bijou - buffet menu 2011 · bijou - buffet menu 2011 author: phill clarence created date:...

Buffet Menu Lime & Coriander Chicken Kebabs Mixed Salad Bowl (with Choice of dressing, Blue Cheese, Honey Mustard & French Dressing) ( V ) 3 Rice Salad with Pancetta, Lentils & Bacon Antipasto (selection of Italian meats, Prosciutto Crudo, Coppa & Salami Milano) Roasted Vegetable Cous Cous Salad (V) BBQ Sweet Chilli Chicken Skewers King Prawn and Chilli wrap Mini Vegetable Spring Rolls (V) Mini Duck and Hoisin Sauce Spring Roll Prawn & Champagne Smoked Salmon Roulade Spinach & Feta Goujons (V) Waldorf Salad (V) Triple Belgian Chocolate Praline Torte £16.95 Per Head for all the above - Minimum order of 30 per party - Numbers to be confirmed 3 days prior to the event, after this any cancelations will be charged in full - 50 % Deposit required Hog Roast is available (please contact venue for details) Skewered Chicken Yakatori Terms & Conditions Strawberry and Cream Tart Please be aware that VAT will be added to all of the prices quoted at the current rate

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  • BBuuffffeett MMeennuu

    LLiimmee && CCoorriiaannddeerr CChhiicckkeenn KKeebbaabbss MMiixxeedd SSaallaadd BBoowwll (with Choice of dressing, Blue Cheese,

    Honey Mustard & French Dressing) ((VV)) 33 RRiiccee SSaallaadd wwiitthh PPaanncceettttaa,, LLeennttii llss && BBaaccoonn

    AAnnttiippaassttoo (selection of Italian meats, Prosciutto Crudo, Coppa & Salami Milano)

    RRooaasstteedd VVeeggeettaabbllee CCoouuss CCoouuss SSaallaadd ((VV)) BBBBQQ SSwweeeett CChhii ll ll ii CChhiicckkeenn SSkkeewweerrss

    KKiinngg PPrraawwnn aanndd CChhii ll ll ii wwrraapp MMiinnii VVeeggeettaabbllee SSpprriinngg RRooll llss ((VV))

    MMiinnii DDuucckk aanndd HHooiissiinn SSaauuccee SSpprriinngg RRooll ll PPrraawwnn && CChhaammppaaggnnee SSmmookkeedd SSaallmmoonn RRoouullaaddee

    SSppiinnaacchh && FFeettaa GGoouujjoonnss ((VV)) WWaallddoorrff SSaallaadd ((VV))

    TTrriippllee BBeellggiiaann CChhooccoollaattee PPrraall iinnee TToorrttee

    ££1166..9955 PPeerr HHeeaadd ffoorr aall ll tthhee aabboovvee

    - MMiinniimmuumm oorrddeerr ooff 3300 ppeerr ppaarrttyy - NNuummbbeerrss ttoo bbee ccoonnffiirrmmeedd 33 ddaayyss pprriioorr ttoo tthhee eevveenntt,, aafftteerr

    tthhiiss aannyy ccaanncceellaattiioonnss wwii ll ll bbee cchhaarrggeedd iinn ffuull ll - 5500 %% DDeeppoossiitt rreeqquuiirreedd

    HHoogg RRooaasstt iiss aavvaaii llaabbllee ((pplleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt vveennuuee ffoorr ddeettaaii llss))

    Skewered Chicken Yakatori

    Terms & Conditions

    Strawberry and Cream Tart

    Please be aware that VAT will be added to all of the prices quoted at the current rate