budget planner portal (synopsis)

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report



    Submitted to Osmania University for the partia fu fi ment of there!uirement for the

    A"ard of #e$ree for


    #one by

    Mr. /Miss. XXXXXX

    %%%%% Institute of Management & Computer Sciences&yderabad

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report


    This is to certify that Mr. XXXX, bearing Roll No. XXXXXXXXXXX ha e

    !e elope! Soft"are pro#ect title! XXXXXXXX for ))) SO(T*ARE SO+UT'ONS as

    a partial $ulfillment for the a"ar! of the %egree of XXXXXXX.

    &EA# O( #EPART,ENT PR'NC'PA+%%% institute of ,ana$ement -

    Computer Sciences


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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report


    My e press than's an! gratitu!e an! than's to (lmighty )o!, my parents

    an! other family members an! frien!s "ithout "hose uncontaine! support, I coul!

    not ha e ma!e this career in XXXX.

    I "ish to place on my recor! my !eep sense of gratitu!e to my pro#ect

    gui!e, ,r0 %%%%%1 ))) Soft"are So utions1 &yderabad for his constant

    moti ation an! aluable help through the pro#ect "or'. * press my gratitu!e to

    ,r0 %%%% , %irector of XXXXX 'nstitute of ,ana$ement - Computer Sciences

    for his aluable suggestions an! a! ices through out the XXX course. I also e ten!

    my than's to other $aculties for their Cooperation !uring my Course.

    $inally I "oul! li'e to than' my frien!s for their cooperation to complete this



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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report


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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    This pro#ect is aime! at !e eloping a system by "hich the employees in the

    organi+ation submit the bills to their managers. The bills coul! of arious types

    an! also of arious amounts. The employee after submitting the bill "ill

    automatically pro i!e the manager s name to "hich the bill "ill be submitte!.

    The bill "ill pass through a "or'flo" process an! the o"ner of the bill can ie"

    the status of the bill at any time. (n email "ill be sent to the concerne! people

    to let them 'no" about the status of the bill.

    The pro#ect has been planne! to be ha ing the ie" of !istribute!

    architecture, "ith centrali+e! storage of the !atabase. The application for the

    storage of the !ata has been planne!. -sing the constructs of MS S 0 Ser er an!

    all the user interfaces ha e been !esigne! using the (S1.Net technologies. The

    !atabase connecti ity is planne! using the 2S 0 Connection3 metho!ology. The

    stan!ar!s of security an! !ata protecti e mechanism ha e been gi en a big choice

    for proper usage. The application ta'es care of !ifferent mo!ules an! their

    associate! reports, "hich are pro!uce! as per the applicable strategies an!

    stan!ar!s that are put for"ar!e! by the a!ministrati e staff.

    The entire pro#ect has been !e elope! 'eeping in ie" of the !istribute!

    client ser er computing technology, in min!. The specification has been normali+e!

    up to 4N$ to eliminate all the anomalies that may arise !ue to the !atabase

    transaction that are e ecute! by the general users an! the organi+ational

    a!ministration. The user interfaces are bro"ser specific to gi e !istribute!

    accessibility for the o erall system. The internal !atabase has been selecte! as

    MS S 0 ser er 566.The basic constructs of table spaces, clusters an! in!e es ha ebeen e ploite! to pro i!e higher consistency an! reliability for the !ata storage.

    The MS S 0 ser er 566 "as a choice as it pro i!es the constructs of high le el

    reliability an! security. The total front en! "as !ominate! using the (S1.Net

    technologies. (t all proper le els high care "as ta'en to chec' that the system

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    manages the !ata consistency "ith proper business rules or ali!ations. The

    !atabase connecti ity "as planne! using the latest 2S 0 Connection3 technology

    pro i!e! by Microsoft Corporation. The authentication an! authori+ation "as

    crosschec'e! at all the rele ant stages. The user le el accessibility has been

    restricte! into t"o +ones namely.

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    Project Report


    20 'NTRO#UCT'ON

    INTR7%-CTI7N T7 1R78*CT7R)(NI9(TI7N 1R7$I0*1-R17S* 7$ T:* 1R78*CT1R7;0*M IN *XISTIN) S7R?A.5. (S1.N*TA.4. CD.N*TA.@. S 0 S*RE*R

    :0 S4STE, #ES'/N

    B.=. INTR7%-CTI7N

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    B.5. S7R?$07>B.4. N7RM(0I9(TI7NB.@. * R %I()R(MB.A. %(T( $07> %I()R(MSB.B. %(T( %ICTI7N(R0 CONC+US'ON

    220 (UTURE ',PRO?E,ENT

    230 6'6+'O/RAP&4

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    Project Report

    Chapter 2

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    Project Report


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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    IT 7utsourcing

    >e apply technology "ith inno ation an! responsibility to achie e t"o broa!

    ob#ecti esH

    *ffecti ely a!!ress the business issues our customers face to!ay. )enerate ne" opportunities that "ill help them stay ahea! in the future.


    ( strategy "here "e architect, integrate an! manage technology ser ices an!

    solutions "e call it (IM for success.

    ( robust offshore !e elopment metho!ology an! re!uce! !eman! on customer


    ( focus on the use of reusable frame"or's to pro i!e cost an! times benefits.

    They combine the best people, processes an! technology to achie e e cellent

    results consistency. >e offer customers the a! antages ofH


    They un!erstan! the importance of timing, of getting there before the

    competition. ( rich portfolio of reusable, mo!ular frame"or's helps #ump start

    pro#ects. Trie! an! teste! metho!ology ensures that "e follo" a pre!ictable, lo"

    ris' path to achie e results. 7ur trac' recor! is testimony to comple pro#ects

    !eli ere! "ithin an! e ens before sche!ule.


    7ur teams combine cutting e!ge technology s'ills "ith rich !omain

    e pertise. >hat s e ually important they share a strong customer orientation

    that means they actually start by listening to the customer. They re focuse! on

    coming up "ith solutions that ser e customer re uirements to!ay an! anticipate

    future nee!s.

    A (U++ SER?'CE PORT(O+'OB

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    They offer customers the a! antage of being able to (rchitect, integrate an!

    manage technology ser ices. This means that they can rely on one, fully

    accountable source instea! of trying to integrate !isparate multi en!or solutions.


    X is pro i!ing it s ser ices to companies "hich are in the fiel! of

    pro!uction, uality control etc >ith their rich e pertise an! e perience an!

    information technology they are in best position to pro i!e soft"are solutions to

    !istinct business re uirements.


    The main purpose of this pro#ect is aime! at !e eloping a system "hich re!uces

    "or' bur!en of employees of the organi+ation. * ery 7rgani+ation has some

    maintenance an! bu!get planning s. In this situation submitting the bills to their

    correspon!ing managers "ill be a hea!ache an! "e ha e to maintain recor!s

    manually. Some times in manual process there is a possibility to get errors. Too ercome these !ifficulties an! time being best to use this type of application. In

    this the employees in the organi+ation submit the bills to their managers. The bills

    coul! of arious types an! also of arious amounts. The employee after submitting

    the bill "ill automatically pro i!e the manager s name to "hich the bill "ill be

    submitte!. The bill "ill pass through a "or'flo" process an! the o"ner of the bill

    can ie" the status of the bill at any time. (n email "ill be sent to the concerne!

    people to let them 'no" about the status of the bill.

    2070 PRO6+E, 'N E%'ST'N/ S4STE,

    It is limite! to a single system.

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    Project Report

    It is less user frien!ly.

    It is ha ing lots of manual "or' JManual system !oes not mean that you are

    "or'ing "ith pen an! paper, it also inclu!e "or'ing on sprea! sheets an!

    other simple soft"areKsL It re uires more no of employees nee! to "or'.

    It is time consuming process.

    The present system is ery less secure.

    It is unable to generate !ifferent 'in!s of report.

    2090 SO+UT'ON O( T&ESE PRO6+E,S

    The !e elopment of the ne" system contains the follo"ing acti ities, "hich try to

    automate the entire process 'eeping in ie" of the !atabase integration approach.

    -ser frien!liness is pro i!e! in the application "ith arious controls.

    The system ma'es the o erall pro#ect management much easier an! fle ible.

    It can be accesse! o er the Internet.

    Earious classes ha e been use! to pro i!e file uploa! an! mail features. There is no ris' of !ata mismanagement at any le el "hile the pro#ect

    !e elopment is un!er process.

    Report generation feature is pro i!e! using Crystal Reports to generate

    !ifferent 'in!s of reports li'e bar graphs, pie charts an! table type charts


    It pro i!es high le el of security using !ifferent protocols li'e https etc.

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    Project Report

    Chapter 3

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    Project Report

    S4STE, ANA+4S'S

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    Project Report

    3020 'NTRO#UCT'ON

    (fter analy+ing the re uirements of the tas' to be performe!, the ne t step is toanaly+e the problem an! un!erstan! its conte t. The first acti ity in the phase is

    stu!ying the e isting system an! other is to un!erstan! the re uirements an!

    !omain of the ne" system. ;oth the acti ities are e ually important, but the first

    acti ity ser es as a basis of gi ing the functional specifications an! then successful

    !esign of the propose! system. -n!erstan!ing the properties an! re uirements of

    a ne" system is more !ifficult an! re uires creati e thin'ing an! un!erstan!ing of

    e isting running system is also !ifficult, improper un!erstan!ing of present systemcan lea! !i ersion from solution.

    3030 ANA+4S'S ,O#E+

    The mo!el that is basically being follo"e! is the >(T*R $(00 M7%*0, "hich

    states that the phases are organi+e! in a linear or!er. $irst of all the feasibility

    stu!y is !one. 7nce that part is o er the re uirement analysis an! pro#ect

    planning begins. If system e ists one an! mo!ification an! a!!ition of ne" mo!uleis nee!e!, analysis of present system can be use! as basic mo!el.

    The !esign starts after the re uirement analysis is complete an! the co!ing

    begins after the !esign is complete. 7nce the programming is complete!, the

    testing is !one. In this mo!el the se uence of acti ities performe! in a soft"are

    !e elopment pro#ect areH

    Re uirement (nalysis

    1ro#ect 1lanning System !esign

    %etail !esign


    -nit testing

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    Project Report

    System integration & testing

    :ere the linear or!ering of these acti ities is critical. *n! of the phase an!

    the output of one phase is the input of other phase. The output of each phase is to

    be consistent "ith the o erall re uirement of the system. Some of the ualities of

    spiral mo!el are also incorporate! li'e after the people concerne! "ith the pro#ect

    re ie" completion of each of the phase the "or' !one.

    >(T*R $(00 M7%*0 "as being chosen because all re uirements "ere 'no"n

    beforehan! an! the ob#ecti e of our soft"are !e elopment is the

    computeri+ation/automation of an alrea!y e isting manual "or'ing system.

    (i$ 303B *ater (a ,ode

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    Product Product

    'nput Output





    E)ecutab eSoft"are,odu es


    #e iveredSoft"areProduct






    #e ivery


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    3050 STU#4 O( T&E S4STE,

    /U' S

    In the fle ibility of the uses the interface has been !e elope! a graphics concept in min!,

    associate! through a bro"ses interface. The )-I S at the top le el ha e been categori+e!


    =. (!ministrati e user interface

    5. The operational or generic user interface

    The a!ministrati e user interface concentrates on the consistent information that is

    practically, part of the organi+ational acti ities an! "hich nee!s proper authentication for

    the !ata collection. The interfaces help the a!ministrations "ith all the transactional states

    li'e %ata insertion, %ata !eletion an! %ate up!ation along "ith the e tensi e !ata search


    The operational or generic user interface helps the users upon the system in transactions

    through the e isting !ata an! re uire! ser ices. The operational user interface also helps

    the or!inary users in managing their o"n information helps the or!inary users in

    managing their o"n information in a customi+e! manner as per the assiste! fle ibilities.

    NU,6ER O( ,O#U+ES

    The system after careful analysis has been i!entifie! to be presente! "ith thefollo"ing mo!ulesH

    The modu es invo ved areB

    =. (!ministration

    5. $inance Managers

    4. Managers

    @. Re uest Creator

    A. Reports

    B. Search

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    Project Report

    . (uthentication


    (!min has all pri ileges to a!!/mo!ify employee an! ie" the reports. In thisthere are sub mo!ules li'e

    =. *mployee %etails5. %eportment %etails4. ;ill %etails@. Reports


    This mo!ule only for employee maintenance li'e registering ne" employee !etailsin the organi+ation.

    *mployee maintenance is use! to register a ne" employee, mo!ify the !etailsof e isting employee or remo e the e isting employee.

    7nly the a!min type user "ill ha e access to this part. Normal user "on t ha eaccess to this. >hile storing into !atabase the pass"or! shoul! be encrypte!an! store!. The user can choose its o"n logic to encrypt the pass"or!.

    -ser pass"or! is use! to change o"n pass"or!. ;oth a!min an! normal user"ill ha e access to this.

    %epartment %etails B

    This mo!ule is use! to maintain the arious !epartments in the organi+ation.%epartment !etails can be mo!ifie! by the a!min type of users only. This mo!ule"ill be enable! only to the a!min type of users.

    ReportsH This mo!ule is use! to print arious online reports. This mo!ule "ill be

    enable! only to the a!min type of users. In this a!min generate arious types of reports about the employees

    "or'ing in the organi+ation.

    In this a!min generate arious types of billing reports "hich are generate!by employees "or'ing in the organi+ation.

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    Project Report

    In this a!min generates the reports by !ate "ise as input an! gi es !etailsof bill ma!e on that !ate along "ith total information. This report shoul! bea ailable for a gi en !ate or for a !ate range.

    ,ana$ers B

    In this mo!ule there are t"o types of managers are e ists.

    =. $inance Manager -sers5. Managers -sers.4. Re uest Creators.

    (inance ,ana$ers H

    There "ill be number of finance managers an! each finance manager "illresponsible for = or 5 !epartments.

    -sers in this role can only close the application, they can only ie" there uests an! after cre!iting the amount to the re uest creator the re uest"ill be close! by the finance manager

    ,ana$er Users H

    The manager of user is able to ie" the !etails of the bills "hich is create!by re uest creators.

    This type of user can ie" the !etails but cannot mo!ify the !etails sen! byre uest creators.

    This type of user can ie" the !etails an! he can either appro e the re uestor re#ect it.

    * ery time he performs an! operation the appro er has to "rite thecomments for the same.


    ;ase! on the gi en re uirements, conceptuali+e the Solution (rchitecture.

    Choose the !omain of your interest other"ise !e elop the application for

    ultimate!otnet.com. %epict the arious architectural components, sho"

    interactions an! connecte!ness an! sho" internal an! e ternal elements.

    %esign the "eb ser ices, "eb metho!s an! !atabase infrastructure nee!e!

    both an! client an! ser er.

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    1ro i!e an en ironment for upgra!ation of application for ne"er ersions that

    are a ailable in the same !omain as "eb ser ice target.

    3070 &AR#*ARE SPE#'('CAT'ONS


    1IE 5.F ):+ 1rocessor an! (bo e

    R(M A=5M; an! (bo e

    :%% 56 ); :ar! %is' Space an! (bo e


    >IN%7>S 7S JX1 / 5666 / 566 Ser er / 5664 Ser erL Eisual Stu!io .Net 566A *nterprise *!ition

    Internet Information Ser er A.6 JIISL

    Eisual Stu!io .Net $rame"or' JMinimal for %eploymentL

    S 0 Ser er 5666 *nterprise *!ition

    3090 PROPOSE# S4STE,

    To !ebug the e isting system, remo e proce!ures those cause !ata re!un!ancy,

    ma'e na igational se uence proper. To pro i!e information about au!its on

    !ifferent le el an! also to reflect the current "or' status !epen!ing on

    organi+ation/au!itor or !ate. To buil! strong pass"or! mechanism.


    >e all 'no" the importance of computeri+ation. The "orl! is mo ing ahea!

    at lightening spee! an! e ery one is running short of time. 7ne al"ays "ants to

    get the information an! perform a tas' he/she/they !esireJsL "ithin a short perio!

    of time an! too "ith amount of efficiency an! accuracy. The application areas for

    the computeri+ation ha e been selecte! on the basis of follo"ing factorsH

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    Minimi+ing the manual recor!s 'ept at !ifferent locations.

    There "ill be more !ata integrity.

    $acilitating !esire! information !isplay, ery uic'ly, by retrie ing information

    from users. $acilitating arious statistical information "hich helps in !ecision ma'ing

    To re!uce manual efforts in acti ities that in ol e! repetiti e "or'.

    -p!ating an! !eletion of such a huge amount of !ata "ill become easier.


    (s far as the pro#ect is !e elope! the functionality is simple, the ob#ecti e of

    the proposal is to strengthen the functioning of (u!it Status Monitoring an! ma'e

    them effecti e an! better. The entire scope has been classifie! into fi e streams

    'no"s as Coor!inator 0e el, management 0e el, (u!itor 0e el, -ser 0e el an!

    State >eb Coor!inator 0e el. The propose! soft"are "ill co er the information

    nee!s "ith respect to each re uest of the user group i+. accepting the re uest,

    pro i!ing ulnerability !ocument report an! the current status of the au!it.

    *OR.'N/ O( T&E S4STE, -ser creates the re uest

    Re uest is sen! to his manager, this shoul! be !one automatically. (n email

    shoul! be sent to the manager an! also the re uest creator "ith the !etails

    of the re uest.

    Re uest creator shoul! be able to recall the re uest from manager, if the

    re uest has not been acte! on else it cannot

    -ser if not sent to re uestor can cancel the re uest altogether as "ell

    -ser can sa e the re uest in !raft mo!e "ithout sen!ing to the appro er

    Manager of the concerne! re uest creator can ie" the !etails of the

    re uest but cannot mo!ify.

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    Project Report

    Re uest once appro e! by the manager is sent to the concerne! finance

    !ept manager

    If re#ecte! the re uest is sent bac' to the re uest creator.

    In all the abo e scenarios an email shoul! be sent to the concerne! partiesfor necessary action

    $inance manager after recei ing the re uest has to cre!it the user account

    an! has to sen! the re uest to the creator "ith proper comments as


    No" the creator "ill close the re uest after the amount has been cre!ite! to

    the creator.

    (fter sen!ing the email, the system "ill 'eep chec'ing on the !aily basis onthe status of the re uest, if no actions is performe! in 5@ hrs a remin!er

    email is generate! "hich is sent to the user email a!!ress as store! in the


    30:0 'NPUT AN# OUTPUT

    The main inputs, outputs an! ma#or functions of the system are as follo"s


    (ny user shoul! login into the system by passing login parameters. -ser

    can enter the site base! on roles an! enters his or her o"n page.

    (!min Register the *mployee an! assign the login parameters.

    (!min manage the !epartment !etails.

    (!min generate the reports.

    (!min re uests the search.

    Re uest creators "ill create the re uest or bills.

    Manager type users appro e or re#ect the re uest.

    Manager type gi es the appro e! bills to correspon!ing $inance Manager.

    $inance Manager cre!its the amount to the re uest creator.

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    Chapter 5

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    Project Report

    (easibi ity Report

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  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    1reliminary in estigation e amine pro#ect feasibility, the li'elihoo! the

    system "ill be useful to the organi+ation. The main ob#ecti e of the feasibility

    stu!y is to test the Technical, 7perational an! *conomical feasibility for a!!ing

    ne" mo!ules an! !ebugging ol! running system. (ll system is feasible if they are

    unlimite! resources an! infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility stu!y

    portion of the preliminary in estigationH

    Technical $easibility

    7peration $easibility

    *conomical $easibility

    5020 Technica (easibi ity

    The technical issue usually raise! !uring the feasibility stage of the

    in estigation inclu!es the follo"ingH

    %oes the necessary technology e ist to !o "hat is suggeste!

    %o the propose! e uipments ha e the technical capacity to hol! the !ata

    re uire! to use the ne" system

    >ill the propose! system pro i!e a!e uate response to in uiries, regar!less of

    the number or location of users

    Can the system be upgra!e! if !e elope!

    (re there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access an! !ata


    *arlier no system e iste! to cater to the nee!s of OSecure Infrastructure

    Implementation System . The current system !e elope! is technically feasible. It is

    a "eb base! user interface for au!it "or'flo" at NIC CS%. Thus it pro i!es an

    easy access to the users. The !atabase s purpose is to create, establish an!

    maintain a "or'flo" among arious entities in or!er to facilitate all concerne!

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    Project Report

    users in their arious capacities or roles. 1ermission to the users "oul! be grante!

    base! on the roles specifie!. Therefore, it pro i!es the technical guarantee of

    accuracy, reliability an! security. The soft"are an! har! re uirements for the

    !e elopment of this pro#ect are not many an! are alrea!y a ailable in house at

    NIC or are a ailable as free as open source. The "or' for the pro#ect is !one "ith

    the current e uipment an! e isting soft"are technology. Necessary ban!"i!th

    e ists for pro i!ing a fast fee!bac' to the users irrespecti e of the number of

    users using the system.

    5030 Operationa (easibi ity

    1ropose! pro#ects are beneficial only if they can be turne! out into

    information system. That "ill meet the organi+ation s operating re uirements.

    7perational feasibility aspects of the pro#ect are to be ta'en as an important part

    of the pro#ect implementation. Some of the important issues raise! are to test the

    operational feasibility of a pro#ect inclu!es the follo"ingH

    Is there sufficient support for the management from the users

    >ill the system be use! an! "or' properly if it is being !e elope! an!

    implemente! >ill there be any resistance from the user that "ill un!ermine the possible

    application benefits

    This system is targete! to be in accor!ance "ith the abo e mentione!

    issues. ;eforehan!, the management issues an! user re uirements ha e been

    ta'en into consi!eration. So there is no uestion of resistance from the users that

    can un!ermine the possible application benefits.

    The "ell planne! !esign "oul! ensure the optimal utili+ation of the computer

    resources an! "oul! help in the impro ement of performance status.

    5050 Economic (easibi ity

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    Project Report

    ( system can be !e elope! technically an! that "ill be use! if installe! must still

    be a goo! in estment for the organi+ation. In the economical feasibility, the

    !e elopment cost in creating the system is e aluate! against the ultimate benefit

    !eri e! from the ne" systems. $inancial benefits must e ual or e cee! the costs.

    The system is economically feasible. It !oes not re uire any a!!ition

    har!"are or soft"are. Since the interface for this system is !e elope! using the

    e isting resources an! technologies a ailable at NIC, There is nominal e pen!iture

    an! economical feasibility for certain.

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    Chapter 7

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    The soft"are, Site * plorer is !esigne! for management of "eb sites from a remote



    PurposeB The main purpose for preparing this !ocument is to gi e a general insight into

    the analysis an! re uirements of the e isting system or situation an! for !etermining the

    operating characteristics of the system.

    ScopeB This %ocument plays a ital role in the !e elopment life cycle JS%0CL an! it

    !escribes the complete re uirement of the system. It is meant for use by the !e elopers

    an! "ill be the basic !uring testing phase. (ny changes ma!e to the re uirements in the

    future "ill ha e to go through formal change appro al process.


    The !e eloper is responsible forH

    %e eloping the system, "hich meets the SRS an! sol ing all the re uirements of the

    system %emonstrating the system an! installing the system at clientKs location after the

    acceptance testing is successful.

    Submitting the re uire! user manual !escribing the system interfaces to "or' on it

    an! also the !ocuments of the system.

    Con!ucting any user training that might be nee!e! for using the system.

    Maintaining the system for a perio! of one year after installation.



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    7utputs from computer systems are re uire! primarily to communicate the results

    of processing to users. They are also use! to pro i!es a permanent copy of the results for

    later consultation. The arious types of outputs in general areH

    * ternal 7utputs, "hose !estination is outsi!e the organi+ation.

    Internal 7utputs "hose !estination is "ith in organi+ation an! they are the

    -ser s main interface "ith the computer.

    7perational outputs "hose use is purely "ith in the computer !epartment.

    Interface outputs, "hich in ol e the user in communicating !irectly "ith


    The outputs shoul! be !efine! in terms of the follo"ing pointsH

    Type of the output

    Content of the output

    $ormat of the output

    0ocation of the output

    $re uency of the output

    Eolume of the output

    Se uence of the output

    It is not al"ays !esirable to print or !isplay !ata as it is hel! on a computer. It

    shoul! be !eci!e! as "hich form of the output is the most suitable.

    $or * ample

    >ill !ecimal points nee! to be inserte!

    Shoul! lea!ing +eros be suppresse!.

    Output ,ediaB

    In the ne t stage it is to be !eci!e! that "hich me!ium is the most appropriate for

    the output. The main consi!erations "hen !eci!ing about the output me!ia areH

    The suitability for the !e ice to the particular application.

    The nee! for a har! copy.

    The response time re uire!.

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    The location of the users

    The soft"are an! har!"are a ailable.

    ?eeping in ie" the abo e !escription the pro#ect is to ha e outputs mainly coming un!er

    the category of internal outputs. The main outputs !esire! accor!ing to the re uirement

    specification areH

    The outputs "ere nee!e! to be generate! as a hot copy an! as "ell as ueries to be

    ie"e! on the screen. ?eeping in ie" these outputs, the format for the output is ta'en

    from the outputs, "hich are currently being obtaine! after manual processing. The

    stan!ar! printer is to be use! as output me!ia for har! copies.

    'NPUT #ES'/N

    Input !esign is a part of o erall system !esign. The main ob#ecti e !uring the input!esign is as gi en belo"H

    To pro!uce a cost effecti e metho! of input.

    To achi e the highest possible le el of accuracy.

    To ensure that the input is acceptable an! un!erstoo! by the user.


    The main input stages can be liste! as belo"H %ata recor!ing

    %ata transcription

    %ata con ersion

    %ata erification

    %ata control

    %ata transmission

    %ata ali!ation %ata correction


    It is necessary to !etermine the arious types of inputs. Inputs can be categori+e! as


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    * ternal inputs, "hich are prime inputs for the system.

    Internal inputs, "hich are user communications "ith the system.

    7perational, "hich are computer !epartment s communications to the system

    Interacti e, "hich are inputs entere! !uring a !ialogue.

    'NPUT ,E#'AB

    (t this stage choice has to be ma!e about the input me!ia. To conclu!e about the

    input me!ia consi!eration has to be gi en toP

    Type of input

    $le ibility of format



    Eerification metho!s

    Re#ection rates

    *ase of correction

    Storage an! han!ling re uirements


    *asy to use


    ?eeping in ie" the abo e !escription of the input types an! input me!ia, it can be

    sai! that most of the inputs are of the form of internal an! interacti e. (s

    Input !ata is to be the !irectly 'eye! in by the user, the 'eyboar! can be consi!ere! to be

    the most suitable input !e ice.


    (t this stage care is to be ta'en to ensure that input !ata remains accurate form

    the stage at "hich it is recor!e! upto the stage in "hich the !ata is accepte! by the

    system. This can be achie e! only by means of careful control each time the !ata is


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    * en though e ery effort is ma'e to a oi! the occurrence of errors, still a small

    proportion of errors is al"ays li'ely to occur, these types of errors can be !isco ere! by

    using ali!ations to chec' the input !ata.

    #ATA ?A+'#AT'ON

    1roce!ures are !esigne! to !etect errors in !ata at a lo"er le el of !etail. %ata

    ali!ations ha e been inclu!e! in the system in almost e ery area "here there is a

    possibility for the user to commit errors. The system "ill not accept in ali! !ata.

    >hene er an in ali! !ata is 'eye! in, the system imme!iately prompts the user an! the

    user has to again 'ey in the !ata an! the system "ill accept the !ata only if the !ata is

    correct. Eali!ations ha e been inclu!e! "here necessary.

    The system is !esigne! to be a user frien!ly one. In other "or!s the system hasbeen !esigne! to communicate effecti ely "ith the user. The system has been !esigne!

    "ith pop up menus.


    It is essential to consult the system users an! !iscuss their nee!s "hile !esigning

    the user interfaceH


    =. -ser initiate! interface the user is in charge, controlling the progress of the

    user/computer !ialogue. In the computer initiate! interface, the computer selects the

    ne t stage in the interaction.

    5. Computer initiate! interfaces

    In the computer initiate! interfaces the computer gui!es the progress of the

    user/computer !ialogue. Information is !isplaye! an! the user response of the computer

    ta'es action or !isplays further information.


    -ser initiate! interfaces fall into to" appro imate classesH

    =. Comman! !ri en interfacesH In this type of interface the user inputs comman!s or

    ueries "hich are interprete! by the computer.

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    5. $orms oriente! interfaceH The user calls up an image of the form to his/her screen an!

    fills in the form. The forms oriente! interface is chosen because it is the best choice.


    The follo"ing computer Q initiate! interfaces "ere use!H=. The menu system for the user is presente! "ith a list of alternati es an! the user

    chooses oneP of alternati es.

    5. uestions Q ans"er type !ialog system "here the computer as's uestion an! ta'es

    action base! on the basis of the users reply.

    Right from the start the system is going to be menu !ri en, the opening menu

    !isplays the a ailable options. Choosing one option gi es another popup menu "ith more

    options. In this "ay e ery option lea!s the users to !ata entry form "here the user can'ey in the !ata.


    The !esign of error messages is an important part of the user interface !esign. (s

    user is boun! to commit some errors or other "hile !esigning a system the system shoul!

    be !esigne! to be helpful by pro i!ing the user "ith information regar!ing the error

    he/she has committe!.

    This application must be able to pro!uce output at !ifferent mo!ules for !ifferentinputs.


    1erformance is measure! in terms of the output pro i!e! by the application.

    Re uirement specification plays an important part in the analysis of a system. 7nly

    "hen the re uirement specifications are properly gi en, it is possible to !esign a system,

    "hich "ill fit into re uire! en ironment. It rests largely in the part of the users of the

    e isting system to gi e the re uirement specifications because they are the people "ho

    finally use the system. This is because the re uirements ha e to be 'no"n !uring the

    initial stages so that the system can be !esigne! accor!ing to those re uirements. It is

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    ery !ifficult to change the system once it has been !esigne! an! on the other han!

    !esigning a system, "hich !oes not cater to the re uirements of the user, is of no use.

    The re uirement specification for any system can be broa!ly state! as gi en belo"H

    The system shoul! be able to interface "ith the e isting system

    The system shoul! be accurate

    The system shoul! be better than the e isting system

    The e isting system is completely !epen!ent on the user to perform all the !uties.

    Chapter 9

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    9020 'NTRO#UCT'ON TO 0NET (rame"orG

    The .N*T $rame"or' is a ne" computing platform that simplifies application !e elopment

    in the highly !istribute! en ironment of the Internet. The .N*T $rame"or' is !esigne! to

    fulfill the follo"ing ob#ecti esH

    To pro i!e a consistent ob#ect oriente! programming en ironment "hether ob#ect co!e

    is store! an! e ecute! locally, e ecute! locally but Internet !istribute!, or e ecute!


    To pro i!e a co!e e ecution en ironment that minimi+es soft"are !eployment an!

    ersioning conflicts.

    To pro i!e a co!e e ecution en ironment that guarantees safe e ecution of co!e,

    inclu!ing co!e create! by an un'no"n or semi truste! thir! party.

    To pro i!e a co!e e ecution en ironment that eliminates the performance problems of

    scripte! or interprete! en ironments.

    To ma'e the !e eloper e perience consistent across "i!ely arying types of

    applications, such as >in!o"s base! applications an! >eb base! applications.

    To buil! all communication on in!ustry stan!ar!s to ensure that co!e base! on the

    .N*T $rame"or' can integrate "ith any other co!e.

    The .N*T $rame"or' has t"o main componentsH the common language runtime an!

    the .N*T $rame"or' class library. The common language runtime is the foun!ation of

    the .N*T $rame"or'.

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    e ecution time, pro i!ing core ser ices such as memory management, threa!

    management, an! Remoting, "hile also enforcing strict type safety an! other forms of

    co!e accuracy that ensure security an! robustness. In fact, the concept of co!e

    management is a fun!amental principle of the runtime. Co!e that targets the runtime is

    'no"n as manage! co!e, "hile co!e that !oes not target the runtime is 'no"n as

    unmanage! co!e. The class library, the other main component of the .N*T $rame"or', is

    a comprehensi e, ob#ect oriente! collection of reusable types that you can use to !e elop

    applications ranging from tra!itional comman! line or graphical user interface J)-IL

    applications to applications base! on the latest inno ations pro i!e! by (S1.N*T, such as

    >eb $orms an! XM0 >eb ser ices.

    The .N*T $rame"or' can be hoste! by unmanage! components that loa! the common

    language runtime into their processes an! initiate the e ecution of manage! co!e, therebycreating a soft"are en ironment that can e ploit both manage! an! unmanage! features.

    The .N*T $rame"or' not only pro i!es se eral runtime hosts, but also supports the

    !e elopment of thir! party runtime hosts.

    $or e ample, (S1.N*T hosts the runtime to pro i!e a scalable, ser er si!e

    en ironment for manage! co!e. (S1.N*T "or's !irectly "ith the runtime to enable >eb

    $orms applications an! XM0 >eb ser ices, both of "hich are !iscusse! later in this topic.

    Internet * plorer is an e ample of an unmanage! application that hosts the

    runtime Jin the form of a MIM* type e tensionL. -sing Internet * plorer to host the

    runtime enables you to embe! manage! components or >in!o"s $orms controls in :TM0

    !ocuments. :osting the runtime in this "ay ma'es manage! mobile co!e Jsimilar to

    Microsoft (cti eX controlsL possible, but "ith significant impro ements that only

    manage! co!e can offer, such as semi truste! e ecution an! secure isolate! file storage.

    The follo"ing illustration sho"s the relationship of the common language runtime

    an! the class library to your applications an! to the o erall system. The illustration also

    sho"s ho" manage! co!e operates "ithin a larger architecture.

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    The common language runtime manages memory, threa! e ecution, co!e

    e ecution, co!e safety erification, compilation, an! other system ser ices. These features

    are intrinsic to the manage! co!e that runs on the common language runtime.

    >ith regar!s to security, manage! components are a"ar!e! arying !egrees of

    trust, !epen!ing on a number of factors that inclu!e their origin Jsuch as the Internet,

    enterprise net"or', or local computerL. This means that a manage! component might or

    might not be able to perform file access operations, registry access operations, or other

    sensiti e functions, e en if it is being use! in the same acti e application.

    The runtime enforces co!e access security. $or e ample, users can trust that an

    e ecutable embe!!e! in a >eb page can play an animation on screen or sing a song, but

    cannot access their personal !ata, file system, or net"or'. The security features of the

    runtime thus enable legitimate Internet !eploye! soft"are to be e ceptionally featuring


    The runtime also enforces co!e robustness by implementing a strict type an!

    co!e erification infrastructure calle! the common type system JCTSL. The CTS ensures

    that all manage! co!e is self !escribing. The arious Microsoft an! thir! party language


    )enerate manage! co!e that conforms to the CTS. This means that manage! co!ecan consume other manage! types an! instances, "hile strictly enforcing type fi!elity an!

    type safety.

    In a!!ition, the manage! en ironment of the runtime eliminates many common

    soft"are issues. $or e ample, the runtime automatically han!les ob#ect layout an!

    manages references to ob#ects, releasing them "hen they are no longer being use!. This

    automatic memory management resol es the t"o most common application errors,

    memory lea's an! in ali! memory references.

    The runtime also accelerates !e eloper pro!ucti ity. $or e ample, programmers can

    "rite applications in their !e elopment language of choice, yet ta'e full a! antage of the

    runtime, the class library, an! components "ritten in other languages by other

    !e elopers. (ny compiler en!or "ho chooses to target the runtime can !o so. 0anguage

    compilers that target the .N*T $rame"or' ma'e the features of the .N*T $rame"or'

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    a ailable to e isting co!e "ritten in that language, greatly easing the migration process

    for e isting applications.

    >hile the runtime is !esigne! for the soft"are of the future, it also supports

    soft"are of to!ay an! yester!ay. Interoperability bet"een manage! an! unmanage! co!e

    enables !e elopers to continue to use necessary C7M components an! %00s.

    The runtime is !esigne! to enhance performance. (lthough the common language

    runtime pro i!es many stan!ar! runtime ser ices, manage! co!e is ne er interprete!. (

    feature calle! #ust in time J8ITL compiling enables all manage! co!e to run in the nati e

    machine language of the system on "hich it is e ecuting. Mean"hile, the memory

    manager remo es the possibilities of fragmente! memory an! increases memory locality

    of reference to further increase performance.

    $inally, the runtime can be hoste! by high performance, ser er si!e applications,such as Microsoft S 0 Ser er an! Internet Information Ser ices JIISL. This

    infrastructure enables you to use manage! co!e to "rite your business logic, "hile still

    en#oying the superior performance of the in!ustryKs best enterprise ser ers that support

    runtime hosting.

    0NET (RA,E*OR. C+ASS +'6RAR4

    The .N*T $rame"or' class library is a collection of reusable types that tightly

    integrate "ith the common language runtime. The class library is ob#ect oriente!,

    pro i!ing types from "hich your o"n manage! co!e can !eri e functionality. This not only

    ma'es the .N*T $rame"or' types easy to use, but also re!uces the time associate! "ith

    learning ne" features of the .N*T $rame"or'. In a!!ition, thir! party components can

    integrate seamlessly "ith classes in the .N*T $rame"or'.

    $or e ample, the .N*T $rame"or' collection classes implement a set of interfaces

    that you can use to !e elop your o"n collection classes.

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    speciali+e! !e elopment scenarios. $or e ample, you can use the .N*T $rame"or' to

    !e elop the follo"ing types of applications an! ser icesH

    Console applications.

    Scripte! or hoste! applications.

    >in!o"s )-I applications J>in!o"s $ormsL.

    (S1.N*T applications.

    XM0 >eb ser ices.

    >in!o"s ser ices.

    $or e ample, the >in!o"s $orms classes are a comprehensi e set of reusable types

    that astly simplify >in!o"s )-I !e elopment. If you "rite an (S1.N*T >eb $orm

    application, you can use the >eb $orms classes.


    Client applications are the closest to a tra!itional style of application in >in!o"s

    base! programming. These are the types of applications that !isplay "in!o"s or forms on

    the !es'top, enabling a user to perform a tas'. Client applications inclu!e applications

    such as "or! processors an! sprea!sheets, as "ell as custom business applications such

    as !ata entry tools, reporting tools, an! so on. Client applications usually employ

    "in!o"s, menus, buttons, an! other )-I elements, an! they li'ely access local resources

    such as the file system an! peripherals such as printers.

    (nother 'in! of client application is the tra!itional (cti eX control Jno" replace! by

    the manage! >in!o"s $orms controlL !eploye! o er the Internet as a >eb page. This

    application is much li'e other client applicationsH it is e ecute! nati ely, has access to

    local resources, an! inclu!es graphical elements.

    In the past, !e elopers create! such applications using C/C in con#unction "ith

    the Microsoft $oun!ation Classes JM$CL or "ith a rapi! application !e elopment JR(%Len ironment such as Microsoft Eisual ;asic . The .N*T $rame"or' incorporates aspects

    of these e isting pro!ucts into a single, consistent !e elopment en ironment that

    !rastically simplifies the !e elopment of client applications.

    The >in!o"s $orms classes containe! in the .N*T $rame"or' are !esigne! to be

    use! for )-I !e elopment.

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    toolbars, an! other screen elements "ith the fle ibility necessary to accommo!ate shifting

    business nee!s.

    $or e ample, the .N*T $rame"or' pro i!es simple properties to a!#ust isual

    attributes associate! "ith forms. In some cases the un!erlying operating system !oes not

    support changing these attributes !irectly, an! in these cases the .N*T $rame"or'

    automatically recreates the forms. This is one of many "ays in "hich the .N*T $rame"or'

    integrates the !e eloper interface, ma'ing co!ing simpler an! more consistent.

    -nli'e (cti eX controls, >in!o"s $orms controls ha e semi truste! access to a

    userKs computer. This means that binary or nati ely e ecuting co!e can access some of

    the resources on the userKs system Jsuch as )-I elements an! limite! file accessL "ithout

    being able to access or compromise other resources. ;ecause of co!e access security,

    many applications that once nee!e! to be installe! on a userKs system can no" be safely!eploye! through the >eb.

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    an! (S1.N*T as the publishing mechanism for applications, an! both ha e a collection of

    supporting classes in the .N*T $rame"or'.

    XM0 >eb ser ices, an important e olution in >eb base! technology, are !istribute!,

    ser er si!e application components similar to common >eb sites. :o"e er, unli'e >eb

    base! applications, XM0 >eb ser ices components ha e no -I an! are not targete! for

    bro"sers such as Internet * plorer an! Netscape Na igator. Instea!, XM0 >eb ser ices

    consist of reusable soft"are components !esigne! to be consume! by other applications,

    such as tra!itional client applications, >eb base! applications, or e en other XM0 >eb

    ser ices. (s a result, XM0 >eb ser ices technology is rapi!ly mo ing application

    !e elopment an! !eployment into the highly !istribute! en ironment of the Internet.

    If you ha e use! earlier ersions of (S1 technology, you "ill imme!iately notice the

    impro ements that (S1.N*T an! >eb $orms offers. $or e ample, you can !e elop >eb$orms pages in any language that supports the .N*T $rame"or'. In a!!ition, your co!e

    no longer nee!s to share the same file "ith your :TT1 te t Jalthough it can continue to !o

    so if you preferL. >eb $orms pages e ecute in nati e machine language because, li'e any

    other manage! application, they ta'e full a! antage of the runtime. In contrast,

    unmanage! (S1 pages are al"ays scripte! an! interprete!. (S1.N*T pages are faster,

    more functional, an! easier to !e elop than unmanage! (S1 pages because they interact

    "ith the runtime li'e any manage! application.

    The .N*T $rame"or' also pro i!es a collection of classes an! tools to ai! in

    !e elopment an! consumption of XM0 >eb ser ices applications. XM0 >eb ser ices are

    built on stan!ar!s such as S7(1 Ja remote proce!ure call protocolL, XM0 Jan e tensible

    !ata formatL, an! >S%0 J the >eb Ser ices %escription 0anguageL. The .N*T $rame"or'

    is built on these stan!ar!s to promote interoperability "ith non Microsoft solutions.

    $or e ample, the >eb Ser ices %escription 0anguage tool inclu!e! "ith the .N*T

    $rame"or' S%? can uery an XM0 >eb ser ice publishe! on the >eb, parse its >S%0

    !escription, an! pro!uce CD or Eisual ;asic source co!e that your application can use to

    become a client of the XM0 >eb ser ice. The source co!e can create classes !eri e! from

    classes in the class library that han!le all the un!erlying communication using S7(1 an!

    XM0 parsing. (lthough you can use the class library to consume XM0 >eb ser ices

    !irectly, the >eb Ser ices %escription 0anguage tool an! the other tools containe! in the

    S%? facilitate your !e elopment efforts "ith the .N*T $rame"or'.

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    If you !e elop an! publish your o"n XM0 >eb ser ice, the .N*T $rame"or'

    pro i!es a set of classes that conform to all the un!erlying communication stan!ar!s,

    such as S7(1, >S%0, an! XM0. -sing those classes enables you to focus on the logic of

    your ser ice, "ithout concerning yourself "ith the communications infrastructure re uire!

    by !istribute! soft"are !e elopment.

    $inally, li'e >eb $orms pages in the manage! en ironment, your XM0 >eb ser ice "ill run

    "ith the spee! of nati e machine language using the scalable communication of IIS.


    (S1.N*T is a programming frame"or' built on the common language runtime that

    can be use! on a ser er to buil! po"erful >eb applications. (S1.N*T offers se eral

    important a! antages o er pre ious >eb !e elopment mo!elsH

    Enhanced Performance0 (S1.N*T is compile! common language runtime co!e

    running on the ser er. -nli'e its interprete! pre!ecessors, (S1.N*T can ta'e a! antage

    of early bin!ing, #ust in time compilation, nati e optimi+ation, an! caching ser ices

    right out of the bo . This amounts to !ramatically better performance before you e er

    "rite a line of co!e.

    *or d C ass Too Support0 The (S1.N*T frame"or' is complemente! by a rich

    toolbo an! !esigner in the Eisual Stu!io integrate! !e elopment en ironment.

    >eb application

    !e elopers. The .N*T $rame"or' class library, Messaging, an! %ata (ccess solutions

    are all seamlessly accessible from the >eb. (S1.N*T is also language in!epen!ent, so

    you can choose the language that best applies to your application or partition your

    application across many languages. $urther, common language runtime interoperability

    guarantees that your e isting in estment in C7M base! !e elopment is preser e!

    "hen migrating to (S1.N*T.

    Simp icity0 (S1.N*T ma'es it easy to perform common tas's, from simple form

    submission an! client authentication to !eployment an! site configuration. $or

    e ample, the (S1.N*T page frame"or' allo"s you to buil! user interfaces that cleanly

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    separate application logic from presentation co!e an! to han!le e ents in a simple,

    Eisual ;asic li'e forms processing mo!el. (!!itionally, the common language runtime

    simplifies !e elopment, "ith manage! co!e ser ices such as automatic reference

    counting an! garbage collection.

    ,ana$eabi ity0 (S1.N*T employs a te t base!, hierarchical configuration system,

    "hich simplifies applying settings to your ser er en ironment an! >eb applications.

    ;ecause configuration information is store! as plain te t, ne" settings may be applie!

    "ithout the ai! of local a!ministration tools. This +ero local a!ministration philosophy

    e ten!s to !eploying (S1.N*T $rame"or' applications as "ell. (n (S1.N*T $rame"or'

    application is !eploye! to a ser er simply by copying the necessary files to the ser er.

    No ser er restart is re uire!, e en to !eploy or replace running compile! co!e.

    Sca abi ity and Avai abi ity0 (S1.N*T has been !esigne! "ith scalability in min!,"ith features specifically tailore! to impro e performance in clustere! an!

    multiprocessor en ironments. $urther, processes are closely monitore! an! manage!

    by the (S1.N*T runtime, so that if one misbeha es Jlea's, !ea!loc'sL, a ne" process

    can be create! in its place, "hich helps 'eep your application constantly a ailable to

    han!le re uests.

    CustomiHabi ity and E)tensibi ity0 (S1.N*T !eli ers a "ell factore! architecture

    that allo"s !e elopers to plug in their co!e at the appropriate le el. In fact, it is

    possible to e ten! or replace any subcomponent of the (S1.N*T runtime "ith your o"n

    custom "ritten component. Implementing custom authentication or state ser ices has

    ne er been easier.

    Security0 >ith built in >in!o"s authentication an! per application configuration,

    you can be assure! that your applications are secure.


    The Microsoft .N*T 1latform currently offers built in support for three languagesHCD, Eisual ;asic, an! 8Script.

    *&AT 'S ASP0NET *E6 (OR,SI

    The (S1.N*T >eb $orms page frame"or' is a scalable common language runtime

    programming mo!el that can be use! on the ser er to !ynamically generate >eb pages.

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    Inten!e! as a logical e olution of (S1 J(S1.N*T pro i!es synta compatibility "ith

    e isting pagesL, the (S1.N*T >eb $orms frame"or' has been specifically !esigne! to

    a!!ress a number of 'ey !eficiencies in the pre ious mo!el. In particular, it pro i!esH

    The ability to create an! use reusable -I controls that can encapsulate common

    functionality an! thus re!uce the amount of co!e that a page !e eloper has to "rite.

    The ability for !e elopers to cleanly structure their page logic in an or!erly fashion Jnot

    spaghetti co!e L.

    The ability for !e elopment tools to pro i!e strong >eb $orms pages are te t files "ith an .asp file name e tension. They

    can be !eploye! throughout an IIS irtual root !irectory tree. >hen a bro"ser client

    re uests .asp resources, the (S1.N*T runtime parses an! compiles the target file into

    a .N*T $rame"or' class. This class can then be use! to !ynamically process incoming

    re uests. JNote that the .asp file is compile! only the first time it is accesse!P the

    compile! type instance is then reuse! across multiple re uestsL.

    (n (S1.N*T page can be create! simply by ta'ing an e isting :TM0 file an!

    changing its file name e tension to .asp Jno mo!ification of co!e is re uire!L. $or

    e ample, the follo"ing sample !emonstrates a simple :TM0 page that collects a userKs

    name an! category preference an! then performs a form postbac' to the originating page"hen a button is clic'e!H

    (S1.N*T pro i!es synta compatibility "ith e isting (S1 pages. This inclu!es

    support for UV VW co!e ren!er bloc's that can be intermi e! "ith :TM0 content "ithin

    an .asp file. These co!e bloc's e ecute in a top !o"n manner at page ren!er time.

    CO#E 6E&'N# *E6 (OR,S

    (S1.N*T supports t"o metho!s of authoring !ynamic pages. The first is the metho!

    sho"n in the prece!ing samples, "here the page co!e is physically !eclare! "ithin theoriginating .asp file. (n alternati e approach 'no"n as the co!e behin! metho!

    enables the page co!e to be more cleanly separate! from the :TM0 content into an

    entirely separate file.


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    In a!!ition to Jor instea! ofL using UV VW co!e bloc's to program !ynamic

    content, (S1.N*T page !e elopers can use (S1.N*T ser er controls to program >eb

    pages. Ser er controls are !eclare! "ithin an .asp file using custom tags or intrinsic

    :TM0 tags that contain a runat KserverK attributes alue. Intrinsic :TM0 tags arehan!le! by one of the controls in the System0*eb0U'0&tm Contro s namespace. (ny

    tag that !oesnKt e plicitly map to one of the controls is assigne! the type of

    System0*eb0U'0&tm Contro s0&tm /enericContro .

    Ser er controls automatically maintain any client entere! alues bet"een roun!

    trips to the ser er. This control state is not store! on the ser er Jit is instea! store! "ithin

    an Linput type KhiddenKM form fiel! that is roun! trippe! bet"een re uestsL. Note

    also that no client si!e script is re uire!.

    In a!!ition to supporting stan!ar! :TM0 input controls, (S1.N*T enables !e elopers

    to utili+e richer custom controls on their pages. $or e ample, the follo"ing sample

    !emonstrates ho" the LaspBadrotatorM control can be use! to !ynamically !isplay

    rotating a!s on a page.

    =. (S1.N*T >eb $orms pro i!e an easy an! po"erful "ay to buil! !ynamic >eb -I.

    5. (S1.N*T >eb $orms pages can target any bro"ser client Jthere are no script library or

    coo'ie re uirementsL.

    4. (S1.N*T >eb $orms pages pro i!e synta compatibility "ith e isting (S1 pages.@. (S1.N*T ser er controls pro i!e an easy "ay to encapsulate common functionality.

    A. (S1.N*T ships "ith @A built in ser er controls. %e elopers can also use controls built

    by thir! parties.

    B. (S1.N*T ser er controls can automatically pro#ect both uple el an! !o"nle el :TM0.

    . (S1.N*T templates pro i!e an easy "ay to customi+e the loo' an! feel of list ser er


    F. (S1.N*T ali!ation controls pro i!e an easy "ay to !o !eclarati e client or ser er !ata


    C 0NET

    A#O0NET O?ER?'E*

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    (%7.N*T is an e olution of the (%7 !ata access mo!el that !irectly a!!resses user

    re uirements for !e eloping scalable applications. It "as !esigne! specifically for the "eb

    "ith scalability, statelessness, an! XM0 in min!.

    (%7.N*T uses some (%7 ob#ects, such as the Connection an! Command ob#ects, an!

    also intro!uces ne" ob#ects. ?ey ne" (%7.N*T ob#ects inclu!e the #ataSet ,

    #ataReader , an! #ataAdapter .

    The important !istinction bet"een this e ol e! stage of (%7.N*T an! pre ious !ata

    architectures is that there e ists an ob#ect the #ataSet that is separate an! !istinct

    from any !ata stores. ;ecause of that, the #ataSet functions as a stan!alone entity. hile the #ataSet has no 'no"le!ge of the source of its !ata, the manage! pro i!er has

    !etaile! an! specific information. The role of the manage! pro i!er is to connect, fill, an!

    persist the #ataSet to an! from !ata stores. The 70* %; an! S 0 Ser er .N*T %ata

    1ro i!ers JSystem.%ata.7le%b an! System.%ata.S lClientL that are part of the .Net

    $rame"or' pro i!e four basic ob#ectsH the Command , Connection , #ataReader an!

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    #ataAdapter . In the remaining sections of this !ocument, "eKll "al' through each part of

    the #ataSet an! the 70* %;/S 0 Ser er .N*T %ata 1ro i!ers e plaining "hat they are,

    an! ho" to program against them.

    The follo"ing sections "ill intro!uce you to some ob#ects that ha e e ol e!, an! some

    that are ne". These ob#ects areH

    Connections . $or connection to an! managing transactions against a !atabase.

    Commands . $or issuing S 0 comman!s against a !atabase.

    #ataReaders . $or rea!ing a for"ar! only stream of !ata recor!s from a S 0

    Ser er !ata source.

    #ataSets . $or storing, Remoting an! programming against flat !ata, XM0 !ata an!

    relational !ata.

    #ataAdapters . $or pushing !ata into a #ataSet , an! reconciling !ata against a


    >hen !ealing "ith connections to a !atabase, there are t"o !ifferent optionsH S 0

    Ser er .N*T %ata 1ro i!er JSystem.%ata.S lClientL an! 70* %; .N*T %ata 1ro i!er

    JSystem.%ata.7le%bL. In these samples "e "ill use the S 0 Ser er .N*T %ata 1ro i!er.

    These are "ritten to tal' !irectly to Microsoft S 0 Ser er. The 70* %; .N*T %ata 1ro i!er

    is use! to tal' to any 70* %; pro i!er Jas it uses 70* %; un!erneathL.


    Connections are use! to Ktal' toK !atabases, an! are represente! by pro i!er

    specific classes such as S! Connection . Comman!s tra el o er connections an!

    resultsets are returne! in the form of streams "hich can be rea! by a #ataReader

    ob#ect, or pushe! into a #ataSet ob#ect.


    Comman!s contain the information that is submitte! to a !atabase, an! are

    represente! by pro i!er specific classes such as S! Command . ( comman! can be a

    store! proce!ure call, an -1%(T* statement, or a statement that returns results.

  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    The e ample belo" sho"s ho" to issue an INS*RT statement against the North"ind



    The #ataReader ob#ect is some"hat synonymous "ith a rea! only/for"ar! only cursor

    o er !ata. The #ataReader (1I supports flat as "ell as hierarchical !ata. ( #ataReader

    ob#ect is returne! after e ecuting a comman! against a !atabase. The format of the

    returne! #ataReader ob#ect is !ifferent from a recor!set. $or e ample, you might use

    the #ataReader to sho" the results of a search list in a "eb page.


    #ataSetsThe #ataSet ob#ect is similar to the (%7 Recordset ob#ect, but more po"erful, an! "ith

    one other important !istinctionH the #ataSet is al"ays !isconnecte!. The #ataSet ob#ect

    represents a cache of !ata, "ith !atabase li'e structures such as tables, columns,

    relationships, an! constraints. :o"e er, though a #ataSet can an! !oes beha e much

    li'e a !atabase, it is important to remember that #ataSet ob#ects !o not interact !irectly

    "ith !atabases, or other source !ata. This allo"s the !e eloper to "or' "ith a

    programming mo!el that is al"ays consistent, regar!less of "here the source !ata

    resi!es. %ata coming from a !atabase, an XM0 file, from co!e, or user input can all be

    place! into #ataSet ob#ects. Then, as changes are ma!e to the #ataSet they can be

    trac'e! an! erifie! before up!ating the source !ata. The /etChan$es metho! of the

    #ataSet ob#ect actually creates a secon! #atSet that contains only the changes to the

    !ata. This #ataSet is then use! by a #ataAdapter Jor other ob#ectsL to up!ate the

    original !ata source.

    The #ataSet has many XM0 characteristics, inclu!ing the ability to pro!uce an! consume

    XM0 !ata an! XM0 schemas. XM0 schemas can be use! to !escribe schemas interchange!

    ia >ebSer ices. In fact, a #ataSet "ith a schema can actually be compile! for type

    safety an! statement completion.


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    The #ataAdapter ob#ect "or's as a bri!ge bet"een the #ataSet an! the source

    !ata. -sing the pro i!er specific S! #ataAdapter Jalong "ith its associate!

    S! Command an! S! Connection L can increase o erall performance "hen "or'ing "ith

    a Microsoft S 0 Ser er !atabases. $or other 70* %; supporte! !atabases, you "oul! use

    the O e#b#ataAdapter ob#ect an! its associate! O e#bCommand an!

    O e#bConnection ob#ects.

    The #ataAdapter ob#ect uses comman!s to up!ate the !ata source after changes

    ha e been ma!e to the #ataSet . -sing the (i metho! of the #ataAdapter calls the

    S*0*CT comman!P using the Update metho! calls the INS*RT, -1%(T* or %*0*T*

    comman! for each change! ro".

  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    !;ase, para!o , IMS, S 0 Ser er an! S 0 Ser er. These systems allo" users to create,

    up!ate an! e tract information from their !atabase.

    ( !atabase is a structure! collection of !ata. %ata refers to the characteristics of

    people, things an! e ents. S 0 Ser er stores each !ata item in its o"n fiel!s. In S 0

    Ser er, the fiel!s relating to a particular person, thing or e ent are bun!le! together to

    form a single complete unit of !ata, calle! a recor! Jit can also be referre! to as ra" or an

    occurrenceL. *ach recor! is ma!e up of a number of fiel!s. No t"o fiel!s in a recor! can

    ha e the same fiel! name.

    %uring an S 0 Ser er %atabase !esign pro#ect, the analysis of your business nee!s

    i!entifies all the fiel!s or attributes of interest. If your business nee!s change o er time,

    you !efine any a!!itional fiel!s or change the !efinition of e isting fiel!s.

    S8+ SER?ER TA6+ES

    S 0 Ser er stores recor!s relating to each other in a table. %ifferent tables are

    create! for the arious groups of information. Relate! tables are groupe! together to form

    a !atabase.

    PR',AR4 .E4

    * ery table in S 0 Ser er has a fiel! or a combination of fiel!s that uni uely

    i!entifies each recor! in the table. The -ni ue i!entifier is calle! the 1rimary ?ey, or

    simply the ?ey. The primary 'ey pro i!es the means to !istinguish one recor! from all

    other in a table. It allo"s the user an! the !atabase system to i!entify, locate an! refer

    to one particular recor! in the !atabase.


    Sometimes all the information of interest to a business operation can be store! in

    one table. S 0 Ser er ma'es it ery easy to lin' the !ata in multiple tables. Matching an

    employee to the !epartment in "hich they "or' is one e ample. This is "hat ma'es S 0

    Ser er a relational !atabase management system, or R%;MS. It stores !ata in t"o or

    more tables an! enables you to !efine relationships bet"een the table an! enables you to

    !efine relationships bet"een the tables.

    (ORE'/N .E4

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    ( significant !isa! antage of the %;MS system is cost. In a!!ition to the cost of

    purchasing of !e eloping the soft"are, the har!"are has to be upgra!e! to allo" for the

    e tensi e programs an! the "or'space re uire! for their e ecution an! storage. >hile

    centrali+ation re!uces !uplication, the lac' of !uplication re uires that the !atabase be

    a!e uately bac'e! up so that in case of failure the !ata can be reco ere!.


    S 0 S*RE*R is one of the lea!ing !atabase management systems J%;MSL because

    it is the only %atabase that meets the uncompromising re uirements of to!ay s most

    !eman!ing information systems. $rom comple !ecision support systems J%SSL to the

    most rigorous online transaction processing J70T1L application, e en application that

    re uire simultaneous %SS an! 70T1 access to the same critical !ata, S 0 Ser er lea!s thein!ustry in both performance an! capability

    S 0 S*RE*R is a truly portable, !istribute!, an! open %;MS that !eli ers unmatche!

    performance, continuous operation an! support for e ery !atabase.

    S 0 S*RE*R R%;MS is high performance fault tolerant %;MS "hich is specially !esigne!

    for online transactions processing an! for han!ling large !atabase application.

    S 0 S*RE*R "ith transactions processing option offers t"o features "hich contribute to

    ery high le el of transaction processing throughput, "hich are

    The ro" le el loc' manager


    The unri ale! portability an! connecti ity of the S 0 S*RE*R %;MS enables all the

    systems in the organi+ation to be lin'e! into a singular, integrate! computing resource.

    PORTA6'+'T4S 0 S*RE*R is fully portable to more than F6 !istinct har!"are an! operating

    systems platforms, inclu!ing -NIX, MS%7S, 7S/5, Macintosh an! !o+ens of proprietary

    platforms. This portability gi es complete free!om to choose the !atabase se er platform

    that meets the system re uirements.

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    S 0 S*RE*R offers a lea!ing implementation of in!ustry Qstan!ar! S 0. S 0

    Ser er s open architecture integrates S 0 S*RE*R an! non QS 0 S*RE*R %;MS "ith

    in!ustries most comprehensi e collection of tools, application, an! thir! party soft"are

    pro!ucts S 0 Ser er s 7pen architecture pro i!es transparent access to !ata from other

    relational !atabase an! e en non relational !atabase.

    #'STR'6UTE# #ATA S&AR'N/

    S 0 Ser er s net"or'ing an! !istribute! !atabase capabilities to access !ata store!

    on remote ser er "ith the same ease as if the information "as store! on a single local

    computer. ( single S 0 statement can access !ata at multiple sites. orl! applications !eman! access to critical !ata. >ith most !atabase

    Systems application becomes 2contention boun!3 Q "hich performance is limite! not by

    the C1- po"er or by !is' I/7, but user "aiting on one another for !ata access . S 0

    Ser er employs full, unrestricte! ro" le el loc'ing an! contention free ueries to minimi+e

    an! in many cases entirely eliminates contention "ait times.

    NO ' O 6OTT+ENEC.S

    S 0 Ser er s fast commit groups commit an! !eferre! "rite technologies

    !ramatically re!uce !is' I/7 bottlenec's. >hile some !atabase "rite "hole !ata bloc' to

    !is' at commit time, S 0 Ser er commits transactions "ith at most se uential log file on

    !is' at commit time, 7n high throughput systems, one se uential "rites typically group

    commit multiple transactions. %ata rea! by the transaction remains as share! memory so

    that other transactions may access that !ata "ithout rea!ing it again from !is'. Since

    fast commits "rite all !ata necessary to the reco ery to the log file, mo!ifie! bloc's are

    - 59 -

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    "ritten bac' to the !atabase in!epen!ently of the transaction commit, "hen "ritten from

    memory to !is'.

    Chapter :

    - 60 -

  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    - 61 -

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    S4STE, #ES'/N

    :020 'NTRO#UCT'ON

    Soft"are !esign sits at the technical 'ernel of the soft"are engineering

    process an! is applie! regar!less of the !e elopment para!igm an! area of

    application. %esign is the first step in the !e elopment phase for any engineere!

    pro!uct or system. The !esigner s goal is to pro!uce a mo!el or representation of

    an entity that "ill later be built. ;eginning, once system re uirement ha e been

    specifie! an! analy+e!, system !esign is the first of the three technical acti ities

    !esign, co!e an! test that is re uire! to buil! an! erify soft"are.

    The importance can be state! "ith a single "or! 2 uality3. %esign is the

    place "here uality is fostere! in soft"are !e elopment. %esign pro i!es us "ith

    representations of soft"are that can assess for uality. %esign is the only "ay that

    "e can accurately translate a customer s ie" into a finishe! soft"are pro!uct or

    system. Soft"are !esign ser es as a foun!ation for all the soft"are engineering

    - 62 -

  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    steps that follo". >ithout a strong !esign "e ris' buil!ing an unstable system Q

    one that "ill be !ifficult to test, one "hose uality cannot be assesse! until the

    last stage.

    %uring !esign, progressi e refinement of !ata structure, program structure,

    an! proce!ural !etails are !e elope! re ie"e! an! !ocumente!. System !esign

    can be ie"e! from either technical or pro#ect management perspecti e. $rom the

    technical point of ie", !esign is comprise! of four acti ities Q architectural !esign,

    !ata structure !esign, interface !esign an! proce!ural !esign.

    :030 S4STE, *OR.(+O*

    - 63 -


    LoginPage.aspxType login details to get theindividual Homepage.

    ain !onsole "o#!oo#dinato#

    AdminHome.aspx EmployeeHome.aspx

    frmDeptDetails.aspx OwnDetails.asp

    $dmin %ill see the

    total appli!ation!ontents &mployee get his o%n page he%ill see hisin"o#mation.

    'ie% his details andupdate his details and!hange pass%o#d

    $dmin has thea(ility to add ne%depa#tment anddelete old.


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    - 64 -




    &mployee !an see the#epo#ts and gene#ate#epo#ts.

    $llo% to vie% the (ill details (asedon depa#tment andemployee %ise#epo#ts.


    frmFinance anagerHomePage.aspx


    Home page tologin )&nte# *se# +d, ass%o#d

    ain !onsole "o#$udito#

    ist o" all (ills %hi!h a#ea!!epted (y hisdepa#tment manage#s

    /inan!e manage# vie% he all the#epo#ts gene#ated (y that

    pa#ti!ula# depa#tment.

    ea#!h list o" (ills (asedon thei# depa#tmentemployees



    $dmin !an #egiste#ne% employee and

    update the employeedetails.

    frmSearch.aspx&mployee !ansea#!h "o# (ills.

    $dmin !an sea#!h"o# (ills.employeedetails and deptdetails

    /inan!e manage# pay the (ills .


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    Emp oyee B

    - 65 -




    Home page tologin )&nte# *se# +d, ass%o#d

    ain !onsole "o# e(ate oo#dinato#

    $llo% the use# to gene#atethe (ill.


    He !an !hangehi ogin details and!onta!t details.


    ased on depa#tment andemployee he !an gene#ate#epo#ts.

  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


    Project Report

    :050 NOR,A+'@AT'ONIt is a process of con erting a relation to a stan!ar! form. The process is use! to

    han!le the problems that can arise !ue to !ata re!un!ancy i.e. repetition of !ata in the

    !atabase, maintain !ata integrity as "ell as han!ling problems that can arise !ue to

    insertion, up!ation, !eletion anomalies.

    %ecomposing is the process of splitting relations into multiple relations to eliminate

    anomalies an! maintain anomalies an! maintain !ata integrity. To !o this "e use normalforms or rules for structuring relation.

    'nsertion anoma y H Inability to a!! !ata to the !atabase !ue to absence of other !ata.

    #e etion anoma y H -ninten!e! loss of !ata !ue to !eletion of other !ata.

    Update anoma y H %ata inconsistency resulting from !ata re!un!ancy an! partial up!ate

    Norma (orms H These are the rules for structuring relations that eliminate anomalies.

    ('RST NOR,A+ (OR, H

    ( relation is sai! to be in first normal form if the alues in the relation are atomic

    for e ery attribute in the relation. ;y this "e mean simply that no attribute alue can be

    a set of alues or, as it is sometimes e presse!, a repeating group.

    SECON# NOR,A+ (OR, H

    ( relation is sai! to be in secon! Normal form is it is in first normal form an! itshoul! satisfy any one of the follo"ing rules.

    =L 1rimary 'ey is a not a composite primary 'ey

    5L No non 'ey attributes are present

    4L * ery non 'ey attribute is fully functionally !epen!ent on full set of primary 'ey.

    - 66 -


    &mployee !an sea#!h the (ills su(mitted (y him andeve#y employee.

  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    T&'R# NOR,A+ (OR, H

    ( relation is sai! to be in thir! normal form if their e its no transiti e !epen!encies.

    Transitive #ependency H If t"o non 'ey attributes !epen! on each other as "ell as on

    the primary 'ey then they are sai! to be transiti ely !epen!ent.

    The abo e normali+ation principles "ere applie! to !ecompose the !ata in multiple

    tables thereby ma'ing the !ata to be maintaine! in a consistent state.

    :070 E R #'A/RA,S The re ation upon the system is structure throu$h a conceptua ER #ia$ram1

    "hich not on y specifics the e)istentia entities but a so the standard re ations

    throu$h "hich the system e)ists and the cardina ities that are necessary for thesystem state to continue0

    The entity Re ationship #ia$ram DER# depicts the re ationship bet"een the data

    objects0 The ER# is the notation that is used to conduct the date mode in$ activity the

    attributes of each data object noted is the ER# can be described resi$n a data object


    The set of primary components that are identified by the ER# are

    #ata object Re ationships

    Attributes ?arious types of indicators0

    The primary purpose of the ER# is to represent data objects and their re ationships0


    :070 #ATA (+O* #'A/RA,S

    - 67 -

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    ( !ata flo" !iagram is graphical tool use! to !escribe an! analy+e

    mo ement of !ata through a system. These are the central tool an! the basis

    from "hich the other components are !e elope!. The transformation of !ata from

    input to output, through processe!, may be !escribe! logically an! in!epen!ently

    of physical components associate! "ith the system. These are 'no"n as the

    logical !ata flo" !iagrams. The physical !ata flo" !iagrams sho" the actual

    implements an! mo ement of !ata bet"een people, !epartments an!

    "or'stations. ( full !escription of a system actually consists of a set of !ata flo"

    !iagrams. -sing t"o familiar notations

  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    4. >hen a process is e plo!e! into lo"er le el !etails, they are numbere!.

    @. The names of !ata stores an! !estinations are "ritten in capital letters. 1rocess

    an! !ataflo" names ha e the first letter of each "or' capitali+e!

    ( %$% typically sho"s the minimum contents of !ata store. *ach !ata storeshoul! contain all the !ata elements that flo" in an! out.

    uestionnaires shoul! contain all the !ata elements that flo" in an! out.

    Missing interfaces re!un!ancies an! li'e is then accounte! for often through

    inter ie"s.

    SA'+ENT (EATURES O( #(# S

    =. The %$% sho"s flo" of !ata, not of control loops an! !ecision are controlle!consi!erations !o not appear on a %$%.

    5. The %$% !oes not in!icate the time factor in ol e! in any process "hether the

    !ataflo" ta'e place !aily, "ee'ly, monthly or yearly.

    4. The se uence of e ents is not brought out on the %$%.

    T4PES O( #ATA (+O* #'A/RA,S

    =. Current 1hysical

    5. Current 0ogical

    4. Ne" 0ogical

    @. Ne" 1hysical


    In Current 1hysical %$% proecess label inclu!e the name of people or their

    positions or the names of computer systems that might pro i!e some of the

    o erall system processing label inclu!es an i!entification of the technology use! to

    process the !ata. Similarly !ata flo"s an! !ata stores are often labels "ith the

    names of the actual physical me!ia on "hich !ata are store! such as file fol!ers,

    computer files, business forms or computer tapes.

    - 70 -

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    The physical aspects at the system are remo e! as mush as possible so that

    the current system is re!uce! to its essence to the !ata an! the processors that

    transform them regar!less of actual physical form.

    NE* +O/'CA+ H

    This is e actly li'e a current logical mo!el if the user "ere completely happy

    "ith he user "ere completely happy "ith the functionality of the current system

    but ha! problems "ith ho" it "as implemente! typically through the ne" logical

    mo!el "ill !iffer from current logical mo!el "hile ha ing a!!itional functions,

    absolute function remo al an! inefficient flo"s recogni+e!.

    NE* P&4S'CA+B

    The ne" physical represents only the physical implementation of the ne"


    RU+ES /O?ERN'N/ T&E #(# S


    =L No process can ha e only outputs.5L No process can ha e only inputs. If an ob#ect has only inputs than it must be a


    4L ( process has a erb phrase label.


    =L %ata cannot mo e !irectly from one !ata store to another !ata store, a process

    must mo e !ata.

    5L %ata cannot mo e !irectly from an outsi!e source to a !ata store, a process,

    "hich recei es, must mo e !ata from the source an! place the !ata into !ata


    4L ( !ata store has a noun phrase label.

    - 71 -

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    The origin an! /or !estination of !ata.

    =L %ata cannot mo e !irely from a source to sin' it must be mo e! by a process

    5L ( source an! /or sin' has a noun phrase lan!

    #ATA (+O*

    =L ( %ata $lo" has only one !irection of flo" bet"een symbols. It may flo" in

    both !irections bet"een a process an! a !ata store to sho" a rea! before an

    up!ate. The later is usually in!icate! ho"e er by t"o separate arro"s since

    these happen at !ifferent type.

    5L ( #oin in %$% means that e actly the same !ata comes from any of t"o or more!ifferent processes !ata store or sin' to a common location.

    4L ( !ata flo" cannot go !irectly bac' to the same process it lea!s. There must

    be atleast one other process that han!les the !ata flo" pro!uce some other

    !ata flo" returns the original !ata into the beginning process.

    @L ( %ata flo" to a !ata store means up!ate J!elete or changeL.

    AL ( !ata $lo" from a !ata store means retrie e or use.

    ( !ata flo" has a noun phrase label more than one !ata flo" noun phrase can

    appear on a single arro" as long as all of the flo"s on the same arro" mo e

    together as one pac'age.

    Conte)t #ia$ram

    - 72 -

    6ud$et P anner




    (inance ,ana$er

    Emp oyee


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    / /o# $dmin odule

    - 73 -



    Login data

    ?ie" of va ue

    Abi ities detai s

    ?a ue Abi ities

    Tab e


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    DFD For Employee $reation

    / /o# /inan!e anage# #eation

    - 75 -

    Insert Ne"*mployee?erify#ata






    Chec' forRegistration


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    DFD For anager $reation

    - 76 -

    Insert Ne"$inanceManager ?erify








    (!min "illerifyChec' for


  • 8/10/2019 Budget Planner Portal (Synopsis)


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    / /o# o# /lo% o" $ll odule

    - 77 -

    Insert Ne"Manager




