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1 Wales Coast Path Brand Guidelines L l w y b r A rf o r d i r C y m r u W a l e s C o a s t P a t h

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Wales Coast Path

Brand GuidelinesLlwy

br Arfordir Cym


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br Arfordir Cym


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br Arfordir Cymru


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WG15224 © Crown Copyright


ContentsWales Coast Path Guidelines introduction

The Wales Coast Path logo versions

Primary logo colour options

Primary logo exclusion zone, positioning and standard line for publications

Wales Coast Path Logo Roundal on signage and print pieces

Wales Coast Path secondary roundal usage

Wales Coast Path logo colours

Wales Coast Path logo fonts

Wales Coast Path incorrect logo usage

Using the Wales Coast Path dragon shell

Wales Coast Path signage – wood

Signage other examples

Wales Coast Path signage – street signs

Welsh Government supported by logo and Visit Wales Logo
















Welcome to the Wales Coast Path Brand guidelines.

Under the Coast Path banner, existing footpaths

and coastal attractions can gain a higher profile

and benefit from a coordinated marketing strategy.

Tourism, communities and local businesses can all

gain advantages from a clear brand message.

Before using the Wales Coast Path brand for any type

of communication, please take time to read these

brand guidelines.

The Wales Coast Path logo is protected under

trademark by the Welsh Government. The logo may

be used for the purpose of promoting the Wales

Coast Path for the enjoyment of all, provided usage

adheres to these guidelines, and is on a not-for-profit

basis. Permission to use the logo is granted only in

accordance to these guidelines, and will not apply

where the logo is used for commercial gain by any

individual, group or organisation.

For any enquires regarding proposed commercial use

of the logo, contact Email: [email protected].

For further advice on the Wales Coast Path logo or

to obtain copies of this logo in eps (for use in Adobe

Indesign, Illustrator or Photoshop etc), or jpg (for use

on Word etc) or any other format, please contact the

below email address below, specifying what format

you want the logo in, and where you want to use it.

Email: [email protected]

Wales Coast Path guidelines introduction


The Primary Logotype on the right should be used where ever possible. The Primary Logotype consists of the yellow dragon shell (Pantone 123) and blue typography (Pantone 300), it should be used where possible on a white background.

When producing work for single colour printing, the use of the white or 2-tone grey and black logotype must be used.

With the 2-tone logo, the Dragon Shell needs to be a 40% tint, see the next page for examples.

Where possible the Logotype with the Dragon shell above the Typography should be used. The horizontal format should only be used if there is minimal vertical space.

When used in the white format, the colour in the background should be strong enough to offer a high contrast to maintain visibility of the logo.

The Wales Coast Path logo versions

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Pantone 123 Pantone 300 Black 40%


Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Primary logo version in full colour Single colour print version Single colour print version, white on any colour background

Primary logo colour options

Horizontal logo colour options

version in full colour Single colour print version Single colour print version, white on any colour background

Primary logo options examples


Exclusion Zones

To ensure the Primary Logotype appears prominently without interference for secondary elements, an exclusion zone has been created. The exclusion zone should be observed on all applications as closely as the space restrictions allow.

Measuring the exclusion zone

This zone uses the measuring unit X as a tool. Unit X is equal to one third of the height of the dragon shell, as shown.

Minimum Size

The minimum size for the Primary Logotype is 20mm wide. For the horizontal variation, the minimum size is 30mm wide.


The logo can be placed any where on the front of the publication, as long as it is given equal prominence as any other logos.

Using the logo on its own or with other logos

If you are a charity, or from a third sector organisation, then you may use the Wales Coast Path logo on its own, but give it equal prominance to any other logos it may sit next to. If you are a commercial company please ask permission to use the logo by emailing the contact on p3 of this document.

Exclusion zone, positioning and standard line for publications

Exclusion zone is one third of the height of the dragon shell

Minimum size: 20mm wide

Exclusion zone is one third of the height of the dragon shell



x x




x x


Minimum size: 30mm wide

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Standard line on funding for publications

Where practical, a standard paragraph should be included on publications regarding the Wales Coast Path this is as follows:

The Wales Coast Path has been developed by the Welsh Government in partnership with the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW), sixteen local authorities and two National Parks. In addition to funding from the Welsh Government and the coastal local authorities of approximately £2 million per year, the European Regional Development Fund has allocated nearly £4 million over four years in support of the project.


The roundal can be used for signage and when placed on partner print pieces (See pages 37-38 for examples) or when no white space is available for the Primary Logotype and the logo needs to be placed on a busy image.

The single colour roundal should only be used when 2 colours are not possible.

Wales Coast Path Logo roundal for signage and can be used on print pieces


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version in full colour version in full colour single colour option single colour option

When printed on discs for footpath signage, the disc should be no larger than 10cm in diameter.

Roundal options



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Exclusion Zones

To ensure the Roundal Logotype appears prominently without interference for secondary elements, an exclusion zone has been created. The exclusion zone should be observed on all applications as closely as the space restrictions allow.

Measuring the exclusion zone

This zone uses the measuring unit X as a tool. Unit X is equal to one and a half of the width of the outer band, as shown.

Minimum Size

The minimum size for the Secondary Logotype is 30mm wide.


The logo can be placed any where on the front of the publication, as long as it is given equal prominence as any other logos.

Minimum size: 30mm wide

Exclusion zone is one and half of the width of the outer band

x + x/2

Secondary Roundal Usage:




BluePantone® 300C100 M50 Y0 K0 R0 G121 B193Hex 0066CC

GreyPantone® 300C0 M0 Y0 K40 R167 G169 B172Hex 999999

YellowPantone® 123C0 M22 Y90 K0 R255 G200 B50Hex FFCC33

BlackPantone® Black C0 M0 Y0 K100 R0 G0 B0Hex 000000

100% 50%75% 25%

The primary colour palette is based on the colours employed by the logotype: Yellow (Pantone® 123), Blue (Pantone® 300), Black, Grey (40% black) and White.

Use CMYK colours where Pantone colours cannot be specified. RGB values are for use for TV, broadcast and Hex values are for web and new media use.

The use of tints is allowed.


The two main fonts for the logo are Georgia Regular and Helvetica LT Standard family of fonts. Only Georgia Regular may be used for headings, but any ‘member’ of the Helvetica LT Standard font family may be used, but as a guide we suggest that you use the following for more specific areas of text:

Headings Georgia Regular at a minimum size of 15pt on A4/A3 documents). For press ads, Georgia Regular is to be used.

Sub-headings Helvetica LT standard Bold is to be used in Press/Tube/Billboard advertising sub titling.

Body copy The recommended specifications for print based body copy is: Helvetica LT standard Roman with a minimum font size of 12pt (for A4/A3).

Body copy can use any colour from the colour palette, but attention should be given to making sure that the text has high enough contrast to be able to be read it clearly.

Where possible, the font size for all applications should be at a 12pt minimum, for promotional items the font size may need to be smaller, this is ok, please try to make sure that the text is clear.

Fonts for Wales Coast Path logoGeorgia Regular - For Headings abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890,?!&*()@•+=%<>

Helvetica LT Standard family

Roman - for body copy abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890,?!&*()@•+=%<>

Bold - for sub headings abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890,?!&*()@•+=%<>

The wider Helvetica LT Standard family may also be used when needed


The placing of the logo should stay true to its design.

• Never change the colour of the Logo

• Never position the lead typography above or to the left of the Dragon Shell

• Never flip the Dragon Shell icon

• Never distort the size or shape of the logotype elements

• Never place the Logo on a bright or similar colour background

• Never place the Logo on a busy image

Wales Coast PathLlwybr Arfordir Cymru

Incorrect logo usage

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path

Llwybr Arfordir CymruWales Coast Path


The Dragon Shell can be used on its own, but NEVER to replace the full Wales Coast Path logo or roundal.

You may use it to enhance a publication, and use it as a graphic element on a photograph as an added texture (see the samples below), or as a stamp (see blue and yellow stamps on right) on a publication to enhance the document – see the leaflet sample on this page.

Using the Wales Coast Path dragon shell


Signage – WoodenCarved WaymarkersIt may be a requirement to carve the logo into waymark signs. As an approximate guide, the shell logo should be around a minimum 50mm height to preserve detail, although the quality of wood, as well as machinery used, will often determine the end result.

These samples show wooden signs, with acrylic roundals sunk into the wooden sign

For advice on fully carved wooden signs contact

[email protected]


Signage – other examples

Carved logo onto a standing stone marking the start of the walk from Chepstow

Riverfront artwork on Chepstow Riverbank, incorporating the logo with the artwork, by Ned Heywood, Heritage Ceramics Chepstow


Signage – Street signsThese are some samples of road and street signs that show Wales Coast Path markers.

Any street signage will need approval and permissions before they are put in place from possibly both the Local Highways agency and possibly planning permission. Please contact your local county council for guidance on this.


If you need to use the Welsh Government logo on a publication please use the supported by logo as shown on the right of this page.

This logo can be requested from Welsh Government by emailing the below address. This logo has its own guidelines which you should also request a copy of. The logo is available as mono or white in the formats shown.

[email protected]

Documents which have come direct from the Welsh Government will carry the full Welsh Government branding as seen on the front of the guidelines and on page18, you will not have adhear to this for your publications.

Visit Wales

You may need to use the Visit Wales logo on your document, if you do, please contact:

[email protected]

Welsh Government supported by logo and Visit Wales logo