boris veniaminovich ioffe (on his 50th birthday)

ANNIVERSARIES BORIS VENIAMINOVICH IOFFE (ON HIS 50th BIRTHDAY) On May 16, 1971, Boris Veniaminovich Ioffe, a member of the editorial staff of Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, an outstanding specialist in the field of organic and physical-organic chemistry, and a professor of Leningrad State University, celebrated his 50th birthday. In 1938 Ioffe joined the chemistry faculty of Leningrad State Univer- sity LGU, and in 1942 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk State University in Ural. There, under the direction of Professors R. Ya. Levina and Yu. K. Yur'ev, of whom he was a student, he accomplished his work for his diploma, which was devoted to the dehydrogenation of hydroaromatic hydro- carbons with sulfur. In 1942 Ioffe was called to war service and worked as an engineer in a fuel laboratory. Upon demobilization from the army in December 1945, he became a junior scientific co-worker in the Department of Organic Chemistry of LGU and is presently still working there. His first synthet- ic investigations at LGU were carried out under the direction of Professor A.S. Broun and subsequently under the direction of Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AS USSR) S. N. Danilov. As early as the war years, Ioffe's basic interests were focused on the use of refractometric methods for the analysis of liquid mixtures (mainly hydrocarbons) and the establishment of the structures of organ- ic compounds. Ioffe's first paper, "Application of relative dispersion in the analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures," was published in 1946 in Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. In 1947 he defended his Master's thesis, entitled "Rela- tive dispersion of hydrocarbons and its application to the analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures." Ioffe was the first to propose the use of the relative dispersion of light to determine aromatics in hydrocarbon mixtures and to identify individual hydrocarbons. He worked out methods for the precise measurement of the average dispersion and refractive indexes and perfected the construction of refractom- eters. His investigations for a refractometric method for physicochemical analysis are especially valuable. He made a detailed study of the shapes of refractive index-composition isotherms, established the reasons for positive and negative deviations from additivity, and demonstrated the erroneousness of the previously used methods for the construction of these isotherms. All of these investigations were correlated in his doctoral disseration entitled "Refractometry as a method for the physicochemical analysis of organic sys- tems" (1963) and gained a wide reputation, both in our country and abroad. Starting in 1948, Ioffe began a series of interesting investigations in the field of organic hydrazine derivatives (study of methods for the preparation and properties of dialkyl- and trialkylhydrazines and hydrazones, the isomerization of hydrazones to azo compounds, aminonitrile cleavage and rearrangement of quaternary hydrazinium, hydrazonium, and pyrazolinium salts, the reaction of hydrazines with unsatu- rated compounds, resulting in the formation of pyrazolines, the isomerization of A2-pyrazolines, the prop- argyl rearrangement during the reaction of tertiary acetylenic chlorides with 1,1-dialkylhydrazines, the migration of the double bond in unsaturated hydrazines, hydrazones, and azo compounds, transhydrazina- tion and transhydrazonation, etc.). In the course of these studies he made extensive use of gas-liquid chro- matographic methods. Translated from Khimiya Geterotsiklieheskikh Soedinenii, No. 5, pp. 716-717, May, 1971. 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New Yorkl N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced [or any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available [rom the publisher. [or $15.00. 672

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(ON H I S 5 0 t h B I R T H D A Y )

On May 16, 1971, Boris Veniaminovich Ioffe, a m e m b e r of the editorial staff of Khimiya Geterotsikl icheskikh Soedinenii, an outstanding special is t in the field of organic and physica l -organic chemis t ry , and a p ro fesso r of Leningrad State Universi ty, ce lebrated his 50th birthday.

In 1938 Ioffe joined the chemis t ry faculty of Leningrad State Univer- si ty LGU, and in 1942 he graduated f rom the Sverdlovsk State Universi ty in Ural . There , under the direction of P r o f e s s o r s R. Ya. Levina and Yu. K. Yur 'ev , of whom he was a student, he accomplished his work for his diploma, which was devoted to the dehydrogenation of hydroaromat ic hydro- carbons with sulfur.

In 1942 Ioffe was called to war service and worked as an engineer in a fuel labora tory . Upon demobilization f rom the a rmy in December 1945, he became a junior scientific co -worke r in the Department of Organic Chemis t ry of LGU and is present ly still working there . His f i rs t synthet- ic investigations at LGU were ca r r i ed out under the direct ion of P r o f e s s o r

�9 A . S . Broun and subsequently under the direction of Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AS USSR) S. N. Danilov.

As ear ly as the war yea r s , Ioffe 's basic in teres ts were focused on the use of r e f r ac tomet r i c methods for the analysis of liquid mixtures (mainly hydrocarbons) and the establ ishment of the s t ruc tu res of o rgan- ic compounds.

Ioffe ' s f i rs t paper, "Application of relative dispers ion in the analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures ," was published in 1946 in Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. In 1947 he defended his Mas te r ' s thesis, entitled "Rela- tive d ispers ion of hydrocarbons and its application to the analysis of hydrocarbon mixtures ."

Ioffe was the f i r s t to propose the use of the relat ive dispers ion of light to determine aromat ics in hydrocarbon mixtures and to identify individual hydrocarbons . He worked out methods for the prec ise meas u r emen t of the average dispers ion and ref rac t ive indexes and perfected the construct ion of r e f r a c t o m - e t e r s . His investigations for a r e f r ac tome t r i c method for physicochemical analysis are especial ly valuable. He made a detailed study of the shapes of ref rac t ive index-compos i t ion i so therms, established the reasons for positive and negative deviations f rom additivity, and demonst ra ted the e r roneousness of the previously used methods for the construct ion of these i so therms . All of these investigations were cor re la ted in his doctoral d issera t ion entitled "Ref rac tomet ry as a method for the physicochemical analysis of organic s y s - t ems" (1963) and gained a wide reputation, both in our country and abroad.

Starting in 1948, Ioffe began a se r ies of interest ing investigations in the field of organic hydrazine der ivat ives (study of methods for the prepara t ion and proper t ies of dialkyl- and t r ia lkylhydrazines and hydrazones , the i somer iza t ion of hydrazones to azo compounds, aminonitri le cleavage and r ea r r angemen t of qua te rnary hydrazinium, hydrazonium, and pyrazol inium salts, the react ion of hydrazines with unsatu- ra ted compounds, resul t ing in the formation of pyrazol ines , the i somer iza t ion of A2-pyrazolines, the p rop- argyl r ea r r angemen t during the reac t ion of t e r t i a ry acetylenic chlorides with 1,1-dialkylhydrazines, the migra t ion of the double bond in unsa tura ted hydrazines , hydrazones , and azo compounds, t r anshydraz ina - tion and t ranshydrazonat ion, etc.) . In the course of these studies he made extensive use of gas-l iquid ch ro - matographic methods.

Trans la t ed f rom Khimiya Geterotsikl ieheskikh Soedinenii, No. 5, pp. 716-717, May, 1971.

�9 1973 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New Yorkl N. Y. 10011. All rights reserved. This article cannot be reproduced [or any purpose whatsoever without permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available [rom the publisher. [or $15.00.


One should espec ia l ly note Iof fe ' s invest igat ions devoted to the alkylation of a roma t i c hydrocarbons and the concur ren t i s om er i za t i on and f ragmenta t ion of ca rbenes as well as the i r or ienta t ion.

P r o f e s s o r Ioffe is the author of about 150 pape r s and two monographs CHandbook of R e f r a c t o m e t r y for Chemis t s " and " R e f r a c t o m e t r i c Methods of Chemis t ry" ) . He wrote a chapte r enti t led "Re f r ac tome t r i c Invest igat ions" for "Theore t i ca l and P r a c t i c a l Handbook for L a b o r a t o r y Occupations in Phys ica l Chemis t ry . " He is the edi tor of "Modern P r o b l e m s of Organic Chemis t ry" and "Organic Compounds with an N - N Bond." Ten Mas t e r ' s t he s e s have been defended under his superv is ion .

Ioffe has a br i l l i an t m a s t e r y of a lmos t all of the modern phys icochemica l methods for the inves t iga - t ion of organic subs tances .

The L a b o r a t o r y of Gas Chroma tog raphy of Sc i en t i f i c -Resea rch Chemica l Inst i tute of LGU, founded and d i rec ted by P r o f e s s o r Ioffe, is one of the l a rge s t l abo ra to r i e s of this type in the country . In this l a b o r a - t o ry he developed an or ig ina l r e f r a c t o c h r o m a t o g r a p h i c method for the analys is of t e r n a r y s y s t e m s , IR, UV, and PMR spec t roscopy . He is a m e m b e r of the Scientific Council on Gas Chromatography of the AS USSR.

P r o f e s s o r Ioffe is also reknowned as an excel lent l e c t u r e r . He p o s s e s s e s the dist inguished gift of a t e a c h e r and educa tor of students and fe l lows.

Ioffe is except ional ly pr incipled in both sc ience and l ife. His invest igat ions a re dis t inguished by novelty and or iginal i ty , c l a r i ty in exposi t ion of the p roposed task, and unusually scrupulous execution. A number of P r o f e s s o r Io f fe ' s profound scient i f ic invest igat ions a re also of p rac t i ca l value, and the i r r e - sui ts have been a s s imi l a t ed in p rac t i ce .

The edi tor ia l s ta f f of Khimiya Gete ro t s ik l ichesk ikh Soedinenii cord ia l ly wishes Bor i s Veniaminovich many y e a r s of fruitful sc ient i f ic and pedagogical act ivi ty and new achievements in sc ience .