branches of government: the judicial branch. the supreme court building

Branches of Government: The Judicial Branch

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Page 1: Branches of Government: The Judicial Branch. The Supreme Court Building

Branches of Government:The Judicial


Page 2: Branches of Government: The Judicial Branch. The Supreme Court Building

The Supreme Court


Page 3: Branches of Government: The Judicial Branch. The Supreme Court Building

Lesson 1: The Structure of the Supreme Court

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•The Supreme Court is the highest court in the U.S.•It consists of the Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices•Each justice holds office constitutionally “during good behavior”—which effectively is for life

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Each member is nominated by the


And confirmed by the U.S. Senate

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Scalia Thomas

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John Paul Stevens

•89 years old

•Associate Justice


•Appointed by Ford

•Entered office in 1975

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Antonin Scalia

•73 years old

•Associate Justice


•Appt. by Reagan

•Entered office in 1986

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Anthony Kennedy

•73 years old

•Associate Justice

•Moderate Conservative

•Appt. by Reagan

•Entered office in 1988

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Clarence Thomas

•61 years old

•Associate Justice


•Appt. by Bush (41)

•Entered office in 1991

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Ruth B. Ginsburg

•76 years old

•Associate Justice


•Appt. by Clinton

•Entered office in 1993

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Stephen Breyer

•71 years old

•Associate Justice


•Appt. by Clinton

•Entered office in 1994

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John Roberts

•54 years old

•Chief Justice


•Appt. by Bush (43)

•Entered office in 2005

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Samuel Alito

•59 years old

•Associate Justice


•Appt. by Bush (43)

•Entered office in 2006

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Sonia Sotomayor •55 years old

•Associate Justice


•Appt. by Obama

•Entered office in 2009

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Lesson 2: Composition and


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Congress has the power to set the number of Supreme Court justices

•The nation started with 6 in 1789•The total has been 9 since 1869

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The Constitution does not establish any qualifications for justices—not even age or citizenship requirements

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However, most presidents nominate Justices with the following characteristics:

•Legal experience•Judicial experience•Bench experience at the federal level

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•Justices make $208,100•Chief Justice earns $217,400

May retire with a full salary at age 70 with at least 10 years of service


at age 65 with at least 15 years of service