binder alo orientation 2015 arc.pdf

New ALO Orientation Barbara Gross Davis Maureen Maloney Geoffrey Chase Lisa Bortman Wednesday April 22, 2015 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

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Barbara Gross Davis

Maureen Maloney Geoffrey Chase Lisa Bortman

Wednesday April 22, 2015

9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

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Attendee DirectoryNew ALO Orientation

Wednesday, April 22, 20159:00 am – 11:00 am

First Name Last Name Institution Title EmailCathy Corcoran Academy of Art University Vice President of Accreditation Compliance & ALO [email protected] Leomiti American Samoa Community College Director of Institutional Effectiveness [email protected] Williams Ashford University Provost [email protected] Nash Aspire Public Schools Chancellor Operations & Compliance [email protected] Johnson Brooks Institute Director of Academic Affairs [email protected] Schecter California State University, Bakersfield Associate Vice President, Faculty Affairs [email protected] Evans California State University, Chico Vice Provost [email protected] Wiley California State University, East Bay [email protected] Carrier CSU Dominguez Hills Director of Assessment [email protected] Kaul CSU Dominguez Hills Associate Vice President [email protected] Nef CSU Fresno Dr. [email protected] Connors CSU Los Angeles Director, Academic Programs and Accreditation [email protected] Solomon CSU Northridge Director of the Office of Assessment and Program Review [email protected] Pitchford Dominican University of California VP for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty [email protected] Galvin Franciscan School of Theology Associate Dean [email protected] Higgins Franciscans School of Theology [email protected] Woo Lih Fuller Theological Seminary Doctoral Progrm Manager [email protected] Lingenfelter Hobsons Account Executive, HE Sales [email protected] Gu International Technological University Director of Academic Services [email protected] Gonzalez Kaiser Permanente Director of Graduate Medical Education [email protected] Donaldson Life Chiropractic College West VPAA [email protected] Schmiede Menlo College Dean of Academic & Professional Success [email protected] Engfer Musicians Institute College of Contemporary MusicDean of Compliance and Assessment [email protected] Phan NewSchool of Architecture and Design Exec. Dir. of IR & Assessment [email protected] Ballard Otis College of Art and Design Chair, Liberal Arts and Science [email protected] Lavender Otis College of Art and Design Provost [email protected] Brandstetter Pacific College Director of Education [email protected] Rinkoff Pacific Oaks College & Children's School Dean, Academic Affairs [email protected] Bortman Pepperdine University Asst. Provost, Institutional Effectiveness [email protected] Dove Reach Institute for School Leadership Intern Program Coordinator [email protected] Karavokiris Saint Katherine College Dean of Admissions/Registrar [email protected] Laurance San Francisco Conservatory of Music [email protected] Long Saybrook University [email protected] Miller Simpson University Assoc. Provost [email protected] VanVolkinburg Southern California University of Health Sciences Dean,Office in Support of Institutional Effectiveness [email protected] Chan St. Patrick's Seminary & University [email protected]

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Attendee DirectoryNew ALO Orientation

Wednesday, April 22, 20159:00 am – 11:00 am

Judith Nelson The Sanville Institute ALO [email protected] Waryas Touro University Nevada Associate Vice President [email protected] Del Hierro Trident University International Academic Success Manager [email protected] Saichaie UC Davis Educational Specialist [email protected] Molidor UC Irvine Interim Assistant Vice Provost [email protected] Stepan-Norris UC Irvine [email protected] Carlson UC San Francisco [email protected] Gutierrez-Jones UC Santa Barbara Interim Dean of Undergraduate Education [email protected] Peterson University of California, Office of the President Manager, Academic Planning Analysis [email protected] McVey University of Guam Associate Dean [email protected] Harris University of Philosophical Research President [email protected] Banerji University of Philosophical Research Dean, Academics [email protected] Laird University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism dean [email protected] O'Quinn Vanguard University Provost/ Vice President for Academic Affairs [email protected]

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Orientation for New ALOsApril 22, 2015

Barbara Gross Davis, Vice PresidentMaureen A. Maloney, Vice President


• Introductions

• What Should a New Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) Know about WSCUC?

• Roles of the ALO

• What Makes a Good ALO?

• Voices of Experience

• Advice for a New ALO?

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• Name

• Institution

• Role at Institution/Title


• Introductions

• What Should a New Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) Know about WSCUC?

• Roles of the ALO

• What Makes a Good ALO?

• Voices of Experience

• Advice for a New ALO?

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What Should a New ALO Know About WSCUC?

Based on a survey of ALOs, what is the top response?

A. Staff want to be helpful to ALOs and their institutions.

B. WSCUC is more about improvement and transformation than compliance.

C. WSCUC is flexible.

D. WSCUC appreciates candor.

E. You can usually count on a quick turnaround when you contact the WSCUC office with a question or concern.


• Introductions

• What Should a New Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) Know about WSCUC?

• Roles of the ALO

• What Makes a Good ALO?

• Voices of Experience

• Advice for a New ALO?

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Roles of the ALO: The Three “R’s”

• Reviews

• Responsibilities

• Resource

The Three R’s: Reviews

ALO as Leader/Facilitator of theInstitutional Reviews:

• Self-study

• Reports• Visits

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ALO as Leader/Facilitator of the Institutional Reviews: Self-Study

•Provide leadership for establishing committees that will conduct self-study and prepare report.

•Consult with the assigned WSCUC staff liaison for guidance.

•Create timelines and follow-through mechanisms and monitor progress.

ALO as Leader/Facilitator of the Institutional Reviews: Reports

– Institutional Report for Seeking or Reaffirmation of Accreditation

– Mid-Cycle Review

As needed:– Progress Report(s)– Interim Report(s)– Special Visit Report(s)

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ALO as Leader/Facilitator of the Institutional Reviews: Visits

• Consult with WSCUC staff liaison and team re visit plans and schedule.

• Prepare draft schedule and revise as needed.

• Arrange hotel, local transportation and other logistics before and during the visit.

• Set up and manage team room.

• Respond to requests for additional materials before and throughout the visit.

• Receive WSCUC invoices and ensure they are paid.

Roles of the ALO: The Three “R’s”

• Reviews

• Responsibilities

• Resource

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What mistake should a new ALO try to avoid?

Based on a survey of ALOs, which is the top response?

A. Putting your head in the sand because you don’t want to deal with a thorny problem.B. Waiting until the last minute to prepare any WSCUC submission.C. Being hesitant or afraid to ask for help from WSCUC staff.D. Assuming the entire responsibility of accreditation and doing all the work by yourself.E. Not reading communications from WASC.

The Three R’s: Responsibilities

• First Responsibilities• Annual Responsibilities

- Report- Dues

• Ongoing Responsibilities (no particular schedule)

– Substantive Change Proposals– Complaints

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Responsibilities: First

•Contact your WSCUC Liaison for an overview of WSCUC

•Inform WSCUC about the email address to use for communication between you and WSCUC offices


Responsibilities: Annual

ALO as Keeper of Annual Deadlines

•Prepare and submit the Annual Report– The reporting website opens May 1 and closes May

31– Includes updated information on enrollment, key

personnel, finances, substantive change matters, etc.

•Receive Commission invoices for Annual Dues, distributed in May, to ensure invoices are routed to the right office and paid by September 1

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Responsibilities: Ongoing

ALO as Substantive Change Manager

• Learn substantive change policies so you know when a new initiative needs WSCUC approval. []

• Establish a process to ensure that all institutional substantive changes are submitted to WSCUC .

• Review substantive change proposals before submitting to WSCUC .

• Keep current on the institution’s Distance Education programs and Off-Campus Location programs that are regularly reported to WSCUC .

Responsibilities: Ongoing

ALO as Responder to Complaints

•Receive letters and documentation of complaints submitted to WSCUC.

•Respond in a timely fashion to letters re complaints with full documentation and explanations.

•Cooperate in resolving issues that affect compliance with WSCUC CFRs and policies.

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Roles of the ALO: The Three “R’s”

• Reviews

• Responsibilities

• Resource

The Three R’s: Resource

ALO as Resource to the Institution – Interpreter and Communicator– Repository of Information

ALO as Resource to Other Institutions– Member of the WSCUC ALO Community

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Resource to the Institution

ALO as Interpreter and Communicator

•Keep current on changes in WSCUC Standards, processes and policies.•Determine how new policies and other changes affect the institution.•Establish new processes as needed to ensure conformity with changes.•Communicate changes to the right people in the institution.•Disseminate information to stakeholders and answer questions about WSCUC .

Resource to the Institution

ALO as Repository of Information

Maintain or know where to find accreditation materials:• Institutional reports• Team reports • Data exhibits• Visit materials • Correspondence including Commission letters, Interim

Report Committee letters, Substantive Change actions, etc.

• WSCUC Handbook and other resources

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Resource to Other Institutions

ALO as Member of WSCUC ALO Community

•Attend ALO workshop at Annual Resource Conference (ARC) and other special events and meetings.•Share information and advice with other ALOs.•Provide WSCUC with feedback on proposed policies, procedures, reports, etc.•Serve on teams and committees as requested.


• Introductions

• What Should a New Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) Know about WSCUC?

• Roles of the ALO

• What Makes a Good ALO?

• Voices of Experience

• Advice for a New ALO?

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What Makes a Good ALO: Characteristics

Based on a survey of ALOs, which is the top response?

A.Sense of humor


C.Attention to detail

D.Readiness to lead change

E.Credibility within the institution (full trust of faculty and administration)

F.Excellent writing and editing skills

What Makes a Good ALO: Knowledge

Based on a survey of ALOs, which is the top response?

A. 2013 Handbook of Accreditation

B. Substantive Change Manual

C. “How to Host a Visit”

D. The Standards and Criteria for Review

E. Assessment and Program Review

F. “How to Deal with Difficult People”

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• Introductions

• What Should a New Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) Know about WSCUC?

• Roles of the ALO

• What Makes a Good ALO?

• Voices of Experience

• Advice for a New ALO?

Voices of Experience

• Geoffrey Chase, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and ALO, San Diego State University

• Lisa Bortman, Assistant Provost and ALO,Pepperdine University

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• Introductions

• What Should a New Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) Know about WSCUC?

• Roles of the ALO

• What Makes a Good ALO?

• Voices of Experience

• Advice for a New ALO?

What’s the Best Advice for a New ALO?

Based on a survey of ALOs, which is the top response?

A. Follow the guides prepared by WSCUC.B. Visit the WSCUC office and get to know your liaison.C. Regularly network with ALOs and establish a mentoring relationship with an experienced ALO from a similar institution.D. Determine the challenges facing your institution and see whether WSCUC’s Standards or Criteria for Review can bolster your case.E. Stay calm…..

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Questions? Comments?

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Barbara Gross [email protected] 748-9798

Maureen A. [email protected] 748-9795

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Pepperdine University Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO)

WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC)

Summary Based on WSCUC Criteria

Every accredited institution must have an ALO. ALOs assist the University’s CEO in addressing accreditation matters. The ALO is the individual the WSCUC Commission relies on to communicate matters of accreditation between the Commission and the University. ALO’s are expected to stay knowledgeable about accreditation policies and processes, keep the campus informed about accreditation changes, promote an understanding of the Commission’s accreditation Standards, facilitate submission of timely reports to the Commission, and stay in contact with Commission staff.

Institutional Leadership

1. In collaboration with the CEO and others, facilitate development and sustainability of the

processes for institutional self-evaluation.

2. Encourage a campus culture that relies on research and data analysis to plan and implement

improvements to institutional quality and educational effectiveness.

3. Encourage a campus culture that values a focus on student learning and student achievement.

4. Assist in the creation and distribution of the self-evaluation of Education Quality and

Institutional Effectiveness Report ( formally self-study).

Knowledge and Interpretation

1. Stay knowledgeable about Commission Standards, policies, procedures and activities.

2. Keep current on changes to WSCUC Standards, processes and policies.

3. Determine how new policies and other changes affect the institution.

4. Establish new processes as needed to ensure conformity with changes.


1. Keep the campus and the CEO informed about information received from the Commission. 2. Communicate changes to the right people in the institution. 3. Disseminate information to stakeholders and answer questions about WSCUC.

Annual Responsibilities

1. Receive WSCUC invoices and ensure they are paid. 2. Ensure payment of dues is current. 3. Consult with the assigned WSCUC staff liaison for guidance. 4. Submit and review Annual Reporting information.

Ongoing Responsibilities

1. Facilitate production of reports to the Commission:

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a. Establish committees that will conduct self-study and prepare the comprehensive

review report

b. Oversee the development of and submission of Interim Reports, Progress Reports,

Special Visit Reports

c. Create timelines and follow-through mechanisms and monitor progress

2. Support WSCUC team visits to the University: a. Consult with WASC staff liaison and team re visit plans and schedule; b. Prepare draft schedule and revise as needed c. Arrange hotel, local transportation and other logistics before and during the visit, d. Set up and manage team room e. Respond to requests for additional materials before and throughout the visits

3. Maintain a file of or know where to find accreditation materials: a. Institutional reports b. Team reports c. Data exhibits d. Visit materials e. Correspondence including Commission Action Letters (CAL), Interim Report Committee

letters, Progress Report Letters, Substantive Change actions f. WSCUC Handbook and other resources such as guides and manuals g. Act as an archivist of institution’s accreditation documents and history

4. Provide consultation and assist with communication about Substantive Change proposals

a. Learn Substantive Change policies so you know when a new initiative needs WSCUC approval.

b. Establish a process to ensure that all institutional Substantive Changes are reported to WSCUC and, where required, seek approval.

c. Review Substantive Change proposals before submitting to WSCUC. d. Keep current on the institution’s Distance Education programs and Off-Campus Location

programs that are regularly reported and to WSCUC and, in some cases, require WSCUC approval.

5. Complaints a. Receive letters and documentation of complaints submitted to WSCUC. b. Respond in a timely fashion to letters regarding complaints with full documentation and

explanations. c. Cooperate in resolving issues that affect compliance with WSCUC Criteria for Review

(CFRs) and policies.

6. ALO as Member of WASC ALO Community a. Attend ALO workshop at Annual Resource Conference (ARC) and other ARC and WSCUC

educational programming events and meetings. b. Share information and advice with other ALOs. c. Provide WSCUC with feedback on proposed policies, procedures, reports, etc. d. Serve on teams and committees as requested.

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Other Duties

1. Update WSCUC About on Key Personnel (CEO) 2. Set up an email account: [email protected] to receive information from WSCUC.

The ALO should be knowledgeable and able to communicate information regarding the:

1. The Standards of Accreditation 2. Increased Institutional Effectiveness through Program Review, Integrated Planning and Resource

Allocation ( Redesign) 3. Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness 4. Commission Resources 5. ALO Discussion Board 6. The Importance of Evidence based decision making 7. WSCUC guidelines for Substantive Changes 8.

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