black power & black nationalism african-american history


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Page 1: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Black Power & Black Nationalism

African-American History

Page 2: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Background: 1800s Many whites favored colonization in 1800s

American Colonization Society founded Liberia in 1821 for that purpose, but only 12,000 went there

Dr. Martin Delaney led emigration movement in 1850s – 1860s 20,000 emigrated to Canada & Haiti in early 1800s

Bishop Henry M. Turner called for limited colonization of Africa in late 1800s Calculated U.S. gov’t owed ex-slaves $40 billion, & wanted

some of that money to fund emigration Southern white Senators introduced bill in 1890 to fund


Page 3: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Background: 1900s Marcus Garvey’s UNIA made

black nationalism popular in the 1920s

Cyril V. Briggs & Oscar Brown called for separate black “49th state”

F.S. Cherry founded Church of God in Philadelphia in 1915, claiming blacks were really Falasha Jews from Ethiopia

Marcus Garvey

Page 4: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Black Muslims Timothy Drew (Noble Drew Ali) formed Moorish-

American Science Temple in Newark, NJ in 1913 Wallace D. Fard appeared in Detroit in July 1930,

claiming to be prophet from Mecca Claimed blacks were lost tribe of Shabazz Evil scientist Yakub created race of white devils, who were

given 6,000 years to rule over the Black Nation Elijah (Poole) Muhammad took over leadership of

Nation of Islam following W.D. Fard’s disappearance from Chicago in 1934

Page 5: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Malcolm X & the Nation of Islam Malcolm Little was son

of Baptist preacher and UNIA organizer

Joined Nation of Islam in prison in 1948; Minister of Harlem temple in 1954

Broke with Nation in March 1964 & made pilgrimage to Mecca

Founded Organization of Afro-American Unity

Murdered in Feb. 1965

Malcolm X and Elijah Mohammad

Page 6: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Malcolm X’s Message Attacked King & others as

“Uncle Toms” Said integration was false

goal: what was needed was real revolution

Argued ghettoes were white creations

Rejected Christianity as slaveowners’ religion of white supremacy

Malcolm X speaking at Harlem rally

Page 7: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

The Appeal of Black Nationalism & the Nation of Islam

Black nationalism always appealed to Northern blacks more than Southern blacks Southerners could believe rest of U.S. wasn’t racist Northerners knew better

Islam better suited to black nationalism because it lacks the concept of grace Christianity requires one to love & forgive enemies Islam emphasizes divine justice & retribution

American Christianity cast in white, middle-class mold Islam’s strict ascetic code addressed problems of

ghettoes through self-help

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Pan-Africanism African Americans related to

colonial experience of Africans (and Asians)

Immanuel Wallersteins’s world system thesis provided Marxist explanation for colonialism

Independence of African nations seen as model

Page 9: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Black Power New SNCC leaders

Stokely Carmichael & Rap Brown abandon nonviolent strategy and goal of integration in 1966

CORE followed suit in 1967 under Floyd McKissick

Black Panthers founded in Oakland in 1966 by Huey Newton & Bobby Seale

Stokely Carmichael, 1970

H. Rap Brown

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Black Power Ideology Insisted on being called

“Black” to assert that “Black is beautiful”

Threatened violence, especially in retaliation for police brutality

Condemned Vietnam War as unjust continuation of colonial rule over people of color

Bobby Seale & Huey Newton

Page 11: Black Power & Black Nationalism African-American History

Black Studies

San Francisco State introduced 1st Black Studies program under Nathan Hare

Antioch College est. Afro-American Studies Institute that excluded whites Kenneth Clark resigned in protest

Militants at Cornell demanded separate Black College of Black Studies in 1968