bpm are you ready for future

8/8/2015 Business Process Management— Are You Ready for the Future? CIA - 3 Dilip K singh AUTHOR - Clemente Minonne and Geoff Turner , Knowledge and Process Management Volume 19 Number 3 pp 111–120 (2012) Published online 8 May 2012 in Wiley Online Library (www.wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/kpm.1388 Dilip K Singh 1421212 LOS - IJK

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Article review on BPM


Business ProcessManagementAreYou Ready for theFuture?CIA - 3Dilip K Singh1421212LOS - IJKDilip K singhAUTHOR - Clemente Minonne n! "eo# T$%ne%& Kno'le!ge n! (%o)ess Mngement *ol$me 1+ ,$m-e% 3 pp 111.12/ 02/121 ($-lishe! online 2 M3 2/12 in 4ile3 Online Li-%%3 0'''5'ile3onlineli-%%35)om1 DOI6 1/51//278pm51322This is an empirical study which is conducted by the authors conducted in the erman!spea"ing region of #urope$ gathered useful data on issues relating to current and future in%estment in business process management$ including initiati%es in the field of business process outsourcing& By analysing this data the authors want to loo" at current %iew point of business discipline as well as some insights into the applications in use$ le%el of maturity$ realised benefits and outsourcing opportunities& The authors ha%e begun the article with a brief description of BPM$ how it e%ol%ed o%er time and how it has gained importance o%er the years& 'uring the ())*+s BPR was in practice it is a fundamental rethin" and radical redesign of business processes to achie%e dramatic impro%ements in important metrics such as cost$ ,uality$ ser%ice and cycle time& Then the authors spea" about the ne-t generation of BPR that is typically referred to as BPM$ which is represented as a di%ided cube framewor"& .t is represented by / dimension+s i&e& business$ technology on one side and strategic and operational on the other& There was a hype with regards to BPM in the regions of #urope 0in particular 1wit2erland$ ermany and Austria3$ because of %arious organisations trying to implement pro4ects this study was structured to address a number of different aspects relating to BPMapplications in use$ le%el of maturity$realised benefits and possible outsourcing opportunities& Furthermore$ with respect to each of these aspects$ the authors were "een to understand what promoted and what impeded the adoption of BPM& Research methodology The data was collected through ,uantitati%e means by using sur%ey techni,ue& The ,uestionnaire that was de%eloped comprised /( basic and detailed ,uestions co%ering BPM ineach of the eight different configurations of the framewor" with emphasis on the use of BPM tools and business process outsourcing& The sur%ey was conducted online for a group of indi%iduals who had e-pertise and were currently wor"ing in BPM& Participants were selectedrandomly through rele%ant research groups$ specialised technical forums$ newsletters and in%itations posted on appropriate websites& .n addition$ direct in%itations were made using a snowball selection process to ensure that different sectors were represented in that data collection&There were a total of 5() completed responses that were recei%ed during the sur%ey& The main ob4ecti%e of the study was to identify the main ob4ecti%es of BPM the results were as follows targets of ,uality impro%ement 06783$ process optimisation by means of standardisation of processes 06983 and an increase in organisational producti%ity 07(83& About one!fifth 0()83 of respondents indicated that BPM is used to increase the le%el of inno%ation& :ther ob4ecti%es such as finding procedural bottlenec"s 0(583 and support for outsourcing decisions 0)83 seem to play a minor role in formulating BPM acti%ities&Then in order to find out about the general awareness of organisations on BPM they were assessed to business process maturity model& There are / le%els of maturity(& ;e%el ( are considered to understand the need for continuous impro%ement and ha%e ageneral awareness of BPM& 5& ;e%el 5$ organisations ha%e mo%ed on from le%el ( by identifying and addressing a few indi%idual topics within BPM&9& ;e%el 9$ organisations must ha%e applied substantial elements of BPM as part of their continuous impro%ement programme&/& ;e%el /$ they ha%e established policies and procedures for continuous impro%ement through the application of BPMThe findings of Business process maturity model are 9o use of e-amples$ inclusion would ha%e helped understand better& Research conducted only in one particular geography which cannot be applied globally&