building on success: exploring classroom dynamics

Building on Success: Exploring Classroom Dynamics

Upload: reynold-malone

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Building on Success: Exploring Classroom Dynamics


1. To examine the dynamic between staff-students in a classroom setting

2. To analyse variables that impact upon this3. To refine and define faculty action points4. To prioritise faculty action points

Introduction• The relationships and interactions between staff-students and

students-students all impact on the teaching and learning environment within the classroom.

• These relationships are influenced by different variables e.g. - curriculum subject areas - teaching approaches and styles - composition of different class groups - time of day (previous lesson, break/lunchtime) - how people are feeling (social/emotional) - external factors (e.g. weather / media)

The way in which people relate to each other and to the learning environment can be called ‘the classroom dynamic’.

BFL working party member to work with another faculty.

Within your faculty, choose and rotate for each activity:

• a Chairperson• a Scribe• a Time-Keeper

Activity 1 SWOT analysis: 20 minsActivity 2 Exploratory questions: 20 minsActivity 3 Defining action points: 15 mins Activity 4 Diamond 9 prioritising actions: 10 minsActivity 5 Questions/Evaluations: 10 mins

Activity 1: SWOT Analysis

1. To examine the staff-student dynamic in a classroom setting; in terms of positive/negative relationships within your classes.

As a faculty, discuss and note down :Strengths (areas in which the faculty is currently successful)Weaknesses (areas for improvement)Opportunities (areas for future development)Threats (barriers/obstacles to progress)

Activity 2: a) Exploratory questions2. To analyse variables : Focus on prevailing themes from your SWOT analysis.Use the following questions to analyse what factors may be contributing to positive or negative classroom dynamics:

• What is different about the lessons that are better?• How can you explain these differences?• How do you contribute to these differences?• Is there antagonism between certain children?• Are certain times of day/week better than others?

b) Adult-Child Interaction

• Do you model the behaviour that you want children to develop?

• Do you shout or nag?• Do you talk too much or expect children to listen for too

long?• Do you teach children how to meet expectations?• Do you use adequate positive reinforcement (i.e.

descriptive praise)?

c) Classroom Environment

• Is the physical layout of the classroom appropriate?• Is the environment as attractive and tidy as possible?• Is the corridor outside your classroom a potential


d) Curriculum

• Does the challenging behaviour relate to particular teaching episodes, methods or activities in the classroom?

• Is the curriculum causing concern?• Are different learning styles (VAK) being addressed?

Activity 3: Defining action points

• Consider the strengths – what would need to happen to amplify each of these?

• Consider the weaknesses – what would need to happen to improve these?

• How could your faculty capitalise on the opportunities?

• How could your faculty minimise the threats?

3. To refine and define faculty action points Referring back to your original SWOT analysis and your findings from the exploratory questions, create a second SWOT, but now listing faculty development points using the following prompts:

Activity 4: Diamond 94. To prioritise faculty action points. Write each action point on a separate piece of paper.Identify each action point according to ‘do-ability’ – use the following prompts to guide your prioritising:

• Is this something that just needs tweaking? • Would this involve changing a habit?• Would this involve a different way of thinking?• Would this need time?• Would this need resources?• Would this involve other people?• Would this need time to plan and develop?

Example of a Diamond 9e.g. seating challenging

students together

e.g. adapting starter

activity types for different times of day

e.g. strategicallyplacing staff

at lesson changeover

e.g. use more non-


e.g. visual behaviour prompts

e.g. updating

displays of students’


Can do now

May involve time &


May involve others’ help

1. Questions

2. Evaluations