b.inggris bab 3_7 smp

KELAS 7 SMP B. INGGRIS BAB III KOMPILASI 1 1. Refa: Do you know that acid and base can be identified by taste and bitter? Ruth : Yes, but they are not safe ways. Refa: Why do you say that? Ruth: Because some of them are poisonous and corrosive. What can be identified by taste and sour? a. Acid and base. b. Poisonous and corrosive. c. Acid and poisonous. d. Base and corrosive. 2. What does Refa want to do? a. To inform acid and base. b. To ask acid and base. c. To explain acid and base. d. To describe acid and base. Text for question number 3 – 4. Jessica : What do the peoplee use to measure something in the past? Riri : They use part of their body such as fathoms, span, and step. Jessica : But, they are not standard because they have different part of their bodies, are they? Riri : Yes you’re right. So they found the standard measurement called International System such as meter for length, second for time, and kilogram for mass. Jessica : I see, thanks. 3. What does Riri want to do? a. To ask about the measurement. b. To describe the measurement. c. To explain the measurement. d. To find the measurement. 4. The last people used part of their body … something. a. to get c. to measure b. to make d. to do 5. John : Excuse me, Sir. I’m sorry for being late. Teacher : Why are you late? John : I got into traffic jam. Teacher : You have to leave home earlier next time. John : Yes, Sir. I promise not to be late again. Teacher : Now, sit down. John : Thank you. Teacher : …. a. By all mean. c. Don’t worry. b. Not at all d. Never mind. 6. Sarah : I’m awfully sorry. I forgot to bring your dictionary Dini : … . I can borrow it in the library. Sarah : So, let’s go to the library. a. Don’t mention it. c. Don’t be angry. b. It doesn’t matter. d. It’s very nice. 7. Teacher : Come here Rendi. Where’s your homework? Rendi : … , Sir. I left it at home. Teacher : Promise to submit it tomorrow, okay? Rendi : Yes, Sir. I’ll do. a. I’m sorry c. That’s a good idea b. It’s too bad d. Excuse me 8. Mr. Robby : Excuse me, is this principal’s office? 1 |smart SSC Pondok Bambu

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1. Refa : Do you know that acid and base can be identified by taste and bitter?

Ruth : Yes, but they are not safe ways.Refa : Why do you say that?Ruth : Because some of them are poisonous and

corrosive.What can be identified by taste and sour?a. Acid and base.b. Poisonous and corrosive.c. Acid and poisonous.d. Base and corrosive.

2. What does Refa want to do?a. To inform acid and base.b. To ask acid and base.c. To explain acid and base.d. To describe acid and base.

Text for question number 3 – 4.Jessica : What do the peoplee use to measure

something in the past?Riri : They use part of their body such as fathoms,

span, and step.Jessica : But, they are not standard because they have

different part of their bodies, are they?Riri : Yes you’re right. So they found the standard

measurement called International System such as meter for length, second for time, and kilogram for mass.

Jessica : I see, thanks.3. What does Riri want to do?

a. To ask about the measurement.b. To describe the measurement.c. To explain the measurement.d. To find the measurement.

4. The last people used part of their body … something.a. to get c. to measureb. to make d. to do

5. John : Excuse me, Sir. I’m sorry for being late.Teacher : Why are you late?John : I got into traffic jam.Teacher : You have to leave home earlier next

time.John : Yes, Sir. I promise not to be late again.Teacher : Now, sit down.John : Thank you.Teacher : ….a. By all mean. c. Don’t worry.b. Not at all d. Never mind.

6. Sarah : I’m awfully sorry. I forgot to bring your dictionary

Dini : … . I can borrow it in the library.Sarah : So, let’s go to the library.

a. Don’t mention it. c. Don’t be angry.b. It doesn’t matter. d. It’s very nice.

7. Teacher : Come here Rendi. Where’s your homework?

Rendi : … , Sir. I left it at home.Teacher : Promise to submit it tomorrow, okay?Rendi : Yes, Sir. I’ll do.a. I’m sorry c. That’s a good ideab. It’s too bad d. Excuse me

8. Mr. Robby : Excuse me, is this principal’s office?Mrs. Anna : No, it’s teacher’s room.Mr. Robby : … where the principal’s office is?Mrs. Anna : Certainly. It’s upstairs, right above this

room.Mr. Robby : Thank you.Mrs. Anna : You’re welcome.a. Do you want to know c. May I help youb. Could you tell me d. Can I show you

From no. 9 to no. 15 complete the sentences and change the verbs in the brackets into the correct forms!Hello! My name (9)_________________ (be) Teresa and I (10)____________ (collect) posters. My brother Andy (11)___________(make) model aeroplanes and (12)__________ (fly) them in the garden. They often (13)________________(crash). The walls of my room (14)___________ ( be ) full of posters and the garden (15) ___________ (be) full of broken aeroplanes!9. a. is c. are

b. am d. be10. a. collects c. collect

b. collecting d. collected11. a. make c. made

b. making d. makes12. a. fly c. flying

b. flies d. flied13. a. crash c. crashed

b. crashes d. crashing14. a. am c. are

b. is d. be15. a. is c. be

b. am d. are

Text for questions number 16 – 19.The International System of Units is a system of units that are practical to use in the laboratory. They are commonly referred to as SI units, from the initials of the French words Système International. The SI unit of electrical current is the ampere (amp), which is defined as 0.1 amperes. The SI unit of electrical quantity is the coulomb, the amount of electricity passing a given point

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KELAS 7 SMP B. INGGRISin a circuit in 1 second when a current of 1 ampere is flowing. The volt (V) is the SI unit of potential difference. It is equal to 100 million volts and can be defined as the potential difference existing between two points when 1 joule (10 million ergs) of work is required to move 1 coulomb of electricity from one of the points to the other. The SI unit of electrical work is the watt. It represents the generation or use of electrical energy at the rate of 1 joule per second. The kilowatt is equal to 1000 watts.

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16. A system of units that are practical to use in the laboratory is called … .a. standard of system unitsb. an ampere of system unitsc. international system of unitsd. standard of measurements

17. What is the SI unit of electrical work?a. the voltage c. the energyb. the electricity d. the watt

18. It’s a picture of …a. Electrical voltb. Electrical workc. Electrical energyd. Electric meters

19. The SI unit of electrical quantity is the coulomb, the amount of electricity passing a given point in a circuit in 1 second when a current of 1 ampere is flowing.

The underlined word means …a. the quantity c. the equalb. the quality d. the degree

20. Where/they/ go/ swimming/?.The correct question from the jumbled word is…a. Where do go swimming you?b. Where you go swimming?c. Do you go swimming where?d. Where do you go swimming?

21. Teacher : Your classroom is very dirty. Keep clean the classroom!

Students: Yes, Sir.The dialogue above means students have to …a. clean the board c. tidy up the roomb. sweep the floor d. throw the rubbish

22. The instruction for this picture means …a. Don’t show your teethb. Don’t bite your fingerc. Don’t keep your smiled. Don’t open your mouth

23. What is the right answer for this statement?Don’t … the spoonful of acid solution into theglass.a. pour c. pouringb. poured d. pours

Read the back to school shopping list to answer the questions 24 to 26.24.

What is the function of the list above?a. To pay things that we want to buy.b. To write things that we want to buy.c. To remind things that we want to buy.d. To memorize things that we want to buy.

25. How many books does the writer want to buy?a. 21 c. 23b. 22 d. 24

26. There _________ some beautiful parks in Parisa. Is c. areb. am d. isn’t

Read this poem to answer questions 27 to 29. FootballEverybody waits for the playThey want it night and dayNo matter how much they payAs it makes them happy As far as foot can walk Children – parents are fond ofOn the road and square they match Till the sun is red in west.27. Who likes football?

a. children c. parentsb. adult d. children – parents

28. Where do they play?a. On the road and square.b. On the field and square.c. On the hall and square.d. On the stadium and square.

29. What time do they end their play?a. night and morning.b. night and day.c. night and afternoon.d. night and mid day

From no. 30 to 32 complete the dialogue below!Mrs. Haris : Excuse _______(30).Librarian : Sure. What can I do for you?Mrs. Haris : I forget to return the book today.Librarian : OK, don’t ________(31) to return it

tomorrow.Mrs. Haris : Sure I promise.

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No Name of thing Quantity1 book 2 dozen2 bag 1 piece3 crayon 1 pack4 ruler 1 piece5 shoe 1 pairs6 shock 1 pairs7 Pencil 2 pieces8 pen 2 pieces9 uniform 3 pairs10 hat 1 piece

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KELAS 7 SMP B. INGGRISLibrarian : It’s okay.Mrs. Haris : _________(32) very much.30. a. me c. you

b. I d. we31. a. forgetting c. forget

b. forgot d. forgetful32. a. Ok c. thank you

b. Thank d. all right33. There _________ a beautiful picture in my class

rooma. is c. amb. are d. aren`t

34. Say the right time!a. It’s five to ten o’clockb. It’s five past fifty minutesc. It’s ten to five o’clockd. It’s four past ten minutes

35. Look at the traffic sign! It means …a. the road is windingb. the road is slipperyc. the car may not enter this streetd. there are a lot of winding turns

36. Switch of all electronic appliance when you don’t need them.We will find such kind of instruction in the following places, except …a. at home c. in the officeb. at school d. along the street

Read the text and answer questions and answer number 37 and 38.Dear Mira,I am sorry I have to tell you that I can’t come to our house to work on our project as we have planned before. Unexpected thing happens. My grandma must be hospitalized soon. I’ll tell you about our plan later.37. From the message above we know that …

a. Dinda and Mira have to work together on their project

b. Dinda’s grandma involves in the projectc. Dinda and her grandma will meet Mira at the

hospitald. Dinda expects Mira to stay in the hospital with

her38. What is Dinda’s purpose to write such kind of

message?a. To tell about her sick grandma.b. To give information about the delay of an

activity.c. To ask Mira to work on their project.d. To persuade Mira to change the project.

39. Defy, don’t forget our appointment to study together.I wait you at my home at 3 p.m. be punctual

CU…. NisaI wait you at my home at 3 p.m. be punctual!The underlined word refers to …a. Defy c. Both of themb. Nisa d. Neither both of them

40. NO ENTRYACCESS FOR RESIDENTS ONLYWhat does the information mean? a. We are not allowed to enter the area.b. We are allowed to enter the area.c. We have to enter the area.d. We do not enter the area.

41. What does the following text mean?

Students … wear face shield, gloves and apron when they add water or acid to batteries.a. may c. mustn’tb. have to d. shouldn’t

Read the text and answer questions 42 to 44Rica, I think I don’t need to join my school extracurricular activity today. My teacher passed away at Sari Husada Hospital this morning. He was my favorite teacher you know. I will miss him so much. May God always bless him and he can rest in peace. Btw, can you accompany me to go to his house to express my condolence? All my classmates have been there now.Sender Puspa: 05:15 am42. Puspa wants to visit her teacher who … at the

Husada hospital.a. accompanied her c. is hospitalizedb. came with him d. has just died

43. The text shows us that the students …a. miss all their activities.b. hate their teacher’s death.c. like the teacher very much.d. want to work at the hospital.

44. May God always bless him and he can rest in peace. “The sentence is used to …a. respect one’s positionb. express one’s prayerc. make someone feel happyd. accompany someone’s friend

45. Read the following caution!DO NOT LEAVE THE GAS COOKER UNATTENDED

WHEN ON!Where do we possibly find such kind of caution?a. In the garage c. In the living room

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Caution Wear pace shield gloves and apron when adding water or acid to batteries. Teacher of Natural Science Hidayat

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KELAS 7 SMP B. INGGRISb. In the kitchen d. In the dining room

The text is for question 46 and 47.Sari, we can’t type our science report in my house because my PC is error. We will do it again after I repair it. I’m sorry.Thanks,Tiara46. Where will Sari and Tiara type science report?

a. At school c. In Tiara’s houseb. In Sari’s house d. At a rental computer

47. What is the purpose of the text above?a. To tell Sari that science report typing will be

cancelled.b. To tell Sari that Tiara will repair her computer.c. To tell Sari that Tiara’s computer is error.d. To tell Sari to type the science report.

48. TURN OFF THE COMPUTER BEFORE BEGINNING THE INSTALATIONThe caution means …a. The computer is supposed to be switched on

when you want to install it.b. You may not start doing installation when the

computer is still on.c. You have to install the computer when it cannot

be switched off.d. The computer is broken you cannot switch it on.

49. SIDE WALK FOR PEDESTRIANS ONLYIt means that only people who go ... can use the sidewalk.a. By car c. On footb. On bikes d. On wheels

50. NO SMOKINGThe notice means ....a. A.People are forbiden to smoke here.b. B.Smoking is prerequisite.c. C.Not all visitor here smoke.d. D.Cigarrete are not sold here.


The following are what the sender expects from Dea, except ....a. Going to bed now.b. Stop learning now.c. Meeting her on Thursday.d. Seeing her as soon as possible.

52. When was the short message sent?a. At mid night c. In the afternoonb. In the evening d. In the morning


Where will the graduation party be held?a. At Osis room.b. On Sudirman street.c. At Nusantara school.d. At Art room Pramesti Hotel

54. How long is the graduation party carried out?a. 2 hours. c. 9 hours.b. 3 hours. d. 11 hours


56. When do the members have meeting ?a. In the morning.b. On Thursday afternoon.c. On Thursday morning.d. In the afternoon at three o’clock.

57. Where do they have the meeting ?a. In the ECC’s meeting room.b. In the VIIA classroom.c. At the school hall.d. At the cafetaria.

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LINDADEA, it’s 11.30 pm.now. have a nice sleep.coz e’thing u’ve learn’ll b useless if u’r sleepy while doing d test.C u on thurs.Option Back

All Students of Grade 9You are invited to:


Day/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of July 2010Time : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m.Venue : Art Room Pramesti HotelJl. Sudirman kav. 9 – 11 Bandung

AnnouncementEnglish Conversation Club (SCC)is opening registration for new membersjoin us and improve your English!Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hallFor registration, please contactWayan (VIIA) Anissa (VIIB)