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  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




    Ies Alta Axarquia, Periana, Malaga, Spain Year I Number 1 May 2013

    - Harlem shake!

    - Pope loves Football.

    - Tomorrowland.


    - Orienteering Experience

    - Visit to La Mayora and Trops


    - Five Luxury Resorts.

    - Espaa, un pas para comrselo.- Ruta de los Montes y el aceite.


    - Auryn

    - One Diretion

    - Drum & Bass_________________________

    - Espaa, una seleccin de records

    - Parkour.

    - Lance Armstrong.


    - Aida, the funniest Spanish sitco- Two men and a half.


    - Tu suerte est echada.

    - Your Future.


    - The man who witnessed an


    - A writer among us.

    - Short story: Ghost Road.

    In our first number, we are going to discover the

    advantages of Bilingual Teaching. The students thatare involved in the bilingual project of IES ALTA

    AXARQUA have created this magazine to put this

    into practice . Feel the experience with us!

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




    TRAVELLING AND TOURISM:-5 Luxury Resorts.- Espaa, un pas para comrselo.- A short tour to Italy.- Lisbon- Ruta de los montes y el aceite.

    NEWS AROUND THE WORLD:- Al Papa le encanta el ftbol.- Harlem Shake.

    - News in the world.- Snow in the Uk.-9-year-old boy gets a Microsoft degree.

    OUR HIGH SCHOOL AND SURROUNDINGS:- Orientacin.- Earthquake in Periana.-Visit to La Mayora and Trops.


    -One Direction.

    SPORTS:- Mlaga C.F. makes history in Europe.- Espaa, una seleccin de records.- Motociclismo, estilo libre.- El dopaje en el deporte.

    TV AND MOVIES:- Aida, the funniest Spanish sitcom.- Two men and a half.

    HOROSCOPES AND COMIC:-Your die is cast.- Guess your future.

    INTERVIEWS AND BOOKS:- The man who witnesses an invasion.- A writer among us.- La carretera fantasma.


    Rafael Alcolea Rodrguez


    Maribel BarranqueroCarmen Gloria PelezM Jess Tllez SubizaAntonio ClaveroYolanda Garca-verdugoValentin Fdez. CamachoFabin Jimnez JimnezMiguel ngel Ranea.

    >> Design:

    Grupo de trabajo:Bilingual DigitalMagazine. (BDM)

    >> Contributions:


    Ies Alta Axarquia


    >> Sponsors:


    >> Thanks to:All the people whohelped us with thisproject.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




    This magazine has been developed by students at IES ALTA AXARQUIA,Periana, Mlaga, SPAIN and their teachers within a project to promote the useof the languages used in our school: ENGLISH AND SPANISH.

    The students have created, looked for information they have decided thecontents of the magazine. On the other hand, the teachers who haveparticipated in this magazine have supervised their works, have created thedifferent sections and they have also contributed with their effort to make thisproject a reality. Thank you.

    This magazine has been created to be used by anybody: teachers, students ofother high schools and countries all over the world; their families and anyonewho wants to improve both English and Spanish. Bilingual Digital Magazine isalso downloadable so teachers all over the world can print and use in class.We hope you enjoy it!

    Esta revista ha sido desarrollada por los estudiantes de ESO del Instituto deEnseanza Secundaria: IES ALTA AXARQUA, Periana, Mlaga. SPAIN; y elprofesorado participante en un grupo de trabajo para promocionar lacompetencia lingstica en ESPAOL e INGLS.

    Nuestros estudiantes han creado, buscado informacin y han decidido loscontenidos de esta revista . El profesorado ha supervisado sus artculos, hancreado las secciones y maquetado la revista, con su esfuerzo han hecho esteproyecto una realidad. GRACIAS!

    La finalidad de esta revista es que pueda ser utilizada por cualquiera con finesacadmicos: desde profesores, estudiantes de otros institutos de nuestro paso del mundo, as como sus familias. Bilingual Digital Magazine puede serdescargada por profesores de otros pases y usarla en clase.Esperamos que disfrutis con ella!

    Rafael Alcolea Rodrguez, Coordinador .

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    NEW YORK.HOTEL LIBRARY.Hotel Library. The Library Hotel, has three stars, is placed near The avenue

    Madison, in Midtown Manhattan's neighborhood. The hotel offers easy access

    to the building Empire State,

    SwindleSquare, and the district

    of Broadway's theatres.


    HOTEL SOFITEL EL GEZIRAH CAIRO.The Sofitel The Gezirah Cairo, has five stars Between the services of the hotel

    we can stand out that it has restaurant, parking, an opened receipt 24 hours,

    discotheque, service of massages, miniclub, kiosk, rooms of conferences,

    swimming pool so much covered like heated swimming pool and access to

    wireless Internet in his facilities between others.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




    AMERICAN DINESEN HOTEL.It is a hotel of three stars placed in a former palace ofthe XVII in the historical center of Venice. To the hotel

    it is possible to come easily with the transport in taxis

    and the gondolas published opposite the entry of the

    hotel. The hotel offers to his guests an area of cozy

    breakfast with a rich buffet, service of bar and summer



    HOTEL HUSA SANTIAGO APSTOL.One thinks in the city of Santiago de Compostela, close to the Mount of the

    Pleasure, to 10 minutes of the historical center, on an important knot of

    communications that it will connect him with any point of Galicia. A very

    comfortable hotel of three stars to happen a few days and to enjoy the city.More information in its webpage.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




    Located in the south hemisphere, to the northwest of Tahiti, approximately

    between Australia and South America, there is Bora Bora, an island that forms

    a part of the archipelago of Lee in the French Polynesia. Bora Bora an island toenjoy her and to rest in his wonderful hotels with his nice conference. We have

    located several hotels as these.

    EDEN BEACH BORA BORA.Eden beach Bora Bora: located in the center of the island, it has 4 stars, in the

    hotel there can be practised all kinds of aquatic sports, bungalows in the

    garden or in the beach.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




    Library Hotel tiene tres estrellas, est situado cerca de La avenida Madison, enel barrio de Midtown Manhattan. El hotel ofrece fcil acceso al edificio Empire

    State, Times Square, y el distrito de los teatros de Broadway.



    El Sofitel El Gezirah Cairo, tiene cinco estrellas Entre los servicios del hotelpodemos destacar que tiene restaurante, aparcamiento, una recepcin abierta las24 horas, discoteca, servicio de masajes, miniclub, quiosco, salas deconferencias, piscina tanto cubierta como climatizada y acceso a internetinalmbrico en sus instalaciones entre otros.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine




    AMERICAN DINESEN HOTEL.Es un hotel de tres estrellas situado en un antiguo palacio del XVII en el centro

    histrico de Venecia. Al hotel se puede llegar fcilmente con el transporte entaxis y las gndolas publicados en frente de la entrada del hotel. El hotel ofrece asus huspedes un rea de desayuno acogedor con un rico buffet, servicio de bary terraza de verano.



    Se encuentra en la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela, junto al Monte del Gozo,a 10 minutos del centro histrico, sobre un importante nudo de comunicacionesque le conectar con cualquier punto de Galicia. Un hotel de tres estrellas muyconfortable para pasar unos das y disfrutar de la ciudad. Ms informacin en su

    pgina web.


    Localizada en el hemisferio sur, al noroeste de Tahit, aproximadamente entreAustralia y Sur Amrica, se encuentra Bora Bora, una isla que forma parte delarchipilago de Sotavento en la Polinesia Francesa.

    Bora Bora una isla para disfrutar de ella y descansar en sus maravillosos hotelescon sus bonitas vistas. Hemos localizado varios hoteles como estos.


    Localizado en el centro de la isla, tiene 4 estrellas, en el hotel se pueden practicartodo tipo de deportes acuticos, bungalows en el jardn o en la playa.

    By ( M arta, Noeli a, Mari a, Mari a Jos3 ESO A.)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    La cara de Espaa frente a los pasesextranjeros siempre ha sido infamemostrando simplemente su lado

    juerguista.Caracterstica errnea que define a losespaoles de holgazanes, ya que Espaatiene muchsimas ms cualidades como

    por ejemplo su gastronoma, bebidas,restaurantes y muchas ms cosas que

    hacen de Espaa un pas nico en todoel mundo.La hospitalidad de sus habitantes y eldon de gentes que tienen los espaoleshacen que cada da atraiga a msextranjeros para visitarla. Su historia ycultura se remontan a siglos y siglos enla antigedad, de esta manera cada vez

    se da a conocer ms Espaa y elCastellano se ha convertido en un

    importante idioma.

    Gastronoma espaola.

    Si por algo es conocida Espaa es por su buenarte en la cocina, la variedad, y el saber hacer decada comunidad ofrecen al comensal opciones tan

    variadas como sabrosas.Est llena de tradiciones e influencias que seremontan a la era de otras culturas como la delos musulmanes, por ejemplo que habitaron largos

    siglos dejando muchos productos y tcnicas deaprendizaje que antes no se tenan.

    La comida es una de las cosas ms importantespara los espaoles y como se pueden adquirirmuchos productos frescos es muy fcil de obtener

    sabores exquisitos.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Hay muchos ingredientes, en los que cabe destacar el aceite de oliva y el ajosiendo los favoritos para los espaoles en sus recetas. Los quesos con sabores,jamones y chorizos son la especialidad espaola, ya que gozamos de unaganadera de lujo.La comida espaola es muy tradicional y diferente en cada regin, cada unatiene su toque personal ya que los suelos son diferentes y tambin los

    pobladores de ests.En el norte el clima es mucho ms fro que en el sur, es por eso que los platosson ms elaborados y calricos, mientras que en Andaluca los pescaditos fritosy las tapas van mucho mejor con el clima templado y benvolo para salir de baren bar, cualquiera sea la poca del ao. Cabe destacar la dieta mediterrnea.

    Los cientficos han puesto de manifiesto que este estilo de vida es beneficiosopara la salud y el bienestar de las personas. Adems, contribuye almantenimiento de una agricultura sostenible y a proteger el medio ambiente. Ha

    sido transmitida de generacin en generacin desde hace muchos siglos, y estntimamente vinculada al estilo de vida de los pueblos mediterrneos a lo largode su historia. Ha ido evolucionando, acogiendo e incorporando sabiamente,nuevos alimentos y tcnicas fruto de la posicin geogrfica estratgica y de lacapacidad de mestizaje e intercambio de los pueblos mediterrneos. Es rica enalimentos naturales como el aceite de olvida, ajo, tomate, etc.

    En cada una de las comunidades existen comidas espectaculares y cada unadiferente a la otra.

    La comida ms famosa de Espaa es la Paella Valenciana y existen muchas

    variedades.Famoso es tambin el gazpacho andaluz.

    Vmonos de tapas.

    Otra de las costumbres tpicas de los espaoles y que gusta mucho al extranjeroes el irse tapas con los amigos y las cervecitas a la hora del medio da, el ir detapas pone de manifiesto una forma de vida.Su origen se remota al siglo XIII el rey Alfonso X El Sabio dispuso que se

    sirviera el vino acompaado de algn alimento slido, los mesonerosempezaron a servirlo con una locha de jamn serrano colocada en la tapa de la

    jarra de barro. En aquellos tiempos el jamn se serva en lonchas muy gruesas yentonces serva de tapa de la jarra.

    As pues hasta hoy en da se ha mantenido esa tradicin cultural, haciendo lastapas caracterstica propia de Espaa

    Espaa, pas de viedos.

    Espaa ha gozado siempre de una tradicin vincola que se remonta a tiempos

    de los romanos y griegos. El vino ha dado numerosas leyendas y mitos en todosaquellos pases que lo consumen desde tiempos remotos, cuenta la leyenda que

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Baco(odioniso) fue el primero en cultivar la vid. Dionisio, por medio deEucalin, ense la viticultura a los griegos, quines despus lo convirtieron enDios. Segn Ausonio, Dionisio, con el nombre de Osiris tambin instruy a losegipcios en el cultivo de la vid.

    Espaa encabeza la lista de pases productores de vino con ms de un milln dehectreas dedicadas al cultivo de la vid. Las denominaciones de origen de losvinos se distribuyen por todas las comunidades autnomas excepto Asturias yCantabria. Sin embargo debe tenerse en cuenta que al margen de los vinos

    producidos bajo una denominacin de origen especfica, tambin se elaboranvinos de excelente calidad. El clima de la Pennsula Ibrica crea lascondiciones ideales para elaborar infinidad de vinos cuya calidad traspasanuestras fronteras para adquirir fama internacional. El vino segn los expertostiene tres cualidades propias que son: el color, aroma y el gusto. Y desde el

    punto de vista gastronmico, la bebida perfecta. Numerosos estudios cientficoshan demostrado que el consumo moderado de alcohol ( en especial vino) tieneefectos beneficiosos sobre el organismo humano.

    En la actualidad beber buenvino est de moda, los vinos

    peleones que durante dcadastuvieron su lugar en las mesasespaolas, han sido

    sustituidos por buenos vinosde mesa, muchas veceselaborados con las rigurosasnormas que establecen lasdenominaciones de origen.

    Los enlogos son los expertosen vinos. El aumento delconsumo del vino y su calidadhan forjado una cierta culturadel vino con bebedores cadada mas entendidos yexigentes, tambin las visitasa las bodegas se ha disparado

    y este hecho ha dado a los productores una nueva fuente de ingresos: muchasbodegas pequeas venden parte de su produccin durante las visitas tursticas.

    Los vinos de Espaa se dividen en denominaciones de origen y los que gozan dems calidad y prestigio internacional estn en La Rioja, Rivera del Duero,Catalua, Navarra, Pas Vasco y por ltimo los vinos andaluces que hanalcanzado renombre mundial, imponiendo las muy singulares y sutiles

    caractersticas propias de cada regin. Fruto de esto es la extraordinaria gama

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    de matices, consistencia, cuerpo, aromas, color y edades con que se distinguenlos jereces, manzanillas, moriles, mlaga, etc.Son tanto y tan bonitos los adjetivos con los que se caracteriza cada vino quemerece la pena citar algunos: aterciopelado, aromticos, complejo y genuino,aroma de avellana.

    Restaurantes espaoles.

    Espaa posea uno de los ms importantes restaurantes de todo el mundo. Haybastante consenso en situar al El Bulli como el mejor restaurante del mundo. Dehecho este consenso crece aun ms si se trata de designar el mejor cocinero delmundo actualmente: Ferrn Adri.Segn las voces ms especializadas, estamos ante el primero de la historia: "elmayor genio de todos los tiempos".

    Por tanto, hablar de El Bulli es referirse a muchas cosas. Ferrn Adri y elBulli representan una revolucin gastronmica de primer orden en todo elmundo. La capacidad de crear y reinventar la cocina, ni ms ni menos. Gusto,olfato, vista, tacto, incluso odo participan en cada creacin que se conviertenen un homenaje al propio comensal.Se encuentra en Cala Mont joi a 56 Km de Gerona.Gracias a este restaurante reconocido en todo el mundo Espaa ha ganada unareferencia ms en su gastronoma que cada da sorprende ms al comensal.

    Restaurante El Bulli

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Repostera espaola.

    La repostera es una parte especializada de la cocina espaola, relativa en laelaboracin de postres y dulces diversos. La repostera tiene una graninfluencia de todas las culturas que han pasado por la Pennsula sobre todo la

    poca andalus con el uso de las almendras. La repostera espaola influenci aotras cocinas fuera de su territorio transmitiendo algunas tcnicas reposteras.No cabe duda que la razn del mantenimiento de la repostera en nuestro pas ya travs de los siglos es que al espaol no solo le agradan los dulces portradicin, sino que adems es un excelente catador y entendido en la materia.

    En cada comunidad existen muchos postres tpicos de acorde con su tierraCabe destacar La Tarta De Santiago que adems de ser un postre muy tpicoespaol es tambin religioso ya que proviene de Santiago de Compostela(Galicia) un delicioso manjar para llevarse a la boca en cualquier postre omomento. Tambin se encuentra los bollos de Semana Santa ( torrijas, roscos devino, roscos de ans )

    Las magdalenas un postre tpico espaol, el roscn de reyes que adems deestar delicioso es tambin divertido por el juego de la aba y el rey mago, losbizcochos, etc.

    Espaa tiene infinidades de postres cada uno diferente y con un toque que lohace especial a los dems.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    The face of Spain opposite to the foreign countries has always been infamous

    showing simply his side reveler. Erroneous characteristic that defines the

    Spanish of idlers, since Spain has more qualities great as for example his

    gastronomy, drinks, restaurants and many things that do of Spain the only

    country in the whole world. The hospitality of his inhabitants and the human

    touch that the Spanish have does that every day attracts more foreigners to visit

    her. His history and culture go back to centuries and centuries in the antiquity,hereby every time Spain is announced more and the Castilian has turned into

    an important language.

    Spanish GastronomyIf Spain is known by something, it is for his good art in the kitchen, the variety,

    and to be able to do of every community they offer options to the retainer so

    changed like tasty. It is full of traditions and influences that go back to the age

    of other cultures as that of the Muslims, for example that lived long centuries

    leaving many products and technologies of learning that before were not had.

    The food is one of the most important things for the Spanish people and since

    many fresh products can be acquired it is very easy to obtain exquisite flavors.

    There are many ingredients, in which it is necessary to emphasize the olive oil

    and the garlic being the favorites for the Spanish in his recipes. The cheeses

    with flavors, hams and sausages are the Spanish specialty, since we enjoy a

    ranching of luxury. The Spanish food is very traditional and different in every

    region, each one has his personal touch since the soils are different and also

    the settlers of you are. In the north the climate is much colder that in the south,

    it is because of it that the plates are more elaborated and caloric, whereas in

    Andalusia the fried pescaditos and the lids go better with the moderate and

    benevolent climate to go out of bar in bar, anyone is the epoch of the year. It is

    necessary to emphasize the Mediterranean diet. The scientists have revealed

    that this way of life is beneficial for the health and the well-being of the

    persons. In addition, he helps to the maintenance of a sustainable agriculture

    and to protect the environment.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    It has been transmitted from generation to generation for many centuries, and

    is intimately linked in the style of life of the Mediterranean peoples along his

    history. It has been evolving, receiving and incorporating wisely, new food and

    technologies fruit of the geographical strategic position and of the capacity of

    miscegenation and the most famous food of Spain is the Valencian Paella and alot of varieties exist. Famous it is also the Andalusian gazpacho.

    " Lets have sometapas.Other one of the typical customs of the Spanish and that pleases much abroad

    is exchange of the Mediterranean peoples. It is rich in natural food as the oil of

    he forgets, I ruffle, tomato, etc. In each of the communities they exist show

    restraint spectacular and different each one to other one tapas go away with

    the friends and the cervecitas at the moment of the half day, to go of tapas

    reveals a form of life.

    His origin remote to the 13th century the king Alfonso X Wise arranged that

    there was served the wine accompanied of some solid food, the innkeepers

    started serving it with a slice of highland ham placed in the tapa of the pitcher

    of mud.. This way so even nowadays this cultural tradition has been kept,

    playing the role the "tapas" typical known of Spain.

    Spain, country of vineyards.Spain has enjoyed always a wine tradition that goes back to times of the

    Romans and Greeks. The wine has given numerous legends and myths in all

    those countries that consume it from remote times, tells the legend that Baco

    (odioniso) was the first one in cultivating the grapevine. Dionysus, by means of

    Eucalin, taught the viticulture to the Greeks, who later turned it into God.

    According to Ausonio, Dionysus, with Osiris's name also instructed theEgyptians in the culture of the grapevine. Spain heads the list of producing

    countries of wine with more than one million hectares dedicated to the culture

    of the grapevine. The names of origin of the wines distribute for all the

    autonomous communities except Asturias and Cantabria. Nevertheless, there

    must be born in mind that to the margin of the wines produced under a

    specific name of origin, also there are elaborated wines of excellent quality.

    The climate of the Iberian Peninsula creates the ideal conditions to elaborate

    infinity of wines which quality penetrates our borders to acquire internationalreputation. The wine according to the experts has three own qualities that are:

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    the color, aroma and the taste. And from the gastronomic point of view, the

    perfect drink. Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that the

    moderate consumption of alcohol (especially came) it has beneficial effects on

    the human organism.

    At present to drink good wine is fashionable, the aggressive wines that duringdecades they took place in the Spanish tables, they have been replaced with

    good wines of table, often elaborated with the rigorous procedure that

    establishes the names of origin. The enologists are the experts in wines. The

    increase of the consumption of the wine and its quality have forged a certain

    culture of the wine with every day drinkers, also the visits to the warehouses it

    has gone off and this fact has given a new source of income to the producers:

    many small warehouses sell part of his production during the tourist visits

    Small they sell part of his production during the tourist visits.The wines of Spain divide in names of origin and those who enjoy more quality

    and international prestige are in La Rioja, Rivera of the Douro, Catalonia,

    Navarre, Basque Country and finally the Andalusian wines that have reached

    world renown, imposing the very singular ones and own characteristics of

    every region. Fruit of this is the extraordinary range of shades, consistency,

    body, aromas, color and ages with which there are distinguished the sherries,

    manzanillas, moriles, Malaga wines, etc. They are so much and so nice the

    adjectives with which there is characterized every wine that is worthmentioning some: velvet, aromatics, complex and genuine, aroma of hazelnut.

    Spanish restaurants.Spain was possessing one of the most important restaurants of the whole

    world. There is enough consensus in placing to The Bulli as the best restaurant

    of the world. In fact this consensus grows furthermore if the best cook of the

    world is a question to be designated nowadays: Ferrn Adri. According to themost specialized voices, we are before the first one of the history: the major

    genius of all the times ". Therefore, to speak about The Bulli is to refer to many

    things. Ferrn Adri and the Bulli represent a gastronomic revolution of the

    first order in the whole world. The aptitude to create and reinvent the kitchen,

    not more not less. Taste, smell, sight, tact, even heard take part in every

    creation that they turn into an honoring the own retainer. He is in Cove Mont

    joi to 56 Km from Gerona.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Spanish confectionary.The confectionary is a specialized part of the Spanish, relative kitchen in the

    production of desserts and diverse sweets. The confectionary has a great

    influence of all the cultures that have happened for the Peninsula especially theepoch andalus with the use of the almonds. The Spanish confectionary

    influenced to other kitchens out of his territory transmitting some technologies.

    Doubt does not fit that the reason of the maintenance of the confectionary in

    our country and across the centuries it is that to the not alone Spanish they

    please the sweets for tradition, but in addition he is an excellent taster and

    understood with the matter. It is necessary to highlight The Tart Of Santiago

    that besides being a very typical Spanish dessert is also religious since a

    delicious delicacy comes from Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) to remove tothe mouth in any dessert or moment. Also, one finds the buns of Holy Week

    (French toasts, ring-shaped rolls of wine, ring-shaped rolls of anise ...). The

    sponge-cakes a typical Spanish dessert, the kings' roscn that besides being

    delicious it is also entertained by the game of her abuses and the king

    magician, the sponge cakes, etc. Spain has an endless list of desserts, each one

    differently and with a touch that makes it special to the others.

    ( By Chencha Perea, Nerea Fernndez, Carmen Garca, Irene Bentez. 3 A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Quin ha ido a Roma y no ha visto la Fontana de Trevi?

    Es la mayor, con cerca de 40 metros de frente, es una de las ms famosas delas fuentes monumentales del Barroco en Roma (Italia).

    Est situada en el cruce de tres calles. Es uno de los antiguos acueductos quesuministraban agua a Roma. Con la supuesta ayuda de una virgen, los tcnicosromanos localizaron una fuente de agua pura a slo 22 km de la ciudad (escenarepresentada en la actual fachada de la fuente).Esta fuente fue restaurada en1998.

    Tumba de Jul io I I

    Est situada en el estremo de la navederecha de la iglesia y no pasadesapercibida. Aunque muy alejada del

    portantoso proyecto inicial de Julio II, laobra resulta magistral. El papa, al

    proyectar su gigantesco mausoleo hizovenir al escultor de Florencia. Quera queel monumento estuviera en la Baslica deSan Pedro del Vaticano y que tuviera msde cuarenta estatuas.

    Finalmente el papa Julio II se muri sin verel mausoleo terminado, pero Miguel ngelcontinu el proyecto tras unos aos. Luegovolvi a verse interrumpida por los

    encargos del nuevo papa...Smbolo de la eternidad de Roma, el Coliseo o Anfiteatro Flavio, como eraconocido en poca clsica, te transportar como pocos monumentos alesplendor de la Roma Imperial. Su arquitectura casi perfecta le ha permitido

    subsistir 2.000 aos a pesar de los incendios, terremotos y los sistemticossaqueos que ha sufrido a lo largo de la historia.El mayor anfiteatro del mundo se levantaba en el corazn de la Antigua Roma.El emperador Vespasiano lo hizo construir en el lugar que ocupaba un granestanque de la mansin de Nern, para borrar de este modo la memoria de suodiado predecesor

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    Who has gone to Rome and has not seen the Trevi F ountain?

    It is the largest, with about 40 meters wide, is one of the most famousmonuments of the Baroque fountains in Rome (Italy).

    It is located at the junction of three roads. It is one of the ancient aqueducts thatsupplied water to Rome. With the alleged help of a virgin, Roman technicianslocated a source of pure water at only 22 km from the city (current scene on the

    facade of the source). This fountain was restored in 1998

    Tomb of Juli us I I

    Located at the extremity of the right aisle of the church and does not gounnoticed. Although far from the initial project portantoso Julius II, the work ismasterful. The pope, by projecting its gigantic mausoleum he brought the

    sculptor from Florence. I wanted themonument was in St. Peter's Basilicaand the Vatican had more than forty


    Finally Pope Julius II died withoutseeing the mausoleum over, butMichelangelo continued the projectafter a few years. Then again beinterrupted by the requests of the new

    pope ...Symbol of eternity of Rome, theColosseum or Flavian Amphitheater,as he was known in classical times,will transport as few monuments tothe splendor of Imperial Rome. Itsarchitecture has allowed almost

    perfect survive 2000 years despite fires, earthquakes and systematic looting thathas suffered throughout history.The world's largest amphitheater rising in the heart of ancient Rome. Theemperor Vespasian had it built in its place a large pond of Nero's mansion, thusto erase the memory of his hated predecesso

    (By Elena Pascual Guirado.)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    IntroduccinLisboa es la capital de Portugal. Esuna ciudad antigua con una largahistoria. Se encuentra en la orilla delro Tajo cerca de su desembocadura.Gran parte de la ciudad fue destruidapor un terremoto en 1755.Visita por Lisboa durante una semanaEl primer da que llegues, puedes

    descansar para poder disfrutar deLisboa y de su gente.El martes, puedes ir a visitar laCatedral, que fue uno de los edificiosque sobrevivi al terremoto de 1755. Esmuy bonita y te encantar. Luego,puedes ir a ver la estatua de Jos I enla Praa do Comrcio que fue puesta

    despus del terremoto de 1755.Al da siguiente, puedes ir a visitar una famosa torre llamada La Torre de

    Vasco de Gama que esta en el ro, y este nombre se le dio en honor al

    explorador que naveg alrededor del Cabo de Buena Esperanza en laIndia en 1497.

    El jueves, puedes ir a visitar el centro de Lisboa que no ha cambiado perola poblacin de la ciudad est creciendo. Despus, puedes ir a losgrandes parques que contiene esta ciudad los cuales son de verdadero

    orgullo.El viernes, por la noche puedes ir a algn concierto y si es de Carminhomucho mejor porque es una cantante de fado muy buena, y sabeinterpretarlo muy bien.El sbado, tambin puedes asistir a algn concierto, si sabes que eseconcierto lo hace Pablo Alborn junto con su estupenda banda,disfrutars mucho porque lo que Pablo transmite encima de un escenariono lo hace cualquiera, sabe transmitir sus canciones como nadie yadems es una estupenda persona.

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    Lisbon is the capital of Portugal. It is an ancient city with a long history.Its stands on the edge of the river Tagus close to its estuary. Much of thecity was destroyed by an Earthquake in 1755.Visit Lisbon for a weekThe first day you arrive, you can relax to enjoy Lisbon and its people.On Tuesday, you can go to visit the Cathedral, is one of the buildingswhich survived the Earthquake in 1755. Its very beautiful and youll loveit. Then, you can go to see the statue of Jos I in the Praa do Comrcio

    that was erected after the earthquake in 1755.

    Next day, you can go to visit the famous tower Vasco Gama Tower that ison the river , and is named after the explorer who sailed round the Cape ofGood Hope to India in 1497.On Thursday, you can go to visit the centre of Lisbon which hasntchanged but with a growing population. Then, you can go to the big cityparks which are its real pride.On Friday, at night you can go to a concert and if it is of Carminho it willbe much better because she is a very good fado singer, and interprets thesongs well.

    On Saturday, you can also attend a concert, if you know that it is concert

    will have Pablo Alborn with his great band, you will enjoy it very muchbecause what Pablo conveys on stage is not, anyone can do something, heconveys his songs like no one else and he is a great person.

    ( By Victoria Pascual. 4A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Atraviesa los muncipios de Viuela, Alcaucn, Periana, Alfarnate, Alfarnatejo,Colmenar y Riogordo. Los olivos de estas tierras de variedad Verdial producenel mejor aceite del mundo, con un color y aroma especial. En Periana se

    producen melocotones de los mejores de Espaa. En Alcaucn los amantes de lanaturaleza pueden dar un paseo por el campo hasta la Loma de las Monjas de lasVboras en el parque natural de Alczar. Casi todos los habitantes de Riogordotoman parte en la representacin de la pasin en la Semana Santa.


    Lugares para visitar

    El casco urbano se extiende sobre un terreno accidentado en l se distinguen dosbarrios: el barrio alto o "Cerrillo" y el barrio bajo o "La Plaza"; presentando latpica fisonoma de origen rabe con sus calles empinadas.

    Una de las visitas destacadas es una casa dispuesta y decorada en todas sushabitaciones recrea la vida y costumbres de los antepasados. Uno de sus

    principales atractivos es la antigua almazara sobre la que se levanta.

    Espacios naturales

    Riogordo cuenta con un paisaje muy diverso como la sierra, el ro Cueva y ElTajo de Gomez.Riogordo tiene numerosas rutas de senderismo, 2 de ellas son: ruta del ro y rutade los tajos en la que en determinados puntos y si el da es claro podremosobservar de dicha altura hasta 9 pueblos de la Comarca de

    laAxarqua: Colmenar, Comares, Alcaucn, Periana, Canillas deAlbaida, Canillas de Aceituno, Viuela, Vlez-Mlaga, Sedella.

    El Tajo Gmez est situado en la Anarqua, subiendo por Ro Gordo (Malaga),es un sitio muy bello para la prctica del trekking, de recorrido corto peroabstenerse de ir en verano y con un ltimo tramo de pendiente bastante dura


    destaca el edificio del Ayuntamiento, la Ermita de la Virgen de Monsalud y la

    iglesia de Santa Ana.
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    Paisajes naturales. Esta rodeado de montaas en las que hay numerosos parajesque merece la pena visitar como cuevas, manantiales...

    PerianaPeriana es un pueblo situado en la comarca de la Axarqua. En Periana la

    principal gastronoma es el aceite y el melocotn. En Periana hay algunoslugares interesantes para visitar como su fbrica de aceite, en ella se hace aceitede muy buena calidad. En Mondron, una de sus aldeas hay otra fbrica de aceite.

    En atrs aldeas como Guaro hay un nacimiento de agua. En otra de sus aldeastambin hay una especie de balneario.

    CanillasCanillas de Aceituno se extiende por las laderas de Sierra Tejeda, en la comarcade la Axarqua. El mejor sitio que puedes visitar es la Maroma (2.065 metros dealtitud) que es el pico ms alto de la provincia de Mlaga, tambin podemosvisitar la Iglesia de Ntra. Seora del Rosario. En su gastronoma podemosencontrar platos como el Chivo en horno de lea, el gazpacho con uvas y lasmigas. Sus fiestas comienzan con el Carnaval en febrero , las fiestas de veranoen honor a su patrona la Virgen de la Cabeza que son en agosto y las candelariaslos das 7 y 8 de septiembre.AlcaucnSituado en la ladera de Sierra Tejeda dominando la Axarqua, el corredor dePeriana y el boquete de Zafarraya, con una impresionante panormica queabarca hasta la costa.ViuelaEn torno a una venta existente en el camino que comunicaba Vlez con Granada,a travs del boquete de Zafarraya, se levant este pequeo ncleo de poblacin

    en el siglo XVIII.

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    It Crosses the municipalities of Viuela, Alcaucn, Periana, Alfarnate,Alfarnatejo, Apiary and Riogordo. The olive trees of these lands of varietyVerdial produce the best oil of the world, with a color and special aroma. InPeriana there take place peaches of the best of Spain. In Alcaucn the lovers ofthe nature can give a walk along the field up to the Hill of the Nuns of theVipers in the nature reserve of Fortress. Almost all the inhabitants of Riogordotake part in the representation of the passion in the Holy Week. Riogordo Placesto visit.

    The urban area spreads on a rough area in him two neighborhoods aredistinguished: the high neighborhood or "Cerrillo" and the low or neighborhood" The Plaza "; presenting the typical physiognomy of Arabic origin with hissteep streets.One of the out-standing visits is a house ready and decorated in all his rooms

    recreates the life and customs of the forbears. One of his principal attractions isthe former oil-mill on the one that gets up.

    RiogordoRiogordo possesses a very diverse landscape as the saw, the river Cave andGomez's Tagus.. Riogordo has numerous routes of hiking, 2 of them are: routeof the river and route of the slits in which in certain points and if the day is clearwe will be able to observe of the above mentioned height up to 9 peoples of theRegion of the Axarqua: Apiary, Comares, Alcaucn, Periana, Albaida's Shins,Shins of Olive-tree, Viuela, Vlez-Malaga wine, Sedella.Alfarnate

    Th building of the Town hall, the Hermitage of the Virgin of Monsalud and thechurch of Holy Ana.

    Natural landscapesIts surrounded with mountaints in which there are nomerous places that areworth visiting like caves and springs...

    PerianaPeriana is a place in the region of the Axarqua. In Periana the principalgastronomy is the oil and the peach. In Periana there are some interesting placesto visit as his factory of oil, in her there is some oli of very good quality.

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    In Mondron, one of his villages there is another factory of oil. In behind villageslike Small parrot there is a water birth. In other one of his villages also there is aspecies of resort.

    CanillasCanillas de Aceituno it spreads over the hillsides of Saw Tejeda, in the region

    of the Axarqua. The best site that you can visit is the Rope (2.065 meters ofaltitude) that is the highest beak of the province of Malaga, also we can visit

    Ntra's Church. Lady of the Rosario. In his gastronomy we can find plates as theGoat in oven of fuelwood, the gazpacho with grapes and the crumbs. Hisholidays begin with the Carnival in February, the summer holidays in honor tohis mistress the Virgin of the Head that they are in August and the Candlemases

    on the 7th and 8th of September.


    Located on the slopes of Sierra Tejeda dominating the Axarquia, Perianacorridor and Zafarraya gap, with a stunning panoramic view stretching to thecoast.ViuelaAround an existing retail in the way that communicated with Granada Velez,through the gap Zafarraya, rose this small settlement in the eighteenth century.

    (By Francisco Mostazo Gmez, Adrin Mostazo Godoy, Zoravar Deroyan)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Mal y FranciaEl Ejrcito francs intensific en los ltimos das los ataques a las

    bases controladas por los grupos terroristas del norte de Mal, se esta la espera de que lleguen las primeras tropas islmicas de Mal quese desplegar en el pas. El Ejrcito de Mal, apoyado por soldados

    franceses, se ha hecho con el control de dos ciudades ocupadas por losyihadistas instalados en el norte del pas.

    Barack Obama jura para su segundo perodo

    presidencialBarack Obama ha tomado posesin de su cargo enWashington DC el da 22 de Enero de 2013, para

    inaugurar su segundo mandato como presidente deEE.UU., ante cientos de miles de espectadores.

    La contaminacin en ChinaLos satlites de la NASA han captado desde el espacio lanube contaminante que est afectando a 12 provincias de

    China y que, segn los expertos, es una de las peoresregistradas en la ltima dcada.

    El pasado fin de semana saltaba la alarma por los niveles decontaminacin en la capital de China, Pekn, que haban alcanzadoniveles muy por encima de los considerados peligrosos para la salud


    El mejor festival de Europa, TomorrowlandPor cuarta ocasin se realiz la ceremonia de premiacin de los

    European Festival Awardsen la ciudad de Groninga(Holanda). Los

    premios tienen como finalidad galardonar los mejores eventosrealizados en Europa sin importar el gnero musical.En lo que respecta al gnero de los beats, el aclamado festival

    Tomorrowlandrealizado actualmente en Blgica, se llev el premioen la categora de Mejor Festival Grande, mientras que en el

    apartado Mejor Festival Nuevo el eventoElectro Magnetic consede en Alemania fue el gran triunfador de esta magnfica ceremonia.

    Una fuga de gas producida en Francia y Gran BretaaUna fuga de gas originada en da 21 de Enero de 2013 a 110

    kilmetros de Pars, ha generado gran alarma desde la madrugada a

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    miles de personas en Francia y Gran Bretaa. Los bomberos y lapolica de ambos pases han recibido varias llamadas de gente

    quejndose de un fuerte olor a gas, y algunos ciudadanos dicen sentirnuseas y dolor de cabeza a causa de esta fuga de gas.

    News in the WorldMali and FranciaThe French army in recent days intensified attacks on bases controlled byterrorist groups in the North of Mali, is waiting to arrive the first Islamic

    troops from Mali who will appear in the country. The Malian army,supported by French soldiers, has been with control of two cities occupied

    by the jihadists installed in the North of the country.

    Barack Obama is sworn in for his second term

    presidencialBarack Obama has taken up his post in Washington DC on January 22,2013, to inaugurate his second term as President of EE.UU., before

    hundreds of thousands of spectators.

    Pollution in ChinaThe satellites of NASA have captured from space the polluting cloud which

    is affecting 12 provinces in China and, according to experts, is one of theworst recorded in the last decade. The past weekend jumped the alarm bypollution levels in the capital of China, Beijing, which had reached levels

    well above those considered dangerous for human health.

    The best festival of Europe,

    TomorrowlandFor fourth occasion was the award ceremonyof the European Festival Awards in the cityof Groningen (the Netherlands). The awardsare aimed at rewarding the best events heldin Europe regardless of the music genre. In

    regards to the gender of the beats, theacclaimed "Tomorrowland" festival

    currently held in Belgium, took the prize inthe category of "Best big Festival", while inthe section "Best Festival new" event "Electro Magnetic" headquartered in

    Germany was the big winner of this magnificent European ceremony.

    A gas leak produced in France and great BretaaA leak gas originated in day 21 January 2013, 110 kilometres from Paris, it

    has generated much alarm from the morning to thousands of people inFrance and Britain. Firefighters and police from both countries have

    received several calls from people complaining of a strong smell of gas, and

    some citizens say feel nausea and headache due to this gas leak.(By JENIFER FERNANDEZ Y CAROLINA 3A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    The new Pope has arrivedand he loves football!Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as the Catholic Churchs new pontiffyesterdaybecoming Francis I.And it turns out the Argentinian clergy man is a massive fan of San Lorenzothe team who tried to sign wantaway Newcastle defender Fabricio Coloccini inJanuary.The 76-year-old even had his own San Lorenzo ID card in 2008, as our pictures


    GLAD ALL OVER ...holding aloft a San Lorenzoshirt, which has similarcolours to Crystal Palace

    Our other snaps display the Benedict XVIs successor proudly holding a SanLorenzo shirt aloft, as well as the clubs flag.Francis I is the first ever Pope to hail from the AmericasSan Lorenzo are having an average season in Primera A, currently sitting in

    11th place.Perhaps they hoped signing big-name Coloccini would papal over the cracks!

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    Jorge Mario Bergoglio fue elegido como nuevo pontfice de la Iglesia Catlicaayer convirtindose en Francisco I.Y resulta que el hombre clero argentino es un gran fan de San Lorenzo - elequipo que intent firmar wantaway Newcastle defensor Fabricio Coloccini enenero.El sucesor de Benedicto XVI sostiene con orgullo una camiseta de San Lorenzoen el aire, as como la bandera del club.Francisco I es el primer Papa que proviene de las Amricas.San Lorenzo est teniendo una temporada normal en la Primera A, se encuentranen el puesto 11.

    (by Roco y Marn 4A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    El "Harlem Shake" no ha sido bien aceptada por todas partes. Justo el otroda, 15 mineros en Australia fueron despedidos despus de subir un vdeo aInternet de ocho hombres que realizan la danza de moda "Harlem Shake"bajo tierra, segn el peridico australiano, The West.

    Qu hicieron mal los mineros?Pues, algunos haban quitado suequipo de proteccin para hacerel video. El peridico australianoinforma que la empresa mineraBarminco despidi a lostrabajadores de sueldos de seiscifras y prohibi que trabajen encualquiera de sus proyectosalrededor del mundo. Uno de lostrabajadores se quej y dijo quelos mineros estaban slotratando de "tener un poco dediversin"

    "La minera tiene unas normasestrictas de seguridad, ya que

    hay accidentes y muertes. Barminco vio esto como una violacin de las normas",dijo el portavoz de Sven Lunsche a Reuters. Para aquellos que viven en unagujero, la danza "Shake Harlem" se ha convertido en una sensacin de Internet.Los videos suelen comenzar con una persona que hace el movimiento de ladanza, luego varias personas le siguen, a menudo en trajes temticos. El

    peridico dijo que algunos de los trabajadores dijeron que se haban quitado lacamisa para que el nombre de la empresa minera no se mostrase en el video.

    Otros mineros despedidos no participaron, pero estaban mirando como bailabanlos dems. Esta no es la primera vez que un "Shake Harlem" video ha causadoproblemas para las estrellas de su Web. Muy por encima del suelo, losestudiantes del Colorado College equipo de Frisbee hicieron un vdeo por lasnubes en los pasillos de un vuelo de Frontier Airlines. Llamado "Harlem ShakeFrontier Vuelo 157," llam la atencin de la FAA, que est en busca de pruebasde que los reglamentos no fueron seguidos. La portavoz de Frontier, KateO'Malley dijo a Reuters que "las medidas de seguridad fueron seguidos y elsigno del cinturn de seguridad estaba apagado cuando el baile estaba enaccin. Un estudiante en el avin dice que pidi permiso antes de que lorganizara para hacer el Shake "Harlem en el avin.

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    The "Harlem Shake" has not been welcome everywhere. Just the other day,15 miners in Australia were fired after they put a video on the internet ofeight men performing the dance craze "Harlem Shake" underground,according to the Australian newspaper The West.What got the miners introuble? Well some hadremoved their protectivegear to take the video. TheAustralian paper reported

    that the mining companyBarminco dismissed thesix-figure salary workersand banned them fromworking at any of their

    projects around the world.One of the workerscomplained and stated thatthe miners were onlytrying to "Have a bit of

    fun""Underground mining has strict safety standards as there are accidents andfatalities. The Barminco management saw this as a breach of standards,"spokesman Sven Lunsche told Reuters. For those living in a hole, the "HarlemShake" dance has become a Web sensation. The videos usually start with one

    person doing the dance move to the bass-driven track, then cuts of severalsometimes lotsmore people joining in, often in themed costumes. The papersaid some of the workers said they had taken off their shirts so the miningcompanys name would not show. Other miners fired did not participate, but

    watched from the sidelines.This isnt the first time a "Harlem Shake" video has made trouble for its Webstars. Far above ground, students from Colorado Colleges Ultimate Frisbeeteam made a sky-high video dancing in the aisles of a Frontier Airlines flight.Called Harlem Shake Frontier Flight 157," it caught the eye of the FAA, whichis looking for evidence that regulations were not followed. Frontierspokeswoman Kate O'Malley told Reuters that safety measures were followedand the seat belt sign was off when the dance was in action"A student on the

    plane claims he asked permission before he organised to do the "Harlem Shake

    on the plane.( By Joshua Talboys 4 A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Pranav Kalyan, un nio de 9 aos de origen indio, se ha convertido en lapersona ms joven en superar el examen necesario para convertirse enespecialista tecnolgico certificado de Microsoft. El rcord anterior lo ostentabaun joven de 12 aos que habaconseguido.

    Las nuevas generaciones nacen y crecenen un mundo en el que la tecnologa escada vez ms natural y est msimplementada. Sin embargo, hay casosespeciales, de menores que demuestranunas dotes especiales para eldesarrollo y la interaccin con lasherramientas tecnolgicas de su entorno.El ltimo caso de uno de estos nios

    prodigio del mundo de la tecnologa esel de Pranav Kalyan, un joven de 9aos de origen indio que ha conseguido

    superar el examen para la obtencin delttulo de especialista tecnolgicocertificado de Microsoft.El ttulo de especialista tecnolgico certificado de Microsoft se otorga, segn lacompaa, a las personas que son capaces de "demostrar su habilidad

    para implantar, ampliar, solucionar y depurar una tecnologa Microsoftespecfica, como un sistema operativo Windows, un servidor MicrosoftExchange, Microsoft SQL o Microsoft Visual Studio". Se trata de un certificadoque legitima a dichas personas y confirma sus aptitudes con el sistema de la

    compaa.El logro de Pranav se suma a otras proezas realizadas por el joven. Segndeclaraciones de su padre al diario The Times of India, el menor siempre hademostrado un especial inters por los ordenadores y era capaz de programardesde los seis aos. Al parecer, el joven dedica hasta 8 horas a esta actividad enlos das que no tiene que acudir a la escuela, lo que explica en parte su dominiode la programacin.

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    Pranav Kalyan, a 9 year old boy of Indian origin, has become the youngestperson to pass the exam necessary to become Microsoft certified technologyspecialist. The previous record was held by a young man of 12 who hadachieved

    New generations are born and grow up in a world where technology is becomingmore natural and is implemented. However, there are special cases of childrenwho demonstrate a special talent for development and interaction withtechnology tools in your environment.

    The last case of one of these child prodigies in the world of technology is PranavKalyan, a 9 year old girl of Indian origin who has managed to pass theexamination for qualification as a Microsoft certified technology specialist.

    The title of Microsoft certified technology specialist is granted, according to thecompany, people who are able to "demonstrate its ability to deploy, expand,troubleshoot and debug a particular Microsoft technology, such as a Windowsoperating system, Microsoft Exchange server, Microsoft SQL or MicrosoftVisual Studio. "This is a legitimate certificate that confirms such persons andtheir skills with the company system.Achieving Pranav joins other feats performed by the young. According tostatements by his father told The Times of India, the youngest has always showna special interest in computers and was able to program since age six.

    Apparently, the young man spent up to 8 hours at this activity on days that donot have to go to school, which explains in part the domain of programming.

    (By Elena Pascual y Victoria Pascual 4A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Al menos 30 rehenes y once secuestradoreshabran muerto en el asalto del ejrcitoargelino

    Se desconoce si entre los fallecidos hay algn ciudadano estadounidense.

    Entre ellos, figuran ocho argelinos, dos japoneses, dos britnicos y unfrancs.

    Al menos 30 rehenes y once secuestradores han muerto este jueves durante elasalto del Ejrcito a una planta de tratamiento de gas en el este de Argelia enla que un grupo de terroristas islamistas ha mantenido a decenas de forneos yargelinos secuestrados desde el mircoles, segn ha informado una fuente de losservicios de seguridad argelinos.

    La fuente ha indicado que entre los rehenes fallecidos figuran ochoargelinos, dos japoneses, dos britnicos y un francs. Se desconocen lasnacionalidades del resto de secuestrados que han fallecido. En la ofensiva militarhan muerto once de los secuestradores, segn la misma fuente.

    Entre los secuestradores fallecidos figuran dos argelinos uno de ellos es ellder del grupo terrorista, Tahar Ben Cheneb, un destacado comandante islamistaen la regin, tres egipcios, dos tunecinos, dos libios, un maliense y unfrancs.El secuestro de los trabajadores extranjeros y locales de la planta de tratamientode gas ha sido planeado mucho antes de la decisin de Francia de desplegarun contingente militar en Mal para frenar el avance de los milicianos

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    islamistas y tena como objetivo conseguir el pago de un rescate por laliberacin de los rehenes, segn fuentes de servicios de seguridad europeos yestadounidenses.La informacin de Inteligencia recabada hasta el momento indican que lossecuestradores, miembros de un grupo terrorista escindido de Al Qaeda en el

    Magreb Islmico (AQMI), haban planeado capturar a los trabajadoresextranjeros y llevarlos a un escondite en el que no hubiera posibilidad de unaoperacin de rescate, segn ha estimado una fuente de los servicios de seguridadeuropeos.

    At least 30 hostages and eleven hijackers haddied in the Algerian army assault

    It is unknown whether there are any among deceased U.S. citizen.

    Among them, eight Algerians, two Japanese, two Britons and a Frenchman.

    At least 30 hostages and eleven hijackers were killed Thursday during armyassault to a gas treatment plant in eastern Algeria in which an Islamist terroristgroup has held dozens of foreign and Algerian hostages since Wednesday,according reported a source from the Algerian security services.

    The source indicated that among the hostages killed were eight Algerians, twoJapanese, two Britons and a Frenchman. The nationalities of the rest who are

    abductees is unknown. The military offensive has killed eleven of the hijackers,according to the same source.

    Among the dead are two Algerian hijackers-one of them is the leader of theterrorist group, Tahar Ben Cheneb, a noted Islamist commander in the region,three Egyptians, two Tunisians, two Libyans, a Malian and French.

    The kidnapping of the foreigner and local workers of the gas factory, has beenplaned before the decision of France, deploy a military army for curb theadvance of the Islamist militiaman and his objective was the payment for theliberation of the hostages, according to sources of American and Europeansecurity services.

    The information indicates that the kidnappers are members of a terrorist groupbreakaway of Al Qaeda, have planed arrest to foreigner workers and carrythem to a hideout that not have possibility of rescue, according to an Europeansecurity service.

    ( By Celia Prez. 4A)

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    Snow has brought the UK to a standstill once again and newresearch has revealed the adverse weather conditions may costthe UK economy a massive 11 billion each year as people find itdifficult to get to work.

    According to a report by Esure car insurance most of the nation believes the country suffersduring a snowy spell, with 80 per cent saying we arent as productive during these periodsand 76 per cent adding we could be better prepared.

    We would urge drivers not to take any unnecessary risks during the cold weather seasonand to not underestimate the effects that ice and snow can have on our roads, said esureshead of risk and underwriting, Mike Pickard.

    If you are going into the office, simple safety measures such as checking your vehiclebefore setting off, or keeping an emergency breakdown kit in the vehicle could prevent apotentially unpleasant experience.

    Snow and Ice stats:

    - 43 per cent have been stranded at home due to ice and snow causing transport problems

    - 70 per cent worry about their safety on the roads due to snow or ice

    - A fifth have slipped on ice and snow and been unable to go to work

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    - Almost one in five Brits (19 per cent) have used snow and ice as an excuse to not go intowork

    - 14 per cent have not taken their children to school at the first signs of snow

    La nieve ha vuelto a paralizar el Reino Unido otra vez ms ynuevas investigaciones han descubierto que las malascondiciones atmosfricas cobran unos 11 billones cada aoporque muchas personas no pueden llegar al trabajo.

    En conclusin a un reportaje de Esure Car Insurance, la mayora de la nacin cree que elpas sufre ms durante pocas de nevada, con un 80% de las personas diciendo que somosmenos productivos durante estos periodos y 76% aadiendo que deberamos estar mspreparados.

    "Recomendamos a los conductores no realizar riesgos innecesarios durante la poca del

    tiempo fro y no olvidarse de los efectos del hielo y la nieve en nuestras carreteras." "Si vasa la oficina, algunas acciones preventivas simples como inspeccionar tu vehculo antes departir, o mantener un kit de avera de emergencia potencialmente podra evitar unaexperiencia desagradable," dijo el Principal De Riesgo de Esure.

    Estadsticas de Hielo y Nieve:

    -43% de la poblacin esta atrapada en sus casas por hielo y nieve dificultando los medios detransporte.

    -70% se preocupan de su seguridad en las carreteras por la culpa de hielo o nieve.

    -Un quinto de la poblacin se ha resbalado en hielo o nieve y son incapaces de llegar al


    -Casi un quinto delos britnicos (19%)han utilizado lanieve y el hielocomo excusa para noir al trabajo.

    -14% no han llevadosus hijos al colegiocuando vieron las

    primeras cadas denieve.

    (Made by: Harvey Stocks, Carmen Godoy and Vicente Nuez 4A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    LAS VEGAS,Tanya Angus was a perfectly healthy 20 year oldwoman, when she noticed that her clothes were beginning to notfit.

    At the time she was 5 11 and 115 pounds. But ten years later, she now standsat 6 6 and 480 pounds, and continues to grow. After multiple misdiagnoses,Angus was finally told she is suffering from acromegaly, often associated withgigantism.

    Acromegaly is a syndrome in which the pituitary gland produces excessiveamounts of human growth hormone. There are a number of causes that cancreate this problem, but unfortunately for Angus, she has the most common and

    most difficult to treat.

    A brain tumor has wrapped itselfaround her pituitary gland,causing the overproduction ofhormone. Doctors have performedmultiple surgeries to remove thetumor but it repeatedly grows


    In 1999, when Angus begangrowing out of her shoes and

    suffering from headaches, shewent to a few local doctors to get checked out. Unfortunately, they all dismissedher complaints as minor issues. It was not until Angus moved back to Las Vegasthat her sister immediately recognized something was wrong and got her

    properly diagnosed.

    Now, Angus may suffer permanently due to how long she was afflicted beforebeing treated. Doctors have yet to find a treatment that can help her. She decidedto come forward and speak to the media so that others may learn from her

    predicament and get treated early.

    Acromegaly affects 2 out of 1,000,000 per year. Some other well knownacromegaly sufferers include actor Paul Benedict and self-help expert TonyRobbins.

    The most recognizable victim may be pro-wrestler Andre the Giant. One of theWWFs most famous wrestlers, Andre was billed anywhere from 6 10 to 7 4tall and 500-565 pounds. He went on to famously play a gentle giant in the filmThe Princess Bride After refusing to be treated for his condition, he died at the

    early age of 46 due to cardiac complications.

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    LAS VEGAS, NV - Tanya Angus era una mujer saludable de 20 aos,cuando se dio cuenta de que su ropa no estaban empezando a encajar.

    En el tiempo que estuvo libras 5 '11 "y 115. Pero diez aos ms tarde, ahora esde 6 '6 "y 480 libras, y sigue creciendo. Despus de varios diagnsticoserrneos, Angus fue finalmente le dijo a ella est sufriendo de la acromegalia, amenudo asociada con gigantismo por la sociedad

    La acromegalia es un sndrome en el quela glndula pituitaria produce cantidadesexcesivas de la hormona de crecimientohumano. Hay una serie de causas que

    pueden generar este problema, perodesafortunadamente para Angus, que

    tiene la ms comn y ms difcil detratar.

    Un tumor cerebral se ha envueltoalrededor de su glndula pituitaria,causando la sobreproduccin de lahormona. Los mdicos han realizadovarias cirugas para extirpar el tumor

    pero repetidamente vuelve a crecer.

    En 1999, cuando Angus comenz a crecer fuera de sus zapatos y que sufren dedolores de cabeza, se fue a unos cuantos mdicos locales para hacerse uncontrol. Por desgracia, todos desestimaron sus quejas como problemas menores.

    No fue hasta que Angus se movi de nuevo a Las Vegas que su hermanareconoci de inmediato que algo andaba mal y consigui su diagnsticocorrecto.Ahora, Angus pueden sufrir permanentemente debido a la duracin de ella

    padeca antes de ser tratada. Los mdicos an no han encontrado un tratamientoque puede ayudarla. Decidi acercarse y hablar con los medios para que otros

    puedan aprender de su situacin y se trata a tiempo.Acromegalia afecta a 2 de cada 1.000.000 por ao. Algunos otros conocidosacromegalia vctimas incluyen al actor Paul Benedict y de auto-ayuda de unexperto.La vctima ms reconocible puede ser pro-luchador Andr el Gigante. Uno delos ms famosos luchadores de la WWF, Andre fue catalogado entre 6 '10 "a 7'4" de altura y 500 a 565 libras. Luego pas a jugar un gigante amable famoso enla pelcula The Princess Bride Despus de negarse a recibir tratamiento para suenfermedad, muri a la temprana edad de 46 debido a complicaciones cardacas.

    (by Aitor Milln y Pablo Ruz 4 A)

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  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    El pasado da uno de abril, los alumnos de 3 de ESO fuimos a Arroyo Toquero ,en Mlaga. El objetivo de la excursin era que aprendisemos a orientarnos porun terreno que no conocamos.Cuando llegamos all, haba dos monitores que nos explicaron todas las sealesque haba sobre el mapa y cmo debamos orientarlo. Muchos de nosotros nohabamos hecho nunca orientacin pero nos pareci un deporte muy divertido yadems al aire libre. Con este deporte nos lo podemos pasar muy bienacompaados de nuestra familia, amigos... Esperamos volver a repetir esta

    actividad el prximo ao.

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    Last 1st of April, of 3rd of ESO students went to Arroyo Toquero in Malaga.The aim of the activity was to learn to do a course with a map in a unknown

    place .When we got there, there were two monitors who explained all the signs thatwere on the map and how we should used the map. Many of us had not done

    before this kind of activity but we discovered that it's very funny and also youcan enjoy to be outdoors. With this sport we can have a great time together withour family, friends ... We hope to repeat this activity next year.

    (by Diego y Jennifer 3A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    El terremoto fue el da 25 de diciembre de 1884. El terremoto sembr el caos yla destruccin en el municipio de Periana. Este ao se cumple el 129 aniversariodel terremoto que caus 58 muertos. Los cortijos de mediado del siglo XVI sehaban convertido en una aldea de 65 familias, unos 250 300 pobladores, amediados del siglo XVIII y en una puebla consolidada, de 600 familias, algoms de 2000 habitantes, al entrar en el siglo XIX. Poco ms de 80 aos despus,el ao del terremoto vivan en el trmino de Periana unos 4000 habitantes.

    Para entender la magnitud de la catstrofe, hay que recordar que 158 edificiosquedaron completamente en ruinas y que otros 146 quedaron seriamente

    daados, en su mayora en el pueblo. La aldea ms afectada fue Guaro,practicamente desapareco con el corrimiento de tierra que se produjo.

    Con estos datos, a los que hay que sumar los deslizamientos de arcillas, grietas osimas y dislocamientos de fuentes y aguas subterrneas. Periana fue el trminoms daado, de las 106 poblaciones afectadas, con un balance global de 800muertos, 1500 heridos y 17.000 edificios afectados.

    Hubo una amplia solidaridad

    y ayudas externascanalizadas por la comisinregia y del obispado, graciasa estas ayudas sereconstruyeron la Lomilleja yel pueblo.Aparecieron nuevos barrioscomo el Carrascal y la Plazadel Obispo. Cuando la vidaen el pueblo no se habarepuesto an del terremoto

    sobrevino la crisis del viedo y la del cereal, que afect a la economa delpueblo. Pero hacia 1920 se haba remontado y la crisis econmica y la poblacinrondaba ya los 4500 habitantes.El terremoto lo vivieron nuestros abuelos, bisabuelos o tatarabuelos. Elterremoto de febrero de 1969 que tuvo su epicentro lejos de Periana, ech denoche a muchos vecinos del pueblo, quiz por el miedo que despertaba el ecodel terremoto de 1884. Estara bien conocer aquel episodio por el enormeimpacto que tuvo lugar en la vida de nuestro pueblo y tambin para encontrar

    sendas de futuro, igual que las encontr nuestro pueblo despus de aquel y otroscataclismos.

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    The earthquake was on December 25,1884. The earthquake had a destructionin the town of Periana. This year marksthe 129th anniversary of the earthquakethat left 58 dead. The villas of midsixteenth century had become a village of65 families, about 250 or 300 people inthe mid-eighteenth century and 600families, more than 2,000 people, as weenter the nineteenth century. Just over 80

    years later, the year of the earthquake weare living in is a period of about 4000inhabitants Periana.

    To understand the magnitude of the disaster, we must remember that 158buildings were in ruins and 146 others were seriously damaged, mostly in thevillage. Hardest hit was the village Guaro, virtually disappeared when thelandslide occurred.

    With these data, to which must be added the clay landslides, cracks or fissuresand dislocations and groundwater sources. Periana was more damaged the term,and with 106 people affected, and an overall balance of 800 dead, 1500 injuredand 17,000 buildings damaged.

    There was a wide solidarity and external aid channeled through the royalcommission and the diocese, through the aid they reconstructed the Lomillejaand people.

    New neighborhoods appeared as the Carrascal and Plaza del Obispo. When lifein the village had not yet recovered from the earthquake came the crisis of thevineyard and cereal, which affected the economy of the town. But by 1920 theyhad risen and the global economic and population and gracefully 4500

    population came around.

    The earthquake was lived by our grandparents, great-grandparents. In February1969 the earthquake that was centered far from Periana, threw the night manyvillagers, perhaps for fear that woke the echoes of the 1884 earthquake. It would

    be nice to know that episode by the enormous impact that took place in the livesof our people and also to find paths of the future.

    (By Manuel Molina, Pablo Moreno, Cristian Ros, Jose Julio Silva, AranTalboys, 2ESO bil.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    La excursin comenz con la visita de La Mayora, un parque de

    investigacin sobre los productos de la Axarqua. Para comenzar, laproyeccin de un vdeo con la informacin sobre dicho parque. Despus elpaso por las naves de criado de moscas blancas, para la experimentacincon ellas, y la del cultivo de tomates, en la que se intenta restaurar el sabordel tomate tradicional, ms sabroso y carnoso. Para finalizar la visita enLa Mayora paseamos por los amplios campos de aguacates.

    A continuacin hicimos una parada en la playa de algarrobo costa,en la que tomamos un delicioso helado casero.

    Y finalizando la excursin pasamos porTrops, donde tras otro video informativosobre el origen de la empresa y de la calidadde sus productos, nos hicieron una visitaguiada por las instalaciones.

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    The tour began with a visit to "LaMayora", a research park on the

    products of the Axarquia. To start, theprojection of a video with informationabout the park. After passage by shipsof whiteflies servant, to experimentwith them, and the cultivation oftomatoes, which is trying to restore thetraditional tomato flavor, but tasty andmeaty. To end the visit to "La Mayora"

    walked through the broad fields ofavocados.

    Then we stopped at the beach ofAlgarrobo coast, which had a delicioushomemade ice cream.

    And ending the tour went through "Trops"where after another informative videoabout the origin of the company and thequality of their products, we did a tour ofthe facilities.

    (By Cristina Ramrez. 3B)

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    Las matemticas es una de las ciencias ms antiguas de la humanidad, con lautilizacin de los nmeros remontndose a hace ms de 400.000 mil aos.Siempre se han usado las manos para hacer cuentas, pero con el paso del tiemponecesitaron representar nmeros cada vez mayores y tuvieron que inventarsmbolos adecuados.Al empezar a dedicarse a la agricultura, el ser humano tuvo que idear un sistema

    para medir el tiempo de siembra y cosecha, y en su etapa de comerciante,necesit crear un sistema para fijar el peso, volumen y el valor de sus productos

    para intercambiarlos con los pueblos vecinos.Desde hace 5.000 aos la mayora de las civilizaciones han contado como lohacemos hoy aunque la forma de escribir los nmeros ha sido muy diversa.-Sistemas de numeracin aditiva, en el que se acumulan los smbolos de todaslas unidades, decenas, centenas,... necesarios hasta completar el nmero, comoen el sistema egipcio, romano, griego, hitita, cretense, armenio y judo.-Sistemas de numeracin hbrida, en el que se combinan el principio aditivo conel multiplicativo. En los anteriores 30 se representaba con 3 smbolos de 10,

    pero con este nuevo sistema, se usa la combinacin del 3 y el 10. En esto sebasaba el sistema chino clsico, asirio, armenio, etope y maya. Este ltimoutilizaba smbolos para el "1", el "5" y el "0", siendo este el primer uso

    documentado del cero.-Sistemas de numeracin posicional, en el que la posicin de las cifras nosindica si son unidades, decenas, centenas..., como el sistema chino y babilnico.

    El sistema de numeracin actual fue inventado por losHindes en el siglo II, e introducido en Europa por losrabes a travs de Espaa, extendindose desde aqu al

    resto del mundo. Se trata de un sistema decimal, dado queemplea diez smbolos (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) y es de

    notacin posicional.

    El nmero cero es probablemente el nmero ms interesante. Su posicin a laderecha de un nmero puede duplicar su valor, al multiplicarlo o dividirlo por unnmero da cero, da indeterminaciones en los lmites y cualquier nmero elevadoa l da uno.Tambin existen los nmeros mgicos, como los mltiplos de 9. Lasuma de los nmeros que componen cualquier mltiplo de 9 da 9. Otrosnmeros de inters son pi, fi, e, 10...Otro dato curioso de los nmeros es que cada nmero se puede dibujar con unnmero de ngulos igual al nmero representado. El cero, al no tener ningnngulo, es circular.Los nmeros siempre han sido tan importantes, sirviendo para contar, ordenar,asignar cdigos, expresar medidas y efectuar clculos matemticos, y a su vez,

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    las matemticas contribuyen al desarrollo cultural, a la formacin individual, y ala integracin social. Adems, histricamente han dado respuesta a necesidadescientficas en todas las civilizaciones.

    Mathematics is one of the oldest sciences ofhumanity, with the use of numbers dating backto more than 400,000 thousand years. Handshave always been used to count, but with the

    passage of time they needed to represent biggernumbers and had to invent appropriatesymbols.As people began to engage in agriculture, they

    had to devise a system to measure the time of planting and harvesting, andduring the times of dealing, they needed to create a system to set the weight,volume and value of their products to exchange with neighboring peoples.Since 5,000 years ago, most civilizations have counted as we do today but howthey wrote the numbers has been very different:-Additive notation systems, which collect the symbols of all the units, tens,hundreds, ... necessary to complete the number, as in the Egyptian, Roman,Greek, Hittite, Cretan, Armenian and Jewish system-Hybrid notation systems, which combine the multiplicative and additive

    principle. Previously, 30 was represented by 3 symbols of 10, but with this new

    system, it is a combination of 3 and 10. Classical Chinese, Assyrian, Armenian,Ethiopian and Maya was based on the system. This last one used symbols for"1", "5" and "0", this being the first documented use of zero.

    -Positional notation systems, in which the position of the figures indicates if theyare units, tens, hundreds ... like the Chinese and Babylonian systems.The current numbering system was invented by the Hindus in the secondcentury, and introduced to Europe by the Arabs through Spain, spreading fromhere to the rest of the world. Ours is a decimal system, since it employs tensymbols (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and it is a positional notation.The number zero is probably the most interesting number. Its position on the

    right of a number can multiply its value by ten, multiplying or dividing it by anumber gives zero, it gives limits indeterminations, and any number raised to itgives one.There are also magic numbers, such as multiples of 9. The sum of the numbersthat make any multiple of 9 gives 9. Other interesting numbers are pi,phi, eAnother curious fact of the numbers is that each number can be drawn with itsequal numer of angles. Zero, not having any angle, is circular.

    Numbers have always been so important, being useful to count, sort, assigncodes to express mathematical measurements and calculations, and, as well asthis, Mathematics contribute to the development of culture, individual training,and social integration. Historically it has responded to scientific needs in all

    civilizations.(By Casey Talboys)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



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    Today we want to present you to Auryn, a group that sounds everywhere.It is a group Spanish and British pop.

    The idea of forming a group belonged to Blas Cant. He wanted to form a groupto capture all the musical ideas that it had. It joined with Dani Fernndez (bothtook part in Eurojunior) and with him and three more members, Carlos Marco,lvaro Gango and David Lafuente, formed the group whom they called Auryn

    being inspired in the name of a mystical lucky charm of The Never-endingstory.

    The boys decided to present before themselves to theFestival of Spanish Eurovision across the television

    program I destine Eurovision. Auryn stayed on the vergeof being able to represent Spain.

    Nevertheless, the group decided to go forward throwingits first disc in 2010. A right decision since with its firstsingle Breathe in the Light. They managed to enter thetop 10 in its first week.

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    At present Auryn is promoted himself throughout thecountry. They have presented their third single called Idont think so.

    Influenced by British groups as Coldplay and Radioheadand by the Spanish Vetusta Morla y Zahara, the quintet

    presents themselves as the most fresh band of the musicalmarket. In 2011 they published its first disc, Endless Road,7058, that turned into the best album dbut of the year.After recording for a big multinational, Auryn prepares the throwing of its firstDVD with an acoustic concert. They have realized the sound-track of the movie'Rompe Ralph'.Its fans are called auryners. Almost they all have a favorite.


    *David Martn Lafuente.*He was born on May 3, 1988, in Granada.*His sign of the zodiac is Taurus.*His favorite color is red.*His fans make call "pastelitas/os" because it is a

    romantic person and for its addiction to sweets.

    *With 14 years it took part in a company of theaterof Granada, where it led two musicals.*He decided to produce homage to its grandfather

    recording a single alone called There whereyou are.

    *Favourite song: Home of Michel Bubl.


    *Dani Fernndez Delgado.

    *He was born on December 11, 1991, in lcazar ofSan Juan (Ciudad Real).

    *His sign of the zodiac is Sagittarius.*His favorite color is blue.*His fans make be called BlueHeart because it has

    the biggest heart of the world and for its color.*He studies in the Institute of Secondary Education

    Juan Bosco.*Favourite song: "Y si fuera ella of Alejandro Sanz.

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    *Carlos Prez Marco.

    *He was born on February 4, 1990, in Alicante.*His sign of the zodiac is Aquarius.*His favorite color is yellow.*His fans make be called Sombreritas/os because

    almost always it takes a cap or hat.*He has participed in a large number of contests in

    which he has remained a finalist or prizewinner.*Favourite song: Adagio of Lara Fabian.


    *lvaro Garca-Gango Guijarro.*He was born on October 2, 1989, in Alcala de Henares

    (Madrid).*His sign of the zodiac is Libra.*His favorite color is green.*His fans makebe called Smile because this beautiful smile of

    the face never comes out.

    *He was supported by the artist Lolita Flores in The Battle ofthe Choirs and it took part in the video of David BustamanteAbrzame muy fuerte.

    *Favourite song: "Season of love of musical Rent.


    *Blas Cant Moreno.*He was born on October 26, 1991.*His sign of the zodiac is Scorpio.*His favourite color is white.*His fans make be called Chiquititas/os because when he

    was a child they were calling him chiquitito.*With five years he began its musical learning in the

    municipal school of music of Molina de Segura.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Hoy os queremos presentar a Auryn, un grupo que est sonando en todaspartes. Es un grupo de pop espaol-britnico.

    La idea de formar un grupo fue de Blas Cant. Quera formar un grupo paraplasmar todas las ideas musicales que tena. Se junt con Dani Fernndez(ambos participaron en Eurovisin Junior) y con l y tres miembros ms, CarlosMarco, lvaro Gango y David Lafuente, formaron el grupo al que llamaronAuryn inspirndose en el nombre de un talismn mstico de La Historia


    Los chicos decidieron presentarse al Festival de Eurovisin a travs delprograma de Televisin Espaola Destino Eurovisin. Auryn qued a punto depoder representar a Espaa.

    An as, el grupo decidi seguir adelante lanzando su primer disco en 2010.Una decisin acertada ya que con su primer single Breathe in the Lightconsiguieron entrar en el top 10 de ventas en su primera semana.

    En la actualidad Auryn sigue promocionndose por todo el pas. Hanpresentado su tercer single llamado I dont think so.

    Influenciados por grupos britnicos como Coldplay y Radiohead y por losespaoles Vetusta Morla y Zahara, el quinteto se presentan como la banda msfresca del mercado musical. En 2011 publicaron su primer disco,Endless Road,7058, que se convirti en el mejor lbum debut del ao. Tras fichar por una granmultinacional, Auryn prepara el lanzamiento de su primer DVD con unconcierto acstico.Han realizado la banda sonora de la pelcula Rompe Ralph.Sus fans se llaman auryners. Casi todas tienen un favorito.

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    *David Martn Lafuente.

    *Naci el 3 de mayo de 1988, en Granada.

    *Su signo del zodaco es Tauro.

    *Su color favorito es el rojo.

    *Sus fans se hacen llamar pastelitas/os porque es un romntico y por suadiccin a las chuches.

    *Con 14 aos particip en una compaa de teatro de Granada, dndeprotagoniz dos musicales.

    *Decidi rendirle homenaje a su abuelo grabando un tema en solitariollamado All donde ests.

    *Cancin preferida: Home de Michel Bubl


    *Dani Fernndez Delgado.

    *Naci el 11 de dicienbre de 1991, en lcazar de San Juan (Ciudad Real).

    *Su signo del zodaco es Sagitario.

    *Su color favorito es el azul.

    *Sus fans se hacen llamar BlueHeart porque tiene el corazn ms grandedel mundo y por su color.

    *Estudia en el Instituto de Enseanza Secundaria Juan Bosco.

    *Cancin preferida: Y si fuera ella de Alejandro Sanz.


    *Carlos Prez Marco.

    *Naci el 4 de febrero de 1990, en Alicante.

    *Su sugno del zodaco es Acuario.

    *Su color favorito es el amarillo.

    *Sus fans se hacen llamar Sombreritas/os porque casi siempre lleva ungorro o sombrero.

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    *Ha participado en una gran cantidad de concursos en los que ha quedadofinalista o premiado.

    *Cancin preferida: Adagio de Lara Fabian.


    *lvaro Garca-GangoGuijarro.

    *Naci el 2 de octubre de1989,en Alcal de Henares(Madrid).

    *Su signo del zodaco esLibra.

    *Su color favorito es elverde.

    *Sus fans se hacenllamar Smile porquenunca se quita esa hermosasonrisa de la cara.

    *Fue apadrinado por la artista Lolitaa Flores en La Batalla de los Coros yparticip en el videoclip de David Bustamante Abrzame muy fuerte.

    *Cancin preferida: Season of love de musical Rent.


    *Blas Cant Moreno. *Naci el 26 de octubre de 1991.

    *Su signo del zodaco es Escorpio.

    *Su color preferido es el blanco.

    *Sus fans se hacen llamar Chiquititas/os porque de pequeo le llamabanchiquitito.

    *Con cinco aos comenz su aprendizaje musical en la escuela municipal demsica de Molina de Segura.

    *Cancin preferida: cualquiera de Celine Dion.

    (By Gema Oviedo, Thalia Torrubia, Lidia Martn, 3A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    One Direction are an English-Irish pop boy band, consisting of members:

    Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson.

    Becoming a prominent figure in mainstream popular music and popular culture, their

    two albums Up all Night (2011) and Take me Home (2012), broke several records,topped the charts of most major markets, and generated worldwide chart-topping

    singles, including "What Makes You Beautiful" and "Live While We're Young".

    After visiting Spain on 31st october, these lads have made a lot of things: posing for

    severalmagazings, winning lots of prizes, performing in Madison Square Garden

    But recently, 1D have done a charity trip to Accra, Ghana.

    During the trip Harrytook to Twitter to say, Today was the most amazing day I've had

    so far.. In my life ever

    The boys have also recorded a new single, which will be released in February to raise

    money for the charity.And actually, One Direction, hope to be as big as The Beatles inJapan as they

    touchdown to a traditional welcome. The fab five are replicating what the fab four didback in 1966 with the boys hoping history will repeat. This boy band, have followed inthe Beatles footsteps and are hoping to be big in

    Japan. History repeated itself yesterday as the fab fivesome had a similar touchdown in're_Young're_Young
  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    Tokyo as their pop grandads almost 50 years ago.

    The 1D heartthrobs headed to Japan to start work on their first 3D.

    And f inall y, One Di rection are about to start their Take Me Home World Tour and

    visit us, in 22-25 may, again.

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    One Direction, es una boy band britanica-irlandesa, formada por Niall Horan,ZaynMalik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles y Louis Tomlinson.

    Se han convertido en una prominente figura en el mundo de la msica y la culturapopular, gracias a sus dos albumsUp allNight (2011) y Take me Home (2012), quehan roto varios records, encabezando listas de muchos pases, con sus singles, como"Little Things" y "One Thing".Despus de visitar Espaa el 31 de octubre, estos chicoshan hecho un montn de cosas:

    Posando para varias revistas, ganando premios, actuando en Madison SquareGarde.

    Pero, recientemente, 1D han hecho un viaje caritativo a Accra, Ghana.Durante el viaje.Harry dijo en Twitter: Hoy ha sido el da ms alucianante que he tenido en untiempo En toda mi vida. Los chicos tambin han grabado un nuevo single, que seestrenar en febrero, para conseguir dinero para la caridad.

    Y ahora, OneDirection, espera llegar a ser, tan grandes como Los Beatles, en sullegada, muy tadicional, a Japn.Y, estos cinco maravillosos chicos, estn luchandopara conseguir lo que los otros cuatro increbles, hicieron en 1966, y esperemos, lahistoria se repita.

    Esta Boy-Band, ha seguido los pasos de Los Beatles, y esperan ser tan grandescomo ellos en Japn. La historia se ha repetido, ya que los cinco tuvieron unrecibimiento similar en este pas, que el de sus abuelos del pop, hace 50 aos.Conrespecto a su visita a Japn, 1D van a empezar a rodar aqu su pelcula en 3D.

    F inalmente, OneDirection est a punto de empezar su gira mundial , y visitar nosdenuevo durante 22-25 de mayo.

    (By Beln Garca y Elena Garca 4A)

  • 7/30/2019 Bilingual Magazine



    A type of electronic music that reigns on English dance floors

    Drum and bass, also known as DnB, is a type of music that is hardly known