camp achdus times - week 6

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  • 8/22/2019 Camp Achdus Times - Week 6


    James Kethen, reporter and

    analyst of the Chicago Post, in

    his essay on youth summereducaon and acvity, com-

    piled a list of the naons top one

    hundred summer instuons for

    children. The


    was based on

    many factors,




    trips, ath-

    ecs, culinary arts, aquacs, arts

    and cras, eco-friendliness, sanita-

    on, level of air polluon, and ruach.

    The ten highest rated instuons

    were: 10) Camp Rayim in Parksville,

    New York 9) Hallsted Summer School

    n Bangor, Maine 8) Yum-Yum-ABC-

    123 daycare in Ralinn, Kentucky 7)

    Camp Bonim in Waymart, Pennsylva-

    nia 6) Dunwoody Summer Flying

    School in Dunwoody, Texas 5) Mo-

    hammed Youth Group in Kingstown,

    Louisiana 4) Ring Island Day Camp in

    Ring Island, Hawaii 3) Spring Lakeuvenile Correconal Center in

    Spring Lake, Utah 2) Camp Achdus in

    Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 1) Coalion

    of Young Men Summer Entertain-

    ment in Altuna, New Mexico.

    Yes, you heard right, your beloved

    Camp Achdus was named second

    (Connued on page 3)

    AchdusTimesW E E K

    2 6 A V 5 7 7 3 P A R S H A S R E E H





    to Camp Achdus!

    The happy couple

    who recently shared veryhappy news with the world

    graced Camp Achdus with

    their presence! They came

    from a foreign country

    where English is spoken but

    with a different accent. They

    were ushered into the camp

    with music and dancing. A

    gourmet meal of pickled

    (deli)cacies, prepared by our

    camp matriarch and chefRebbetzin Chana Gold-

    stein, imported all the way

    from the other side of the

    Continent, was served. Yes,

    Prince William and Prin-

    cess Kate, The Duke and

    Duchess of Cambridge,

    brought their new baby

    George Alexander Louis for a

    visit. Unfortunately, due to

    the sheva brachos ofZevi

    and Rivka Carlebach,no-

    body noticed the Prince and

    Princess. Oh well, maybe

    next time.

    In other news, Camp

    Achdus continued as usual

    (Connued on page 2)


    The James KethenReport

    Philadelphia Day Camp

    Named Nations 2nd Best

    BINYOMIN ROSSKAMM, Special Times Ana lys t




    Get Your Achdus Kpage 3

    Masmid of the We

    Hillel Friedmanpage 4

    Guest Speaker:

    Rabbi Y. M. Rowner

    page 2









  • 8/22/2019 Camp Achdus Times - Week 6


    What a busyweek this has been!Right off the bat, we had afantastic Sheva Brachos forRabbi & Mrs. Zevi Carlebach. Without a

    moment to spare, the older bunks left for

    their Grand Trip in the Poconos, and, by the

    time they came back on Tuesday, the rest of

    camp had already left for their exciting trip

    at Bounce-U. Wedneday, Thursday, and Fri-

    day were jam-packed with activities because

    of an unexpected[?] S&S breakout on

    Wednesday. Now, about to go into Shabbos,we can inally catch our collective breath, for

    at least enough time to thank our devoted

    head staff for all the work they have invested

    into producing a great program!

    There is a critical question that must be

    asked. What, after so much fun and excite-

    ment, do we have to show for all our time?

    Are we to depart from such a week empty-

    handed? Did we experience no growth for a


    Baruch Hashem, here, in Camp Achdus, the

    answer is a loud and resounding, no!Ourmagniicent Bais Medrash was as vibrant as

    always. Even on Monday, when many were

    giddy with


    for the big

    trip, the Kol

    Torah was

    strong and

    full of life!

    You have

    doubts, doyou not? Thanks to our GPS point system, we

    have the numbers to back us up. This week

    alone, campers in Vuv and Sufaccumulated

    1,947 points forfour days of learning (we

    missed Tuesday because of the trip), com-pared with last weeks ,0 points inive

    days! (For those of you who are keeping

    track, that is, on average, 79 more points

    per day!) Kol hakavodto the outstanding

    campers, counselors, and rebbeim for theirbeautiful hasmada.

    This weeks Friday speaker was the re-

    nowned orator Rabbi Yisroel Meir Rown-

    er, son-in-law of our beloved Rabbi Nul-

    man. His highly captivating shmuezempha-

    sized that the Torah does not take an all-or-

    nothing attitude, and how we must make

    small changes in our lives by setting small

    goals, and seeing ourselves succeed in at-

    taining them, step by step.

    Staying HydratedRABBI ZECHARYA MICHELSOHN with Davening, Learning,

    Sports and Games. Mr.

    Somers taught the chil-

    dren how to play the

    game of Soccer and Mrs.

    D. Lipsky

    taught the

    children how

    to make Hap-

    py Smiley

    Faces. Each

    kid made one;

    now bunk

    Aleph has

    double the

    kids. They Yungere divi-

    sion of Achdus had a reg-

    ular, exciting day, swim-

    ming at the Y or playingat the park. The Older

    division, in a mature, yet

    pleasurable, way, pre-

    pared for a fun-illed trip

    to Camelbeach Water-

    park! Woohoo! Now,

    when Camp Achdus goes

    on a trip, they GO ON A

    TRIP! A three hour water

    park visit turned into an

    overnight adventure.

    Boys from bunks Vuv and

    Sufshopped for days buy-

    ing tents, insect repellent,

    water shoes, Alligators,

    and so on and so forth.

    Brandon Outlaw,

    our resident driver,

    commandeered a

    Maytav bus and cap-

    tained our ragtag

    group as we jour-

    neyed to the beauti-

    ful Pocono Moun-

    tains. Rabbi Akiva

    (thats me) also

    came along in his

    Jacket, tie and hat

    (Play Ball). After a three

    hour tour (A three hour

    tour) we inally arrived at

    Tobyhanna State Park.

    This was a boys trip, of

    course, so Toby and Han-

    nah went to a different

    park for the night. Now it

    was called TuviaGoldstein

    State Park. (Hey, not eve-

    ry joke can be funny). Af-

    ter building the tents, col-

    lecting irewood, and

    making a massive barbe-cue, we changed into our

    swimsuits and made our

    way to Camelbeach. Hun-

    dreds of other campers

    were there from many

    other camps but no one

    came close to the great

    middos of Camp Achdus

    campers! The water was

    absolutely freezing but

    the warmth of Jewish chil-

    dren enjoying their Sum-

    mers heated everything

    up! There were massive

    slides, massive slides and

    even a few massive slides.

    Oh, and a wave pool. It

    was really great. At 11:45

    pm we inally made our

    ways back to TuviaGold-

    stein State Park and

    promptly went to sleep

    is possible that a few bo

    stayed up in order to

    guard the Camp site fro

    bears but absolutely no

    one told

    scary sto-

    ries, sang


    songs or


    Smores an


    Sweet Pot

    toes. A sp

    cial thank you goes out

    Itzik Bass for collecting

    about two tons of Fire-

    wood. Another specialthanks toAndrew Bren

    ner and Simcha Press

    who made a siyum and

    provided the Smores fo

    the Kehilah.


    Well, early the next

    morning, we made our

    way back to the holy lan

    of Philadelphia and somhow made it through th

    day without falling asle

    A.D. actually helped by

    leading a really cool A.D

    time! Erstwhile, the Jun

    ior division of th

    greatest camp in

    the world, Camp

    Achdus, went to

    Bounce Universi

    where they learn

    all of the rudimen

    tary science behin

    Newtons 3rd law.

    Every action has

    an equal and opp

    site reaction. Due to th

    sophistication of the les

    sons, the boys were act

    ally able to physically

    demonstrate their ex-(Connued on pag


    Week in Review(Continued from Page 1)

  • 8/22/2019 Camp Achdus Times - Week 6


    panded knowledge of the

    science and bounced their

    way to the moon. They used

    an instrument called amoonbounce in order to per-

    form this scientiic experi-

    ment. Yishai Yemini

    climbed up one of the big-

    gest air slides in the world

    and Chaim Leib Miller

    bounced a massive basket

    ball! Yaakov Moshe Gold-

    stein took a spin in the hur-

    ricane machine and ended

    up in Kansas. Dave Lubell

    and Binyomin Rosskamm

    (Yes, that Binyomin Ros-

    skamm,) had a boxing match

    with the biggest boxing

    gloves you have ever seen!

    Wow, that must hurt. It was

    a really exciting trip. Lets

    just hope the kids dont con-

    tinue their experiments on

    the walls of Kol Ami. That

    would be an experiment in

    anger management.


    The day seems to start off

    pretty normally but as Aesop

    said, Dont count your

    chickens before they hatch.

    Especially Yeshivishe chick-

    ens. Or as Eusebius Jerome

    said, Dont look a gift horse

    in the mouth. Soineh

    Week in Review(Continued from Page 2)

    YarmulkaThis super-cool yarmulk

    was designed by

    Rabbi Yaakov Abraham

    All the head staff,

    and many others,

    are already wearing the

    To order yours, email

    [email protected].

    Camp Achdus Yarmulka: $1

    With name: $11

    best, of the naons summer ins-

    tuons! Immediately following

    the release of Kethens essay, an

    invesgaon was launched to

    determine Achduss secret for

    near perfecon, as well as to un-

    covering their preventave from

    possessing rst place. In a press

    report following a

    lengthy invesgaon,

    Albert Hannly, spokes-

    man for the invesga-

    on team explained:

    Among its numerous

    advantages, Camp

    Achdus boasts thehealthiest canteen in

    the connent, oering

    calorie free water, in

    addion to a strictly

    enforced prohibion

    on any substance con-

    taining even the minut-

    est amount of food coloring. Addi-

    onally, in response to the inter-

    naonal fear of the imminent

    global warming, and climate

    change crisis, Camp Achdus joined

    the worlds united eort to re-

    duce the emission of greenhouse

    gasses into the atmosphere with

    their persistence in under booking

    the necessary buses for ecient

    transportaon. With regard to

    the failure from achieving rst

    place, Hannly concluded, The

    camps facility lacked ecient

    funconing facilies, further-

    more a safety hazard recently has

    been reported, a regulaon s

    grave was discovered right in

    front of the buildings main e


    A dinner was held in honor

    the camps accomplishments a

    the Ritz-Carlton in Abu Dhabi,

    UAE. Rabbi Tuvia Go

    stein, execuve dire

    and sporadic visitor

    camp Achdus, arm

    the dinners audien

    that the camps boa

    directors have alrea

    commenced the ne

    sary procedures to

    fy the camps decie

    cies. In an interview

    Goldsen proclaime

    that this is just a ba

    step in the camps b

    for internaonal fam

    Goldsteins closed t

    interview by declaring, Toda

    the ChicagoPost, tomorrow,


    James Kethen Report(continued from sidebar on Page 1)

    Matanos Yichyeh. This day is

    about to take on a life of its


    The camp lines up for Can-

    teen but something is wrong.

    Smoke is billowing out of the

    kitchen door. And you know

    what they say where

    theres smoke theres ire.

    Mordechai Phelps is actual-

    ly telling people NOT to come

    into the kitchen for once.

    Rabbi Akiva starts yelling!

    Who went into the kitchen

    without permission?! Every-

    one to ield number 2! Farfrom the ire and close to

    safety! Whats this? Eitan

    Goldman is admitting to

    starting the ire. Cars are

    honking and playing loud

    music. What songs are they

    playing? Songs and Skits!

    S&S! Wow, what a breakout!!

    Everyone was fooled, espe-

    cially Yaakov Horwitz. Off to

    lunch, except for Rabbi Akivawho is taped to the wall by

    Binyomin Rosskamm (yes,

    thatBinyomin Rosskamm).

    (Connued on page 4)

  • 8/22/2019 Camp Achdus Times - Week 6


    His crime? Hogging the

    mike from Binyomin Ros-

    skamm (yes, that one).

    Lunch is short so that the

    bunks can learn

    their bunk songs.

    And so they do! Each

    bunk performs their

    songs against the

    backdrop of the Kir-

    atorium doors. One

    is funnier than the

    next. The raw talent

    of our precious staff

    and campers is over-

    lowing like a shaken up

    Coke can. Which are actual-

    ly not allowed in Camp, but

    thats another story foranother time. Swim and

    Park follow. Yada yada

    yada. Who cares? Lets see

    those skits and dances al-



    Shalom Aleichem Mala-

    chei Hashareis! Welcome

    Angelic children of Camp

    Achdus for another fun-

    illed day of beautiful sun-

    ny skies! Just because it is

    pouring does not mean that

    the sun is not shining

    above the clouds. If all the

    raindrops were lem-

    ondrops and gumdrops, oh

    what a day this would be.

    Id stand outside with my

    mouth open wide Ah Ah ah

    ah aha aha ah ahaah. (Barney the Purple


    Rabbi Akiva is not here

    again! Hes ired! Yehuda,

    take over! Hey wheres

    Yehuda? Oh hes also tak-

    ing off? Pink eye my foot, I

    mean my eye! Oh well, I

    guess the new head coun-

    selor is Benjy! Yeah!!! Free

    meatballs for everyone in

    camp! The campers imme-

    diately begin to slave over

    the dances, songs and sk

    their counselors prepare

    for them last night. I, as

    head counselor, persona


    Brenner and Zach

    Greenberg dancin

    their hearts out th

    night before. With

    little encourageme

    from Mordechai

    and Ariel Benila

    they didnt stop pr

    ticing! What Mesir

    Nefesh for the Kla

    Swimming worked out

    great (It was the bussing

    that was the issue.) Oh, w

    cant wait until tomorrowwhen we inally perform


    Summers with Som-

    mers, Skits, Dance, Songs

    Zecharya working on th

    very newsletter. Oh, who

    shall be the winner? Stay

    tuned for next weeks iss

    even though we never ta

    about last weeks Friday next weeks issue.

    Have a great Shabbos


    Kashrus PolicyBy following the link below, please nd

    collecons ofkosher supervision organ-

    izaons accepted in camp.


    Please note that foods with kosher su-

    pervision provided by the Triangle-K

    maynotbe broughtto camp.

    Most Points Week 6

    Hillel Friedman (492)

    Current High Scores

    1)Shloimy Ribiat889 POINTS

    2)Hillel Friedman657 POINTS

    3)Eliyahu Bucholtz460 POINTS

    4)Aharon Nulman427 POINTS

    5)Yisrael Arbiv216 POINTS


    Week in Review(Continued from Page 3)


    YearbookThe deadline for this years Camp

    Achdus yearbook is Sunday!

    Campers, counselors, and

    all others are welcome to submit.

    Please send arcles to

    [email protected].
  • 8/22/2019 Camp Achdus Times - Week 6


    Simcha Kaplun helped to set up shul kiddush

    on shabbos and made telephone bikur cholim visits

    to his grandfather!

    Mrs. Raizy Kaplun

    Boruch Bass went inside to A&C immediately

    upon being asked to.

    Yaakov Glattwent inside to A&C immediately

    upon being asked to.

    Yosef Chaim Goldstein stayed inside the cross-

    walk the enre me while crossing the street.

    Mordechai Mosheyev followed all the rules at

    the creek.

    Levi Goldman

    Chezky Levittgave his own dollar to a man who

    came to the house asking for tzedaka!

    Chezkys AbbaThe following boys davened extra beaufully on

    Wednesday: Simcha Kaplan, Chaim Leib Miller,

    Gershy Schwartz, Emanuel Gola, Benny Bell,Meir Ellman, Moshe Jacobs, Nosson Kay.

    Yehuda Tenenbaum

    Bunk Ches Kuttun davened marvelously on


    Binyomin Rosskamm

    Chaim Leib was responsible with mommys keys

    and remembered to lock all the doors that he


    Chaim Leib was extra kind and paent with his

    younger brothers!

    Yona Tzvi did not share a very special secret

    surprise with his siblings even though he is so excited

    about it!

    Mrs. Miller

    Yaakov listened to his counselor when he was

    told to go back inside!

    Efraim ate his breakfast so well even though he

    didnt really want to!

    Mrs. Glatt

    When Bunk Ches Kuttun returned from

    Bounce U, they cleaned their bunk room unl it was

    spotless even though they were thoroughly red!

    Yossi Rosner bentched very, very well, nicely,

    beaufully, quite superbly indeed, wow, and Im

    geng carried away now...

    Yona Tzvi Miller apologized even though it was

    very dicult for him!

    Yona Tzvi told a teammate, Good job! when

    he got out!

    Daniel, at rst, forgot to wash and make a bro-

    cho before eang his sandwich. But, when he was

    reminded, he stopped eang right away, washed,

    and made a brocho!

    Yossi Rosner bentched very, very well, nicely,

    beaufully, quite superbly indeed, wow, and Im

    geng carried away now...

    Chaim Shvartz got paper towels to wipe up thespill in the bunk room!

    Aer many strenuous minutes of trying to pick a

    song for the dance for Bunk Ches, the Bunk Ches

    Counselors had kimat decided to use Mendy Mu-

    sic. But, aer a head sta member referred to this

    choice as a cop-out, kindly asked the counselors to

    work a lile harder, and falsely accused a certain

    sta member of tzidkus (righteousness) and anivus

    (humility), all the Bunk Ches counselors rallied to-

    gether and constructed a dance which, beezras Ha-

    shem, will give pleasure to and excite the aforemen-

    oned head sta member!

    Chaim Leib played a game and included otherswho he preferred not to include!

    A. Logue

    Daniel Itzhakov volunteered to switch seats in

    order to avoid dispute.

    B Rosskamm

    Yaakov Glattand Boruch Bass went inside to

    A&C immediately upon being asked to!

    Mordechai Mosheyev followed all the rules at

    the creek!

    Yosef Chaim Goldstein stayed inside the cross-walk the enre me while crossing the street!

    L. Goldman

    Yaakov Horwitz heard Rabbi Goldstein asking,

    Who wants to do a mitzvah? and ran to oer his


    Yaakov Horwitz saw Rabbi Goldstein picking

    trash up o the oor and ran to help!

    Chanoch Ganz saw Rabbi Goldstein carrying

    siddurim and helped by taking the siddurim!

    Tzvi Ganz listened to counselor when told to

    listen to hockey rules!

    Yaakov Moshe Goldstein Went to check onanother boy who fell while roller skang!

    Reuven Rudin chose the non-caeinated soda

    so that he wouldnt get too jumpy!

    Aaron Badush cleaned the bus aer a trip!

    Yehuda Tenenbaum heard that one of the

    toilets had been stued with toilet paper and imme-

    diately rolled up his sleeves and went to save the


    Josh Gordon returned a pen that he borrowed

    from me!

    Rabbi Goldstein

    Lunch had just enand we were ab

    to bentch. All pr

    ceeded customarily until, su

    denly, Rabbi Goldstein walk

    purposefully into the room,

    Dovi Goldman following exc

    edly at his side. Rabbi Gold

    stein whispered something

    Rabbi Pollacks ear and, in a

    moment, Rabbi Pollack und

    stood exactly what to do. A

    many weeks of hard work,

    Rabbi Pollack announced, a

    boy has completed his Gevu

    Chart! Cheers erupted from

    corners of the room and, wi

    out delay, little Dovi Goldma

    seated on a chair, was lifted

    into the air, high above his

    friends. Jubilant song sprea

    throughout the room as Dov

    proud counselors and friend

    sang Yamim al yimei Melech

    tosif, a song whose lyrics be

    on Hashem to grant extende

    life and vibrancy to those w

    fulill His will so dutifully. S

    that day, Achdus campers o

    ages walk the hallways and

    strut the ields with an idea

    their minds: to use our gevu

    to vanquish the evil inclinat

    that seeks to destroy us. To

    remain calm and conident i

    the face of adversity, to be

    more kind, compassionate,

    caring for our friends, to sho

    greater respect and, thereby

    be more worthy of respect-

    of these are our goals, all of

    these are our achievements

    of these are the life of a devo

    Camp Achdus Gibor!

    The Completed

    Chart!RABBI GEDALIA GOLDSTEINReprinted from the July 26 edion of th


  • 8/22/2019 Camp Achdus Times - Week 6



    Sports, A&C, Swimming.

    Vuv and Sufare going camping and boang at

    French Creek State Park!

    Leaving camp:at 2 pm (Monday)

    Returning to campat about 2 pm (Tuesday)

    Camp will provide:BBQ Supper (Monday) and

    Breakfast and Lunch (Tuesday)

    You will need: Sleeping bag, pillow, pajamas,

    change of clothing, toothbrush/toothpaste/oss,

    siddur/tellin, ash light, large water bole, extra

    snack, swimsuit, towel, water shoes, bug repellant

    sun block (for boang on Tuesday morning).

    Campers may not bring electronic devices on this

    trip or they will be conscated. Cell phones can

    be deposited with a counselor.TUESDAY

    A&C, Swimming


    Sports, A&C, Swimming, Bunk Alef and Ches

    "Camping" Trip - wear pajamas; eat smores!


    A&C, Swimming


    Extreme Nature Hike with Mr. Pechter!

    You will need a t-shirt, baseball hat, old sneakers

    (that can get very wet) and shorts.


    Upcoming Events

    Bunks Alef & Ches Kattan

    There are so many ways to

    paint a picture, you can use

    a brush, a sponge, your n-gers and even a straw. A straw????

    How do you paint with a straw?

    You mean you use the straw like a

    brush? NO, we use the straw to blow

    the paint on the paper. We started

    with just 4 colors. blue, red, yellow

    and green. We placed drops of color

    on our papers and blew the paint so

    that the colors all mixed. It was fun

    watching the paint move on the pa-

    per. What beauful abstract


    Bunk Ches GadolThis week the boys made a fun

    project with Perler beads (did you

    know that perler is the Danish word

    for beads?). There were stars, ow-

    ers, circles, and even some animals.

    Some of the boys took

    their me to really make

    an intricate paern. In

    fact there were a few boys

    that did not want to leave

    Arts & Cras! Aer de-

    signing their projects they

    had to carefully walk over

    to the ironing board to get

    them fused. Unfortunate-

    ly, some of the beads did

    fall o and they had to be

    reset. The end result was

    worth it!

    MRS. DORIS LIPSKY This Week in the Arts

    Itzik Bass collected tons of

    wood for the bonre on the

    Camelbeach trip!

    Rabbi Pollack

    Moshe Badush was very helpful

    when his lile brother needed his


    Morah Chani Goldstein

    Yaakov Horwitz oered to take

    responsibility for another boy who

    could only come on the Camelbeach

    trip with a helper.

    Y. Tenenbaum

    Eli Bell gave his balloon to his

    brother, Yaakov!

    Yaakov Bell hugged his lile

    sister when she was crying!

    Mrs. Bell

    Shloimy and Yehoshua have

    been great helping out around the

    house and geng ready for the new

    baby. They came to the hospital to

    visit and were so quiet and polite that

    all the nurses were talking about

    them. What a kiddush Hashem!

    A Proud New MommyReuven Rudin and Noam Gold

    cleaned up the bunks mess in the


    Yoisef Kahn

    Yoni Galen was eang a choco-

    late graham cracker in front of anoth-

    er boy, the other boy wanted one, so

    he brought one in for that boy the

    next day!

    Rabbi Goldstein

    Giborim of the Week(Continued from Page 5)