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  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


    NewsletterNumber 14 - June 2016

     Auxerunt haec vulgi sordidioris audaciam, quod cum ingravesceret



    Frankfurt book fair





     Y N G I

    P R - M - Spain - Publisher Édouard Cointreau - Editor in Chief Pascal Serre





    Yantai, Birthplace of Shandong Cuisine- Shandong cuisine is one of the 4 main cuisines of China

    - It is the fundamental base of Imperial and Beijing cui-sines. For centuries, the cooks of the Emperor, andtop restaurants in Beijing came from Yantai- Shandong cuisine started in Fushan district of Yan-tai. It is there that the Gourmand Awards take place,in

    Yeda new district which was carved out of Fushan. Yan-tai is the Capital of Shandong Cuisine.

    Yantai, Capital of Wine in China-  The headquarters of the main wine companies in

    China are in Yantai. Some 40% of the wine in Chinacomes from Shandong.- There are over 140 wineries, with more than 125new wineries planned. Penglai has the best

    - Pula Valley is a gigantic new wine area of 22 000hectares, with 7 000 to be planted. The rst bottlesare an Italian Riesling 2014.

    - Changyu will open the production at its new City of Wine in 2016,with a yearly capacity of 400 million bottles- The Yantai new Bonded Port Areas ( 2014 ) will become the hubfor wine imports by sea in the North of China, which are expectedto increase quickly.

    Yantai, the most charming cityin China- Yantai is one of the top four happiest city in China

    in 12-2014. The people are exceptionnally nice.- It is the top resort city in China for 2013 and 2014- The local economy is strong , growing faster than China, thanksto cars ( GM ), gold ( 100 tons/year ), wine, and food- Must see : The waterfront, similar to Nice or Cannes in FranceThe pedestrian old town, renovated next to the Changyu wine mu-seum. The Penglai Pavilion, the fairyland of the 8 immortals of Tao.

    Friendly Shandong- The wonderful friendly people are the rst assetof Shandong, 96 millions. It is more populationthan Germany in less than half the space.

    - It is the rst in China in the production of wheat,cotton, gold and diamonds.- It is the birthplace of Confucius.



    oiGourmand Awards

    May 28 - Television AwardsMay 28 - Wine AwardsMay 29 - Cookbook Awards


    May 28 - Women and WineAngers-YantaiWine book in braille

    May 29 - Gastronomic DiplomacyU3A-UATL universitiesSlow Food


    May 27 - Yantai CentreMay 28 - Yantai Wine BayMay 29 - Pula ValleyMay 30 - Penglai

    May 31 - Taila


    j   k


  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  New sletter  Number 14 - June 2016 YANTAI WINE BAY   Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016



    1995 - Frankfurt - Creation of the World CookbookAwards at the Book Fair, for books of 19951996 - Frankfurt1997 - Paris1998 - Perigueux, Dordogne1999 - Versailles, next to Paris

    2000 - Perigueux, Dordogne2001 - Sorges , capital of the Trufes of Perigord, Dor -dogne2002 - .VACANT - New brand - Gourmand World Cook-book Awards2003 - Chateau de Brissac, Angers, Loire Valley, forbooks published the year before2004 - Barcelona

    2005 - Orebro - Grythyttan, Sweden2006 - Kuala Lumpur 

    2007 - Beijing2008 - London2009 - Paris - La Comedie Francaise2010 - Paris - Le 104

    2011 - Paris - Les Folies Bergere2012 - Paris - Les Folies Bergere

    2013 - Paris - Le Carrousel du Louvre2014 - Beijing - Daxing2015 - Yantai, Shandong, China2016 - Yantai, Shandong, China

    Total : 21 awards events in 7 countriesFrance - 11 times, with 6 in ParisOthers - 10 times, with 4 in China2015 - Frankfurt - 20 years celebration

    Twenty One YearsHistory of the Gourmand Awards

      二十年 美食家奖历史

    209 countries are participating with entries in the com-petition for food culture. It is more than in the OlympicGames for sports. No other cultural competition has somany countries participating.

    Languages of the entries

    English : 30%Spanish - Portuguese : 17%French : 9%German : 8%Scandinavian : 7%Chinese : 6%

    Our process is inspired by the Olympics, wit h rst thenational winners qualication by country. Then theycompete for the Best in the World. We are also inspiredby the Olympic spirit, which has become the basis forthe Gourmand Family.

    We are often compared to the lm Oscars, for theglamour, the role of television, and the deep emotion inthe room and on the stage, when the Best in the Worldlearn they have won. In fact, it has become equally pres-tigious and rewarding to be in the top three.

    Gourmand Awards, in Yantai, China,

    May 28-31, 2016


    Country Ranking, Gourmand Awards

    Gastronomy, food and wine culture, in print or digital

    国家排名,美食家奖 餐饮,食品及酒文化,以印刷或数字 

    Gourmand Awards - May 28-29Number of naists for Best in te Word

    The process

    12 - 2015 National competitions Winners qualications - 209 countries participate

    2 - 2016 Shortlist - 103 countries remain qualied

    5 - 2016 Best in the World – In 2015, 49 Countrieswon. The process is inspired by the Olympic Games

    Désignation Olympics 2012 Gourmand Awards 2015

    Number of countries 204 205Competitions/categories 303 120Winner gold - Countries 50 49

    Many small countries have a chance of winning in 2016for instance Cyprus, Fiji, Maldives, Namibia, Slovenia, Taji-kistan and others. Seven of the top ten countries are thesame at the Olympics and on the shortlist of t he GourmandAwards.

    Countries on shortlist Food Drink Total

    1 - USA 58 22 80

    2 - France 52 25 77

    3 - UK 53 13 66

    4 - China 37 17 54

    5 - Spain 39 12 51

    6 - Germany 35 8 43

    6 - Sweden 34 9 43

    8 - Canada 30 5 35

    9 - Australia 17 12 29

    10 - Italy 23 4 27

    11 - Brazil 24 2 26

    12 - Belgium 17 6 23

    13 - India 19 1 20

    14 - Singapore 17 1 18

    14 - South Africa 13 5 18

    14 - Switzerland 18 0 18

    17 - Netherlands 14 2 16

    18 - Portug al 11 4 15

    19 - Austria 9 5 14

    19 - Ireland 12 2 14

    19 - Peru 13 1 14

    22 - Japan 12 1 13

    23 - New Zealand 11 1 12

    24 - Chile 8 2 10

    24 - Malaysia 9 1 10

    26 - Norway 9 0 927 - Denmark 7 1 8

    27 - Greece 7 1 8

    27 - Mexico 8 0 8

    27 - Thailand 6 2 8

    31 - Argentina 6 1 7

    31 - Philippines 7 0 7

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY   Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016  YANTAI WINE BAY   Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016



      The Gourmand Awards are unique

    There are no other cultural awards in the world that are so international, with 209countries participating .with entries in the competition, even in lm, television,

    books or music.Only in sports the Olympics have so many countries, more than the United Nations. TheGourmand Awards competition is free, and open to all, big or small, for sale or free, digital or print, privateor public, trade or selfpublished. Everyone gets t he same respect. It is the work tha t receives an award, reco-gnizing that il is nearly always team work. Special interest is given to work that has social value, and that canbe transmitted through generations in time, or through countries,

    Jounalists often compare the Gourmand Awards to the Oscars for lm. They are similar for glamour and theimpact of the media and television. In fact, the Gourmand Awards were inspired by the Olympics in scopeand process. As a result as in the Olympics, it is the participation that is important. It can even change yourlife, on many levels, even if you do not win the top award.

    Sharing Food and Wine Culture- Food and wine cultures are a global puzzlebuilt with an innite number of local cultures,which may be broken up in smaller and smallerpieces.- Food and wine give a true vision of people andtheir country. It is easy to understand, and veryconvincing.- Sharing food and wine brings mutual unders-tanding, respect, harmony and peace.- Food and wine are key aspects of the image ofcountries.- It is a very important component of humanhealth.

    Food and wine and tourism- Food is the number one of the positive criteriafor international tourists, increasing from 25%fteen years ago to 38% in 2013, according to astudy by the Australian Tourism authorities. Thetwo other top criteria are negative, eliminatingdestinations for security and cost.- For international tourists the trend is for morelocal tourism, rather than spending short timein capitals.

    The Impact ofthe Gourmand Awards

    - The Best in the World at the Gourmand Awardsare opinion leaders and experts who are theguides to establish the real value of food and wine- This is how the Gourmand Awards have helpedwith great success in the past Sweden, Spain,Malaysia, or even local areas in France build upas food and wine tourism destinations.The awardsare this year in Yantai for wine in China, and Shan-dong food.- Many winners are celebrated by their govern-ments, national media and social networks. Itcan change their life, and launch their career. Anumber of national or international stars owe theircareer to a Gourmand award- The three top winners in a category are fromdifferent countries . The three have the rights to

    the Best in the World logo and sticker, and certi-cates.- The winners get access to the media. They issuepress releases, and beccome very active on blogsand social media. Television is often the rst step,immediatly after winning Best in the World. Thetime difference with China works well for the win-ners to prepare their media effort after they win :- Winners get more visibility in the market place,and higher sales- Translations and international trade rights openfor negotiations.

    Edouard Cointreau

    Président The Gourmand Awards


      美食家奖 总结计划

    T b , b M . T , . T b , , b, , -


    j10 - 23 - Arriva of te internationa staff 

    j18 - Opening of exibitions

    - International Tianma Vellas University U3Aexhibition- Wine labels collection- Chinese calligraphy

    j25 - Press conference for Cinese media

    j26 - Arriva of rst guests groups

    - Gourmand Family dinner

    j27 - Tour of Yantai Center, te waterfront,te Cangyu wine museum, te streets of odCefoo, sopping

    - Welcome dinner

    j28 - Wine Day - Food Teevision Day- Gourmand Awards for Wine, Drinks, and FoodTelevision- Angers -Yantai Ten Years celebrationSacavin Wine Guild of Angers presentation- First world presentation wine book in braille forthe blind

    - Visit of Tianma Vellas International U3A Univer-sity for older people

    - France and China Ladies of Wine Guild ODVTmeeting- Celebration dinner

    j29 - Food Cuture Day

    - Gourmand World Cookbook Awards- Gastronomic Diplomacy conference- , the best 1000 Restaurants in theWorld

    - Slow Food China panel presentation- Trends in world publishing, by Edouard Coin-treau

    - Tour of Pula Valley new wine area, 22 0 00 hec-tares

    - Celebration dinner

    j30 - Professionas Day

    - China Shandong Cuisine conference- Peru food and pisco presentation- Silk Road Food in Central Asia presenta tions- The Blind and Wine- Tour of Penglai Pavilion, old Penglai, Mulangouvillage, wineries- Opening of Penglai V initech fair for wine pro-fessionals

    - Shandong cuisine dinner

    j31 - Fina Day- Yantai Fruits presentation- Yantai Seafood presentation- Organic food in Yantai presentation- Organic wine benets for humans, conference- Tour of Taila wineries and resort, 2 000 hectares- Yantai cuisine nal dinner

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY Number 14 - June 2016  YANTAI WINE BAY  New sletter  Number 14 - June 2016



    pi28 - SATURDAY 

    +9-10 Prosecco presentation and tating

    +10-11 Angers presentation by Benoit Pilet,deputy mayor in charge or international

    +11-12 The wine t asting book in Braille for thevisually impaired, by Rudolf Lant schbauer,Yulan Cai, and Karl Breitenberger.

    +13-14 Organic marketi ng, around the world,the case of wine by Beatrice Cointreau, authorof Organic wine, a mar keters guide, USA, 2016

    +14-15 Sacavin Wine Guild from Angers, presentation, Tom Hsu, Guillaume Roussy

    +15-16 ODVT Guild of the French Women ofWine, Honors for Chinese Women of Wine

    +16- 18 Gourmand awards for Television Gourmand Awards for Drinks

    pi29 - SUNDAY 

    +10-11 Gastronomic books publishing trends,by Edouard Cointreau

    +11- 12 Presentation Slow Food China, panel ofinternational Slow Food members, with chair ofSlow food China

    +13-14, thebest 1000 restaurants in theworld, by co-founder JorgZipprick

    +14-15 Gastronomic Diplomacy, by Gastronomic 

    Diplomacy, by GuillermoGonzales Arica, presidentGlobal Center for

    Diplomatic diplomacy

    +16-18 Gourmand WorldCookbook Awards

    pi30 - MONDAY 

    +9-10 Frankfurt Book Fair for theGourmand Winners by EdouardCointreau

    +10-11 Food on the Silk Road, The Pamir, Plov

    +11 - 12 Shandong Cuisine, by Yantai Cuisine chefs

    +14 - 15 Happylicious Children books

    +11 - 12 Shetland Food and Drink presentation

    Conference - Yantai Wine Bay - May

      会议 - 烟台葡萄酒湾 - 五月

    Guillermo Gonzales AricaAmbassador of Péru

     oi28 - SATURDAY 

    1- Cina wines

    +9-108Runaway Cow winery, Penglai, bywinemaker professor Pascal Durand

    +10-118Treaty Port Scottish Castle andWinery, Penglai, by Chris Rufe, founder

    +12-138Pula Valley video and presentation-by Mrs Lin YanSheng, vice president

    +13-148Taila Winery - by winemaker GerardColin

    2 - Foreign Wines

    +9-108Bordeaux Crus Bourgeois, Tutoredtasting by professor Keith Grainger

    +10-118Admirable Family Vineyard, fromMalibu, Calfornia, by winemaker BeatriceCointreau


    Catherine Corbeau-Mellot, LoireJuliette Monmousseau, LoireGuillaume Roussy, LoireFrançoise Rigord, Provence

    Valérie Rousselle, ProvenceNEMETON, JuraLAVINIA, Terroirs

    oi29 - SUNDAY 

    1-Tasting room number one 

    +9-108Chile Wines, Fantini

    +10-118Roussillon Wines

    Tastings - Yantai Wine Bay - May

      品酒 - 烟台葡萄酒湾 - 五月


    +13-148NEMETON, Château Masburel

    +14-158Spain - Catalan Wines, Lluis Tolosa

    2- tasting room number 2

    +9-108Austria - Wachau Nikolaihof, Christine Saahs

    +10-118Portugal Wine

    +11-128South Africa wines


    3- tasting room number 3

    +14-168Australia Wines - Museum of Wine

    oi 30- MONDAY 

    +9-108Wine Tasting For the Blind

    +10-118Chocolats Benoit


    +14 158Honduras Coffee

    +15-168Pisco - Timochenko 

    oi  31 - TUESDAY 

    +11-128Sweden products

    +13-148Loire wines - Guillaume Roussy


  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  New sletter  Number 14 - June 2016



     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016

    LL. -. It is the mathematical result of combi-ning over 200 different guides, including Michelin,Gault Millau and other national guides. It now has1000 outstanding restaurants, increasing rapidly In2016.

    The president is Ambassador Philippe Faure, whois also president of the French top tourism institu-tion Atout France. was launched De-cember 17, 2015 at the Orsay Palace of the Ministr yof Foreign Affairs of France. The sponsors includeNestle, Moët -Hennessy, Accor Hotels, Ferrandi,Grand Crus Classes 1855. le Delas, Rungis MarcheInternational, Aeroports de Paris, Reynaud, Trans-gourmet.

    Co- founder Jorg Zipprick will present LaListe.comon May 29 at Yantai Wine Bay. Mainland China hasan important presence in On March11, eight of the Chinese top restau-rants were honored in front of 300 chefs in Beijingduring the annual Chefs competition of the EastEat Group presided by Liu Guang Wei.

    LaListe has rapidly established itself as a usefulreference around the world, with strong supportfrom all continents.

    Philippe Faure, Président

    Lucy LiuYuPhoenix TV, Hong Kong

    Harumi Osawa, Japan,partner of Ferrandi

     Jorg Zipprick, co- founder

    GASTRONOMIC DIPLOMACY CONFERENCE  Yantai, May 29, 2016  美食外交会议

    F A b G - D M ( 5 ) b GGz A, x-Ab P H.

    Gastronomy andfood culture havebecome key ingre-dients of the soft

    power of countries.The best diplomatsfrom Talleyrand toHillary Clinton usethem very effecti-vely. Talleyrand issaid to have wonfor France at thedinner table at the

    Congress of Viennain 2015 what Na-poleon had lost onthe battle eld of

    Waterloo. So it is historical that the rst presentation inEurope by Ambassador Gonzales was in Vienna , to theUnited Nations on March 18, 2016. The rst presentationin Asia will be in Yantai on May 29, 2016.

    A b b CA.A ," Peruvians dene and identify themselves

    with their food. It is not language as in the case of theFrench, the British or the Germans. Gastronomy is theelement that allows Peru to stand out and compete withother nations ". Gastronomic diplomacy is the use ofgastronomy with the purpose of promoting one countrycommercially in another one. It is a concept developedby the French ( not surprisingly ) and accepted by Ame-ricans, Australians, British, Japanese , Swedes, amongothers. Gastronomy has become in a relatively shorttime an important part of the economy in Peru. So thefuture of Gastronomic Diplomacy is both commercial

    and cultural. It has a major impact on tourism.

    " G b " says Melanie Asher, member of theGlobal Council of Gastronomic Diplomacy. " It is evi-denced by recent examples of governments initiatingdiplomacy drives around their na tional cuisines such asthe US State Department launching its Culinary Diplo-macy Partnership in 2012 ". It was Minister of Foreign Af-fairs Fabius of France who launched for thebest 1000 restaurants in the world at the Quai d'OrsayPalace in Paris on December 17, 2015, with 450 guests

    from dozens of countries.

    A G A M , AbGz x the fra-mework and practical steps ofGastronomic Diplomacy, expe-rienced now mostly in CentralAmerica, in a brilliant show ofSouth-South diplomacy. Hewill describe the practical linksbetween the Maya cuisine ofCopan in Honduras and theInca cuisine in Peru. After theconference, registered assis-tants to the conference will beinvited to a Pachamanca, thetraditional Peruvian barbecue,

    in the beautiful gardens of Yantai Wine Bay.

    Ambassador Guillermo Gonzales Arica has a Master'sDegree from the Maxwell School of Government at theUniversity of Syracuse, New York. He is a fellow of CDDRLat Stanford University in California. He was Secretar y Ge-neral of the Presidency of Peru (2001-2005), in charge ofPress Relations. He received a Gourmand Award for hisbookDiplomacia gastronomica y cocina fusion ( 2014 ).He attended the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015.

    He is now president of the Global Center for gastrono-mic diplomacy.

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016  YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016



    Y Ob, S.  It ismost famous for its huge castle, where the hero ofNapoleon wars General Bernadottewas elected in 1810, to become thefounder of the dinasty of kings of Swe-den of today, The Gourmand Awardstook place in this castle in 2005. OnMarch 15. 2016, the Governor of Ore-bro, Maria Larsson, hosted a lunch

    to honor the Swedish winners of theGourmand Awards, in presence ofnumerous media.

    The event was organized by PelleAgorelius, the partner of the Gour-mand Awards in Sweden. He is anentrepreneur in Orebro, best known for his heal-thy food brand Husmanbord with a family estateof farms with over 1 500 hectares of land. He iscoming to Yantai with an important Swedish dele-gation in May.

    At the March 15 event, there was an exhibition ofcookbooks.

    Ernst Kirchsteiger, the leading star of Swedishtelevision TV4 spoke at the press lunch, as well ascookbook expert Karsten Thurtsell. The lunch wasserved by Culinary Olympics Medal Chef, BjornStahlberg, with Husmanbord healthy products.

    The Gourmand Awards are a cultural bridgebetween the sister cities of Orebro, Angers, andYantai.

    Orebro and Yantai, sister cities since 2002


    Book exhibition

    Photo from left to right Armyrepresentative Fredrik Steen,Governor Maria Larsson,Carl Jan Granqvist

    Ernst Kirchsteiger, TV 4,Author Maria Holm


    I M, Y A. T CI A. z - C , -.

    They fascinated the enthusiastic Western audiences. The5 star artists from Yantai were Sun Jing on the Yang Qin,Liang Hanwen on the Guzheng, Yuan Fei on the Pipa, QuDong Liang on the Dizi, and Sui Yuan with the Erhu.

    Ofcials from Yantai continued at the same time thefruitful exchange that has been continuing for 10 years.

    Sharing the experience of Angers as « smar t city «, ZhaoXiang Dong, Assistant Director of the Foreign Affairs,and Xie Weili, Director of the Cultural Center of Yantairesearched the « silver economy « achievements for ol-der people.

    In late May, Angers will come to Yantai, under the lea-dership of Michelle Moreau, rst deputy mayor of An-gers, who has known Yantai for ten years. Jean PierreBerheim , the Vice President of Angers Loire Metropolewill be in charge of economic mat ters. He is well knownin the wine sector as the ex-president of Bucher VaslinThe group is coordinated by Bernadette Guiter, interna-tional manager for Angers. The visit will have two focus,gastronomy, and universities for older people.

    A group of twenty students of the Universite d’Angersdu Temps Libre will visit with their president Alain Jaco-bzone the Tianma Vellas International U3A. This AngersUniversity for older people was the second in the world,immediately after Toulouse, and it is now one of thelargest in Europe. Two experts of the Chamber of Com-merce of Angers, Didier Chateau and Jean Francois Rey-nouard will bring their knowledge of the Silver Economyfor senior citizens to Yantai.

    Angers is the hometown of the Cointreau family. The visitto Yantai of this large delegation was made possible bysix months of meetings with Mayor Christophe Bechu.

    It is Benoit Pilet, deput y mayor in charge of international,who will make a multimedia presentation of Angers onSaturday May 28 at 10 in the morning. The delegationOf Angers will participate actively in the activities of theGourmand Awards, to meet The Chinese from Yantaiand all China, and the international guests.

    Daily Le Courrier de l’Ouest,front page, March 2, 2016, one page inside

    Edouard Cointreau et Jean Yves Bardindes Vignerons d’Anjou

     in Yantai, June 8, 2015

     Johanna KulLman, Norstedts cookbooks publisher, Sven-Erik Bucht,the Minister of Agriculture of Sweden,

    Pelle Agorelius, at Gastronord, April 2016

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


    Y C

    - The Red Fuji apple, with 100 000 hectares

    - The Big Peanut, with 110 000 hectares- The Big Cherry, with over 50 000 tons a year- The Pears, believed to be the best in China.

    T - Hand pulled noodles, Fushan Style- Double Blessing Fish- Braised Yellow Crocker.

    T F , l

    - Lotus shaped lantern

    - Lantern bringing Wealth and Riches

    - Lantern of Health and Logevity

    - Life is so beautiful

    - Flying Dragon

    - Immortal congratulating a birthday.

    A businessman introduces the traditional doughmodellings during the third China International FoodFestival in Yantai, east China's Shandong Province,November 1, 2008. (Xinhua Photo)

    Y S C, N -, I C. It is welldocumented that the rst Emperor of China, Qin Shi-Huang toured 3 times Yantai, and that he brought backin 210 BC the recipe for braised cuttlesh roes, given tohim by the Water immortal of Zhif u. It is during the reignof Kublai Khan of the Yuan dynasty in the 14th century

    AC that cooks from the Fushan district of Yantai becamethe ofcial cooks for the Emperor, which continued forve centuries. The top 8 restaurants in Beijing eightyyears ago all had managers or chefs from Yantai, and80% of the staff came from Yantai.

    T G A.  On May 28, ,the GourmandAwards will take place in the new YEDA district, the Yan-tai Economic Development Area, until recently part ofthe Fushan district of Yantai, with the best food of allNorthern China.

    S , , . The local products are really dif-ferent and delicious. The reference book on Yantai cui-sine is Delicious Food of Yantai, Capital of ShandongCuisine ISBN 978-962-374-364-8.

    I E C CW, P Y C A, S . He received a Special Award at theGourmand Awards in 2010 in Paris. He is still the presi-dent of the Association, and will welcome all the guestsin May in Yantai. With the Yantai chefs he will demons-trate the excellence of Shandong cuisine.

    T - The sea bream, called Jia Ji, Entrance, Luck. Thebest is from «rabbit hole», in the sea in Penglai- The swimming crab, in Chinese Three Warts Shut tleCrab. The best is from Laizhiu district- The Swan Egg Clam, the purple Washington clam,from Changdao and Zhifu districts- Prawns, always sold in pairs in Northern China

     Yantai Capital of Shandong Cuisine  鲁菜烟台资本

    Clément PIQUET and Gaël SAUGE , French Directorsand owners of NEMETON 内觅萄 : Independent Frenchwine exporter and independent French wine importerin China.

    NEMETON 内觅萄 will hold an exclusive wine bar spe-cially for the 21th Edition of Gourmand World Cook-book Awards.

    The opportunity for guests to taste their wines impor-ted in 100 % exclusivity, directly from traditional Frenchvineyards.

    Real French value is a dutiful commitment for NEME-TON. On January 2016, NEMETON also opened a pri-vate wine school in Yantai, a simple way to encouragemore and more local people to gain wine knowledge.

    Besides, NEMETON frequently organized privateevents with 5 stars hotel and leisure companies in orderto enhance the local activity and let enthusiast’s gueststo match in the best way food and wine.



    Domaine Bauer, AOC Alsace


    Château Vieux Guillou, AOC Saint-Émi-lion 100% NEME-TON’s exclusivityChâteau Edmus, AOCSaint-Émilion Grand Cru


    Domaine Charles Pougeoise, AOC Cham-

    NEMETON 内觅萄Exclusive Wine Bar 

    pagne 1er Cru 100% Family Winemakers


    Château de Minière, AOC Bourgueil


    100% Premium QualityChâteau Les Valentines, AOC Côtes de Provence


    NEMETON will also hold two wine tastings :

    - The famous so-called “yellow wine” Château-Cha-lon from Jura, Domaine Berthet Bondet.

    - Château MASBUREL, an independent vineyard withmore than 250 years of history, situated betweenPomerol and Bergerac.

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter 

    Number 14 - May 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


    oiMAY 26

      Arrival of many guests  Gourmand Family Dinner 


    9:00 Tour bus

    Chateau Changyu Castel from the busChangyu City of Wine, the 400 million bottlesproduction unit, from the busYantai centerChangyu Museum of Wine and BrandyWaterfront, pedestrian streetsLunch local Yantai foodsShoppingReturn by the Golden Beach waterfrontReturn to hotelsWelcome dinner East meets West - Wines :Roussillon + Xinjiang Xiangdu 


    8:30 - 9:30 Bus to see Changyu City of Wine,Golden beach water front

    Wine day at Tianma Yantai Wine BayAngers - YantaiLoire Valley wines

    China wineries come to Tianma Yantai WineBayWine conferencesWine TastingsWomen of Wine meeting France - ChinaGourmand Awards for Food and Wine  TelevisionGourmand Awards for Wine and DrinkCelebration Dinner - Treaty Port ScotlandCastle Wines

    oiMAY 29 - PUlA VAllEY DAY 

    9:00 Bus sent By Pula Valley - Lu ye Green Leaf 1030 - 11-30 Visit of Chateau Charm at PulaValley, view of the 22.000 hectares from thetop of hillsLunch with Pula Valley wines, Italian Rieslingand Cabernet SauvignonReturn 15:30 Tianma Yantai Wine Bay

    16:00 Gourmand Cookbook and Food CultureAwardsCelebration Dinner - Taila Wines 


    8:30 bus sent by Runaway Cow wineryProfessor Pascal Durand is the tour guideWine chateaux scenic route, about 16 chateauxcan be seen from the bus.Scottish castle and wineryDBR Late - CITIC from the outsideTao monastery visitMulangou village walkLunch at wine college in PenglaiChateau Junding - COFCO, 700 hectares, California style winery Guobin Winery, Chinese mansion style 

    oiMAY 31 - TAIlA DAY 

    9: Bus sent by Taila leaves10:30 visit Taila 2 200 hectares with WinemakerGerard Colin

    Lunch at Taila, with Taila Wines16:00 Arrival at Tianma Yantai Wine Bay

    Wine and Tourism Program


     Yantai area wineries


    1 - Treaty Port Vineyards - Scottish Castle,23 hectares

    Mulangou, Penglai, 50minutes from Yantai WineBay

    May 27Wines for the WelcomeDinnerWinners of China Wine

    and Spirits AwardsInformative labels inEnglish and ChineseVintage photos name thewines

    - White - The Lady of Fashion , Chardonnay,Viognier 2014- Rose - The Debutante , Grenache noir, Sangiovese, Muscat 2014- Red - The Prince, Petit Verdot, Arinaornoa2014

    May 28, 10:00Tasting with founder Chris Rufe

    May 30, visit of winery

    2 - Runaway Cow Winery, 50 hectaresMulangou, Penglai, 45 minutes from YantaiWine Bay

    May 28, 9:00

    Tasting with winemaker Professor PascalDurandFirst ever, with rst bottles of Chardonnay vin-tage 2015

    May 30 

    Walk though Mulangou wine village,with Professor Pascal Durand

    3 - Pula Valley, Laishan, Yantai, 22.000 hec-tares

    90 minutes from Yantai Wine Bay

    May 28 - 12:00

    Presentation of project, video, with Mrs. LinYansheng, Vice President

    May 29 - All day visit

    Tasting of Italian Riesling 2014, Cabernet Sauvi-gnon 2014

    4 - Taila , Rushan -Weihai, 2.200 hectares90 minutes from

     Yantai Wine Bay

    May 28, 13:00

    Tasting with wine-maker Gerard Colin,same wines as din-

    ner, plus Viognier 2015Celebration Dinner with beautiful bottles, with

    the elegant Angel of Taila labels- White - Chardonnay 2014- White - Italian Riesling 2014- Sweet rose - Cabern et Franc 2015- Dry rose - Cabernet Franc 2015- Red - Caberne t Franc 2014- Red - Cabernet Sauvignon 2014

    May 30 - Celebration Dinner

    May 31 - All day visit

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY   Newsletter 

    Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY   Newsletter 

    Number 14 - May 2016


    T l W F Y M - C l W.

    There will be at least

    18 French Ladies,coming for the rstceremony in Chinaon May 28, whena correspondingnumber of Chineseladies will be induc-ted. Among theFrench Ladies, therewill president Fran-coise Rigord, andpast- president Bea-trice Cointreau.

    The Chinese ladies

    will come from manyregions of China,including Yantai, Bei- jing, Hebei, Ning xia,

    Yunnan, Xinjiang, and others. French and Chineseladies of wine are presidents and managers of wi-neries, vine growers, winemakers, wine writers,wine media specialists, wine collectors and seriousconnoisseurs. A few men have been honored , suchas Dirk Neeport, from Douro, Portugal. The Guildhas two big meetings every year, one in the Spring,sometimes outside France, and the other in the Fall,usually in Paris.

    The event will bring together over 50 women ofWine. It will take place at Yantai Wine Bay at 15:00on May 28. Many more spectators are expected.Julie Song of Yantai Wine Bay has created a WeChat

    group in Chinese for Women of Wine, with over120 members in a few weeks.

    There are numerous Wine Guilds in France, with thebest known being Tastevin In Burgundy , Jurade deSaint- Emilion, Guild of Coteaux de Champagne,Sacavin of Anjou. There will be a presentation ofSacavin one hour before, at the same place.TheGuild of Ladies of Wine and the Table is the mostimportant in the world for women . It was the rstto be created for women. It was founded in 1983 asODTV in French.

    For Beatrice and her older brother Edouard Coin-treau, this event in China is dedicated to the frien-dship of ODVT founder Odette Kahn, and theirmother Genevieve Cointreau, president of CognacFrapin. Odette was the leading editor of food andwine magazines for 20 years in France. Odetteand Genevieve were friends since their studies atHECJF, the best women business school in France,created in 1916, celebrating 100 years.

    Women in Wine


    Béatrice Cointreau

    The Lady of Peyrassol, winemaker inProvence, by Françoise Rigord,

    président ODVT

    Wine tasting book in Braille for the blind


    T M Y. Three authors will be present , winemaker/ som-melier Karl Breitenberger, winemaker/ publisher RudolfLantschbauer and his wife Cai Yulan Both are winema-kers at the Lantschbauer- Cai winery in Austria. She isprobably the only Chinese lady winemaker in Europe,with her name on the winery.

    The book was published April 2016 in Austria, by Vi-nothekVerlag, with the help of University of Graz- 52pages in Braille for the visually impaired, + 62 pages inGerman, soon to be translated to English. It will be trans-lated to Cai Yulan It takes 4 hours to printthe book in Braille, line by line It is a ring binder so thatthe book can be at when the blind read with their n-gers It will be the rst international presentation of thisbook in the world, a very important event of great socialvalue, very interesting for the media.No other book inBraille has written for wine tasting in

    Braille, and none was ever entered inthe Gourmand Awards.

    There are 3 books in Braille for c ookingfor and by the blind, the historical rstby Le Cordon Bleu in France, with theFoundation for the Blind Valentin Hauy,15 years ago. Then a Spanish cook-book, with the Basque Cooking Scooland the ONCE Foundation. Finally2 years ago a book by Omur Akkor,Turkey Cooking School and RotarianLadies Club . The authors of these 3

    cookbooks all came toreceive awards fromthe Gourmand WorldCookbook Awards. Au-thor Omur Akkor fromTurkey is expected inYantai for the Gour-mand Awards, Le Cor-don Bleu will be very


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     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


    T q- B.The heart of this presen-tation will comprise atutored tasting of a quin-tet of Médoc red wines,which have all beenawarded the recently re-launched Cru Bourgeoisclassication. These

    distinctive wines demonstrate great individuality withina family structure, and offer superb value.

    Bordeaux, together with much of western France, wasunder English rule for 300 years, and a pattern of tradeestablished. From the 17th century it was the Bourgeoiswho bought much of the land suitable for high qualityviticulture in the Médoc district. Today the award of t heCru Bourgeois classication is given to châteaux on anannual basis, after each wine has been tasted and as-sessed. This guarantees typicity and quality.

    This is a sit down talk and tasting and will last for aboutan hour. The presenter is Keith Grainger, InternationalBordeaux Wine Educator and Winner of the GourmandAward for the Best Wine Education Book in the World,1995 -2014.

    hChâteau Le Temple - Médoc

    hChâteau Maison Blanche - Médoc

    hChâteau du Raux – Haut- Médoc

    hChâteau Maucamps - Haut- Médoc

    hChâteau – d’Arche - Haut- Médoc

    Bordeaux tutored tastingA History of QualityWines and the Rebirthof Cru Bourgeois


    T G K S-  F.It was founded in 1904 at the Chateau ofMontreuil Bellay. It promotes the wines ofthe Angers and Saumur area.

    The inspiration for the Guild is writerFrancois Rabelais, born 500 years ago inthe Chinon area of the Loire Valley, closeto Saumur .He studied in Angers. Thecurrent Grand Master is Pierre Aguilas.

    A branch of the French Guild will becreate d in China in June 2016. Tom TaoHsu from Canaan estate in Huailai Valleywill be its Grand Master. He will comeMay 28 to Yantai and will present theSacavin with Guillaume Roussy, memberof the Sacavin , and ambassador of Sau-mur to its sister city of Penglai.



    Guillaume Roussy - Wang YouchangYantai Wine Bay -March 23, 2016

    The Yantai Wine Cluster


    Pula Valley (2015-2016)

    Pula Valley (2015-2016

    Runaway Cow Winery - Mulangou - Penglai (2017)

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY   Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY   Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


    T , z . ForFrance, it is strong in Alsace, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, Cote du Rhon e, Languedoc-Roussillon, LoireValley. There are also modern recent labels.

    Expo preparation

    "M , ", E C. He is organizing in Yan-tai in May-June 2016, the rst exhibition of a big wine

    label collection in China. It is one of the rst wine labelsexhibition of this size in the world. It is an important wineculture event. It is also a marketing exercise to betterunderstand Chinese and Western views of wine labelsThere will be awards for the best current wine labels.

    T xb 4 b 5, C. Most labels come frombottles that have been drunk over 20 years ago. Theyare very difcult to nd today. There are rarities, fromGruaud Larose 1918 and 1921, Haut Brion 1933, orthe younger Late 1953 or Cheval Blanc 1955. Othercountries rarities include a beautiful label from HungaryTokay 1936, the Portuguese Oporto Croft 1945, or thestar of Spain Vega Sicilia Unico 1966.

    Drinking te abe Wine Labels.Tianma Yantai Wine Bay.May-June 2016葡萄酒Labels.Tianma烟台葡萄酒湾。


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     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016




    ◗Te sea, te pier, te beac, te gardens

    West - The Gold RiverNorth - The Golden Beach, the pier, the seaEast - The Forest River and the woodsSouth - Changyu vineyards, across the roadThe Gold River really has gold, coming from theGold Hills, and bringing some gold to the GoldenBeach.


    20 minutes to the airport, 40 minutes to the trainstation and the center of town, 40 minutes to Penglaiby the Wine Chateaux Route, and one hour to PulaValley.

    ◗ Yantai West Bonded Port Area ( 2014 )

    On the other side of the Gold River.The main channel for wine imports.


    Yantai Wine Bay commercial centerPedestrian shopping streets


    Hilton 5-stars on the Golden beach with 300 roomsTujia 4-star Apartment-EcoHotel with 100 rooms,facing HiltonMarriott 5-stars ( 2017) on the beach next to theHilton.Sheraton Golden Beach 5-stars, 5 minutes by taxiKunlun hotel -4 -stars YEDA center,10 minutes bytaxi.


    New Taiwan Sanchunhui Community Hospital, forYantai Wine Bay residents and the neighbours

    下页 / NEXT PAGEC


     - Cambrige Bilingual Kindergarten - Yew Wah International school - Tianma Vellas International U3A University forolder people - Steinway Piano Exhibition Hall and EducationCenter

    ◗ Wine and Food

    Chinese and foreign cuisines restaurantsWine cellarsTastings and presentations

    ◗Events and entertaining

    Music concertFolk groups concertsBallet dancingArtists exhibitions



  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016




    TOP RESORT CITY I N CHINA IN 2013 AND 2014,attracting many from Beijing, Shanghai, Koreaand Japan, nearly no Westerners yet.- One of 4 happiest cities in China, in nat ional sur-vey 12-2014. The people are really nice a nd opento foreigners- Several sand beaches, beautiful waterfront, wellmaintained for kilometers.- Many star hotels and restaurants of all types

    - Many tourism sites, events, much culture andentertainment


    The sea and the winds from the North give Yantai amilder climate than Beijing, or Shanghai.Temperatures parallel Catalunya or Provence mostof the year. The best months are April - May - June, and Sep-tember- October.July August have some inuence from Southernwinds with mild monsoon tropical rains.

    The Winter sees a few days of snow, with a few verycold days


    Foreigners feel very secure in Yantai, everywhereand at all hours. It is a comfortable experiencefor women, and for older peole, treated with res-pect.


    - Yantai is at the center ofthe triangle Beijing- Shan-ghai - Seoul, to the East of

    Beijing, on the Bohai sea.- The district of Yantai has a population of 7 mil-lion.

    The local economy is growing faster than the restof China, thanks to tourism, cars (GM), consumergoods (LG), gold (100 tons/year), saphire, agricul-ture, and sea food.- The province of Shandong has a population of 96million. It is number one inChina for wheat, cotton,gold and diamonds.


    - The cost of living is approximately 30% less in Yantai than in Beijing,often considerably less for housing or food. There is no difference forclothing, and imported products.- Compared with the West, the cost of living in a very comfortable Chinesestyle is a fraction of the West. For local seafood, vegetables andfruits, thecost is approximately 1/5.- For real estate buying or renting, the cost is still very low compared toWestern resorts, while the quality is high.


    There is much less pollution than in most big cities,thanks to the winds and the sea. Yantai and thenearby peninsula have remained mostly agricultu-ral, with limited heavy industry. The other big citiesare far.


    The Edouard Cointreau Library


    THE EDOUARD COINTREAU LIBRARY  OF FOOD AND WINE BOOKS  IS THE NUMBER  ONE  IN THE  WORLD FOR  BOOKS  PUBLISHED  IN  THE  LAST  20  YEARS.There are books in dozens of languages,though the number one language is En-glish with 40 %, followed by French 20%,Spanish 15%, German 5%. . It is now inMadrid, Spain.The collection receives every year over

    1000 new books from the GourmandAwards, the best from the many thousandsreceived by the Gourmand Awards. Onlythe winners for each country are included.Many books are rare editions, with verysmall printings. Most books are out of p rintor impossible to nd. We value equally thebestseller from the US or Brazil, and inno-vative reference books with a specializedaudience. For instance, we treasure therecipe book published in Roseau, Domi-nica, written by Japanese, or the Rodri-gues, Mauritius book on th e same subject,recipes for squids and octopus . We nowprint often digital books which disappearquickly from internet.The collection has been exhibited in over two dozen ins-titutions, museums and art galleries, including

    - Paris Beaubourg Pompidou Museum of Modern Art- University of Amsterdam- Orebro University, Sweden, sister City of Yantai- Artron Books Art Galleries, Beijing, Shenzhen, Shan-ghai

    We usually receive three copiesof each book, sometimes more asanyone can enter books. Duplicatecookbooks from the collection havebeen given to the National Libra-ries in several countries such as AbuDhabi or Malaysia, or Hospitality andCooking schools such as Le CordonBleu, Institut Bocuse or Chef Ramzi'sFoundation in Lebanon.

    - Size - The library includes approximatelya total of 20000 books There are 9278different books, includ ing 1417 wine books. These books do not move. The others areduplicates for research, lending, and sen-ding for exhibitions araund the world.- Display - If the books are put side by sidevertically, they total 600 meters of shelves.For exhibitions we recommend a scenicdisplay, including showcases for the mostspectacular books. The most experiencedin China for book exhibitions is ArtronBooks. They exhibited the Edouard Coin-treau Collection with 550 books in Beijingfor one month in May 2014 " Cookbooksare Art Books ".- The librarians - The head librarian for over20 years was Oscar Yanez. He passe d awayin October 2014 after a short and painfulillness. It did disrupt the Awards processin 2014 for a while. Oscar was essential tothe building of the library , from the start.His passion for books was unequalled. Heunderstood better than most professionalthe social and human value of books, andcookbooks. He seemed to always have abook in his hands. He really cared aboutauthors, and always tried to help. He isnearly impossible to replace. We have twoother librarians, who have worked with

    Oscar for years, and can take over now. Theteam at Gourmand International is uent in more than tenlanguages, which is a great help.

    The future of the libraryNumerous institutions ask us fordonations. A few would want tobe the permanent headquartersof the collection, to complementtheir City of Gastronomy, or theirCity of Wine. We would like thecollection to be open to profes-sionals and the public, to resear-chers, writers, trade and tourism.It is most interesting to see thediversity of design and content

    of books of the whole world next to each other. It isbeautiful for those who love books, and « Cook withwords »  

       ©    F

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     © Fotos : Tibor BÁRÁNY 

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     YANTAI WINE BAY  New sletter  Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY  New sletter  Number 14 - June 2016


    Food / 食品

    FOUNDED  IN PARIS  IN 1895, LE CORDON BLEU  HAS  BECOME  ONE  OF  THE  LEADERS IN CULINARY  AND HOSPITALITY  EDUCATION,WITH  ITS  NETWORK   OF  50 SCHOOLS, LO-CATED  IN  20 COUNTRIES, TRAINING  MORE THAN 20 000 STUDENTS EVERY   YEAR. Gra-duates of over 90 different nationalities,become entrepreneurial leaders andrepresentatives of the French Culinary

    Arts.Under the chairmanship of Mr. AndréCointreau, Le Cordon Bleu has beenpresent on the international stage formany years thanks to thedevelopment of a range oftop quality training programsincluding restaurant mana-gement, wine studies awar-ding degrees, masters andMBAs in Hotel Managementand Tourism and on-line pro-grams.Le Cordon Bleu has broade-ned its educational scopethrough publications ofbooks in collaborationwith prominent publishers.Since its inception, Le Cor-don Bleu regularly publishes cookbooksand magazines for professionals andaspiring Chefs as well as for amateurs.Many books of of Le Cordon Bleu havereached a global audience, and some

    have become a reference.Signicant publications that havemarked Le Cordon Bleu history : “LaCuisinière Cordon Bleu” magazinecreated in 1895 by the journalist MartheDistel lasted 60 years. Readers were therst to be of fered cuisine lessons.

    “Le Cordon Bleu at Home” was therst Le Cordon Bleu cookbook to bepublished in English in 1991 by WilliamMorrow Inc in the United States.In 1995 Le Cordon Bleu launched in Ja-

    pan the series “Sabrina’s dream ”thenpublished in Korea and in China byChina Light Industry Press.Murdoch and Le Cordon Bleu launchedin 1998, the “Le Cordon Bleu HomeCollection”a successful series of 26titles which has been translated into 17languages.In 1998-1999, “Le Cordon Bleu Quick

    Classic” and ”Le Cordon Bleu DessertTechniques”were published by Cas-sel UK. The same year the Wiley andSons “Professional Cooking” book was

    released.In 2000,” Le Cordon BleuWine Essentials” was re-leased and awarded theBest in the World Wine Edu-cation Book by GourmandAward.In 2008, Le Cordon Bleu andLarousse published “TheChocolate Bible”, which

    has been translated inmany languages. A nextCollector edition is to belaunched this year.

    To support the culinary heritage of lo-cal communities and demonstrate thatlocal products can be successfully pre-pared with French culinary techniques,Le Cordon Bleu has contributed to thepublication of several books such as

    “Korean Kimchi & Le Cordon Bleu” in2006, “Quinua, herencia de los Andes”and “La Papa, del antiguo Perú al mun-do moder no”.

    In March 2012, "Somtum, a meeting ofavors, tastes & cultures", produced byLe Cordon Bleu Dusit in Thailand, wasawarded rst prize in the Asia categoryat the "17th Annual Gourmand WorldCookbook Awards”.“The Cuisine and Pastry Le CordonBleu Foundations” were published byDelmar Cengage Learning in 2012.



    Le Cordon Bleu Paris8, rue Léon Delhomme75015 Paris, FranceT: +33 (0)1 53 68 22 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu JapanLe Cordon Bleu Tokyo CampusLe Cordon Bleu Kobe CampusRoob-1, 28-13 Sarugaku-Cho,Daikanyama, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150-0033, Japan

    T : +81 3 5489 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu MadridUniversidad Francisco de VitoriaCtra. Pozuelo-MajadahondaKm. 1,800Pozuelo de Alarcón, 28223Madrid, SpainT: +34 91 715 10 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu IstanbulÖzyeğin UniversityÇekmeköy CampusNişantepe Mevkii, Orman Sokak,No:13,Alemdağ, Çekmeköy 34794Istanbul, TurkeyT: +90 216 564 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu LibanUSEK University – KaslikRectorat B.P. 446 Jounieh – LebanonT: +961 9640 664/[email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu KoreaSookmyung Women's University,7th Fl., Social Education Bldg.,Cheongpa-ro 47gil 100, Yongsan-Ku,Seoul, 140-742 KoreaT: +82 2 719 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu USAOne Bridge Plaza NSuite 275Fort Lee, NJ USA 07024T: +1 201 490 [email protected]

    www.cordonbleu.edue-mail: [email protected]

    André Cointreau

    FURTHERMORE, LE  CORDON  BLEU  REGULARLY   SHARES ITS EXPERTISE BY  CONTRIBUTING TO CULINARY  MAGAZINES SUCH  AS  “RÉGAL”, JOURNAL  DE  PÂTISSIER  (FRANCE),SO GOOD (SPAIN), “SHIBATA” (JAPAN), “CHEF ART”(RUSSIA), AND “NUTRIÇAO” (BRAZil).Hollywood studios have also focused their atten-tion on Le Cordon Bleu. In 1954 they immortalizedAudrey Hepburn on screen when she visited theParis school, as part of the launch of the lm Sa -

    brina. In 2009, Le Cordon Bleu network of schoolsplayed a role in the success of the lm Julie & Julia,which tells the story of the life of Le Cordon BleuParis alumni Julia Child. In 2014, one of the bookswas even the Indian Chef’s source of inspiration inthe American dramatic comedy The Hundred-FootJourney.Signicant events have also marked the institu -tion’s history and enabled Le Cordon Bleu to gaininternational recognition.In 1995, Le Cordon Bleu was chosen by the Shan-ghai Ministry of Tourism to train the rst ever stu-dents from the People’s Republic of China at itsParis School. The opening of a school in Shanghaion April 27, 2015 is an example of a rst joint-ven-ture ever signed between the Chinese governmentand a private entity, in the eld of training.

    This year, Le Cordon Bleu continues its expansion,with half a dozen School openings planned overthe ve continents. Rio de Janeiro’s governmenthave asked Le Cordon Bleu to open a school inpreparation for the 2016 Olympic Games, in whichtwenty percent of scholarships are for studentsfrom underprivileged backgrounds.Le Cordon Bleu Paris has been unrelenting in its

    commitment to welcome students from all over theworld. A major project is currently underway, onthe banks of the Seine, which will be one of themost important culinary and hospitality institutionin Paris.



    Le Cordon Bleu Shanghai2F, Building 1, No. 1458 Pu Dong NanRoad,Shanghai China 200122T: +86 400 118 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu AustraliaLe Cordon Bleu Adelaide CampusLe Cordon Bleu Sydney CampusLe Cordon Bleu Melbourne CampusLe Cordon Bleu Perth CampusDays Road, Regency ParkSouth Australia 5010, AustraliaFree call (Australia only) : 1 800 064802T: +61 8 8346 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa453 Laurier Avenue EastOttawa, Ontario, K1N 6R4, CanadaT: +1 613 236 CHEF(2433)Toll free +1 888 289 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu MexicoUniversidad Anáhuac North CampusAv. Universidad Anáhuac No. 46, Col.Lomas AnáhuacHuixquilucan, Edo. De Mex. C.P.52786, MéxicoT: +52 55 5627 0210 ext. 7132 / [email protected]

    Universidad Le Cordon Bleu Peru(ULCB)Le Cordon Bleu Peru InstitutoLe Cordon Bleu CordontecAv. Nuñez de Balboa 530Mirafores, Lima 18, PeruT: +51 1 617 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu New ZealandLevel 2, 48-54 Cuba StreetWellington, 6142 New ZealandT: +64 4 [email protected]



    Le Cordon Bleu London15 Bloomsbury SquareLondon WC1A 2LSUnited KingdomT: +44 (0) 207 400 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu Thailand946 The Dusit Thani Building

    Rama IV Road, SilomBangrak, Bangkok10500 ThailandT: +66 2 237 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu MalaysiaSunway UniversityNo. 5, Jalan Universiti, Bandar Sunway,46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor DE,MalaysiaT: +603 5632 [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu IndiaG D Goenka UniversitySohna Gurgaon RoadSohna, HaryanaIndia T: +91 880 099 20 22 / 23 / [email protected]

    Le Cordon Bleu ChileUniversidad Finis TerraeAvenida Pedro de Valdivia 1509ProvidenciaSantiago de ChileT: +56 24 20 72 23

    Le Cordon Bleu Rio de JaneiroRua da Passagem, 179CEP : 22290-031Botafogo, Rio de JaneiroBrasil

    Le Cordon Bleu TaiwanNKUHT UniversityMing-Tai Institute4F, No. 200, Sec. 1, Keelung RoadTaipei 110, TaiwanT: 886 2 7725-3600 / 886 975226418

    Food / 食品

    Te new le Cordon BeuScoo Paris wi open on

    June 22, 2016

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  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  New sletter  Number 14 - June 2016


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016


    BIBF - Beijing InternationalBook Fair


    oiThe largest foreign rights trade platform in Asia

    oi90% of Chinese publishers participate

    oiThird largest book rights trade platform in the world

    oi Very close to the Beijing Airport

    oiIn the China International Exhibition Center, North East of the capital center

    oiClose to the Great Wall to the North West , the wineries of the Huailai Valleyand Hebei , and the sites of the Winter Olympics 2022.

    New Food and Wine areaat BIBF


    Yuan JiaYang and Edouard Cointreau, signing

    On May 28, BIBF and Gourmand signed a longterm agreement to develop a new Food and Winearea at the BIBF. They will build together a culturaland business culinary bridge between China and othercountries. The agreement starts from 2016.On August 24-28, 2016, there will an attractive spaceoperated by Gourmand :

    jfor Chinese and international visitors andexhibitors

    jfor book professionals, for foreign rights tradeand international cooperation

    jfor food and wine professionals, for international-cooperation

    jfor professionals to meet the public

    jfor the public to have a culture, lifestyle andentertainment feast

    It will be the exclusive and only food and wine areaat BIBF. There will be stands, conferences, food andwine tastings, book presentations kitchen theatershows, book exhibitions. Gourmand will also operate abusiness center to facilitate contacts between visitorsand exhibitors.

  • 8/16/2019 Book Cook Award


     YANTAI WINE BAY  Newsletter  Number 14 - June 2016

    Le Cordon Bleu Paris : a new campus for summer 2016

    L C B, ’ CA H M, b P J ,. Overlooking the Seine riverand the Statue of Liberty, Le Cor-don Bleu sits alongside Beaugre-nelle shopping centre, near the Eif-fel Tower. With an ever increasingdemand for training programmesin the Culinary Arts and wine, hoteland restaurant management, LeCordon Bleu will welcome morethan 1 000 students every year.

    The 4 000 square meters agship institute is tted outwith ultramodern equipment and boasts the latesttechnology with particular emphasis on the use of digi-tal systems. Built of aluminium and glass, the building’s

    design was envisaged with the latest environmentalnorms in mind enabling it to be eco-friendly.

    This new contemporary building will providestudents with :

    7 practical classrooms for cuisine, pastry and bou-langerie lessons, including one classroom that hasbeen specially designed for teaching Asian cuisine:Thai, Japanese and Chinese.

    3 demonstration rooms

    1 cellar-style room dedicated to Wine and Mana-gement

    6 modular classrooms which can be transformedinto a 420 m² function room

    1 student area with multimedia equipment and alarge library with a wide selection of internationalculinary books and magazines

    1 boutique with a range of products and gour-met gifts all carefully selected by Le Cordon BleuChefs, as well as an array of cuisine and pastryequipment

    1 workshop dedicated to individual or group les-sons for cuisine amateurs

    Le Cordon Bleu Café gives students and passers by theopportunity to try a range of quality goods either onsite or at home.

    One of the building’s innovations is its roof which hasbeen transformed into a vegetable garden measuring

    more than 800 m². The garden is energy autonomous :the heat from the kitchen hoods is collected and usedto heat the green house, a rainwater tank enables thegarden to be watered and a number of composterssupply fertilizer. Beehives also provide the school’s

    honey. The garden allows students to learn about howfruit, vegetables, herbs and edible owers are grownin an urban setting. It also provides some of the freshingredients for cuisine lessons.