temporarily cannot perform?

Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology (2014) 44, 433—445 Disponible en ligne sur ScienceDirect ORIGINAL ARTICLE/ ARTICLE ORIGINAL Can we simulate an action that we temporarily cannot perform? Pouvons-nous simuler une action que nous sommes temporairement dans l’incapacité d’exécuter ? C. Calmels a,, S. Pichon b,c , J. Grèzes d,e a Institut national du sport, de l’expertise et de la performance, département recherche, laboratoire SEP, Paris, France b Laboratory for Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition, Department of Neuroscience, Medical School, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland c Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland d LNC, INSERM U960, IEC, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France e UMR-S975, Inserm U975, CNRS UMR7225, Centre de Neuroimagerie de Recherche — CENIR, Centre de Recherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France Received 23 September 2013; accepted 6 August 2014 Available online 23 August 2014 KEYWORDS Action observation network; Motor injury; Motor expert performers; fMRI Summary Aims of the study.— The scope of individuals’ motor repertoire and expertise influences the way they perceive the actions of others. When observing skilled actions, experts recruit the cortical network subserving action perception (action observation network, AON) to a greater extent than non-experts. However, it remains unknown whether and how a temporary motor injury affects activation within the AON. Materials and methods. — To investigate this issue, brain hemodynamic activity was recorded twice in thirteen national female gymnasts suffering from a lower extremity injury at the onset of the experiment. The gymnasts were scanned one month after the injury and were shown gymnastics routines they were able and temporarily unable to perform. Six months later, after complete recovery, they were scanned again and shown the same routines they were now able to practice. Results. — Results showed: first, that the level of activity within the inferior parietal lobule and MT/V5/EBA (extrastriate body area), areas constitutive of the AON, was independent of the gymnasts’ physical condition. Second, when gymnasts were hurt (vs. when recovered), higher activity in the cerebellum was detected. Corresponding author. Service recherche, Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance, 11, avenue du Tremblay, 75012 Paris, France. Tel.: +33 1 41 74 43 73; fax: +33 1 41 74 45 35. E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Calmels). 0987-7053/© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

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Page 1: Can we simulate an action that we temporarily cannot perform?

Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology (2014) 44, 433—445

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Can we simulate an action that wetemporarily cannot perform?Pouvons-nous simuler une action que nous sommestemporairement dans l’incapacité d’exécuter ?

C. Calmelsa,∗, S. Pichonb,c, J. Grèzesd,e

a Institut national du sport, de l’expertise et de la performance, département recherche, laboratoire SEP,Paris, Franceb Laboratory for Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition, Department of Neuroscience, MedicalSchool, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerlandc Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerlandd LNC, INSERM U960, IEC, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, Francee UMR-S975, Inserm U975, CNRS UMR7225, Centre de Neuroimagerie de Recherche — CENIR, Centre deRecherche de l’Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6,Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France

Received 23 September 2013; accepted 6 August 2014Available online 23 August 2014

KEYWORDSAction observationnetwork;Motor injury;Motor expertperformers;fMRI

SummaryAims of the study. — The scope of individuals’ motor repertoire and expertise influences theway they perceive the actions of others. When observing skilled actions, experts recruit thecortical network subserving action perception (action observation network, AON) to a greaterextent than non-experts. However, it remains unknown whether and how a temporary motorinjury affects activation within the AON.Materials and methods. — To investigate this issue, brain hemodynamic activity was recordedtwice in thirteen national female gymnasts suffering from a lower extremity injury at the onsetof the experiment. The gymnasts were scanned one month after the injury and were showngymnastics routines they were able and temporarily unable to perform. Six months later, aftercomplete recovery, they were scanned again and shown the same routines they were now ableto practice.

Results. — Results showed: first, that the level of activity within the inferior parietal lobule andMT/V5/EBA (extrastriate body area), areas constitutive of the AON, was independent of thegymnasts’ physical condition. Second, when gymnasts were hurt (vs. when recovered), higheractivity in the cerebellum was detected.

∗ Corresponding author. Service recherche, Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance, 11, avenue du Tremblay,75012 Paris, France. Tel.: +33 1 41 74 43 73; fax: +33 1 41 74 45 35.

E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Calmels).© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Can we simulate an action that we temporarily cannot perform?

434 C. Calmels et al.

Conclusion. — The equal contribution of MT/V5/EBA and inferior parietal lobule during theobservation of movements the gymnasts were able or unable to practice suggests respectivelythat physical provisional incapacity does not interfere with the perceptual processing of bodyshape and motion information, and that motor expertise may prevent the decay of sensorimotorrepresentations. Higher activations in the cerebellum may suggest that this structure plays arole in dissociating perceived physically feasible movements from those that are provisionallyunfeasible.© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MOTS CLÉSRéseau del’observationd’actions ;Blessure ;Experts en motricité ;IRMf

RésuméButs de l’étude. — Le niveau d’expertise motrice des individus influence la manière de percevoirles actions d’autrui. Des individus observant des actions motrices qu’ils maîtrisent parfaitementrecruteront plus intensément le réseau neuronal de l’observation d’actions que des sujets nepossédant pas le bagage moteur leur permettant de réaliser ces actions. Cependant, on ne saitsi l’incapacité temporaire de réaliser certaines actions affecte l’activation de ce réseau et sitel est le cas, de quelle facon.Matériel et méthode. — Pour tenter de répondre à ce questionnement, treize gymnastesexpertes, blessées au membre inférieur au début de l’expérimentation, ont été scannées àdeux reprises. Le premier examen IRM a eu lieu lorsqu’elles étaient blessées. Ces gymnastesont observé des mouvements qu’elles étaient en mesure de réaliser et des mouvements qu’ellesétaient incapables temporairement d’exécuter. Lors du second examen IRM, six mois plus tard,les sujets étaient aptes à effectuer tous les mouvements visionnés.Résultats. — Premièrement, le niveau d’activation dans une partie des régions du réseau del’observation (i.e., lobe pariétal inférieur, MT/V5/EBA) ne dépendait pas de la conditionphysique des gymnastes. Deuxièmement, lorsque les gymnastes étaient blessées (vs. gymnastesrétablies), une activation plus importante au sein du cervelet a été révélée.Conclusion. — L’activation de MT/V5/EBA et du lobe pariétal inférieur, que les gymnastes soientdans l’incapacité ou non de réaliser les mouvements observés, suggère respectivement quecette incapacité n’interfère pas dans le traitement perceptif des informations relatives aumouvement et à la configuration du corps et, d’autre part, que l’expertise motrice préviendraitla dégradation des représentations sensorimotrices. Des activations importantes au sein ducervelet laisseraient à penser que celui-ci serait en mesure de discerner les mouvementsréalisables physiquement des mouvements temporairement infaisables.

. Tou






© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS


hroughout the last decade, it has been establishedhat action perception entails covert motor activity sug-esting that observers use their own motor system toerceive the actions of others (see [41,64,68] for reviews).otably, neuroimaging studies in humans have providedxtensive evidence that a circuit composed of premotornd parietal cortices, primary and secondary somatosen-ory cortices, cerebellum and occipito-temporal areas isnvolved in action observation [9,10,12—14,16,18,19,24,27,]33—35,39,40,50,51,55,69,80,85,87]. This circuit is labeledhe action observation network (AON). Within this circuit,arietal and premotor areas are recognized to be involvedn the prediction of others’ actions before their realizationi.e., prediction of the outcome of others’ actions duringhe viewing of their actions) [1,3,4,32,70—72,86,92].

While the recruitment of motor representations duringction perception has been investigated in both healthyarticipants and experts, it remains unclear whether these

epresentations are altered when observers suffer from

temporary motor inability to perform specific actions.he goal of the present study was thus to shed some


s droits réservés.

ight on the effects of transient sensory and motor depri-ation on action perception in a population of injuredxpert gymnasts. From the existing literature, two alter-atives can be proposed. On the one hand, it is knownhat motor memory is stable over time and remains rel-tively preserved from aging as compared to other formsf memories [49,77,91]. It is also recognized that expertsngage the AON to a greater extent than non-experts dur-ng action observation [11,12,18,63,66]. From these results,ne can suggest that motor expertise might prevent a possi-le decay of sensorimotor representations during an injuryeriod when an athlete has ceased training. Consequently,emporary injury should have negligible impact on AONctivity.

On the other hand, deficits in peripheral sensations8] and lesions within the motor system [60,61,73] haveeen shown to affect action perception and impinge onction recognition performance. Impact on action recogni-ion may be due to the lack of peripheral somatosensoryeedback, which is essential for accessing, updating, and

aintaining internal motor representations [8]. In a sim-

lar way to the structural and functional reorganizationf sensorimotor maps following amputation [75], limb

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Motor injury and AON

immobilization also affects sensorimotor representationsstructurally: decreased cortical thickness has been reportedin the deprived sensorimotor cortex after only two weekspost-injury [46]. From this perspective, one can suggestthat a prolonged immobilization will compromise accessibil-ity to sensorimotor representations and as a consequence,reduced activity in AON should be detected while athletesobserve movements they are temporarily unable to perform.

Investigating whether motor representations are alteredwhen expert athletes suffer from a transient motor inabilityto perform specific actions is relevant to (sport) rehabili-tation and sport psychology. If alterations are established,interventions using motor imagery or action observationmight be tested with the aim of maintaining motor repre-sentations and compensating for the lack of sensorimotorinput during the period of injury [5,52].

In this study, we set out to experimentally addresswhether and how a temporary motor injury has impact onexpert gymnasts’ activation within the AON. Using fMRI,we recorded brain hemodynamic activity in expert gym-nasts with a lower limb injury while they watched videosof gymnastic routines involving either lower or upper limbs(see Fig. 1). Subjects were scanned at two time points: onemonth after a lower limb injury (hurt session) that causeda temporary inability to perform movements requiring thelower limbs, but not training routines involving the upperlimbs; six months later, when they had fully recovered (healsession).

This sport was chosen because it allows injured gymnaststo continue performing the routines that involve the non-injured body part.

Materials and methods


Thirteen expert female gymnasts aged 16—26 years (meanage = 19.9, SD = 3.4) participated. Inclusion criteria were

Figure 1 Snapshots of floor and bar routine stimuli that wereused in the experiment. The red square indicates the maincondition of interest: gymnasts suffering from a lower extrem-ity injury observed floor routines they were temporarily unableto perform.





hreefold. First, participants took part in the French nationalhampionship each year; second, they performed exercisesnvolving mainly either lower limbs (exercises on floor:tretched backward and forward saltos with one twist)r upper limbs (exercises on uneven bars: kip, cast toandstand, clear hip circle to handstand, and giant swingorwards backwards to handstand); third, they suffered from

lower extremity injury at the onset of the experiment.ymnasts reported injuries in the foot (n = 2), ankle (n = 7) ornee (n = 4) region. The injuries were due to sprain (n = 10),islocation (n = 1), or fracture (n = 2). All injuries were clas-ified as moderate; i.e., they required the two to threeonths rehabilitation before the gymnast was authorized by

he medical staff to gradually resume regular floor routines.pproximately three months later (seven months after the

njury onset), subjects regained their full range of move-ent: they were able to tumble as they did before being

njured and without any discomfort. As a comparison group,e initially planned to recruit a second gymnast group withpper extremity injuries. Nevertheless, only two expertymnasts complied with our inclusion criteria after 2.5 yearsf recruitment procedure. We were therefore constrained toxclude this part of the experimental design.

All subjects had normal vision (i.e., they could seeithout correction) and no past neurological or psychiatricistory. All gave written informed consent and subjects whoad reached the age of majority were paid for their par-icipation. Separate parental consents were also obtainedor the subjects who were under the age of 18. The studyas approved by the local ethics committee (Comité derotection des Personnes d’Ile de France VI, CPP) and theealth Ministry (Direction Générale de la Santé, DGS2006-065).


ix uneven bar and six floor routines were executed by threeational left-sided gymnasts (see below) who did not partic-pate in the fMRI study. These routines were recorded using

digital camera. The bar and floor routines possess differ-nt characteristics: bar routines are composed of kips, giantwings whereas floor routines involve performing straightumps followed by acrobatic skills at the trampoline; i.e.he former employs predominantly the upper limbs, the lat-er the lower limbs. The performers wore similar dark blueeotards and performed their routines in front of a white andale brown background.

Videos were computer edited and fragments (25 frameser second) were selected from initial materials. The dura-ion of the floor video-clips ranged between 3040—5640 ms,hereas for the uneven bars the range was 3520 to 7240 ms

see Table 1). Gymnasts generally have a preferred rotatingrientation when performing backward and forward saltosith one twist. In the present participants, ten were left-

ided performing backward and forward twists to the left,ne was right-sided, and two were ‘‘left and right-sided’’erforming backward twists to the left and forward twists

o the right. Using the Adobe After-effect software, all theideos were mirrored to match the preferred rotating ori-ntation of each gymnast. As a result, four kinds of packageere edited:
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436 C. Calmels et al.

Table 1 Characteristics of the stimuli used in the experimental procedure.

Stimuli of interest Stimuli of non-interest

Dynamic stimuli Static stimuli Null events Oddballs

Bar Floor Bar Floor

36 36 36 36 72 32

Duration Duration Duration Duration

4671 msSD = 1098

4440 msSD = 583

4671 msSD = 1098

4440 msSD = 583

4500 msSD = 0

4490 msSD = 652















SD: standard deviation. Durations of bar routines were not statist

a left package (performing backward and forward twiststo the left);a right package (performing backward and forward twiststo the right);a first mixed package (performing backward twist to theleft and forward twist to the right);a second mixed package (performing backward twist tothe right and forward twist to the left).

Static images depicting the beginning, middle, and endarts of each routine were edited from those floor andar videos and presented with the same duration as theiratched video-clips.Finally, six routines, different from those used in exper-

mental conditions, served as oddball stimuli (durationange: 3440 to 5640 ms). A red target point (1000 ms dura-ion) was added at the center of each frame 1000 ms afterhe onset of the video. Subjects were asked to attend alltimuli and detect the occurrence of the oddball target.

rocedure for stimulus validation

en female competitive gymnasts (mean age = 15.4,D = 0.9), who did not participate in the fMRI study, werenvited to carefully observe the above-mentioned editedideo-clips and evaluate on a graduated scale ranging fromto 10:

whether the action involved the upper (scale 1) or thelower (scale 2) limb and to which extent;whether a lower (scale 3) or an upper (scale 4) extremityinjury would interfere with performing this action and towhich extent.

rocedure for the fMRI study

he experiment was divided into 2 independent sessionser subject within a six-month period. The first sessioni.e., Hurt) took place one month after participants had sus-ained an injury. A one-month period was chosen to ensure

hat cortical changes had already occurred. Langer et al.46] described structural changes (i.e., decreased corticalhickness within sensorimotor cortex) after two weeks ofmmobilization. As the gymnasts were suffering from lower


different to those of floor routines; t(34) = .78, P = .44.

xtremity injuries, they were still able to practice on thears, yet they were unable to execute floor routines. Sub-equently, regular verbal assessments with the participantsnd their coach were conducted to monitor the recoveryrocess. When an injured gymnast returned to full activity,he investigator was warned that this gymnast was able toerform her floor routines without pain. The second sessioni.e., Heal) thus took place when gymnasts had fully recov-red i.e. when they were able to return to full floor activity.o sum up, during the first scanning session, gymnasts viewedar routines they could physically perform, and floor routi-es they could not perform. In the second scanning session,ymnasts were able to execute all the routines.

Each session included 124 stimuli that were presentedwice in a random order:

18 dynamic floor routines (6 move × 3 gymnasts);18 dynamic bar routines (6 moves × 3 gymnasts);18 static floor postures;18 static bar postures;16 dynamic floor and bar routine oddballs (4 moves× 3 gymnasts + 2 moves × 2 gymnasts);36 null events (see Table 1).

Null events (black screen) of 4500 ms duration were alsoncluded to provide better estimation efficiency in order toharacterize the shape of the BOLD response at short stim-lus onset asynchrony [36]. Presentation of a black screenasting 1 s followed each stimulus.

To avoid motor contamination by stimulus-relatedesponses and to insure that the subjects attend toon-target stimuli, we used an oddball paradigm wherearticipants observe stimuli of interest without respondingnd react only to sporadic incidences of target stimulimovies of non-interest with a red dot overlaid). The sub-ects conformed to the task since all the oddball stimuli wereetected.

MRI acquisition

unctional images were acquired on a 3T TRIO TIM (Siemens,

ENIR, Pitié-Salpêtrière, France) using a T2*-weighted echo-lanar sequence at 32 interleaved 3 mm-thick axial slicesith 0.99 mm gap (TR = 2080 ms, TE = 30 ms, flip angle = 90◦,OV = 192 mm, 3 × 3 × 3 mm voxels). A total of 680 functional
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Motor injury and AON

volumes were acquired for each subject. For each par-ticipant, we then acquired a high-resolution structuralT1-weighted anatomical image (TR = 2300 ms, TE = 4.18 ms,flip angle = 9◦, FOV = 256 mm, 1 × 1 × 1 mm voxels) paral-lel to the AC-PC plane (Anterior Commissure — PosteriorCommissure), covering the whole brain.

fMRI data preprocessing

The data were preprocessed using SPM2 ( The first 5 volumes were discarded toallow for T1 equilibration effects and the last one wasdropped. The remaining 674 functional images were reori-ented, slice-time corrected to the middle slice and spatiallyrealigned to the first volume. These images were normal-ized (MNI template) and smoothed with an isotropic 8 mmfull-width-half-maximum (FWHM) Gaussian kernel.

fMRI statistical analyses

We performed standard analyses using the general lin-ear model (GLM) as implemented in SPM2. A two-stagegeneral linear model was used. At the subject level,condition-specific effects were modeled separately for eachscanning session (i.e., Hurt and Heal). The following sixconditions were specified: two conditions where partic-ipants perceived dynamic bar and floor routines (BarsDyn, Floor Dyn), two conditions during which static barand floor postures were presented (Bars Stat, Floor Stat),one where participants perceived oddball stimuli, and onecorresponding to motor responses. Null events were implic-itly modeled. Each stimulus onset was convolved with acanonical HRF and the corresponding stimulus duration(3040—7240 ms). Motor responses were also modeled ina separate regressor. Finally, covariates capturing resid-ual movement-related artifacts were included (3 rigid-bodytranslations and 3 rotations determined from initial imageco-registration) as well as a single covariate represent-ing the mean (constant) BOLD signal over the sessions.The model included a high-pass filter with a cut-off periodat 128 s.

We also estimated the efficiency of the model for eachcondition/contrast and subject using the following for-mula: trace (contrast*inv(X’*X)*contrast’)-1 (from efficiency ± SD were entered in a three wayrepeated measures ANOVA with the factor ‘‘session’’ (Hurt,Heal), ‘‘characteristic’’ (Dyn, Stat) and ‘‘routine’’ (Bar,Floor). Efficiency did not differ between sessions (P = 0.41)and more importantly there was no significant interactionbetween the factors session and characteristic (P = 0.11)nor routine: (P = 0.38).

Then, at the second level (i.e., group-level), a ran-dom effect model was estimated in the whole brain,implementing a 2 × 2 × 2 repeated measures ANOVA withthe factors ‘‘session’’ (Hurt, Heal), ‘‘characteristic’’ (Dyn,Stat), and ‘‘routine’’ (Bars, Floor). In this way, the variance

estimates at the group-level incorporated appropriatelyweighted within-subject and between-subject varianceeffects. A non-sphericity correction was applied for variancedifferences across conditions.



To constrain the search of changes in activity withinhe AON, an anatomical inclusion mask, which con-ains all the regions of the AON, was specified whenetting up the statistical model. Main effects and inter-ctions were either presented unmasked or maskednclusively by the simple main effect of (Dyn vs.tat) at P = .001 ([(Bars + Floor) Hurt + (Bars + Floor) Heal]yn — [(Bars + Floor) Hurt + (Bars + Floor) Heal] Stat).

We reported activations that survived a voxel-wisehreshold of T > 3.19 (P < .001, uncorrected) with a minimumluster size of 10 voxels [48]. All peaks that survived falseiscovery rate (FDR) and family-wise error (FWE) correctionsP < .05) at the voxel-level were indicated in the table(s).ll statistical maps were overlaid on sections of the Colinemplate brain available in SPM. Surface rendering was car-ied out using Caret [88] and the PALS-B12 atlas [89], anverage brain atlas derived from structural MRI volumes of2 normal young adults that were adjusted to the ICBM-152pace. Brain regions were labeled using the atlas of Duvernoy26].


timulus validation

esults show that floor and bar routines were correctlydentified by control subjects. For the floor routines,he mean score (scale range 0—10) assessing lower limbnvolvement (9.36 ± SEM .02) was significantly higher thanhe one assessing upper limb participation (6.95 ± 0.13;(9) = —8.85, P < .001). The reverse was found for the baroutines (upper limb: 9.56 ± .02 vs. lower limb: 6.26 ± 0.1;(9) = 16.91, P < .001) (see Fig. 2). Moreover, subjects con-idered (interference scores) that lower extremity injuryould substantially compromise performance of floor rout-

nes (0.49 ± .03) as compared to bar routines (7.89 ± 0.13;(9) = —24.63, P < .001). The contrary was observed for upperxtremity injury (bar routines: 0.35 ± .01 vs. floor routines:.66 ± 0.16; t(9) = 25.2, P < .001) (see Fig. 2).

MRI Results

. First, to test whether a temporary injury had impactn the level of activity within AON irrespective ofhe routines, we estimated the main effect Heal vs.urt: [Bars (Dyn + Stat) + Floor (Dyn + Stat)] Heal vs. [Bars

Dyn + Stat) + Floor (Dyn + Stat)] Hurt and the inverse effecturt vs. Heal: [Bars (Dyn + Stat) + Floor (Dyn + Stat)] Hurt vs.

Bars (Dyn + Stat) + Floor (Dyn + Stat)] Heal.While the masked main effect Heal vs. Hurt revealed

o suprathreshold clusters, the unmasked contrast Heal vs.urt disclosed one cluster in the left paracentral lobe (—828 76) that survived voxel-level FWE correction (P < .05).n the other hand, the masked main effect Hurt vs. Healighlighted brain areas displaying a higher activation dur-ng the perception of gymnastics routines when gymnastsere hurt: the right SMA and cerebellum (crus 1, VI) on

oth hemispheres whose peaks survived FDR correctionP < .05) (see Table 2). We ensured that localisation of theseeaks was not accompanied with potential dropouts in theask in neighbouring regions. Examination of the parameter
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438 C. Calmels et al.

Figure 2 Stimulus validation. A. Mean scores assessing perceived involvement of upper and lower limbs for floor and bar routines.B. Mean scores assessing perceived interference of lower and upper injuries on floor and bar routines (a lower score reflects inter-f AsteE




erence whereas a higher score reflect a lack of interference).rror bars correspond to ± 1 SEM.

estimates revealed a greater activation when gymnastsere injured compared to when they recovered irrespectivef the observed routine (see Fig. 3A—D). Interestingly, theame areas of the cerebellum were found to be activated inhe contrast (Floor Dyn Hurt vs. Floor Dyn Heal), but they did

ot survive voxel-level FDR or FWE correction (P < .05) (seeable 3). The unmasked contrast Hurt vs. Heal revealed sixlusters that survived voxel-level FWE correction (P < .05) inhe left postcentral gyrus (BA3), left inferior frontal gyrus


Table 2 Brain areas activated during the perception of dynamic sversus when they fully recovered.

Anatomical areas MNI Z

x y z

Hurt vs Heal masked by Dyn vs Stat at P = .001Right SMA (BA6) 10 6 70 3Left cerebellum (crus 1) *a —42a —56a —34a 6Left cerebellum (VI) *a —28a —70a —20a 4Right cerebellum (crus 1) 44 —58 —28 3Right cerebellum (VI) 34 —66 —24 4

SMA: supplementary motor area. P < .001 (uncorrected), cluster size > 1at the voxel-level (P < .05). Asterisk (*) indicates peaks which survivewith ↓.

a Indicate peaks which survived family-wise error (FWE) correction a

Table 3 Brain areas activated during the perception of dynamicwhen they fully recovered.

Anatomical areas MNI Z s

x y z

Floor Dyn Hurt vs. Floor Dyn HealLeft cerebellum (crus 1) —44 —54 —34 4.0Right cerebellum (crus 1) 38 —72 —34 3.4Right cerebellum (VI) 30 —70 —22 4.0Right cerebellum (VII) 32 —68 —44 3.4

P < .001 (uncorrected), cluster size > 10 voxels. None of the above peakcorrection at the voxel-level. Subpeaks in clusters marked with ↓.

risk (*) indicates statistically significant differences (*P < .001).

BA44), cerebellum (left crus 1, right IV—V, right VI) anderebellar vermis (see Table 4).

2. Second, to test whether a temporary injury onlympacted on the perception of the routines the gymnastsere unable to perform (i.e., floor routines), we computed

ession-by-routine interaction. The first interaction aimedt revealing brain areas with higher activity when recoveredvs. when injured): [Floor (Dyn + Stat) Heal — FloorDyn + Stat) Hurt] — [Bars (Dyn + Stat) Heal — Bars (Dyn + Stat)

timuli of bar and floor routines when the gymnasts were hurt

score P valueFWE cor P valueFDR cor Cluster

.83 .258 .006 23

.50a < .001a < .001a 223a

.62a .014a .001a ↓223a

.76 .316 .007 13

.11 .104 .003 10

0 voxels. All peaks survived false discovery rate (FDR) correctiond correction at the cluster level. Subpeaks in clusters marked

t the voxel-level.

stimuli of floor routines when the gymnasts were hurt versus

core P valueFWE cor

P valueFDR cor


7 .120 .278 344 .645 .278 ↓627 .120 .278 247 .613 .278 62

s survived false discovery rate (FDR) or family-wise error (FWE)

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Motor injury and AON 439

Figure 3 Statistical maps showing brain areas activated during the perception of dynamic stimuli of bar and floor routines whenthe gymnasts were hurt versus when they had fully recovered. Mean group parameter estimates are plotted for dynamic conditionsin the cerebellum (crus 1) (A), the cerebellum (VI) (B), and the supplementary motor area (SMA) (C). (D) Differences of activitybetween the hurt and heal sessions during the observation of bar and floor routines (displayed for each subject and for the group).

in thhurt




Parameter estimates were extracted from the corrected peaksAlmost all of the subjects showed increased activity during the

Hurt]. The second interaction aimed at revealing brain areaswith higher activity when injured (vs. when recovered):[Floor (Dyn + Stat) Hurt — Floor (Dyn + Stat) Heal] — [Bars(Dyn + Stat) Hurt — Bars (Dyn + Stat) Heal]. No suprathresh-old clusters were detected whether the contrasts weremasked or not.

3. Third, we only concentrated on (floor) routinesthat gymnasts were unable to perform. We computedthe interaction [(Floor Dyn Heal — Floor Stat Heal) — (FloorDyn Hurt — Floor Stat Hurt)] and the inverse interaction[(Floor Dyn Hurt — Floor Stat Hurt) — (Floor Dyn Heal — FloorStat Heal)]. These interactions investigated whether anybrain areas displayed a greater response for dynamic overstatic stimuli based on the gymnasts’ physical condition.These interactions were unmasked and masked inclusivelyby [(Floor Hurt + Floor Heal) Dyn — (Floor Hurt + Floor Heal)Stat] at P = .001. No suprathreshold clusters were detectedwhether the contrasts were masked or not.

4. Finally, we performed a conjunction analysis (nullhypothesis) to reveal areas that were commonly recruitedduring the observation of bar and floor routines both when

the gymnasts were injured and when they had recovered:[(Floor Dyn Hurt — Floor Stat Hurt) ∩ (Floor Dyn Heal — FloorStat Heal) ∩ (Bars Dyn Hurt — Bars Stat Hurt) ∩ (Bars DynHeal — Bars Stat Heal)]. Note that this type of conjunction


e left cerebellum crus 1 (—42 —56 —34) and VI (—28 —70 —20).period. S stands for Subject. Error bars correspond to ± 1 SEM.

s equivalent to a logical AND operation as it requires allontrasts to be individually significant [54]. This analysisielded bilateral activations in the supramarginal gyrus andhe visual area MT/V5. Activations were also detected inhe right hemisphere within the supplementary motor areaBA6) and inferior parietal lobule (PF, PGp). Finally, activityocated in the left hemisphere within the cerebellum (crus) was revealed (see Table 5 and Fig. 4).


he aim of this study was to determine whether and howtemporary motor inability to perform an action impacted

he level of BOLD activity within AON while observing actionshat physical condition enabled to perform or not. Onlyesults stemming from contrasts masked by the simple mainffect of (Dynamic vs. Static) and surviving voxel-level FWEorrection at P < .05 are discussed. Our results showed thathe activity within motion area MT/V5 and inferior parietalobule was independent of the gymnasts’ physical condi-ion and ability to perform the viewed actions and that the

erebellum displayed higher levels of activity whenymnasts were hurt (vs. when recovered). These results sug-est partial support of the hypothesis of a negligible impactf injury on AON activity.
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440 C. Calmels et al.

Table 4 Brain areas activated during the perception of dynamic and static stimuli of bar and floor routines when the gymnastswere hurt versus when they had fully recovered.

Anatomical areas MNI Z score P valueFWE cor

P valueFDR cor


x y z

Hurt vs HealRight SMA (BA6) 10 6 70 3.83 .258 .006 28Left precentral gyrus (BA6) —22 —4 62 3.47 .609 .013 10Right precentral gyrus (BA6) 20 —10 66 3.69 .375 .008 126Left postcentral gyrus (BA3a)a —40a —24a 36a 4.48a .026a .001a 35a

Left inferior frontal gyrus (parsopercularis, BA44)a

—56a 14a 18a 4.35a .044a .001a 126a

Right inferior frontal gyrus (parsopercularis, BA44)

62 18 14 4.14 .093 .003 45

Left inferior parietal lobule (BA2) —52 —26 48 3.88 .220 .005 22Left inferior parietal lobule (PGp) 40 —66 30 3.48 .602 .013 27Left cerebellum (crus 1) *a —42a —56a —34a 6.50a < .001a < .001a 377a

Left cerebellum (VI) * —28 —70 —20 4.52 .233 .005 ↓377Left cerebellum (IV—V) —10 —56 —14 3.47 .605 .013 13Right cerebellum (crus 1) *a 38a —70a —32a 4.45a .029a .001a ↓344a

Right cerebellum (VI) *a 30a —70a —22a 5.81a < .001a < .001a 344a

Right cerebellum (VI) 28 —56 —36 3.73 .335 .007 21Right cerebellum (IV—V)a 24a —48a —22a 5.02a .003a < .001a 136a

Cerebellar vermis (4/5)a 2a —50a 2a 4.71a .010a < .001a 35a

SMA: supplementary motor area. P < .001 (uncorrected), cluster size > 10 voxels. All peaks survived false discovery rate (FDR) correctionat the voxel-level (P < .05). Asterisk (*) indicates peaks which survived correction at the cluster level. Subpeaks in clusters markedwith ↓.

ion a




a Indicate peaks which survived family-wise error (FWE) correct

ON activation when injured and when recovered

e confirmed previous findings reporting that the per-eption of actions elicited activity within the MT/V5rea and inferior parietal lobule [13,15,29,34,35,50,85].mportantly, our results extend previous findings by



Table 5 Common activations during the observation of bar and flactivations were determined by a conjunction analysis between.

Anatomical areas MNI

x y z

Right supplementary motor area (BA6) 8 —4 74Left supramarginal gyrus —50 —38 28Right supramarginal gyrus*a 58a —28a 26a

Right inferior parietal lobule (PF) *a 62a —40a 22a

Right inferior parietal lobule (PGp) *a 52a —68a 12a

Left middle occipital gyrus (MT/V5)a -42a —72a 8a

Right middle temporal gyrus (MT/V5)a 52a —66a 8a

Left cerebellum (Crus 1) —36 —52 —32

[(Floor Dyn Hurt — Floor Stat Hurt) ∩ (Floor Dyn Heal — Floor Stat HeStat Heal)]. P < .001 (uncorrected), cluster size > 10 voxels. All peaks s(P < .05). Asterisk (*) indicates peaks which survived correction at the c

a Indicate peaks which survived family-wise error (FWE) correction a

t the voxel-level.

howing that these areas are responsive to the percep-ion of human movements regardless of whether these

ovements are physically feasible or unfeasible by the

bserver.MT/V5 has traditionally been involved in processing

isual motion [2]. Nevertheless, the recent literature has

oor routines irrespective of subjects’ state of health. These

Z score P valueFWE corFFDR cor

P valueFDR cor.


3.73 .307 .007 323.75 .475 .010 864.45a .029a .001a ↓786a

5.41a < .001a < .001a ↓786a

6.17a < .001a < .001a 786a

6.98a < .001a < .001a 67a

6.53a < .001a < .001a 91a

3.77 .307 .007 17

al) ∩ (Bars Dyn Hurt — Bars Stat Hurt) ∩ (Bars Dyn Heal — Barsurvived false discovery rate (FDR) correction at the voxel-levelluster level. Subpeaks in clusters marked with ↓.

t the voxel-level.

Page 9: Can we simulate an action that we temporarily cannot perform?

Motor injury and AON 441

Figure 4 Statistical maps showing common brain areas recruited both during the hurt and heal sessions when observing floorand bar routines (P < .001, uncorrected). Mean group parameter estimates are shown in all experimental conditions. Activations

us (M




were found in (from left to right) the left middle temporal gyrsupramarginal gyrus. Error bars correspond to ± 1 SEM.

consistently pointed toward an overlap between MT/V5 andan area involved in the processing of body parts and shape,the extrastriate body area (EBA). It is now acknowledgedthat MT/V5 is composed of at least 4 functionally distinctregions: the ventral part of the medial superior tempo-ral area (MSTv), the fundus of the superior temporal area(FST), and the V4 transitional zone (V4t) [28,45]. Surpris-ingly, it has been recently shown that body selective voxelsin MT/V5 are more sensitive to body shape informationthan to motion stimuli, whereas body selective voxels inMSTv and FST are both sensitive to body shape and motion[28]. The present coordinates of MT/V5/EBA are close tothose of MT/V5 and MSTv defined by Kolster et al. [45] sug-gesting that the provisional incapacity of the gymnasts toperform the observed movements does not interfere withthe perceptual processing of body shape and motion infor-mation.

The inferior parietal lobule was also found to be activatedduring both sessions (i.e., Heal and Hurt). Electrophysiolog-ical recordings in the inferior parietal cortex of monkeysshowed that this area is involved in action preparation[42] and in extracting potential motor representations inresponse to visual stimuli or ‘‘motor intentions’’ [78,79].Preparatory activity has also been observed in the ante-rior and the posterior inferior parietal lobule of the humanbrain: this activity is related to motor intention since itoccurs even in trials in which no movement is executed [83].This finding is in line with Desmurget et al. [21,22] propo-sition that the posterior parietal cortex (i.e., angular andsupramarginal gyri; BA39, BA40) is involved in the generation

of conscious motor intentions in which processing may berelated to sensory predictions. Involvement of the parietalcortex is also suggested in encoding the kinematics and ori-entation of movements within the body space [17,43,57,67]



T/V5), the right inferior parietal lobule (PGp), and the right

nd storing kinesthetic representations to map them ontohe premotor and motor areas [76]. The present activationies in area PF [90], which probably corresponds to area 7bn the macaque monkey [58]. It is in this region that Fogassit al. [31] reported the presence of mirror neurons in theacaque brain.The present result showing equal contribution of the pari-

tal cortex during the observation of movements that onean or cannot perform, appears to be in contradiction withhe hypothesis that sensory feedback is a prerequisite forhe access and maintenance of motor representations andssociated predictions. In the absence of such peripheralensations, motor representations are supposed to fade anday be no longer reachable [8,20,53]. An extended amount

f practice in sport (here, more than 10 years of intensiveractice) may lead to more stable representations that areess subject to decay [23]. For example, an investigationy Filippi et al. [30] provides some evidence that long-termtructural changes were occurred within the inferior parietalobule three months after ceasing extensive training of handctions. However, additional experiments are needed to testhether motor expertise does indeed prevent such decay.or instance, inclusion of a non-expert group in which non-xpert subjects suffer from a lower extremity injury at thenset of the experiment and who recover six months laternd subsequently comparing the level of activity within theON over time with that of the expert gymnasts could beone.

ncreased activity associated with temporary

otor injury

hile MT/V5/EBA and inferior parietal areas constitutivef the AON were activated both during the Hurt and Heal

Page 10: Can we simulate an action that we temporarily cannot perform?















essions, activity within the cerebellum (crus 1 and VI)ppears to be higher when gymnasts observed routines theyere temporarily unable to perform (as compared to when

hey had recovered).One possible interpretation for such increased activity

uring the Hurt session arises from the hierarchical predic-ive coding framework pioneered by Rao and Ballard [65] andased on Bayesian principles. The main idea is that eachortical level of this model forecasts the response at thenferior level through feedback connections. The mismatchi.e., estimated error) between prediction and incomingesponse is carried back through feedforward connectiono the superior level where the prediction of the incomingesponse is corrected/updated. A new prediction is subse-uently generated. If there is a match, the structure ofhe cortical level that sends the prediction is reinforced.ithin a hierarchical predictive coding framework, the cere-

ellum, which is part of the AON [12,18,34,50,81,84,94],s known to play a key role in the prediction of sensoryonsequences of actions [6,7,93] and in updating predic-ions about the visual consequences of one’s behavior [82].t is also engaged in making predictions about the move-ent of a visual target [59] or the velocity of a visual

ursor that has been occluded [56]. Hence, while activ-ty within parietal and MT/V5 areas did not differ acrossessions, we speculate that when injured the process ofredicting the outcome of others’ actions when viewingheir actions may be affected. As a consequence, the esti-ated error between predicted outcomes and incoming

onsequences of the viewed movement may be higher.his suggestion is in accordance with the model proposedy Shadmehr and Krakauer [74], stating that the func-ion of the cerebellum is system identification. It formsn internal model that predicts sensory consequences ofotor commands and corrects these commands through

nternal feedback whether there is a discrepancy betweenxpected and actual sensory consequences of the motorommands.

Another possible interpretation for increases in cerebel-ar activity (crus 1, VI) in response to observed movementsne cannot provisionally perform is related to motor auto-aticity. Although the gymnasts had regained their full

ange of performance when they underwent the secondcanning session, they may no longer used to going throughheir routines at an ‘‘automatic’’ level. The observedffect might therefore be seen as reduced cerebellarctivity due to the lack of repetitive practice sessionsuring the period of injury. Interestingly, Lehericy et al.47] showed that activity within cerebellar lobules crus 1nd VI decreased as motor learning progressed. Similarly,he scientific literature tends to agree that cerebellums involved in early stages of motor learning and that itsontribution is negligible when automaticity is reached25,62].

Further studies are nevertheless warranted to inves-igate the two possibilities. Exploration of whether arovisional incapacity to execute motor actions is cou-led with difficulties in predicting and recognizing other

eople’s actions, as shown for deficits in peripheralensations [8] and lesions within the motor system60,61,73], would allow further testing of the first pro-osal.


C. Calmels et al.

imitations of the study

he first limitation of the present study arises from thebsence of a second group with injuries in the upper limbs.his inclusion was part of the initial design of our study,et, only two expert gymnasts with upper extremity injuriesomplied with our inclusion criteria during the recruitmenthase (2.5 years). We therefore focused on the group withower limb injuries. The second limit concerns the absencef a behavioral measure that would have been useful to testhe hypothesis that a temporary motor injury has impactn action recognition. A third limit is the absence of a‘control’’ group i.e. gymnasts who did not incur injuryuring a period of 6 months. Indeed, a between-subjectsesign could have been used in addition to the within-ubjects design. This option was considered but high-levelymnasts who do not get injured during such a long periodre rare. Gymnastics at this level is a demanding, tech-ical, and risky sport, as the slightest performance erroran be disastrous. It can result in minor or serious injurieshat partially or fully interrupt training and occasionallytop a gymnast’s career. A fourth limitation is the smallample size. Statistical power may be invoked to explainhe absence of positive results in the AON. Although smallffects may remain undetected due to our small sampleize, it should be noted that comparisons between the injurynd recovery periods yielded significant (FWE) differencesn the cerebellum, suggesting that the experiment was notnderpowered for detecting strong effects between the twoessions.


n conclusion, the present study revealed two main find-ngs. First, part of the AON (i.e., MT/V5/EBA and inferiorarietal lobule), involved in the perceptual processing ofody movements and shape and associated with actionepresentations, responded to observed actions irrespec-ive of the gymnasts’ physical condition and thus of theirbility to perform the viewed action. The second results that the higher levels of activity within cerebellarobules crus 1 and VI when the gymnasts were hurt sug-ests that the cerebellum dissociates perceived movementshysically feasible from those which are provisionally unfea-ible.

isclosure of interest

he authors declare that they have no conflicts of interestoncerning this article.


his study was supported by a grant (no 07-012) from therench Ministry of Health and Sport. The authors are gratefulo Kevin Nigaud and Eric Bertasi for their skilful techni-al assistance (CENIR, ICM, CRICM, UPMC/INSERM UMR 975

NRS 7225, hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière). Part of this paper wasresented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Organizationor Human Brain Mapping, June 26—30, 2011, Quebec City,anada.
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