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Post on 02-Jun-2018




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  • 8/10/2019 c Documents and Settings Administrator Desktop Birds


    There were five different original Audubon publications between 1826-1871. Most of

    these publications had only one edition but one had four editions and another up to

    eight editions. !ach original Audubon publication was printed on a specific si"ed

    sheet of paper with the i#age either hori"ontally or vertically oriented. $irtually all

    original Audubon bird and ani#al i#ages were tri##ed slightly and bound into a

    boo% volu#e as a boo%plate. &riginal Audubons were sold by subscription and thesubscriber generally had the# bound into boo% volu#es. 'owever for each original

    Audubon publication there e(ist a few e(a#ples that were never bound into boo%

    volu#es and will be slightly larger than the specific paper si"es listed later in this

    article. )or all original Audubon publications and all their editions there are an

    esti#ated *.+ #illion original Audubon plates,prints in e(istence. They are called

    boo%plates while still bound into boo% volu#es and referred to as prints when

    re#oved fro# their original boo% volu#es. $ery #any of the original Audubons

    re#ain in their original bound boo% volu#e for# and are owned by libraries

    #useu#s institutions and private collectors.

    There are fewer than ten li#ited edition publications of high /uality Audubonfacsi#ile reproduction prints that have been issued and several are not yet sold out

    of the original full si"ed 0.!.). 0ouble !lephant )olio 26-1,2 ( *-1,2 3,-Birds

    of Americaprints since the 1*4s. These all have so#e #onetary worth to collectors

    and have #ar%et values of fro# less than 5144 to several thousand dollars per print.

    lease read #y article aboutModern Audubon D.E.F. Editions on this website. The

    total nu#ber of these li#ited edition prints that have been produced is around


    )inally there are an esti#ated 24-2 #illion cheap low /uality Audubon

    reproduction prints that have been produced since the 1*4s and A have little or

    no #ar%et value. There is virtually no de#and for these ine(pensive reproductionsand no Audubon dealers sell the#. More and #ore are produced each year and

    as%ing prices are ridiculously high. 9ou can usually find scores of these cheap

    reproductions listed on e:ay for various prices to un%nowing or unsuspecting

    buyers. Many are offered fra#ed and their value generally is what the used fra#e

    is worth. :eginning in the 1*4s several different editions of Birds of Americawere

    produced. These picture boo%s had illustrations of the original Audubon prints but

    were produced by #odern color offset lithography. eople ta%e these boo%s apart

    and atte#pt to sell the pictures fro# these boo%s. :eginning in the 1+4s ban%s and

    insurance co#panies particularly ;orthwestern Mutual ife printed #illions of

    cheap reproductions and gave the# away to their custo#ers. &ther co#panies and

    even the Audubon

  • 8/10/2019 c Documents and Settings Administrator Desktop Birds
