burfoot county park - stream team

SAND FLAT WET GRAVEL INTERTIDAL ZONE DRY GRAVEL LOW TIDE AREA HIGH TIDE AREA Red Rock Crab Cancer productus Pigeon Guillemot Cepphus columba Staghorn Sculpin Leptocottus armatus Hairy Shore Crab Hemigrapsus oregonensis Bay Shrimp Crangon sp. Graceful Crab Cancer gracilis Acorn Barnacle Balanus glandula Nuttall’s Cockle Clinocardium nuttallii Littleneck Clam Protothaca staminea Manila Clam Venerupis philippinarum Butter Clam Saxidomus gigantea Light Edged Ribbon Worm Cerebratulus californiensis Burrowing Sea Cucumber Leptosynapta clarki Sandworm Nephtys spp. Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Sand Dollar Dendraster excentricus Sea Lettuce Ulva spp. Moon Snail Euspira lewisii Fat Gaper Clam Tresus nuttallii Geoduck Clam Panopea abrupta Burfoot County Park www.pugetsoundsealife.com Water level is at -6.0 feet below mean sea level (extreme low water level is -8.0 feet). OPEN SEA WATER

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Red Rock CrabCancer productus

Pigeon GuillemotCepphus columba

Staghorn SculpinLeptocottus armatus

Hairy Shore CrabHemigrapsus oregonensis

Bay ShrimpCrangon sp.

Graceful CrabCancer gracilis

Acorn BarnacleBalanus glandula

Nuttall’s CockleClinocardium nuttallii

Littleneck ClamProtothaca staminea

Manila ClamVenerupis philippinarum

Butter ClamSaxidomus gigantea

Light Edged Ribbon WormCerebratulus californiensis

Burrowing Sea CucumberLeptosynapta clarki

SandwormNephtys spp.

Great Blue HeronArdea herodias

Sand DollarDendraster excentricus

Sea LettuceUlva spp.

Moon SnailEuspira lewisii

Fat Gaper ClamTresus nuttallii

Geoduck ClamPanopea abrupta

Burfoot County Parkwww.pugetsoundsealife.com

Water level is at -6.0 feet below mean sea level (extreme low water level is -8.0 feet).


DirectionsNorth on East Bay Drive which becomes Boston Harbor Road, seven miles to park entrance, turn left to park.

Good Beach BehaviorThe beach is managed by Thurston County, obey all laws. A beach or rock is someone’s home, avoid stepping on sea critters. Only turnover rocks the size of your head or smaller. Carefully replace rocks to their original position. Avoid handling animals - watch and learn instead. Do not disturb birds and mammals. Do not trespass on adjacent private beaches.

Beach HabitatsCobbles are scattered around mid-tide with barnacles on their surface.

A Sand Flat is a three dimensional habitat with organisms both on top and underneath.

Wet Gravel area contains clams and other burrowing animals.

Dry Gravel lacks organisms except for sand fleas eating washed up seaweed, a few barnacles and some local areas used annually as spawning beds for Surf Smelt and Sand Lance during very high tides.

Protect marine organisms byPicking up and putting pet waste in the trash• Using organic lawn care products• Annual septic tank inspection• Keeping pollutants out of storm drains•

Photographs and text by David W Jamison. Brochure printed by Stream Team, a program of the local stormwater utilities.

at BURFOOT COUNTY PARKPuget Sound Sea LifeCommon Animals and Plants

Acorn Barnacle: To 1”, white shell, kin to shrimp, eats plankton.

Light Edged Ribbon Worm: To 12”, burrows, predator.

Sandworm: To 12”, burrows, predator.

Geoduck Clam: To 9”, 20 lbs., neck to 3’, lives 150 yrs.

Moon Snail: To 5”, common, hunts below surface for clams.

Nuttall’s Cockle: To 6”, large foot, near surface. Bay Shrimp: To 2”, shallow subtidal, hides under sand.

Hairy Shore Crab: To 1”, under rocks, similar to Purple Shore Crab.

Graceful Crab: To 5”, common, predator.

Red Rock Crab: To 8”, common, predator. Burrowing Sea Cucumber: To 4”, lack tube feet, small

hooks in skin.

Sand Dollar: To 4”, kin to sea star, feeds on plankton.

Staghorn Sculpin: To 19”, bottom fish, horns, eaten by birds.

Great Blue Heron: To 46”, common, shoreline hunter.

Sea Lettuce: To 3’, green seaweed, one to two cell layers thick. Manila Clam: To 3”, oblong shell, common, near surface,

accidental introduction from Japan. Littleneck Clam: To 3”, round shell, near surface, native. Butter Clam: To 5”, can live 20 yrs., favored for chowder. Fat Gaper (Horse) Clam: To 8”, 1–4 lbs., siphon not withdrawn. Geoduck Clam: To 9”, 20 lbs., lives 150 yrs.

Pigeon Guillemot: To 14”, sea bird, nests in marine bluff, feeds offshore, common.

found in or on the LoWER DRY GRAVEL

found diving in oPEN SEA WATER

found in or on the SAND FLATS

found in or on the WET GRAVEL

Eaten by people. Washington State Department of Fish and

Wildlife license is required to harvest shellfish and sea weed.

LocatedNorth of Olympia on the east side of Budd Inlet near Dofflemeyer Point.

What to DoLow Tide: Proceed to beach by trail from lower parking lot. Gaper (Horse) clams can be dug (need shellfish license) from cobble/gravel area at base of berm. Hunt for variety of marine plants and animals on sand flat. Watch sea birds nesting in local cliffs (do not disturb).

High Tide: Watch gulls and other sea birds feed. Wade in shallow water observing small fish and shrimp.

Photo Copyright © Washington State Department of Ecology

Find out how you can protect aquatic habitats at:


Find out more about local marine animals and plants at

www.pugetsoundsealife.comRemember —

all water and pollution flow downhill to estuaries.
