broadening people`s mind in ageing warm welcome to the third project meeting october 14 – 17, 2009...

Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

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Page 1: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing

Warm Welcome

to the third project meeting

October 14 – 17, 2009

Gdansk, Poland

Page 2: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

Meeting AgendaThursday, October 15, 2009

09.00 – 09.30 Welcome, Introduction, Agenda09.30 – 11.00 PRO-MED presentation: best practice11.00 – 11.30 Coffee Break11.30 – 13.00 Good practice – what´s that?13.00 – 14.30 Lunch break14.30 – 16.00 Market place of good practice examples (1 per

partner)16.00 – 16.30 Break16.30 – 17.30 Group work: good practice18.00 – 19.00 Koscierzyna UTA visit19.30 Dinner in Hotel Posejdon

Page 3: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

Meeting AgendaFriday, October 16, 2009

09.00 – 10.30 Skills and experiences11.00 – 14.00 Visit to the old city of Gdansk, including lunch14.00 – 15.00 Travel to Gdansk University of Technology15.00 – 17.00 Meeting with members of the Seniors Club at GUT17.00 Retourn to Hotel Posejdon19.00 Dinner in Hotel Posejdon

Page 4: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

Meeting AgendaSaturday, October 17, 2009

09.00 – 09.30 The EuBiA output – EuBiA Guide

09.30 – 10.30 Where to find good practice, how to adopt / adapt

10.30 – 11.00 Break

11.00 – 12.00 EuBiA – where do we go?

12.00 – 12.30 Evaluation, Closing up the meeting

13.00 Farewell lunch

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Project overviewAims

• Networking• Exchange good practice and know how• Strenghten existing skills and strategies• To adopt and adapt good practice• Exchange of our experiences in the field of advocacy and

participation of senior learners• Do develop a guide to give direction for a successful coping with

older learners

Page 6: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

Project overviewActivities

• Networking• Adress and discuss the subjects

- Networking - Good practice and effective strategies - Advocacy and participation of older learner

• Development of a signposting guide• Including older people in our discussions

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Project overview:Outcomes

• A signposting guide – The EuBiA Guide• Networks

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Project duration• 24 months: August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2010

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Timetable overview8





















































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Workpackages WP 1 - August 2008 – October 2008:

Developing project structures

WP 2 – November 2008 – March 2009: Networking

WP 3 – April 2009 – October 2009:Good practice and effective strategies

• WP 4 – November 2009 – March 2010:Advocacy and participation of older learners

• WP 5 – April 2010 – July 2010: The EuBiA Guide

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Workpackage 1August 2008 – October 2008

Developing project structures


• developing project structures

• detailed working plan including tasks

• evaluation design

• communication design

• project webpage

• kick off meeting


• developed project structures

• developed working plan

• developed evaluation design

• developed communication design

• project webpage online ☺

Page 12: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

First meeting

• establishing the consortium• presentation of all partners• teambuilding• agreement of project structures• agreement of work plan• distributionof project tasks• discussion of dissemination

• agreement of webpage

• agreement of project leaflet

• getting to know organisations in the

field of senior education

• detailed plan and tasks for the next

working package

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Workpackage 2November 2008 – March 2009


Activities • creating a first draft of the sign posting guide (index of contents ....)

• creating and extending a network on European level

• preparing one part of the sign post: Networking

• preparing, realising and documenting the 2. project meeting

• creating of project leaflet

• updating the webpage

• dissemination and evaluation


• project leaflet in all project languages

• index of contents for the sign posting guide

• part of the sign post: Networking

• documented and evaluated 2. meeting

• evaluation of WP 2

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Second meeting

• agreement on the index of contents for the sign posting guide discussion points:

• Learning in Senior Age, Networking, partnerships, good practice

• getting to know organisations in the field of senior education

• detailed plan and tasks for the next working package

• involving senior learners

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Workpackage 3April 2009 – October 2009

Best practice and effective strategies


• preparing one part of the sign post: Best practice and effective strategies

• finding improved practice in senior education

• collecting previous EU projects for learning for seniors

• 3. transnational meeting

• updating the webpage

• dissemination and evaluation


• part of the sign post: best practice and effective strategies

• documented and evaluated 3. meeting

• evaluation of WP 3

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What we have already done …. Project structures, project handbook

Project webpage

Project flyers


Exchange of experiences (GOOD PRACTICE) in the field of networking

Page 17: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

UKUniversity of Leicester, LillFirst steps Women´s UK - CentreWEA NI

GermanyVHS- Hamburg

Austriabia-netUniversity of GrazMunicipalty of GrazFH-JOANNEUMEFOS Europe

Portugal AidLearn

PolandPRO-MEDStarostwo Koscierzyna DistrictKashubian Institute for Development

SlovakiaForum pre-pomoc starsim

Czech RepublicMETER SILESIASlezká Universitá v OpaveInstitut pro zeny o.s.REKVAL, s.r.o.

ItalyGiustino FortunatoCooperativa TulipanoLibera Università Europea terza età CampanieConsorzio Lavoro e AmbienteComune di NapoliConsortio LecoleCentro Europeo Informazionen Cultura Cittadinanza – Comune di NapoliL´AUSER Volontario Napoli CentroSalerno Solidale S.p.A.

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Exchanging of experiences


Learning in senior age – what´s that? Who is a senior? What do older people need? Organisation´s role The good and the bad of networking How to establish and sustaining effective partnerships? How to exchange know how and experiences Thematic issues: intergenerational learning, active citizenship

Page 19: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

Aim of this meeting Find our definition of good practice Find examples of good practice in senior learning Discuss the possibilites of exchanging good practice Discuss the possibilities of adopting and adapting good practice Get to know organisations in the field of senior education Planning the next steps

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Topics to discuss Good practice – what´s that?

- Definition - Criterias

Find our examples of good practices

Ways to exchange good practice

Skills and experiences

The EuBiA Guide

Thematic issues:- Intergenerational learning and U3As- Active Citizenship

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Good Practice


1. What makes a project that focus on Senior Education a good one?

2. What makes good learning?

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What makes a good project (focus on senior education?)

1. The project arises from the real and perceived learning needs of older adults

2. The project has involved older people in its creation

3. The project has been developed by calling on the expertise of a range of people in order to meet the needs of the end users

4. There is evidence that the project can be transferred and adapted to meet specific needs (individual, local, regional, national)

5. There is evidence that the outcomes of the project can be further developed and sustained in the longer term.

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Project market place

please present one successful project for Lifelong Learning for Seniors in the market place

we walk around and find good practice

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Good practice examples

Please discuss in a group:

- Good practice examples

- Please use „What makes a good project (focus on senior education?)“

Presentation in the plenum

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Working session: Skills and experiences

Please work individually:

- what skills and experiences already exists in your organisation

Please discuss in a group:

- Existing skills and experiences in your organisation

Presentation in the plenum

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The EuBiA Guide

We want to deliver

a signposting guide with examples of good practice, strategies to reach and engage older people in learning and a glossary for learning in senior age

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The EuBiA Guide Content


Language versions



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The EuBiA Guide A sign posting guide to give answers to questions like:

- What is the good of networking

- How to reach older people, even those who don´t think highly of learning in getting older

- Is there anything like intergenerational learning and what has to be done to make an intergenerative exchange happen

- Do older people feel that they have to be empowered

- What could be done to make empowerment a point for older people

- Where and how do program providers and trainer find good practice

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Page 30: Broadening People`s Mind in Ageing Warm Welcome to the third project meeting October 14 – 17, 2009 Gdansk, Poland

The EuBiA GuideI. Executive Summary

II. Introduction

III. Lifelong Learning

IV. European Dimension

V. Networking

VI. Good practice and effective strategies

VII. Advocacy and participation of senior learners

VIII. EubiA Partnership / EuBiA Network

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Working session: Good practice

Please work in groups and discuss

- Where to find good practice?

- How to adopt / adapt good practice – problems and benefits?

Presentation in the plenum

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EuBiA – Where do we go?Workpackage 4November 2009 – March 2010

Advocacy and Participation of older Learners

Activities • preparing one part of the EuBiA guide: advocacy

and participation of older learners

• transfer good practice and the EuBiA project to agencies, regions and countries not included in the original partnership

• preparing, realising and documenting the 4. meeting

• updating the webpage

• dissemination and evaluation


• part of the EuBiA guide: advocacy

and participation of older learners

• draft of the guide

• documented and evaluated 4. meeting

• evaluation of WP 4

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EuBiA – Where do we go?Fourth meeting

In Roccalumera, Sicily, when?

• Discussion on adult education concerning older people: advocacy and participation of older learners

• Preparing the next meeting

• Getting to know organisations in the field of senior education

• Planning the next work package

• Involving senior learners

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EuBiA – Where do we go?Fourth meeting

Issues to discuss – Ideas ......

• How the empowerment of seniors in developing their education can be further developed and supported

• Do older people feel that they have to be empowered, what could be done to make empowerment a point for older people

• How to reach older people even those who don’t think highly of learning in getting older

• The challenges facing the development of senior learning arising from the heterogenity of the generations of older people, including issues arising from gender, dissability and ethnicity

• Is there anything like inter generative learning and what has to be done to make an inter generative exchange happen

• How to cope with the fact that there are at least three age cohorts of older people

• How to cope with issues arising from gender, from dissability, from ethnicity

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Tasks for the 4th work package

• Writing a short summarising about the prestented projects in the 3rd meeting regarding our good pracice criteria for projects

• Preparing issues for “Advocacy and Participation of older Learners

• collecting previous EU projects for learning for seniors

• Networking

• Dissemination

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Thank you!


Mag. Manuela Hinterberger

bia-net Netzwerk Bildung im Alter

Schöckelblickstrasse 2

8044 Graz, Austria

Tel.: +43 (0)699 241 700 38

Email: [email protected]


Skype: phone2manu