bonfire night handel_katy_perry_and_guy_fawkes

Celebrations •We celebrate when we remember something special. Christians celebrate Christmas. They remember the birth of Jes

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Celebrations We celebrate when we remember something special. Christians celebrate Christmas. They remember the birth of Jesus

2. What do you celebrate each year? 3. Celebrations What happened on November 5th? 4. Does this give you a clue?Video press to play Can you twist and jump like the people in the video? 5. Celebrations On November in England, we remember a man called Guy Fawkes who lived many years ago. th, 5 6. Guy Fawkes. .What do you notice about his clothes? 7. He planned (plotted) to blow up an important place in London. 8. This is the place he tried to blow up. It is called the Houses of Parliament 9. We celebrate the fact that he was caught ! We celebrate on November 5th 10. Celebrations Why do you think we have bonfires and a guy? 11. A VERY OLD POEM 12. What else do we have on bonfire night? Click to reveal 13. A composer called Handel wrote this music for fireworks over 200 years ago. We can copy the movements of the fireworks. Rise, explode and gently scatter yourself to the groundVideo Press to playFrom YouTube