bvp cet engineering 2014 information brochure

Bharati Vi dyapeet h Deemed University, Pune ( I ndia) „A‟ GRADE AWARDED BY GOVT. OF INDIA „A‟ GRADE REACCREDITATION BY NAAC Accreditation of Programmes By NBA Ranked among Top 50 T-schools of India by DATAQUEST CMR Survey Selected by MHRD, Govt. of India under TEQIP-II Programme INFORMATION BROCHURE AND APPLICATION FORM OF ENTRANCE TEST B.TECH.- 2014 For Admission to the BACHELOR OF T T E E C C H H N N O O L L O O G G Y Y C C O O U U R R S S E E S S At Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE-43 ( AglaSem Admission

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BVP CET Engineering 2014 will be conducted on 25 May 2014 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the examination centers in the following cities, Pune, New Delhi, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad, Vadodara, Indore, Varanasi, Lucknow, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Allahabad, Bangalore, Cochin, Kottayam and Tiruanantpuram. See more at:


Bharati Vidyapeeth

Deemed University, Pune (India)



Accreditation of Programmes By NBA

Ranked among Top 50 T-schools of India by DATAQUEST CMR Survey

Selected by MHRD, Govt. of India under TEQIP-II Programme



B.TECH.- 2014

For Admission to the



Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE-43


AglaSem Admission

From the Chancellor's Office

Hon'ble Dr. Patangrao Kadam

M.A., LL.B., Ph.D.


As the Chancellor of Bharati Vidyapeeth that it has been awarded a prestigious 'A' grade by

University I extend a very warm welcome to the the NAAC both in its first accreditation and also in

students who are desirous of seeking admissions in reaccreditation. An approval by the UGC under

our different Constituent units. Section 12B of its Act which our University has

Bharati Vidyapeeth, the parent organization

of this University is celebrating this year as its

received by another feather in the cap of the


Golden Jubilee Year. At this moment my mind goes We at this University are committed to make

back over a period of five decades. Bharati available to our students a wide spectrum of

Vidyapeeth initiated its academic journey with a academic options to choose from.

single school. Now it is one of the premier It has also been our endeavour to provide

educational institutions in the country, having continuously updated education in a congenial

under its umbrella more that 180 educational units environment to our students. I am very happy that a

including 80 colleges of 12 faculties. They include very large number of our past students have

colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, e s t a b l i s h e d t h e i r re p u t a t i o n a s M e d i c a l

Pharmacy, Hotel Management and the like. There Practitioners, Engineers, Pharmacy Industrialists

may not be any disciplines either conventional or and the like not only at the national level but also at

emerging for which Bharati Vidyapeeth has not the international level. Research is a focal area of

established its institution. activities of our University. We have three Research

Within a short period of 18 years or so, Institutes as constituent units of University. They

Bharati Vidyapeeth University has established its are doing remarkable work. However, our aim is to

academic reputation even across the national develop this University as a Research University.

borders. Its high level of academic excellence is I again welcome all of you and wish you a

underscored by the fact that the Ministry of Human very successful academic career as students of this

Resource Development, Government of India has University.

given 'A' grade status to this University. The

University's another remarkable achievement is

AglaSem Admission


Date Candidates called for Counselling Time Regular Category 02-07-14 Merit No. 5001 to 6000 10.00 a.m. onwards 03-07-14 Merit No. 6001 to 7000 10.00 a.m. onwards 04-07-14 Merit No. 7001 to 8000 10.00 a.m. onwards

Bharati Vidyapeeth

Deemed University, Pune (India)




At a glance

A Last date for submission of application

15th May 2014

form to Bharati Vidyapeeth University Up to 17.00 hrs

C.E.T. Dept., Second Floor, L.B.S. Marg,

Pune 411 030

B Date and time of Examination 25th May 2014

From 11.00 to 14.00 hrs

C Date of declaration of result 11th June 2014

D Dates of counselling

Date Candidates called for Counselling Time Regular Category 26-06-14 Merit No. 1 to 1000 10.00 a.m. onwards 27-06-14 Merit No. 1001 to 2000 10.00 a.m. onwards 28-06-14 Merit No. 2001 to 3000 10.00 a.m. onwards 29-06-14 Merit No. 3001 to 4000 10.00 a.m. onwards 30-06-14 Merit No. 4001 to 5000 10.00 a.m. onwards

Foreign / NRI / PIO / OCI / Management Merit Category

01-07-14 Merit No. 001 to 140 10.00 a.m. onwards

E Classes will commence from 15th July 2014

F Examination Centers :


Navi Mumbai



New Delhi





AglaSem Admission

FFFrrrooommm ttthhheee DDDeeessskkk ooofff VVViiiccceee CCChhhaaannnccceeellllllooorrr

Prof. Dr. Shivajirao Kadam


Dear Students,

At the outset, let me welcome all of you who are intending to join our University.

I am extremely happy to note that you have selected our University for your further studies. All of you know that Bharati Vidyapeeth University is one of the leading Universities in the country having ‘A’ grade awarded by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.

It is also accredited with prestigious ‘A’ grade in 2004 and reaccredited with ‘A’ grade in 2011 by the NAAC, Bangalore. It is also significant to note that some of its constituent units have ISO 2001-2009 certification. Our University has excellent infrastructure for all its constituent Institutions such as well-structured spacious buildings, continuously updated laboratories and hostels with all necessary amenities and facilities.

Today, the horizons of knowledge are expanding exponentially. It is, therefore, a challenge to cope up with this vibrant system of higher education and Bharati Vidyapeeth University is well-equipped to impart latest training and education to its students. We are committed to provide excellent teaching, learning and research under its 12 faculties. The University continuously updates the courses of studies being taught in our constituent Institutions, keeping in view, the rapid changes and dynamism around. Our libraries are continuously updated. The University ensures not only high quality training,

education in the respective areas of knowledge to the students, but also places emphasis on all-round development of the students. Abundant opportunities are also provided for co-curricular and extracurricular activities on the campus. In the discharge of its social obligations, the University is, no doubt, committed to see that the students graduating from this University are well- trained and well-prepared for jobs and become responsible citizens of the country.

The track record of the achievements of the University is indeed commendable. It is a matter of pride for us that scores of our students have achieved successes in their respective fields and established themselves in different spheres of life. We are aware that the success of any University largely depends on the number of successful students, it produces for the service of the society and the nation.

We, therefore, take every care for your bright future career and help you to translate your dreams into reality.

Once again, I take this opportunity to welcome all of you to the family of Bharati Vidyapeeth University and wish you success in your life.

Prof. Dr. Shivajirao Kadam

AglaSem Admission

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune

Bharati Vidyapeeth, the parent organization of this University is one of the largest educational

organizations in the country. It has 171 educational units under its umbrella including 67

Colleges and Institutes of conventional and professional education.

The Department of Human Resource Development, Government of India

on the recommendations of the University Grants Commission accorded the status of

"Deemed to be University" initially to a cluster of 12 units of Bharati Vidyapeeth. Subsequently, 17

additional colleges / institutes were brought within the ambit of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed

University wide various notifications of the Government of India. B h a r a t i V i d y a p e e t h D e e m

e d U n i v e r s i t y commenced its functioning on 26th April, 1996.

Constituent Units of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

1. BVDU Medical College, Pune.

2. BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Pune

3. BVDU College of Ayurved, Pune

4. BVDU Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune

5. BVDU College of Nursing, Pune

6. BVDU Yashwantrao Mohite College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Pune.

7. BVDU New Law College, Pune

8. BVDU Social Sciences Centre (M.S.W.), Pune

9. BVDU Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Social Science Studies & Research, Pune.

10. BVDU Centre for Research & Development in Pharmaceutical Sciences & Applied Chemistry, Pune

11. BVDU College of Physical Education, Pune.

12. BVDU Institute of Environment Education & Research, Pune

13. B V D U I n s t i t u t e o f M a n a g e m e n t & Entrepreneurship Development, Pune

14. BVDU Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune

15. BVDU College of Engineering, Pune

16. BVDU Interactive Research School in Health Affairs (IRSHA), Pune

17. BVDU Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Information Technology & Biotechnology, Pune

18. BVDU College of Architecture, Pune

19. B V D U A b h i j i t K a d a m I n s t i t u t e o f Management & Social Sciences, Solapur

20. BVDU Institute of Management, Kolhapur

21. BVDU Institute of Management & Rural Development administration, Sangli

22. BVDU Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi

23. BVDU Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology, Pune

24. BVDU Yashwantrao Mohite Institute of Management, Malakapur-Karad

25. BVDU Medical College & Hospital, Sangli

26. BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Mumbai

27. BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Sangli

AglaSem Admission

28. BVDU College of Nursing, Sangli

29. BVDU College of Nursing, Navi Mumbai

The status of University was given to the cluster of these Colleges and Institutes in ppreciation

of the high level of their academic excellence and for their potential for further growth.

During the last 15 years or so, the University has achieved still higher pinnacles of academic

excellence and has established its reputation to such an extent that it attracts students not only from

various parts of India but also from abroad. According to a survey conducted by Association of Indian

Universities, this University is one among the top ten Universities in the country preferred by the overseas

students for admissions. At present, there are more than 800 overseas students from

67 countries on the rolls of constituent units of this


During the last 15 years, there has been tremendous academic expansion of the

University. It now conducts in all 214 courses in its constituent units, of them 107 are Post

Graduate, 50 are Under Graduate and 57

Diploma level courses. All the professional courses which the University conducts such as those of

Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering etc., have approval of the respective Statutory

Councils, viz., Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India, All India Council for Technical

Education etc.

The University is a throbbing center of research activities and has launched Ph.D.

programmes in 64 subjects. It has also introduced quite few innovative academic programmes

such as Masters in Clinical Optometry, M.Tech. in Nanotechnology.

T h e U n i v e r s i t y ' s p e r f o r m a n c e a n d achievements were assessed by the "National

Assessment and Accreditation Council" and it was accredited with a prestigious "A" grade in 2004. Quite a

few programmes of the constituent units such as College of Engineering at Pune,

Management Institute in Delhi and others have also been accredited by "National Board of

Accreditation". Three constituent units of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University are also the

recipients of ISO 9001-2001 certifications.

Distinct Features of this University:

Distinct Features of this University :

The University

● The University has been awarded “A” Grade by Ministry of Human Resources of India.

● Is one of the largest Universities in terms of Constituent Units established u/s. 3 of the UGC Act, 1956.

● Is a multi-faculty University with Twelve Faculties :

(1) Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, (2) Science, (3) Law, (4) Medical Sciences, (5) Dentistry, (6) Ayurveda, (7)

Homoeopathy, (8) Nursing, (9) Pharmaceutical Sciences, (10) Management Studies (11) Engineering and

Technology, (12) Interdisciplinary Studies

● Offers a wide range of academic programmes to the students. The number of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, and

Diploma Programmes are 44, 104, 37 respectively.

● Accredited by the NAAC with prestigious 'A' grade (2004) and reaccredited with 'A' grade(2011).

● Is according to a survey conducted by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, among the top ten

universities and preferred by the overseas students for admissions. During the year 2009-10 there are 800

overseas students from 32 countries enrolled with constituent units.

● Has eight campuses located in different cities including New Delhi.

● Is probably the only University having three self-financing research institutes devoted exclusively for researches in

AglaSem Admission

health related sciences, pharmaceutical sciences and social sciences.

● Has established a separate Sports Department to promote sports activities.

● Has established a Centre for Performing Arts, which runs graduate programmes in various performing arts

including dance, drama, music.

● Three Constituent Units of the University are assessed by the National Board of Accreditation and are

accredited with prestigious grades.

● Its three Constituent Units have also obtained ISO 2001-2009 certification.

● Has organized several international and national level Seminars, Conferences, etc.

● Is a University which academically and intellectually very productive whose faculty members have very laudable

record of research publications and patents.

● Has digitalized libraries of its constituent units.

● Has created excellent infrastructure for all its constituent units, including well structured specious buildings

continuously updated laboratories and libraries and hostels with all the necessary amenities and facilities for both

boys and girls.

● Has built a specialized research institute accommodating 18 laboratories for the researches in pharmaceutical


● Has launched laudable outreach programmes through NSS units.

● Is proud of its Institute of Environment Science and Research Education, which has been identified as a nodal

agency by the Government of India for its programmes of biodiversity and environmental products. It has

adopted several primary schools with a view to create environmental consciousness among their students.

● Has established Women's Creativity Development Centre to undertake researches regarding women,

particularly, those of disadvantage groups and to promote creativity among them.

Our Campuses Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University has campuses in Pune, Mumbai, Solapur, Kolhapur, Sangli, Karad and New Delhi, the capital city of India. It's two Medical Colleges are located each in Pune and Sangli.

AglaSem Admission

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

College of Engineering, Pune

Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering at Pune was established in August,

1983. Over the last 30 years or so, the College has made all-round progress and is now acclaimed as one

of the best Engineering Colleges in this part of the country.

Since its inception till July 2000, the College was affiliated on a permanent basis to University of

Pune. In July 2000, the Government of India on the recommendations of the UGC and AICTE has

included this College as a constituent unit of Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University. This College has thus

an approval and recognition of Government of India, the AICTE, the UGC and the Government of

Maharashtra. As per the section 3 of the UGC Act 1956, the Deemed Universities have the same status as

the State and Central statutory universities. So the degrees and diplomas, which Bharati Vidyapeeth

Deemed University awards to its students have the same status and recognition as those awarded by the

state and central statutory universities. Students / Parents are suggested to visit college website, w w

w. b v u c o e p u n e . e d u . i n f o r a d d i t i o n a l information.


To keep the universities / institutions at par in imparting quality education, UGC and AICTE have

introduced accreditation process. NAAC- established by UGC has reaccreditated with 'A' grade

to Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.

National Board of Accreditation has accredeted 71 programmes being conducted at

BVDU, College of Engineering, Pune.

BVDUCOE is one of the top performing institutions of which is constantly placed within top 50

technical institutes in India, in the survey conducted by Dataquest & IDC. This survey is based on

the criterion such as, teaching-learning process, technology implementation, placement research,

infrastructure etc.

BVDUCOE, Pune has been selected for the grant of Rs. 4 Cr. under TEQIP-II programme of

MHRD, New Delhi supported World Bank.


College has driven the special task, which resulted in signing the following Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) with other institutes / organizations.

1. Joint School of Nano Science and Nano Engineering of NCAT, USA.

2. North Carolina A & T State University, Greensboro, USA for faculty development and


3. Infosys under campus connect programme.

4. Actel Corporation, USA to establish ultra modern VLSI Laboratory for post-graduate

students. Under this MoU, College has received equipments worth of Rs. 1.5 Crores.

5. TATA Consultancy services, Pune.

6. ORACLE Corporation for Workforce Development Programme.

AglaSem Admission

7. SKF India Ltd. for establishment of lubricant condition monitoring laboratory


The college has its own spacious, well - designed building fulfulling AICTE norms,

located in a beautiful Campus at Pune-Satara Road, Pune. It has sufficient space to accommodate

lecture halls, laboratories, seminar halls, Library, Workshop etc.


The faculty is competent, highly motivated and experienced with acknowledged expertise in

their respective disciplines. A fairly large number of them have research papers to their credit and

many of them have been actively involved in research activities. These teachers are a source of

not only knowledge, but also of inspiration for the students. A large number of experts from eminent

institutes, industries and research and development organisations are frequently called

to deliver lectures on specific important topics. Presently we have 18 faculty member with Ph.D.

and 42 are pursing.

Infrastructural Facilities

Over the years, the college has created excellent infrastructural facilities in terms of well

equipped laboratories and workshops.

Laboratories are housed in spacious halls and they have the latest state-of-the-art equipment. The

College allocates enough funding to update its laboratories. Computer laboratories that are well

equipped with the latest machines and various types of softwares and application development tools.

Further, softwares required in the respective fields are also available in the respective departments.


The college provides adequate library facilities to the staff and students. Library of the college is

placed in a specious building admeasuring more than 2500 sq.m. area. Library contains separate

stacking room, Computer Centre, Periodical Section, Audio Visual Room, Reference Section &

Three Reading Halls. Reading Halls are open for sixteen hours a day enabling the students, especially the

hostelites, to study with concentration in a pleasant environment. Total there are more than 52,000

books available in the Library. College also subscribed 135 national / international journals.

● The College Library is housed in a five storied well planned and designed building.

● The college has a well stocked library with a student-book ratio of 1:17.

● The library has tie ups / liasions with leading libraries of Institutions such as IIT, Mumbai, NCL,

Pune and ARAI, Pune, BCL, Pune, DIAT, Pune etc. This provides additional access to the

reading material to our students and faculties.

● The library building houses two reading rooms admeasuring 251 Sq.M. each with a capacity to

accommodate 520 students for study purpose.

● Online Public Access Catalogue, reprography are other facilities available to the students.

AglaSem Admission

Digital library consisting of 83,69,299 books, 33,541 current periodicals, 20,235 catalogues of

periodicals, 9,12,042 periodical articles, 5,000 CD- ROM, 748 Thesis and Dissertations, 44,304 Video

Recordings and 1,613 Sound Recordings in e-form are available to facilitate and promote research. The

college has obtained membership of DELNET for this purpose.


Computer Center is established in the Library with 135 computers of latest configuration and

leased line of one mbps. The center is made available to the students for 18 hrs. a day under the

supervision of specially appointed computer system administrator.


Bharati Vidyapeeth provides excellent hostel facilities to its students. It includes seven girls and

two boys hostels with a total capacity to accommodate over 1200 students. Students seeking

admissions to the hostel in a prescribed form. Admissions to hostel are given on the first come first serve




(Accredited by NBA)

The Department of Chemical Engineering has various laboratories well equipped with modern

instruments. Computer facility is provided to the students with a view to facilitate their working on

Mathematical Modelling. The latest available equipment installed in laboratories are in like heat

exchanger cyclone separator, grinding, distillation, drying, P.I.D. controller, Instrumentation and

Instrumental Analysis etc. Students can also have regular interaction with well - known research

institutions like the National Chemical Laboratory (NCL) Pune, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. From

the Academic Year 2002-2003, a post- graduate programme in the Department leading to the degree

of M.Tech. (Chemical) has been introduced.


The department of Civil Engineering has laboratories in Environmental Engineering,

Hydraulics, Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering, Geology, Surveying, Computer

laboratories. It has developed good liaison with the industry and reputed research institutes like CW & PRS

in the form of consultancy projects, research works and exchange of information by interacting with

experts in respective fields.

This has been accomplished through the qualified and experienced staff of the Department.

Presently five staff members are with Ph.D. degree and others are post graduate educated. More than

120 research papers were presented by the staff members of Civil Engineering Department taken


The Department also runs a post graduate course in Hydraulic Engineering. Some of the

research projects completed in the department are protection of scour around bridge pier by riprap,

Hydraulics considerations for sensing radians of the sky jump bucket, High volume fly ash concrete

AglaSem Admission


Number of testing and consultancy works are undertaken by the staff in the areas of

Geotechnical E n g i n e e r i n g , H y d r a u l i c E n g i n e e r i n g , Environmental Engineering,

Geology and Surveying.



(Accredited by NBA)

The Department has Eleven well equipped Computer laboratories, which include 4

servers viz., 2 Windows 2003 & 1 Linux Servers and 1 Novell NetWare Servers. The latest

softwares are made available to the students. The Hardware laboratories are equipped with

assembly kits, interfacing kits, simulators, cross-compilers, microcontrollers, DSP kits and

the like. The specialised laboratories are Digital Signal Processing, Multimedia

Techniques, Unix, Graphics & Animation, Digital Communications, Advanced Computer

Architecture, Database Management System & Software Engineering.

T h e c o u r s e s f o c u s o n t h e o r y, d e s i g n , implementation, application and

evaluation of computer based information systems in their technical, social and organisational

contexts. The post graduate courses leading to degree of M.Tech. (Computer Engineering) and M.Tech.

Information Technology is run in the Department.


(Accrediated by NBA)

The laboratories in the department are Electrical Machines Lab, Control Systems-

Microprocessor Lab, Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation Lab, Switchgear Protection Lab and

High Voltage Lab, Advanced microprocessor, Drives and Control Lab, Computer and Software

Laboratory. Department has a unit of IEEE branch.

The post graduate courses leading to degree of M.Tech Electrical is run in the Department.


The Department constitutes Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Management and Social

Science Departments. Four staff members have completed their Ph.D. degree. They have also

received financial grant from the U.G.C. for their research projects.

The Department has well equipped spacious laboratories for the practical work.


(Accrediated by NBA)

The Department has the following Laboratories: Computer Lab, Microprocessor Based Systems,

Digital Electronics, Microelectronics, Communication Lab, Circuits & Networks, Power

Electronics, Instrumentation & Control, Opto- Electronics, Linear integrated circuits. The post

AglaSem Admission

graduate courses leading to degree of M.Tech Electronics is run in the Department.


(Accredited by NBA)

T h e l a b o r a t o r i e s i n t h e d e p a r t m e n t a r e Thermodynamics Laboratory, Theory of

Machines Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, Metrology and Quality Control Laboratory, Steam Power

plant and Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory. In view to keep pace with time, department has

started post graduate course in M.Tech. CAD/CAM, which is unique in Pune region.


(Accredited by NBA)

The laboratory, infrastructure and facilities include Modern Production Laboratory,

Metallurgy Laboratory, Metrology and Quality Control Laboratory, Robotics and Automation

Laboratory, C A D / C A M / C I M L a b o r a t o r y, P r o d u c t i o n Management Laboratory and Machine

Tool Laboratory. Specialized subject areas available in the Department are CAD/CAM, Non-Traditional

Machining Process etc.


Workshop is intended as a core facility, to carry out all mechanical fabrication works. Workshop spread

on 20000 sq. ft is well equipped with all facilities required to train the undergraduate students of

engineering as well as to cater the needs of p o s t g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s f o r f a b r i c a t i o n o f

equipments and to undertake experimentations.

The major facilities in workshop are machining & fabrication. Workshop has 13 sections. It has a

wide variety of machines which includes, Universal Milling Machines, Horizontal Milling

Machines, Cylindrical Grinder, Centerless Grinder, Slotting machine, Shaper, Centre Lathes, Arc

welding machines, Tungsten Intert Gas Welding, Metal Inert Gas Welding, Resistance Spot Welding,

etc. It has an advanced manufacturing shop with an Electro discharge machine and an electrochemical

machine, a CNC lathe.


Training and Placement Cell has continuous interaction with industries. The

Prominent industries which have regularly visited for campus placement are TCS, Infosys, Tata

Infotech, Zensar, Wipro, Kanbay, Tech-Mahindra, L&T, Satyam Computers, Cognizant

Technology, HLL, KOEL, EDS Syntel, Godrej Boyce, Punj Lloyed, Acenture,Cerner,

US Technology etc. 63 companies visited for campus placement to our college in year

2013-14. More than 73% of the students from the outgoing batch of June 2013 have already been

placed in these companies.

The cell coordinates for vocational training, career guidance lectures for students, industrial visits etc.

AglaSem Admission


A separate R & D Cell is established to promote research activities in the institution. The

R&D cell is particularly responsible for :

1. Motivating the staff members is carry out research in the field of engineering of their


2. Promoting higher technical education in a disciplined manner. This includes framing of

norms and standards and regulating and controlling the post graduate and doctoral


3. Establishing the Industry Institute interaction.

4. Guiding the departments in preparing project reports for research funding. The agencies are


5. Collaborate with industries through MoU.


The college has a well-equipped Gymkhana. The students in the college are provided with all

the sports equipment. Our students have emerged with flying colours in various sports activities at College,

University, State and National levels.


Art Circle is managed by students under the guidance of faculty members. It serves as a

platform for enhancing and exposing the often hidden talents and skills of the students in various fields

like Dance, Orchestra, Fine Arts, Drama etc. and in competitions held by various Institutions. The

college has won various prizes in intercollege competitions and earned appreciation for its

activities and gained good reputation in extra c u r r i c u l a r f i e l d s . T h e c o l l e g e o rg a n i z e s

'BHARATIYAM', the National Level Annual TechFest every year.


All Departments have their own very active Students Association which organize

various activities like wallpapers, seminars and workshops, industrial visits, etc. throughout the year.

The institute is also having various students chapter such as Society of Automotive

Engineers, Institution of Engineers (INDIA), IEEE etc.


The use of internet has increased to multifolds in recent years and network security has become the

most complicated problem in cyberworld. The network crimes consist of financial crimes, online

gambling, intellectual property right crimes, e-mail spoofing, cyber defamation etc. To eliminate the

above threats providing security is of paramount important to every corporate, Government

organizations and every individual who is using computer technology. The estimated demand of such

trained professionals by year 2011 will be 5,00,000. To make students of this College

conversant with Network security.

AglaSem Admission

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University started a course on "Network Security" for all

students of Engineering Colleges. First year students will undertake Module I and the students of

second and third year of all disciplines will undertake module II & III respectively.

The objectives of this course are :

● Develop qualified experts in cyber security field.

● Protect organization, network and system from malicious attacks.

● Build, implement and follow a complete security policy.

● Learn the associated laws to protect the intellectual property attack.

Students completing module I will be awarded certificate course in Network Security and

Diploma and Advanced Diploma to students completing II and III module successfully.

Admission Procedure


1. The students will be admitted to the Engineering degree courses of the College of Engineering, Pune on

the basis of the merit obtained by them in the All India Common Entrance Test CET (Engineering) -

2014 conducted by the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University.

Courses & Intake Capacities

Sr. No. Name of Course Students intake for first year

1. B. Tech. Bio-Medical 40

2. B. Tech. Chemical 60

3. B. Tech. Civil 60

4. B. Tech. Computer 120

5. B. Tech. Electrical 60

6. B. Tech. Electronics 90

7. B.Tech. Electronics & Telecommunication 60

8. B. Tech. Information Technology 60

9. B. Tech. Mechanical 60

10. B. Tech. Production 60


The college is running post graduate courses in following branches,

● M.Tech. Chemical

● M.Tech. Civil

● M.Tech. Computer ● M.Tech. Electrical

AglaSem Admission

● M.Tech. Electronics ● M.Tech. Mechanical

● M.Tech. (Information Technology) ● M.Tech. (Nano Technology)

AglaSem Admission

The admissions to these courses are given through an Entrance Test conducted separately by the


N.B. :

● Foreign National / PIO / OCI Merit Seats :

Fifteen percent (15%) supernumerary seats of over and above the sanctioned intake in

each discipline are reserved for Foreign National / PIO / OCI. Candidates desirous of getting

admission under these Category will have to apply to The Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth

Deemed University, Pune. The last Date for submission of the form for this Category is

15th May 2014 before 5.00 p.m.

● Foreign National / PIO / OCI / NRI / Management Merit Seats :

Fifteen percent (15%) of the sanctioned intake in each branch are reserved for

Foreign/NRI(Non-Resident-Indian)/P.I.O./O.C.I./Management Merit Category students. Candidates

seeking admissions to the seats of this category will have to apply to The Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth

Deemed University, Pune. The last date for submission of form to this Category is 15th May 2014 before

5.00 p.m. Seats remaining vacant after allotment to Foreign / N.R.I. / P.I.O. / O.C.I. Merit students will

be allotted to Indian students under Management Merit Category on the basis of marks obtained by

them in the CET (Engineering) -2014.

2. CET (Engineering) - 2014 will be conducted on the date and at the time as mentioned in the calendar

of events at the examination centers in the following cities, Pune, New Delhi, Navi Mumbai,

Hyderabad, Vadodara, Indore, Lucknow, Bangalore. The exact location and address of the

Examination Centres will be communicated to the candidates through their admission cards.

3. There will be one question paper at the CET (Engineering) - 2014. It will be set in English medium

and will contain 200 multiple choice objective type questions with four options A , B , C , & D . with

only one correct choice.

It will consist 100 questions on Mathematics and 100 questions on Physics.

Subject Question Numbers Marks

Mathematics 001 to 100 100

Physics 101 to 200 100

Each question carries one mark. These questions will be in general on the detailed syllabi given in

Annexure- I. There will not be negative marking.

AglaSem Admission

Eligibility for appearing in CET (Engineering) - 2014

4. Only those candidates who satisfy or are likely to satisfy the relevant eligibility requirements for

admission to the courses will be considered eligible to appear for the Common Entrance Test

CET (Engineering) - 2014.

Requisite qualifications for admission to First Year of B. Tech. courses

The candidate seeking admission to any of these courses should have passed the Higher

Secondary Certificate Examination (H.S.C.) or the Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE) or

any other examination equivalent to 10+2 or HSC examination of any recognised Board/ University

from any school/college situated in India.

i) Passed 10+2 examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with

one of the Chemistry / Biotechnology / Biology / Technical Vocational subject.

Obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidate belonging to SC/ST category) in the

above subjects taken together.

ii) Candidates who are likely to appear or who have appeared for qualifying examination i. e.

H.S.C. etc. but whose results have not been declared will also be considered eligible to appear

for CET (Engineering) - 2014, provided they have offered the above mentioned subjects at

the said examinations. However, they should produce marksheet of HSC at time of


Application Procedure

5. A candidate d e s i r o u s o f appearing for the CET (Engineering) - 2014 is required to fill the form

online by visiting our website.

Instructions for completing the Application Form for CET (Engineering) 2014

Instruction to fill the form are give separately on the home page of our website Candidates are advised to read these instruction before filling the


8. Downloaded application form[if payment is done through DD] must be accompanied by CET (Engineering)

- 2014 fee of Rs. 1700/- It should be mailed (the fee should be paid by Demand Draft of Rs. 1700/-

drawn on any nationalised bank or Bharati Sahakari Bank Ltd. payable at Pune, in favour of

Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune) to the following address

CET Office :

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

Second Floor, CET Dept.,

Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan, L.B.S. Marg, Pune 411 030.




8.1 The Candidate should invariably mention the number of his/her application form (as printed on

AglaSem Admission

it) and his / her name on the back of his / her Demand Draft.

8.2 The application sent by mail must be sent by registered post / speed post / courier.

8.3 The application must reach either by hand or by mail to the above address on or before

15th May 2014 by 17.00 hrs.

This fee should not be sent by money order. Please note that this fee is non-refundable.

9. This University will not be responsible for any delay or loss of the Application/Admission Card /

Counselling Letter/any other communication in transit. Such a delay will not be condoned.

10. The applicant himself / herself has to ascertain from the University office whether his/her

application has reached the University office or not.

Issue of Admission Cards

11. Admission Cards for CET (Engineering) - 2014 will be dispatched by post to candidates under

certificate of posting. The admission card may be downloaded from our website The Admission Card will indicate the Roll Number and

Examination Centre allotted to the candidate with its address.

12. The Candidate must not mutilate the Admission Card issued to him/her or change any entry made

therein after it has been authenticated by the University authorities.

13. In case the Admission Card is not received by a candidate by 23rd May 2014 he/she should contact the

concerned Designated Centres at Pune, Navi Mumbai and New Delhi (addresses given in this

brochure) or the concerned examination centres at Vadodara, Hyderabad, Indore, Bangalore on

addresses given in this brochure one day prior to the scheduled date of Entrance Test, CET

(Engineering) - 2014, for collecting a duplicate admission card. (For centres at Lucknow the

candidates should contact the designated centre at New Delhi). For issue of duplicate admit card,

the candidate should bring two copies of his/her authenticated photograph along with him/her

and a proof of submission/mailing of application form. In case no proof is submitted, duplicate

admission card will not be issued. Mere purchase of application form will not be considered as a

proof of sending the completed application form.

Conduct of the CET (Engineering) - 2014

14. The Test will be conducted at different locations in the designated examination centres at 11.00 hours

on the day mentioned in the calendar of events. The candidates must report at the centre atleast 30

minutes before the scheduled time of commencement of test.







16. A candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Test if he/she is late by 30 minutes or more to reach the

examination hall.

17. The candidate must bring his /her admission card with him/her and show the same on demand for

AglaSem Admission

admission to the examination hall. A candidate who does not have the Admission Card issued by the

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University will not be admitted to the examination hall under any

circumstances by the Centre Superintendent.

18. A seat with a number will be allotted to each candidate in the examination hall.

19. A Candidate will not be allowed to carry any textual material, printed or hand written chits or any other

material except the Admission Card inside the examination hall. Candidates are not permitted to bring

calculators, slide rules, Log tables, electronic watches with facilities of calculators, laptop computers,

personal stereo systems, walkie-talkie sets, paging devices, mobile telephones and any other

objects/devices in the examination hall. Possession or use of such devices during the examination is

prohibited and candidate is liable to be expelled if found using or possessing them

20. No candidate, will be allowed to go outside the examination hall till the completion of the entire

duration of examination. Once the candidate leaves the hall (even for answering a cal of nature)

he/she will not be readmitted to examination hall. No exception will be made in this regard.

21. Parents, relatives, or friends of the candidates will not be allowed to enter into the premises of the

centre. No arrangement will be made for tea snacks etc. for the students or parents.

22. Candidates are advised to bring with them a cardboard or a clipboard, on which nothing should have

been written. This board will be useful to them while writing their responses in the answer sheet if in

case tables in the examination hall do not have smooth surface.

23. Smoking in the examination centre is strictly prohibited. Beverages or snacks of any kind are not

allowed to be taken into the examination hall during examination hours.

24. Candidates should maintain perfect silence and discipline in the examination hall.

Any conversation, gesticulation or disturbance in the examination hall shall be considered as

misbehavior and the candidates involved in such behaviour will be expelled from the examination

hall. Similarly, if any candidate is found using unfair means or allowing someone else to

impersonate him/her, his/her candidature at the examination will be instantaneously cancelled.

25. During the examination time, the invigilator will check the Admission Cards of the c a n d i d a t e s t o

satisfy himself/herself about the identity of each candidate. The invigilator will also put his/her

signature in the place provided in the Answer Sheet on SIDE-1.

26. After completing the test and before handing over the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet back to the

invigilator, the candidate should check once again whether all the particulars required in the Test

Booklet and the Answer Sheet have been correctly written. He should ensure that the Roll Number,

Centre Code and the Test Booklet number are correctly written on the answer sheet.

27. A warning bell will be given at the beginning of the examination and also to mark the half time of the

examination time. A bell will also be given before the closing time when the candidate must stop

marking the responses or writing.

Mode of The Test

28. The examination consists of one question paper. The question paper will consist of two hundred

objective type questions on Physics and Mathematics. The duration of the examination is of 3

AglaSem Admission

hours. It will consist of 100 questions on Mathematics, 100 questions on Physics. Each question

carries one mark.

N.B. : There is no negative marking

Test Booklet

29. Test Booklet : The candidate will be provided with a sealed Test Booklet with an answer sheet. The

candidate will write with ball point pen the required information regarding Roll Number, Name,

Centre code and Centre of examination in the columns on the Test Booklet without opening the seal.

The candidates are advised not to open/break the seal of the same before they are instructed to do so by

the invigilator.

30. In the Test Booklet, there will be 200 items/questions serially numbered from 001 to 100

on Mathematics , 101 to 200 on Physics. Each question will be followed by four responses marked

A , B , C , & D . Out of these four responses only one will be correct or most appropriate, which

needs to be selected and marked on the answer sheet.

The Answer Sheet 31. An answer sheet will be given to the candidates along with Test Booklet at the time of the test.

31.1 This answer sheet will be of special type, which will be scanned mechanically by Optical Mark

Scanner. So the candidate should handle the answer sheet very carefully. There will be two

sides of the answer sheet.

31.2 Side 1 of the Answer Sheet.

This side of the answer sheet begins with instructions for marking the responses. The following

information is then to be filled in with a ball point pen only, neatly and accurately :

● Name of the Candidate

● Roll Number

● Centre of Examination (Name of the city)

● Signature of the Candidate

● Optional subject selected to be mentioned on right top corner above test

booklet serial no.

This side of the answer sheet also contains the following columns, which are to

be written/filled in with HB pencil/blue/black ball point pen only. (Please study

the specimen answer sheet appended at Annexure V).

● Roll Number : Write in the squares and darken (completely filling in) the

appropriate circles corresponding to Roll Number.

● Test Booklet Number : Each test booklet has a number. Write it at

appropriate place.

● Test Form Number : Write in the squares and darken the appropriate

circles corresponding to Test Form Number mentioned on the Test Booklet.

31.3 Side 2 of the Answer sheet

This side is used for marking responses to questions numbered 001 to 200. After

AglaSem Admission

every question number, four circles numbered A , B , C , & D are provided for

this purpose.

The candidate must indicate his/her response to the question by darkening the

appropriate circle completely with HB Pencil/blue/black ball point pen. For

Example :

Q.003 Mumbai is the capital city of the state of

(A) Tamilnadu

(B) Karnataka

(C) Orissa

(D) Maharashtra

The correct response is (D). The candidate will locate question number in the

answer sheet and darken the circle (D) as shown below :

(A) (B) (C) (D)









AglaSem Admission

If the candidate darkens more than one circles or if he does not mark his

response as shown above and marks his response as shown below, his response

will be treated as wrong and will not be given marks.

(A) (B) (C) (D)









AglaSem Admission

Note : Please use HB Pencil/blue/black ball point pen only for writing/marking particulars on

Side-2 of the answer sheet.

32 The candidates are advised to decide about the answer before they mark it on the answer sheets.

He/She must ensure that the circle is completely darkened with HB Pencil/blue/black ball point pen

only. A lightly or faintly darkened circle is a wrong method of marking and will be rejected by the

Optical Scanner.

33 If the candidate does not want to attempt any particular question, he/she is advised not to touch any of

the circles given against that question. However, it may be noted that there is no negative marking for

selecting the wrong response.

34 The candidate must not fold the answer sheet and should not make any stray marks on it.

35 A specimen copy of the answer sheet is given at Annexure V. Candidates are advised to go through it

and get conversant with it. The candidate will learn from this answer sheet, how to fill in the

information asked for and how to mark the answers. This will help the candidates to do the things

correctly and save their time.

Changing An Answer 36 If a candidate wants to change any answer marked by him/her on the answer sheet, he/she must

completely erase the existing pencil/blue/black ball point pen mark and then darken the appropriate

circle with HB Pencil/blue/black ball point pen. Candidate must not leave any visible mark in the

circle after erasing. Otherwise the response will be rejected by the optical mark scanner. Such erasing

should be avoided as far as possible.

37 Test Booklet number as filled in by the candidate in the answer sheet will be accepted as final for the

purpose of evaluation. When the booklet number is left blank or more than one booklet numbers are

indicated on the answer sheet, it will be deemed as incorrect booklet number and answer sheet will not

be evaluated.

Pens, Erasers And Pencil / Blue / Black Ball Point Pens

38 The candidate must bring his/her own materials such as HB pencil/blue/black ball point pen. In case

any pencil/blue/black ball point pen other than HB pencil/blue/black ball point pen is used, the answer

sheet will be possibly rejected by the Optical Mark Scanner. The candidate must also bring his/her own

sharpener and erasers of good quality.







Please note that there will not be negative marking for the wrong answers chosen or unanswered

AglaSem Admission

questions by the candidate.

Rough Work 44 The candidate will not do any rough work or writing work on the answer sheet. All rough work is to be

done in the Test Booklet itself.

Merit List 45. The result of CET (Engineering) - 2014 will be declared and made available at the office of the

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University in Pune and at our designated centers at Navi Mumbai and

New Delhi on 11th June 2014.

The University will prepare lists of Regular Merit Category candidates and Foreign / NRI / PIO / OCI /

Management Merit Category who have appeared for CET (Engineering)-2014 based on the total

marks obtained by them in Mathematics and Physics taken together. The candidates should remain

present for the counselling as per their Merit number and schedule.

It will also be displayed on following web site :

1. University Website :,

2. College Website :

The candidates whose names appear in the list prepared on the basis of marks obtained by them in CET

(Engineering) - 2014 should attend the Counselling sessions and on-the-spot admissions sessions to

the various branches and courses as per their ranks in the list. The Counselling Sessions combined for

all brances will be conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering, Pune-Satara

Road, Pune 411 043.

46 In case two or more candidates obtain equal marks in the CET (Engineering) - 2014, the inter se rank

of such candidates shall be determined in order of preference as under :

46.1 Candidates obtaining higher marks in Mathematics in the entrance test.

46.2 Candidates obtaining higher aggregate percentage of marks in H.S.C./equivalent


46.3 Candidates obtaining higher percentage of marks in Mathematics in the 10th standard


46.4 In case of tie at this level, computerised random selection of candidate will be carried out.

Counselling and On The Spot Admission Session

After declaration of result the university will dispatch counselling and on the spot selection invitation

letters to first 5000 candidate in the merit list of CET Engineering 2014.

The candidate from merit No. 1 to 5000 should attend the counselling on the dates mentioned in the

counselling schedule on cover page 3. Candidate from merit no. 5001 to 8000 should attend the


on the dates specified on cover page 3.

The university shall allott the seats by merit and as per availability. It may be possible that seat in the

branch of the choice of the candidate or in any other branch may not be available at the time of

councelling of the candidate. The university shall not be responsible for the same.

AglaSem Admission

47. The counselling session will be conducted at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University College of

Engineering, Pune as per the schedule indicated back inside page. FAILURE TO REPORT FOR



candidate's responsibility to see the result of CET (Engineering) - 2014

48. The candidate should remain present for the personal interview (counselling) and for on the spot

admission, if eligible, even though he/she does not receive any intimation letter from the University.

49. Only the candidate and one of his parents/guardian will be allowed into the hall where

counselling is held. The candidates will be called in the order of their ranking in the merit list and

offered the seats to the various courses available at that point of time. The candidate will be allowed to

choose admission to the course in which seats are available when his / her turn for counselling comes

50. The candidate must note that appearance at this test and inclusion of name in the Merit list do not

necessarily mean that he/she will get admission to the course of his/her choice. His/Her admission to a

particular course will depend upon the availability of vacancies for that particular course at the time

of his/her counselling.

51. At the time of reporting for the counselling, the candidate is required to produce the documents

(original and two sets of photocopies) listed in Annexure-II and letter for counselling. If the candidate

is admitted to any of the courses, these documents will be retained by the University till he/she

completes the course. If the candidate fails to produce all or any of the documents listed in Annexure II,

he/she will instantaneously forfeit his/her claim for a seat.

Admission will be offered to the eligible candidates any branch as per the availability of the vacancy in

that branch at the time of counselling.

It may be possible that the student may fail to receive the invitation letter due to any reason. They may

attend the counselling sessions as per the schedule of counselling on their own, provided they satisfy

requisite qualifications for admission and his merit in the CET (Engineering) 2014. The candidates

who fail to receive the counselling letter, for whatever reason, must bring some other proof of identity

of appearing at CET (Engineering)-2014 examination, for permission to appear for the counselling

sessions. It will not be possible to make any changes or adjustments in the dates of the counselling


The candidate should attend counselling session on his / her own judgment. It may happen that a seat

for admission for the course of his choice may not be available when his / her turn comes up as per the

merit in CET (Engineering)-2014 results.

Schedule of Counselling

52. The candidates in the merit list prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the CET

(Engineering) - 2014 will be called in as per their ranks for counselling and on the spot admission to

the various courses as shown below :

Merit No. above 5001 should see the University / College website for vacancy status.

AglaSem Admission

Date Candidates called for Counselling Time

Regular Merit Category


Merit No. 1 to 1000

10.00 a.m. onwards

27-06-2014 Merit No. 1001 to 2000 10.00 a.m. onwards

28-06-2014 Merit No. 2001 to 3000 10.00 a.m. onwards

29-06-2014 Merit No. 3001 to 4000 10.00 a.m. onwards

30-06-2014 Merit No. 4001 to 5000 10.00 a.m. onwards

Foreign / NRI / PIO / OCI / Management Merit Category

1-07-2014 Merit No. 001 to 140 10.00 a.m. onwards

Date Candidates called for Counselling Time

Regular category

2-07-2014 Merit No. 5001 to 6000 10.00 a.m. onwards

3-07-2014 Merit No. 6001 to 7000 10.00 a.m. onwards

4-07-2014 Merit No. 7001 to 8000 10.00 a.m. onwards

Admission status and vacancy positions will be uploaded on college website daily during

counseling period.

AAllll students and parents are requested to refer college website - for vacancy status during counselling and report accordingly.

53. After filling all the seats, waiting list numbers will be allotted to only those candidates who

have reported for counselling.

Candidates in the waiting list will be called for admission subject to the vacancies developed on

the basis of cancellation of admissions by the candidates admitted through the counselling.

However vacancies developed because of cancellation of admission by the students, will be

made available to the students admitted & who stands next in the merit list.

54. If any candidate finds it impossible to be physically present for the counselling due to

unavoidable circumstances, he/she may authorise any other responsible individual to represent

him/her at the counselling. This representative must carry with him/her the letter of authorization

in the format given in Annexure IV as well as all the documents listed in Annexure II. If the

candidate or his /her representative fails to report for the counselling on the date and the time

mentioned in the schedule of counselling, his/her claim for admission to any of the branches or

courses will be forfeited. The choice of course or branch made by the candidate/his/her

representative will be final and binding and will not be ordinarily altered later

55. The selected candidate will be required to pay the entire amount of annual tuition fee and other fees

on the day of counselling itself, through Bank Draft drawn in favour of the “Registrar,

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University" payable at Pune. In case the candidate fails to remit

the entire amount of fees, he/she is likely to lose his/her claim for admission. Refund of fees will be

governed by the rules of the University prevailing at that time.

AglaSem Admission

56. Fee Structure

Distribution Regular

Merit Category


Merit Category


Merit Category

Annual Fees ` 90,000/- ` 1,35,000/- US $ 5300

Further, the candidate is required to pay additional amount of ` 10,050/- against fees for value

added course of Network Security (` 6600/-), Caution Money Deposit (` 2000/-), Smart Card (`

450/-) and Dress Code (` 1000/- for boys & ` 850/- for girls), in cash at the time of admission.

Caustion money deposit is refunded after completion of course.

57. There are a few seats available in the hostel which will be allotted on first come first served basis.

58. Those who are desirous of getting admission to the hostel will be required to pay the entire amount of

rent for the year as well as the mess charges for the entire academic year at the time of admission only.

The details of hostel fees will be given in counselling letter. The payment for the hostels should be

made by separate D.D.

59. Differences of opinion and disputes arising in the interpretation and implementation of the clauses in

this Brochure, if any, will be referred to the Vice-Chancellor of the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed

University, Pune and his decision shall be final and binding on all the concerned.

60. Any legal matters arising out of the entire admission process through Common Entrance Test

conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune-30 i.e. CET(Engineering)-2014 will be

in the jurisdiction of courts of Pune, Maharashtra State.

61. Refund of Fees

In case of cancellation of Admission the Refund policy will be as.

1) In the event of student withdrawing before the starting of the particular course, the entire fee collected

from the student, after a deduction of the processing fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand only)

shall be refunded.

2) If a student submits his application for cancellation of admission in a prescribed form (duly completed)

within 15 calendar days from the date of commencement of the particular course, 10 percent of total

amount of tuition fees prescribed for the course will be deducted form the amount of tuition fee paid by

him and the balance amount will be refunded.

3) If a student submits his application for cancellation of admission in a prescribed form (duly completed

within 30 calendar days from the date of commencement of the particular course, 20 percent of the

total amount of tuition fees prescribed for the course will be deducted from the amount of tuition fee

paid by him and the balance amount will be refunded.

4) If a student submits an application for cancellation of admission after 30 calendar days from the date of

commencement of the particular course, no refund will be made and Rule (5) may also be invoked.

However, if the application for cancellation of admission is submitted before the last date prescribed

for admission, and if the vacated seat is filled by another candidate, 25% of the amount of tuition fees

prescribed for the course will be deducted from the amount of tuition fee paid and the balance amount

will be refunded.

5) If any student admitted to any course leaves the course after the prescribed last date for admission of

AglaSem Admission

the particular course no refund will be made and he will be required to pay full amount of tuition fees

for the remaining entire duration of the course.

Cancellation of Hostel admission and refund of admission fees and deposit

1) Cancellation of admission

The student desirous of cancelling Hostel admission will have to apply in his/her own handwriting to the

Chief Rector through the Principal of the concerned College.

2) Refund of Hostel Fees

The fees once paid are not refundable except under certain special circumstances as mentioned

below. a) If the student cancels his/her admission in the college or in the hostel on his/her


b) If the College Principal / the University cancels admission of the student on any technical ground.

3) Deduction of fee and charges on cancellation of admission :

If the admission is cancelled after confirmation within

● 15 days - Rs. 4,000/

● 15 days to 30 days - Rs. 8,000/

● After 30 days - No refund

4) Refund of Deposit

1 The Hostel Deposit will be refunded only after the student has obtained the no dues certificate from

the college as well as from the hostel.

2 The claim for refund of deposit should be made within one year of leaving the hostel. Otherwise

the deposit will be forfeited.

3 The refund of deposit will be made by cheque. Ordinarily the hostel deposit will be refunded once

in a year i.e. during the month of August.

Note :

1. The rules for refund of Hostel fees will be applicable only after full payment on admission.

2. Date of full payment will be considered as first day of Hostel admission.

3. The student will have to produce his / her copy of Bank Challan to claim refund.

4. Admission fee is non-refundable.

5. The mess charges for the entire month in which the student applies for cancellation of admission shall

be deducted. The mess money of the remaining months of the mess charges will be refunded

AglaSem Admission







1. I,



, applying for admission to,

_________________________________________________________________Bharat i

Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune am aware about the Rules & Regulations relating to curbing Menace

of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions - 2009.

2. I am aware as to what constitutes ragging.

3. I am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me in case I am found

guilty of or abetting ragging, actively or passively, or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging.

4. I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that

a. I will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations.

b. I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be

constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations.

5. I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment according to clause 9.1 of the

Regulations, without prejudice to any other criminalaction that may be taken against me under any penal law

or any law for the time being in force.

6. I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on

account of being found guilty of, abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote, ragging; and further

affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, I am aware that my admission is liable to

be cancelled.

Declared this day of month of year.

Signature of deponent

Name :

Note :

As per the directions of Hon‟ble Supreme Court of India Order No. SLP(C) No. 24295/2004

and SLP No. 143656/2005, WP (C) No. 173/2006 and SLP(C) No. 24296-24299/2004 all the

students are hereby informed the following.

“If any incidents of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned students shall

be given liberty to explain and if his explanation is not found satisfactory the authority would expel

him from the institution.”

All the students should note the above directives from the Supreme Court.


(Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University)

AglaSem Admission


Verified that contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false

and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein.

Verified at this day of

month of year.

Signature of deponent

Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this day of

month of year after reading the contents of

this affidavit.

Oath Commissioner

(Notary Public)

AglaSem Admission



1. I, Mr./Mrs./Ms.

father/mother/guardian of,

seeking admitted to ,

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune am aware about the Rules & Regulations relating to curbing

Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions - 2009.

2. I am aware as to what constitutes ragging.

3. I am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against my ward in case

he/she is found guilty of or abetting ragging, actively or passively, or being part of a conspiracy to promote


4. I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that

a. My ward will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of

the Regulations.

b. My ward will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that

may be constituted as ragging under c1a 3 of the Regulations.

5. I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, my ward is liable for punishment according to clause 9.1 of

the Regulations, without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against my ward under any

penal law or any law for the time being in force.

6. I hereby declare that my ward has not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the

country on account of being found guilty of, abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote, ragging; and

further affirm that, in case the declaration is found to be untrue, the admission of my ward is liable to be


Declared this day of month of year.

Signature of deponent


AglaSem Admission


Verified that contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false

and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein.

Verified at this day of

month of year.

Signature of deponent

Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this day of

month of year after reading the contents of

this affidavit.

Oath Commissioner

(Notary Public)

AglaSem Admission

Annexure I

Recommended Syllabus For CET (Engineering) 2014


1. Trigonometry Angle and its measurements, Standard angles, Angles in quadrant and

quadrantal angles, Relation between degree measure and radian measure,

Length of arc of a circle, Area of sector, Trigonometric ratios :

Trigonometric ratios of any angle, Signs of Trigonometric ratios in different

quadrants, Fundamental identities , Trigonometric ratios of compound

angles, Trigonometric ratios of allied angles, Trigonometric ratios of

multiple angles, Trigonometric ratios of half angles, Factorization and

Defactorization formulae , Sum and difference of two angles , Properties of

Triangle : Trigonometric ratios of angles of a triangle, Cosine rule, Sine rule,

Projection rule, Inverse Circular functions : Properties of inverse circular

functions. General solution of Trigonometric equations. Area of triangle.

2. Determinant Determinant of order 3, (Expansion and Properties), Cramer's rule,

Condition of consistency, Area of a triangle.

3. Sets, Relations and Review of set theory, Power set, Cartesian product, Relations, Functions,

Functions Types of functions, Graphs of functions, Composite function, Inverse

function, Constant function.

4. Logarithm Introduction and definition, Laws of logarithm with proof, Change of base,

Numerical Problems.

5. Complex Numbers Complex Number in the form a+ib, Modulus, Complex Conjugate,

Argument of Complex Number, Algebra of Complex numbers, Square roots

of Complex numbers, Argand diagram.

6. Quadratic Roots of equation, Nature of roots, Sum and product of roots, Formation of

Equations quadratic equation, Symmetric functions of roots, Complex cube roots of


7. Sequences and Arithmetic Progression, Geometric progression, Harmonic progression,

Series Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean, Harmonic mean , Special series :

ån, ån2, ån3 and their uses.

8. Permutations and Factorial Notation, Properties of n!, Fundamental Principle of Counting,

Combinations Permutations, Permutations of repeated objects, Circular permutation,

Combinations, Relation between permutations and combinations,

Properties of combination.

AglaSem Admission


9. Mathematical Principle of Mathematical Induction and its applications, Binomial

Induction and Theorem for, nÎN (statement only), Obtaining general term in the

Binomial Theorem expansion. Binomial theorem for any index. Binomial coefficients.

10. Limits & Continuity Standard Limits, Definitions, Algebra of limits (without proof), Limit at

infinity, Continuity of a function at a point, Continuity at a function in the

interval, Algebra of continuous functions, Types of discontinuity,

Continuity of some standard functions.

11. Differentiation Definition of Derivative, Derivatives of (a) Constant functions,(b) Power

functions,(c) Trigonometric functions, Derivatives of log x, ax, ex (without

proof), Rules of Differentiations :(a) Derivative of sum (b) Derivative of

Difference (c) Derivative of product (d) Derivative of Quotient, Derivative

from first principle, Relation between continuity and differentiability,

Derivative of composite function, Derivative of inverse functions,

Derivative of implicit functions, Derivative of parametric functions, Second

order derivative.

12. Applications of Increasing and decreasing functions, Tangent and normal at a point to, a

Derivatives curve, Rate measurer, related rates, Approximations and small errors,

Maxima and minima. Problems based on Cauchy’s Mean value theorem and

Rolle’s mean value theorem.

13. Integration Definition of an Integral, Integral as a limit of sum, Integrals of some

standard functions. Rules of integration. Definite Integrals, Methods of

integration., a) Substitution Method., b) Integration by parts., c) Integration

by partial fractions., Definite integrals, (a) Fundamental Theorem of

integral calculus (without proof)., (b) Properties of definite integrals.

Simple integral of the following type:


ò x2 ± a2 ,


ò x 2 ± a 2



ò ax

2 + bx + c



ò ax 2 + bx + c

px + q

. ò ax2 + bx + c


px + q

ò ax 2 + bx + c

dx, ò a 2 ± x 2 dx,

ò ax2

+ bx + c dx,

ò ( px + q )

ax 2

+ bx + c dx

14. Application of Area under the curve, Volume of solid by revaluation,


AglaSem Admission

15. Differential equations Definitions of Differential equation, order, degree, General solution and

Particular solution., Formation of Differential equation., Solutions of First

order and first degree differential equations. a) Variables separable method

(b) Homogeneous and non homogeneous differential equations,

Applications of Differential equations, Growth and decay. Newton’s law of

cooling, Half life period, Surface area.

16. Boolean Algebra Boolean Algebra as an algebraic structure, Principle of duality, Boolean

function and switching circuits, Application of Boolean Algebra to

switching circuits.

17. Mathematical Logic Statements, Truth values of statement, Compound statement, Logical

connectives and truth table, Statement pattern and logical equivalence,

Tautology, Contradiction, Contingency, Applications of logic to switching

circuits, Quantifiers and quantified statements, Negation of compound

statement, Negation of quantified statement.

18. Matrices Definition and types of matrices, Algebra of matrices, Elementary

transformation and Inverse of Matrix by elementary transformation, Minors

and cofactor of elements, Adjoint of matrix, Inverse by adjoint method,

Solution of Linear Equations by reduction method and inversion method.

19. Plane Co ordinate Locus : definition of locus, Equation of locus, Point of locus, Shift of origin.

Geometry Line : Definition of line, slope of line, equation of lines in standard forms,

general equation, angle between two lines, point of intersection of lines,

conditions of concurrent lines, distance of a point from a line, family of lines

Pair of straight lines : Pair of lines passing through origin, Pair of lines not

passing through origin. Condition that general second degree equation in x

and y represents a pair of lines, conditions of parallel lines and perpendicular

lines, angle between the lines represented by

ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = o

Circle : Different forms of Equations of a circle, Standard equation, General

equation, Centre radius form, Parametric equation of a circle, Tangent and

normal, Equations of tangent and normal, condition of tangency to the

standard circle, Director circle, Length of tangent segment, tangent in terms

of slope,

Conics : Definition of conic, Equations of conics, Focus, Directrix,

Eccentricity, Classification of conics, Standard equations of parabola,

Ellipse, Hyperbola, Tangents and Normals, Equation of tangent and normal

at a point, condition of tangency, tangent in terms of slope. Number of

tangents from a point to conic (parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola). Director


AglaSem Admission

20. Vectors Scalar and vector, Different types of vectors, Collinear vectors, Co-planar

vectors , Algebra of vectors , Addition of vectors, Scalar multiplication of

Vectors, Position vectors, Scalar products and its properties, Vector

products and its properties, Angle between two vectors, Collinearity and

Coplanarity of vectors, Section formula., Midpoint formula, Centroid

formula, Scalar triple product., Volume of parallelopiped, Applications of

vectors to Geometry. Applications of vectors to mechanics. Vector area of

triangle and parallelogram.

21. Three Dimensional Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios: Relation between direction

Geometry cosines and direction ratios, Angle between two lines, Condition of

perpendicular and parallel lines,

Line : Equation of line passing through given point and parallel to given

vector, Equation of line passing through given two points, (Vector and

Cartesian form), Plane: Equation of plane in different forms, Equation of

plane passing through three points, angle between two planes, (Vector and

Cartesian form). Distance of line from a point, Skew lines Distance between

skew lines. Distance between parallel lines.

Plane : Angle between line and plane, coplanarity of two lines. Distance of

a point from a plane. Equation of plane passing through the intersection of

two planes.

22. Linear Programming Solution of linear inequalities in one & two variable, Introduction of

concepts, Formation of linear programming problem, Graphical solution of

linear programming problem. Solution of linear programming problems by

graphical methods (a) ISO profit and ISO cost line (b) Corner method.

23. Statistics Measures of dispersion : Range, Mean Deviation, Variance and standard

deviation, Quartile deviation,

Bivariate frequency Distribution: Tabulation, Correlation, Scatter

diagram, Covariance, Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation.

Probability : Events and Algebra of events, Definition of probability,

Addition theorem, Multiplication theorem, Conditional probability,

Independent events, Baye's theorem, Random variable, Discrete and

continuous random variable, Probability distribution of discrete and

continuous random variable. Binomial distribution, Bernoulli Trial,

Binomial distribution. Condition for Binomial Distribution. Mean and

variance of Binomial distribution. Normal distribution. Mean and variance

of Normal distribution. Standard Normal variables.

AglaSem Admission





At the time of counselling, you are required to submit the following documents in original. Failure to do

so will result in instantaneous cancellation of your claim for admission. You are also required to submit

two photocopies of each of these documents.

1. Your letter for Counselling 2. For a Proof of date of Birth : SSC Certificate or School/College Leaving Certificate or Certificate of

Domicile/Nationality Certificate. 3. A Certificate of the Principal/Headmaster of the School for having studied for 11th and 12th standard in

India. 4. Statement of marks of X std examination.

5. Statement of marks of XII std examination.

6. Transfer Certificate from the Institution in which you had studied last.

7. Migration Certificate (for students who joined a course after 12th).

8. Gap Certificate (for students who joined a course after 12th).

9. Conduct and Character Certificate from a responsible person.

10. Caste certificate. (for SC/ST candidates only)

11. Caste validity certificate issued by competent authority. (for SC/ST candidates only)

12. Certificate of Medical Fitness.

13. Six recent passport-size photographs with your name written on backside.

14. The amount of Tuition fees, other fees and Hostel fees in case you are admitted to Hostel.

15. An affidavit in the format given in Annexure III signed by you and countersigned by your

parent/guardian in the presence of Notary Public on stamp paper.

AglaSem Admission



I, ................................................ son/daughter of ....................................... hereby solemnly affirm that

the following statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief,

A) I am a citizen of India

B) I have studied in class XI and XII in India and have passed a qualifying examination in the subjects of

Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics individually and have obtained at least 45 per cent (40% in case of

candidate belonging to reserved category) marks together in those subjects and I have also Passed in the

subject of English.

C) I have studied and understood the rules governing counselling, admission, procedure, fee structure and

agree to abide by these rules.

D) If admitted to any of the Institutions of the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, I will abide by all its

rules and regulations, especially those regarding discipline, attendance, dress code, examinations and

payment of fees. I understand that failure to comply with the rules and regulations will invite an

appropriate disciplinary action from the institutional authorities.

E) I will not involve myself in any action of ragging during the course of my education in this University.

I understand involvement in ragging would result into cancellation of my admission to the course.

Name of the candidate :

Date :

Place : Signature of the candidate

I, ............................................. the father/mother/guardian of ................................... an applicant for

admission to course at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, hereby solemnly affirm that all the above

statements made by son/daughter/ward are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I will be responsible

for the payment of his/her fees on time and for his/her conduct.

Name of the parent/guardian

Relationship to candidate


Address with Phone No. : Signature of the parent/guardian

AglaSem Admission



I, .................................................................................................. , son /daughter of

.................................................................................., being unable to attend the counselling session for

admission to the B. Tech. courses in June/July 2014, hereby authorise .....................................................

son/daughter of .........................................................., whose photograph is affixed below and who will

sign as shown below, to represent me at the counselling and on-the-spot-admission. I hereby declare that

the choice of course or branch by this authorised representative will be irrevocable and that it will be

final and binding on me. This authorised representative will present all the necessary documents, pay

the appropriate fees and complete all the necessary formalities on my behalf.

Name of the candidate : (in Capital letters)

Roll No.

Place :

Date :

Reason for Absence :

Signature of the candidate's Parent/Guardian Signature of the candidate

A recent passport size

photograph of the

representative should be

affixed here.

Specimen signature of the Representative

A recent passport size

photograph of the

candidate should be

affixed here.

AglaSem Admission

Date Candidates called for Counselling Time Regular Category 02-07-14 Merit No. 5001 to 6000 10.00 a.m. onwards 03-07-14 Merit No. 6001 to 7000 10.00 a.m. onwards 04-07-14 Merit No. 7001 to 8000 10.00 a.m. onwards


A) Last date for submitting the completed application form to


C.E.T. Dept., Second Floor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan,

L.B.S., Marg, Pune-30

: 15th May 2014 up to 17.00 hrs.

B) Dispatch of Admission cards to the candidates who are considered : On receipt and scrutinisation of application

provisionally eligible. form.

C) Issue of duplicate Admission Card :

D) Date and time of CET (Engineering) - 2014 :

E) Venue of CET (Engineering) - 2014 Test :

24th May 2014 onwords

25th May 2014 From 11.00 to 14.00 hrs.

● Pune

● Vadodara

● New Delhi

● Indore

● Navi Mumbai

● Lucknow

● Hyderabad

● Bangalore

F) Declaration of the merit list :

11th June 2014

G) Counselling and on the spot admission : Merit No. above 3001 should see University/College website for vacancy status.

Date Candidates called for Counselling Time Regular Category 26-06-14 Merit No. 1 to 1000 10.00 a.m. onwards 27-06-14 Merit No. 1001 to 2000 10.00 a.m. onwards 28-06-14 Merit No. 2001 to 3000 10.00 a.m. onwards 29-06-14 Merit No. 3001 to 4000 10.00 a.m. onwards 30-06-14 Merit No. 4001 to 5000 10.00 a.m. onwards

Foreign / NRI / PIO / OCI / Management Merit Category

01-07-14 Merit No. 001 to 140 10.00 a.m. onwards

Refer for vacancy status during counseling period.

H) Classes will commence on : 15th July 2014

Note : Admission form duly filled in and [If payment is through DD] Demand Draft of Rs. 1,700/- towards the entrance test fee,

payable at Pune, drawn on any Nationalised Bank or Bharati Sahakari Bank, Pune in favour of The Registrar, Bharati Vidyapeeth

Deemed University, Pune should be sent by post or submitted in person, so as to reach the office of the BHARATI VIDYAPEETH

DEEMED UNIVERSITY, PUNE on or before 15th May 2014 by 17.00 hrs.

Applicant should ensure that,

1) He /She has signed the application form at the places specified for the purpose.

2) The application form is duly signed by his/her father / guardian.

3) He/She who fail to receive the counselling letter, for whatever reason, must bring some other proof of identity of appearing at

CET (Engineering)-2014 examination, for permission to appear for the counselling sessions as per the above schedule of


AglaSem Admission