bxvi - week of prayer for christian unity

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  • 8/13/2019 BXVI - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1


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    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com



    2011 2010 200 200! 200" #1$ 200" #2$% 200&

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va

  • 8/13/2019 BXVI - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity &

    1* (an)ary &+11

    'ear (rothers and )aithful*

    +e are celebrating the +ee, of -rayer for hristian nity in hich all believers in hristare as,ed to unite in prayer in order to itness to the deep bond that exists beteen themand to invo,e the gift of full communion.

    t is providential that in the process of building unity prayer is made central. This remindsus once again that unity cannot be a mere product of human endeavour it is first andforemost a gift of 3od hich entails groth in communion ith the )ather* the Son andthe 4oly Spirit.

    The Second 5atican ouncil says: 6Such prayers in common are certainly a very effectivemeans of petitioning for the grace of unity* and they are a genuine expression of the ties

    hich still bond atholics to their separated brethren. 7)or here to or three are gathered

    together in my name* there am in the midst of them8 #9t 1!:20$ #'ecree on ;cumenism*Unitatis Redintegratio,n. !$.

    The path that leads to the visible unity of all hristians lies in prayer* because*fundamentally* it is not e ho 6build unity but 3od ho 6builds it* it comes from him*from the Trinitarian 9ystery* from the unity of the )ather ith the Son in the dialogue oflove* hich is the 4oly Spirit and our ecumenical commitment must be open to divineaction* it must become a daily invocation for 3oderusalem* as it is described in the ?cts of the ?postles e havelistened to the text: 6They devoted themselves to the ?postles8 teaching and felloship* to

    the brea,ing of bread and the prayers #?cts 2:@2$.

    +e must consider that in the past* at the very moment of -entecost* the 4oly Spiritdescended upon people of different languages and cultures. This means that from the veryfirst the hurch has embraced people from different bac,grounds and yet* it is that theSpirit creates one body precisely from these differences.

    -entecost* as the beginning of the hurch* mar,s the expansion of 3od8s ovenant to allcreatures* all peoples and all epochs* so that the hole of creation may al, toards itstrue goal: to be a place of unity and love.

    n the passage cited from the ?cts of the ?postles* four characteristics define the first

    hristian community of >erusalem as a place of unity and love. St Au,e* moreover* doesnot only ant to describe something from the past. 4e presents this community to us as amodel* as a norm for the hurch today* since these four characteristics must alaysconstitute the hurch8s life.

    The first characteristic is its unity* its devotion to listening to the ?postles8 teaching* thento felloship* to the brea,ing of the bread and the prayers. ?s have said* still today thesefour elements are the pillars that support the life of every hristian community andconstitute the one solid foundation on hich to progress in the search for the visible unityof the hurch.

    +e first have devotion to the teaching of the ?postles* that is* listening to their testimony

    to the mission* to the life* and to the death and Besurrection of the Aord. This is hat -aulcalls simply the 63ospel. The first hristians received the 3ospel from the lips of the

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va

  • 8/13/2019 BXVI - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ,

    ?postles* they ere united by listening to it and by its proclamation because* as St -aulsays* 6the 3ospel... is the poer of 3od for salvation to every one ho has faith #Bom1:1&$.

    Still today the community of believers recogniCes the reference to the ?postles8 teaching as

    the norm of its on faith. 4ence every effort to build unity among all hristians passesthrough the deepening of our faithfulness to the depositum fidei passed on to us by the

    ?postles. ? steadfast faith is the foundation of our communion* it is the foundation ofhristian unity.

    The second element is fraternal communion. ?t the time of the first hristian community*as it is in our day too* this is the most tangible expression especially for the external orld*of unity among the Aord

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity -

    been a constant attitude of disciples of hrist* something that accompanies their daily lifein obedience to 3od8s ill* as the ?postle -aul8s ords in his )irst Aetter to theThessalonians also attest: 6BeFoice alays* pray constantly* give than,s in allcircumstances for this is the ill of 3od in hrist >esus for you #1 Thes D:1&%1! cf. ;ph

    &:1!$.hristian prayer* participation in >esus8 prayer* is a filial experience par excellence as the

    ords of the 6Iur )ather testify H the 6e of 3od8s children* brothers and sisters H afamily prayer that addresses our common )ather. Therefore* adopting an attitude of prayeralso means opening ourselves to brotherhood.

    Inly in the 6e can e say 6Iur )ather so let us open ourselves to brotherhood hichcomes from being children of the one heavenly )ather and from being disposed toforgiveness and reconciliation.

    'ear brothers and sisters* as disciples of the Aord e have a common responsibility to theorld. +e must underta,e a common service li,e the first hristian community of

    >erusalem* starting ith hat e already share* e must bear a poerful itnesssupported by reason and spiritually founded on the one 3od ho revealed himself andspea,s to us in hrist* in order to be heralds of a message that guides and illumines peopletoday* ho all too often lac, clear and effective reference points.

    t is therefore important to increase day by day in reciprocal love* striving to surmountthose barriers beteen hristians that still exist to feel that real inner unity exists amongall those ho follo the Aord to collaborate as closely as possible* or,ing together on theissues that are still unresolved and above all* to be aare that on this Fourney e need theAord8s assistance* he ill have to give us even more help for* on our on* unless e 6abidein him* e can do nothing #cf. >n 1D:D$.

    'ear friends* e are once again gathered in prayer H particularly during this +ee, Htogether ith all those ho profess faith in >esus hrist* Son of 3od: let us persevere inprayer* let us be a people of prayer* entreating 3od to grant us the gift of unity so that hisplan of salvation and reconciliation may be brought about for the hole orld. 9anythan,s.

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va

  • 8/13/2019 BXVI - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity '

    &+ .an)ary &+1+

    Dear Brothers and Sisters*

    +e are in the middle of the+ee, of -rayer for hristian nity* an ecumenical initiativehich has no been ma,ing progress for more than a century. ;very year it focusesattention on the theme of the visible unity of hristians* hich involves the consciencesand stimulates the commitment of all ho believe in hrist. ?nd it does so first of all iththe invitation to pray* in imitation of >esus ho as,s the )ather on his disciples< behalf:JThat they may all be one... so that the orld may believeJ #>n 1": 21$. The persistent call toprayer for full communion beteen the folloers of the Aord expresses the most genuineand profound approach of the hole ecumenical search because* in the first place* unity isa gift of 3od. ndeed* as the Second 5atican ouncil states: Jthis holy obFective thereconciliation of all hristians in the unity of the one and only hurch of hrist transcends

    human poersJ #Unitatis Redintegratio* n. 2@$. 4ence* confident and harmonious prayerto the Aord is necessary* in addition to our effort to develop brotherly relations and topromote dialogue to clarify and to solve the divergences that separate the hurches and;cclesial ommunities.

    This year

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity /

    name to all nationsJ #v. @"$. To the disciples ho ere JgatheredJ together and ho ereitnesses of his mission* the Bisen Aord promised the gift of the 4oly Spirit #cf. v. @$* sothat together they might bear itness to him to all the peoples. )or us* from thisimperative* Jof all these thingsJ* of hich you are itnesses #cf. A, 2@: @!$ the theme of

    this +ee, for hristian nity to Guestions arise. The first is: hat are Jall these thingsJLThe second: ho can e be itnesses of Jall these thingsJL

    f e loo, at the context of the chapter Jall these thingsJ* means first and foremost theross and the Besurrection: the disciples have seen the Aord

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 0

    the hurch* recalling the problem of unity among all hristians and sustaining the grothof communion beteen them. Eot only does it encourage fraternal relations beteen thehurches and ;cclesial ommunities in response to the commandment of love* but it alsoencourages theological research. n addition* it involves the practical life of the hurches

    and ;cclesial ommunities ith topics that touch on pastoral and sacramental life* suchas* for example* the mutual recognition of (aptism* Guestions concerning mixed marriages*the partial cases of comunicatio in sacrisin specific* ell%defined situations. )olloing thetraFectory of this ecumenical spirit* contacts have continued to broaden so as to include-entecostal* ;vangelical and harismatic movements for greater reciprocal ,noledge*despite the many serious problems in this sector.

    Since the Second 5atican ouncil and thereafter the atholic hurch has entered intofraternal relations ith all the hurches of the ;ast and ith the ;cclesial ommunities ofthe +est* in particular by organiCing bilateral theological dialogues ith most of them.These have led to finding convergences or even consensus on various points* therebydeepening the bonds of communion. n the year that has Fust ended the groups in dialoguehave recorded some positive steps. ?t the 11th -lenary Session that as held in -aphos*yprus* in Ictober 200* the >oint nternational ommission for Theological 'ialogue

    ith the Irthodox hurches embar,ed on the examination of a crucial topic in the'ialogue beteen atholics and Irthodox: The Role of the Bishop of Rome in theCommunion of the Church in the First Millennium* that is* during the time in hich thehristians of ;ast and +est lived in full communion. This study ill later be extended tothe second millennium. have several times as,ed atholics to pray for this delicate andessential dialogue for the hole ecumenical movement. The same >oint ommission alsomet from 2& to K0 >anuary last year ith the ?ncient Irthodox hurches of the ;ast#optic* ;thiopian* Syrian* ?rmenian$. These important initiatives testify that a profounddialogue full of hope is continuing ith all the hurches of the ;ast hich are not in fullcommunion ith Bome* in their on specificity.

    n the course of the past year* the results achieved by the various dialogues that have ta,enplace in the past @0 years ith the +estern ;cclesial ommunities ere examined. Specialthought as given to those ith the ?nglican ommunion* ith the Autheran +orld)ederation* ith the +orld ?lliance of Beformed hurches and ith the +orld 9ethodistouncil. n this regard the -ontifical ouncil for -romoting hristian nitymade a surveyto list the points of convergence hich have been reached in the relative bilateral dialoguesand at the same time to point out the problems that remain open on hich it ill benecessary to start a ne phase of discussions.

    ?mong the recent events ould li,e to mention the commemoration of the 10thanniversary of the $oint Declaration on the Doctrine of $ustification* celebrated byatholics and Autherans together on K1 Ictober 200 to encourage the pursuit of thedialogue* as ell as the visit to Bome of 'r Boan +illiams* ?rchbishop of anterbury*

    ho also had meetings about the specific situation of the ?nglican ommunion at thepresent time. The common commitment to continue relations and dialogue are a positivesign that sho the strong desire for unity despite all the problems that stand in its ay.Thus e see that a dimension of our responsibility exists in doing everything possible toattain real unity* but there is the other dimension* that of divine action* because 3od alonecan give unity to the hurch. ? Jself%madeJ unity ould be human but e ant the hurchof 3od* made by 3od* ho ill create unity hen he ishes and hen e are ready. +e

    must also bear in mind ho much real progress has been achieved in collaboration andbrotherhood in all these years* in the past D0 years. ?t the same e must realiCe that

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity %

    ecumenical or, is not a linear process. ndeed* old problems that arose in the context ofanother epoch lose their relevance hile in today

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity *

    &1 .an)ary &++*

    'ear (rothers and Sisters*

    The J+ee, of -rayer for hristian nityJ began last Sunday. t ill end next Sunday* the)east of the onversion of the ?postle St -aul. The +ee, of -rayer is a particularlyprecious spiritual initiative that is becoming ever more idespread among hristians* inharmony ith and* e might say* in response to the heartfelt entreaty that >esus addressedto the )ather in the pper Boom before his -assion: %That they may all !e one&&& so thatthe 'orld may !elie(e that you ha(e sent me%#>n 1": 21$. n this priestly prayer* the Aordas,s at least four times that his disciples may be JoneJ* in accordance ith the image of theunity beteen the )ather and the Son. This is a unity that can only gro by folloing theexample of the Sonesus tice adds as the purpose of this

    unity: so that the orld may believe. Thus* full unity concerns the hurchudah and his tribes and

    the other >oseph and all the house of srael associated ith him* and as,s him Jto Fointhem togetherJ into one stic,* that they may become JoneJ in his hand. The parable ofunity is transparent. To JNhisO peopleJ ho as, for an explanation* ;Ce,iel* enlightenedfrom on 4igh* as to say that the Aord himself ta,es the to stic,s and Foins them togetherin such a ay that the to ,ingdoms ith their respective tribes* divided from one another*may become Jone in his handJ. The hand of the -rophet ho brings the to stic,s togetheris considered as the very hand of 3od ho gathers together and unites his people and* inthe end* the hole of humanity. +e may apply the -rophet

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1+

    this sees the hurch of the future* of the centuries to come ith patience and perseverancetoards the goal of full unity. This is a commitment that entails humble adherence anddocile obedience to the commandment of the Aord* ho blesses it and ma,es it fruitful.The -rophet ;Ce,iel assures us that it ill be he himself* our one Aord* the one 3od* ho

    gathers us into Jhis handJ.n the second part of the biblical reading the significance and conditions of unity of the

    various tribes into a single ,ingdom are more deeply examined. n their dispersion amongthe 3entiles* the sraelites had become acGuainted ith erroneous forms of orship* theyhad developed mista,en concepts of life and had assumed customs alien to the divine la.The Aord no declares that they shall no longer defile themselves ith the idols of paganpeoples* ith their abominations and ith all their transgressions #;C K": 2K$. 4e recallstheir need to free themselves from sin* to purify their hearts. J ill deliver them from alltheir sins and ill cleanse themJ* he says. ?nd so Jthey shall be my people* and ill betheir 3odJ #i!id&$. n this condition of inner reneal they Jshall follo my ordinances and

    be careful to observe my statutesJ. ?nd the prophetic text concludes ith the definitive andfully salvific promise: J ill ma,e a covenant of peace ith them... and ill set mysanctuary in the midst of themJ #;C K": 2&$.


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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 11

    through prayer ith these brothers of ours ho are preparing to elect the ne -atriarch oftheir venerable and great Irthodox hurch. Ai,eise have been granted to meetrepresentatives of the various hristian communions of the +est* ith hom exchangesare continuing* on the important itness that hristians must bear today in a harmonious

    manner* in a orld that is ever more divided and placed before so many cultural* social*economical and ethical challenges. Aet us Foyfully give than,s to the Aord together for theseand many other meetings* dialogues and gestures of brotherhood that the Aord has grantedus to accomplish.

    'ear brothers and sisters* let us ta,e the opportunity that the J+ee, of -rayer forhristian nityJ offers us to as, the Aord for the commitment and the ecumenical dialogueto continue and* if possible* to be intensified. n the context of the -auline =earcommemorating the 2*000th anniversary of the birth of St -aul* e cannot fail to also referto hat the ?postle -aul has beGueathed to us in riting concerning the hurch

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1&

    &, (an)ary &++%

    'ear (rothers and Sisters*

    +e are celebrating the +ee, of -rayer for hristian nity* hich ill be ending this)riday* 2D >anuary* the )east of the onversion of St -aul. n these days* hristians of

    various hurches and ;cclesial ommunities are Foining in a unanimous chorus of entreatyto as, the Aord >esus to re%establish full unity among all his disciples. t is a plea made

    ith one accord by one soul and one heart in response to the desire of the Bedeemerhimself* ho prayed to the )ather at the Aast Supper ith these ords: J do not pray forthese only* but also for those ho believe in me through their ord* that they may all beone even as you* )ather* are in me* and in you* that they also may be in us* so that the

    orld may believe that you have sent meJ #>n 1": 20%21$. n as,ing for the grace of unityhristians Foin in hristones* he launched the prophetic idea of an octave of prayer for hristian unity. The ideafound favour ith the ?rchbishop of Ee =or, and ith the ?postolic Euncio. Aater* in11&* the appeal to pray for unity as extended to the entire atholic hurch* than,s to theintervention of my venerable -redecessor* -ope (enedict P5* ith the (riefRomanorum

    ontificum. The initiative* hich had given rise to much interest in the meantime*gradually continued to put don roots and* ith time* increasingly perfected its structure.ts celebration developed than,s to ?bbQ outurieranuary* hile on 2D >anuary* then as today* the liturgy celebrates the )east of theonversion of St -aul. ?s e than, the Aord for these 100 years of prayer and commoncommitment among so many disciples of hrist* let us remember ith gratitude )r

    +attson* the initiator of this providential spiritual initiative* and ith him* those hopromoted and enriched it ith their contributions and made it the common patrimony ofall hristians.

    mentioned Fust no that the Second 5atican ouncil paid great attention to the topic ofhristian unity* especially in the 'ecree on ;cumenism #Unitatis Redintegratio$* in hich*among other things* the role and importance of prayer for unity is forcefully emphasiCed.

    -rayer* the ouncil observed* is at the very heart of the entire ecumenical process. JThischange of heart and holiness of life* along ith public and private prayer for the unity of

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va

  • 8/13/2019 BXVI - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1,

    hristians* should be regarded as the soul of the hole ecumenical movementJ #UnitatisRedintegratio* n. !$. Than,s precisely to this spiritual ecumenism % holiness of life*conversion of heart* private and public prayer % the common search for unity has in recentdecades recorded considerable development. This has been diversified in multiple

    initiatives: from mutual ,noledge to brotherly contact beteen the members of differenthurches and ;cclesial ommunities* from ever more friendly conversations tocollaboration in various fields* from theological dialogue to the search for concrete formsof communion and collaboration. +hat has enlivened and continues to enliven this

    Fourney toards the full communion of all hristians is first and foremost prayer. J-rayithout ceasingJ # Thes D: 1"$ is the theme of the +ee, this year at the same time* it is aninvitation that never ceases to ring out in our communities to ma,e prayer the light*strength and orientation of our footsteps* in an attitude of humble and docile listening toour common Aord.

    Secondly* the ouncil places the emphasis on prayer in common* prayer raised Fointly tothe one 4eavenly )ather by atholics and by other hristians. The 'ecree on ;cumenismsays in this regard: JSuch prayers in common are certainly a very effective means ofpetitioning for the grace of unityJ #Unitatis Redintegratio* n. !$. ?nd this is because* inpraying together* hristian communities place themselves before the Aord and* becomingaare of the contradictions to hich division has given rise* manifest their desire to obeythe Aordn 1": 21$. Today* e feel the eight of these

    ords strongly. The orld is suffering from the absence of 3od* from inaccessibility to3od it longs to ,no 3odesus hrist if e hristians are separated* if one contradicts theother* if one is against the otherL Inly in unity can e truly sho to this orld % hichneeds it % 3od

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1-

    conversion to hrist* in this common gaCe at hrist* ill e be able to find the gift of unity.

    +e can say that it as the prayer for unity hich enlivened and accompanied the variousstages of the ecumenical movement* especially after the Second 5atican ouncil. n thisperiod* the atholic hurch came into contact ith the various hurches and ;cclesial

    ommunities of ;ast and +est ith different forms of dialogue* and ith each one tac,ledthe theological and historical problems that had emerged don the centuries and hadta,en root as elements of separation. The Aord has ensured that these friendly relationshave improved our reciprocal ,noledge and intensified communion* hile at the sametime sharpening the perception of the problems that are still open%ended and fomentdivision. Today* during this +ee,* let us than, 3od ho has sustained and illuminated uson the Fourney e have made thus far* a fruitful Fourney hich the conciliar 'ecree on;cumenism described as Jfostered by the grace of the 4oly SpiritJ and hich Jincreasesfrom day to dayJ #Unitatis Redintegratio* n. 1$.

    'ear brothers and sisters* let us accept the invitation to Jpray ithout ceasingJ* hich the

    ?postle -aul addressed to the first hristians of Thessalonica* a community hich hehimself had founded.

    ?nd precisely because he heard that disagreements had arisen* he counselled them to bepatient ith everyone* abstain from returning evil for evil and on the contrary to alayssee, good among themselves and ith everyone* Foyful in every circumstance* Foyful

    because the Aord is near. The advice that St -aul gave to the Thessalonians can still inspirethe behaviour of hristians in the context of ecumenical relations today. ?bove all he said:J(e at peace among yourselvesJ* and then* Jpray constantly* give than,s in allcircumstancesJ # Thes D: 1K* 1!$. Aet us also accept the ?postle

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1'

    10 (an)ary &++0

    +ee, of -rayer for hristian nity #1$

    'ear (rothers and Sisters*

    The +ee, of -rayer for hristian nity begins tomorro. myself ill conclude it in the(asilica of St -aul Iutside%the%+alls this 2D >anuary ith the celebration of 5espers* to

    hich representatives of the other hurches and ;cclesial ommunities of Bome are alsoinvited.

    The days from 1! to 2D >anuary* and in other parts of the orld the ee, around-entecost* are a strong time of commitment and prayer on the part of all hristians* hocan avail themselves of the boo,lets produced Fointly by the -ontifical ouncil for-romoting hristian nity and the )aith and Irder ommission of the +orld ouncil ofhurches.

    have been able to sense ho sincere the desire for unity is at the meetings have had ithvarious representatives of hurches and ;cclesial ommunities in these years* and in amost moving ay* during my recent 5isit to the ;cumenical -atriarch (artholome instanbul* Tur,ey.

    In these and on other experiences that opened my heart to hope* ill reflect at greaterlength next +ednesday. The ay to unity remains long and laborious yet* it is necessarynot to be discouraged and to Fourney on* in the first place relying on the unfailing supportof the Ine ho* before ascending into 4eaven* promised his folloers: J am ith youalays* to the close of the ageJ #Mt2!: 20$.

    nity is a gift of 3od and the fruit of his Spiriteish communities* a relationship that hasdeveloped positively since the Second 5atican ouncil and the historic visit of the Servantof 3od >ohn -aul to the 9aFor Synagogue of Bome.

    To gro and be fruitful* the >eish%hristian friendship must also be based on prayer.Therefore* today invite you all to address an ardent prayer to the Aord that >es andhristians may respect and esteem one another and collaborate for Fustice and peace in the


    This year the biblical theme proposed for common reflection and prayer during thisJ+ee,J is: J4e even ma,es the deaf hear and the mute spea,J #M*": K1%K"$. These ordsare ta,en from 9ar,esus. n this shortpassage* the ;vangelist recounts that the Aord* after putting his fingers into his ears andtouching his tongue ith saliva* or,ed the miracle by saying: J;phphathaJ* hich meansJbe openedJ. 4aving regained his hearing and the gift of speech* the man roused the

    admiration of others by telling hat had happened to him.

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1/

    ;very hristian* spiritually deaf and mute because of original sin* receives ith (aptismthe gift of the Aord ho places his fingers on his face and thus* through the grace of(aptism* becomes able to hear the +ord of 3od and to proclaim it to his brethren. ndeed*from that very moment it is his tas, to mature in ,noledge and love for hrist so as to be

    able to proclaim and itness effectively to the 3ospel.This topic* shedding light on to aspects of the mission of every hristian community % theproclamation of the 3ospel and the itness of charity %* also underlines ho important it isto translate hrist

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    &- (an)ary &++0

    +ee, of -rayer for hristian nity #2$

    'ear (rothers and Sisters*

    Tomorro* the +ee, of -rayer for hristian nity comes to a close. This year its theme hasbeen the ords in 9ar,

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    Bome* -astor of the universal hurch* also fit into this context of hope* punctuated bypractical steps toards the full communion of hristians.

    ould li,e here to revie the most significant events that too, place in 200& and ere acause for Foy and gratitude to the Aord.

    The year began ith the official visit of the +orld ?lliance of Beformed hurches. Thenternational ommission of the atholic hurches and the Beformed hurches entrustedto their respective authorities for consideration* a document that mar,s the end of adialogue process that began in 1"0* hence* it has continued for more than K& years. Thedocument is entitled: JThe hurch as a ommunity of ommon +itness to the Mingdomof 3odJ.

    In 2D >anuary 200&% conseGuently* one year ago % the delegates for ;uropean ecumenismtoo, part in the solemn conclusion of the J+ee, of -rayer for hristian nityJ in the(asilica of St -aul Iutside%the%+alls. They had been convo,ed Fointly by the ouncil of;uropean ;piscopal onferences and by the onference of ;uropean hurches for the first

    stage in the upcoming third ;uropean ;cumenical ?ssembly that ill be held in Sibiu* onIrthodox territory* in September 200".

    as able at the +ednesday ?udiences to receive the delegation of the +orld (aptist?lliance and the ;vangelical Autheran hurch in ?merica that remains faithful to itsregular visits to Bome.

    as also able to meet ith the 4ierarchs of the Irthodox hurch of 3eorgia* hich follo ith affection* nurturing the bond of friendship that bound 4is 4oliness lia tomy venerable -redecessor* the Servant of 3od -ope >ohn -aul .

    n continuing this resume of last yearuly 200& ith a special message* ?lexei *-atriarch of 9osco and ?ll the Bussias* reGuested communion ith the 4oly See.

    The visit of 9etropolitan Mirill from the -atriarchate of 9osco as also useful. t broughtto the fore the intention to achieve a more explicit normaliCation of our bilateral relations.

    ;Gually satisfying as the visit of priests and students from the Dia*onia )postolicaollege of the 4oly Synod of the Irthodox hurch of 3reece. am also pleased to recallthat at its 3eneral ?ssembly in -orto ?legre the +orld ouncil of hurches gave atholicparticipation ample room.

    In that occasion* sent a special 9essage. also ished to send a 9essage to the 3eneral?ssembly of the +orld 9ethodist ouncil in Seoul. Ai,eise* recall ith pleasure the

    cordial visit of the Secretaries of the Christian World Communions, organiCations forreciprocal information and contact beteen the various denominations.

    ?nd as e revie the events of the year 200&* e come to the official visit last Eovember ofthe ?rchbishop of anterbury and -rimate of the ?nglican ommunion. n the

    Redemptoris Mater hapel in the ?postolic -alace shared ith him and his entourage ameaningful moment of prayer.

    Then* regarding the unforgettable ?postolic 5isit to Tur,ey and the meeting ith 4is4oliness (artholome * ould li,e to recall the many gestures that ere even moreeloGuent than ords. ta,e this opportunity to greet 4is 4oliness (artholome onceagain and than, him for the letter he rote to me upon my return to Bome assure him

    of my prayers and my commitment to ta,e steps to ensure that that embrace of peace e

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va

  • 8/13/2019 BXVI - Week of Prayer for Christian Unity


    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 1*

    exchanged during the 'ivine Aiturgy in St 3eorge

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity &+

    1% (an)ary &++/

    "+f t'o of you agree on earth a!out anything they as*, it 'ill !e done for them !y my

    Father in hea(enJ #9t 1!: 1$. This solemn assurance of >esus to his disciples also sustainsour prayer.

    The J+ee, of -rayer for hristian nityJ* by no a tradition* begins today. t is animportant event for reflecting on the tragedy of the division of the hristian communityand to as, ith >esus himself Jthat they may all be one... so that the orld may believeJ #>n1": 21$. +e also do so here today* in harmony ith a great multitude throughout the orld.

    ndeed* prayer Jfor the union of allJ involves atholics* Irthodox and -rotestants* broughttogether in different forms* times and ays by the same faith in >esus hrist* the one Aordand Saviour.

    -rayer for unity is part of the central nucleus hich the Second 5atican ouncil calls Jthe

    soul of the hole ecumenical movementJ #Unitatis Redintegratio, n. !$* a nucleus thatincludes public and private prayers* conversion of heart and holiness of life. This visionta,es us bac, to the heart of the ecumenical problem* hich is obedience to the 3ospel inorder to do 3od

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity &1

    of communion and the forms of convergence achieved % certainly* in an uneGual manner %beteen the various dialogues.

    There are many reasons to give than,s. ?nd if there is still so much to hope for and to do*let us not forget that 3od has given us a great deal on our ay toards unity. Aet us

    therefore be grateful to him for these gifts.

    The future lies before us. The 4oly )ather >ohn -aul of happy memory % ho did andsuffered so much for the ecumenical cause % has opportunely taught us that Janappreciation of ho much 3od has already given is the condition hich disposes us toreceive those gifts still indispensable for bringing to completion the ecumenical or, ofunityJ #Ut Unum Sint, n. @1$.

    Therefore* brothers and sisters* let us continue to pray* because e ,no that the holycause of the restoration of hristian unity exceeds our poor human efforts and that unity*finally* is a gift of 3od.

    n this regard and ith these sentiments* ill be folloing in >ohn -aul anuary* the )east of the onversion of the ?postle to the 3entiles* in the(asilica of St -aul Iutside%the%+alls to pray ith our Irthodox and -rotestant brethren:to pray to than, the Aord for hat he has granted us to pray that the Aord ill guide us inthe footprints of unity.

    n addition* my first ;ncyclical ill finally be published that same day* 2D >anuary its titleis already ,non: %Deus Caritas Est%, %od is lo(eJ. The theme is not directly ecumenical*

    but the context and bac,ground are ecumenical because 3od and our love are thecondition for hristian unity. They are the condition for peace in the orld.

    n this ;ncyclical desire to sho the concept of love in its various dimensions. Today* in

    the terminology ith hich e are familiar* JloveJ often appears very far from hat ahristian thin,s hen he spea,s of charity.

    )or my part* ould li,e to sho that this is a single impulse ith various dimensions. TheJerosJ* this gift of love beteen a man and a oman* comes from the same source* thereator

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    Benedict XVI Week of Prayer for Christian Unity &&

    t too, time to prepare and translate the text. t no seems to me a gift of -rovidence* thefact that the text should be published on the very day on hich e ill pray for hristianunity. hope that it ill be able to illuminate and help our hristian life.

    Texts compiled by:http://faithbenedictxvi.blogspot.com Source: http://vatican.va
