blue badge reform assessments - event - 28 march 2012 - presentation - bill brash opening


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Bill Brash opening presentation


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28 March 2012

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Bill Brash

Transport Scotland


28 March 2012

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LA responsibility

LAs are responsible for:• administration;• enforcement;

• eligibility;• residency and identity checks; and• setting the badge fee to be charged locally.

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Why Review the Blue Badge Scheme?

• 270,000 Blue Badges issued in Scotland as at 31 March 2011. • Around 100% increase in number of badges since 1997.• Inconsistent application of eligibility criteria.• Current system unsustainable. • Widespread abuse, fraud and misuse.• To improve customer service.• Operational difficulties with enforcement.

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• Disabled Persons’ Parking Places (Scotland) Act 2009.

• Establishment of Blue Badge Reform Working Group in June 2009.

Local authorities;NHS;British Parking Association; College of Occupational Therapists; andMobility & Access Committee for Scotland.

• Issued questionnaire to LAs in September 2009.

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Blue Badge Reform Consultation

Consulted on 7 major areas:

1. Eligibility Criteria.

2. Eligibility Assessments.

3. Enforcement.

4. Badge Design & Security.

5. Administration.

6. Organisational Badges.

7. Concessions.

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Consultation Analysis Report

•We received 515 responses.•Consultation Analysis Report Published in December 2010.

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•Receive the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance (HRMCDLA).•Blind and registered blind.•Receive War Pensioners Mobility Supplement.•Seriously disabled service personnel/veterans.



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• Unable to walk or virtually unable to walk due to a permanent and substantial disability.

• Drivers with severe disabilities in both arms and unable to operate a parking meter.

• Children <3 that require bulky medical equipment. • Children <3 that require to be kept near a motor vehicle.• Unable to walk or virtually unable to walk due to a

temporary but substantial disability lasting over 12 months and under 3 years.

Eligible Subject to Assessment


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Assessments Background

• Responses to the Questionnaire in 2009 stated many LAs used the individual’s GPs for all applicants that required to be assessed.

• GP assessments based on medical condition not functionality.

• Responses to the Consultation in 2010 stated independent mobility assessments would be more objective and consistent.

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Secondary Legislation – January 2012

• Introduce Independent Mobility Assessments when an applicant’s eligibility under the “unable or virtually unable to walk” criteria is in doubt.

• Introduced as from 1 September 2012.

• Defines “Independent Mobility Assessors”.

• Guidance contained in “Code of Practice”.

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“independent mobility assessor” means a person (“person A”) who at the time of any assessment of another person (“person B”) for the purposes of the certification referred to in regulation 4(2)(f) or (g)—

(a) is recognised by the local authority to which the application for a disabled person’s badge is being made as—(i) holding a professional qualification, the obtaining of which involved person A being trained in the assessment of a person’s ability to walk; and(ii) having the expertise necessary to assess on behalf of the local authority the ability to walk of person B;

(b) has never been employed or engaged as a provider of medical services to person B where “medical services” includes all forms of medical treatment and investigations to establish whether treatment is needed but does not include an assessment conducted to establish whether person B is eligible for services provided by a local authority (including the provision of a disabled person’s badge); and

(c) is not, in the opinion of the local authority, precluded by reason of personal or commercial relationship with person B from providing an independent assessment of person B’s ability to walk;

Secondary Legislation – January 2012

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• Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates will transfer funding of £720,000 from health budgets to local authorities on a permanent recurring basis with effect from 1 April 2012.

• Distributed on the basis of Grant Aided Expenditure (GAE) plus Special Islands Needs Allowance (SINA).

• Actual Allocation to local authorities to go through the formal COSLA approval process.


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• Collaborative funding arrangements to pay GPs have been in place since 1982.

• Collaborative funding will remain in place until 31 August 2012.

• Health Circular issued on 12 March 2012.


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10:50 View from Blue Badge Holders 11:00 Application Process 11:40 Table Exercise 12:00 LUNCH 12:30 Application Process Q&A13:00 Experience from Integrated Transport Planning13:30 Assessment in Practice 14:00 Q&A 14:45 Wrap Up 15:00 Close