bright breezy sport news and

BRIGHT BREEZY SPORT NEWS AND GOSSIP LIFTING OVER THIRTY-FIV- E TONS I IN ONE DAY IS THE ASTOUNDING FEAT ACCOMPLISHED BY PIN BOY I I Man's for work with the I temperament of the individual and the char- - ot tho rea on ot always will find It a problem to analyze tho average man un produce authentic figures showing the sv M amount of strength he requires In his daily f. S duties or what he accomplishes from a II 3 cal fy i One man may be a his fellow crea- - y ture obviously latent in physical but there must be a distinction In mental duties und those which sap brawn and Man's physical strength generally under- - test In Tho more vigorous forms of sport necessitate action that tap will not bo found In the for that In any class at labor that taxes the physical I 1 ONE DAY'S lU-r- e ure the figures a very conservative which represent one day's work for Weight ot 1 pin 3 Weight of one 10 pins 30 Weight of ten 1 game lifted In 1 Tins lifted In games Weight of ball 16 Halls delivered of games Poundage of balls Total poundage Tons of balls lifted from the pit Is placed nt tho lowest possible In balls alone lifted over 15 as at 16 pounds figure to This together with In amounts to At pounds to the lifted 35 and nn addi- tional or one-tent- h oX a All of which proves that even n youngster weighing 88 pounds is a great reservoir of Long distance runners require a H great amount of a strong heart and power-J- ul boxers must have strength and a supple football I strength and the wearing that are distinctly antithetic to companions of or 1 tasks or as the term may Snugly ensconced In a soft cd tho public that part of it breathes the virulent atmosphere claps Its hands and thunderously applauds physical won- - The of tho wondrously developed with their colls transparently playing beneath whiten-r- d cuticle the coffers f thought which revert to Atlas afoot with the world upon his broad The phenomenally strong man who tosses five hundred pound weights with the case of tho wind lifting a feather t crates albeit not a little PHYSICAL EXCEPTIONS prodigious strength forms the substance at biblical legends which encompass tender youth with physical i Dumas Porthos et magnetic the the colossus whose life ebbed under the of a massive plenipotentiary to King George men were Invested with Exceptions they ot but there Is more physical pow-e- r hidden In the average man than one might for a mere weighing considerably less than a pounds and in about the mid-di- e or his lifting over 35 tons In a single Seems doesn't this that a could lift more than pounds in one Bs' are available to the and what is Hl ing youngster Is none the vorse foi his the lad who spots pins on Saratoga alio number had an bust session the other He i died throughout the day and well mui To him the work was s daily routine but had ho u ii- - an- - ut the close of his duties Put h hail handled the equivalent of over tons of wood he doubtless would havi- - agreed that a day In a pit is far from a WHY BOYS MEN And It isn't Spotting pins for hour ii succession would be dread-F- a ully hard work for the average as he would discover that his phy-Me- al disagreed excessively with ilio This is the essential ea on u hy h Instead of men set Kf up in a bowling Ll But t back to and his o On the surface It impossible that a boy have strength enough to lift In round figures pounds in u single are appended which show kl hat actually lifted 35 tons of good solid maple and composition The of the ordinary bowling Ml s three although the stan-dar- d pin Is used in league weighs two ounces The weight of balls Those entirely of wood will ter in tho neighborhood of fifteen Composition which have Hll practically replaced the range as high as eighteen Hi I CONSERVATIVE FIGURES Wl In the statistics covering If feat a ball weighing sixteen fl pounds Is which Is estimating Hit below actual Spotting pins for games day's Each pin weighing three with ten to tho i means that every time a bowler HI I picked up his ball to deliver at the HJ king pin was lifting thirty H Ten frames comprise a game H and in pins exclusive of the H pounds would be One dred and with pounds HI to the would bring the figures to HF the astounding total of Some mav Innocently ask why ten Hit pins to the frame are which HJ would not make allowance for the pins H left on the alley after each set-u- p as HJ a result of spills or This Is HJ explained bv the fact that the best HI class of bowlers In Winnipeg bowled HJ on number one alley during the day In HJ taken into consideration iH were the many opportunities of Ing which would compel the boy HJ to set up twenty more pins than figure HJ In the Expert bowlers sel-H- b dom have more than three open frames in a which would hardly amount Hi to more than eight pins being left or Hi the Crack have t HJ habit of getting two or three HJ for the last and in this way they would account for nn aver-H- l age of ten pins a HJ along this basis seems to be very con- - Hl 15 TONS IN BALLS In games It is estimated that al least balls would be thrown HJ which also is probably away below ac- - This would allow for half of the balls strikes am so that It will be seer HJ that the estimate of the total ALLAN CUP MATCHES A POOR PROPOSITION AT START OF SEASON Edge Would be Taken off League While Players Would be in no Condition For Gruelling Struggles Eaton's Saw the Trophy such u might set a precedent which would cause serious complica- tions In the WANT Under the date line appeared the Winnipeg papers art Eaton hockey club of the senior of being in possession of the Allan Tom of calls at- tention of these gentlemen to the fact that the cup was never turned over to except for a few minutes to have- - a photograph that they haven't it and what is don't want WERE LUCKY Considering the fact that the Allan cup has rightfully belonged to the Vic for and still has to make Its first appearance In this were lucky to see even If the period did not extend over a few In Winnipeg we have seen the snow the dust come and more but the cup yet In the having no claim upon the can afford to be very charitable In the statement don't want If all Toronto were as honest and as minded as Is conveyed In the expres- sion of Tom Douglas there never would have been any disagreeable incidents In connection with the DEFY TRUSTEES' St. of acted under the Instructions of the In de- clining to deliver the but this was entirely at variance to the ruling of the trustees and fair can- not be held responsible for the of the cup being sent but the fact remains nevertheless that some parties are hogging property upon which they have absolutely no ALLAN cup series last spring be- tween As the Victorias and New of would have proven a most delectable morsel for Winnipeg hockey coming as 11 would on the heels of a torrid battle between the present amateur cham- pions ot Canada and but a series between the Vies ond the east- erners at the outset of the dawning season would hardly be In the best In- terests of the ganio Hy the donation of the Allan amateur hockey teams throughout the country have before them the highest Incentive to become champions ot their for with such a title within their they would bo In ft posi- tion to have a trial for what Is virtually as ther amateur hockey championship of the The affect of tho Allan cup on league struggles Is bound to result In a. bet- ter class of keener rivalry among the contesting and general good toward the During the season Clubs are not only battling for their league but with the ob- ject ot also annexing and most weighty trophy In this particular line of From this point of view the Allan cun has a great stimulus on amateur EDGE TAKEN OFF If hockey fans are given cup series at the commencement at a the Is taken off league hockey players are In no con- dition for gruelling games as early as Christmas or New and for that reason tho class of play would fall be- low the New Edinburgh are persevering In their efforts to reach the ear of the Allan trustees and receive dates for a series with the Victorias before the regular season but they can hardly hope to have their desire The It they acceded to we ready j With All Kinds of Winter Sporting Goods j rj Supplies for Winter Sports of every kind are here in U variety to please We specially cater to the children's H lines and for the tips' our stocks offer a splendid 9 Read this B t An Immense TOBOGGANS stock of all lengths irom 3 to 10 each to AND I Every size and style to select from and all good Per pair to steel blades or tube sizes to fit Per pair to SKATING BOOTS Hoys' and girls' alio men's and women's per pair to SKATE STRAPS Per pair and ANKLE SUPPORTS pair and HOCKEY The finest line ever shown In Hand made and the correct to I HOCKEY PUCKS lOo each a lot at about regulation size regularly sold at Special BOXING GLOVES A choice to See our special Bet at CURLING STONES Genuine lied or blue hone and with any style of handle you I SLEIGHS M Very easy to a RJ I great boy's 19 Each to j HAND SLEIGHS I In pointer Some have M I fiat others have fi H Prices to f BAB YS L E I QH S R I Some with wood rail and others i H with cutter box tops a choice fc- -l H to t SNOW SHOES Bl All the good styles and all I fresh to See our Special Club Shoes at 1 I Ver pair to 1 I Goal Keepers' Shin per H pair to HOCKEY k H All wool and beautifully i Every bov wants Our lino la each f 1 HOCKEY GLOVES H Finest English They feel wear are the J Each and STRIKING BAGS H All shapes and We leasa have a splendid new lot nt from each to H J All sizes and at the lowest I to MM El Leading Retailers of Quality Sporting Goods gj f BOYS I If You Want a Watch 1 FREE 1 j Call at The Tribune Office and m Ask for the Circulation Manager J j I MARK TWAIN'S HJ If you are Interested in obtaining a JM complete se of hit books at one- - jS half the former price on the plan It rl c-i- t you get full t new to Hi page book About Mark Winnipeg HJ HJ The Aching Back Comes From The Those who have never leen troubled with kidney trouble do not know the suffering and misery which those afflicted On the first sign of backache Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken immediately so as to avoid years of suffering from kidney They go right to the seat of the heal the delicate membranes of the kid- neys and make their action regular and Joseph Upper Point de cannot too well of Doan's Kidney two years I was so tired life was a and I got up more tired than when I went to and my back was so lame I could hardly straighten I took differ- ent kinds of but none of them did me any good until a friend advised me to try Doan's Kidney I did and to-d- ay I don't what it is to be and my lame back is all I can recommend them to any suffering with lame back and that terrible tired Price 50 cents per or 3 boxes for I at all or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn ordering direct specify m WHITE I In the following ot HH I I I I Hi I I Vitality Stricture I I I Kidney A fl And Nerve and Bladder Dis- - or send history tor free Free Book on and question Hi In tablet Hours 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 to p.m. Sundays 10 to 1 p.m. Consultation tree SOPER WHITE 11 Toronto iy URE DISAPPOINTED Champions of Saskatchewan Were All Ready For Game Here Probably never was a football team as disap- pointed as the aggregation when heard that the game with had been called oft and would not be this Word had been received last night from Winnipeg that the weather was still good and in the morning a dispatch was received to the effect that the Club team were out at so thit everyone confident- ly expected that the game would be and arrangements to this ef- fect had been although some of the players were unable to make the In the afternoon a telephone communication between Mitchell and Bur man resulted In the game being called off on advice of the and the members of the team were at once notified that they would not have to turn when asked It would claim the game by default and the Calgary stated that had not the tightest intention of of the as was in no way to blame for the can- cellation of the the weather making Impossible and the pro- spects of the t-a- te was very poor The game was called off by mutual consent and from the weather prospect It looks to the locals that the championship would have to be pass- ed up for this The feeling around the Regina team Is that the season should be opened evening games during the last two weeks ot August In so as to leave plenty of time for the championship while mild weather There will be no open dates In the league schedule for Saskatchewan next The money which was collect- ed to pay the expenses of the team will be returned to the The C. P. were Incon- venienced to the extent of bringing a special car all the way from Winni- peg and the also regret the to which the Flowing club was put into preparation for the ATHLETICS WILL REPEAT IN 1912 PENNANT RACE Able to Win the Flag No Other American League Club Appears Connie Mack Has Splendid Mixture of Experience and Youth again next but Tigers are going There is a great lack of harmony between Manager Jennings and some of his and Delahanty In Pitcher Donovan Is on tho ragged while there are other Detroit pitchers who seem to lack the staying powers they once It Is a one-ma- n Getting down to the other there is not one that has any new material in sight that entitles it to consideration as a real rival of the Athletics in In next year's campaign should be a walkaway for the world's Mack loses Harry but he still has such good advisers as Topsy Jack Chief Eddie Jack Barry and left and the old white ele- phant machine should run Just as smoothly as it has' for the last two With Davis as manager of the President Somers looks for the Cleve- land to make a better but as Davis has never had any managerial experience the season must be played before his positive managerial ability may be ATHLETICS are practically THE sure to win the American league pennant In says an sport There Is no team In the circuit that compare with Connie Mack's Ills the youngest in the big Is good for several rears to while at least two of be able to deliv- er for a few more And he has Strunk on the bench waiting for mo of the older men to show signs of soing Thomas and Lapp are right In their while- - bought from is said to be the equal to either except In Manager Harry Davis of the Naps says he is one of the best catch- ers he ever Connie will not have to worry about his pitching Bender showed stronger this year than he has for several while Coombs and Plank show no signs of Krause was better this fall than earlier In the season and Morgan Is not a has-bee- n And In Martin and Connie has two young- sters who may become as as Coombs or Plank in a year or They displayed much promise this Detroit should be the contender HAVE EYE ON Big Scores in City League Games Gibson Leads With Big scores were the order of last night's In the City bowling At the Saratoga the Wanderers gave the a battle but man- aged to win only one while at the the took the odd game the Charlie Gibson was In exceptional god form and demolished for a count ot Number seven pin was a hoodoo to Charlie in the second else he would bave given Cliff Adair's record a hard Fifteen out of the twenty players had better than the tho classiest exhibition of the The AT THE Wanderers Smith Miller McLean IBS Held Baird Totals Saratoga s Gibson Carroll n. D. Cuthbert Wallace D. Cuthbert Totals AT THE Crescents McBeth Totals Royals Williams Delmage Allen Kelly Totals 2600 VULCAN Millwrights-W- ise Ferguson Pid-e- on Casson Totals Machine Shop Thompson Innis Cranston Flock Totals ADVANTAGE OF SPEED OVER BRUTE STRENGTH Crushing Opponents by Mass of Weight Passes From Can- adian Rugby most Important development In THE Canadian rugby In the lat couple of years In the eyes of the expert Is the advantage ot speedy teams over the cumbersome aggregations past The crushing of oppon- ents by a mass of weight and the crumbling of a light defense before the fury of a heavy attack now pass- ed into ancient and In their place a new spectacular to a degree and filled with more thrills to the square Inch than the old style game ever contained In Its whole cum- bersome has risen to take Us The passing of the old style football will be regretted by but Those who will bo sorry to mark the passing of the worst features of the most strenuous sport are the old Thousands will rejoice In the fact that a new of defense has taken tho place of the old fashioned battering ram charges ferocious From the standpoint of a mere who haB but a If knowledge of Intricacies of the the new style is eminently fitted to please the most Under the rules ot former years the team that possessed the most weight had the best chance of emerging from the conflict flying the banner ot victory and results were doped on the relative weight of the teams A A lady sugges- tive name for a won the futurity stakes at on November was owned by Thomas Johnson of PLAY FOR ILLINOIS TITLE Team Mads Favorites For Today's Rugby Western football offers no battle affecting the championship of the conference Wisconsin and sole claim- ants now for the will play until I Considerable Is I shown In the game between the for the championship of Both teams will go Into the fight weakened by lino losses through and neither team Is of the heavy 1 stock that characterized the teams of former Both are r and even th loss ot both Northwest-- l ern ends Is not expected to put that I team under a special be-- i cause of the hard practice the j have Several changes will appear In the I placing of Coach Stagg's Maroon but the Chicago team Is favorite In chance of OPEN GAME INDICATED Carlyl and Harvard Both Play Same Style of 10 Carlisle's gridiron with the football HJ scalps of eight eastern college elevens H dangling from their camped to- - H night within striking distance of their 1 H big pale face the Harvard H whom they will meet in the stadium A wide-ope- n game was the vH tonight for tomorrow's H The Indians have been successful this HJ season largely through ability with tho HJ forward pass and open style while Harvard also has been T JH ent among eastern colleges In this re- - H H The Crimson eleven will be compos- - ed entirely of second-strin- g y UNDEFEATED TEAMS PLAY Dartmouth and Princeton Will Clash New Dartmouth's squad of 28 football warriors arrived In New York tonight on Its way to meet the at Neither Dartmouth nor Princeton has been beaten this Princeton won last year's game against Dartmouth when Pendleton broke one of his sensational but the two previous games went to the Gree There has been a long hospital list the last few but the Injured have gradually come back until what will be probably the line-u- p against Princeton and Harvard has been got- ten Last year's score of 22 to in favor of Brown has also been wiped out and will lend an to play that otherwise might be BIG RUGBY GAMES IN THE EAST Big games in Eastern Canada today Ottawa at McGill at Argos at Tigers at Toronto at Dundas at St. WANT IN Tigers Ask Saskatchewan Rugby JM Champions for A wire has been received by the Rugby H team from the Calgary Tigers H to play there Nov The matter will be considered at HJ a meeting of the club executive to- - H There Is every likelihood HJ that the invitation will be Hl COIN GOES TO COMMISSION World Series Players Do Not Benefit From Moving The Nation- al Commission In a finding made public ta- - that neither the New National league players nor the mem- bers of the Philadelphia American league club are entitled to a share of the obtained from a company for the privileges of pictures during the last world's The commission declares that the paid by the picture concern for the concession ha been credited to the general fund ol the commission and will be to the of operating GUN CLUB ANNUAL TONIGHT Fort Garry Members Will Meet at Corona The annual meeting of the Fort Garry Gun club will be held this even- ing in the Corona hotel at 8 o'clock All members of the club are urgently requested to be present as the closing of the business for the past year and the election of for the coming year will take BOSTON GETS H Boston Hockey clubs promise to leave many vacancies next winter In HH Canadian amateur Jobs at Boston are being offered to many H puck chasers In and H and Billy who played H with Dion on the team H last was among the first to de- - H clde to Smith leaves and H will likely be followed by Harry Broad- - whom the Wanderers are now Hi Billy Smith Is the sixth bro- - H ther of the hockey STAHL BACK WITH BOSTON Jake Has Been Secured to Manage Red Today the names of new stockholders in the half in- terest of the Boston American league secured late last season by Mc-Ro- y and were They C. P. of Garland W. of the South Side National of Robert formerly Ban John- son's In the American league offices In and James R. who last season was the man- ager of the Washington American i league J. G. when seen at his work In a Chicago verified the port that he was going to manage the Boston I've decided t to accept the offer made bv President James R. he be mighty glad to get back Into the game again especially to be back In The surrounding will be con-- I to be with Robert at the head of the would not say what ure was named tn his but It Is understood It was a substantial Team Standing in Four Local Bowling Leagues Pet Thistles 17 7 Royals 1 14 10 14 10 Wanderers 13 11 i Venice 13 11 Saratoga 12 12 Crescents 8 16 I 19 3 C. N. R U 1 i 11 1 C. P. R 10 2 Tribune 10 2 Great West Life 9 Z 8 4 Free Press 7 6 6 6 G. T. P 6 6 Telegram 5 7 J Ordway 4 8 1 Adams Bros 3 9 p Robinson's 3 9 Marshall-Well- s 2 10 Imperial Oil 1 11 Northwest Laundry 0 12 Maple Leafs 12 2 Americans 10 5 10 5 9 6 Red Roses 9 6 Dominions 8 7 M Winnipeg 6 6 I Shamrocks 6 9 i Tribune 5 10 Britannia 5 10 Canadians 4 8 Knights 3 12 I C. N. Motive Power 12 3 C. 7 5 C. P. Machinists 7 5 N. Operating 7 5 C. N. Machinists 8 7 C. P. Erecting 6 6 C. P. Colts 6 9 C. F. Offices 1 14 JUDGE UPHOLDS BOXING Test Case Brings Joy to Athletic Clubs In Mo Circuit D. E. today upheld boxing ex- hibitions In his decision affect- ing every athletic club In A test case was brought recently to de- termine the legality of local Young Jack ot and Jeff ot Philadelphia were arrested at the end of a 15 bout before the Southwest ol Pending the decision of Judg permitting the many Mis- souri clubs cancelled DIRECTORY I I I Automobiles and Accessories I I i I I I I b I I The Chalmers JACKSON I I Sales Hargrave Street jacks-o- x com pax r. so HARDING f I ST Tk Motor Sain Co SIS I FIVE TEAMS i Eight hours of keen racina to alter the line- up of the team in the six-da- y bicycle race here At the close five teams Fogler and Dodell and Pye and Clarke and and Carslake and were tid at miles and 3

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I I Man's for work with theI temperament of the individual and the char- -

ot tho reaon ot always will find It

a problem to analyze tho average manun produce authentic figures showing the

sv M amount of strength he requires In his dailyf. S duties or what he accomplishes from a

II 3 calfy i One man may be a his fellow crea- -

y ture obviously latent in physical butthere must be a distinction In mental dutiesund those which sap brawn and

Man's physical strength generally under- -

test In Tho morevigorous forms of sport necessitate action that

tap will not bo found In the forthat In any class at labor that taxesthe physical




lU-r- e ure the figuresa very conservative whichrepresent one day's work for

Weight ot 1 pin 3Weight of one 10 pins 30Weight of ten 1 game

lifted In 1

Tins lifted In gamesWeight of ball 16Halls delivered

of games

Poundage of balls

Total poundageTons

of balls lifted from the pit Is placed nttho lowest possible In ballsalone lifted over 15 as

at 16 pounds figure toThis together

with In amounts toAt pounds to the

lifted 35 and nn addi-tional or one-tent- h oX a

All of which proves that even nyoungster weighing 88 pounds is agreat reservoir of

Long distance runners require aH great amount ofa strong heart and power-J- ul

boxers must have strengthand a supple football

I strength and the wearingthat are distinctly antithetic to

companions of or1 tasks or as the term may

Snugly ensconced In a softcd tho public that part of it

breathes the virulentatmosphere claps Its hands and

thunderously applauds physical won- -

The of tho wondrouslydeveloped with their collstransparently playing beneath whiten-r- d

cuticle the coffers fthought which revert to Atlas afootwith the world upon his broad

The phenomenally strong man whotosses five hundred pound weights withthe case of tho wind lifting a feathert crates albeit not a little

PHYSICAL EXCEPTIONSprodigious strength forms

the substance at biblical legends whichencompass tender youth with physical

i Dumas Porthoset magnetic the

the colossus whose life ebbed underthe of a massive

plenipotentiary to King Georgemen were Invested with

Exceptions they otbut there Is more physical pow-e- r

hidden In the average man than onemight

for a mereweighing considerably less than a

pounds and in about the mid-di- e

or his lifting over 35 tons Ina single

Seems doesn't thisthat a could lift more thanpounds in one

Bs' are available tothe and what is

Hl ing youngster Is none thevorse foi his

the lad who spots pins onSaratoga alio number had an

bust session the other Hei died throughout the day and wellmui To him the work was

s daily routine but had hou ii-

- an- - ut the close of his dutiesPut h hail handled the equivalent of

over tons of wood he doubtlesswould havi- - agreed that a day In a

pit is far from aWHY BOYS MEN

And It isn't Spotting pins forhour ii succession would be dread-F- a

ully hard work for the averageas he would discover that his phy-Me- al

disagreed excessivelywith ilio This is the essentialea on u hy h Instead of men set

Kf up in a bowlingLl But t back to and his

o On the surface Itimpossible that a boy

have strength enough to lift In roundfigures pounds in u single

are appended which showkl hat actually lifted 35 tons of

good solid maple and compositionThe of the ordinary bowling

Ml s three although the stan-dar- d

pin Is used in leagueweighs two ounces

The weight of balls Thoseentirely of wood will

ter in tho neighborhood of fifteenComposition which have

Hll practically replaced therange as high as eighteen

Hi I CONSERVATIVE FIGURESWl In the statistics coveringIf feat a ball weighing sixteen

fl pounds Is which Is estimatingHit below actual

Spotting pins for gamesday's Each pin

weighing three with ten to thoi means that every time a bowler

HI I picked up his ball to deliver at theHJ king pin was lifting thirtyH Ten frames comprise a gameH and in pins exclusive of the

H pounds would be Onedred and with pounds

HI to the would bring the figures toHF the astounding total of

Some mav Innocently ask why tenHit pins to the frame are whichHJ would not make allowance for the pinsH left on the alley after each set-u- p asHJ a result of spills or This Is

HJ explained bv the fact that the bestHI class of bowlers In Winnipeg bowledHJ on number one alley during the day In

HJ taken into considerationiH were the many opportunities of

Ing which would compel the boy

HJ to set up twenty more pins than figureHJ In the Expert bowlers sel-H- b

dom have more than three open framesin a which would hardly amount

Hi to more than eight pins being left orHi the Crack have t

HJ habit of getting two or threeHJ for the last and in this way

they would account for nn aver-H- lage of ten pins a

HJ along this basis seems to be very con- -

Hl 15 TONS IN BALLSIn games It is estimated that al

least balls would be thrownHJ which also is probably away below ac- -

This would allow forhalf of the balls strikes am

so that It will be seerHJ that the estimate of the total



Edge Would be Taken off League While Players Wouldbe in no Condition For Gruelling Struggles

Eaton's Saw the Trophy

such u might set a precedentwhich would cause serious complica-tions In the

WANTUnder the date line appeared

theWinnipeg papers art

Eaton hockey club of thesenior of beingin possession of the Allan Tom

of calls at-tention of these gentlemen to thefact that the cup was never turnedover to except for a fewminutes to have- - a photograph

that they haven't itand what is don't want

WERE LUCKYConsidering the fact that the Allan

cup has rightfully belonged to the Vicfor and still has to make

Its first appearance In thiswere lucky to see even If the perioddid not extend over a few InWinnipeg we have seen the snow

the dust come and morebut the cup yet In the

having no claim uponthe can afford to be verycharitable In the statement don'twant If all Toronto

were as honest and asminded as Is conveyed In the expres-sion of Tom Douglas there never wouldhave been any disagreeable incidentsIn connection with the

DEFY TRUSTEES'St. of acted under

the Instructions of the In de-

clining to deliver the but this wasentirely at variance to the ruling of thetrustees and fair can-not be held responsible for theof the cup being sent but thefact remains nevertheless that someparties are hogging property uponwhich they have absolutely no

ALLAN cup series last spring be-tweenAs the Victorias and New

of would haveproven a most delectable morsel forWinnipeg hockey coming as 11

would on the heels of a torrid battlebetween the present amateur cham-pions ot Canada and but aseries between the Vies ond the east-erners at the outset of the dawningseason would hardly be In the best In-

terests of the ganioHy the donation of the Allan

amateur hockey teams throughout thecountry have before them the highestIncentive to become champions ot their

for with such a title withintheir they would bo In ft posi-tion to have a trial for what Is virtually

as ther amateur hockeychampionship of the

The affect of tho Allan cup on leaguestruggles Is bound to result In a. bet-ter class of keener rivalry amongthe contesting and general goodtoward the During the seasonClubs are not only battling for theirleague but with the ob-

ject ot also annexing andmost weighty trophy In this particularline of From this point of viewthe Allan cun has a great stimulus onamateur

EDGE TAKEN OFFIf hockey fans are given cup series

at the commencement at a theIs taken off leaguehockey players are In no con-

dition for gruelling games as early asChristmas or New and for thatreason tho class of play would fall be-

low theNew Edinburgh are persevering In

their efforts to reach the ear of theAllan trustees and receive dates for aseries with the Victorias before theregular season but they canhardly hope to have their desire

The It they acceded to

we ready jWith All Kinds of Winter

Sporting Goods j

rj Supplies for Winter Sports of every kind are here inU variety to please We specially cater to the children'sH lines and for the tips' our stocks offer a splendid9 Read thisB t


stock of alllengths irom 3 to 10

each to


I Every size and style to selectfrom and all good Perpair to

steel blades or tubesizes to fit

Per pair to

SKATING BOOTSHoys' and girls' alio

men's and women's perpair to

SKATE STRAPSPer pair and


HOCKEYThe finest line ever shown In

Hand made and thecorrect toI HOCKEY PUCKS

lOo each a lot at aboutregulation size regularly soldat Special


to See our special Betat

CURLING STONESGenuine lied or

blue hone and with any style ofhandle you

ISLEIGHS MVery easy to a RJ Igreat boy's 19

Each to j

HAND SLEIGHS IIn pointer Some have M Ifiat others have fi HPrices to f

B A B YS L E I Q H S R ISome with wood rail and others i Hwith cutter box tops a choice fc--l H


All the good styles and all Ifresh to Seeour Special Club Shoes at 1

IVer pair to 1 IGoal Keepers' Shin per Hpair to

HOCKEY k HAll wool and beautifully iEvery bov wants Our linola each f 1

HOCKEY GLOVES HFinest English They

feel wear are the JEach and

STRIKING BAGS HAll shapes and We leasa

have a splendid new lot nt fromeach to H


All sizes and at the lowest Ito MM

El Leading Retailers of Quality Sporting Goods gj

f BOYS IIf You Want a Watch 1

FREE 1j Call at The Tribune Office andm Ask for the Circulation Manager J j I

MARK TWAIN'S HJIf you are Interested in obtaining a JM

complete se of hit books at one- - jShalf the former price on the

plan It rl c-i- t youget full t new to Hipage book About Mark

Winnipeg HJHJ


Aching BackComes From The

Those who have never leen troubledwith kidney trouble do not know thesuffering and misery which those afflicted

On the first sign of backache Doan'sKidney Pills should be taken immediatelyso as to avoid years of suffering fromkidney

They go right to the seat of theheal the delicate membranes of the kid-neys and make their action regular and

Joseph Upper Point decannot

too well of Doan's Kidneytwo years I was so tired life was aand I got up more tired than when Iwent to and my back was so lame Icould hardly straighten I took differ-ent kinds of but none of themdid me any good until a friend advisedme to try Doan's Kidney I did

and to-d- ay I don't what it isto be and my lame back is allI can recommend them to anysuffering with lame back and that terribletired

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or send history tor freeFree Book on and

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Champions of Saskatchewan WereAll Ready For Game


Probablynever was a football team as disap-pointed as the aggregationwhen heard that the game with

had been called oft andwould not be this

Word had been received last nightfrom Winnipeg that the weather wasstill good and in the morning adispatch was received to the effectthat the Club team were outat so thit everyone confident-ly expected that the game would be

and arrangements to this ef-fect had been although some ofthe players were unable to make the

In the afternoon a telephonecommunication between Mitchell andBur man resulted In the game beingcalled off on advice of the andthe members of the team were at oncenotified that they would not have toturn

when asked Itwould claim the game by default and

the Calgary stated thathad not the tightest intention

of of the aswas in no way to blame for the can-cellation of the the weathermaking Impossible and the pro-spects of the t-a-

te was very poorThe game was called off by

mutual consent and from the weatherprospect It looks to the locals that thechampionship would have to be pass-ed up for this

The feeling around the Regina teamIs that the season should be openedevening games during the last twoweeks ot August In so as to leaveplenty of time for the championship

while mild weatherThere will be no open dates In theleague schedule for Saskatchewan next

The money which was collect-ed to pay the expenses of theteam will be returned tothe The C. P. were Incon-venienced to the extent of bringing aspecial car all the way from Winni-peg and the also regret the

to which the Flowing club wasput into preparation for the


Able to Win the FlagNo Other American League Club Appears

Connie Mack Has Splendid Mixture of

Experience and Youth

again next but Tigers aregoing There is a great lack ofharmony between Manager Jenningsand some of his

and Delahanty In

Pitcher Donovan Is on tho raggedwhile there are other Detroit

pitchers who seem to lack the stayingpowers they once It Is aone-ma- n

Getting down to the otherthere is not one that has any newmaterial in sight that entitles it toconsideration as a real rival of theAthletics in In next year'scampaign should be a walkaway forthe world's

Mack loses Harry but hestill has such good advisers as Topsy

Jack ChiefEddie Jack Barry and

left and the old white ele-

phant machine should run Just assmoothly as it has' for the last two

With Davis as manager of thePresident Somers looks for the Cleve-land to make a better but asDavis has never had any managerialexperience the season must be playedbefore his positive managerial abilitymay be

ATHLETICS are practicallyTHEsure to win the American league

pennant In says ansport

There Is no team In the circuit thatcompare with Connie Mack's

Ills the youngestin the big Is good for severalrears to while at least two of

be able to deliv-er for a few more And hehas Strunk on the bench waiting formo of the older men to show signs ofsoing Thomas and Lapp areright In their while- -

bought from is said to bethe equal to either except In

Manager Harry Davis of theNaps says he is one of the best catch-ers he ever

Connie will not have to worry abouthis pitching Bendershowed stronger this year than he hasfor several while Coombs andPlank show no signs ofKrause was better this fall thanearlier In the season and Morgan Isnot a has-bee- n And In Martinand Connie has two young-sters who may become as asCoombs or Plank in a year or Theydisplayed much promise this

Detroit should be the contender



Big Scores in City League Games

Gibson Leads With

Big scores were the order of lastnight's In the City bowlingAt the Saratoga the Wanderers gavethe a battle but man-aged to win only one while atthe the took the oddgame the

Charlie Gibson was In exceptionalgod form and demolishedfor a count ot Number seven pinwas a hoodoo to Charlie in the second

else he would bave given CliffAdair's record a hard

Fifteen out of the twenty playershad better than the

tho classiest exhibition ofthe


WanderersSmithMillerMcLean IBSHeldBaird

TotalsSaratoga s

GibsonCarrolln. D. CuthbertWallaceD. Cuthbert

TotalsAT THE





Totals 2600

VULCANMillwrights-W- ise

FergusonPid-e- on


TotalsMachine Shop





Crushing Opponents by Mass of

Weight Passes From Can-

adian Rugby

most Important development InTHECanadian rugby In the lat coupleof years In the eyes of the expert

Is the advantage ot speedy teamsover the cumbersome aggregationspast The crushing of oppon-ents by a mass of weight and thecrumbling of a light defense before thefury of a heavy attack now pass-ed into ancient and In theirplace a new spectacular to adegree and filled with more thrills tothe square Inch than the old stylegame ever contained In Its whole cum-bersome has risen to take Us

The passing of the old style footballwill be regretted by but Thosewho will bo sorry to mark the passingof the worst features of the moststrenuous sport are the oldThousands will rejoice In the fact thata new of defense has taken thoplace of the old fashioned batteringram charges ferociousFrom the standpoint of a mere

who haB but a Ifknowledge of Intricacies of the

the new style is eminently fittedto please the most

Under the rules ot former years theteam that possessed the most weighthad the best chance of emerging fromthe conflict flying the banner ot victoryand results were doped on the relativeweight of the teams

AA lady sugges-

tive name for a won thefuturity stakes at onNovember wasowned by Thomas Johnson of


Team Mads Favorites ForToday's Rugby

Western footballoffers no battle affecting thechampionship of the conferenceWisconsin and sole claim-ants now for the will playuntil

I Considerable IsI shown In the game between the

for the championship ofBoth teams will go Into the fight

weakened by lino losses throughand neither team Is of the heavy

1 stock that characterized the teams offormer Both are

r and even th loss ot both Northwest-- lern ends Is not expected to put that

I team under a special be-- icause of the hard practice the

j haveSeveral changes will appear In the

I placing of Coach Stagg's Maroonbut the Chicago team Is favorite

In chance of

OPEN GAME INDICATEDCarlyl and Harvard Both Play Same

Style of10 Carlisle's

gridiron with the football HJscalps of eight eastern college elevens Hdangling from their camped to- - Hnight within striking distance of their 1 Hbig pale face the Harvard Hwhom they will meet in the stadiumA wide-ope- n game was the vHtonight for tomorrow's HThe Indians have been successful this HJseason largely through ability with tho HJforward pass and open style

while Harvard also has been T JHent among eastern colleges In this re- - HH

The Crimson eleven will be compos- -ed entirely of second-strin- g



Dartmouth and Princeton Will Clash

New Dartmouth'ssquad of 28 football warriors arrivedIn New York tonight on Its way tomeet the at

Neither Dartmouth norPrinceton has been beaten thisPrinceton won last year's gameagainst Dartmouth when Pendletonbroke one of his sensational

but the two previous games wentto the Gree

There has been a long hospital listthe last few but the Injuredhave gradually come back until whatwill be probably the line-u- p againstPrinceton and Harvard has been got-ten

Last year's score of 22 to in favorof Brown has also been wiped out andwill lend an to play thatotherwise might be


Big games in EasternCanada today

Ottawa atMcGill at

Argos atTigers at

Toronto atDundas at St.

WANT INTigers Ask Saskatchewan Rugby JM

Champions forA wire has

been received by the Rugby Hteam from the Calgary Tigers Hto play there NovThe matter will be considered at HJa meeting of the club executive to- - HThere Is every likelihood HJ

that the invitation will be Hl


World Series Players Do Not BenefitFrom Moving

The Nation-al Commission In a finding made public

ta- - that neither the NewNational league players nor the mem-bers of the Philadelphia Americanleague club are entitled to a share ofthe obtained from a

company for the privileges ofpictures during the last world's

The commissiondeclares that the paid by thepicture concern for the concession habeen credited to the general fund olthe commission and will be tothe of operating


Fort Garry Members Will Meet atCorona

The annual meeting of the FortGarry Gun club will be held this even-ing in the Corona hotel at 8 o'clock

All members of the club areurgently requested to be present asthe closing of the business for the pastyear and the election of forthe coming year will take

BOSTON GETS HBoston Hockey clubs promise to

leave many vacancies next winter In HHCanadian amateur Jobsat Boston are being offered to many Hpuck chasers In and Hand Billy who played Hwith Dion on the team Hlast was among the first to de- - Hclde to Smith leaves and Hwill likely be followed by Harry Broad- -

whom the Wanderers are now HiBilly Smith Is the sixth bro- - Hther of the hockey


Jake Has Been Secured to ManageRed

Today the namesof new stockholders in the half in-terest of the Boston American league

secured late last season by Mc-Ro- y

and wereThey C. P. ofGarland W. of theSouth Side National ofRobert formerly Ban John-son's In the American leagueoffices In and James R.

who last season was the man-ager of the Washington American

i league

J. G. when seen at his work Ina Chicago verified theport that he was going to manage theBoston I've decided

t to accept the offer made bv PresidentJames R. he bemighty glad to get back Into the gameagain especially to be back In

The surrounding will be con-- Ito be with

Robert at the head of thewould not say what

ure was named tn his but ItIs understood It was a substantial

Team Standingin Four Local

Bowling Leagues

PetThistles 17 7Royals 1 14 10

14 10

Wanderers 13 11i Venice 13 11

Saratoga 12 12Crescents 8 16

I 19


C. N. R U 1i 11 1

C. P. R 10 2

Tribune 10 2

Great West Life 9 Z

8 4

Free Press 7 66 6

G. T. P 6 6Telegram 5 7

J Ordway 4 81 Adams Bros 3 9p Robinson's 3 9

Marshall-Well- s 2 10Imperial Oil 1 11Northwest Laundry 0 12

Maple Leafs 12 2

Americans 10 510 5

9 6

Red Roses 9 6I Dominions 8 7

M Winnipeg 6 6I Shamrocks 6 9i Tribune 5 10Britannia 5 10Canadians 4 8

Knights 3 12


C. N. Motive Power 12 3C. 7 5C. P. Machinists 7 5

N. Operating 7 5C. N. Machinists 8 7C. P. Erecting 6 6C. P. Colts 6 9C. F. Offices 1 14


Test Case Brings Joy to AthleticClubs In

Mo CircuitD. E. today upheld boxing ex-hibitions In his decision affect-ing every athletic club In A

test case was brought recently to de-termine the legality of local

Young Jack otand Jeff ot Philadelphia

were arrested at the end of a 15bout before the Southwest ol

Pending the decision of Judgpermitting the many Mis-

souri clubs cancelled

DIRECTORY II I Automobiles and Accessories I Ii I I I I b

II The Chalmers JACKSON I I

Sales Hargrave Street jacks-o- x com pax r. so


FIVE TEAMSi Eight hoursof keen racina to alter the line-up of the team in the six-da- y

bicycle race here At the closefive teams Fogler and

Dodell and Pye andClarke and and Carslake and

were tid at miles and 3