c++ quick reference guide

C++ Quick Reference Guide Basics (General): Standard Includes: #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { return 0; } Print: cout << System Beep: cout << "\a"; User Input: cin >> Convert String to Int: intname = atio(stringname); Wait for User Input at end of program char f; cin>>f ; return 0; Functions: void myfunc(int anint = 2, int int2, bool bool1); // Delares myfunc before main and allows it to pass 2 ints and and a boolean. Also creates a default value for anint. If no value is passed trhough it will = 2. int main() { int x = 5; bool alive; alive = true; myfunc(x, 0 , alive); //Call myfunc and pass the integer x, nothing for in2 and boolean alive char f; //returns to main cin>>f ; return 0; }

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C++ Quick Reference Guide

Basics (General):

Standard Includes:

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


return 0;


Print: cout <<

System Beep: cout << "\a";

User Input: cin >>

Convert String to Int: intname = atio(stringname);

Wait for User Input at end of program

char f;

cin>>f ;

return 0;


void myfunc(int anint = 2, int int2, bool bool1); // Delares myfunc before

main and allows it to pass 2 ints and and a boolean. Also creates a default

value for anint. If no value is passed trhough it will = 2.

int main()


int x = 5;

bool alive;

alive = true;

myfunc(x, 0 , alive); //Call myfunc and pass the integer x, nothing

for in2 and boolean alive

char f; //returns to main

cin>>f ;

return 0;


void myfunc(int y, int , bool alive2) //Recive x from main and calls it y,

recives 0 and does nothing, revives

alive and names it alive2


cout << y << endl;

cout << alive2; }

system("cls"); //Clears Screen

Variable Types:

Bool: True or False

Float: Smaller Decimal

Double: Large Decimal

Int: Integer

Char: One single character (place char in ‘’ (‘x’) )

Unsigned or Signed Variables

Const: Always same


+, -, *, /, % (Mod: Remainder), ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=

? : int a = 10;

int b = 10;

(a = b) ? cout << "True" : cout << "Not True";

&(plus variable name): Get the memory address of the variable. Example (cout << &x;)

Logical Operators:

&&: And

||: Or

!: Not

!=: Not Equal

Use () to enclose bits of code in if statements (Order of operations)

Scope and Visibility

Scope: Variables limited to code block where it was created.

Visibility: {int x = 5;

{cout << x; //its 5

Int x = 20;

Cout << x //its 20


Cout << x ;} //Its 5


break ; // Stops loop

continue ; // Stops loop and returns to beginning

For Loop

for (declare one or many variables of same type ; Boolean Evaluation ; Take

an action) {


for (double counter = 0 ;counter <= 100 ; counter++ )


cout << “Hello World” << endl ;


While Loop

while (x == 1)


cout << number << endl ;


Do While



cout << number << endl ;


while (x == 1)


Use for when you have a lot of if statements

int choice = 0;

cin >> choice;

Variables work in sub-scopes but if overridden becomes

new then when out of scope becomes old value.

switch (choice)


case 1:




//do if all else fails;



Create own variable types.

class bob



bob() //This is the constructor function that will be run every time

time a new instance of the class is created


//Here you would put the inported variables from the createation

of the instance into the private variables


void Attack (); //Define this function


string name;

int health;


int main ()


return 0;


void bob::Attack() // the "::" is called the scope resolution operator


//Define this method function



Create strings of variables of the same type

int x [10] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }; // Creates the array and

initialize 10 variables

cout << x [0] << endl; // x [0] = 1

cout << x [1] << endl; // x [2] = 2

cout << x [3] << endl; // x [3] = 4


#include <string> // include for accces of class “string”

int main()


string y = "ABCD"; // create a string with „ABCD‟

cout << y; // Print „ABCD‟ To screen


Spread Program over Multiple Files

Use header(.h) files to for all of the definitions of classes, functions etc.

Use C++(.cpp) files for the actual code for the functions.

However, by default, header files are not compiled therefore you must include all of the

definitions of the classes, functions etc. in your .cpp file. This is done by using the include

keyword then putting the name of the header in quotes. Again this should be done at the

beginning of .ccp files.

#include "myheaderfilename.h"

Include all header files in your main.cpp file.


This code is an example of a C++ program over multiple files

Note: #include "stdafx.h" in all source files


#include "myheader.h"

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;



myheader.h include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class myclass



void sayhi();


void myfunc();


#include "myheader.h"

#include "stdafx.h"

void myclass::sayhi()


cout << "in my class";


void myfunc()


cout << "in my func";



Creating a Pointer: int x = 0; //Declare A variable

int * ptr; //Create a pointer of same type (Use * after type)

ptr = & x; //Use & symbol to get memory address of variable and put it in the


cout << *x; //Will print out 0

myfunc(ptr); //Call myfunc and send the pointer for x. use *x to acces the

variable x in myfunc


#include <cstdlib>

#include <time.h>

for ( int x = 0 ; x < 100 ; x++)



int randomint = rand();

cout << randomint << endl;
