by: peter benoit non-fiction text dependent questions and vocabulary the wetlands

By: Peter Benoit Non-Fiction Text Dependent Questions and Vocabulary The Wetlands

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Page 1: By: Peter Benoit Non-Fiction Text Dependent Questions and Vocabulary The Wetlands

By: Peter BenoitNon-Fiction Text Dependent Questions and


The Wetlands

Page 2: By: Peter Benoit Non-Fiction Text Dependent Questions and Vocabulary The Wetlands

Chapter 1- Key Ideas & Details1. What is the main idea of this chapter?2. What happened after the heavy rains fell? Give the cause and effect.3. How have humans changed the land? 4. Did the levees help or hurt the wetlands?  Explain your answer.5. What were some of the effects Hurricane Katrina had on Louisiana and the wetlands?6.  How much of New Orleans is below sea level?  Where did you find this information?7. Why did some people not return to Louisiana?8. When did the erosion problem of Louisiana begin?  What happened to begin causing the problem?9. How much of Louisiana’s wetlands are lost every year?10.  How do the wetlands help Louisiana during storms?

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Chapter 1- Craft & Structure

11. What Text Structure did the author mostly use in Chapter 1?12.  Why did the author write this chapter?13.  How could the author have helped you understand the meaning of the word levee?

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Chapter 1- Integration of Knowledge1. How does the photograph on page 8 help you understand what happened when Hurricane Katrina flooded parts of New Orleans?2.  Use words from page 8 to help describe the photograph.3.  What word best describes the photo on page 9?4.  What graphic features helped you understand this chapter?5.  What text features helped you understand this chapter?

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Chapter 1- Vocabulary• wetlands • Levees• engineers • erosion

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Chapter 1- Vocabulary• wetlands – areas of land where the soil is covered with water, eitherall year or part of the year; (ex: marshes, bogs, fens and swamps)• Levees – barriers built to prevent a river from flooding• engineers – people whose job it s in the designing and building of public works• Erosion – the gradual process of the wearing awayof a substance due to the action of the wind or water.

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Chapter 2- Key Ideas & Details1. What is the main idea of this chapter?2. According to page 10, what is a wetland?3. Where on earth will you find wetlands?4. Why do fish not live in the bog on page 10?5. Why does the water in on a wetland not sink into the soil as it does on other places around us?6. Where would you find saltwater wetlands?7. According to page 13, where does the water in marshlands come from?8. What are some plants that grow in marshes?9. What are some animals that grow in marshes?10. What is a hammock and what plants could be found there?  How is a hammock formed?11. What are some plants and animals that can be found in a swamp?12. How do bogs get most of their water?13. Where are fens located and where do fens get their water?14. What causes the wetlands in Arctic regions?

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Chapter - Craft & Structure

1. What descriptive language does the author use on page 11 to help you understand wetlands?2. What word does the author use on page 15 that means the same as cold?

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Chapter 2- Integration of Knowledge1.  What does the caption on page 10 help you understand the photograph?2.  What does the map on page 11 show you?3.  What information does the caption on page 13 tell you?4.  According to pages 13 and 14, what is one difference between a marsh and a swamp?5.  How does the illustration on page 15 help you have a better understanding of a commercial on TV? (Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice)6.  Use the photo and caption on page 16 to describe a tundra swan.

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Chapter 2- Vocabulary

• marshes• bogs • fens• swamps• hammock • temperate zones• tropical nutrients • ecosystem

Page 11: By: Peter Benoit Non-Fiction Text Dependent Questions and Vocabulary The Wetlands

Chapter 2- Vocabulary• Marshes – type of shallow wetland; an area of soft, wet land that has many grasses and other plants but not Usually trees. The water in marshes may come from rivers, lakes or salty oceans.• bogs – type of freshwater wetland with high acid content and gets its water mostly from rain and snow.• Fens – freshwater wetland that is less acidic than a bog; they get most of their water from small streams, rain, and underground sources, like springs.• Swamps – type of wetland; land that is always wet and often covered with deeper water. Swamps can have treesas well as other plants.• hammock – small hill or rounded mound of earth rising above the general level of marshy area formed by decayingtrees. Trees may grow on hammocks.• temperate zones – a climate that doesn’t normally have extreme high or low temperatures• tropical nutrients – substances needed by living things to stay strong and healthy, such as proteins, vitamins and minerals• ecosystem – a community of plants and animals and the environment they live in.

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Chapter 31. What is the main idea of this chapter?2. What is a floating plant?3. What are some different kinds of floating plants? What is the purpose of each kind of floating plant?4. Why do wetlands need floating plants?5. Why is it important for frogs to hide in duckweed?6. What is a swamp?7. What are some trees and plants that live in swamps?8. What ‘feeds’ swamps? 9. How do the swamps provide hiding places for small animals and nesting places for birds?10. What are emergent plants?  What is the purpose of emergent plants?11.  Why do carnivorous plants eat insects?  What are some examples of carnivorous plants?12.  After watching the video clips (see Connections), explain how the Venus flytrap is different from the sundew and pitcher plants?

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Chapter 3

1.  On page 19, the author tells us information about different kinds and type of plants that we will read about in the chapter.  Why do you think he does this?  How does this help you understand the rest of the chapter?2. What does the author mean to ‘feed” a swamp on page 21?

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Chapter 3

1. What is another word that the author could have used to describe the photo on page 20?2.  What text features helped you understand this chapter?

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Chapter 3- Vocabulary

• Mangrove• algae • emergent • carnivorous

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Chapter 3- Vocabulary• Mangrove –various trees or shrubs that take root in water. They grow many roots

which prop or hold up the tree. They grow in dense masses in somewhat salty marshes or shallow salt water to an average height of about 30 feet.

• algae – small plants that have no roots or stems and grow on water• emergent – plants rooted in shallow water with most of their growth above water• Carnivorous – plants that live mostly in marshes, bogs, fens and swamps. They eat meat to get some of the nutrients they need. (ex: Venus flytrap)

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Chapter 41. What is the main idea of this chapter?2. When do hippos go on to land?  Where did you find the answer?3. How does animal waste help plant life?4. What are some important ways that wetlands provide the right environment for insects?5. How are frogs and toads different?6. What is an amphibian?  What are some examples of amphibians that live in wetlands?7. How are amphibians and reptiles alike?8. What are waterfowl? What are some examples of waterfowl? Why are the wetlands important to their survival?9. Why do predators live in the wetlands?  Why are the predators that live in the wetlands?10. How does a decomposing animal help the food-chain?

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Chapter 4

1. On page 29 what do bullfrogs eat?  Why do you think the author says they “feed on anything they can fit in their mouths” Instead of naming those things?2.  What does the author mean when he says, “smaller frogs and lizards ‘settle” for insects?  What does ‘settle for’ mean?3.  On page 29, the author gives us a clue about a trait of cold-blooded animals.  What is the clue?   What does it mean?4. What does ‘thrive’ mean on page 31?5. What information does the author tell you in the caption on page 31 that helps you understand endangered species?

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Chapter 4

1.  Read the caption in the margin on page 30. What is another word the author could have used to describe this sentence? Why did the author use this sentence instead of using the word? (migrate)2. What text features helped you understand this chapter?

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Chapter 4 - Vocabulary

• endangered• amphibians• environment• ecosystems• mammals • predators• prey

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Chapter 4 - Vocabulary

• Endangered – at risk of dying out completely• Amphibians – cold blooded animals with backbones that have gills when young and breath air as adults.• Environment – area that plants and animals live in• Ecosystems –a community of plants and animals and the environment they live in• mammals – warm-blooded animals with backbones that feed their young with milk produced by the mother• Predators – animals that eat other animals• Prey – animals that are eaten by other animals

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Chapter 51. What is the main idea of this chapter?2. Describe several ways that wetlands help humans?3. Why does flooding caused by heavy rains and melting snow not harm the wetlands?4. What do swamps shield against?5. How can a drop of water be filled with life?6. Many people want to drain the water from wetlands to turn into farmland or towns.   How does this hurt ‘nature’s way’?7. Why has happened to the Florida Everglades?  What has been done with the land that was once wetland?

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Chapter 5

1. What does the author mean by the last sentence on page 35, “The life in a drop of water is the start of a food chain that ends with human beings.”?2. On page 36, what does the author mean by ‘nature’s way’?3. What graphic feature does the author use on page 36-37?  What does it explain?   How does this help you understand better than just words?4. What Text Structure did the author mostly use in Chapter 3?5. Select one or more of the text structure frames from PPT Text Structures for students to complete.

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Chapter 51. How many million acres of natural wetlands have disappeared over the last 200 years?2.  Reread the last 2 sentence on page 34. What do you think they mean?  Talk about some . ways that swamps act as shields against bad storms? 3.  Page 36 says that the U.S. has lost over 100 million acres of wetlands over the past 200 years.   Think back to question 2.  If wetlands shield against bad storms what does that mean for the land around wetlands?  What does that mean for the Florida Everglades?  Use a map of the Gulf of Mexico and tie this to where hurricanes form and what this means.4.  What text features helped you understand this chapter?5.  What graphic features helped you understand this chapter?

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Chapter 5 - Vocabulary• Pollution• microscope

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Chapter 5 - Vocabulary

• Pollution – harmful materials introduced into the air and soil• Microscope – device used to look closely at very small objects

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Chapter 6

1. What is the main idea of this chapter?2. What lessons have people learned about the wetlands?3. What is the nation’s biggest wetland project?  What has that state done to restore the Everglades?4. What was important for the state of Florida to purchase? Why was it important? How will this purchase be important in the future?5. Use the photo on page 40.  Why would it be important for water hyacinths to quickly take over small bodies of water?6.  According to page 41, what are several things that people can do to restore wetlands

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Chapter 6

1. What does the author mean by the statement on page 39, “We cannot save endangered species unless we save their habitats.”?

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Chapter 6

1. Why is important for you to be concerned about saving the wetlands and endangered species that live there?2. Read the True Statistics on page 43. What statistic is the most important for people living in Louisiana?  Why is that fact important?

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Chapter 6 - Vocabulary• Restore

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Chapter 6 - Vocabulary


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