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  • Teachers Worksheet

    Journey of a Sure Change

    Introduction Welcome back to the I Grow class, in the new class: Journey of a Sure Change We have just well finished the beginning class, Journey of a Sure Salvation. We will enter phase D-1 with a passionate desire to ever increase the quality of our teaching. Therefore, THIS I GROW TEACHERS MANUAL for this class has been designed in such a way to help you better teach your I Grow class. The change consists of: 1. The lay out of your teachers manual is now the combination between the teachers guide and

    students worksheet. The teachers guide is always on the left side and the students worksheet is on the right side, so that you will know what to do or say and at the same time you can also follow the students worksheet on the right side. Thus, you only need to carry one book to your I Grow class.

    2. All the instructions for you are in parentheses, printed in italic and bold to help you know which

    part you dont need to read or say. 3. In this material, there are pictures on both left and right pages to make the material more attractive

    and easier to remember. Also, those pictures are exactly the same with the pictures on the transparency sheet or power point presentation (PPT) for your visual aid.

    4. This new teaching method is more dynamic and it emphasizes on TWO-WAY

    COMMUNICATION. It means, you need to give more opportunities for your I Grow students to ask and discuss Also, at certain point in the lesson you will see instructions for discussion in parenthesis and printed in bold and italic.

    All the best for your class! God bless you.

    Journey of a Sure Change 0 Teachers Manual

  • Chapter 1 lesson I The Dynamics of Change

    (OHP : D1.1 Journey of a Sure Change) (Narration:) Welcome to JOURNEY OF A SURE CHANGE class and congratulations to those who have completed the previous class, JOURNEY OF A SURE SALVATION. This is the phase of spiritual growth that every believer should be expecting, which is to pursue a real change in character and conduct in his/her daily life. This is important, because without change in our character, we will never become effective as Gods witness. That means, if others do not see the real change in our lives, it will be difficult for them to be drawn to the Gospel of Christ. When as believers we still have characters such as stinginess, arrogance, lies, full of bitterness, anxiety, fear, etc, then the non-believers will call Christians as hypocrites. In Short, our repentances is not complete without the transformation of our character. (OHP : D1.2 Lesson contents) (Narasi :) In this new class we will learn 11 lessons: .. (read from your transparency sheet or PPT) (OHP : D1.3 Lesson 1 Objectives) (Narasi :) The goals of lesson one , THE DYNAMICS OF CHANGE, are:

    1. Understanding the benefits of change

    2. Recognizing the obstacles towards change

    3. Understanding the steps to bring about change with God

    (OHP : D1.4 NO CHANGE means disaster!) (Narration:)

    One night, the captain of a ship saw a bright light, as if a light of another ship coming towards him. The captain commanded his communication officer to send morse code to the other ship by means of light saying: Change your direction 10 degrees south. They soon got the answer, Change your direction 10 degrees north. The captain then replied with a morse light, I am a captain. Change your direction to south, which was responded directly, I am a first class sailorman. Change your direction north This made the captain mad and anxious that he gave a sign and answered, I say, change your direction south. I am leading a warship. It was soon received and responded, I have said, change your direction north. I am in the lighthouse. No change means disaster! (Discuss with the students:) Have you ever tried to change your spouse when you are not willing to change yourself?

    Journey of a Sure Change 1 Teachers Manual

  • Life is always about change. Summer changes to winter season; technology keeps on getting more sophisticated; the world is entering the era of globalization; even people change. Many people dislike change because to change means letting go the old, whether they are old habits, old friends, or other old things that have become parts of their lives. The world hates changes, when that is the only way to bring improvement. There is always a price to pay in order to change we must be willing to lose something that we already have. However, the price that we have to pay for our unwillingness to change is even greater! Imagine if everyone else is already using computer while your company insists on using the typewriter. Or if every office has a fax machine yet your office still depends on the regular mail. Many business opportunities that you have to quickly take on will pass you by and you will suffer a big loss! I. The Benefits of Change (Narration:) Now the issue is, what benefits do we have when we change? Before we find the answer, lets read what the Word says about this in 2 Peter 1:3-11.

    As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 1:3-11)

    What did Peter teach us in his letter?

    (Discuss, then continue) In his letter, Peter wanted to shake comfortable believers. They listen to deceiving teachers who taught them that salvation is not based on good deeds, therefore they can live according to their own desires. Peter said that those people had to change otherwise they would stumble and loose their rights to enter into the Kingdom of God. Peter stressed on the importance of change (verse 5) to fulfill the call of God and not to remain silent. So what benefits do we have from that change?

    (Let the POP students think of the answer first, before you show them the next transparent sheet).

    Journey of a Sure Change 2 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.5 The Benefits of Change)

    (Narration:) When we change, we can be: 1. EFFECTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE The Word of God in 2 Peter 1:8 says: For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:8) The change that God inspires will change you to become an effective and productive person. Being an effective person is a training process everyone must go through, taking every positive opportunity. Being effective and productive will take you to the next step, that is 2. SUCCESS 2 Peter 1:8 - For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Being successful is the desire every human being and it is also Gods desire in creating man in this world. Similar to the first principle above, success is not automatic; it is a process of continual change with Jesus Christ. The success that Jesus gives us covers the areas of personal, family, business, health, financial, and most importantly the eternal success, which is 3. THE KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST The previous scripture promised us of the knowledge of Christ: (Note for teacher: share your testimony of how the knowledge of Christ brought you to success in life.)

    Christ is the source of inspiration for change in man that will take you to become an effective, productive, and successful person. However, Gods greatest desire in motivating change in the life a person is so that he/she can come know Him. Paul said in Philippians 3:8 that to know Him is a much more excellent matter

    Journey of a Sure Change 3 Teachers Manual

  • But indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ(Philippians.3:8)

    The knowledge of God will determine how you live your life. One who knows God has a greater confidence when facing fear, anxiety, stress, or depression because he/she knows who takes care of him/her. One who knows God will never be tossed around by the economic crisis, political condition, rumors of riots, because he/she knows who protects him/her. One who knows God has no fear of his/her future because s/he knows who holds the future. One who knows God will be confident and strong, someone full of joy and peace. The knowledge of Christ will give us the right perspective of life. Nothing is more important than knowing God.

    II. Change: Easy or Difficult? (OHP : D1.6 Change, easy or difficult?) (Narration:) Is it easy or difficult to change?

    The answer is: VERY DIFFICULT Why is it difficult?

    (Discuss:) Each of us must have a personal experience on the difficulty of change, evev though we already know that we will suffer the loss if we refuse to change. In this good opportunity, I encourage you to share your testimony to all of us here. I will begin with my own testimony. (Share your testimony while struggling with the change you needed to go outwork). (Narration:) Now is your turn to share your testimony to the class. Who wants to start?

    Journey of a Sure Change 4 Teachers Manual

  • (Give enough time for 1-2 I Grow students to share their experience) (Narration:) So based on our personal experience, there are several things that hinder a person to change:

    1. Because they dont understand the importance of change 2. Because they are comfortable with the old ways and unwilling to learn new things 3. Because there are sacrifices that they have to make in order to change (they would lose

    something, they would have to work hard, etc.) (Add more reasons of why change is difficult based on the result of the previous discussion:) From your discussion and sharing, we can add more reasons of why change is difficult for people:

    4. ______________________________________

    5. ______________________________________

    6. ______________________________________ etc.

    Change is not automatic and easy, that is why people are hesitant to change, regardless of the fact that change will continue to take place.

    Zig Ziglar:

    Life is hard, but if you are hard to yourself

    life will give you a good reward and appreciation

    III. Change: A Choice or A Must? (OHP : D1.7 Change, A Choice or a Must?) (Narration:) Is change a choice or a must? (discuss, then continue)

    The answer is: MUST

    (Narration:) As we know in 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, man is made of three parts:

    1. Spirit 2. Soul 3. Body

    (Discuss: ) What is the meaning of spirit, soul and body?

    Journey of a Sure Change 5 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.7 Spirit, Soul, Body) (Narration:)

    1. The Body consists of our physical body such as

    hand, foot, etc.

    2. The Soul consists of our mind, will, and emotion. - Our mind processes all information we receive

    - Our will communicates what we want

    - Our emotion expresses our feelings

    3. The spirit is the part of our being wherein God can speak and relate to man. When you were born again, the Spirit of God raised your spirit that was once dead, so that the Spirit of God can dwell in your spirit. The Spirit of God in you wants to bring you to change and to the salvation of your soul and body.

    The Old Man Becomes The New Man

    (OHP : D1.8 Old Man ~> New Man )

    Journey of a Sure Change 6 Teachers Manual

  • (Narration:)

    Do not be surprised upon seeing an arrogant Christian, deceiving Christian, drunk Christian, etc. It is very sad, isnt it? Why? Because their soul has not be sanctified. Change is a must so that you can become an honest Christian, humble Christian, joyful Christian, etc.

    Our character, attitude, and habits does not change in a twinkling of an eye when we accepted Jesus, therefore Paul said that we have to work out our salvation: Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much

    more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12a). IV. Change, Now or Later? (Narration:) The next question now is, do we change later or do we have to change now? (Discuss, then continue) (OHP : D1.9 Change, now or later?)

    The answer is: NOW!

    Let me tell you a story of

    The TIME Bank

    If your bank gives you a credit of $86,400 every day that you have to spent every cent given to you or otherwise the credit would be cancelled. Surely you will spend every cent you have, wont you? Likewise, you have a bank that gives you similar credit; it is called TIME. Each day God gives you a credit of 86,400 seconds and every night the unused seconds will be deleted/gone; you cannot use them for the following day. So, every second that is not used to build something positive will just fly away. Therefore, live the most the time you have TODAY! Change NOW.

    Journey of a Sure Change 7 Teachers Manual

  • Therefore . . . Why Wait? Do It Now!

    Glenn McIntyres Testimony

    There is a testimony of a policeman named Glenn McIntyre, who suffered an accident. This story is taken from the Chicken Soup for the soul and I will read it to you: My father said that there must be a good reason why God created TODAY, and I believe that. I live in Laguna Beach, California, and I love sports a lot. While other kids were sitting in front of their TV, I have begun to think of how I could be independent, travel around this country and plan my future. I started working at the age of 10, and when I was 15, I work three jobs after school. I bought a motorbike and it was really fun! Not only did I ride my motorbike from and to work but I enjoyed the ride on the motorbike itself.

    At the age of 17, I went to Alaska, which was about 1000 miles away, alone, on my motorbike! It has been my dream to travel around America on a motorbike. My heart said to me, if I didnt do it now, there would be no more chance. I would soon go to university, get married, work, and there would be no more chance to travel on my motorbike. So, at the age of 17, with $1400, I traveled the United States on my motorbike. I met a lot of people, enjoyed beautiful sceneries, and I thanked God for every beauty and opportunities I could enjoy. It was a very incredible adventure!

    At the age of 23, I had an accident being hit by a drunk driver. In a matter of seconds, I could have not been survived. At that time I was a policeman, married, and our financial situation was very good, but just in a few seconds my future changed.

    I was hospitalized for eight months, was divorced, I had to get used to the pain, and I could not walk nor work. It was as if I had no more future. I looked back, thinking how lucky I was to ever travel around the US. In every trip I always said to myself, Do it now, enjoy what you have, because there might be no more chance.

    After that accident, my father told me that God had a good plan behind my disablement. I believe that and I became a stronger man. Soon I returned to the police department as an administrator, bought a house and got married. I also had a consultant business and I became a professional speaker. My dad was right; God had a good plan. More important, I tell myself to be thankful for this life and if there is anything I can do, I will do it NOW!

    Thus, do not delay your commitment to change. To delay means to miss a golden opportunity. Do it now, for if you delay, you have to pay a very costly price!

    Again, Zig Ziglar has something we need to hear: In doing the positive action

    do not wait until you feel like doing it. Do it first then you will feel the joy of your doing. (Zig Ziglar)

    Journey of a Sure Change 8 Teachers Manual

  • V. Invest Into Your Life (OHP : D1.10 Invest Into Your Life) (Narration:) To change your OUTPUT you first need to change your INPUT

    You know the term garbage in garbage out. Unfortunately, this is a negative statement. The positive one will be: quality in quality out. So, to change your output you first need to change the input in your life.

    Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things (Philippians 4:8)

    (Write down in your note 6-10 greatest sources of input in your life (TV, newspaper, wife/husband, etc.). Make a circular diagram (pie chart) in accordance to the level of influence of each source of input in your life, then write down whether the input is positive or negative.)

    (Instruct all the students:) Make a circle as below, describing the level of influence of each source of input in your life, then write down whether the input is positive or negative.

    (Discuss: )

    Is there anyone who wants to share with the class about the kind of input that influence his/her life?

    Journey of a Sure Change 9 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.11 Investor: the devil and God)

    Gods Investment In Your Life Now, let us see how the world has infiltrated mans life through the devil, and what God has invested in your life.

    Investor: The devil Negative people Negative environment

    Investor: God Positive people Positive environment

    You cannot You can do all things in Christ (Phil. 4:13)

    You are ugly You were created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26) You cannot change You will be transformed into His image, in a greater glory (2

    Cor. 3:18) You cannot be forgiven You have been forgiven and your sins have been forgotten

    (Jer. 31:34) You have a gloomy future, full of failures

    Your future is prosperous (Jer. 29:11)

    No one accepts you, you have been rejected

    You have been accepted to be the children of God (Rom. 8:15)

    You are not holy God has made you holy (Lev. 20:8)

    THE CHOICE IS IN YOUR HAND! God consistently gives us divine opportunities so He can make an investment in our lives. Through His Word, which has a great positive, God invests is us power to overcome every negative input that has entered our life. The Word of God is the right source of investment in your life.

    In this class, you will be taken to develop your insight to change. We all live under the same blue sky, yet not all of us have the same sight. Thus, broaden your insight so that you can see the great potentials that God has invested into your life and in your surroundings, through the change in you. You have changed

    You can change yourself; You can change where you are

    by changing the things that get into your mind (Zig Ziglar)

    Journey of a Sure Change 10 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.12 I Will Change) (Narration:) You can find similar form on page 9 of your book. Please fill out the blanks as your homework.

    You must have gone through change in your life.

    Give an example of the change in your life that has given you a positive effect:

    Give an example of the change in your life that has given you a negative effect:

    What are the things in your life you still need to change?

    Winning a running competition always begins with the first step. Begin your first step today!

    Let us pray before ending this class (closing prayer).

    Journey of a Sure Change 11 Teachers Manual

  • Teachers Worksheet

    Lesson II


    (OHP : D1.13 Target Lesson 2)

    (Narration:) In line with the title of todays lesson: COME OUT OF PRISON!, today we will learn about:

    1. What prison is 2. Four types of human prison of this age

    3. Keys of Truth for your freedom

    (OHP : D1.14 An Eagle) (Narration:) An eagle was caught and tied with a 4-meter rope to a pole. Each time the eagle tried to free itself and fly high, the rope hurt its leg. Eventually, the eagle got used to flying 4 meter high. For years, the eagle only flew around the rope that was not longer than 4 meters, until one day the master decided to release the eagle. The master cut the rope, but the eagle did not fly to free itself. It only flew around the pole as usual, no higher than 4 meters. It turned out that after being tied for years and suffered the pain on its leg each time it tried to free itself, the eagle no longer had the courage to soar, although he was no longer tied! Our lives are sometimes like this eagle; many things happened to us or around us that made us unable to soar high, regardless of the fact that we are born-again believers! It seems like we are imprisoned, although without bars. Why? (Note for teacher: You can make a short discussion)

    Journey of a Sure Change 12 Teachers Manual

  • Do you have traumas of the past that have stopped you from soaring high? I. Prison Yes, Thats The Way It Is (OHP : D1.15 - I. Prison ) (Narration:) Someone please read Psalm 79:11

    Let the groaning of the prisoner come before You; according to the greatness of Your power preserve those who are appointed to die (Psalm 79:11)

    Have you ever felt it? Have you ever groaned with loud groans, as if you were a prisoner and wanted to be free, yet you were

    helpless! PRISON!!! What picture do you have in mind? Who wants to tell the whole class? (Note for teacher: the students discussion to give their comments)

    II. Why Are People Imprisoned?

    (OHP : D1.16 Why .)


    No one wants to be imprisoned yet some people live in there, although they are not aware of it. Not in physical prison with steel bars but the prisons of spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12).

    Why are people imprisoned?

    1. Because of their own mistakes! For example, if someone commits fraud, commits murder or does other things that break the law, he or she can be put in prison.

    2. Because of other peoples mistakes! Someone can also be imprisoned because of other peoples mistakes he was accused and imprisoned although he commits no crime.

    3. Because of the accusations that have not be proven! For example, some people were arrested due to the reports from others regarding the crime they might commit, although it has not been proven yet.

    4. Because he is waiting for the trial! Both conflicting sides have handed over their case to the court and they are awaiting trial.

    Nobody wants to be put in prison. However, some people do live in prison although they do not realize it. Not in the prison with bars but in the prison of their mind or soul. They are not free, squeezed in the small and dark cell. For example, there are people who are imprisoned by fear, the past, etc. Some others are imprisoned by their own mistakes, for example: sin. There are people who are imprisoned by others, such as terror or fear that has been planted from the childhood. There are many kinds of modern prisons but of course we all want to come out of our prisons, if

    Journey of a Sure Change 13 Teachers Manual

  • there is any. In this class, we will recognize different kinds of prisons in the lives of modern man and how to come out of those prisons. III. Recognize the Four PRIMARY PRISONS OF HUMAN and Get the KEYS OF

    TRUTH to YOUR FREEDOM. (OHP : D1.17 Recognize four)


    (Narration:) There are four primary prisons of man. The first one is: 1. The Prison of OUR CONDUCT The same way people are imprisoned for the crimes they commit, we can also be imprisoned for what we do, whether purposely or accidentally. For example: a. The prison of SINYou are in this prison when you sin, causing you to feel that there is a wall that separates you from God. b. The prison of GUILT Guilt that hovers over us and keeps us away from God can cause us to live in lies by pretending to live according to the standard that we set ourselves. c. The prison of FAILURE Failure is not a new thing because everyone must have gone through it. The prison of failure gives you the sense of defeat, helplessness, and inability or fear to try again.

    You can come out of this prison if you confess your sins and repent, so that you receive forgiveness and restoration of your relationship with God.

    If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 Johns 1:9)

    Where there is sin, there is grace.

    The cure is simple: if you confess your sins, God will forgive you and no longer remember your sins. So, you do not need to feel guilty anymore.

    Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guilt (Psalm 32:1-2)

    When God forgives you and casts away your sins

    to the sea, He put up a billboard: No Fishing Here

    Remember that God is the source of your success: I can all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)

    Journey of a Sure Change 14 Teachers Manual

  • PRISON COMING OUT OF PRISON (OHP : D1.18 The prison of OUR MIND) (Narration:) 2. The prison of Our Mind So great is the role of our minds that a person once said that our mind is the software that programs our lives. However, imprisoned mind will put that person in prison. There are three prisons of our mind: a. The prison of THE PAST If there is any past incident that still feels real to you today and affects you negatively, it means you are still in the prison of your past. b. The prison of WORMS Someone is definitely in this prison if s/he keeps saying, I am nothing, I am ugly, and therefore, I cant, I have no rights, etc. c. The prison of PERFECTION If you feel like you, your fellow staff, family, friends, or others have to be perfect, you are in the prison of perfection.

    We cannot change what has already happened. And actually:

    Not what happens to you that matters but what happens in you.

    Make a decision to forget the past:

    forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus(Philippians 3:13-14)

    God created you in His likeness and image, and He will help you to succeed.

    For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them(Ephesians 2:10)

    Man is designed for achievement, Planned to succeed, And planted with the seed of greatness.

    God accepts you just the way you are, even Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.

    But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

    If God accepts you just the way you are, can you accept yourself as you are and others as they are?

    Life does not force us to be the best but it

    encourages us to try our best.

    Journey of a Sure Change 15 Teachers Manual

  • PRISON COMING OUT OF PRISON (OHP : D1.19 3. The prions of MAN) (Narration:)

    Our relationship with others can also be a prison to us if we are not careful. Those prisons are: a. The prison of FEAR The sense of being threatened and over-anxious for things that are yet to happen (example: accident) or things that are actually safe (example: phobia/ excessive fear of the crowd or certain animals) b. The prison of PUBLIC OPINION The definition of this prison is the need to always please other people, and to identify him/herself based on what people say instead of what God says through His Word. c. The prison of OBLIGATION If you think that there is solution to every problem, and that you are responsible to solve that problem, then you are in the prison of Obligation.

    The solution is simple. If we can see God bigger than the situation that threatens us, our fear will disappear. Furthermore God promised us: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7)

    Do not judge the day by looking at weather.

    Dark clouds do not mean that it is going to rain, and if the sun shines brightly it does not mean that the day will be hot. Thus, do not depend your feeling and future on the weather that are not certain to happen. Regardless of what people say, Paul always measures according to the Word:

    But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court. In fact, I do not

    even judge myself (1 Corinthians 4:3)

    God has given you an A, even before you took the class.

    Relaxyou do not have to solve all the problems in the world.

    There is only one Savior of the world

    and it is not me! Let God rule the world and cast all your cares to Him:

    Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls (Matthew 11:29)

    Journey of a Sure Change 16 Teachers Manual

  • PRISON COMING OUT OF THE PRISON (OHP : D1.20 4. The prison of Legalism) (Narration:)

    To follow the rule or to obey someone is important, yet if following the rules has become more important than everything, then we have been trapped in the prison of legalism:

    a. The prison of RULES This prison of Rules says that if you live by the rules, everything will go well. Our lives is measured by our obedience to the rules. b. The prison of RELIGION There is a significant difference between religious institution (activity/organization) and personal relationship with God. Institution is important if there are two people or more who want to achieve the same goal so that order can be established. However, if you do something continuously without knowing the purpose, you are trapped in the prison of religion! c. The prison of TEACHER If you no longer know what is right and what is wrong for your life, but you idolize a person and considers everything he says as truth, then you are in the prison of teacher.

    God works on the law of love, not on how well you follow the rules. Your salvation has been guaranteed the moment you accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Your deeds will never earn that salvation.

    For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8)

    The law bindsbut love frees.

    Christianity is more than just a religious organization or activity; it is about personal relationship with God.

    Christianity is not just talking about rules; it is talking about the love of a Friend who gave His life

    for His friends.

    Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell of yourselves (Matthew23:15)

    God speaks through His servants, but you are also responsible to listen from God yourself. To love, to honor, and to obey God more than you love, honor, and obey others.

    And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength (Mark 12:30)

    Teaching is similar to learning.

    Your teachers are not greater than you, they simply know first.

    Journey of a Sure Change 17 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.21 - Victor Seribriakoff) (Narration:) Victor Seribriakoff When Victor Seribriakoff was 15, his teacher said that he would never pass the school and so it would be better to quit school so that he could learn how to do business. Victor accepted that advice and for the next 17 years he did many ineffective things. Someone told him that he was useless and for 17 years he acted uselessly. When he was 32, however, a great change happened. His IQ test said that his IQ was as high as 161. Since then, he acted like a genius. He wrote books, created things and earned patent rights, and became a successful businessman. His most important achievement might be when he was elected the chairman of International Mensa Society, a group of people whose IQ were above 130. Victor Seribriakoffs story might make you think of how such a genius could act hopelessly just because someone else said so. It is obvious that Victor did not obtain additional sudden intelligence or much new knowledge he simply needed to know who he was, had the confidence and that encouraged him to be successful. Once you know who you are, that you are the children of God who have been set free and are no longer imprisoned, then you can develop your God-given potentials in Him. You can come out of that prison NOW! (OHP : D1.22 You Will Change) (Narration:) We have come to the end of our lesson today and as your homework, fill out the form below as on page 7 of your worksheet.

    I want to come out of these prisons:

    Remember, you have received power and authority from God. Use this time to

    pray for your partner and let him/her pray for you.

    Journey of a Sure Change 18 Teachers Manual

  • Teachers Worksheet

    Lesson III

    SEVEN KEYS OF CHANGE (OHP : D1.23 Target Lesson 3) (Narration :) Today we will begin lesson 3 of Journey of a Sure Change Class. We will learn about the 7 keys of change. Our target lessons today are:

    1. Discover the gold in your life 2. Seven keys of change for your success.

    3. Why some people do not receive BREAKTHROUGH. 4. Three FOCUSES that will change your life. 5. Gods MIRACLES & BLESSINGS for you.

    (OHP : B1.24 Gold mine)

    Tambang Emas

    After learning the dynamics of change and the prisons of life, you definitely do not want to live in prison. Remember, prison is a place of darkness a small, tight and damp place where there is no freedom. Prison is not where you belong to nor it is your destination. The gold mine is your destination: Andrew Carnegie was one of the most successful men in America. He was a Scotland immigrant who came to America when he was little. He did various kinds of works until he finally owned the biggest steel factory in America. Once he had 43 millionaires worked for him. There werent many millionaires back at that time. One million dollars at that time might equal 20 million dollars today. A reporter asked Andrew Carnegie how he could hire 43 millionaires. Carnegie said that those people were not millionaires when they first worked for him but they became millionaires after they worked for him. The next question was, How did you build these people that they were so valuable and you paid them so high? Carnegie replied that people were built in the same was as a gold mine. When gold was dug, tons of mud and dirts had to be cleared to get one ounce of gold; yet people did not dig to find the mud they dug to find the gold. Likewise within every person there are gold to be found, yet the mud has to be cleared first. How many of you are willing to bring the gold out of the mine of your life? Of course, you have to dig and get rid of the mud of your life.

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  • This class is designed to find the gold in your life. In this lesson, we will give you the seven keys of change that you will continue to use. (OHP : D1.25 - 7 keys of change)

    (Narration:)These seven keys were adapted from the story of King Jehosaphat and the tribe of Judah who were attacked by three nations. They were in great fear but they exercised these keys that eventually led them to breakthrough and victory. The seven keys are the following:

    I. Believe in BREAKTHROUGH

    (1) It happened after this that the people of Moab with the people of Ammon, and others with them besides the Ammonites, came to Bethel against Jehosaphat. (2) Then some came and told Jehosaphat, saying, A great multitude is coming against you from beyond the sea, from Syria; and they are in Hazazon Tamar (which is En Gedi). (3) And Jehosaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. (4) So Judah gathered together to us help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord (2 Chr. 20:1-4)

    Humanly speaking, it was obvious that Judah would definitely lose, and that was why Jehosaphat was terrified. However, Jehosaphat believed that there must be breakthrough, therefore he and the whole nation came before God.

    Do you believe in breakthrough? Why do some people remain in prison and have no breakthrough? There are some reasons why people do not experience breakthrough:

    1. Some people want us to be imprisoned

    Of course, Jehosaphats enemy would want Judah to be terrified so that they lose the battle even before they fight. Sometimes we are in the prison of sin, failure, fear, or rules, because there are certain people who want us there.

    Others can only hinder you for a while Only you can hinder yourself forever.

    2. Prison is a safe place

    In John 5:2-9 there is a story of a lame man in Bethesda. Jesus asked him, Do you want to be healed? Maybe others thought that a sick person would automatically want to be healed and those in prison would want to get out of the prison. However, in reality, some people choose to be sick and they love to stay in their prisons. If you are sick, you dont need to work, wash, and clean the house. People would not ask for your responsibility, people would not demand you to be successful, and you would not have to take the risks with your decisions. However, this sense of security is a false security. Remember, prison is not a safe place; it is a place of punishment and persecution a dark place.

    Opportunity often disguises as hardwork, Therefore many people fail to recognize it (Ann Landers)

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  • 3. Some people enjoy the prison

    There are people who choose to stay in prison because they enjoy the punishment. They may think that they are not good people, therefore they have to be punished. If you think that you have to be punished, then you will receive the punishment. Even though the fact that God has made you worthy to receive freedom that He sent His Begotten Son so that you can be free.

    4. Prison gives a sense of control

    In that little tiny cell, you can easily control everything that is taking place in that cell, compared to the wide world where many things happen out of your control. Living in the Prison of Bad Past and using it as an excuse when you fail to do something is so much easier than having to face the present and future challenges. However, the truth is, in prison, you are controlled by the guards and the bars. In prison, your life is controlled by failure, fear, past, bitterness, etc. Do you believe in breakthrough? Do you desire breakthrough? Breakthrough is waiting for your faith decision.

    There is no problem too big for God to handle, and There is no man too small for God to take care of.

    (OHP : D1.26 Begin to FOCUS) (Narration:) The second key that we need to change is: II. Begin to FOCUS Someone please read from 2 Chronicles 20:3-4.

    And Jehosaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. (4) So Judah gathered together to us help from the Lord; and from all the cities of Judah they came to seek the Lord (2 Chr. 20:3-4)

    Jehosaphat did not focus on the three nations that were about to attack him or the strength of Judahs army, but on seeking God in prayer and fasting.

    a. Focus on HIS WORD

    And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)

    Through His Word, the Holy Spirit renews our minds (Rom. 12:2) so that we can live in His truth and walk away from the wrong perceptions that have been keeping us in prison. (Note for teacher: share your testimony of the time when you focus and the Word of God and you were changed)

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  • b. Focus on HIS BLOOD

    In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us

    in all wisdom and prudence (Ephesians 1:7-8)

    You have been redeemed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus. Through His blood, you were set free from the prison of sin and guilt. His blood is also a symbol of Gods sacrifice and love, therefore you do not need to live in the prison of legalism anymore.

    c. Focus on HIS NAME

    The name of the Lord is a strong tower;

    the righteous run to it and are saved (Proverbs 18:10) A persons name represents his/her character. The name of God represents His characters: Jehovah Jireh God who supplies all your needs, who brings you out of the prison of

    fear and anxiety. Jehovah Nissi God is your banner, who brings you out of the prison of fear. (Note for teacher: you can ask your students to mention other names of God and what the names mean to them) There are many more names of God: Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, etc., you can study His names so that you can receive help in times of need.

    Where is your focus? If you focus on the problem/challenge that you are facing, you will be paralyzed. However, if you focus on God, you will receive the strength and power you need to overcome your problem.

    Turn your face to the sun

    and you will not see the shadow (Hellen Keller)

    (OHP : D1.27 III. Get the REVELATION) (Narration:) I would like to ask someone to read 2 Chronicles 20:14-15: The the Spirif of the Lord came upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, in the midst of the congregations; and he said, Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehosaphat! Thus says the Lord to you: Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but Gods. (2 Chr. 20:14-15)

    After Jehosaphat and the tribe of Judah focused on God, they got a revelation on the speific things they must do to win the battle. Likewise, you need to look at your situation the way God sees you. Find the wisdom of God, how to solve the problem, and face your challenge.

    Why do we have to get the revelation of our true situation? Why dont we just burry it in our lives and say, Everything is okay?

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  • Hiding a problem without solving it is like keeping a pack of balloons in the water one day they will emerge. If we run out of energy, the balloons will emerge in different places: sickness, problem in relationship with others, depression, etc.

    Good idea can never replace Gods idea.

    (OHP : D1.28 - IV. Get into WORSHIP) (Narration:) IV. Get into WORSHIP

    Then the Levites of the children of the Kohathitess and of the children of the Korahitess stood up to praise the Lord God of Israel with voice loud and high. As they went out before the army and were saying: Praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever. Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated (2 Chr. 20:19-22)

    After receiving a revelation of Gods help, Jehosaphat and the tribe of Judah worshipped God loudly. The enemy was defeted the moment they began to worship God. In your life, after receiving a revelation in relation to your situation and challenge, the next step to change is through worship: a. You will become like the one you worship.

    Worship is the place where God can change you. In worship, you will become like the one you worship. If you see a concert of a well-known singer, you can see that the fans worshipped their idol. Before the stage they raised their hands to reach wanting to touch the star; often they shouted his/her name, even cried and became histeric upon seeing their idol. So strong was that worship that they imitated the fashion and shoes of that well-known singer, getting the same haircut, and copycat the idol. Likewise, if a person worships Jesus, he will become like Him. Wosrhip means coming to God to be transformed to be like Him. Worship means repentance: looking at God and turning around to follow Him.

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  • In the process of changing, your repentance means that you turn around from the wrong attitude: Unforgiving attitude Being drowned in sadness Anxiety/fear due to the unbelief of Gods promises, etc.

    Worship means coming to God to be transformed to be like Him

    b. Worship opens the prison doors.

    Just like Jehosaphat, your victory begins to happen as you worship God. Praise and worship helps you focus on the great God, not on your problem. Praise and worship lifts your soul and encourage you. Praise and worship expresses your gratitude and will be your strength in facing the

    challenge and starting the change. (OHP: D1.29 Speak PROPHETICALLY) (Narration:) V. Speak and act PROPHETICALLY

    And as they rose early in the morning and went out into the Wildenerness Tekoa; and as they went out, Jehosaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem: Believe in the Lord, your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper. " (2 Chr. 20:20)

    Although there was no proof yet, Jehosaphat believed in the revelation that he had received and began to act. With his words he convinced the people to believe in what they heard and with his action he called the people to go to war.

    a. Speak prophetically

    After you were born again, begin to speak like an overcomer. Stop speaking like someone who is still imprisoned. Some examples of the words of a prisoner that will prevent you from receiving your freedom and change are:

    1. I am not in prison

    The reason why someone is in prison is usually because they refuse to admit it, I am not in prison and I do not feel any pain, disappointment, fear, etc. I am okay. This denial hinders them from finding the solution to their problems. We need to face challenge and problems, not avoiding or forgotting their existence.

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  • 2. I have to accept this fate

    The key to the second prison is the attitude of accepting what is wrong: I have to accept this. I was like this in the past and now I am this way also. It is hard, but with the grace of God I can endure. Sounds spiritual but it is incorrect. In a certain culture there is an attitude of accepting what is happening in our lives patiently because it is considered as the destiny of our lives. However, in Christianity, we do not believe in humanly destiny we believe in Gods wonderful plan for us:

    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,

    thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope(Jeremiah 29:11)

    3. I deserve punishment

    Another key that holds someone in prison is the sense of guilt that makes them feel that they deserve punishment. We all deserve to receive the punishment of our sins, but Jesus who was blameless had taken that punishment for us. So, now you do not need to be punished anymore.

    Therefore now there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)

    4. I cannot come out

    Is it true that you cannot come out? Is there anything holding you? There are only two possibilities: you hold yourself to stay in the prison, or there is a demonic power that holds you back. For the first one, the answer is obvious; you can make the choice to come out. To fight the devil you have been equipped with the power of God to defeat him:

    For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of

    our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)

    If you think you can or if you think you cant, The possibility is you will be what you think you are. (Henry Ford)

    5. I am alone in this suffering

    A congregation wanted so much to join the church choir. With excitement, he came to the choir director and began to be involved in the training and performance. Apparently, this mans voice was out of tone and very disturbing and some members of the choir began to complain and suggested that he is expelled from the team. The choir director tried to speak sympathetically but he insisted on joining the choir team. Complains increased and the choir director had spoken to him a few times, yet this man refused to stop. Eventually, the choir director contacted the pastor to speak directly to this man. After finding the right time, the pastor said, Jack, what if you try other ministries because you dont seem to fit in the choir team. Some people complained about your voice. Jack seriously replied, They did, pastor? How many people made the complaint anyway? Well, about 8 people, said the pastor again. With a cheerful face and a big smile Tono replied, Dont worry, pastor. I have heard 70 people complained about your message, yet you continue to preach, dont you?

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  • Funny story, isnt it. Yet there is something that we can learn from Jack, that he remained positive and he did not feel alone in his suffering. Do not stay in the self-pity cell. Have you ever felt so sinful? Others have too. Have you ever been afraid? There are other people who have also felt the same way. You will be alone if you hang on in your pain and your prison, while others have attempted to come out. So, leave your prison!

    Positive thinking does not mean that you can do everything. Instead, it means that you can do things far better than

    if you do it while thinking negatively. (Zig Ziglar)

    Change the way you speak. God created the world with His prophetic word. What you speak can

    come true in your life. Your words determine your attitude and then determine your future. Speak prophetic words. The words of faith will change your life. Prophetic also means the ability to see the picture of your future, created by the Great Artist, God Himself.

    Your words can come to pass

    (OHP : D1.30 Act PROPHETICALLY) (Narration:)

    b. Act prophetically

    It means, you take the responsibility over your life instead of dumping it to other people, and begin real actions to bring change into your life. Examples of irresponsible words: Because my parents were very disciplined, I became a terrified person Because my boyfriend cheated on me with another girl, I became lazy and was fired If only he had not asked me to try it, I wouldnt have smoked now

    When you point someone else as the cause, you actually give the responsibility of your life to him/her and then you feel like you cannot do anything to change your life now. You feel paralyzed and helpless, while you can actually change! Take the responsibility and do something today: Forgive those who have treated you wrong and come out of the prison of past bitterness. Put more effort, forget your past failures. Join in church ministry and serve others, then you will find yourself useful and no longer

    imprisoned in the prison of worms.

    Responsibility begins with me.

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  • VI. MIRACLES belong to you (OHP : D1.31 MIRACLES) (Narration:) Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated. For the people of Ammon and Moab stood against the inhabitants of Mount Seir to utterly kill and destroy them. And when they had made an end to the inhabitants of Seir, they helped to destroy one another. So when Judah came to a place overlooking the wilderness, they looked toward the multitude and there were their dead bodies, fallen on the earth. No one had escaped (2 Chr. 20:22-24) Miracles happened for Jehosaphat. Without going to any physical battle, the enemy was defeated because God Himself caused them to destroy one another. Miracles are available for you too. When you change, you are not alone because God is working the miracles in your life:

    Changing your negative feelings to postive. Deleting past memories and replace them with beauty, etc.

    When God is ready to do something beautiful, He begins with a difficulty.

    If He plans to do something incredibly beautiful, He begins with impossibility!

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  • VII. PROSPERITY the road to freedom! (OHP : D1.32 - KEMAKMURAN) (Narration:) When Jehosaphat and his people came to take away their spoil, they found among them an abundance of valuables on the dead bodies, the precious jewelry, which they stripped off for themselves, more than what they could carry away; and they were three days gathering the spoils because there was so much (2 Tawarikh 20:25)

    Not only did God defeat their enemies but He also poured Jehosaphat and the tribe of Judah with abundant spoil of valuables. When you decided to change, not only will God give you His miracles to help you change, He will also provide great blessings for you:

    The blessings of joy and peace, because you are now out of the prison of sin or guilt. The blessing of answered prayers, because you are now out of the prison of past bitterness. The financial blessings, when you come out of the prison of fear to trust that God will preserve

    your life. Other blessings

    Choose to change now, because there are abundant blessings awaiting on the corner.

    Prosperity will always follow those who follow God

    (OHP : D1.33 - Burung dalam Sangkar)

    (Narration:) A child carried the bird he caught in a cage. When his neighbor asked him of what he was going to do with the bird, he said, I am going to play with him. The neighbor asked the child again, But you cannot play all the time, can you? What are you going to do after you play? The child answered, If I am bored, I will give it to my cat. The neighbor then bought the bird and let it go. Likewise the devil, one day he took a cage full of men. Then God asked him, What will you do to the men? I am going to play with them, he replied. But you cannot play all the time. What are you going to do afterwards? God asked him. I will kill them and throw them to hell, replied the devil. God continued. How much do they cost? I will buy them. You will not like them, they will only rebel against You and blaspheme Your Name, however, if You want to purchase them, You have to pay with all Your tears and blood, said the devil. Deal! God said. He purchased all the men in the cage and let them go, free like a bird. You are now free! Come out of the prison (bitterness, anxiety, fear, etc.) because God has paid the price.

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  • (OHP : D1.34 I WILL CHANGE) (Narration:) As in the previous lessons, your homework today is to fill out the form on page 11 of your book.

    For Your Change Next Week

    Forgiveness is Beautiful

    Forgiveness is a primary issue in our relationship with God. All has sinned and has fallen short of Gods glory (Rom. 3:23), and the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). However, man can be delivered from the penalty of death and come to the loving Father because of His forgiveness (Col. 1:14). Forgiveness is also the corse of our relationship with other people. Read the Scriptures below and give your comments; what is your impression on those Scriptures: 1. Matthew 5:23-26

    2. Matthew 5:9-15

    3. Matthew 18:21-35 a. How is our debt to God in comparison to other peoples debts to us? b. How many times do we have to forgive others (Luke 17:3-5)?

    c. Does God require us to forgive on the basis of our feelings or obedience?

    d. How do you think God would feel towards those whom He has forgiven with

    the sacrifice of His Son, if they refuse to forgive others?

    e. Is forgiving a choice or a must?

    f. Think, is there anyone whom you have not forgiven? Is there still any bitterness in your heart towards certain people? Pray for and forgive those people now.

    Let us pray (Closing prayer)


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  • Teachers Workseheet

    Lesson IV

    Transforming Toxic INTO HEAVENLY DEW

    (OHP : D1.35 Target lesson IV) (Narration:) In today you will learn lesson number four of Journey of a Sure Change. Before I proceed, I would like to remind you of the homework last week: Forgiveness is beautiful. Now, if you have completed your homework, we are ready for the next lesson: TRANSFORMING TOXIC INTO THE HEAVENLY DEW.

    The things you are going to learn:

    1. Bitterness is a deadly toxin 2. Seven steps of forgiveness

    3. The right and wrong response

    Corrie Ten Boom Corrie Ten Boom once experience suffering in Germany concentration camp during World War II. There she saw her friends and family suffered. The Nazi let the Jews starved to death causing them to look like a living skull. Many died in the gas chamber or were shot by the soldiers out of Just for fun. The concentration camp was truly a horrible place. After Corrie Ten Boom managed to miraculously get out of that camp, she traveled around the world testifying Gods grace during those dreadful years. On one occasion in Munich, a man came up to her after she spoke, and Corrie recognized him as the guard in the camp. The man, not realizing that Corrie used to be one of his prisoners, said, I am very grateful for your sermon, Madam. I am thankful that now I know that Jesus has forgiven me. When this man stretched out his hand to her, Corries heart was filled with rage and bitterness. Suddenly, she realized that they both have sinned and she prayed to God, Forgive me, and help me to forgive him. With great struggle Corried moved her hand to shake the mans hand. She prayed again, Jesus, I cannot forgive this man. Give me Your forgiveness. Corrie then forced herself to shake that hands man. When I shook his hand, something amazing happened, from my shoulder to my arm, then to my hand, and was transferred into his heart and mine such a great love overwhelmed me.

    How great the power of forgiveness is! Not only does it change the life of the person who receives the forgiveness but it also frees the one being hurt. Gods plan for us is a life full of joy and freedom, without burden and bitterness. What would it look like to live a life under the shadow of bitterness towards someone? Each time you remember that person, your heart is restless. You may even try to avoid going to certain places or getting together with certain groups of people so you would not meet with that person. Such life is never comfortable. God wants you to live in freedom. Therefore He has commanded us to forgive.

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  • (OHP : D1.36 Bitterness is a deadly toxin)

    (Narration:) I. Bitterness is a deadly toxin

    Bitterness is a feeling of anger, hatred, and an attitude that refuses to forgive that one keeps in his/her heart towards other people or God, which causes him/her to reject that person or God. The thing that most often traps someone in bitterness is hurt. When Jesus said, forgive seventy times seven times, He knew how deadly the toxin of bitterness will affect our lives. Therefore, the Word of God tells us to stay away from bitterness:

    Looking diligently lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by these many become defiled (Heb. 12:15)

    Several effects of bitterness: 1. Physical effects

    The following diseases are the result of bitterness: Hormonal imbalance in our bodies: Digestive problem, intoxication, high blood

    pressure are only a few diseases caused by bitterness. Bitterness will cause over-production of the pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and other glands of hormones. Excessive amount of these hormones will stimulate various kinds of diseaseas in our bodies (from None of These Diseases, S.I. McMillen, Spire Books, 1968, page 69-72)

    The change of our facial expressions: By refusing to forgive, we can suffer from vatigue and insomnia. Maybe we can hide the condition of our hearts yet it will be apparent through our eyes and facial muscles. Our facial expressions represent our heart feelings.

    Bone fracture: Life is in the blood (Lev. 17:11), yet the blood is formed in the bone marrow. So, the strength of our bones determines the fitness of our bodies. Bitterness will bring a direct effect on our bones. (Psalm 32:3, Proverbs 15:30, 17:22, 14:30, 12:4, Ezekiel 32:27)

    A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22) A sound heart is life to the body but envy is a rottenness to the bones (Proverbs 14:30)

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  • 2. Spiritual effects

    a. Inability to love God How can a man love God if he does not love his brother?

    If someone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? And this commandment we have from Him: that he who loves God must love his brother also (1 John 4:20-21)

    b. Doubts towards his relationship with God This doubt emerges when we pray Gods Word, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors (Matthew 6:12). By not forgiving others, we are actually asking God not to forgive us.

    c. Hindering others to grow spiritually

    Others will see our attitude and refuse to listen to whatever we are going to say about spiritual matters.

    3. Emotional and mental effects

    The apparent effect is depression. When you hold bitterness towards a person, you become enslaved by that person. You will not be able to enjoy your work, savor your vacation quietly, or even do things freely because that person is in control of your mind. As a result, you become emotionally and mentally tired, which is the primary reason for depression. For this reason, Solomon said,: Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, then a fatted calf with hatred (Proverbs 15:17) (OHP : D1.37 Absalom)

    (Narration:) Absalom & His Bitterness

    (2 Samuel 13 15)

    Who does not know Absalom? He is a gorgeous, well built, and rich son of a king. His future was definitely bright and assured, until a painful incident took place Absalom did not choose to forgive but he swallowed the toxin of bitterness instead. One day, Absalom heard his sister, Tamar, weeping. She was raped by her own stepbrother, Amnon. Absaloms heart was torn apart upon hearing his sisters cry. However, instead of demanding justice from the king, he kept that matter as the toxic bitterness in his life. Two years passed by, Absalom threw a party and invited all of the kings sons and daughters, and it was in the middle of that party that Amnon was killed upon the order of Absalom. After that, Absalom ran away to Geshur until the kings grief subsided, and he was taken back to Jerusalem. However, Absalom did not say a single word of repentence or a request of forgiveness to the king. On the contrary he rebelled by provoking the people and gathering the force against the king.

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  • He then appointed himself king at Hebron, attacked king David, his father, until David ran away from Jerusalem. Absaloms Toxin had gotten so deep in his soul that he even attempted to overthrow his own father. Things got worse for Absalom and the battle was unavoidable and became a horrifying bloodshed in which 22,000 people died such a costly price for a bottle of toxic bitterness. When Absalom was riding his horse in the forest, his beautiful and thick hair was stuck on the tree and that was the moment when he was killed by the enemy a true and tragic story of bitterness.

    (OHP : D1.38 Forgiveness)


    I. Forgiveness The Heavenly Dew Seven Steps of Forgiveness Forgiveness is difficult when you depend on your feelings. However, forgiveness is actually a decision based on our will, not our feeling. Forgiveness is possible because God commands us to forgive. Forgiveness is not only for the benefit of the person we forgive but also for our own benefits so we can be free. In the New Testament, the word forgive comes from the the Greek word amhiemi which means: to send, to release, to leave, to give up. When someone wrongs us and we hold bitterness towards that person, we indirectly imprison them in our hearts. If we forgive, we send them out or release them from that prison. Jesus demonstrated forgiveness when He asked for the Fathers forgiveness for those who persecuted and crucified Him: Then Jesus said, Father, forgive then, for they do not know what they do (Luke 23:34)

    Our forgiveness towards others does not depend on the size of the fault, on our relationship with that person, or on other reasons . The only reason why we forgive should be because we have received Gods forgivenss for ourselves. (Note for teacher: discuss with the students the story of the wicked servant)

    (23) Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wants to settle accounts with his servants. (24) And when he had begun to settle account, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. (25) But as he was not able to pay, his master commanded that he be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and that payment be made. (26) The servant therefore fell down before him, saying, Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all. (27) Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt. (28) But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me what you owe! (29) So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay you all. (30) And he would not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay the debt. (31) So when his fellow servants saw what had been done, they were very grieved, and came and told their master all that had been done. (32) Then his master, after he had called him, said to him, You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. (33) Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you? (34) And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. (35) So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses" (Matthew 18:23-35)

    Journey of a Sure Change 4 Teachers Manual

  • Since we have received Gods forgiveness, now we are required to forgive those who have wronged us, in the same way God forgave us: FORGIVE AND FORGET. I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins (Isaiah 43:25) As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12)

    A sharp memory is good, but the ability to forget others mistakes

    is a test of a mans nobility

    Some positive steps to experience the heavenly dew when you give out your forgiveness:

    1. Believe in BREAKTHROUGH

    Realize that God works even through the wrongdoings that happen to


    If we think that the person who hurts us acts by himself, it will be difficult for us to avoid bitterness. However, if we realize that God uses him/her for a purpose in our lives, we will have the spirit to forgive. They might plan evil against us but God will turn it around for our good (Genesis 50:20).

    Surely the wrath of man shall praise You; with the remainder of wrath You shall grid Yourself (Psalm 76:10)

    There is a saying in English: Man's futile wrath will bring you glory. You will use it as an ornament!

    Journey of a Sure Change 5 Teachers Manual

  • 2. Begin to FOCUS

    Focus your thought on Gods forgiveness for you

    and forgiving others will be easy for you.

    Focus on God and His Word:

    A pastor, who was in a hurry to minister to his congregation, drove his car too fast . He was stopped by the policeman. When the police asked him, he explain his situation and quoted the Scripture: Forgive us our sins The policeman politely gave him the ticket with a smile and replied, And take us not into temptation Focusing on His Word is not like the story above but knowing what God has said about forgiveness and obey Him. Regardless of the fault, God wants you to forgive others. You forgive not because of the person or you but because God has commanded you. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive

    you (Matt. 6:14) But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless

    those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you (Luke 6:27-28) Beloved, do not avenge yourself, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written:

    Vengeance is Mine, I will repay (Rom. 12:19) Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother

    has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift (Matt 5:23-24)

    And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to

    those who are the called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28) But as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good (Gen.

    50:20a) 3. Get a REVELATION

    Find out, what character does He want to build through each incident.

    When we give a wrong response to the person who hurts us, we actually expose our lack in certain characters that needs to be built. Those characters are love, patience, faith, gentleness, self-control, etc. Likewise, if we respond appropriately to the person who hurts us, it exposes our good characters.

    Where there is a thick love, Error becomes thin.

    Journey of a Sure Change 6 Teachers Manual

  • 4. Get into


    Give thanks to God for the good that He has planned

    through that incident.

    God commanded us to be thankful in all things, particularly in all situations (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We do not need to wait for a grateful feeling to give thanks to Him. Giving thanks is a matter of choice, while being thankful is a feeling.

    When we dedicate our lives to God, He builds a wall of protection around us so that nothing can touch us, unless He permits it. He allows those things for a purpose to bring reward and joy. For this reason, we can give thanks to God for every attack that we suffer from others.

    Forgiveness is not about feeling; it is about making the right choice.

    5. Speak


    Realize that suffering for doing the right thing

    is part of Christian life.

    Many people misunderstood that when one becomes a Christian, he or she does not need to suffer. The Scriptures clearly says:

    For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake (Philippians 1:29) Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12)

    Although we may still suffer for doing what is right, we need to continue to give thanks and do prophetic actions that will change our situations.

    The right speech and action precede the right feelings.

    Forgiving is not about feelings; it is a prophetic action: 1. I will never use this to attack him/her in the future. 2. I will not converse this issue with other people. 3. I will not dwell in this issue forever.

    Journey of a Sure Change 7 Teachers Manual

  • 6. MIRACLES belong

    to you

    There is no easier way to forgive someone than

    to pray for him. When you make a commitment to forgive, God will do a miracle by healing your wound and memory of that person. Pray for that person and ask God to heal the wound and erase the painful memory of that inident.

    But for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good (Gen. 50:20a) And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28)

    When you pray for the person who hurts you: Remember your obligation to heal

    the one who hurts you. People who hurt us are usually people who are hurt themselves. When God allows that person to hurt us, He puts an obligation on us to demonstrate Gods love and presence to that person. Who can stand Gods love and presence and remain unchanged?

    7. PROSPERITY the

    road to freedom.

    There are no greater and more beautiful blessings

    than forgiveness. Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered (Romans 4:7) If you forgive others, your sins are also forgiven such a great blessing beside the other blessings that you will receive as the result of your God-answered prayers. Your life becomes toxic immune when you choose to forgive. Naomi, a mother who kept so much bitterness that she changed her name into Mara or bitter, received a great blessing. Her husband and two sons died in a foreign country. She returned to Israel with Ruth, her daughter-in-law. It was Ruth who worked hard for their survival. Ruths kindness and faithfulness to her mother-in-law was not in vain. Naomi releaed her bitterness and began to pay attention to Ruths life, My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you? (Rut 3:1). To make the story short, Naomi planned Ruths encounter with Boaz, a kinsman, to be a redeemer to Ruth and Naomi. Eventually, Ruth married Boaz and bore a son who was the grandfather of king David. This grandson of Naomi was Obed, whose name was listed in the book of the genealogy of our Savior. Naomis life was assured; she had become so blessed that people said: Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a near kinsman. And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; your daughter in law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him (Ruth 4:15). Gods blessings were poured out when Naomi released her bitterness.

    Journey of a Sure Change 8 Teachers Manual

  • If we say we are Christians,

    we cannot choose whom we shall love.

    (OHP : D1.41 The false response)


    1. The attack that is not supposed To be aimed at you

    2. The opposing attitude = wrong reaction that is aimed at your assailant

    6. New wall and bitterness

    3. The wall The gap for further communication is built

    5. Reaction: everybody joins forces against you

    4. Report: your assailant tells others about your attitude


    III. The right response vs. wrong response

    Our forgiveness towards other determines our response to that person. The right response towards the one attacking us will give us the benefits while the wrong response will be a loss to us. You will loose if you give the wrong response: 1. THE ATTACK: aimed at you.

    2. THE OPPOSING ATTITUDE: wrong attitude towards your assailant.

    3. WALL: There is a communication gap between you and that person because of the wrong response.

    4. REPORT: Your assailant tells his friends about your attitude towards him

    5. REACTION: His friends join forces with him to react to you.

    6. NEW WALL: A new gap and bitterness emerges when others react to your attitude.

    Journey of a Sure Change 9 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.42 The right response)

    1. The attack that is not supposed to be aimed at you

    2. LOVE = the right reaction although the attack against you continues

    6. JOY: Their good fruits brings you joy

    5. Involvement: Gives an opportunity to spread the Gospel and form a friendship

    4. Report: Your assailant tells others your godly response

    3. LOVE strengthens your good character then works to heal your assailant


    The benefits that you will get when you give the right response: 1. ATTACK: aimed at you

    2. LOVE: you give the right response although the attack continues.

    3. LOVE: the right response that you show will strengthen your good characters, which then will

    heal the one who attacks you.

    4. REPORT: your assailant will tell his friends abour your godly response towards him.

    5. INVOLVEMENT: your response will give you many opportunities to share the Gospel and build a new friendship.

    6. JOY: the good fruits that are born out of their lives will bring you joy and satisfaction.

    (OHP : D1.43 Father, forgive them)

    Journey of a Sure Change 10 Teachers Manual

  • (Narration:)

    Father, Forgive Them

    Crucifiction is the most horrifying punishment throughout history. Even for the most vicious criminal, this punishment is inhumane, especially for a blameless man like Jesus. He received spewing on the face, a great insult for such a King. His suffering began when he was beaten with thorny whip on the that tore His flesh apart. A crown of thorns was pushed with a full force on His head piercing through His skull causing His head to bleed and damaging the nerve system. Big nails pierced into His wrists and feet. His body was hanging, and He had to pull His body up and leaned on His hands so that He could breathe. Each time the nails piercing the hand further damaged the wounds with unbearable pains. Not to mention the mockery from the Roman soldiers who took His robe. The robber beside Him also mocked Him. He would never deserve all these sufferings, yet one of the words He said before He died was, Father, forgive them, for they do no know what they have done (Luke 23:34). With His terrible pain, Jesus forgave those who persecuted Him and through His suffering, forgiveness is now available for all of us.

    Just as God has given us His forgiveness, so we should forgive those who have wronged us. Today you have learned about forgiveness. Freedom will be in your life when you forgive! Will you change and make a commitment to forgive others who have wronged you? Right now, make a commitment and a decision to immediately forgive those who will wrong you even in the future.

    Journey of a Sure Change 11 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.44 I Will Change1) (Narration:) Your homework today this week is to fill out the form in your book on page 12 and 13. On page 12, fill the names of the people who have hurt you and whom you will forgive. You will be praying on this page for the whole week ahead.


    Is there anyone whom you have not forgiven? Pray a prayer of forgiveness for them:

    Father, I choose to forgive (name). I forgive him/her for what s/he did: (mention each one). I ask You to forgive him/her too. I release (name) and I ask you to release him/her as well.

    Father, I ask You to forgive me for keeping this bitterness, anger, unpleasant attitude, and self-pity (mention your false attitude). I receive Your forgiveness and my heart has been cleansed from all sins against You, myself, and other.

    Father, if there are still any negative emotions in my heart towards (name), I ask You to cleanse it from my heart. I replace these negative emotions with the fruits of Your Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, mercy, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, endurance) to overtake me.

    I pray, Father, that you will heal all the wounds in my soul. Heal my mind so when I look back at the incident I realize that You have healed me. May this testimony help those who are hurt those whom You send into my life.

    Right now I pray that You will bless (name) with Your abundant grace and with blessings for his/her spirit, soul and body.

    Journey of a Sure Change 12 Teachers Manual

  • (OHP : D1.45 I Will Change2) (Narration:) Please fill out the answer on this worksheet, based on the lesson today.

    For Your Change Next Week

    YOU ARE NEVER LEFT ALONE Have you ever suffered rejection? Have you ever felt abandoned? David once went through the same experience and emotions. Read Psalm 27 and answer the questions below: 1. Whom did David suffer rejection from?

    2. Looking at Davids experience in Psalm, how did he handle that sense of rejection?

    3. Where will you turn to if you feel rejected or abandoned?

    4. Have you ever suffered rejection that still leaves a scar in your heart? Tell us about it.

    5. What hopes do you find in Psalm 27 that can help you get out of your

    sense of rejection? Let us pray (closing prayer)


    Journey of a Sure Change 13 Teachers Manual

  • Teachers Worksheet

    Lesson V

    YOUR IMAGE AWESOME! (OHP : D1.46 Target Lesson 5) (Narration:)Before we start our new lesson today, how was your homework last week about forgiving those who have wronged you. Have you put into practice that lesson? Who wants to share their victory over the sin of bitterness? Now we are ready to receive the next blessing of this Journey of a Sure Change class, which is YOUR IMAGE AWESOME

    The things you are going to learn:

    1. What is rejection?

    2. The core issue of rejection/sense of rejection

    3. The characteristics of a rejected/rejecting person

    4. Seven steps to build your image

    (OHP : D1.46 Gianna) (Narration:)

    A Girl Named Gianna

    Giannas mother was 17 years ols when she was pregnant with Gianna. In the seventh month of her pregnancy, Tina went to an abortion clinic to abort Gianna. The doctors attempt failed and Gianna, a cute little baby, was born. However, due to that abortion attempt, Gianna had a brain damage. She was finally adopted by Diana. As she grew up, Gianna found out that she was once aborted by her biological mother, but the abortion did not succeed. That fact did not make her lose heart because her mother always said, Instead of focusing on the fact that you almost died, praise God for the fact that you live. Gianna had forgiven her biological mother and accepted the fact that Jesus loved her.